Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
1012 FREMONT three or four bedroom apartment. Close to campus and Aggieville. $1,155‑1,240. Water and trash paid. No pets or smoking. 785‑539‑ 0866. Á
APARTMENTS NEAR campus, central air, laundry on‑site. One‑ bedroom $590; two‑ bedroom $720; three‑ bedroom $900‑930. Four bedroom $1,200. Property locations 1838 Anderson, 516 North 14th, 519 North Manhattan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 Kearney, 1225 Ratone, 913 Bluemont, 1530 McCain, 714 Humboldt. Call 785‑539‑1545 or 785‑ 537‑1746.¢Á
V I L L A FAY P R O P E R TIES.COM ONE to FOUR bedrooms. Next to K‑State campus. Washer, dryer, private parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished QUICK WALK to campus. One and two bedroom apartments. $550 and $650 per month. Water, trash, and interRent-Apt. Unfurnished net paid. No smoking or pets. 785‑214‑2898. MANHATTAN CITY www.schrumrentalsllc.Ordinance 4814 as- com sures every person equal opportunity in SPACIOUS ONE to housing without dis- four bedroom aparttinction on account ments for rent near of race, sex, familial campus and Aggieville status, military sta- starting August 1, tus, disability, reli- 2017. Many updated. gion, age, color, na- Call 785‑539‑5800 for tional origin or ances- showing. try. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, ADJACENT TO KSU Studio apartment one 785‑587‑2440. block from campus. Good condition, ample parking, quiet condi814 THURSTON two tions. No pets. Availbedroom, no pets. Au- able May 1, June 1, August year lease. $695 gust 1. $390. (785) per month. 785‑320‑ 776‑3624 leave mes0016. ¢ sage.
Housing/Real Estate
Have things for sale? Sell them here! Collegian Classifieds
Rooms Available
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
ONE, TWO and three‑ bedrooms available June and August, 537‑ 7138.
1520 JARVIS ‑ Ranch house with attached single garage. Two and a half blocks from KSU campus. Wood floors, air conditioned with attic fan. Five‑bedrooms, two and a half baths, living room, fully equipped kitchen, large family room, utility room with washer and dryer hookups. Large patio with storage shed. Off‑street parking for five vehicles. Call or text 620‑271‑ 7974 ˚
Rent-Houses & Duplexes 1006 BERTRAND. Four bedroom/ two bath. Close to KSU. Each bedroom has vanity. Walk‑in closets. Wood floors. Parking. Washer/Dryer. $390 each. Call/text 785.477.0416¢
SIX‑BEDROOM or two/three bedroom house available June 1 or August 1. Fully furnished, no pets, trash paid. $375/room at 1936 Hunting. Call or text Blake 785‑294‑ 0356 ˚
Map data ©2012 Google
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
820 LARAMIE Unit A ‑ Spacious duplex for rent‑available August 1st. Features four large bedrooms with walk in closets, two full baths, living room, dining room, fully equipped kitchen with pantry. Washer and dryer included. Storage shed, off‑street parking. Call or text 620‑271‑7974 email Á
DEAL OF the summer! Two months for the price of one! Available May 22 to end of July. $430 for unfurnished bedroom in four bedroom, two bath apartment. Call 620‑492‑ 3717 for info.
FOUR‑BEDROOM, air‑ conditioning, washer Help Wanted and dryer, garage. Close to campus. Call 785‑317‑5934 or 785‑ THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the finan317‑5933. cial potential of advertisements in the FOUR‑FIVE bedroom Employment/ Opporclassificahouses, 2042 College tunities Heights, 1122 N 8th. tions. Readers are adClose to campus. Avali- vised to approach able June 1st. 537‑ any such business opportunity with rea7138. 785‑313‑1256˚¢ sonable caution. The Collegian urges our SPACIOUS THREE to readers to contact five bedroom houses the Better Business for rent June 1 and Au- Bureau, 501 SE Jefgust 1, 2017. Lots of ferson, Topeka, KS FOUR, FIVE, and six‑ updates. Call 785‑539‑ 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454. bedroom houses, close 5800 for showing. to campus, available June and August, 537‑ 7138. 785‑313‑1256.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
CLASSIC WINE now hiring part time. Must be 21 or older, able to carry up to 30 lbs., dependable, and good with people. Apply in person at 347 South Seth Child.
SUMMER INTERNSHIP Alternative and Scholarship ‑ Manhattan. Coleman Worldwide Moving is looking for college students for summer work. Excellent opportunity to stay in town for summer, stay in shape, and save some money or if you need an internship alternative. CDL drivers, helpers, and packers needed. No CDL required. Apply as soon as possible at 5925 Corporate Dr., Manhattan, KS 66503. Call Chris Hamam with any questions at 785‑ 537‑7284. Very competitive $10‑12 for helpers/packers. Non‑ CDL drivers $11 to 13/hour. CDL drivers $15 to 18/hour. Training starts May 13th. Job begins immediately following spring finals week through end of summer and possible part‑time work next semester. Added $500 scholarship payment to students for working complete summer.
OFFICE ASSISTANT position with non‑profit conservation organization, part‑time and summer. Responsibilities include assistance with website, communication and fundraising outreach. Contact Ron Klataske, Audubon of Kansas 2110 Southwind Place, Manhattan 66503. 785‑537‑4385. r o n _ k l a s
BODY FIRST is hiring assistant tennis instructors for our youth pro- PIZZA SHUTTLE is grams during the now hiring part‑time pizza makers. Summer month of June. hours are available. Needed availability: Please apply in person Mon‑Thur 8:15‑11:30 at 1800 Claflin. am; June 5th‑30th.
Position is seasonal and part‑time with op- STUDENT HELP for portunity for continued yard care, painting and maintenance. Call or employment. VETS FIRST Choice text 785‑313‑4994 (VFC) is a leading How to apply: Please provider of cloud‑ bring your resume to:based prescription Body First, 3615 Claflin SUMMER POSITIONS management, pharRoad Ave, Manhattan, Are you staying in Man- macy services, marketKS or send via email at hattan for the summer? ing solutions, and busiplaytennis@bodyfirst.- Are you a dependable ness analytics for vetcom hard worker? Are you erinary practitioners nalooking for a summer tionwide. Body First is an equal job? If you answered opportunity employer. yes to these questions, We currently have an Blueville Nursery is exciting opportunity for your Place! Blueville professionals who are MANHATTAN EMER- Nursery is now accept- seeking an extremely GENCY Shelter Incor- ing applications for visible role in Operaporated is now hiring! Summer Help in the tions for both our Pet Apply within at 416 S. Landscape, Mainte- Owner and Practice 4th St. EOE/AA nance and Garden Support teams. PosiStore. tions are located in Contact Craig @ 785‑ Manhattan, Kansas SO LONG SALOON 539‑2671, email cruh- and provide opportuniAND TACO LUCHA l @ b l u e v i l l e n u r s e r y. - ties to work with a dynow hiring bartenders com, apply online or in namic and energetic and waitresses. Apply person at 4539 Ander- team of individuals. Ave. We are seeking both in person at 1130 son EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled Moro. full time and part time employees.
Need a
FOR RENT. Nice house at 1010 Leavenworth. Available immediately. Call (785) 292‑ 4342. Á
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Help Wanted
Find one here!
For listings of all employment opportunities that are available with Vets First Choice, please visit our website at: