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Rent-Houses & Duplexes
Bulletin Board
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Condos & Townhouses Rent-Houses & Duplexes Best value! August, one and two‑bedroom apartments. Clean and spacious. Walk to KSU! Pet friendly.
t h r e e ‑ b e droo m CONDO close to KSU sports complex. $1100/ mo. Rent includes water, trash, swimming pool. www.emeraldpropertymanagement.ONE AND two‑bed- com. 785‑587‑9000. room apartments next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. T W O ‑ bed r oo m Washer/ dryer, dish- CONDO close to KSU washer. Private park- sports complex. Staining. No pets. 785‑537‑ less steel appliances. 7050. www.vil- Fireplace. Really nice. No exterior nance to do. $1025/ T w o ‑ b e droo m mo. July 1. www.emerAPARTMENT across a l d p r o p e r t y m a n a g e the street from KSU. 785‑587‑ $650/ mo. August 1. 9000. 785‑587‑9000. t w o ‑ b e droo m APARTMENT only a block from campus, only $650/ mo. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.
Rent-Condos & Townhouses f o u r ‑ b e droo m , TWO bath townhouse, all appliances included. $1120/ mo. Off‑ street parking. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.
FOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO and one‑half bath two story duplex with garage. All appliances included along with washer and dryer, too. $1200/ mo. August 1. 785‑ 587‑9000.
f o u r ‑ b e droo m brick house, two baths, appliances, washer/ dryer, central air, near KSU sports complex, August, $1300, 785‑341‑5346.
fou r ‑ bed r oo m
Rent-Houses & Duplexes HOUSE almost on top 1 August. Four‑ five‑ bedrooms, two and one‑ half baths, washer/ dryer, $1100. 785‑317‑ 7713. 2505 Candle Crest.ª All brick three‑bedroom, one and one‑half bath house in shaded, quiet neighborhood. Single garage, fenced yard, all appliances. $1050/ mo. August 1. 785‑ 587‑9000.
of campus. Near Veterinary Sciences. Full finished basement and a double garage all for your own use. $1400/ mo. 785‑587‑9000.
fou r ‑ bed r oo m , TWO bath duplex with eat in kitchen, all appliances, full finished basement, double garage. $1300/ mo. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.
1520 Harry Rd. Two‑ bedrooms available in a four‑bedroom, two bath home. Washer/ dryer. Newly remodeled, available August 1 or sooner. 785‑317‑7342.˚
LEARN TO FLY! K‑ State Flying Club has three airplanes and low2:45 Pm Roommate Wanted est rates. Call 785‑562‑ Rent-Houses & Duplexes 6909 8/12/08 or visit www.ksu.Black Line‑100.crtr Male roommate edu/ksfc.‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite needed in four‑bedfou r ‑ bed r oo m , room, two bath house. TWO bath house close 630 Moro. $330/ month to campus. Lots of includes water/ trash. space, lots of storage, Dishwasher, washer/ single garage, fenced dryer. Call 913‑449‑ yard. $1300/ mo. Move in soon. www.emerald- Housing/Real Estate 4839.Á propertymanagement.Seeking female com. 785‑587‑9000. roommate for lovely Fo u r ‑ b e droo m , home. $400 with all utiliTWO bath, half duplex Rent-Apt. Unfurnished ties paid. Two and one‑ right next to campus half blocks from camand close to Aggieville. August Rental In- pus. Available July 1. Off‑street parking. formation: 1850 Claflin 785‑473‑7226 or 385‑ Walk to campus. (two blocks west of K‑ 212‑0428. $1300/ mo. www.emer- State campus) three‑ a l d p r o p e r t y m a n a g e - bedroom, one and one‑ Two MALE roommates August 1. half bath, $930/ month; wanted. Newer home 785‑587‑9000. four‑bedroom, two bath, near Casement and But$1240/ month. 1214 terfield. No pets. No th r ee ‑ bed r oo m , Vattier (one block east smoking. Furnished, all TWO and one‑half bath of K‑State campus) utilities paid. $400 a house west of campus. three‑bedroom, two month. Contact Ron at Extra rooms for storage bath, $900/ month. 913‑269‑8250.¢ and games. Enjoy the 1207 Kearney (one and screened in patio along roommates one‑half blocks east of Two with the shaded backK‑State campus) three- needed for prime three‑ yard. Also includes all bedroom, two bath, bedroom “suite” apartof the appliances and a $900/ month. 1620 ment one block from Agsingle garage, too. Fairchild (one block gieville, 917 Moro, for Move in soon. $1300/ south of K‑State cam- August 1. Full kitchen mo. www.emeraldpropwasher/ dryer. pus) one‑bedroom, one plus bath, $565/ month. For Rent $520, utilities in785‑587‑9000. more information call cluded. Call or text 913‑ 785‑537‑2255 or visit 991‑0124 or email djhurt h r e e ‑ b e droo m , our website www.amc- for more TWO bath house with info.Á huge rooms, close to City Park and off‑street parking. August 1. $1150/ mo. 785‑587‑ 9000.
Help Wanted Employment/Careers
Help Wanted $Bartending!$ $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800‑965‑6520 extension 144.
Mill Creek Valley USD 329 has openings for one or more assistant volleyball coaches at Wabaunsee High School in Alma. Coaching experience is preferred. Applications are available online at or at the District Office, 213 E. 9th, Alma. Contact Jeron Weisshaar,, 785‑765‑3315 with questions. Mill Creek Valley USD 329 is an equal opportunity employer.
Part‑time FISCAL Assistant: Part‑time Kansas Work Study eligible position with busy non‑profit agency. Candidate should be professional, have strong initiative, and possess excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Duties include payroll, data entry, file maintenance and other miscellaneous duties. Requires ability to maintain confidential information, attention to detail and computer skills, including Excel and Word. Human Resource curriculum preferred. Position open until filled. Send cover letter, resume and three references to: Search Committee, NC‑FH AAA, 401 Houston St., Manhattan, KS 66502. EOE/AA
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To Place An Ad Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Students or retired persons: Help wanted for rental property maintenance, painting, light construction, yard work. 785‑313‑4994.
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