collegian kansas
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monday, april 26, 2010
Vol. 115 | No. 145
Showing Off
police report
Women treated at Mercy
All-University Open House features groups, departments Tyler Sharp | Collegian Large crowds and pleasant weather boded well for the 2010 All-University Open House on Saturday. The open house, which featured many of K-State’s organizations, living groups and departments, included a number of activities and presentations. Several of the newest organizations at K-State were also represented in the all-encompassing experience.
Sarah Rajewski | collegian Two women were transported to Mercy Regional Health Center after overturning in their vehicle on Thursday evening, according to a report from the Riley County Police Department. Shirley Johnson, 57, of Concordia, Kan., approached a car on Madison Road waiting to turn into Riley, said Lt. Herbert Crosby of the RCPD. Johnson swerved to avoid a collision and overcorrected, losing control and overturning in a ditch. Both Johnson and her passenger, Marcine Johnson, 82, also of Concordia, were treated for injuries at Mercy. Shirley Johnson had cuts on her skin and back pain, and Marcine Johnson had cuts and a broken neck, according to the report.
K-State Insect Zoo sees hundreds of visitors
The K-State Insect Zoo was abuzz with activity on Saturday. During the 2009 open house, the insect zoo had 804 visitors, said Kiffnie Holt, outreach coordinator for the insect zoo. In the first two hours on Saturday, there were 450 visitors. “This will probably turn out to be the best open house we’ve ever had,” Holt said. In addition to the usual displays, the zoo added a cooking display, cockroach races, a bee expert and an extended petting zoo, Holt said. Employees and volunteers, along with members of the Entomology Club, staffed the zoo for the open house. Open house is just one of several activities the Entomology Club engages in yearround. Its other focus is Family Day, Holt said. The club also sponsors social events encouraging students to join the Department of Entomology. The club has about 30 active members, which represents a sizable percentage of the department’s graduate students, Holt said.
School of Leadership Studies follows theme
The 2010 open house board game theme was personalized in the School of Leadership Studies with a building-wide version of “Clue.” Faculty members from the school dressed as “Clue” characters and dispersed themselves around the building’s entrance. As part of the building tours, participants were given person, weapon or room cards characteristic of the board game. Gameoriented prizes were awarded to winners, and there were two performances of “Clue: The Musical,” said Morgan Holechek, senior in mass communications and public
Photos by Lisle Alderton | collegian
Above: Brogan Caspers, of Topeka, tries his hand at excavator golf on the lawn of the Engineering Complex during Saturday’s All-University Open House. With guidance, Caspers used a CAT Mini Excavator to move a golf ball from the sandbox to a cup placed in the center of the box. Right: Open house visitors had the opportunity to try out Native American basket weaving at one of the many booths set up on campus. relations chair for the School of Leadership Studies Ambassadors. The open house also presented a new opportunity for the School of Leadership Programs. “For once all our programs are in one building, under one roof,” Holechek said of the school’s new building. Programs such as the KState Volunteer Center of Manhattan and American Humanics Student Association had representatives present, when in years past, the task of representing them would have fallen to ambassadors, Holechek said. Holechek said the ambassadors have three pillars. “Leadership Ambassadors recruit and promote for the school and educate,” she said.
Ag Education Club creates scavenger hunt
Sparking interest in the College of Agriculture was the goal of the Agricultural Education Club’s scavenger hunt. The club established 10 booths as part of the hunt.
Participants who visited eight out of 10 booths were able to receive a College of Agriculture T-shirt. Matt Brandt, junior in agricultural education and chair of the club’s professional development committee, said the hunt was an attempt to educate visitors. “The best way to do that is to send them to each organization,” he said. Interest was consistent in the hunt. In a span of 3.5 hours, the group handed out the 800 cards it printed, Brandt said. “We should be getting quite a few people to come and collect their shirts and hopefully spreading the word about opportunities in agriculture at Kansas State University,” he said. The Agricultural Education Club is a professional organization that takes on a variety of roles. The club manages Alpha Tau Alpha, a national honorary organization in agricultural education, and
it also completes several service projects.
Zeta Tau Alpha
The Greek community’s newest member was included among the sea of tables on the K-State Student Union’s first floor. Zeta Tau Alpha, a national sorority, will host its colonization recruitment this fall on its way to becoming the 12th National Panhellenic Conference sorority at K-State. Zeta’s booth at the open house concluded its week of meetings and activities with many different members of the Greek community. Kat Lopez, traveling leadership consultant for Zeta, said the response was great. “People have been very welcoming and very willing to lend a helping hand whether they know who ZTA is or know anything about us,” she said. “They just know we’re on campus and wanting to help out, which is great.”
CSI actor brings his band to Fort Riley Friday Pauline Kennedy | collegian During Friday’s celebration of the 24th Month of the Military Child, Fort Riley’s Marshall Army Air Field was filled with children and their families, along with the music of Gary Sinise’s Lt. Dan Band. The Month of the Military Child, started by former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, is set aside to highlight the importance of children in every military family and to recognize the sacrifices they make. There were plenty of activities for the children during the festival, including tours of a military vehicle, a safety house put on by the Riley County Fire Department, inflatable bouncers and games. Fort Riley also sponsored several other activities during the month, including a Month of the Military Child proclamation signing, a pancake breakfast, a community garden groundbreaking
ceremony and a family bowling tournament. Rena Miller, director of the Normandy Child Development Center, said she thinks it is great that people have set aside some time to recognize the important role children play in their military families. “It’s extremely important to have some relief from everyday life,” she said. There to entertain Friday was the Lt. Dan Band, started by Sinise, who is an actor. The band, in which Sinise plays the bass, got its name from the character he played in “Forrest Gump.” He is also well-known for his roles of Mac Taylor on “CSI” and Ken Mattingly in “Apollo 13.” Sinise, who joined the United Service Organizations after Sept. 11, 2001, to support the troops in any way he could, and his band started touring with the organization in early 2004. It has traveled all around the world to sup-
Two Ogden residents were arrested and charged as part of the RCPD’s ongoing drug investigation. While police executed the search warrant, Crosby said the RCPD locked down the Ogden grade school for the safety of the students. An officer was stationed in front of the school, he said. Audie Wayne Austin, 26, was charged with manufacturing methamphetamine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to a news release. He was still confined Friday morning, and his bond was set at $50,000. Amy Elizabeth Towles, 24, was charged with manufacturing methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to the release. She was still confined Friday morning, and her bond was set at $50,000. Both the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the RCPD were involved in the investigation, according to the release.
Man charged with aggravated battery
A Blaine, Kan., man was arrested and charged with aggravated battery Thursday, according to another report from the RCPD. Mason Cameron Reeves, 20, was still confined on Friday morning, Crosby said. Reeves’ bond was set at $10,000.
Man confined for punching incident
A local man was arrested and charged with aggravated battery Thursday, according to another report from the RCPD. Carleton Duane Hough, 31, of 64 Emery Place, was arrested for a Jan. 1 incident, which happened between him and an acquaintance, according to the report. Crosby said Hough punched the other person in the face several times. On Friday morning, he was still confined. Bond was set at $5,000.
Matt Binter | collegian
Gary Sinise visits Fort Riley on Friday afternoon to perform a United Service Organizations concert in celebration of Children of the Military Month. port U.S. troops serving overseas. Sinise said the group does about 40 shows a year, 30 of which are for the military. It covers music from many generations, ranging
from classic rock to contemporary and pop music. “We have a mission and that is
See MILITARY, Page 8
A Junction City resident was arrested and charged with probation violation on Thursday, according to another RCPD report. Shantell Dejuan Lewis, 23, violated his probation from a Sept. 2008 incident, Crosby said. Bond was set at $5,000.
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monday, april 26, 2010
kansas state collegian
page 2
Clear-Cut Guidelines | By Ginger Pugh
Daily Blotter
The Planner
campus bulletin board
THURSDAY Keandra Monique Green, Junction City, was arrested at 7:45 a.m. for failure to appear. Bond was set at $1,000. Audie Wayne Austin, Ogden, was arrested at 9:20 a.m. for manufacturing of a controlled substance. Amy Elizabeth Towles, Ogden, was arrested at 9:20 a.m. for manufacturing of a controlled substance. Joshua Michael Cross, Fort Riley, was arrested at 9:50 a.m. for a worthless check. Bond was set at $500. Shantell Dejuan Lewis, Junction City, was arrested at 11:43 a.m. for probation violation. Bond was set at $5,000. Mason Cameron Reves, Blaine, Kan., was arrested at 11:43 a.m. for aggravated battery. Bond was set at $10,000. Daniel Robert Norton, 3000 Tuttle Creek Blvd., was arrested at 12:15 p.m. for probation violation. Bond was set at $2,500. Carleton Duane Hough, 64 Emery Place, was arrested at 9:58 p.m. for aggravated battery. Bond was set at $5,000. FRIDAY Caitlin Herbert Sanborn, 904 Kearney St., was arrested at 1:33 a.m. for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $1,500. Katie Jo Jarvis, 1614 Leavenworth St., was arrested at 2:26 a.m. for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $750. Adam Scott Hamilton, Fort Riley, was arrested at 3:06 a.m. for disorderly conduct. Bond was set at $750. To view the daily arrest report from the Riley County Police Department, go to the Collegian Web site,
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The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Shifeng Ruan, titled, “The Development of a Sorghum-Based Master Mix.” It will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Shellenberger 204. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Marilyn Kay Masterson, titled, “Chronic Sorrow in Mothers of Adult Children with Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study.” It will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Campus Creek Complex, Room 214. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Disha Deepak Rupayana, titled, “Developing SENS: Development and Validation of a Student Engagement Scale (SENS).” It will be held Wednesday at 8 a.m. in Bluemont 449. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Carey A. Tresner, titled, “A Case Study to Identify and Describe Instructional Strategies Used in the Eleventh Grade Language Arts Classroom to Assist Disadvantaged Students in Preparing for the State Reading Assessment: A Guide for School Leaders and Eleventh Grade Language Arts Teachers.” It will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. in Bluemont 368. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Walamitien Herve Oyenan, titled, “An Algebraic Framework for Compositional Design of Autonomous and Adaptive Multiagent Systems.” It will be held Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. in Nichols 233.
CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS If you see something that should be corrected or clarified, call news editor Bethaney Wallace at 785-532-6556 or e-mail
The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Scott Patrick Myers, titled, “A Regression Analysis of Six Factors Relative to Student Achievement.” It will be held Wednesday at 10:45 a.m. in Bluemont 257. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Peng Li, titled, “A Vehicle-Based Laser System for Generating High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models.” It will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. in Seaton 133. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Arbin Rajbanshi, titled, “Probing Intermolecular Interactions for Selectivity, Modulation of Physical Properties and Assembly of Molecular Capsules.” It will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. in Hale Library 301. The Graduate School announces the final doctoral dissertation of Kevin Otis Knabe, titled, “Using Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy on AcetyleneFilled Hollow-Core Fibers for Absolute Frequency Measurements.” It will be held Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in Cardwell 119. The Planner is the Collegian’s bulletin board service. To place an item in the Planner, stop by Kedzie 116 and fill out a form or e-mail news editor Bethaney Wallace at by 11 a.m. two days before it is to run. Some items might not appear be cause of space constraints, but are guaranteed to appear on the day of the activity. Confirmation will not be provided.
kansas state collegian The Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2010
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monday, april 26, 2010
kansas state collegian
LGBTQ group’s parade draws about 200 people Saturday
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Photos by Lisle Alderton | Collegian Rally attendees raise awareness in Triangle Park for Saturday’s gay pride parade. The participants displayed an LGBTQ & More Manhattan pride banner to cars passing on Anderson Avenue. Mayra Rivarola | Collegian A rainbow-colored crowd gathered in Aggieville’s Triangle Park Saturday to advocate for gay and gender rights at the first Manhattan gay pride parade. “We say yes to desire, to passion,” said Shireen Roshonaravan, assistant professor of women’s studies and adviser of Ordinary Women. “We say yes to family, love, peace and justice. We may honor all of those to find the pride in our daily lives.” The event attracted about 200 people, a better-thanexpected turnout, said Lukus Ebert, sophomore in microbiology and planning co-chair of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & More group. “It is pretty darn impressive for a first-time event,” said Jonathan Mertz, chairman of the Flint Hills Human Rights Project. “Twenty years ago, I would’ve been terrified to be seen with a crowd like this.” The parade was a success not only to parade participants but also to spectators. “We know there are kids who are still terrified to be seen with us,” Mertz said. “This event is also for them.”
Kathryn Mock, Eva Goff and Troy Wilson (left to right), joke around during the gay pride rally that followed the parade. Coming out is a process that never ends, and groups are there to support and understand each other. The LGBTQ & More campus group was officially formed in August of last year, and this was the first of what will become an annual parade, Ebert said. Samuel Brinton, senior in mechanical engineering and president of the group, talked about the group’s mission to help provide a safe and open environment for everyone at K-State. “We love to rainbow
chalk Bosco Plaza,” he said. “It is glorious.” Other speakers at the event included Alley Stoughton, associate professor in computer and information sciences and adviser of the group, and Sue Gerth, president of the Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays Flint Hills chapter. “I am really excited to about the turnout,” said Hannah Mattocks, sophomore in sociology. “I am excited to see where the progressive future of K-State takes us.”
kansas state collegian
page 4
monday, april 26, 2010
Sticking Around
Add postgraduate education into plan due to economy
Jessica Hensley According to a Nov. 6 CNN article, landing a job in today’s economic climate is akin to getting into Harvard. For K-State’s graduating seniors, this is a scary prospect because, well, we did not get into Harvard. Currently, there is an official national unemployment rate of 10.2 percent, or 15.7 million people. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are only about 2.4 million full-time job openings nationwide. If the 15.7 million officially unemployed workers were to apply for the 2.4 million available jobs, they have only a 16 percent chance of actually landing a job. It’s a scary statistic and, unfortunately for K-State seniors, it gets worse. The official figure of 15.7 million unemployed workers only includes those that have searched for a job in the past month. It excludes those classified as “discouraged” workers, or people who have been unemployed for an extended period of time. If the “discouraged” workers are included in the figure, the unemployment rate reaches 13 percent, or 21.3 million. The official figure for the unemployed also fails to include those who only work part-time jobs because they cannot find full-time employment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, if these people are also included in the national number of unemployed workers, we reach 19.2 percent, or 30.6 million people. The chances of one of the 30.6 million snagging one of the 2.4 million available full-time jobs is 8 percent. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the same chance a high school senior has of getting into Harvard University. Today’s job market is scary — especially for those of us entering it for the first time. Sure, the economy is predicted to improve, but it will not be in time for this year’s (or next year’s) graduation. College students, now more than ever, need to look to the future and make a plan, because the next few years are not going to be easy for us or for the country. The simplest solution, for now, is stay in school and wait it out. Stretching yourself to graduate this spring? Consider taking another semester as a victory lap. Not
Illustration by Whitney Blandel only will you be able to ease up your schedule for this spring, thus giving you a better chance at academic success, but you will also buy yourself another semester or two of time. Already taken a victory lap (or three)? Apply to grad school. Or law school. Or vet school. Any sort of postgraduate education will serve you well, both in the short term by keeping you out of the shark-infested waters of today’s job market, and in the long term.
If you must, be bold and start hunting for a job. But be prepared. Make these last couple semesters your most academically successful. Drop by Career and Employment Services and polish up your resumé. There are jobs out there, but you have to be sure you are absolutely the best candidate available. If we are lucky, the economy will bounce back quickly and the job market with it, but college students need to prepare themselves for the challenging conditions they might
be faced with. As a nation, we are facing tough times, and it is up to us to find a way to get through it. This is not all bad news, of course, as the poor economy may help in producing a more educated America as college students choose grad school over immediate employment (or unemployment, as the case might be). Jessica Hensley is a senior in political science. Please send comments to
US needs to protect border, keep services from illegal immigrants
Danny Davis We let them come here, we give them medical care, education, food stamps and a driver’s license. There’s a small problem though. They are not here legally. Illegal immigrants from Mexico have plagued our country with crime and debt. Often when they are arrested for a crime and deported, they return and commit crime again. In one Arizona county jail, 30 percent of the inmates are illegal immigrants, according to And, according to, taxpayers in California pay over $10 billion every year to support the health
needs of illegal immigrants. Recently, Robert Krentz, an Arizona rancher, was murdered after telling his brother, via radio, that he was helping someone he thought to be an illegal immigrant. The murder of a U.S. citizen is not the only problem we face because of an open border. Drug cartels smuggle with ease across our border. Without sufficient border enforcement, drugs will continue to be smuggled into the U.S., where they will be sold to our nation’s youth. Also, as drug smugglers are kept in business, it allows them to support their skirmishes against the Mexican government. Recently, a law was passed by the Arizona government that will require state police to ask people if they are legal citizens and will also allow them to arrest people who they believe are in the U.S. illegally. This is a step in the right direction as it gives more power to law enforcement. It is a shame that it took the death of a U.S. citizen to bring about a crackdown in
the enforcement of our border. Our border states were fed up long before the incident. It is time for the federal government to take initiative and help defend our border as it is tasked to do in the Constitution. Article IV, Section IV states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.” Many would argue that the states should use their National Guard militias to defend their own borders. Sen. John McCain of Arizona argues that it is a federal responsibility, however, and that the state of Arizona is too broke to supply its own troops. California is not much better off as it struggles with its own border crisis. As I am from Texas, I have perhaps a stronger passion against illegal immigration, as I saw firsthand the effects it has. This is an issue that has gone on for far too long and needs a remedy. The United States’ economy cannot handle more debt accrued by providing services for illegal immigrants,
some services that legal citizens do not even enjoy. Furthermore, crime and drugs are proving detrimental to society. The answer to fix the border problem is twofold. First, we must stop giving away free services to illegals. If they know that they cannot receive free services, it will reduce the benefits of coming to the U.S. Second, the federal government must position troops along the federal border. According to the Constitution, it is a duty of the federal government to defend the states, and it would be nice to see it do so. We all are burdened with the cost of illegal immigration, regardless of whether we live in a border state. We deal with the debt it imposes on our nation and the problems it inflicts upon society. Border reform is necessary, but it should not have taken this long to be realized. Danny Davis is a freshman in journalism and mass communications. Please send comments to
Standing up for self, beliefs builds confidence collegian kansas
Jillian Aramowicz I got my first detention when I was 11. There was a girl in my class who was notorious among her peers for having a bad temper and a few behavioral problems. One day at lunch, this girl, whom we will call Suzie for the sake of anonymity, was picking on a friend of mine, who in her pre-teen years was very self-conscious about her acne. Suzie started calling my friend names from across the table. I asked her to please stop it, especially since my friend was on the verge of tears. Unfortunately, Suzie did not stop, continuing to yell at my friend even when we were walking outside. In a moment of frustration, I lost my 11-year-old sense
of discipline and marched up to Suzie in the freezing weather and dumped my Styrofoam cup of water on her head. I got my first detention. I was banned from Styrofoam cups for the rest of the year. I was literally banned from Styrofoam, I still find this incredibly funny. I had to explain to the office why sweet little 4.0 Jill, who was known more for her spelling bees than her disciplinary upsets, dumped a cup of water on Suzie’s head. “Was it worth it?” The 7:30 a.m. detention monitor asked me. Yup. Here is what I learned from that scenario: it really pays to be able to hold your own in a tough situation. There are far too many people who do not stick up for themselves anymore. I would not recommend picking a fight with everyone who annoys you, but I find that a big problem young adults face is dealing with personal adversity and the stigma caused by their peers. Why is it that we let people push us around sometimes for no good reason? There is something to be said for the person who came up with the
phrase “enough is enough.” Sure, those are good words to live by, but how effective is that concept in real-life situations? We all have times when someone has the power simply to push us to our thresholds of sanity, and if yelling “Enough!” does not get the job done, then what will? Somehow I think the reason we let ourselves end up as scapegoats or pushovers is because we have previously shown behaviors or given signals that it is OK for someone to treat us like that. If somebody were heckling or bothering your little sister or your mother, would you simply stand by and let them continue? For most people, I would assume the answer is probably no. I would not go so far as to say that humans are all empathetic beings, although many of them are, but when someone you deeply care for is being personally attacked, there is no way any good, upstanding citizen would not intervene. By nature, we tend to guard and protect the ones we love, but in contrast, by nurture, we are taught to be guarded with our impulses and emotions.
I do not mean to say we are necessarily taught to wait for someone else to come and resolve our problems, but rather we are expected to maintain a sense of dignity and follow certain social norms that we learn at a young age. How many times did you hear the phrase “Just walk away from the bully” when you were a child? Although that might work in fourth grade, in our adult lives, I believe that walking away, many times, is also an invitation for you to be walked upon. There will always be situations that are not worth the time and effort of putting up a fight, but there are too many instances in work, in school and in any sort of relationship that could become healthier if we all vocalized what we really believe is right. If for nothing but the sake of our own individual dignity, I urge everyone to start building personal confidence and start breaking a few social norms now and then.
The Collegian welcomes your letters to the editor. They can be submitted by e-mail to, or in person to Kedzie 116. Please include your full name, year in school and major. Letters should be limited to 350 words. All submitted letters might be edited for length and clarity.
Jillian Aramowicz is a sophomore in journalism and mass communications. Please send comments to
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kansas state collegian
monday, april 26, 2010
page 5
Classic Tale
Performance provides insight to ‘Cinderella’ Tiara Williams | Collegian “Cinderella” was seen like never before last night in McCain Auditorium. The McCain Performance Series brought the Moscow Festival Ballet to entertain the 876 attendees with the three-act ballet. Act I took place in Cinderella’s house, where the tale of Cinderella starts. The Father is unable to cope with Cinderella looking like her mother. The stepmother commands Cinderella to clean her room, while the two ugly sisters tease her then make preparations for the palace ball. Upon their departure, the Fairy Godmother comes in, and after making magical changes — voila! — Cinderella has a beautiful dress, glass slippers and a ride to the ball. Act II took place at the palace. This is where all the women of Cinderella’s stepfamily fight for the Prince’s attention, though Cinderella is the one who wins it. They dance the night away and fall in love, but the clock strikes midnight and Cinderella hurries out, leaving behind a glass slipper, which the Prince picks it up. During the following intermission, Carolyn Tolliver-Lee, resident of Junction City and K-State alumna, expressed her feelings about the show, saying she had never been to a ballet before, so she saw this as an opportunity to cross something off her bucket list. “I had to go back and read a synopsis of ‘Cinderella,’” Tolliver-Lee admitted. “It has been so long, but I love the arts and have been watching
stuff here and at Nichols for 25 years. This was great.” For Act III, the cast returned to complete the ballet at Cinderella’s house. In search of the owner of the glass slipper, the Prince has the stepmother and her daughters try the shoe on. As much as they try, the slipper does not fit. Then the Prince notices Cinderella and wants her to try on the shoe. When its match falls out of her pocket, the Prince asks for Cinderella’s hand in marriage and she becomes a princess, forgiving her stepmother and sisters for their wrongdoings. Through the art of dance, this classic story came to life. Marianna Chemalina and by Maria Klueva danced the role of Cinderella, while Ruslan Mukhambetkaliev and Alexandr Daev played the role of the Prince. Surprising to the audience but loved for the facial expressions provided, the stepmother was played by two men, Alexandr Daev and Evgeny Rudakov. Keely Kridner, a child attending the show with Caroline Kridner, senior in psychology, laughed each time they danced on stage. She said the ballet was really good. “I liked the ugly stepsisters when they were acting funny,” Kridner said. “That’s it.” Jorge Mendoza, senior in biology, also said the ballet was really good, but had a suggestion. “At the beginning of each scene, they should tell the audience what it is about,” he said. “Other than that, it was really good. I was amazed by
photos by Matt Binter | Collegian
Above: Dancer Marianna Chemalina plays Cinderella in the full-length ballet performance in McCain Auditorium Sunday evening. Above left: Cinderella looks on as the dance master leads her stepmother in the first act of the McCain Performance Series “Cinderella.” the flexibility.” Because it was a ballet and not a play, some aspects of the tale were different and confused the audience. Tolliver-Lee did not realize a man, Tolev Mukanov, repre-
sented the clock in the traditional story. She was expecting a clock to drop down during the ball, not Mukanov doing a jump kick to resemble the strike of midnight on the clock. She also did not under-
stand that the men carrying Cinderella on their shoulders was equivalent to her coach and horse, in place of an actual pumpkin transformation. Drifting smoke, gorgeous costumes and the bouncing of
Artists use hip-hop music in different way Writers share work Heather Scott | Collegian Bass echoed throughout Bosco Student Plaza on Friday as Workers of Wisdom, a campus student ministry, sponsored a free hiphop concert, “Hip Hop n’ Rebellion.” The event sought to abolish the cultural norm of sex, drugs, and violence in hip-hop music, turning instead to music centered on worship and praise. Several artists performed, including Dre Sr, This’l, R-Swift and Cliff Watkins. These artists certainly did not lack a wealth of bold statements in their rhymes. “Maybe I ain’t got shot enough times / Maybe I don’t sell enough dope in my rhymes ... or maybe I just got too much Christ in my rhymes,” Dre Sr sang. “I been a kid once, already owned a Big Wheel,” Dre Sr said, leading to laughter from the audience. These rhymes portrayed the vast majority of hip-hop artists today as immature. “Hip Hop n’ Rebellion” reaches out to those who enjoy the beat of hip-hop in today’s culture, but not necessarily the message, said Amber Tyler, an attendee of the event. Tyler was accompanied by several friends, who said they are all Christians and fully support the event’s efforts. The attendees
Matt Binter | Collegian
R-Swift, Christian rapper with Rhyme Council Music, raps on a stage outside the K-State Student Union Friday afternoon. were mostly ecstatic about the cause, dancing and singing along to the rhymes. Cliff Watkins, president of Workers of Wisdom, worked the sound system and helped coordi-
nate the event. Watkins was enthusiastic about the event’s turnout. “We’re not concerned with how many people show up,” Watkins said. “We just do what God put on our hearts to do, and we realize that just one person walking by may be influenced by our music and our message, and that’s enough.” Support for the event stems from far beyond the Manhattan area, he said. Some artists traveled from as far as Kansas City or St. Louis to perform, places where the Hip-Hop Rebellion is also underway. Crystal Williams, vice president of Workers of Wisdom, talked about the event’s beginnings as a Bible study group. Williams said the Bible study group started meeting a few years ago on a wintry Sunday night when a close group of students could not get to church because of the snow. This group grew and began reaching out to the AfricanAmerican community in particular, Williams said. The group is open to anyone, but especially caters to the African-American community, whereas other campus ministries might not. In addition, the hip-hop music attracts attention from those in the K-State community.
Friday in performance Heather Scott | Collegian
Darkly clothed writers came together Friday night at The Dusty Bookshelf for “They Only Come at Night,” an event that encourages aspiring artists to perform their pieces. Many of the writers, who dressed to fit the event title, shared their talents for the first time. “A lot of people who are sharing tonight, [this is] their first time they’ve ever even done anything in public, or spoken out loud the things they’ve written,” said Cody Hill, one of the three emcees for the night. The event attracted a variety of writers, one of whom, Michael Mlekoday, is a graduate student in creative writing at K-State. Among many singer-songwriters accompanied by acoustic guitar, Mlekoday took home first place for the freestyle category. “My piece is just about the power of beliefs, and as you get older, not to stop believing in things,” said Mlekoday, who performed without
acoustic accompaniment. His piece, which struck a chord with the crowd, detailed the power of a child’s beliefs and how those beliefs are stifled by modern society as one grows older. Mlekoday was one of many performers clustered in the backstage alleyway of The Dusty Bookshelf Friday night. The audience, having exhausted the supply of chairs, crammed in among the bookshelves to listen to the artists. Hill considered the event a success. “They’ve been doing it the last two years,” he said. “A lot of people have come out, and they’ve raised a lot of money.” The annual event benefits not only local writers, but also the local campaign Project: Self-Esteem, which brings 5th- to 12thgrade women together in a series of workshops. This series is designed to educate young women about their inner beauty and teach them to appreciate themselves as they are.
kansas state collegian
page 6
monday, april 26, 2010
Stepping Up
men’s golf
Coffman’s leadership shines in Spring Game Ashley Dunkak | Collegian What many anticipated to be a showcase of competing quarterbacks Carson Coffman and Collin Klein turned out to be a one-man show as Coffman completed 38 of 51 passes for 440 yards and seven touchdowns in the Purple/White Game on Saturday. Coffman, who started four games last season before being replaced by then-senior Grant Gregory, looked like a completely different player from the one fans remember from September 2009. “Our offense took over 2,000 reps in the course of 14 practices leading up to the Spring Game, and he had over half of them, so that’s about 1,500 opportunities that he had to improve his performance level,” coach Bill Snyder said. Klein, however, was sidelined by what Snyder would only refer to as a “slight injury.” The Purple team led 38-0 at halftime, and the scores were reversed, but the Purple team managed to erase its deficit and come out on top at 41-38 after a lastsecond touchdown by fullback Braden Wilson. Wide receiver Brodrick Smith had four touchdown receptions, while Wilson had two touchdowns: one on a run and one on a catch. Receivers Tramaine Thompson and Aubrey Quarles and running backs William Powell and John Hubert
Stephanie Carr | Collegian
Troy Butler, senior defensive back, returns an interception for a touchdown during the Spring Game Saturday evening at Snyder Family Stadium. scored for the offense as well. Defensive back Troy Butler had an interception return for a touchdown. Maybe even more notable than Coffman’s pass completions was his play calling. He called the plays for the duration of the game, and he played nearly all of it. “They didn’t want me to be conservative,” Coffman said. “They told me to just call whatever you want, score as many points as possible, and we were down in the second half, so we had to pass.”
Center Wade Weibert said he thinks Coffman is very confident right now and said the team took the next step today. He said Coffman was an example for that. “He stepped it up as both a player and a leader, and I think a lot of that might have had to do with that he knows now that he’s captain again, and so he knows he has to be in a leadership role,” Weibert said. “You could feel it in the huddle too. He commanded the respect, he commanded the attention, and when
he called a play, he called it so confidently that it’s like, ‘OK, this is going to go right now.’ As an offensive lineman, that’s what you want in a quarterback.” Coffman credited the offensive line for getting him lots of time to throw the ball and the receivers for making plays. He also said he felt comfortable and confident on the field. “I went out and had a pretty good day today, and I think I proved to the coaches and my teammates that I’m ready to lead this team,” Coffman said.
women’s golf
Wildcats place 5th in Big 12 tourney Tyler Scott | Collegian The men’s golf team left everything out on the course and played strong, scoring its way to a fifth-place finish at the Big 12 Championship. The Wildcats carded an 11 over par and finished eight strokes ahead of the Baylor Bears. Head coach Tim Norris said he saw many positive things on the course. “We were fairly consistent where we had some good team scores,” Norris said. “This is a very strong conference, and there was a stretch of holes that gave every team problems. “Overall I was pleased from tee to green, where the putting and chipping was good, but it landed us in fifth.” Oklahoma State won the tournament with a score of 19 under par, while Missouri and Kansas finished in 11th and 12th places, respectively, with scores of 53 over par and 58 over par. Texas A&M and Texas finished second and third. The Aggies carded a 6 under par, while the Longhorns scored 4 under par. K-State was led by senior Joe Ida’s five birdies in the final round, as he finished in a fourway tie for eighth place with a score of even. Senior Mitchell Gregson recorded seven birdies in the second round leading to a score of 4 under par. He and freshman Curtis Yonke each tied for 15th, carding a 3 over par. Senior Joe Kinney and freshman Ben Juffer rounded out the rest of the squad. Kinney scored a 6 over par, finishing tied for 22nd, while Juffer carded a 29 over par, placing in 59th place out of 60 golfers. “Ida played very well while making the alltournament team also,” Norris said. “These tournaments have long days, but I was proud of all the players keeping with it, which was key.” Chris Ward of Texas Tech was the individual winner scoring a 10-under par. Like Gregson, he also had seven birdies in the second round of the tournament. K-State now waits to hear if it will play in the NCAA Regionals next month. The team will find out if it continues its season on May 10, and Norris said his team’s chances are looking up. “We did well in these last two tournaments, but a lot has to do with the other conference championships and at-large bids,” Norris said. “What we’ve already accomplished with the effort has been tremendous, and I think we
K-State finishes Team drops doubleheader at Missouri 10th in Oklahoma Blake Thorson | Collegian
Ashley Dunkak | Collegian After a promising start in the Big 12 Women’s Golf Championship on Friday and Saturday, the K-State team had difficulty on Sunday and finished 10th in the tournament with a 58-over-par 922 total for three rounds. Texas A&M, Oklahoma State and Texas took first, second and third place, respectively. Senior Morgan Moon tied for 18th place, and senior Abbi Sunner tied for 20th place. Junior Emily Houtz tied for 30th place; freshman Hanna Roos took 48th place, and sophomore Ami Storey tied for 55th place. “The ladies played great the first two rounds,” head coach Kristi Knight said. “Today was a disappointment. Today didn’t work out the way we had planned. But that’s golf, and the younger players; it’s an opportunity to be stronger and to be better the next time.” She said she was proud of seniors Moon and Sunner for their leadership. By placing 18th and 20th, respectively, in their last college tournament, the ladies combined for 20 top-20 finishes in their careers. The team struggled in the final round; four of the players shot over 80, as opposed to the first two rounds, when only one player shot 80 or over each round. The team score Sunday was 34-over-par 322. “It was a tough day for the ladies,” Knight stated in a press release. “Abbi played well and her back went out on the back nine to where she could barely turn, but she fought her way in. We have an opportunity to be better and mentally stronger next season because of this experience.” K-State followed a 15-over-par 303 in the first round with a 9-over-par 297 on Saturday to jump to third place going into the last day of competition. The 297 marked the best round the women have played all spring. “The girls did a great job today,” Knight stated in a press release about the second round. “The wind was up all day, but Morgan and Abbi were solid and played through it.” After the first round, which took place Friday, K-State was in sixth place, with Moon and Houtz in the top 10. “We had a solid start and played very well on the front nine,” Knight stated in a press release about the first round. “We lost a few shots on the back nine, but I am proud of the ladies.”
The weather was gloomy all weekend in Columbia, Mo., and a rain-shortened, two-game series also turned out gloomy for the K-State baseball team. The Wildcats (27-10, 9-5 Big 12 Conference) dropped both games of a Sunday doubleheader and hurt its chances to catch No. 3-ranked Texas for the Big 12 lead. The Longhorns recorded their 14th-straight Big 12 win Sunday to complete a three-game sweep of Oklahoma State. After two days of heavy showers in Columbia forced the series to be shortened to two games, the teams finally got play underway Sunday and Missouri took game one by a score of 4-2. The Tigers got 7.2 solid innings from starter Nick Tepesch (4-3) and pushed across two first-inning runs en route to victory. Senior starter Ryan Daniel lasted only 2.1 innings and was charged with two runs on five hits with two walks and one strikeout. The loss dropped Daniel’s record to 5-2 on the season. The Wildcats got a single run in the top half of the fourth inning to cut the lead to 2-1 as junior Kent Urban drilled an RBI-double to left field to score sophomore Nick Martini. However, the Tigers tacked on two more runs in the bottom of the inning off of junior reliever Thomas Rooke to push their lead to three. That was more than enough for Tepesch, who limited K-State to only one run despite allowing six walks. Urban picked up another RBI in the ninth inning, but it was not enough as freshman Blair DeBord struck out against Missouri closer Jeff Emens to end the game. Senior Adam Muenster and Martini each recorded two hits and Muenster extended his team-leading hitting streak to 18 games. In game two, K-State was unable
Nathaniel LaRue | Collegian
Sophomore Jake Brown bunts the ball during the Nebraska game April 11. K-State won the game and the series, however the team fell to Missouri on Sunday, losing two games. to overcome a combined 12 walks allowed by its pitching staff and dropped an extra-inning thriller 9-8 on a walkoff single by Missouri’s Dane Opel. Once again, the Wildcats struggled on the mound as starter Kyle Hunter (7-0) went only 3.1 innings and gave up four runs on four hits while walking a season-high five batters. Hunter kept his perfect record intact, as he did not factor in the decision. Trailing 2-0 after three innings, the Wildcats took their first lead of the day when they hung four runs on Missouri starter Brad Buehler with a little help from the Missouri defense. K-State used doubles from the hot-hitting Urban and sophomore Matt Giller and two Tiger errors to plate three runs, while Muenster added an RBI-single to extend his hitting streak to 19 games. Hunter could not hold the two-run advantage as Mizzou got two more runs off the sophomore left-hander and added another run off sophomore Justin Lindsey in the home half of the fourth inning. K-State scored two runs in the sixth inning to take a 7-6 lead on junior Cart-
er Jurica’s two-run single and held the lead until the bottom of the ninth when sophomore closer James Allen blew his first save of the season after a leadoff walk led to a game-tying RBI sacrifice bunt. In the 10th, Martini gave the Wildcats the lead once again as he hammered an RBI-double to plate sophomore Jake Brown. Muenster was thrown out on the play attempting to score from first base to end the inning. Another leadoff walk doomed the Wildcats in the bottom of the 10th as sophomore Evan Marshall walked the first hitter he faced before recording two outs. After a single and a walk loaded the bases, Opel rapped the first pitch he saw from Marshall up the middle for a walkoff two-run single. Muenster recorded three hits for K-State and also added a stolen base while Martini, Urban and sophomore Mike Kindel also had two hits each. The Wildcats are scheduled to resume play tomorrow night against Chicago State at 6:30 p.m. at Tointon Family Stadium.
Track and field
Ramos, Stoakes shine for Wildcats at 101st Drake Relays Justin Nutter | Collegian During her four years in a KState uniform, senior distance runner Beverly Ramos has enjoyed a storied career. The native of Puerto Rico can now add another bullet to her list of accomplishments. Ramos earned a first-place finish in the women’s 3,000-meter steeplechase and broke her own school record in the process, crossing the finish line in 10:15.43 on Thursday at the 101st Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa. She needed
every ounce of energy she had to improve her personal best, as she surpassed her previous mark by just .13 seconds. Fellow distance runner Martina Tresch, a freshman, also enjoyed some success in the event. She finished second behind Ramos with a time of 10:20.82, which improved her personal best by nearly eight seconds. That success carried over into Friday as several Wildcats posted top-10 finishes in both track and field events. Freshman Sara Stoakes
was the story of the day for K-State, as she won the women’s 800-meter. Her top time of 2:06.15 edged the second-place finisher — DePaul’s Mary Cate Quiett — by just .62 seconds and ranks fourth in school history. Arguably the Wildcats’ best allaround performance came on the final day of action, as K-State combined for six top-five finishes on Saturday. The day was highlighted by a victory in a relay race that head coach Cliff Rovelto referred to as unique.
Jeffrey Julmis, Balazs Baji, Moritz Cleve and Mantas Silkauskas teamed up to take part in the men’s shuttle hurdle, a four-legged relay competition in which each athlete runs a 110-meter hurdle. The team won the preliminary round with a time of 58.92 seconds and improved that time to 57.38 seconds in the finals to take home the event title. K-State’s women also enjoyed some success in Saturday’s relay action as sophomore Boglarka Bozzay teamed up with Stoakes,
Tresch and Ramos for the 4x1600. The tandem finished fourth in the event with a time of 19:19.48. Julmis and Baji competed individually in the 110-meter hurdle and finished second and third, respectively. Julmis set a personal record, finishing in 13.76 seconds and ranking third in school history. K-State will return to action on May 1 when it hosts the Ward Haylett Invitational in Manhattan. The tournament marks K-State’s only home competition of the 2010 outdoor season.
monday, april 26, 2010
kansas state collegian
page 7
‘Next Big Thing’ concludes A Bit of Light Reading
Sara Manco | Collegian
Zack Pistora, senior in political science and leadership studies, proposes his idea for a Manhattan community card in the services portion of the “Next Big Thing” competition. Austin Enns | Collegian The K-State Alumni Center hosted an awards banquet Friday night for the “Next Big Thing,” in which students competed to develop entrepreneurial plans. Students competed for money while gaining experience in the second-annual competition. Jeff Hornsby, director of the Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship, said that more than 150 students were involved this year in the three-month-long competition and that 30 feasibility plans were turned into the judges. The plans were spread out over three divisions: graduate, product and service. “They were evaluated on the quality of the plans, market feasibility, plan feasibility and finally they were screened on trying to sell their plans to the judges,” Hornsby said. Contestants’ plans had to pass through three rounds, and after deciding which plans were the best prepared, the top six from each division moved into the semifinals. Semifinal rounds were different from the first round of the “Next Big Thing” because the contestants gave presentations to three leaders in the local business community. After the semifinal round, the best three teams in each division moved into the final round where they gave their presentations for the last time to four business leaders.
Steven Coen, sophomore in marketing and entrepreneurship and creator of, said he gave his presentation seven or eight times, so it was much easier to present in the final round. Coen participated in the service division and said he spent 50 or 60 hours perfecting his idea. “My favorite part was just doing it and getting a feel for what it would be like in the real world to start a company,” Coen said. First place in each division received $3,000, followed by $2,000 for second place and $1,000 for third place. Chad Jackson, outreach coordinator for the Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship, said the students involved in the competition came from all over campus, but that they had come a long way in developing their ideas. Before any feasibility plans were developed or any speeches were written, students first had the option to attend six different seminars on entrepreneurship to get an idea about how to start a business. Jackson said he enjoyed getting to help students with their presentations. “I love it. One of the greatest things is that the students have such passion for their ideas, and it is so much fun to work with them,” Jackson said. took first place in the service division, while in the product division, first went to F & F Solutions. The winning graduate plan was Freshwheelz.
Show blends colors, love Austin Enns | Collegian Girls, guys and gorgeous vocals were all on display Friday night when the KState Singers performed its annual spring show at a packed McCain Auditorium. This group of nonmusic majors showed off its singing prowess under the theme of “Colors of Love.” Chris Zimmerman, freshman in open option, is one of the 18 K-State Singers who performed on Friday night. Zimmerman said the singers normally practice for two hours every weekday to learn the show. Even though parts of the show are performed throughout the semester for different groups, McCain is the only place where the whole show is performed. “Just getting the chance to perform onstage at McCain is exciting, and to do it with such a talented cast made it that much better,” Zimmerman said. The night started with a long video that parodied the Blues Brothers and including all the singers and the two members of the band. Different members of the group were collected in the video by the “Blues Brothers” for one last show. Trent Shrader, sophomore in pre-veterinary medicine, said he enjoyed getting to watch an unusual start to a music show. “The introduction was really creative,” Shrader said. “The whole show was really great, but I really enjoyed the beginning.” Love was the theme of the first half of
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the songs, and after intermission all the songs had a color theme. “Love Song” by Sara Bareilles, “Black Horse and a Cherry Tree” by KT Tunstall and even “It’s Not Easy Being Green” made famous by Kermit the Frog from the Muppets were some of the highlights of the performance. For “It’s Not Easy Being Green,” one of the K-State Singers sang and played the piano, while another member hid behind the piano and operated a Kermit puppet while impersonating the famous frog’s voice. For the second half of the show, a color was displayed on the back of the stage that matched the color being sung about by the singers. Zimmerman said that originally the colors section of the show was supposed to be first and the video was supposed to be played at the very end, but that the directors decided to switch up the order on the day of the show . John Brant, freshman in theater, said he enjoyed watching the singers’ performance. “I thought it was very good and very enjoyable to sit and watch. It was very relaxing,” Brant said. “My favorite songs were the ones they did together, but the best nongroup performance was ‘It’s Your Love’ by Tim McGraw, because it was very intimate and I felt like I was watching something I was not supposed to see.”
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Photos by Matt Binter | Collegian
Saturday was Library Card Day at the Manhattan Public Library. Elementary students came to receive a free book for showing their own library cards. Available books ranged from simple children’s books to chaptered novels.
monday, april 26, 2010
kansas state collegian
page 8
military | Actor travels to entertain troops around world Continued from Page 1 to keep coming back,” Sinise said. “I know it’s important when there is some consistency with the entertainers, because I know that means something to the troops.” This is the second year in a row the band has come to entertain at Fort Riley. Sgt. Jeremy Dieter, who Matt Binter | collegian had the opportunity to Pvt. First Class Broughton watches the Lt. Dan Band during its spend some time with soundcheck before the concert Friday afternoon at Fort Riley. Sinise and the band dur-
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ing a show in Iraq, said Sinise is one of the most down-to-earth people he has ever met. “He’s a big morale builder,” Dieter said. “He cares about the soldiers and shows it.” Six years ago, Sinise also co-founded an organization with author Laura Hillenbrand to give children supplies for their schools. Operation International Children, originally Operation Iraqi Children, is a
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kansas state collegian
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Help Wanted kathouse now hiring wait staff. Applications available at 1111 Moro. 785‑539‑5408.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
“August Pre‑Leasing” Several units available June/ August. Most units less than ten years old, energy efficient apartments. Washer/ dryer included in most units. $300 to $350 per bedroom. Please call for details 785‑776‑2102.
FIVE TO ROOM, homes! very nice. ties and Call Tony 6000.
EIGHT‑BEDBeautiful Very cute, Many amenipet friendly. at 785‑341‑
T H R EE‑BE D R O O M . CLOSE to campus. Central air, dishwasher, laundry in complex. No pets. 785‑537‑1746 or 785‑539‑1545.
four, five, six‑bedroom houses. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance Property Management today. 785‑539‑2300
f o u r‑ b e droom . CLOSE to campus, dishwasher, central air, laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑539‑0866.
two and three‑ bedroom, close to campus, spacious. Dishwasher, central air, laundry facility. No pets. Call 785‑539‑0866.
1100 KEARNEY five‑ bedroom, two bath two blocks to campus. Washer/ dryer, dishwasher, off‑street parking. June 1. 785‑ 317‑7713.
1507 Denison, across from campus. Four‑bedroom, two bath, washer/ dryer, trash, water paid. No TWO, THREE AND pets. 316‑721‑0622 or four‑bedroom. VERY 316‑210‑6312. close to campus. Washer/ dryer, air, Au- APM. one, two, three, gust lease. $300 per four, five, six‑bedroom person. 785‑776‑2100 houses and apartor 785‑556‑2233. ments. Great locations and pet friendly. Call t w o‑ b e droom , Alliance Propavailable August, erty Management washer/ dryer, no today. 785‑539‑2300 pets, no smoking. Across from City Park. $660. 785‑539‑0222.
F O U R ‑BE D R O O M , cute home! Two to three bathrooms, well kept, many amenities, campus location. Call Tony at 785‑341‑6000.
1125 Ratone. Four‑ bedroom two bath. Close to campus. Washer/ dryer. $300/ bedroom. Available August 1. 785‑313‑1773.
NEW ONE, two, threebedrooms. Near campus/ Aggieville. Granite, stainless steel, washer/ dryer, walk‑in closets, pool, theatre, pet 1860 Anderson friendly. www.twinrent.T w o‑ b e droom com. 785‑537‑2096. apartments. Walk TWO, AND to campus. Excellent one, condition, www.rentk- T H R EE‑BE D R O O M Excellent 785‑447‑ apartments. condition. Next to cam0183. pus. Washer/ dryer, a very nice two‑bed- central air, private parkroom, one bath apart- ing. No pets. 785‑537‑ ment. Two blocks to 7050. campus. Washer/ dryer, central air, off‑street one, two, three‑ apartparking. 1016 Bertrand. bedroom ments. Some close to Doug: 785‑313‑5573. campus. No pets. Call august pre‑Leas- 785‑250‑2617 or 785‑ ing. Four‑bedroom, en- 580‑7444. ergy efficient spacious apartments. Two bath, O N E‑BE D R O O M washer/ dryer, close to APARTMENT. Furcampus. 785‑776‑2102, nished/ unfurnished. Half‑block to camAugust Pre‑Leas- pus. Private parking, seing. Three‑bedroom, curity lights. Laundry on‑ two bath. Washer/ site. No pets. Available dryer. Energy efficient, August. 785‑537‑7050. spacious apartment. 820 Moro. 785‑776‑ on e ‑ b e droom . June/ 2102, www.wilksapts.- Available July/ August. No com. pets/ smoking. Call 785‑ Brand new! ONE 776‑3184. and TWO‑BEDROOM. SPECIAL! Half‑block east of cam- SIGNING pus. Washer/ dryer, Available May 1. 1106 dishwasher, mi- Bluemont. Two‑bedcrowave, private park- room, one bath. No ing. Available August. pets. Call for viewing. 785‑539‑4283. No pets. 785‑537‑7050.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Roommate Wanted
five‑bedroom HOUSES (two kitchens). Several locations, close to campus, washer/ dryer provided. June and August leases. Call Caden 620‑ 242‑3792.
six‑bedrooms (TWO kitchens). Remodeled house, very nice, close to campus, central air, washer/ dryer provided. 620‑ 242‑3792.
two female roommates wanted for August lease. 1530 Jarvis. Four‑bedroom, two bath. Washer/ dryer. $375/ bedroom plus utilities. 785‑742‑3833.
four‑bedroom HOUSE. 910 Moro. Washer/ dryer, off‑ street parking. June lease. 785‑539‑5800.
F OUR ‑ BEDROOM HOUSES close to campus and Aggieville. No pets. Contact John at 785‑313‑7473 or
F o u r ‑ BEDROOM , TWO bath duplex. 913 Colorado. Great condition, $1100/ month. Available in August. Call Brad for details 913‑484‑7541.
Rent-Houses 1334 FreMONT four‑bedroom, two Fireplace, across City Park and gieville. August 785‑313‑3984.
three bath. from Aglease.
1507 Denison, across from campus. Four‑bedroom, two bath, washer/ dryer, trash, water paid. No pets. 316‑721‑0622 or 316‑ 210‑6312. APM. one, two, three, four, five, six‑bedroom houses and apartments. Great locations and pet friendly. Call Alliance Property Management today. 785‑539‑ 2300 Beautiful, New, and remodeled four‑bedroom, two‑ three bath homes. 3605 Everett; 3609, 3611 Monarch Circle; 1614 Pierre. Various rates and availability. 785‑304‑0387.
four‑bedroom THREE bath house located on Thurston. Newly re‑done kitchen, large backyard, parking available in back. Close to campus and Aggieville. Available July 1. $1600/ month. Call 310‑710‑0040.
Three blocks from campus. 1420 Vista. Four‑bedroom, two bath, two car garage, central air conditioning, washer/ dryer, dishwasher, $1400/ month, August 1 lease. 913‑ 558‑2498.
one and two‑bedroom. Washer/ dryer. Private parking. Updated dishwasher. August lease. $350/ bedroom. 785‑313‑3788. seven and eight‑bedroom houses (two kitchens). Close to campus and Aggieville. Central air, washer/ dryer provided. Call Caden 620‑242‑3792.
May‑jULY. Four‑bedroom house. Near CiCo Park. For three or four people. Price negotiable. No pets. No t h r e e ‑ b e d r o o m . smoking. 785‑539‑0866. ONE bath. Central air and heat. One‑car garage. $1000/ month. 1705 Winne Street. s u b l e as e r s Available July. 785‑485‑ needed for June‑ 2079 after 6 p.m. July. Three‑bedroom, two bath apartment. t w o ‑ b e d r o o m . $285/ room/ month. UtilHalf block from cam- ities not included. Text pus. Washer/ dryer and or call 913‑558‑1701. off‑street parking. Trash paid. No pets. $680/ month. Available June Summer Sublease, 1. 785‑341‑3765. two‑bedroom apartment. Central heating and air, on‑site laundry, weight room, pool. Sale-Houses $600 plus electric. Call 620‑583‑2114.
THREE Blocks from KSU. Four‑bedroom/ two bath. 1420 Vista Lane. Two car garage, central air, all appliances included. Large bedrooms. $180,000 913‑558‑2498 or by F OUR ‑ BEDROOM owner. TWO bathroom with a double car garage and walk‑out basement in a quiet neighborhood. Roommate Wanted $1300/ month. 785‑587‑ female house9000. mates wanted, for furnished three‑bedroom NEW LISTING. Avail- house. Available June. able June. Three‑bed- $300/ month. Utilities room house located at paid. 785‑537‑4947. 1404 Hartford. Washer/ dryer, central air, fenced yard, garage. r o o m m a t e s $900/ month plus utili- needed: Several locaavailable now. ties, lease and deposit. tions June/ August. We are 785‑539‑3672. helping our fine tenants find roommates. 785‑ NICE House on 1010 776‑2102, www.wilkLeavenworth. June lease. Four‑bedroom $1000/ month. Off‑ street parking, washer and dryer. Very clean. Daytime 785‑292‑4320, nights 785‑292‑4342. NOW LEASING: One, two, three, four, and five‑bedroom houses and apartments for June and August. 785‑ 539‑8295.
Spacious three‑ bedroom. One half block east of campus. Washer/ dryer provided. August 1. $990. No smoking/ pets. 1410 Legore. 785‑ 532‑9846. three and four‑ bedroom houses and duplexes. June 1. Varies locations. Washer/ dryer furnished. Call 785‑313‑ 4812. T H R EE‑BE D R o O M REMODELED. KSU location. 785‑341‑6000.
T hr e e ‑ b e droom . WASHER/ dryer. Close f o u r‑ b e droom , to K‑State. Utilities paid four bath! Close to for two‑bedroom. June campus! Call Tony lease. 785‑537‑1566. 785‑341‑6000. Pet friendly! T w o‑ b e droom . NEXT to campus. Large house close June and August. Pet Great to campus. 1419 Hill- friendly. crest. Five‑bedroom, Value! Call 785‑341‑ three bathrooms. 6000. Washer/ dryer included, central air, large TV room. Available June 1. 785‑449‑2181.
brand new, luxury one‑bedroom. Next to Rent-Duplexes campus, new urban loft design. See Tecumseh Loft at Cap- NEW LISTING! AvailNICE DUPLEX, 606 able June. Three‑bedVattier, three/ four‑bedroom house located at room, two bath, all ma- CUTE, CHARMING 1404 Hartford. Washer/ jor appliances, washer/ and CLOSE TO KSU! dryer, central air, dryer, available August Wonderful four plus fenced yard, garage. 1. 785‑293‑5197. bedroom home. June $900/ month plus utiliand August available. ties, lease and deposit. All amenities and pet 785‑539‑3672. friendly. Call 785‑341‑ 6000. NICE SPACIOUS Rent-Houses F O U R ‑BE D R O O M f iv e ‑ b e droom , home. One and one‑ 1001 Kearney. Four‑ charming and half bath, washer/ bedroom, two bath. nice! Walk to KSU, sta- dryer. Quiet area. Near Off‑street park- dium, Aggieville. June City Park. Available Auing, garage. New fur- and August lease. Pet gust 1st. $1260/ 2:42 PM month. nace and air. June 1st. friendly, all amenities. Trash 8/12/08 paid. No pets. 785‑317‑7713. 785‑341‑6000. 785‑313‑1886. Black Line-300.crtr - Page 1 - Composite
four, five, six‑bedroom houses. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance Property Management today. 785‑539‑2300
Beautifully Furnished, large, near new, three‑bedroom, two bath unit. Parking. 1729 Anderson. August possession. 785‑539‑ 4073.
beer pong! Two to three‑bedroom homes. Next to Aggieville. Gaint two‑car garage. Perfect for all your extra curricular activities. 785‑ 341‑6000.
FIVE‑BEDROOM, TWO bath house. Washer/ dryer included. Close to campus and Aggieville. $1300. August 1. 785‑ 218‑3388.
t w o‑ b e droom basement apartment. Clean, washer/ dryer hookups. August Lease. No pets. Call Randy at 785‑336‑ 1022.
Four‑bedroom AT 2425 Himes. For four‑ five people. August 1. Central air, washer/ dryer, dishwasher, trash paid. No pets. 785‑587‑7846.
Help Wanted Employment/Careers
Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Career classification. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑ 1190. 785‑232‑0454. B A RTENDER S NEEDED: Earn up to $250 per day. Full‑time/ part‑time. No experience required, will train. Call now. 319‑432‑7253 X770.
Bartending! $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800‑ 965‑6520 extension summer sublease. 144. Two, three or four‑bedroom apartment. Close to campus. Central air, dishwasher, laundry fa- BRITT’S FARM has cilities. No pets. No part‑time work available smoking. 785‑539‑0866. in an upbeat, fast paced environment. Potential for full‑time this T H REE ‑ BEDROOM summer. Must be availOR four‑bedroom with able Saturday mornlaundry services. Two ings. Great job for stublocks from campus. dents! Apply in person. For June and July. 785‑ 1400 S. Scenic Drive, 556‑4094. Manhattan. 785‑539‑ 1901.
Storage Space
Cleaning 101 now hiring. Must be here over the summer. Start now. MABERRY RFD, INC. Above minimum wage Self‑Storage. Multiple pay. 785‑213‑7968. Units, 5x10 up to 10x30. Prices starting at $45/ month! East of Earn $1000‑ $3200 a Manhattan on Highway month to drive new cars 24. Discounts available. with ads. Call 785‑539‑0266.
FIRST LUTHERAN Church is seeking a paid nursery attendant in a ministry of service by caring for young children, ages birth through age four, during Sunday morning worship. Must be at least 21 years of age, and pass a background check. Experience in caring for young children and successful completion of infant and child CPR training preferred. 785‑537‑ 8532. Howe Landscape Inc is currently seeking laborers for our nursery, landscaping and mowing/ maintenance divisions. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license and pass a pre‑employment drug test. We can work with class schedules but prefer four‑hour blocks of time. Starting wages are $8.25/ hour. Apply 3 ways, in person Monday‑Friday at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785‑776‑ 1697 to obtain an application; or e‑mail us at I NEED someone who will be here in the summer to plant 36 pots of flowers, take care of them, trim bushes, and other miscellaneous yard work. The job is year round, winter work includes putting up Christmas and taking it down, wrapping presents, and putting pictures in books. Call Rhonda at 785‑341‑ 1123 for interview.
Law Firm with emphasis in Bankruptcy, desires to employ an upperclass student majoring in Finance/ Accounting, for a part‑time position demanding a commitment of at least 20 hours/ week and each summer break. Willing to accommodate academic schedules. This position is secondary to applicant’s academic program at KSU. Anticipated that the applicant selected will work full‑ time this summer and hold the position until graduation from KSU. Interested applicants, please forward your resume to: Nicole, 431A Houston Street, Manhattan, KS 66502.
Open Market
We have six Apple G4 eMacs for sale. These are all in one computers. Each machine will come with a power cord and an OS install disc. Each computer has a fresh version of OS 10.4 (Tiger). Basic Specs 1.25 GHz processor, 768 MB of RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, DVD drive, 17 inch screen, Ethernet, USB 2.0, Firewire 400. Note one machine has 80 GB Hard Drive, and one machine has a CD stuck in it. Selling for $115 each. Please contact mactech office M‑ F 10am‑ 5pm for more 2:40 PM i n f o r m a t i o n . m a c t e8/12/08 ch@spub.ksu.Black Line-500.crtr - Page 1 - Composite edu or 785‑532‑0733. LIGHT CONSTRUCTION, tiling, painting, trimming, yard work, mowing. Now and summer. Weekend availability preferred. 785‑313‑ 4994.
LOCAL DEALERSHIP detail shop hiring for evening shift. Full beneAutomobiles fits, 401k, competitive pay. No experience necessary. Call 785‑564‑ 1994 Chevrolet 4045, leave message. Geo Tracker convertible. Two‑wheel drive, transmission, Looking for com- manual panion who will help get power steering, air con13‑year‑old to and from ditioning, AM/ FM casactivities and also su- sette, 30 mpg. $3000. pervise two to three Call 785‑485‑2488. If days a week this sum- no answer please leave mer. After school and a message. non‑school days too when school is in session. Prefer someone with psychology background or experience working with special needs children. Please contact Michelle at MANHATTAN COMPANY looking for men and women needed for assembly set‑up and display. Start at 10a.m. and flexible days. 785‑ 320‑5220 for interview. Purple Wave, a leading Internet auction company of equipment and vehicles seeks a part‑time Web Operations Associate in our Manhattan, KS office. This is a part‑time, entry level position with room for advancement. Knowledge of digital image post production and basic video editing and compression skills desired. Preference given to candidates knowledgeable of agriculture or construction equipment, web development experience, or graphic design experience. Must be a self starter and able to work in a fast‑paced deadline driven environment. Competitive pay and 401k. Cover letter & resume to or HR Department Purple Wave, Inc., 825 Levee Dr., Manhattan, KS 66502. Equal opportunity employer. STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. PAID survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.
Business Opportunities
THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Career classification. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, KS 66607‑ Internet Sales Con- Topeka, sultant. Team player, 1190. 785‑232‑0454. excellent people skills, good email and phone etiquette, commitment to customer service and willingness to learn required. Both full and part‑time positions available. To apply, contact Chris Rowe at 785‑564‑ 4006 or
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monday, april 26, 2010
kansas state collegian
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Bands, groups gather at zoo for festival Snoozing in Style Karen Ingram | Collegian The Sunset Zoological Park encouraged people to laugh and learn at the Earth Day Music Festival on Sunday. “We’re glad people are here,” said Allie Lousch, marketing director for the Sunset Zoo. “The goal is to have a good time.” The slogan for the Earth Day Festival, “Walk it. Sprocket. Renew It. Rock it,” represents some of the many activities available to festivalgoers. A collection of booths represented businesses and organizations from all over the Manhattan community, such as the Manhattan Public Library, T-La-Re, Sisters of Sound Music and more. Gaia Salon and Spa sponsored a walk for conservation. Mary Fischer, co-owner of the salon, said more than 40 people participated. Fischer and other Gaia representatives provided a booth for children to get their hair done for free. Many of the children got animal-themed hairdos with stripes and ribbons in bright colors. “Earth Day is a big day at our salon,” Fischer said. “It’s a great event. We’d love to see it grow each year.” Employees at the salon also celebrate Earth Month by donating their tips to the zoo, Fischer said. Last year
it raised more than $500 for the zoo. This year, so far, it has raised more than $700. Near the face-painting booth, representatives from the K-State Department of English were on hand to introduce passersby to books with environmental and conservational themes. They held a raffle drawing for a chance to win a copy of “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss. “It’s a great book to talk about conservation and the environment,” said Elizabeth Williams, graduate student in English. “We came out to promote reading as a way to be Earth-friendly.” Fair Trade, Awareness, Africa’s Sustainability, Together, or FAAST, was another K-State group present. Courtney Held, senior in dietetics and public health nutrition, said FAAST decided to have fair-trade canvas bags made this year for its 5K run instead of T-shirts. The bags, in addition to being fair trade, are made by women in Kenya whose children suffer from physical or mental disabilities. Bags are still available for $5. Held said she visited these women last summer as a volunteer for Comfort the Children International and planned to return this summer. “It’s a nice connection to K-State and Manhattan,”
Held said. At 12:30 p.m., local band Cloverton began entertaining guests at the Chautauqua Stage. Meanwhile, volunteers from the Sunset Zoo Explorers walked around, showing guests animals they carried, such as opossums and snakes. Children gathered around eagerly to pet the animals and learn more about them. Benjamin Carter, student from Manhattan High School, introduced curiosity-seekers to a bearded dragon named Darwin. “I’ve always loved animals,” said Carter. At 2 p.m., nationally known artist Tom Chapin began playing. The stage quickly filled up, and Chapin entertained the crowd with funny songs about didgeridoos and adopting puppies. Chapin encouraged listeners to participate in his songs either by singing or using sign language, earning laughs and applause from the audience. At about the same time, K-State students from the Environmental Communications class were giving away 150 free rain barrels as part of the Renew the Rain Grant. Rain barrels are used to collect rainwater from the gutters of houses to be used for watering plants, washing cars and more. This saves money and creates less demand for Manhattan’s water
during the summer. Mark Smelser, senior in park management and conservation, said people who accepted the free barrels would be contacted in six months to find out how often the rain barrels were used and what owners used the water for. “People don’t realize how important water is,” Smelser said. “This is a small thing we can do to help.” As 4 p.m. drew near, festivalgoers awaited the last musical act of the day, local band Los Habaneros. Sumi Schindlbeck, Junction City resident, took her daughter Abigail to the playground and sat at a picnic table in the pavilion after trying the virtual bike race provided by Big Poppi Bicycle Co. Schindlbeck said the Earth Day Festival was a great event for military families, such as hers, to attend. “This is a really good thing they’re doing,” Schindlbeck said. “I wish they would do stuff like this more often.” Her daughter Abigail’s favorite part of the festival? The zoo animals, of course — especially the wallabies and monkeys.
Lisle Alderton | Collegian
Nathaniel Lang watches the Style(Letto) charity fashion show, put on by Jack Knife Studios to benefit the homeless, at the Wareham Opera House as his 5-year-old son Dawson sleeps peacefully in 1the front row. 3x.5 see this.crtr - Page - Composite
see this?? so does everyone else!
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