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2:46 PM 8/12/08 Black Line-000.crtr - Page 1 - Composite

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Furnished FOUR, THREE, two and one‑bedroom apartments and houses for rent. June through May leases. Washer/ dryer. Call 785‑587‑ 5731.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished 1209 BERTRAND. Large one‑bedroom luxury apartments. Close to K‑State and Aggieville. Newer construction. All appliances including washer/ dryer. $775. Landlord pays trash, cable TV, and internet. No pets. June lease. TNT Rentals 785‑ 539‑0549. 511 Bluemont, threebedroom house apartment with porch and sunroom, laundry provided, no pets, $975 plus utilities. Available August 1, call or text 785‑313‑0462. AUGUST PRE‑LEASING. Several units close to KSU. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher included. w w w. w i l k s a p t s . c o m . Call or text 785‑477‑ 6295. Four‑bedrooms, two baths, spacious, lounge with wet bar, washer/ dryer, see, August, $360 per bedroom includes cable and trash, 785‑341‑5346. Four‑Bedroom APARTMENT. Close to campus, dishwasher, central air, laundry facility. No pets. 785‑539‑ 0866. m yp r i m e p l a c e . com. new one, two, three‑bedroom apartments close to ksu. Washer/ dryer, granite, pool. No restrictions on pets.M‑ S, 8:30‑ 4:30 785‑537‑2096. one to eight‑bedroom homes and apartments. Some with two kitchens. Next to campus. No pets. Private parking. 785‑537‑7050. ONE, TWO, and three‑ bedroom apartments. All near K‑State and Aggieville. Diverse variety ranging from older, well‑ maintained to brand new construction. Competitive prices. No pets. June and August leases. Call for details, TNT Rentals 785‑539‑ 5508. One, two, three, and four‑bedroom apartments. Close to campus. 785‑539‑5800. 4x2.5

Roommate Wanted

weird roommate?

female roommate wanted. Newer four‑ bedroom, two bath house. One mile east of Tuttle Creek Blvd. All utilities furnished, $400/ Th r e e ‑b e d r oom month. Available now APARTMENTS June or through July 31. 913‑ August leases. Close to 269‑8250. campus, washer and Roommate dryer included in all Male apartments.Trash and wanted to share nice water paid by owner. two‑bedroom, two‑bath$960/ month. Blue Sky room apartment. Two Property 785‑632‑0468 blocks from campus. or brianj@perfection- $435/ mo plus utilities. Available Aug 1.

Help Wanted

SUMMER JOBS AND INTERNSHIPS WITH SALARY, ON‑SITE HOUSING AND ALL MEALS PROVIDED! Rock Springs 4‑H CenAnnouncements ter, a nationally recognized camp and conferLEARN TO FLY! K‑ ence center, is seeking State Flying Club has 45‑ 50 Summer Staff three airplanes and lowemployees for the comest rates. Call 785‑562‑ ing summer. Must be 6909 or visit www.ksu.energetic, enjoy workRent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes edu/ksfc. ing with youth and spending time outo n e ‑ BEDROOM T W O ‑ BEDROOM AWESOME‑ four‑ doors. Most positions APARTMENTS across apartments. Great BEDROOM, two bath are for activity instrucLost and Found from natatorium, 919 Locations. Pet Friendly. house, one block to tors in areas including Denison. Granite coun- Call ALLIANCE today. campus. Washer/ dryer, team building, horses, two‑bedroom, ONE Female roommate environmental ters and stainless steel 785‑539‑2300 central air‑condition, FEMALE educaCALICO, two‑bedroom appliances. $675, Au- garage, off‑street park- white, orange and black bath basement apart- wanted, tion, rifles, trap, 2:42$345/ PM month archery, canoes, crafts, gust leases, 785‑341‑ ing. Doug 785‑313‑ cat. Lost around Col- ment, shared common apartment, Really close to laundry area, close to rent. 8/12/08 0815. www.field5573. disc golf and lifeguards. orado St. 785‑539‑1959 campus, no pets, $495/ campus and Aggieville. Positions are also availTWO‑BEDROOM, ONE Black Line-300.crtr - Page 1 - Composite month, 785‑410‑4291. bath, 917 Vattier. Charming House, able in food service, Newly remodeled, large 1841 Platt, three‑bed- Lost: Iowa driver’s limaintenance and custoO N E ‑ BEDROOM bedrooms, washer/ rooms, rent $1050. cense. Misplaced at Woodway Apartdial departments. Loapartments. Great dryer. August leases, June 1. We take care of Salty’s on Friday night. ments Leasing for Fall cated south of Junction Locations. Pet Friendly. $850, 785‑236‑0161. lawn/ trash. Cell 785‑ If found, please call 641‑ 2012. Three and four City, Kansas on the 2:45 PM Call Alliance today. w w w. f i e l d h o u s e d e v. - 313‑0455, home 785‑ 390‑1572 or return to bedrooms. Close to K‑ edge of the Flint Hills. 785‑539‑2300 8/12/08 com. 776‑7706. State Football. Pool, on‑ Employment/Careers Rock Springs, in addi103 Kedzie Hall. Black Line-100.crtr - Page 1 - Composite site laundry, small pets tion to salary, housing CUTE CAMPUS FOUR okay. 2420 Greenbriar and meals, provides On e ‑ B e d r o o m Tw o ‑ b e d r o o m , TO EIGHT‑BEDROOM Dr. Suite A, 785‑537‑ staff with free wireless A P ARTME N TS . TWO bath, Colbert HOMES. Available June 7007. internet, free laundry Help Wanted Across the street from Hills. Granite counters, and August. Many services, use of the acAggieville/ Campus, stainless steel appli- GREAT options! tivities when groups are on e ‑b e d r oom 1026 Bluemont. Newly ances, 50‑inch flat See our listings at: CLOSE to campus. THE COLLEGIAN can- not in session, friendremodeled, granite screen TV. Reserved w w w . R e n t C a p - Housing/Real Estate June 1 or August 1 not verify the financial ships to last a lifetime counters, washer/ parking one‑half block lease. Holly 785‑313‑ potential of advertise- and the opportunity to dryer, pet friendly. June from KSU campus. 3136. ments in the Employ- make an impact on the leases, $725, 785‑236‑ June or August, $1100. FIVE, SIX, seven, eight ment/ Opportunities lives of youth that will 0161. www.field- 785‑341‑5136. www.- bedroom houses. Next classifications. Read- last beyond your lifeRent-Apt. Furnished to campus. Some with ers are advised to ap- time. For an application two kitchens. No pets. Rent-Houses & Duplexes proach any such busi- please visit our website Washer/ dryer. 785‑537‑ MANHATTAN CITY Orness opportunity with at On e ‑ b e d r o o m 7050. www.vil- dinance 4814 assures reasonable caution. or for more information apartments. One Tw o ‑ b e d r o o m s , CLEAN DUPLEX. Four‑ every person equal The Collegian urges you can contact Megan block to campus. ONE bath. 913 Vattier. bedroom, two bath, all our readers to contact Page at mpage@rockBrand new, granite Newly remodeled, off‑ F IVE ‑ BEDROOM opportunity in housappliances, free launthe Better Business or 785‑257‑ counters, washer/ street parking. Washer/ HOUSES. Great Loca- ing without distincdry. Close to KSU. No Bureau, 501 SE Jeffer- 3221. A representative dryer, pet friendly, June dryer, large bedrooms, tions. Pet Friendly. Call tion on account of pets, no smoking. race, sex, familial stason, Topeka, KS from Rock Springs will or August, $700, 785‑ $850. August leases, ALLIANCE today. $1235/ month. Availtus, military status, 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ be in the Union on 313‑6209. www.field- 785‑341‑0815. 785‑539‑2300 able 8/5/12. 913‑484‑ February 13‑ 16th, disability, religion, 0454. 2012. age, color, national 1236. Are you looking for origin or ancestry. VioFOUR AND five‑bed- lations should be re- F I V E‑ B E D R O O M , an incredible experiOn e ‑ b e d r o o m , Pet houses, two ported to the Director FOUR bath. Half block ence this summer? Sunflower BRAND new, Colbert Rent-Condos & Townhouses room blocks from campus of Human Resources to campus. Washer/ CAMP STARLIGHT, a Supplies (formerly ManHills. Granite counters, and Aggieville. June 1st at City Hall, 785‑587‑ dryer, vanities in large sleep‑away camp just hattan Aquarium) is stainless steel applibedrooms. 50‑inch flat two and one‑half hours seeking outgoing indiances, 50‑inch flat Four Styles, spa- 785‑317‑7713. 2440. screen TV. $400 per from NYC is currently vidual for part‑time posiscreen TV. June or Au- cious, well kept four‑ bedroom. June lease. hiring individuals that tion. Mostly afternoons gust, $775. 785‑341‑ bedroom condos rang- F O U R‑ B E D R O O M possibly some near CiCo 820 N Manhattan 785‑313‑6209 want to work outside and 5136. www.field- ing from $1150 to HOUSE Aquarium $1550 per month in- Park. 1413 Highland Condo. Three‑bedroom and make a difference weekends. cludes lawn care, snow Dr. $1280. Two and furnished. Reserved F O U R‑ B E D R O O M in the life of a child. Ex- experience and retail helpful. removal, security light- one‑half baths, washer/ gated parking. No smok- HOUSE for rent. Two perience: athletics, wa- experience On e ‑ b e d r o o m . ing, trash service and dryer, no pets, no smok- ing or pets. $1500/ mo. baths, washer, dryer, ter, outdoor adventure Stop by for application. CLOSE to campus/ Ag- all appliances. August ing. 785‑539‑0866. Contact pyleje@myway.- three minutes to cam- or the arts and a fun attipus. $1450 per month, tude is required. On gieville in newer com- 1st. One‑year lease. com. technical supnice, clean, rents Au- campus February 27/ plex. Available June No pets. Call 785‑313‑ F OUR ‑ BEDROOM port position availgust ‑ July. Contact 785‑ 28, 2012 for interviews. and August 2012. No 0751 for details and lo- HOUSES. Great Locaable for K‑State under806‑6301 or runcrev@- For more info and to appets. 785‑313‑7473, cations. tions. Pet Friendly. Call graduate student. email: ksurentals@sbcALLIANCE today. ply online cessful applicants must Rent-Apt. Unfurnished 785‑539‑2300 F ou r ‑b e d r oom , or 877‑ have excellent nication, collaboration, TWO bath house. Great 875‑3971. MANHATTAN CITY Orlocation near campus Bartending! $300 a and problem solving T H REE ‑ BEDROOM , F o u r ‑ b e d r o o m , dinance 4814 assures with off‑street parking. day potential. No experi- skills. Experience trouthree bath. Stainless Rent-Houses & Duplexes TWO bath remodeled every person equal and dryer. ence necessary. Train- bleshooting PCs, Macs, steel appliances. homes, close to cam- opportunity in hous- Washer $1600. Call Emily at ing provided. Call 800‑ and software desired. Washer/ dryer. Good lo- 1541 Hillcrest Dr., pus. Includes washer/ ing without distincTraining is provided on 785‑410‑4783. cation. Eight years old. available June 1. $990. dryer and all appli965‑6520 extension the job collaborating tion on account of June lease. $375/ bed- F o u r ‑ b e d r o o m s . ances. No pets. Availrace, sex, familial sta- fou r ‑b e d r oom , 144. with other students and room. 785‑632‑4892. Washer/ dryer. No able June 1 and August tus, military status, TWO bath house, close Earn $1000‑ $3200 a staff. Applicants must pets/ smoking. 785‑ 1, starting at $1195/ disability, religion, to campus, no pets, month to drive new cars be available 12‑ 15 hrs/ month. 530 Bluemont age, color, national Two and three‑bed- 456‑3021. available August 1, with ads. week between 8‑ 5 durand 926 Vattier. Call origin or ancestry. Vioroom apartments. $1300/ month, 785‑410‑ ing school, and up to 785‑766‑9823. lations should be re- 4291. Close to campus, dishfull‑time during breaks. ported to the Director washer, central air, 2078 College VIEW, Farm help wanted. Pay starts at $8.50/ laundry facility, no t h r e e ‑ b e d r o o m s , SI X ‑ BEDROOM of Human Resources F ou r ‑b e d r oom , Spring, summer, fall. hour. SUMMER AVAIL$1000. Available June HOUSES. Great Loca- at City Hall, 785‑587‑ pets. 785‑539‑0866. TWO bath. Great loca- Experience necessary. ABILITY IS A MUST! 1. We take care of tions. Pet Friendly. Call 2440. tion near campus with Call evenings. 785‑457‑ Apply at the Departlawn/ trash. Cell 785‑ ALLIANCE today. off‑street parking. 3452. ment of CommunicaTwo, three, four‑ 313‑0455, home 785‑ 785‑539‑2300 Hill Washer and dryer. tions/ IET office in 211 bedroom. Close to 776‑7706. Founders H O RT I C U L T U R A L Apartments. Now Leas- $335/ room. Call Emily Umberger Hall, 785‑ campus. Central air, SERVICES Garden 532‑6270, until position Three, five, and six‑ ing Fall 2012‑ Luxury at 785‑410‑4783. dishwasher, laundry faCenter is seeking part‑ is filled. Please attach a houses. one, two, three and four‑ cility. Water paid. No 1811 Laramie, five‑ bedroom time seasonal staff. fou r ‑b e d r oom , resume with the applicapets. 785‑537‑1746 or bedrooms, large stone Close to campus. June bedroom apartments. Sales experience and THREE bathroom Cape Cod. Available lease. tion. 785‑539‑5800. Washer/ dryer, pool, 785‑539‑1545. plant knowledge helphouse across from camJune 1. $1950. We pro- www.somerset.mgmtco.- hot tub, fitness center, ful, must be available pus at 1120 N. Manhatvide lawn/ trash. Cell com. small pet OK. 1401 ColManhattan Counweekends. Involves liftT W O ‑ B e d r o o m 785‑313‑0455, home lege Ave 785‑539‑4600. tan. Available June 1. rty Club is now acapartments In 785‑776‑7706. T H REE ‑ BEDROOM $1560/ month plus utili- ing and physical work. cepting applications for modern complex HOUSES. Great Loca- Now Leasing Fall ties. Call KSU Founda- Above average wages. servers, line‑cooks, bag at 1010 Kearney. Two tions. Pet Friendly. Call 2012. Chase Manhat- tion at 785‑532‑7569 or Apply in person at staff, golf course main11524 Landscape blocks east of campus. 2505 Winne, three‑ ALLIANCE today. tanence, and life tan Apartments. One, 785‑532‑7541. Lane, St. George, KS Quality student living, bedrooms, charming 785‑539‑2300 guards. Apply in person two, three, and four bed66535. 785‑494‑2418 quiet street, large L‑ ranch. Available June 1. at 1531 N. 10th. rooms. Close to cam- t h r e e ‑b e d r oom , or 785‑776‑0397. shaped kitchen, dish- $1000. Cell 785‑313‑ bath house, pus, pool, on‑site laun- TWO washer, air condition- 0455, home 785‑776‑ VERY NICE! Five‑bednewly remodeled, close COUNroom, two kitchens, dry, small pet welcome. to campus, no pets, MANHATTAN ing. Sound proofed, 7706. TRY CLUB is now aclarge bedrooms. One 1409 Chase Pl. 785‑ available well insulated, low utiliJune 1, cepting applications for Business Opportunities block to campus, off‑ 776‑3663. ties. Laundry room, no $1050/ month, 785‑410‑ head life guard and asparking. JUNE street pets, no smoking. available 4291. sistant life guard for the THE COLLEGIAN canLease June 1 through and august! Many Washer, dryer, central Now Leasing Fall 2012 summer season. not verify the financial May. $640. Call 785‑ great options! See a i r ‑ c o n d i t i o n i n g , 2012. Campus East Apply in person at 1531 potential of advertise539‑2536 or cell 785‑ our listings at: www. garage. Doug 785‑313‑ one and two‑bedroom t h r e e ‑b e d r oom 8/13/08 2:08 PM apartments. One block HOUSES at 1735 and N. 10th. Must be WSI, ments in the Employ5573. 770‑7284. weird roommate.crtr - Page 1 - Composite from campus, pool, on‑ 1741 Anderson. $1125/ CPR, and First‑Aid certi- ment/ Opportunities site laundry, small pet month plus utilities. Call fied. classifications. Readfind a new one. KSU Foundation at 785‑ ers are advised to apcall 785-532-6555 OK. Office located at 532‑7569 or 785‑532‑ Need workers on proach any such busito place an ad 1401 College Ave. Tuesday and Thursday 7541. 785‑539‑5911 firstmanmornings of second ness opportunity with caution. semester 785‑317‑7713 reasonable The Collegian urges t h r e e ‑b e d r oom ask for Larry. our readers to contact O N E‑ B E D R O O M HOUSES at 1719 and APARTMENT, 1811 1725 Anderson. $1050/ STUDENTPAYOUTS.- the Better Business Platt, June lease. $475/ month plus utilities. Call COM. paid survey tak- Bureau, 501 SE JefferTopeka, KS month. Contact KSUF KSU Foundation at 785‑ ers needed in Manhat- son, at 785‑532‑7569 or 785‑ 532‑7569 or 785‑532‑ tan. 100% free to join. 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454. 532‑7541. 7541. Click on surveys.

Bulletin Board

one‑bedroom, ONE bath studio, close to campus, no pets, available August 1, $425/ month, 785‑410‑4291.

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