Classifieds 8.22.12

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2:42 PM 8/12/08 Black Line‑300.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite


advertising Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Rent-Houses & Duplexes

ONE, TWO‑BEDROOM two bath apartment (some brand new, balcony). Half block to KSU. All amenities, parking, no pets. 785‑ 537‑7050.

A THREE/ four‑bedroom, two bath home. Lease until December or June. $1100. Call 785‑317‑7713.

2:46 PM 8/12/08 ck Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Bulletin Board

Announcements LEARN TO FLY! K‑ State Flying Club has three airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785‑562‑ 6909 or visit

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

Lost and Found FOUND KEYS on Thurston street east of campus. Identify and claim at Justin Hall Dean’s Office.

THREE‑BEDROOM APARTMENTS available now. Very clean with new carpets. 785‑ 341‑4024.


Display Ads 785-532-6560 TWO‑BEDROOM apart8/12/08 or ment across street from ck Line‑100.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite Classifieds 785-532-6555 KSU. $650/ mo. August 5. 785‑587‑9000.

Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Furnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

TWO‑BEDROOM CLEAN and neat. Close to KSU, off‑street parking. Short‑term lease available. $750. No pets, no smoking. 785‑ 532‑8662.

Rent-Houses & Duplexes ALL BRICK three‑bedroom, one and one half bathroom house in shaded, quiet neighborhood. Single garage, fenced yard, all appliances. $1050/ mo. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.


Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Need a

LOOKING FOR a ca- TECHNICAL SUPreer? Howe Landscape PORT position availInc is looking to hire a able for K‑State undermaintenance shop me- graduate student. Succhanic/ foreman cessful applicants must Help Wanted with small engine and have excellent commulawn mower mechani- nication, collaboration, THE COLLEGIAN can- cal abilities. Job duties and problem solving not verify the financial to include mower ser- skills. Experience troupotential of advertise- vice and repair, perform- bleshooting PCs, Macs One person’s ments in the Employ- ing minor truck/ trailer and software desired. and repair, Training is provided on junk is another ment/ Opportunities service classifications. Read- overseeing all other the job collaborating one’s treasure. ers are advised to ap- shop equipment, inven- with other students and proach any such busi- tory and supplies. Ap- staff. Applicants must ness opportunity with plicants must be 18 be available 12‑15 hrs/ reasonable caution. years of age, have a week between 8‑ 5 durThe Collegian urges valid driver’s license ing school and up to full‑ Kansas State Collegian our readers to contact and pass a pre‑employ- time during breaks. Pay Classifieds • 103 Kedzie the Better Business ment drug test. Previ- starts at $8.50/ hr. SUMBureau, 501 SE Jeffer- ous shop experience MER AVAILABILITY IS 785-532-6555 son, Topeka, KS and mechanical back- A MUST! Apply at the 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ ground required. Must Department of Commube self organized, moti- nications/IET office in 0454. vated and able to diag- 211 Umberger Hall, nose and complete re- 785‑532‑6270 or online AVAILABLE PART‑ pairs in a timely man- through CES by August TIME customer service ner. Hours for position 31. Please attach a reRent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes tech position, person will be variable, with op- sume with the applicamust be detail‑oriented, tion for being part‑time tion. have strong customer or possibly a full‑time FOUR‑BEDROOM, two F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M service skills and Mi- employee, based on apand one half bathroom TWO bath home. 1100 crosoft Office knowl- plicant’s availability. two story duplex with Bluemont. Walking dis- edge. Medical back- Pay dependent upon Business Opportunities garage. All appliances tance to K‑State. Re- ground preferred. Must knowledge, experience, included along with cently updated. Avail- be available most after- and hours available. washer and dryer too. able September 15. noons Monday‑Friday, Apply three ways, in THE COLLEGIAN can$1200/ mo. August 1. $1200/ month. Call and Saturdays. Apply in person Monday‑ Friday not verify the financial potential of advertisewww.emeraldproperty- APS at 785‑543‑0400. person at Positive Air, at 12780 Madison Rd ments in the 785‑ ¢ 1314 Westloop shop- in Riley; call 785‑776‑ Opportunities 587‑9000. 1697 to obtain an appli- ment/ ping center. classifications. Readcation; or e‑mail us at FOUR‑BEDROOM, two askhowe@howeland- ers are advised to apbathroom home. Close T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , EM- You may proach any such busito all sports complex. TWO bath, family room, FULL‑TIME 2:38 PM ness opportunity with our website, All appliances, spa- fireplace, garage. All ap- PLOYEE for crop and also visit 8/13/08 caution. Off‑street livestock operation. Ex- http://www.howeland- reasonable cious rooms, lawn and pliances. The Collegian urges a job.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite No pets. perience 1x1 withfindfarm double car garage. parking. our readers to contact $1500/ mo. August 1. $1200/ month. 816‑235‑ equipment and cattle the Better Business krvb@hotmail.- needed. Close to Manwww.emeraldproperty- 2292. Bureau, 501 SE Jefferhattan. 785‑456‑2663. 2:41 PM KS 785‑ com. son, Topeka, 587‑9000. 8/12/08785‑232‑ 66607‑1190. Black Line‑400.crtr FOUR‑BEDROOM, LABORERS NEEDED. 0454. ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite TWO bathroom duplex Howe Landscape Inc is with eat‑in kitchen, all Roommate Wanted currently seeking labor- Help Wanted Section appliances, full finished ers for several of our basement, double divisions. This is for full‑ MLS ADMINISTRAgarage. $1300/ mo. Au- AG MALES seek room- time and part‑time help, TOR/ Technology Spegust 1. www.emerald- mates for one of four‑ with flexible schedules cialist responsible for newer for students, preferably maintaining the MLS, propertymanagement.- bedrooms, Open Market home, near Casement four‑hour com 785‑587‑9000. blocks of databases, website, soand Butterfield. No time. Applicants must cial media, training. FOUR‑BEDROOM, smoking. Furnished, all be 18 years of age, Flexible 20‑ 34 hours/ TWO bathroom two utilities paid. $400/ have a valid driver’s li- week. Manhattan Assostory home. Next to Items for Sale month. Ron 913‑269‑ cense and pass a pre‑ ciation of REALTORS. campus and Aggieville. 8250.¢ employment drug test. Full job description at All appliances included, Apply three ways, in w w w . m a n h a t ‑ FOR SALE: 2005 off‑street parking. person Monday‑ Friday, t a n r e a l t o r s . - Yamaha Vino scooter. $1125/ mo. August 1 8a.m.‑ 5p.m. at 12780 net. Send resume to in- Runs perfectly, gets www.emeraldpropertyMadison Rd in Riley; fo1@mar.kscoxmail.- great gas mileage, 70+ 785‑ Sublease call 785‑776‑1697 to ob- com. MPG. 50cc two‑stroke 587‑9000. tain an application; or e‑ air cooled engine, 1.6 F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , LOOKING FOR male mail us at gallon gas tank, electric TWO bathroom town- subleaser. House near askhowe@howeland- PART‑TIME LA- or kick start, under seat house, all appliances in- campus, 2054 Tecum- You may BORER, can work storage compartment, cluded. $1120/ mo. Off‑ seh Dr. $375 a month, 8/13/08 PM Tuesdays and Thurs- accessory basket, 4779 also visit 2:27 our website, street parking. August utilities not included. www.howelandscape.- days all day. 785‑317‑ miles. $999. Call 785‑ 3x1roommate.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite 1. www.emeraldproper- Jacob: 913‑727‑3759. ˚ com. 7713. 341‑9678 for more mation. 785‑587‑9000.


Sell it.

FOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO bathroom, duplex right next to campus and close to Aggieville. Off‑street parking. Walk to campus. $1200/ mo. August 1. 785‑587‑9000.

weird roommate? find a new pad in the classifieds.

Garden Share VEGETABLES, FLOWERS, fruits and more. Advertise your bounty here!




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