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2:46 PM 8/12/08 Black Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite
classifieds Deadlines
BEST VALUE! August, one and two‑bedroom apartments. Clean and spacious. Walk to KSU! Pet friendly. ONE AND two‑bedroom apartments next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. Washer/ dryer, dishwasher. Private parking. No pets. 785‑537‑ 7050.
THREE‑BEDROOM CONDO close to KSU sports complex. $1100/ mo. Rent includes water, trash, swimming pool. 785‑587‑9000.
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
A FOUR‑BEDROOM, two and one‑half bath home. Lease until December or June. $1100. Call 785‑317‑ TWO, THREE, four‑ 7713. bedroom apartments. Close to campus. 785‑ 539‑5800. www.somer- A VERY nice four‑bedroom, two bath house. Close to Aggieville and City Park. Washer, dryer, central air‑conT W O ‑ B E D R O O M ditioning. Jeff 785‑313‑ APARTMENT across 3976.Á the street from KSU. $650/ mo. August 5. 1 AUGUST. Four‑ five‑ www.emeraldpropertybedrooms, two and one‑ half baths, washer/ 785‑587‑9000. dryer, $1100. 785‑317‑ 7713. 2505 Candle Crest.ª
Rent-Condos & Townhouses ALL BRICK three‑bedFOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO bath townhouse, all appliances included. $1120/ mo. Off‑ street parking. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.
room, one and one‑half bath house in shaded, quiet neighborhood. Single garage, fenced yard, all appliances. $1050/ mo. August 1. 785‑ 587‑9000.
EXCELLENT RANCH style five‑bedroom, three bath home fully fenced‑in backyard. Fifth basement bedroom can also be used for storage/ office. Minutes from Ft. Riley, KSU campus, Tuttle Creek recreation, downtown shopping, and park with playground and walking trail. The property is excellently located at the end of a peaceful, quiet cul‑de‑ sac (no through traffic). Adjacent to large field that can be used for sports activities. Basement has a FOOSBALL and POOL TABLE. Only $1200 / month. Contact if interested. 801‑452‑ 5896. FOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO and one‑half bath two story duplex with garage. All appliances included along with washer and dryer, too. $1200/ mo. August 1. 785‑ 587‑9000. FOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO bath duplex right next to campus and close to Aggieville. Off‑ street parking. Walk to campus. $1300/ mo. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.
Roommate Wanted
1520 HARRY Rd. Two‑ bedrooms available in a four‑bedroom, two bath home. Washer/ dryer. Newly remodeled, available August 1 or sooner. 785‑317‑7342.˚
MATURE FEMALE housemate wanted. Fully furnished three‑ bedroom house with female and male. Available July 1, $300/ month. Utilities paid. Prefer upperclassman or grad student. Call 785‑537‑4947.
Help Wanted
Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.
ACCOUNTANT ‑ PUBLISHER seeks part‑ time accountant to maintain books, prepare daily deposits, prepare balance sheets, Announcements manage funds, process accounts payable, as- CALL 785-532-6555 LEARN TO FLY! K‑ sist in budget develop- E-mail State Flying Club has ment. Prefer two or three airplanes and lowmore years’ experiSale-Houses Classified Rates est rates. Call 785‑562‑ Rent-Houses & Duplexes SEEKING ROOMMATE ence. Flexible hours. 2:45 6909 or visitPM www.ksu.for two‑bedroom apart- Full description at www.1 WEEK WALK TO KSU. Execuedu/ksfc. 8/12/08 ment. 1947 College 20 words or less FOUR‑BEDROOM, tive home, new Black Line‑100.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite Heights, #203A. Short $15.25 TWO bath two story gourmet kitchen, four‑ ACCOUNTING ASSISwalk from campus. each word over 20 home. Next to campus bedroom, three and TANT‑ Seeking quick $350 for rent, includes 20¢ per word and Aggieville. All applione‑half baths, learner with initiative. water, gas, heat, trash. ances included, off‑ $400,000. Cindy Sloan, Excellent in math, oral 2 WEEKS Laundry facility on‑site. street parking. $1125/ G&A Real Estate 785‑ and written communica20 words or less Call 785‑236‑0191 or e‑ 2:42 PM mo. August 1. www.587‑7691. tion skills, detail ori$17.75 8/13/08 mail chris999@k‑state.emeraldpropertymanented. Resume and each word over 20 1x1 need subleaser.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite edu. Housing/Real Estate 785‑ cover letter to WESTSIDE EXECU25¢ per word 587‑9000. TIVE home, six‑bed3 WEEKS room, four bath, 4242 CLEANING101. FULL‑ 20 words or less square feet $369,000. time/ part‑time and seaF O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Call Cindy Sloan, G&A $20.25 sonal positions availTWO bath duplex with each word over 20 Real Estate 785‑587‑ able. Please call 785‑ eat in kitchen, all appli30¢ per word 7691. 785-532-6555 325‑4238 or email ances, full finished AUGUST RENTAL In4 WEEKS Jamie@cleaning101ks.formation: 1850 Claflin basement, double TWO ROOMMATES com with resume and/ 20 words or less garage. $1300/ mo. (two blocks west of K‑ needed for prime three‑ or questions. $22.75 August 1. www.emerald- State campus) three‑ Roommate Wanted bedroom “suite” aparteach word over 20 propertymanagement.- bedroom, one and one‑ DEVELOPMENT DIment one block from Ag35¢ per word half bath, $930/ month; com. 785‑587‑9000. RECTOR— Not‑for‑ four‑bedroom, two bath, AG MALES seek room- gieville, 917 Moro, for profit organization in 5 WEEKS $1240/ month. 1214 mates for two of four‑ August 1. Full kitchen Manhattan seeks Devel20 words or less plus washer/ dryer. Vattier (one block east bedrooms, newer FOUR‑BEDROOM, two $24.95 Rent $520, utilities in- opment Director for part‑ bathroom home. Close of K‑State campus) home, near Casement cluded. Call or text 913‑ time position. For posieach word over 20 three‑bedroom, two and Butterfield. No to all sports complex. 40¢ per word 2:42 PM tion description, includ$900/ month. smoking. Furnished, all 991‑0124 or email djhur- ing qualifications, comAll appliances, spa- bath, 8/12/08for more 6 WEEKS 1207 Kearney (one and utilities paid. $400/ cious rooms, lawn and pensation and applicainfo.Á ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite Black Line‑300.crtr 20 words or less double car garage. one‑half blocks east of month. Ron 913‑269‑ tion details, visit www.$30.95 $1500/ mo. August 1. K‑State campus) three- 8250.¢ each word over 20 www.emeraldproperty- bedroom, two bath, 45¢ per word month. 1620 FEMALE ROOMMATE 785‑ $900/ STUDENTS OR retired Fairchild (one block wanted, preferably non‑ 587‑9000. 7 WEEKS persons: Help wanted south of K‑State cam- smoker. Nice two‑bedfor rental property 20 words or less 2:41 PM mainpus) one‑bedroom, one room apartment with tenance, painting, light $36.95 8/12/08 bath, $565/ month. For washer/ dryer included Employment/Careers construction, yard work. each word over 20 Black Line‑400.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite more information call and close to campus. 785‑313‑4994. 50¢ per word Sale-Houses 785‑537‑2255 or visit $300/ month plus utili(consecutive day rate) our website www.amc- ties. Call 785‑899‑4621. 2213 STONE Post Help Wanted To Place An Ad Road. Walk to campus. FEMALE ROOMImmaculate four‑bedMATES needed for Go to Kedzie 103 (east room, three baths. nice, five‑bedroom, two $BARTENDING!$ $300 of the K-State Student Newer cherry kitchen, T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M bath home. Short drive a day potential. No exOpen Market Union) Monday-Friday necessary. avail- to campus. $350‑ $450/ perience finished basement. APARTMENTS 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. $235,000. 785‑565‑ able now and August 1. month, includes utilities. Training provided. Call HOME GROWN tomaor online at exten- toes and more. Check 2432, Cam McCracken, Very clean with new car- Available now. Call Han- 800‑965‑6520 sion 144. pets. 785‑341‑4024. G&A Real Estate Inc.¢ nah at 620‑290‑1763. out any farmers market.
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