Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑2440. ADJACENT TO KSU Studio apartment one block from campus. Good condition, ample parking, quiet conditions. No pets. Available May 1, June 1, August 1. $390. (785) 776‑3624 leave message.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
HUGE ONE bedroom with brand new carpet and appliances, starting at $535. FLEXIBLE LEASE TERMS. Call (785) 209‑2194.
1031 KEARNEY,5‑6 Bedroom 2 Bath house, 2 Blocks to Campus, Just 350 per person. Two kitchens, 2 living areas, 6 off street parking spaces. Washer/dryer. Rent for 10 or 12 months starting Aug 1. Super Deal. Call or text 785‑ 317‑7713
QUICK WALK to campus. One and two bedroom apartments. $550 and $650 per month. Water, trash, and internet paid. No smoking or pets. 785‑214‑2898. SPACIOUS THREE to www.schrumrentalsllc.- five bedroom houses com for rent June 1 and August 1, 2017. Lots of SPACIOUS ONE to updates. Call 785‑539‑ four bedroom apart- 5800 for showing. ments for rent near campus and Aggieville starting August 1, 2017. Many updated. Call 785‑539‑5800 for Sale-Mobile Homes showing.
Rent-Houses & Duplexes MANHATTANRENTALPROPERTIES.NET Many Houses close to Campus, east side 785‑ 317‑7713
Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.
MANHATTAN EMERGENCY Shelter IncorSELLING 2001 Cham- porated is now hiring! pion trailer home. 2 Apply within at 416 S. bed 2 bath. Leaving all 4th St. EOE/AA major appliances. ONE TO two clerk/sSELLING AS‑IS! Con- tocker positions at Mantact Kat for more info. hattan’s favorite fruit Text 785‑408‑9301 or markets. Pick up appliemail suzaku_ho- cation at Eastside or taru@yahoo.com Westside Market.
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