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Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Houses & Duplexes

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LITERALLY 20 seconds to campus. That’s if you don’t have to wait for the traffic. Directly across North Manhattan from the new Business Building. Can’t get any more convenient. These units were built when quality made a difference. Inches of Concrete on the floors and soundproofed walls. Quietest apartments in town. We have units available for immediate movein. Contact Casie at to set an appointment.

DISH NETWORK Satellite Television Service. Now Over 190 channels for only $49.99/ mo! FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95/ month! 1-800-610-4640

SAVE ON YOUR MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT! FREE QUOTES from top providers. Excellent coverage. Call for a no obligation quote to see how much you can save! 855-587-1299

THE MANHATTAN Mercury is currently hiring Mail Room Workers. Responsibilities include operation of inserter and assembly of daily newspapers. Weekday hours vary, Saturday night and Sunday morning availability required. Must be able to stand for long hours and lift up to 20 lbs. Applications accepted at 318 N 5th Manhattan, KS.

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785-587-2440. 820 LARAMIE unit A. Four bedroom two bathroom duplex with FREE SEPTEMEBER storage shed availRENT two bedroom, able August 1. Central $700 and $900 with heat and air. Washer fresh paint and NEW and dryer provided. carpeting. Anderson Off-street parking. Call Village at 1435 Ander- or text 620-271-7974. son Village. See more details at our website www.wildcatproperty. com or call 537-2332 QUICK WALK to campus and first month’s rent free! One and two bedroom, $550/$650. Water, trash and internet provided. No pets or smoking. 785-214-2898, or schrumrentalsllc.com 1520 JARVIS. 5 bedroom 2.5 bath. Close to campus available August 1. Central heat and air. Washer and dryer hook up available. Single car garage. 5 car off street parking. Call or text 620-271-7974.

Service Directory

Other Services

DIAGNOSED WITH Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lung Cancer? If so, you and your family may be entitled to a substantial financial award. We can help you get cash quick! Call 24/7: 855-510-4274

Post your

DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 844-268-9386

SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line now for Help! 855-401-4513

SWITCH TO DIRECTV. Map data FAST INTERNET! From $50/Month, in- ©2012 Google HughesNet Satellite cludes FREE Genie HD/ Internet. High-Speed. DVR & 3 months HBO, Available Anywhere! SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, Speeds to 25 mbps. STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Starting at $49.99/mo. Card. Call 888-683-1682 Call for Limited Time (Mon-Fri 8am-9pm CT) Price! 877-578-8005 Employment/Careers (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm CT) UPDATING YOUR bath-

room does not have to be expensive or take weeks GOT LAND? Our Hunt- to complete. BathWraps Help Wanted ers will Pay Top $$$ To makes it easy. Call 855hunt your land. Call for a 324-2317 today for a free Free info packet & Quote. in home consultation. THE COLLEGIAN can1-866-309-1507 www. not verify the financial BaseCampLeasing.com VIAGRA AND CIAL- potential of advertiseIS USERS! There’s a ments in the Employment/ Opportunities LIVING WITH KNEE OR cheaper alternative than classifications. ReadBACK PAIN? Medicare high drugstore pric- ers are advised to aprecipients may qualify to es! 50 Pills SPECIAL proach any such busireceive a pain relieving $99.00 FREE Shipping! ness opportunity with brace at little or no cost. 100% guaranteed. CALL reasonable caution. 855-850-3904 Call now! 855-796-7301 NOW! The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE JefferOXYGEN - Anytime. son, Topeka, KS 66607Anywhere. No tanks to 1190. 785-232-0454. refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! CONVOY SYSTEMS FAA approved! FREE is hiring Class A drivinfo kit: 844-359-3973 ers to run from Kansas City to the west coast. Home Weekly! Great Benefits! www.convoysystems.com Call Tina ext. 301 or Lori ext. 303 1-800-926-6869.

Help Wanted Section

room for sub ease here


Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child


Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

LOCAL CHURCH is seeking to hire a worship leader who has strong vocal and keyboard skills (able to read sheet music and play). The Worship Leader should have the ability to utilize traditional (play hymns) and contemporary music in creating an excellent worship experience. Hours will be from 8:30a.m. to approximately 12:30p.m. on Sundays. Additional hours will be required for special services throughout the year (Christmas Eve service is mandatory). The Worship Leader will also need to be able to lead a small choir during the school year. This is a part time position; salary will be commensurate with experience. Please send an audio or video sample, along with a resume detailing your experience.

NEED HELP to strip paint from six-six foot boards on pergola. References call 785-556-1591

Need a subleaser



PIZZA SHUTTLE is now hiring part-time pizza makers. Please apply in person at 1800 Claflin. THE MANHATTAN Mercury is looking for independent contractors for newspaper delivery throughout the City of Manhattan. For more information on a great way to earn extra money call 776-8808. WABAUNSEE JUNIOR High in Paxico is looking for an Assistant Football Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Contact Bobbi Murray, WJGH Athletic Director at <Turn on JavaScript to see email address> or call (785) 636-5353 if interested. Jobs remain open until filled.

TEACH THE award-winning AARP Smart Driver™ classroom curriculum. As a volunteer Instructor, you will: • Organize/teach courses in your community. • Free training-tools you need! http://bit.ly/29CAflw

Open Market

Items for Sale 40’ GRADE A Steel Cargo Containers $1650.00 in KC. $1950.00 in Solomon Ks. 20s’ 45s’ 48s & 53s’ also available Call 785 655 9430 or go online to Chuckhenry. com for pricing, availability & Freight estimates.

Need a


Advertise It works. Kedzie 103 785-370-6355

Deadlines Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.

CALL 785-370-6355 E-mail


Classified Rates 1 DAY 20 words or less $15.10 each word over 20 20¢ per word 2 DAYS 20 words or less $17.10 each word over 20 25¢ per word 3 DAYS 20 words or less $20.15 each word over 20 30¢ per word 4 DAYS 20 words or less $22.50 each word over 20 35¢ per word 5 DAYS 20 words or less $25.05 each word over 20 40¢ per word (consecutive day rate)

To Place An Ad Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How To Pay All classifieds must be

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