Help Wanted Employment/Careers
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Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
1012 FREMONT three or four bedroom apartment. Close to campus and Aggieville. $1,155‑1,240. Water and trash paid. No pets or smoking. 785‑539‑ 0866. Á
APARTMENTS NEAR campus, central air, laundry on‑site. One‑ bedroom $590; two‑ bedroom $720; three‑ bedroom $900‑930. Four bedroom $1,200. Property locations 1838 Anderson, 516 North 14th, 519 North Manhattan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 Kearney, 1225 Ratone, 913 Bluemont, 1530 McCain, 714 Humboldt. Call 785‑539‑1545 or 785‑ 537‑1746.¢Á
NEW LISTING. Two bedroom main floor of duplex at 1005 Humboldt. New bath and kitchen with breakfast room, screened front porch, washer, dryer and dishwasher. $750 per month plus utilities, lease and deposit. 785‑ 539‑3672 or Á
V I L L A FAY P R O P E R TIES.COM ONE to FOUR bedrooms. Next to K‑State campus. Washer, dryer, private parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
TWO, THREE and four bedroom homes, duplexes, and apartments. Call Marlene, John, or Mary Beth Irvine at (785) 341‑ 8576.
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
1520 JARVIS ‑ Ranch house with attached single garage. Two and a half blocks from KSU campus. Wood floors, air conditioned with attic fan. Five‑bedrooms, two and a half baths, living room, fully equipped kitchen, large family room, utility Rooms Available room with washer and dryer hookups. Large with storage ONE, TWO and three‑ patio bedrooms available shed. Off‑street parkJune and August, 537‑ ing for five vehicles. Call or text 620‑271‑ 7138. 7974 ˚ SPACIOUS ONE to four bedroom apartments for rent near campus and Aggieville starting August 1, 2017. Many updated. Call 785‑539‑5800 for showing.
MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Re- Rent-Houses & Duplexes sources at City Hall, 785‑587‑2440. FOR RENT. Nice house at 1010 LeavenADJACENT TO KSU worth. Available immeStudio apartment one diately. Call (785) 292‑ block from campus. 4342. Á Good condition, ample parking, quiet conditions. No pets. Avail- FOUR, FIVE, and six‑ able May 1, June 1, Au- bedroom houses, close gust 1. $390. (785) to campus, available 776‑3624 leave mes- June and August, 537‑ 7138. sage.
NEW LISTING. Two bedroom house at 918 Bertrand. Recently redone. $725 per month plus utilities and deposit. 785‑539‑3672 or ¢
820 LARAMIE Unit A ‑ Spacious duplex for rent‑available August 1st. Features four large bedrooms with walk in closets, two full baths, living room, dining room, fully equipped kitchen with pantry. Washer and dryer included. Storage shed, off‑street parking. Call or text 620‑271‑7974 email Á
FOUR‑BEDROOM, air‑ conditioning, washer and dryer, garage. Close to campus. Call 785‑317‑5934 or 785‑ 317‑5933. NICE AND NEAT three plus bedroom, two bath. Washer dryer. Air conditioning. August lease. 1420 Hillcrest. $900. Call 785‑770‑ 8733. ˚
SIX‑BEDROOM or two/three bedroom house available June 1 or August 1. Fully furnished, no pets, trash paid. $375/room at 1936 Hunting. Call or text Blake 785‑294‑ 0356 ˚
SPACIOUS THREE to five bedroom houses for rent June 1 and August 1, 2017. Lots of updates. Call 785‑539‑ 5800 for showing.
THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.
K‑STATE Athletics seeking over 20 applicants for Ahearn Fund Athletic Hospitality positions to work in premium seat areas during football games. Must work ALL 2017 K‑State home football games. Also opportunity to work basketball and baseball games, special events and tours. Call 785‑532‑7952 or email for information. MANHATTAN EMERGENCY Shelter Incorporated is now hiring! Apply within at 416 S. 4th St. EOE/AA
STUDENT TO do lawn work, garden and mowing. Now and throughCLASSIC WINE now out summer. Flexible 785‑539‑3672 hiring part time. Must hours. be 21 or older, able to or carry up to 30 lbs., dependable, and good VETS FIRST Choice with people. Apply in (VFC) is a leading person at 347 South provider of cloud‑ Seth Child. based prescription pharGET PAID to workout! management, Locally owned moving macy services, marketcompany is looking for ing solutions, and busihard workers to join ness analytics for vetour team. Great pay, erinary practitioners naflexible schedules, and tionwide. fun working environment. Call 785‑410‑ We currently have an 5766 or email exciting opportunity for flinthillsmoving@gmail.- professionals who are com for more informa- seeking an extremely visible role in Operation. tions for both our Pet GOLF USA Manhattan Owner and Practice is looking to hire Support teams. Posispring/summer help. tions are located in Golf knowledge or exManhattan, Kansas perience preferred. and provide opportuniPlease send resume to ties to work with a dygolfusamanhattan@yanamic and energetic team of individuals. HARVEST HELP We are seeking both Wanted. Travel from full time and part time Texas to Montana. employees. Need semi‑truck drivers, combine/trac- For listings of all emtor operators. Peterbilt ployment opportunities truck John Deere that are available with equipment. Drug test Vets First Choice, required. Room and please visit our website board paid for. Informa- at: http://vetsfirstchoice.tion call 785‑224‑6285.
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Help Wanted WABAUNSEE USD #329 has an opening for the 2017‑2018 school year for a full‑ time teacher (focus on Math) at Paxico Middle School. To apply please complete an application at:>Employment>Certified Employment Application Mail to: Wabaunsee USD #329 Box 157 Alma, Kansas 66401 Please include: Letter of Application, Resume, Copy of Current Teaching License, Copy of Transcripts, Three References
STUDENT WHO has experience painting do inside and outside painting now and throughout summer. Flexible hours. 785‑ 539‑3672 or
weird roommate?
find a new pad in the classifieds.
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town