Classifieds 5.3.12

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advertising Sublease Needing a female subleaser for June and July. $395 a month plus utilities. Bedroom and own bathroom, washer, dryer, dishwasher. 410 N. 4th, Strasser Landing Apartments. Call 620‑506‑8098.p

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

1530 MCCAIN Lane. Two‑bedroom apartment. $720. 714 Humboldt. Two‑bedroom. $680. 913 Bluemont, three‑bedroom, $885. 1012 Fremont, four‑ bedroom, $1080. Water and trash paid. Close to campus/ Aggieville. Dishwasher and laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑539‑0866

One, two, three, and four‑bedroom apartments. Close to campus. 785‑539‑5800.

AUGUST PRE‑LEASING. Several units close to KSU. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher included. w w w. w i l k s a p t s . c o m . Call or text 785‑477‑ 6295.

T hree‑ b e d r o o m , ONE and one‑half baths, central air, laundry facilities, water paid, no pets. 1838 Anderson $945, 1225 Ratone $915, 519 N. Manhattan Ave. $915, 1019 Fremont $855, 785‑537‑ 1746 or 785‑539‑1545.

Best value! August, one and two‑bedroom apartments. Clean and spacious. Walk to KSU! Pet friendly. ONE AND two‑bedroom apartments next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. Private parking. No pets. 2:46 Pm 785‑537‑7050. www.vil8/12/08

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

T W O ‑ BEDROOM NEWLY remodeled apartment. $855. Dishwasher and off‑street parking. Walk to class. No smoking or pets. Call Wildcat Property ON E ‑B E D R OOM Management 785‑537‑ apartments. Great 2332. Locations. Pet Friendly. Call Alliance today. 785‑539‑2300 Rent-Houses & Duplexes A VERY nice four‑bedroom, two bath house. Close to Aggieville and City Park. Washer, dryer, central air‑conditioning. Jeff 785‑313‑ 3976

August or June. Nice four‑bedroom, two bath. Pets okay, fenced Two and four‑bed- yard, washer/ dryer. room apartments avail- 2505 Candle Crest, 785‑ able June 1 and August 317‑7713.l 1. Close to campus. Please call 785‑845‑ Cute and spa0659 or 785‑456‑5329. cious home! Newer home features four T W O‑B E D R OOM large bedrooms, big apartments. Great bathrooms and huge Locations. Pet Friendly. kitchen! Close to KSU and Aggieville, 520 Call ALLIANCE today. Kearney. www.Cap785‑539‑2300 p

ck Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite


Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rooms Available

814 THURSTON, two large bedrooms. Close to campus. August year lease. No pets. $630. 785‑539‑5136. p

$255. one‑BEDROOM for summer. Northeast corner from campus. 620‑200‑2543.

829 Fremont, two‑ LEARN TO FLY! K‑ bedroom, main floor State Flying Club has apartment. Close to Agthree airplanes and low- gieville, washer/ dryer 2:45 Pm est rates. Call 785‑562‑ provided, off‑street park6909 8/12/08 or visit www.ksu.- ing. Gas, water and Line‑100.crtr edu/ksfc.‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite trash paid. August lease, $900/ mo. 785‑ 341‑3669.o

Rent-Condos & Townhouses

Bulletin Board


Rent-Apt. Furnished

One and two‑bedroom apartments. Next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. Private parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050.

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

CLOSE to campus/ Aggieville in newer complex, no pets. June 1. 785‑313‑7473,

Housing/Real Estate

FIVE‑BEDROOM, TWO and one‑half bath. Brittany Ridge townhome. Washer/ dryer. No pets. Available August 1. $1050/ month. 785‑250‑ 0388. O

Rent-Houses & Duplexes

905 Thurston St. Four‑bedroom house near KSU campus and Aggieville. Private parking, $310 per person. one Large bedroom Please Call 620‑382‑ apartment across from 4752. p campus. Very spacious bedroom and living August room. Lease starting Available June 1, 2012 to July 31, 1, four‑ five‑bedroom 2013. $620. 785‑456‑ and one‑bedroom basement of house. One 5518. block from Aggieville, pets allowed with deO N E ‑ BEDROOM posit, 785‑539‑8295.

five‑Bedroom HOUSE available June 1. $1600/ mo plus utilities. 1000 Ratone. For showings, call 785‑313‑ three or four‑bed- 2135. p Rent-Apt. Unfurnished room, dishwasher, one and a half or two baths. FOR RENT: three‑bedLaundry facility in the room, two bath duplex MANHATTAN CITY Or- complex. Available Au- half with two car garage. dinance 4814 assures gust, 785‑537‑7810 or Newer construction. every person equal 785‑537‑2255. $1100/ month. August opportunity in houslease. Call or text 785‑ ing without distinc632‑0468. Blue Sky tion on account of t h r e e ‑ b e d r o o m , Property. race, sex, familial sta- LARGE. Some bills tus, military status, paid, pet friendly, June disability, religion, lease, $900. 1019 Moro Four‑bedroom, age, color, national #4. Call 785‑307‑0186. two bath, washer/ origin or ancestry. Vio- o dryer. Close to campus lations should be reand Aggieville. 1013 Osported to the Director Woodway Apart- age. Available August of Human Resources ments Leasing for Fall 1. 785‑341‑1565. o at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2012. Three and four 2440. bedrooms. Close to K‑ State Football. Pool, on‑ Four‑bedroom, two site laundry, small pets bath. Washer/ dryer. okay. 2420 Greenbriar Close to campus and Dr. Suite A, 785‑537‑ Aggieville. 824 Kearney. Available August 7007. 1. 785‑341‑1565. p

Help Wanted

Covan World‑WIDE Moving is looking for college students for summer work. Excellent opportunity to stay in town for summer, stay in shape, and save some money or if you need an internship alternative. CDL drivers, helpers, and packers needed. No CDL reRent-Houses & Duplexes quired. Apply as soon as possible at 5925 Corporate Dr., Manhattan, F I V E ‑B E D R OOM KS 66503. Call Chris HOUSES. Great Loca- Find a job under Hamam with any questions. Pet Friendly. Call the help wanted tions at 785‑537‑7284. ALLIANCE today. Very competitive $10‑ section. 785‑539‑2300 $12 hourly/ incentive wages. Training starts May 19. Job begins imf o ur‑ b e d r o o m 2:42 Pm mediately following brick house, two 8/12/08 spring finals week baths, updated, appliKedzie 103 785-532-6555 through summer and black Line‑300.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite ances, washer/ dryer, possible part‑time work central air, near KSU next semester. sports complex, August, $1300, 785‑341‑ Grounds, lawn 5346. care and painting at several quality apartf o ur‑ b e d r o o m Employment/Careers ment complexes. FlexiHOUSE close to CiCo ble part‑time hours and Park, 1413 Highland competitive pay. MotiDr. $1200. Two and vated individual with one‑half baths, all applifarm/ ranch background Help Wanted ances, no pets/ smokpreferred. 785‑537‑ ing. 785‑539‑0866.O 9686. THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial FO U R ‑B E D R OOM potential of advertise- Help WANTED for cusHOUSES. Great Locaments in the Employ- tom harvesting. Truck tions. Pet Friendly. Call ment/ Opportunities driver. Good summer ALLIANCE today. classifications. Read- wages. Guaranteed 785‑539‑2300 ers are advised to ap- pay. Call 970‑483‑7490 proach any such busi- evenings. ness opportunity with T H R E E ‑B E D R OOM reasonable caution. HOUSES. Great Loca- The Collegian urges HOWE LANDSCAPE tions. Pet Friendly. Call our readers to contact INC is looking to hire a ALLIANCE today. the Better Business chemical applicator(s) 785‑539‑2300 Bureau, 501 SE Jeffer- for their maintenance son, Topeka, KS vision. Applicants must 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ be 18 years of age, 0454. have a valid driver’s license and pass a pre‑ employment drug test. Rent-Houses & Duplexes Application Devel- We can work with class oper. KSU Housing schedules but prefer blocks of F o u r ‑ B e d r o o m and Dining Services four‑hour HOUSE, two bath, seeks student applica- time. Pay commensuwasher/ dryer, central tion developers to work rate with experience. air. No pets. $1200. as part of the HDS Web Apply three ways, in 616 Bertrand. 913‑782‑ Team. Strongly prefer person Monday‑ Friday programming experi- at 12780 Madison Rd in 5725. p Riley; call 785‑776‑ New four‑bed- ence in PHP and 1697 to obtain an appliroom, two bath. MySQL, a desire to cation; or e‑mail us at Washer/ dryer. Close to learn and enjoy a chal- askhowe@howelandcampus and Aggieville. lenge. Preference will You may 916 Fremont. Available be given to undergradu- also visit our website, June 1. 785‑341‑1565. ates who are computer or MIS majors. o Undergraduates major- com. ing in other areas with experience in the techHOWE LANDSCAPE Roommate Wanted nologies mentioned are INC is seeking laborers encouraged to apply. Must be able to work a for several of our diviFemale Roommate minimum of 30 hours sions for Summer 2012. wanted, newly remod- per week between 8a.m.- These would be full‑ eled house across from ‑ 5p.m., Monday‑ Friday time positions. Applistadium, one and one‑ during the summer and cants must be 18 years half baths. New 15 hours per week dur- of age, have a valid license and washer/ dryer. All utili- ing the school year. drivers ties included in rent. No Starts $10.00/ hour. pass a pre‑employment pets. $375/ person. Work study not re- drug test. LANDSCAPE Alex 785‑488‑8000, quired. Becoming a HOWE Amanda 316‑217‑1918. member of the HDS INC is looking to hire a applicator(s) Web Team allows you chemical multiple room- to use your creativity for their maintenance dimates needed for a and knowledge while vision. Applicants must nice four‑bedroom, two gaining valuable experi- be 18 years of age, bath house. Full ence programming web have a valid driver’s likitchen, washer/ dryer. applications used by cense and pass a pre‑ No pets. Rent $300 HDS staff and resi- employment drug test. plus utilities with a de- dents. Housing and Din- We can work with class posit of same. 3219 ing Services offers flexi- schedules but prefer Shady Valley, 307‑349‑ ble hours within a team four‑hour blocks of 3967. p environment. Interested time. Apply three ways, applicants should sub- in person Monday‑ FriOne block from cam- mit their resume and day at 12780 Madison pus! 1719 Laramie. download, fill out the Rd in Riley; call 785‑ Backyard parking. Eight‑ Student Employment 776‑1697 to obtain an bedrooms, three and Application at http:- application; or e‑mail us one‑half baths, central / / h o u s i n g . k ‑ s t a t e . - at askhowe@howelandair, two kitchens. Au- edu/employment/Stu- You may gust‑ July, $330. Need dentEmpApp_Web.pdf also visit our website, four roommates. and forward to Rob Sat- www.howelandscape.justwill@ksu.eduo terlee at satterl@k‑state.- com. Apply three ways, in edu. AA/EOE. Roommate needed. person Monday‑ Friday, Three girls need room8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison mate for next year. Rd. in Riley; call 785‑ Pro- 776‑1697 to obtain an Four‑bedroom, two Computer bath duplex. Located grammer. Required: application; or e‑mail us on Vattier St. Very Grad student status; ex- at askhowe@howelandclose to campus and perience with C/C++ in You may Preferred: also visit our website, Aggieville. Washer and Windows. dryer. No pets. Rent Linux, Unix, Java knowl- www.howelandscape.$320/ month. Call or edge of biology. 20 hrs/ com. text 620‑952‑1738 for week during semester; up to 40 in summer. Apmore info.p plications accepted thru two RoommATEs May 7. Fill out applica- looking for a great needed for a nice five‑ tion in room 2004 summer job? Don’t bedroom, two bath Throckmorton Hall; want to work evenings house. Washer/ dryer. please leave resume. or weekends? Cleaning Rent $330 plus utilities. Further information, service hiring now! 785‑ 3 1 6 ‑ 7 8 9 ‑ 5 8 6 7 , contact S. Welch or S. 313‑7084 or 785‑313‑ Michelle. Marry at 785‑532‑7236. 1246.




Help Wanted

Business Opportunities

LOVE TENNIS?? GOOD WITH KIDS?? Body First needs you. We are currently searching for tennis instructors for the summer and fall seasons. Please drop off your resume at Body First Tennis and Fitness Center, 3615 Claflin Rd.

THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, 2:41 Pm KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 8/12/08 0454.

Midland Exteriors is currently seeking highly motivated and detail oriented, part‑time office assistant. Apply at 2794 black Rory Line‑400.crtr Road, Manhattan 785‑537‑ 5130 EOE Drug Free Workplace. NOW HIRING. So Long Saloon and Taco Lucha are now hiring. Apply in person at 1130 Moro. Part‑time laborer. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Daytime. $10‑12/ hour. More hours if wanted. 785‑317‑7713. PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach all land, adventure, and water sports. Great summer! Call 888‑844‑8080, apply: RESUME BUILDER. Does your job suck? If so, keep reading. I will take three more college students to help run my business this summer. Build your resume with REAL experience! To learn more, call 319‑ 239‑1025. SMALL FAMILY custom harvest operation needs combine/ grain cart operator mid‑May‑ August working in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Wage plus room and board, includes all meals. 785‑499‑3077.


Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.

CALL 785-532-6555 E-mail

‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite

Open Market

Wanted to Buy ATTENTION SENIORS, Don’t take that old clunker with you. Turn it into cash. Buying your 1995 or newer vehicle, 785‑226‑1976. LOOKING FOR used apartment sized refrigerator, iPods, iPads, iPhones, and laptops. Laptops can need work, Mac or PC. 785‑226‑ 1976.

Classified Rates 1 DAY 20 words or less $14.00 each word over 20 20¢ per word 2 DAYS 20 words or less $16.20 each word over 20 25¢ per word 3 DAYS 20 words or less $19.00 each word over 20 30¢ per word

Garden Share

4 DAYS 20 words or less $21.15 each word over 20 35¢ per word

Pampas grass wanted. If you have pampas grass you would like to give away, please call me at 785‑ 556‑0652.

5 DAYS 20 words or less $23.55 each word over 20 40¢ per word

Perennials. Town and Country Garden Club 59th Plant Sale Saturday, May 5 from 8‑ 11a.m., at 116 S. STUDENTPAYOUTS.- Dartmouth Drive. COM. paid survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.

(consecutive day rate)

2:09 Pm To Place An Ad 8/13/08 1x5 karma.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite

Students or retired persons: Help wanted for rental property maintenance, painting, light construction, yard work. 785‑313‑4994. TE L E C OMM U N I C A TIONS COMPANY hiring IT and low voltage cabling. The company has been in business for over 40 years. Full‑ time position in Manhattan, KS. Monday‑Friday. Experience welcome but not necessary. Pay based on experience. Send resume to email: or fax to 816‑746‑1498. Please include reference and contact information. three Immediate openings available for pest control technician. Previous experience is not required, we train. Apply in person, 220 Levee Drive or send resume to Union State Bank, Clay Center, Kansas is looking for full‑time self‑ motivated, multi‑tasking individual with excellent computer skills, customer service and problem solving abilities in banking operations. College degree in accounting or related field preferred. Excellent career opportunity with full benefits. Contact or P.O. Box 518, Clay Center, KS 67432. WANTED: Someone who knows how to setup a TVX video recorder.

Karma works both ways


to a Local Charity

Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How To Pay All classifieds must be paid in advance unless you have an account with Student Publications Inc. Cash, check, MasterCard, Visa or Discover are accepted. There is a $25 service charge on all returned checks. We reserve the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.

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