Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
1012 FREMONT three or four bedroom apartment. Close to campus and Aggieville. $1,155‑1,240. Water and trash paid. No pets or smoking. 785‑539‑ 0866. Á
APARTMENTS NEAR campus, central air, laundry on‑site. One‑ bedroom $590; two‑ bedroom $720; three‑ bedroom $900‑930. Four bedroom $1,200. Property locations 1838 Anderson, 516 North 14th, 519 North Manhattan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 Kearney, 1225 Ratone, 913 Bluemont, 1530 McCain, 714 Humboldt. Call 785‑539‑1545 or 785‑ 537‑1746.¢Á
NEW LISTING. Two bedroom house at 918 Bertrand. Recently redone. $725 per month plus utilities and deposit. 785‑539‑3672 or ¢
V I L L A FAY P R O P E R TIES.COM ONE to FOUR bedrooms. Next to K‑State campus. Washer, dryer, private parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050.
Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Need a subleaser
Help Wanted Section 785-370-6355
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
820 LARAMIE Unit A ‑ Spacious duplex for rent‑available August 1st. Features four large bedrooms with walk in closets, two full baths, living room, dining room, fully equipped kitchen with pantry. Washer and dryer included. StorRooms Available age shed, off‑street parking. Call or text email ONE, TWO and three‑ 620‑271‑7974 bedrooms available June and August, 537‑ Á 7138. SPACIOUS ONE to four bedroom apartments for rent near campus and Aggieville starting August 1, 2017. Many updated. Call 785‑539‑5800 for showing.
MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Re- Rent-Houses & Duplexes sources at City Hall, 785‑587‑2440. TWO, THREE and four bedroom homes, duplexes, and apartments. Call Marlene, ADJACENT TO KSU John, or Mary Beth Studio apartment one Irvine at (785) 341‑ block from campus. 8576. www.IrvineMHK.Good condition, ample com parking, quiet conditions. No pets. Avail- FOR RENT. Nice able May 1, June 1, Au- house at 1010 Leavengust 1. $390. (785) worth. Available imme776‑3624 leave mes- diately. Call (785) 292‑ sage. 4342. Á
FOUR, FIVE, and six‑ bedroom houses, close to campus, available June and August, 537‑ 7138. NICE AND NEAT three plus bedroom, two bath. Washer dryer. Air conditioning. August lease. 1420 Hillcrest. $900. Call 785‑770‑ 8733. ˚
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Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
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Service Directory
SPACIOUS THREE to five bedroom houses for rent June 1 and Au1520 JARVIS ‑ Ranch gust 1, 2017. Lots of LUNG CANCER? And house with attached updates. Call 785‑539‑ 60+ Years Old? If So, single garage. Two You And Your Family 5800 for showing. and a half blocks from May Be Entitled To A KSU campus. Wood Significant Cash floors, air conditioned SIX‑BEDROOM or Award. Call 866‑327‑ with attic fan. Five‑bed- two/three bedroom 2721 To Learn More. rooms, two and a half house available June 1 No Risk. No Money baths, living room, fully or August 1. Fully fur- Out Of Pocket. equipped kitchen, large nished, no pets, trash family room, utility paid. $375/room at room with washer and 1936 Hunting. Call or OXYGEN ‑ Anytime. dryer hookups. Large text Blake 785‑294‑ Anywhere. No tanks to patio with storage 0356 ˚ refill. No deliveries. shed. Off‑street parkThe All‑New Inogen ing for five vehicles. One G4 is only 2.8 Call or text 620‑271‑ pounds! FAA apSell it here! 7974 kmksrental@gproved! FREE info kit: Collegian Classifieds ˚ 844‑359‑397
Have something for sale?
Help Wanted GOLF USA Manhattan is looking to hire spring/summer help. Golf knowledge or experience preferred. Please send resume to
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Help Wanted GREAT PLAINS Trucking of Salina, KS is hiring OTR Tractor‑trailer Flatbed drivers looking for a career! Our drivers travel 48 U.S. states. We offer well‑ maintained equipment, and excellent home time, compensation and benefits package. Contact Brett or Judy at 785‑823‑2261 or, or fill out an online application at HARVEST HELP Wanted. Travel from Texas to Montana. Need semi‑truck drivers, combine/tractor operators. Peterbilt truck John Deere equipment. Drug test required. Room and board paid for. Information call 785‑224‑6285.
Help Wanted
VETS FIRST Choice (VFC) is a leading provider of cloud‑ based prescription management, pharmacy services, marketing solutions, and business analytics for veterinary practitioners nationwide.
STUDENT TO do lawn work, garden and mowing. Now and throughout summer. Flexible hours. 785‑539‑3672 or
We currently have an exciting opportunity for professionals who are seeking an extremely visible role in Operations for both our Pet Owner and Practice Support teams. Positions are located in Manhattan, Kansas and provide opportunities to work with a dynamic and energetic team of individuals. We are seeking both full time and part time employees.
Open Market
Items for Sale
40’ GRADE A Steel Cargo Containers $1650.00 in KC. $1950.00 in Solomon Ks. 20s’ 45s’ 48s & 53s’ also available Call 785 655 9430 or go online to for pricing, availability & Freight esFor listings of all em- timates. ployment opportunities that are available with Vets First Choice, please visit our website at: http://vetsfirstchoice.
Need a
WABAUNSEE USD #329 has an opening for the 2017‑2018 school year for a full‑ time teacher (focus on Math) at Paxico Middle School. To apply please complete an application at:>Employment>Certified Employment Application Mail to: Wabaunsee USD #329 Box 157 Alma, Kansas 66401
Please include: Letter of Application, Resume, Copy of CurK‑STATE Athletics rent Teaching License, seeking over 20 appli- Copy of Transcripts, cants for Ahearn Fund Three References Athletic Hospitality positions to work in premium seat areas during CLASSIC WINE now football games. Must hiring part time. Must work ALL 2017 K‑State be 21 or older, able to home football games. carry up to 30 lbs., deAlso opportunity to pendable, and good work basketball and with people. Apply in baseball games, spe- person at 347 South cial events and tours. Seth Child. Call 785‑532‑7952 or email for informa- STUDENT WHO has tion. experience painting do inside and outside now and MANHATTAN EMER- painting summer. GENCY Shelter Incor- throughout porated is now hiring! Flexible hours. 785‑ or Apply within at 416 S. 539‑3672 4th St. EOE/AA
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
NEW LISTING. Two bedroom main floor of duplex at 1005 Humboldt. New bath and kitchen with breakfast room, screened front porch, washer, dryer and dishwasher. $750 per month plus utilities, lease and deposit. 785‑ 539‑3672 or Á
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