Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
1012 FREMONT three or four bedroom apartment. Close to campus and Aggieville. $1,155‑1,240. Water and trash paid. No pets or smoking. 785‑539‑ 0866. Á
APARTMENTS NEAR campus, central air, laundry on‑site. One‑ bedroom $590; two‑ bedroom $720; three‑ bedroom $900‑930. Four bedroom $1,200. Property locations 1838 Anderson, 516 North 14th, 519 North Manhattan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 Kearney, 1225 Ratone, 913 Bluemont, 1530 McCain, 714 Humboldt. Call 785‑539‑1545 or 785‑ 537‑1746.¢Á
THREE‑BEDROOM with porch and sunroom, 511 Bluemont, August 1, laundry included, no pets, $945 plus utilities, checkout details at, Zillow, RentDigs & Craigslist, 313‑0462, call or text. ¢
V I L L A FAY P R O P E R TIES.COM ONE to SIX bedrooms. Next to K‑State campus. Washer, dryer, private parking. No pets. 785‑ 537‑7050.
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Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
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Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑2440. ADJACENT TO KSU Studio apartment one block from campus. Good condition, ample parking, quiet conditions. No pets. August 1. $390. (785) 776‑ 3624 leave message.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
ANDERSON VILLAGE at 16th and Anderson. One‑bedroom $610 and two‑bedroom $910; Walk to KSU. Also at 311 Poyntz. A downtown loft two‑bedroom, two‑bath $1,000.00. August 3rd Washer and Dryer 1,000 square feet. See more details at or call 537‑2332Á
FIVE‑BEDROOM houses‑ 1512 Houston, 1545 Jarvis, 1969 Hunting. Spacious, remodeled properties available June and August. 537‑7138. ˚Á
SPACIOUS ONE to four bedroom apartments for rent near campus and Aggieville starting August 1, 2017. Many updated. Call 785‑539‑5800 for showing.
FOR RENT. Nice house at 1010 Leavenworth. Available immediately. Call (785) 292‑ 4342. Á FOUR, FIVE, and six‑ bedroom houses, close to campus, available June and August, 537‑ 7138.
FOUR‑BEDROOM two bath house. 827 Ratone. All appliances including washer and Rooms Available dryer, central air and heat, off‑street parking ONE, TWO and three‑ for four+ autos. Four bedrooms available blocks to campus. AuJune and August, 537‑ gust lease. $1340 785‑ 7138. 336‑1868¢
FOUR‑FIVE bedroom houses, 2042 College Heights, 1122 N 8th. Close to campus. Avaliable June 1st. 537‑ 7138˚¢ ONE, TWO, three and four bedroom homes, duplexes, and apartments. Call Marlene, John, or Mary Beth Irvine at (785) 341‑ 8576. SPACIOUS THREE to five bedroom houses for rent June 1 and August 1, 2017. Lots of updates. Call 785‑539‑ 5800 for showing.
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.
FAMILY OWNED farming and harvesting operation looking for help. Some travel. CDL preferred‑ will train the right individual. JD Equip and Peterbilt semis. Matt 620‑694‑ 4018 TACO LUCHA/ LONG SALOON ‑ hiring servers and tenders. Apply in son. 1130 Moro Á
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ARE YOU friendly, outgoing and enjoy working with people? Would you like to work in a professional environment with great hours and benefits? KS StateBank is currently looking for people to join our team in Manhattan with part‑time Retail Banker positions available at our Westloop and Downtown locations. As a Retail Banker you will provide services to clients including processing and verifying transactions and performing account maintenance. Responsibilities include ensuring clients’ requests and questions are promptly resolved as well as cross‑selling bank products and services. You should have one to two years of previous bank and cash‑ handling experience along with strong customer service abilities. If this sounds like the job for you get more details and apply online at /careers. No phone calls or fax submissions. EOE.
SO now bar- ASSISTANT MORNper- ING cook for morning meal prep. 20‑30 hours per week, weekdays and some weekends. Some lifting required (up to 50 lbs) and stairs. Competitive pay. Kitchen experience preferred but not required. Please send resume and any references in your response.
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
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