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2:46 PM 8/12/08 black Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite




Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes T hree ‑ b edroom APARTMENTS June or August leases. Close to campus, washer and dryer included in all apartments.Trash and Announcements water paid by owner. $960/ month. Blue Sky LEARN TO FLY! K‑ Property 785‑632‑0468 State Flying Club has or brianj@perfectionthree airplanes and low- est rates. Call 785‑562‑ 2:45 visitPM www.ksu.- T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , Rent-Houses & Duplexes 6909 or TWO bath in refuredu/ksfc. 8/12/08 bished house, 709 Blueblack Line‑100.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite 2078 College VIEW, mont. $780/ month plus three‑bedrooms, utilities. No smoking/ $1000. Available June pets, washer/ dryer. 1. We take care of Available August. 785‑ lawn/ trash. Cell 785‑ 341‑5290. 313‑0455, home 785‑ T wo ‑ Bedroom , 776‑7706. NICE apartments with

Bulletin Board

Rent-Apt. Furnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

five, FOUR, three, two and one‑bedroom apartments and houses for rent. June through May leases. Washer/ dryer. Call 785‑587‑ 5731.

Four‑bedrooms, two baths, spacious, lounge with wet bar, washer/ dryer, see, August, $360 per bedroom includes cable and trash, 785‑341‑5346.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished 1203 THURSTON. Two‑bedroom, one bath. Close to K‑State and Aggieville. Newer construction. All appliances including washer/ dryer. $825‑ 900. No pets/ smoking. June lease. TNT Rentals 785‑539‑0549. Open house Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:00‑ 3:30. 1209 BERTRAND. Large one‑bedroom luxury apartments. Close to K‑State and Aggieville. Newer construction. All appliances including washer/ dryer. $690. No pets. June lease. TNT Rentals 785‑539‑0549. Open house Tuesdays and Wednesdays 4:00‑ 4:30. 1530 McCain two‑bedroom apartment, $720‑ $750. 913 Bluemont three‑bedroom, $885‑ $915. 1012 Fremont three‑bedroom $1080, and four‑bedroom $1100. Close to campus or Aggieville, no pets. June or August lease 785‑539‑0866.

350 N. 16th. Spacious, remodeled two‑bedroom, one bath. Close to K‑State and Aggieville. Coin operated laundry. $750. Free trash, water, cable TV, and internet ($150 monthly value). No pets/ smoking. August lease. TNT Rentals 785‑539‑0549.

On e ‑ B e d r o o m A P AR T ME N T S . Across the street from Aggieville/ Campus, 1026 Bluemont. Newly remodeled, granite counters, washer/ dryer, pet friendly. June leases, $725, 785‑236‑ four‑bedroom DU- 0161. For pictures go to PLEX, two baths, w w w. f i e l d h o u s e d e v. washer/ dryer, central com. air, water paid. No pets, On e ‑ b e d r o o m , 906 Vattier St. $1200. BRAND new, Colbert 785‑537‑1746 or 785‑ Hills. Granite counters, 539‑1545. stainless steel appliances, 50‑inch flat m yp r i m e p l a c e . - screen TV. June or Aucom. new one, two, gust, $775. 785‑341‑ www.fieldthree‑bedroom apart- 5136. ments close to ksu. Washer/ dryer, granite, T HREE ‑ BEDROOM , pool. No restrictions on three bath. Stainless pets.M‑ S, 8:30‑ 4:30 steel appliances. 785‑537‑2096. Washer/ dryer. Good location. Eight years old. NEWER, ONE‑BED- June lease. $375/ bedROOM apartments. room. 785‑632‑4892. Half block to Aggieville; two blocks to KSU. T WO ‑ BEDROOM Quality built in 2010. apartments. Great Large, open floorplans. Locations. Pet Friendly. Washer/ dryer and all Call ALLIANCE today. appliances included. 785‑539‑2300 No pets. 785‑313‑7473, email: TWO‑BEDROOM, ONE bath, 917 Vattier. ONE and two‑bedroom Newly remodeled, large washer/ apartments. All near K‑ bedrooms, State and Aggieville. Di- dryer. August leases, 785‑236‑0161. verse variety ranging $850, from older, well‑main- For pictures go to www.tained to brand new construction. Competitive prices. No pets. T w o ‑ b e d r o o m , June and August TWO bath, Colbert leases. Call for details, Hills. Granite counters, TNT Rentals 785‑539‑ stainless steel appli5508. ances, 50‑inch flat screen TV. Reserved one to eight‑bed- parking one‑half block KSU campus. room homes and apart- from ments. Some with two June or August, $1100. www.kitchens. Next to cam- 785‑341‑5136. pus. No pets. Private parking. 785‑537‑7050. www.villafayproper- T w o ‑ b e d r o o m s , ONE bath. 913 Vattier. Newly remodeled, off‑ One, two, three, and street parking. Washer/ four‑bedroom apart- dryer, large bedrooms, ments. Close to cam- $850. August leases, pus. 785‑539‑5800. 785‑341‑0815. For picwww.somersetmgmtco.- tures go to com.

511 Bluemont, threebedroom house apartment with porch and sunroom, laundry provided, no pets, $960 plus utilities. Available August 1, call 785‑313‑ o n e ‑ BEDROOM 0462. APARTMENTS across apartments close from natatorium, 919 to campus. Central air, Denison. Granite counone and one‑half bath, ters and stainless steel laundry facility, water appliances. $675, Aupaid, no pets. 1838 An- gust leases, 785‑341‑ www.fieldderson, three‑bedroom 0815. $945. 516 N. 14th St., three‑bedroom $930. 1225 Ratone, three‑bed- O N E ‑ BEDROOM room $915. 1019 Free- apartments. Great man, three‑bedroom Locations. Pet Friendly. $855. 519 N. Manhat- Call Alliance today. tan, three‑bedroom 785‑539‑2300 $915 and two‑bedroom $710. 785‑537‑1746 or 785‑539‑1545. On e ‑ b e d r o o m AUGUST PRE‑LEASING. Several units close to KSU. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher included. w w w. w i l k s a p t s . c o m . Call or text 785‑477‑ 6295.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

apartments. One block to campus. Brand new, granite counters, washer/ dryer, pet friendly, June or August, $700, 785‑ 313‑6209.

Two‑bedroom. GREAT location. Must see to appreciate. 1836 Elaine. Very clean. June lease, no pets. $610. 785‑770‑0062.

2505 Winne, three‑ bedrooms, charming ranch. Available June 1. $1000. Cell 785‑313‑ 0455, home 785‑776‑ 7706.

available JUNE and august! Many great options! See our listings at: www.

Charming House, 1841 Platt, three‑bedrooms, rent $1050. June 1. We take care of lawn/ trash. Cell 785‑ 313‑0455, home 785‑ 776‑7706. CUTE CAMPUS FOUR TO EIGHT‑BEDROOM HOMES. Available June and August. Many GREAT options! See our listings at:

FIVE, SIX, seven, eight bedroom houses. Next to campus. Some with two kitchens. No pets. Washer/ dryer. 785‑537‑ 7050.

F I V E ‑ BEDROOM HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300 FOUR AND five‑bedroom houses, two blocks from campus and Aggieville. June 1st 785‑317‑7713.

FOUR‑BEDROOM HOUSE near CiCo Park. 1413 Highland Dr. $1280. Two and one‑half baths, washer/ dryer, no pets, no smoking. 785‑539‑0866. F OUR ‑ BEDROOM HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300

Six‑Bedroom HOUSE, 1031 Kearney. June 1, all appliances. Pets ok. Off‑street parking, two blocks to campus. 785‑ 317‑7713.

SIX ‑ BEDROOM HOUSES. Great LocaRent-Houses & Duplexes tions. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 1110 Pomeroy. Four‑ 785‑539‑2300 bedroom. One block to campus, off‑street Three, five, and six‑ parking. Washer, bedroom houses. dryer, central air‑condiClose to campus. June tioning, garage. Doug lease. 785‑539‑5800. 785‑313‑5573. www.somerset.mgmtco.1118 Ratone, four‑ com. bedroom, two bath house, one block to T HREE ‑ BEDROOM campus. Washer/ dryer, HOUSES. Great Locacentral air‑conditioning, tions. Pet Friendly. Call garage, off‑street park- ALLIANCE today. ing. Doug 785‑313‑ 785‑539‑2300 5573.

Buying? Look Here Selling? 532-6555

Housing/Real Estate

three ‑ b edroom , TWO bath house, newly remodeled, close to campus, no pets, available June 1, $1050/ month, 785‑410‑ 4291. three ‑ b edroom HOUSE at 1741 Anderson. $1125/ month plus utilities. Call KSU Foundation at 785‑532‑7569 or 785‑532‑7541. TWO‑BEDROOMS AVAILABLE in a threebedroom, two bath brick home. Has washer/ dryer. $290/ month plus utilities. 2071 College View. No pets/ smoking. Greg 620‑874‑0428 or Breck 620‑214‑0551.

Help Wanted

HOWE LANDSCAPE INC is seeking laborers for several of our divisions for Summer 2012. These would be full‑ time positions. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license and pass a pre‑employment drug test. Starting wages are $8.75/ hr. Apply three ways, in person Monday‑ Friday, 8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison Rd. in Riley; call 785‑ 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or e‑mail us at You may also visit our website,

fire place and personal washer/ dryer. North of Westloop shopping in quiet area. No pets, K‑State DEPARTRent-Apt. Furnished smoking, or parties. MENT of Housing & $635. Klimek Properties Roommate Wanted Dining Services seeks MANHATTAN CITY Or- on Facebook. 785‑776‑ applicants for student dinance 4814 assures 6318. application developers every person equal two‑bedroom, ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE, for its Web Team. Reopportunity in hous- bath basement apart- newer home, east side quires experience proing without distinc- ment, shared common of Manhattan, 2:42 PM $400/ gramming in PHP or VB.tion on account of laundry area, close to month,8/12/08 includes all utili- Net, a desire to learn race, sex, familial sta- campus, no pets, $495/ ties and internet, Ron and enjoy a challenge. black Line‑300.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite tus, military status, month, August 1, 785‑ 913‑269‑8250. Preference is given to disability, religion, 410‑4291. those with Linux experiage, color, national two ‑ b edroom , ence. Must be able to origin or ancestry. Vio- QUIET west side living, work a minimum of 12 lations should be re- adjacent to campus, hours per week beported to the Director washer/ dryer, off‑street tween 8a.m.‑ 5p.m., of Human Resources parking, water and Employment/Careers Monday‑ Friday. *Prefat City Hall, 785‑587‑ trash paid, $775/ erence given to under2440. month. 785‑341‑4496. graduate students majoring in computer sciWoodway Apartence or MIS but underments Leasing for Fall graduate students maHelp Wanted Rent-Apt. Unfurnished 2012. Three and four joring in other areas bedrooms. Close to K‑ State Football. Pool, on‑ THE COLLEGIAN can- with experience in the MANHATTAN CITY Orsite laundry, small pets not verify the financial technologies mentioned dinance 4814 assures okay. 2420 Greenbriar potential of advertise- above are encouraged every person equal Dr. Suite A, 785‑537‑ ments in the Employ- to apply. Becoming a opportunity in housmember of the HDS 7007. ment/ Opportunities Web Team allows you ing without distincclassifications. Read- to use your creativity. tion on account of ers are advised to ap- $10.00/ hour. race, sex, familial staWork proach any such busi- study is not required. tus, military status, Rent-Houses & Duplexes ness opportunity with Application available at disability, religion, reasonable caution. http://housing.k‑state.age, color, national origin or ancestry. Vio- F I V E ‑ B E D R O O M The Collegian urges edu/employment/it.php lations should be re- HOUSE for June lease, our readers to contact and submit it to Rob ported to the Director spacious and modern the Better Business Satterlee at satterl@k‑ of Human Resources with washer/ dryer, Bureau, 501 SE Jeffer- AA/EOE Topeka, KS at City Hall, 785‑587‑ great yard, no pets, son, 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 2440. Lori 785‑313‑4812 laundromat atten0454. four ‑ b edroom , dant. Part‑time weekFounders Hill TWO bath house, close Apartments. Now Leas- to campus, no pets, Are you looking for end attendant needed. an incredible experi- Must possess good cusing Fall 2012. Luxury available August 1, this summer? tomer service skills and one, two and three‑bed- $1300/ month, 785‑410‑ ence CAMP STARLIGHT, a the ability to perform room apartments. 4291. sleep‑away camp just light janitorial duties. Washer/ dryer, pool, hot tub, fitness center, F our ‑ b edroom , two and one‑half hours Please call 785‑539‑ small pet ok. 1401 Col‑ TWO bath house. Great from NYC is currently 6257 between 6p.m. lege Ave, 785‑539‑4600. location near campus hiring individuals that and 9p.m. with off‑street parking. want to work outside Washer and dryer. and make a difference FOUR‑BEDROOM IN $1600. Call Emily at in the life of a child. Ex- PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! refurbished house at 785‑410‑4783. perience: athletics, wa- Maine camp needs fun 709 Bluemont. Two ter, outdoor adventure loving counselors to F our ‑ b edroom , bath, laundry. No smokor the arts and a fun attiing/ pets $1100/ month TWO bath. Great loca- tude is required. On teach all land, advenplus utilities. Available tion near campus with campus February 27/ ture, and water sports. off‑street parking. Great summer! Call August. 785‑341‑5290. Washer and dryer. 28, 2012 for interviews. 888‑844‑8080, apply: $335/ room. Call Emily For more info and to ap- Now Leasing Fall ply online www.campat 785‑410‑4783. 2012. Chase or 877‑ tan Apartments. Two four ‑ b edroom , 875‑3971. THREE bathroom PROGRESSIVE NO‑ and four‑bedrooms. Close to campus, pool, house across from cam- Bartending! $300 a TILL FARM operating on‑site laundry, small pus at 1120 N. Manhat- day potential. No experi- latest DEERE machinpet welcome. 1409 tan. Available June 1. ence necessary. Train- ery looking to hire KSU Chase Pl. 785‑776‑ $1500/ month plus utili- ing provided. Call 800‑ students desiring posities. Call KSU Founda- 965‑6520 3663. extension tive, hands on experition at 785‑532‑7569 or 144. ence in modern production agriculture this sumNow Leasing Fall 785‑532‑7541. Located near 2012. Campus East June, FOUR‑BED- Farm help wanted. mer. one and two‑bedroom ROOMS, three baths. Spring, summer, fall. Salina, KS. Call or text apartments. One block Washer/ dryer hookups. Experience necessary. 785‑820‑1695. from campus, pool, on‑ Trash/ lawn care pro- Call evenings. 785‑457‑ site laundry, small pet vided. Near campus. 3452. STUDENTPAYOUTS.OK. Office located at No pets/ smoking, 1401 College Ave. landscape COM. paid survey taknewly painted. 785‑532‑ Howe 785‑539‑5911 firstman- 8256. inc is currently seeking ers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. six ‑ b edroom laborers for several of Click on surveys. our divisions. This is for HOUSE, 2054 Hunting ONE‑BEDROOM Ave. August lease, full‑time and/ or part‑ APARTMENT, 1811 washer/ dryer, walk to time help, with flexible Platt, June lease. $475/ campus, pet friendly. schedules for students, Business Opportunities month. Contact KSUF preferably four‑hour 785‑317‑5265. at 785‑532‑7569 or 785‑ blocks of time. AppliSPACIOUS FIVE‑BED532‑7541. cants must be 18 years THE COLLEGIAN canROOM, three bathroom of age, have a valid not verify the financial house. Near campus one ‑ b edroom drivers license and potential of advertiseCLOSE to campus. and stadium. Washer/ pass a pre‑employment ments in the Employdryer. Deck. Front and June 1 or August 1 drug test. Starting ment/ Opportunities lease. No pets. Holly back yard. Two car wages are $8.75/ hr. classifications. Readgarage. June 1 lease. 785‑313‑3136. Apply three ways, in ers are advised to ap$1800/ month. 1424 person Monday‑ Friday, proach any such busiUniversity Dr. 913‑485‑ The Pavilion Apart8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison ness opportunity with ments at 1121 5254. Rd in Riley; call 785‑ reasonable caution. Thurston. Now leasing. Three and four‑bed- 776‑1697 to obtain an The Collegian urges Two‑bedroom, two‑bath- room really nice houses application; or email us our readers to contact room. Washer/ dryer, west of campus. No at askhowe@howeland- the Better Business free Internet, water and pets, smoking, or par- You may Bureau, 501 SE Jeffertrash included. Close to ties. $900‑1200. Klimek also visit our website, son, Topeka, KS KSU/ Aggieville. Call Properties on Face- www.howelandscape.- 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ Marcie, 913‑269‑8142. com. 0454. book. 785‑776‑6318.


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