Classifieds 3.27.12

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Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes

1530 MCCAIN Lane. Two‑bedroom apartment. $720. 714 Humboldt. Two‑bedroom. $680. 913 Bluemont, three‑bedroom, $885. 1012 Freemont, three‑ bedroom, $1,080. Four‑ bedroom, $1,100. Water and trash paid. Close to campus/ Aggieville. Dishwasher and laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑539‑0866

O n e ‑ B edroom APARTMENTS. Across the street from Aggieville/ Campus, 1026 Bluemont. Newly remodeled, granite counters, washer/ dryer, pet friendly. June leases, $725, 785‑236‑ 0161. For pictures go to w w w. f i e l d h o u s e d e v. com. O n e ‑ bedroom apartments. Some with vaulted ceilings. June or August lease. Only $480/ mo. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000.

T w o ‑ bedroom apartments with on‑ site laundry and only a block from campus. $650‑ $670, June or August leases. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000.

AUGUST PRE‑LEASING. Several units close to KSU. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher included. One‑bedroom townw w w. w i l k s a p t s . c o m . home. One block to Call or text 785‑477‑ campus. Brand new, 6295. granite counters, washer/ dryer, pet four ‑ bedroom friendly, June or Auapartment available gust, $700, 785‑313‑ August 1. Two blocks 6209. www.fieldfrom campus. 785‑799‑ 4534 or 785‑292‑4472. O N E ‑ bedroom apartment in 4‑plex F our ‑ bedrooms , close to downtown and two baths, spacious, shopping. On‑site launlounge with wet bar, dry and off‑street parkwasher/ dryer, see wilding. $490/ mo. August, August, lease. Emerald Prop$360 per bedroom inerty Management 785‑ cludes cable and trash, 587‑9000. 785‑341‑5346. ONE‑BEDROOM Large one‑bed- basement apartment room apartments. only a few blocks from One block from cam- campus. On‑site launpus. June lease. 1722 dry. $490/ mo plus elecLaramie. 785‑587‑5731. tricity. July lease. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000. NEWER, ONE‑BEDROOM apartments. T hree ‑ bedroom Half block to Aggieville; condominium close two blocks to KSU. to KSU. All appliances Quality built in 2010. included. Community Large, open floorplans. pool to enjoy this sumWasher/ dryer and all mer. $1,100/ mo. Auappliances included. gust lease. Emerald No pets. 785‑313‑7473, Property Management email: ksurentals@sbc- 785‑587‑9000. T hree ‑ bedroom , and one‑half ONE, TWO, three and ONE four‑bedroom apart- baths, central air, launments next to KSU and dry facilities, water Aggieville. Excellent paid, no pets. 1838 Ancondition. Private park- derson $945, 516 N. ing. No pets. 785‑537‑ 14th St. $930, 1225 Ra7050. www.vil- tone $915, 519 N. Manhattan Ave. $915, 1019 Fremont $855, 785‑537‑ One, two, three, and 1746 or 785‑539‑1545. four‑bedroom apartments. Close to cam- Two and four‑bedpus. 785‑539‑5800. room apartments availwww.somersetmgmtco.- able June 1 and August 1. Close to campus. com. Please call 785‑845‑ O N E ‑ bedroom 0659 or 785‑456‑5329. apartments in tri‑ plex close to downtown T w o ‑ bedroom and “North End” shop- apartment across ping. On‑site laundry the street from campus and off‑street parking. with on‑site laundry. $490/ mo. August $650/ mo. August lease. Emerald Prop- lease. Emerald Property Management 785‑ erty Management 785‑ 587‑9000. 587‑9000.

TWO‑BEDROOM apartments. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300 t w o ‑ bedroom BASEMENT apartment with off‑street parking and only half block from KSU. $495/ mo. August lease. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000. WALK to KSU! (1.5 blocks) Spacious two‑ bedroom, one bath. Off‑ street parking, laundry on‑site. Great value! See our listings at:

available JUNE and august! Many great options! See our listings at: www.

Charming House, 1841 Platt, three‑bedrooms, rent $1050. June 1. We take care of lawn/ trash. Cell 785‑ 313‑0455, home 785‑ 776‑7706.

June, FOUR‑BEDROOMS, three baths. Washer/ dryer hookups. Trash/ lawn care provided. Near campus. No pets/ smoking, $330/ bedroom. 785‑ 532‑8256, 785‑565‑ FOUR AND five‑bed- 3927. room houses, two blocks from campus and Aggieville. June 1st ONE‑BEDROOM duplex in quiet area just 785‑317‑7713. west of campus. June or July lease. Only FOUR BIG bed$495/ mo. Emerald rooms, two and a half Property Management bath two story duplex 785‑587‑9000. with garage. All appliances included. June or August lease. $1,350/ Three, five, and six‑ mo. Emerald Property bedroom houses. Management 785‑587‑ Close to campus. June 9000. lease. 785‑539‑5800. www.somerset.mgmtco.four ‑ bedroom com. brick house, two baths, updated, appealing, appliances, T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M washer/ dryer, central HOUSES. Great Locaair, near KSU sports tions. Pet Friendly. Call complex, no pets, Au- ALLIANCE today. gust, $1300, 785‑341‑ 785‑539‑2300 5346.

F IV E ‑ B E D R O O M HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300

HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300

THREE‑BEDROOM home. Close to KSU sports complex. June or August lease. $895/ mo. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑ four ‑ B edroom , 9000. one bath house; 900 Vattier. August lease, $1000/ mo. Washer/ T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , dryer, central air, one and one‑half bath garage, fenced yard, home with garage and pet friendly. 785‑539‑ shaded yard. August lease. $1,050/ mo. 4949. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000. FOUR‑BEDROOM, two and a half bath, two story townhouse T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , with all appliances and three bath duplex off‑street parking. with walk‑in closets, all included, Only $1,125/ mo. Au- appliances gust lease. Emerald even washer and dryer. Property Management Great floor plan. August lease. $1,150/ mo. 785‑587‑9000. Emerald Property ManF O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , agement 785‑587‑9000. two bath home with all appliances. Across the street from KSU T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , football, basketball and two bath house in baseball. August quiet neighborhood. All included. lease. $1150/ mo. Emer- appliances ald Property Manage- $1,150/ mo. August lease. Emerald Propment 785‑587‑9000. erty Management 785‑ F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , 587‑9000. two bath townhouse in tri‑plex. $1,125/ mo. T W O ‑ B E D R O O M . August lease. Emerald Washer/ dryer. Walk to Property Management campus. June 1st. 785‑587‑9000. $650. 785‑317‑7713

CUTE! ksu four‑bedrooms. Best homes, all amenities, June and August. Pet friendly! See F O U R ‑ bedroom , our listings at: TWO bath duplex with all appliances, offO N E ‑ B E D R O O M street parking and half apartments. Great block from campus. Locations. Pet Friendly. $1300/ mo. August Call Alliance today. lease. Emerald Prop785‑539‑2300 erty Management 785‑ 587‑9000.

2:45 PM 2:46 PM 8/12/08 8/12/08 ck line-000.crtr - Black Page 1line-100.crtr - Composite- Page 1 - Composite

Bulletin Board

Housing/Real Estate


Rent-Apt. Furnished

LEARN TO FLY! K‑ State Flying Club has three airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785‑562‑ 6909 or visit

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

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Kansas State Collegian

Classifieds 103 Kedzie Hall 785-532-6555

Advertise in the Classifieds

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

Now Leasing Fall 2012. Campus East one‑bedroom apartments. One block from campus, pool, on‑site laundry, small pet OK. Office located at 1401 College Ave. 785‑539‑ 5911.

Now Leasing Fall 2012. Chase Manhattan Apartments. Four‑ bedrooms. Close to campus, pool, on‑site laundry, small pet wel1219 KEARNEY. Two‑ come. 1409 Chase Pl. bedroom. August year 785‑776‑3663. lease. No pets. Across from campus. Water and trash paid. $760. One, Two, three, and 785‑539‑5136. four‑bedroom apart-

814 THURSTON, two large bedrooms. Close to campus. August year lease. No pets. $630. 785‑539‑5136.

Help Wanted

Woodway Apartments Leasing for Fall 2012. Three and four bedrooms. Close to K‑ State Football. Pool, on‑ site laundry, small pets okay. 2420 Greenbriar Dr. Suite A, 785‑537‑ 7007.

Full‑Time Summer Seasonal Jobs: Horticulture, Parks, Cemetery, Forestry, Public Works, Utilities., “Employment Opportunities.” Flexible, Early Start Available, $9.50‑ $10.50 DOQ per hour.

SMALL FAMILY custom harvest operation needs combine/ grain cart operator mid‑May‑ August working in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Wage plus room and board, includes all meals. 785‑499‑3077.

Rooms Available

FULL‑TIME, PART‑ TIME, summer‑time help. Roof truss builder. Contact Component Fabricators at 785‑776‑ 5081 or stop by 5107 Murray Road, Manhattan, KS.

Rooms for rent in four‑bedroom, two bath house. Rent $300 plus utilities, deposit of same. June‑ August harry’s restaulease available. Call rant is currently ac307‑349‑3967 cepting applications for: Daytime and Evening Cook Position, Evening Host Position, Daytime Rent-Houses & Duplexes Harry’s DELI Lunch Line Position. Please Available August apply in person at 418 1, four‑ five‑bedroom Poyntz Ave. and one‑bedroom basement of house. One block from Aggieville, pets allowed with deposit, 785‑539‑8295.

Help WANTED for custom harvesting. Truck driver. Good summer wages. Guaranteed pay. Call 970‑483‑7490 ERIC STONESTREET evenings. of Modern Family Howe landscape got his start living at inc is currently seeking 824 Laramie. Available laborers for several of June. Four to five‑bed- our divisions. This is for rooms, two baths, cen- full‑time and/ or part‑ tral air, backyard with time help, with flexible parking. 785‑539‑3672. schedules for students, F o u r‑be d r o o m TWO bath house. Large bedrooms, washer, dryer, central air‑conditioning. Close to City Park. $1200/ month. Jeff 785‑313‑ 3976. f o u r‑be d r o o m , TWO bath house, close to campus, no pets, available August 1, $1300/ month, 785‑410‑ 4291. NEWER FOUR‑BEDROOM house in country, very close to town. Washer & dryer included. Barn and small pens. $1400/ month. Call Emily 785‑410‑ 4783. si x ‑be d r o o m HOUSE, 2054 Hunting Ave. August lease, washer/ dryer, walk to campus, pet friendly. 785‑317‑5265. Three and four‑bedroom really nice houses west of campus. No pets, smoking, or parties. $900‑1200. Klimek Properties on Facebook. 785‑776‑6318.

TWO‑ B E D R OO M BASEMENT apartment. $500 per month. Call Emily at 785‑410‑4783.

preferably four‑hour blocks of time. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license and pass a pre‑employment drug test. Starting wages are $8.75/ hr. Apply three ways, in person Monday‑ Friday, 8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785‑ 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or email us at You may also visit our website,

HOWE LANDSCAPE INC is seeking laborers for several of our divisions for Summer 2012. These would be full‑ time positions. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license and pass a pre‑employment drug test. Starting wages are $8.75/ hr. Apply three ways, in person Monday‑ Friday, 8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison Rd. in Riley; call 785‑ 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or e‑mail us at You may also visit our website,

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. paid survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys. The Blueville Garden Store is hiring full/ part‑time Plant and Retail Associates. Prefer applicants with nursery or greenhouse experience. Plant knowledge is a plus. Must have customer service experience, be available Saturdays, and perform manual labor, including repetitive lifting/ bending. Apply at 4539 Anderson or email for application.

Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.

CALL 785-532-6555 E-mail

Classified Rates 1 DAY 20 words or less $14.00 each word over 20 20¢ per word 2 DAYS 20 words or less $16.20 each word over 20 25¢ per word 3 DAYS 20 words or less $19.00 each word over 20 30¢ per word 4 DAYS 20 words or less $21.15 each word over 20 35¢ per word 5 DAYS 20 words or less $23.55 each word over 20 40¢ per word (consecutive day rate)

Tractor Driver for small family owned custom harvester. May‑ October, college or high school student may apply, must have driver’s license with good driving record, Beck Harvesting 785‑499‑3245.

Need Some Help? Advertise it in the Collegian.

To Place An Ad Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How To Pay All classifieds must be paid in advance unless you have an account with Student Publications Inc. Cash, check, MasterCard, Visa or Discover are accepted. There is a $25 service charge on all returned checks. We reserve the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.

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Corrections If you find an error in your ad, please call us. We accept responsibility only for the first wrong insertion.

Cancellations If you sell your item before your ad has expired, we will refund you for the remaining days. You must call us before noon the day before the ad is to be published.

Walk to KSU and Aggieville. Four‑bedroom, two bath, washer/ dryer retail included. $1400 per McMillins Headlines month, call 785‑341‑ Liquor accepting applications for part‑time 8576. For an extra charge, ErIC STONEStreet sales clerk. Apply at we’ll put a headline of Modern Family 2223 Tuttle Creek Blvd. above your ad to catch got his start living at Must be 21 to apply. the reader’s attention. 824 Laramie. Available Sublease June. Four to five‑bedANSAS TATE OLLEGIAN Mill Creek Valley rooms, two baths, cenCategories tral air, backyard with June/ july sublease USD 329 has an open- 103 Kedzie 785-532-6555 for one‑bed- ing for an assistant footparking. 785‑539‑3672. available 2:42 PM room apartment. Close ball coach at Wabaun8/12/08 to campus. Call Eliza- see High School in Black line-300.crtr - Page 1 - Composite Alma and two volleyball beth at 806‑223‑3360. Business Opportunities coaches and a cheerleading coach at Mill Bulletin Board Creek Valley Jr. High in THE COLLEGIAN canPaxico. Coaching expe- not verify the financial Rent-Apt. Unfurnished rience is preferred. Ap- potential of advertiseplications are available ments in the EmployEmployment/Careers online at www.usd329.- ment/ Opportunities ONE‑BEDROOM, one com or at the District Of- classifications. Readbath, basement apartHousing/Real Estate fice, 213 E. Ninth, ers are advised to apment with shared launAlma. Contact Jeron proach any such busidry. One block from Weisshaar at WHS ness opportunity with KSU campus. NO Help Wanted jweisshaar@usd329.- reasonable caution. PETS. Available August com, 785‑765‑3315 or The Collegian urges 1. $495/ month. 785‑ THE COLLEGIAN can- Cleion Morton cmor- our readers to contact 410‑4291. at the Better Business not verify the financial Service Directory 501PM SE Jefferpotential of advertise- MCVJH, 785‑636‑5353 Bureau, 2:41 Mill son, Topeka, KS three or four‑bed- ments in the Employ- with questions. 8/12/08 USD #329 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ room, dishwasher, one ment/ Opportunities Creek Valley Black line-400.crtr opportunity 0454. - Page 1 - Composite and a half or two baths. classifications. Read- is an equal Laundry facility in the ers are advised to ap- employer. complex. Available Au- proach any such busiEmployment/Careers gust, 785‑537‑7810 or ness opportunity with PLAY SPORTS! HAVE 785‑537‑2255. FUN! SAVE MONEY! reasonable caution. The Collegian urges Maine camp needs fun T w o ‑ B e d r o o m , our readers to contact loving counselors to Open Market NICE apartments with the Better Business teach all land, advenfireplace and personal Bureau, 501 SE Jeffer- ture, and water sports. Topeka, KS Great summer! Call Open Market washer/ dryer. North of son, apply: Westloop shopping in 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 888‑844‑8080, quiet area. No pets, 0454. Items for Sale smoking, or parties. Showcase Dia$635. Klimek Properties Blueville Nursery Jewelry on Facebook. 785‑776‑ is hiring seasonal labor- mond Jewelers and Retro Sj2. We are looking for Sale at KSU Union, 6318. ers. Apply at 4539 An- a full and part‑time March 27, 28 and 29, Transportation derson or email hcar- salesperson. The per- 10:30 to 3. Great select w o ‑be d r o o m , penter@bluevillenurs- son should be fun and tion of necklaces, earQUIET west side living, for application. outgoing. Males and fe- rings, ties, rings,





Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

814 Thurston, studio apartment. June year lease. Water and trash paid. $300/ month. No pets. 785‑ 539‑5136.

Help Wanted

Rent-Houses & Duplexes

Rent-Houses & Duplexes F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M 1310 N 10th. Close to campus. Four‑bedroom two bath, dishwasher, washer/ dryer, very clean, central air, $1280/ month. No pets. Available June 1. 785‑ 770‑0062. 1413 Highland Drive. Four plus bedroom house. Spacious, two and one‑half bath. Dishwasher, washer/ dryer. No pets/ smoking. 785‑ 539‑0866 2505 Winne, three‑bedrooms in quiet neighborhood. West of football stadium. June 1. $1000. Call Ryan, cell 785‑313‑0455, home 785‑776‑7706.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

ments. Next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. Private parking. No Pets. 785‑ 537‑7050. o ne‑be d r o o m CLOSE to campus. June 1 or August 1 lease. No pets. Holly 785‑313‑3136.






adjacent to campus, washer/ dryer, off‑street parking, water and trash paid, $755/ month. 785‑341‑4496.

Earn $1000‑ $3200 a month to drive new cars with ads.

males should apply. Contact Courtney 785‑ 539‑4422. Or submit resume at 501 3rd place Suite C.

scarves and accessories. All proceeds support the Seniors’ Center. Sale hosted by KSU Center for Aging.

600 Travel/Trips

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