Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Bulletin Board
ADJACENT TO KSU Studio apartment one block from campus. Good condition, ample parking, quiet condiAnnouncements tions. No pets. Available May 1, June 1, AuI CAN teach you how gust 1. $390. (785) to sing well in just one 776‑3624 leave meslesson! $60.00/hr. sage. HUGE ONE bedroom
with brand new carpet and appliances, starting at $535. FLEXIBLE LEASE TERMS. Call (785) 209‑2194.
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
Help Wanted
SPACIOUS THREE to five bedroom houses for rent June 1 and August 1, 2017. Lots of updates. Call 785‑539‑ 5800 for showing.
WE STRIVE for conscious omnipotence wherever we are right now in order to physically feel the very best that we possibly can by adopting and obeying the following tenets as truth: What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. Each of us is cause and effect. Be happy anyway. Do something well. Love begets peace. Forget that other stuff... follow your physical feelings with care and always provide an open, even exchange. Every story is ultimately for the convenience of the storyteller. Give and seek shelter and sustenance. Behave and deserve. Smile, proceed, cope and hope. Forgive. Improve. Protect and serve yourself. Command yourself, under God (or not), submitting, for might makes right and right attracts might. There will be a Day of Reckoning!... If you’d like a part‑time job helping to spread this message, hit me up!
Help Wanted
Housing/Real Estate
QUICK WALK to cam- THE COLLEGIAN canpus. One and two bed- not verify the finanroom apartments. $550 cial potential of adand $650 per month. vertisements in the Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Water, trash, and inter- Employment/ Oppornet paid. No smoking tunities classificaor pets. 785‑214‑2898. tions. Readers are adMANHATTAN CITY www.schrumrentalsllc.- vised to approach Ordinance 4814 ascom any such business sures every person opportunity with reaequal opportunity in SPACIOUS ONE to sonable caution. The housing without disfour bedroom apart- Collegian urges our tinction on account ments for rent near readers to contact of race, sex, familial campus and Aggieville the Better Business status, military stastarting August 1, Bureau, 501 SE Jeftus, disability, reli2017. Many updated. ferson, Topeka, KS gion, age, color, naCall 785‑539‑5800 for 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ tional origin or ancesshowing. 0454. try. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, Help Wanted Section 785‑587‑2440.
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Help Wanted MANHATTAN EMERGENCY Shelter Incorporated is now hiring! Apply within at 416 S. 4th St. EOE/AA ONE TO two clerk/stocker positions at Manhattan’s favorite fruit markets. Pick up application at Eastside or Westside Market.
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
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