Annual report 2009 Ecologic

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2009 Annual report

Lasecond 2 e vie des ĂŠlectriques A life dĂŠchets for electrical waste

2009 16 478 997 citizens serviced through


waste collection sites

3 043

distributor collection points

1 032

member producers

65 547

tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment collected

16,2 % market share

21,5 millions turnover in Euros

Summary An overview of 2009

p. 4

Our priorities Pollution control p. 6 Raw material recovery p. 8 Promoting integration and re-employment p. 10

How does the WEEE sector operate? The example of Mantes-la-Jolie p. 12 Interview with the vice-president of Camy p. 13 The WEEE journey in four stages p. 14

Our commitments

p. 18 A more efficient WEEE sector p. 20 Active participation in sustainable development p. 24 Changing practice p. 26

Ecologic 2009

9 Ecologic

Tonnage collected by waste streamx





16 390 tonnes

11 728 tonnes

19 641 tonnes

17 787 tonnes

I CFA I LDA I SCREENS I SDA Distribution of Ecologic treatment centres


22 départements with a significant Ecologic presence 18 départements with some Ecologic presence

987 local authority collection points

Key dates 1st april : Local authority operators Extranet 100% operational 30th august : 100,000 tonnes collected by Ecologic 29th september : launch of ‘Court Circuit’ [Short Circuit] offer aimed at WEEE pros 19th november : AFAQ renews Ecologic’s ISO 9001 and 14001 certification 23rd december : Ecologic receives further government approval for a period of 5 years (to 31st décember 2014).


Objectives met and surpassed 2009 is a significant year for Ecologic. We have arrived at a state of maturity whereby our mechanisms and processes for optimising and tracking transport flows and treatment flows are now integrated, as well as being recognised by our partners as both efficient and rigorous. 2009 is also a year where we have performed well: Tonnages collected have increased 38% on 2008, representing 5.75kg of waste per inhabitant. 224 local authority collection points have joined our network and recovery rates consistently exceed the targets set out under European directives. Finally, our renewed government approval, granted on 23rd December, recognises that we are meeting our obligations as well as our commitment to service quality and the professionalism of our teams. Ecologic remains the most attuned as well as the lowest-cost partner in the market. Those who have joined us have chosen well! We are equally still committed – in fact more than ever – to progress in this sectorand proud to be contributing for five more years to come.

René-Louis Perrier, Président

More than a simple regulatory partnership Ecologic’s remit is not confined to regulatory obligations. Our teams align themselves with our member producers as true partners in WEEE pollution control yet also in sustainable development. Throughout the year, we work alongside them, listening, advising, informing them of environmental developments and any changes in their sector of activity. Our InfoLogic newsletter serves precisely this purpose, tackling environment-related subjects and bringing us all closer together…

Romain Fournier, Development Manager

Take control then innovate

By the end of 2009 and in terms of its assignments in the public interest, Ecologic had honoured the entirety of its commitments as specified under the first agreement period. To satisfy the ambitious objectives defined by all participants in the sector, Ecologic has developed in no time at all a real expertise in the areas of waste and WEEE, including heightened control of processing via in situ characterization, analysis of samples collected, development of software systems, active participation in pan-European work within the context of the WEEE Forum etc. This acquired expertise means that Ecologic has complete command of its area of activity and is able to support the innovations required to face any challenges presented in the new approval period.

Bertrand Reygner, R & D Director


Ecologic 2009

The year of 2.0 During this year, we had wanted to set up a web-site that was true to our image: working closely with our partners, committed to improving the WEEE sector, proactive as well as reactive, and so on… In 2009, everything required to make this the premier web portal for WEEE information was put in place. In short, a broadcasting device for all our communications raising awareness amongst the various players in the sector (from producers to consumers), as well a space for personalised and interactive exchange. has a fine future ahead of it!

Romuald Ribault, Director of Marketing

An overview of 2009

The best possible service… at thebest possible price

Extranet frenzy In 2009, Ecologic entrusted its treatment partners with the recovery and pollution control of more than 65,000 tonnes of waste. To ensure accurate monitoring of the various treatment stages and to facilitate information exchange, we implemented in 2009 a new reporting system for local authorities and treatment partners. This efficient and reliable extranet has become an indispensable tool for all our partners, highly acclaimed by 88% of users.

Responsible, on behalf of producers, for the pollution control and recovery of WEEE, Ecologic relies on selected partners for their experience and savoir-faire. Each year, we audit 90% of our waste processors to ensure that every operation is carried out in exemplary fashion. In 2009, we took this a step further in re-evaluating all contracts (expiring at year end) with our treatment partners. Our aim was to devise a new brief that would improve on our existing processes thus securing the best tariffs, courtesy of feedback from along the entire WEEE sector chain. Thanks to this continuous improvement approach, we have been able to strengthen our links with all treatment partners.

Michel Hardy, Director of Quality, Environment and Partner Relations

Bruno Rivet, Director of Operations


Our priority

Pollution control When an electrical or electronic appliance reaches end-of-life, the producer is obliged to arrange its collection, processing and pollution control. In 2005, so as to coordinate these varied operations, the authorities approved four take-back systems charged with bringing stability, efficiency and reliability to the sector. Ecologic is one of them. In 2009, more than 1,000 members entrusted us with the processing of more than 223,000 tonnes of electrical appliances • • •


Ecologic 2009

Since the birth of the WEEE sector,

Ecologic has, on behalf of it member producers, organised the transportation, sorting, dismantling, pollution control and recycling of electrical and electronic appliances arriving at end-of-life. These appliances are made up of raw re-usable materials (plastics, glass, metals), sometimes mixed with toxic substances (such as refrigerant fluids, PCBs1, cadmium, mercury, lead, etc.), which although only present in small quantities, can have an irreversible impact on human health and our planet.

The general implementation of WEEE sorting means that we can avoid releasing these pollutants into the environment and in line with Ecologic’s broader aims, prevent pollution of the soil, water and the atmosphere. In 2009, Ecologic called on the expertise of more than 180 specialist treatment partners working in manual/mechanical deconstruction, the extraction of toxic substances and material recovery, all with a view to processing waste under the best possible conditions. Our teams also engage with local authorities to support the opening of new collection points, informing the public of their duty to protect others and the environment when separating and sorting their waste appliances.

New undertakings appended tothe approval indicate that from 2010 additional requirements in the areas of monitoring and processing of pollutants will further minimise the environmental impact of the most harmful components. Thanks to the principles of eco-design widely promoted by Ecologic, some are destined to disappear completely. With more than 400 million electrical and electronic2 appliances placed on the French market every year, expectations of the WEEE sectorin terms of pollution control are today very high. 1


14 390

14,390 tonnes of pollutants extracted in 2009 by Ecologic’s treatment partners

An old refrigerator, untreated, emits as much greenhouse gas as a car that has covered 12,500 miles. The guilty party: CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons better known as freons), directly responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer. Forbidden in manufacturing since 1995 and outlawed on the market since 2000, in 2002 it became mandatory to recall and destroy any products containing CFCs.

The cathode ray tube from a television in landfill can pollute 10m3 of soil over 1000 years. The guilty party: lead (up to 2kg per screen), a natural neurotoxin which if not extracted and treated, can find its way into the atmosphere, into water, the earth and the food chain. Can cause serious illness.

Polychlorobiphenyls: dielectric oil formerly presene in certain electrical equipmens 22009 figures

An end to pollutants Since 1st July 2006, equipment containing certain substances known to be harmful to human health and the environment has been banned within the European Union (lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium as well as two groups of brominated flame retarders, PBB et PBDE). The effects of this ban will become more apparent within the waste processing sector in years to come as these items of equipment reach end-of-life.


Our priority

Recovery of raw materials

In 2009, Ecologic recovered the material from more than 80% of WEEEcollected by weigh, meeting the targets imposed by the authorities. Given a second life, this ageing equipment is no longer considered as waste but as a resource! It is precisely this notion that fits with Ecologic’s understanding of what ‘recovery’ means. For three years now, our teams have worked to improve the recovery rate of appliances collected selectively • • •


Ecologic 2009

Material recovery

today amounts to a genuine new source of raw materials. For (decontaminated) glass or metals, the original product quality is all but recovered: steel is sent to a steel mill for re-use in other manufacturing channels, copper is re-smelted and incorporated into new circuit boards, glass is recycled, etc. If the raw material recovered is of insufficient quality - either because the materials are too homogenised or because they are simply not readily recyclable – the issue becomes one of identifying or creating new uses for it. In 2009, Ecologic took part in a WEEE forum working group with the remit of sharing information and enumerating all the practices deployed by the various actors in Europe. The trajectory of each fraction of waste was identified, new dismantling methods highlighted and innovative solutions in waste recovery (notably for glass from cathode ray tubes) shared.

51 721 4 363

51 721 tonnes of recycled material

4 363 tonnes of material whose energetic value recovered

Material recycling: Plastics 12,20%

Non-ferrous metals 10,38%

Beyond material recovery, Ecologic is also reviewing certain types of waste for recovery of their energy values. During combustion, waste releases energy in the form of heat that can be utilised in the production of electricity or to feed into collective heating systems. In 2009, the energy from more than 4,300 tonnes of waste was recovered in this way. Ecologic is thus playing its part in the preservation of our planet’s natural resources and the protection of the environment. At each stage in processing, the objective is to reduce all forms of wastage to the maximum degree.

Other (pollutants and common waste) 16,73%

Glass 13,05% Iron 47,64%

R&D Projects jointly funded by Ecologic ADEME Projects: • Recovery of mixed plastic material from WEEE processing (automatic infrared sorting): 2009-2012. • Procedure for recycling precious metals using “green chemistry” 2008-2011. • Recovery of copper waste for use in the manufacture of conductor wire and in the resolution of problems surrounding the refinement of copper waste: 2008-2010. OCAD3E* Projects: • “Measuring Pollution Control” – project to devise scientific measuring tools to evaluate the efficiency of operations carried out by our treatment partners. *Coordinator Organisation authorised for WEEE, a joint venture of 4 take-back systems approved for the WEEE sector


Our priority

Promoting integration and re-employment Where possible, re-use of electrical appliances is a better solution for WEEE, preferable to pollution control and waste recovery. European Directive 2002/96/CE, adapted under French law in 2005, defines this hierarchy of processing. For Ecologic, it’s a question of avoiding wastage and promoting the social economy, which has been historically active in this sector • • •


Ecologic 2009

When a consumer parts with an electrical or electronic appliance and places it in the WEEE treatment chain, the waste processors are not necessarily receiving a defective device. There are two scenarios – the item can be reconditioned or become a source of components for the repair of another appliance. In both cases, the original appliance regains a useful purpose providing new consumers with the opportunity to obtain a functioningdevice.

Ecologic encourages local initiatives which contribute not only to the development of the WEEE sector but which are also signed up to the cause of environmental and social responsibility. Social enterprises are strongly supported by Ecologic. For nearly twenty years, they have recovered, repaired and re-sold these appliances by offering them a second life and have become players in their own right within the WEEE sector. They also specialise in logistics as well as the dismantling and pollution control of certain waste streams. At the same time, they allow thousands of people on (re-)integration programmes to acquire qualifications and structured professional experience, helping them to gain a stable long-term job afterwards. In 2009, Ecologic called on around 30 social enterprise businesses!

Ecologic equally encourages drop-off/collection at recycling sites to avoid the situation whereby items still in good working order deteriorate whilst at waste disposal sites or consolidation centres. The citizen-consumer is invited to take action individually by reporting their old appliances directly to these specialist organisations. Ecologic also supports local authorities who seek to promote material re-use and waste prevention in their marketing communications.


30 Ecologic social enterprise treatment partners

20 %

20% of material from all waste streams entrusted to them (Ecologic is committed to reserving a minimum of 10% of waste volumes for social enterprises)


180 is the total number of paid staff from integration programmes, employed by these treatment partners

Focus on social enterprise Ecologic forges partnerships with social enterprises locally, enabling them to take less damaged items directly from collection points with a view to re-use and re-sale. Envie et Emmaüs, as well as smaller players such as Aptima and Boîte à Papiers, return tens of thousands appliances to working order every year.



does the sector operate?

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e l p xam

Ecologic 2009

The multiplication of collection points has proved a great success.

Interview with Philippe Geslan, Vice-President of the metropolitan area of Mantes-en-Yvelines, representative on sustainable development and Mayor of Méricourt.

How is WEEE collection organised in the Mantes-en-Yvelines area?

What are the precise objectives of Aptiprix?

After the creation of the WEEE sector, we quickly started to approach inhabitants, informing them of new collection options (particularly 1 for 1) but above all helping them to expand their sorting activities. From 2007, the metropolitan area of Mantes-en-Yvelines (CAMY) implemented a system of selective collection coupled with the movement of bulk waste once a month. It’s simple, practical and allows us to gently initiate a public awareness campaign without pressurising our citizen-consumers who just want to get rid of their old appliances. This system allows us to concretely address one of the big WEEE sector problematics, namely improvement of the collection process.

Managed by the social enterprise, Aptima, Aptiprix re-sells at low cost all items still in working order (graciously deposited by local residents or issuing from the waste disposal site also managed by Aptima) Let’s not forget our guiding principle which has always been protection of the environment: each and every one of us must do their bit to reduce waste and ensure that ageing equipment is given another chance, whatever category of waste it falls under. With our recovery centre, we are developing a solidarity model at a local level and promoting re-use which, in the context of WEEE operations, remains our No. 1 priority!

Exactly how has this collection system become so efficient? Kerbside collection enables us to collect even more WEEE whilst diverting a not insignificant amount of smaller appliances from the standard household waste circuit, and reducing the amount of WEEE going to landfill. From 2008 to 2009, the tonnage collected rose by 14.63%! This says to us that the increase in collection points is having the desired effect. We need to continue moving in this direction and in 2011, we will open a second waste recovery site. Citizen-consumers also have all the usual mechanisms available to them, including the sorting tubs at Leroy Merlin devised in partnership with Ecologic and our Aptiprix waste recovery centre. The choice is theirs!

• 12 communes : Mantes-la-Jolie, Mantes-la-Ville, Magnanville, Buchelay, Drocourt, Follainville-Dennemont, Guerville, Méricourt, Mousseaux-sur-Seine, Porcheville, Rolleboise, Rosny-sur-Seine • 83 500 inhabitants • 1 waste disposal site open to the public • 1 kerbside collection programme • 1 waste recovery centre (as part of a community integration project) • 1 WEEE processing centre including one line for pollution control of screens


Ecologic 2009

The WEEE journey in four stages 1.


In recent times, the range of WEEE collection solutions on offer has allowed for a considerable increase in tonnage collected as well access to a wider cross-section of the public. For those wishing to bring their old appliances for treatment, five options are available today:

Christophe Depont Director, Aptima

The processing of WEEE and its ultimate recovery presupposes flawless organisation throughout the WEEE chain. The diversity of its participants, the complexity of the regulatory framework and processing and pollution control standards all require working methods that are both synchronized and reliable. For a company such as ours, the commitment we bring is already sizeable but as with all of Ecologic’s treatment partners, our response to the requirements of the sector is comprehensive. Our versatility (WEEE, waste disposal centre management, maintenance of green spaces, recycling centres, etc.) enables staff on integration programmes to be deployed according to deliveries and the tonnage that needs processing, which gives us great flexibility.

1 for 1: for each equivalent new appliance, purchased, the retail chains will take back one item of old equipment. The collection unit at Leroy Merlin: sited at the entrance of the Mantes-Buchelay store, this tub enables clients to drop off any small-scale used electrical device. In 2009, this Ecologic initiative led to the collection of 336 tonnes of WEEE (as against 248 tonnes in 2008) in Leroy Merlin stores in France, simultaneously raising consumer awareness. Drop-off at waste disposal site: Accessible to 83,500 inhabitants of the metropolitan area, the waste disposal site accepted 156 tonnes of WEEE in 2009 (136 tonnes in 2008). Each year, it receives more than 50,000 visitors. Monthly kerbside collection (89 tonnes collected; 64 tonnes in 2008): each month, during bulk item collection, a second lorry picks up the WEEE and takes it to Aptima, the waste treatment operator. Drop-off at the recycling centre: 88 tonnes of items of mixed categories deposited in 2009. * This partnership was replicated at the Castorama and Bricodépôt chains.


Ecologic 2009


Sorting and storing

WEEE consolidated at the waste disposal centre is transported according to waste stream (SDA, CFA, LDA, screens) then carefully weighed (using scales approved for mining/weights and measures by French government technical services) They are stockpiled (or “consolidated”) on site, then redirected to specialist operators: SDA to Véolia-Triade (Gonesse), CFA to Bruyères-sur-Oise Ets Corepa and LDA to Bartin Recycling Group (Evreux). Screens are dismantled on site for first-phase pollution control by a team of four (deployed according to need) on a professional reintegration scheme.

Approximately 1,2 tonnes

This is the minimum weight for Aptima to trigger a collection request for one of the four waste streams. In 2009, the CAMY consolidation centre authorised transportation of WEEE by semi-trailer, enabling loads to be optimised thereby limiting traffic as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Jean-Yves Dutriez Director of operations, Aptima

Each person working here on integration programmes brings their own individual set of circumstances. On arrival at Aptima, they are given a temporary contract. We then train them up, give them advice and support, in so doing creating with them the conditions for their return to stable employment. WEEE processing constitutes an important source of work that gives people the chance to attain a qualification as well as fulfil a recognised and useful function of which they can be proud.


Ecologic 2009


Dismantling and pollution control

Screens are dismantled by hand at Aptima. In the space of twenty minutes, five fractions can be isolated from an appliance: cables, deflector, plastics, metals, circuit boards and CRT. Each fraction is passed to another operator specialising in the recycling of those particular components or, a further phase of material separation is undertaken (copper from circuit boards, plastics and metal cables, extraction of luminescent powders, separation of glass from lead and barium etc.)

All specialist operators working with SDAs, CFAs, and LDAs follow the same model: separating out of component parts, milling of carcasses then specific pollution control activities, i.e. fluid extraction for CFAs, circuit board extraction for LDAs.

7 is the number of specialist processors deployed in the collection, treatment, pollution control and recovery of WEEE collected across the whole of the Mantes-en-Yvelines territory.


Ecologic 2009



4. bis

Metals, plastics, electrical components, and other reusable materials re-enter the manufacturing circuit to start their second life.


All appliances in working order are re-sold via the Aptiprix recycling centre. Also run by Aptima, there are just three such centres in ĂŽle-de-France. In 2009 they enabled 11,000 people to obtain second-hand appliances at very low prices as well as furniture, clothes etc.

Jean-Lou BarrĂŠ Aptiprix Technician

We recover the old amps, televisions, fridges etc. left as bulk waste or at the tip. We renovate them, test them and those that still have potential for use go out for re-sale. Bringing these abandoned items back to life means that we can supply them to families that need them. And that’s fantastic in itself. All these items get used again and the whole thing comes full circle.

336 is the WEEE tonnage collected in 2009 (via kerbside collection or waste disposal site). Information and public awareness campaigns in the area mean that this figure could easily double in 2010.


Ecologic 2009

OUR COMMITM 1. A more efficient WEEE sector p.20 No action, no efficiency! Ecologic and its very modus operandi were founded on this premise. Each year, nearly two hundred audits are carried out in the field with the express aim of monitoring the efficiency of WEEE treatment operations. We can verify the accuracy of declarations by WEEE processors, track the progress of consignments and invite each treatment partner to sign up to a process of continuous improvement • • •


Ecologic 2009



Changing practice Active participation in sustainable development p.24


Sorting is the crucial stage at which WEEE processing and pollution control is undertaken. Without the involvement of the general public, it would be

Which company operating today

impossible today to recycle anywhere

would not want to reduce the impact

near as much old electrical equipment

of their activities on the environment?

as we do.

As a specialist in the WEEE sector

Each year, Ecologic implements

and an entity committed to the

new programmes highlighting

conservation of our planet’s resources,

to the consumer the importance of

Ecologic informs and raises awareness

their role and explaining how the

amongst its partners. We also work

WEEE sector works.

hard to limit greenhouse gas emissions

At the same time, we are very much

from WEEE transportation and year

involved in working groups whose

after year, work hand-in-hand with

aim is to promote and champion

social enterprise companies • • •

eco-design • • •


Ecologic 2009

1. A more efficient WEEE sector

Consultation 2009

Surrounded by the most accomplished treatment partners

In 2009, Ecologic initiated a new consultation programme with all its treatment partners for the period 2010-2012. This gave us the opportunity to formulate a new brief integrating the new regulatory requirements from the forthcoming approval period with the specific requirements of Ecologic. In December 2009, the first approval period for WEEE take-back systems came to an end and with it, the commercial contracts binding Ecologic and its treatment partners. With an eye to the next approval period and ever more adapted waste treatment solutions, Ecologic looked to its system of annual audits. This was set up in 2007 to identify potential domains for improvement and to assess our partners’ capacity to respond to growing regulatory demands in the sector (notably new collection rates and levels of pollution control). Each avenue of enquiry amounted to a transparent review of the our organisation and its principles in the light of improved logistical coherence: Is it possible to


improve waste transfer whilst reducing mileage and how should we go about it? Would the organisation as a whole benefit from a re-distribution of the territory? Which of the systems implemented by our treatment partners recover the most screens or extract the most pollutants? How do we optimize costs? Over the course of several months, Ecologic re-fashioned its partnership with each waste-processing entity, building on existing trust and cooperation but also focussing on costs. This approach has enabled Ecologic to surround itself with the most accomplished players in the sector, whilst obtaining the best services at the best price. This blueprint for continuous improvement also provides an opportunity for businesses to discover the benefits of quality management systems. With a heightened involvement in and responsibility for the environmental issues that govern the sector, they are playing a part - with Ecologic – in the growing collective movement to save our planet.

95 95 process audits

48 48 sampling audits


43 characterization audits

Ecologic 2009

Continuous improvement

100 % of waste processors audited The WEEE sector relies on the knowledge and know-how of several participants. Committed as they are, one of Ecologic’s objectives is to ensure that declarations regarding tonnage collected, levels of pollution control and waste recovery etc. are all consistent with reality and WEEE regulations. Since its founding, Ecologic has carried out annual audits* of our partners, whether they specialize in logistics and collection or dismantling and recycling. These audits allow us to monitor each step in the processing chain and to assure traceability in the waste streams collected. The result is that 100% of Ecologic’s treatment partners are rigorous in their approach and reliably so. Aside from Ecologic’s own internal procedures, these assessments also relate to environmental regulation, implementation tools, health and safety at work. * carried out by an independent organisation

Jean-Marc Bouzon Director of Collection and Recycling Services for Pays voironnais

The processing of complex waste such as WEEE is not something that can be improvised Thanks to our partnership with Ecologic, traceability and recovery of our waste electrical equipment is entirely taken care of. The extranet has hugely streamlined our exchanges with regard to collection requests yet we also draw on their advisory capacity, making direct calls to our contacts within Ecologic. Based on trust and responsiveness, the partnership has enabled us to make real progress with our recovery rates. For local authorities, capturing greater amounts of WEEE is a major issue! This year, we have collaborated on a feasibility study into the implementation of a daily collection that would help reduce deterioration of material. Ecologic's role as a facilitator (in terms of relations with waste processors) on the ground is highly valued. >> The Pays voironnais: 34 communes, 92 000 inhabitants, 8 collection points, 678 tonnes de WEEE collected in 2009.


Ecologic 2009

1. A more efficient WEEE sector

Ecologic audits

Olivier François

587 tonnes of WEEE checked

Director of FEDEREC and President of FEDEREC Nord-Picardie

Since 2008, Ecologic has conducted audits of pollution control, characterization and recovery rates at its own sites. In 2009, we analysed 587 tonnes of WEEE* enabling Ecologic to attest to the conformity of our treatment partner declarations and to verify with precision their recovery, recycling and disposal rates. Through this, we are able to acquire vital experience on the ground, make lasting improvements at each stage of WEEE processing and disseminating genuine expertise amongst our partners (producers, collection points, waste processors etc.) Ecologic also undertakes sampling audits, identifying types of material for each waste stream according to categories defined by the European Directive. This type of exercise also presents an opportunity to visually assess anomalies in WEEE collection, such as a low level of smaller SDA in the sorting bins. We are then able to adjust our approach with a view to increasing small SDA collection.

At least two good reasons why FEDEREC supports Ecologic’s presence at the heart of the WEEE sector.

* data captured at a group of sites processing 83% of the waste passed to Ecologic in 2009

• In terms of monitoring and checking, Ecologic ensures that regulations are applied throughout the sector, particularly with respect to equipment that requires an accelerated pollution control process, such as cooling and freezing appliances or screens. In defining the brief which specifies the restrictions on WEEE processing and in ensuring their proper application, the take-back systems have made a very real contribution to the quality of pollution control and waste recovery, where historically there was no official channel. With Ecologic improving the quality of activities within the recycling profession, FEDEREC [French Recycling Federation] can but pay tribute to such progress. • Indeed, FEDEREC is very much attached to the notion of ‘biodiversity’ amongst participants in the WEEE sector and favours the co-existence of several take-back systems as opposed to a monopoly.

Improving WEEE Collection

A made-to-measure solution for those in the WEEE industry Ever since it came into existence, Ecologic has been driven by a long-term ambition to improve WEEE management and foster progress across the entire sector. In 2009, Ecologic teams devised a brand new solution for those working in the WEEE industry. Its aims: to help manufacturers of professional equipment to organise and finance the processing of their end-of-life appliances and help stakeholders (businesses, associations, local authorities) to dispose of their equipment with minimum cost. Since September 2009, Ecologic has offered a free subscription to our ‘Court-circuit’ [Short Circuit] service. This innovative service allows any WEEE professional to complete an on-line form requesting a collection of


waste material regardless of make or brand. Ecologic transmits these requests directly on to the appropriate producer who then chooses whether to take care of collection, processing and pollution control of the obsolete appliance themselves or to entrust those tasks to Ecologic. Using ‘Court-circuit’, manufacturers can fulfil their obligations whilst sharing the costs associated with processing disused appliances. Life is made easier for other stakeholders in the WEEE sector and Ecologic once again demonstrates its commitment to the social, environmental and economic spheres, as a true agent for sustainable development. * category 3: software applications, IT infrastructure and telecommunications equipment

‘SDA yellow bin collection’ project As a means of increasing the level of SDA collected, Ecologic has piloted a study to determine the feasibility of a yellow bin collection at the same time as the collection of other recyclables. (OCAD3E study, 2007-2009.) Further studies on the same subject are due to be launched in the near future.

Ecologic 2009


The reference tool of choice for tracking, reporting and traceability

99 % of local authorities are satisfied with the quality of Ecologic’s work with their waste

100 %

appreciate the ease with which they can contact their Ecologic advisor

To centralise and automate all information exchanges relating to the collection and processing of waste, in 2009 Ecologic introduced a customised tracking and reporting tool. Accessible from any computer terminal, it means that local authorities and waste services can enter their WEEE collection requests (generally carried out within 48 hours) and that the various waste processors can transmit information on amounts collected, processed and recovered. Thanks to this simple and efficient application, Ecologic is able to ensure consignment tracking and directly coordinate operations. Procedures have been simplified (intermediary removed) and data exchange made secure. For Bruno Rivet, the arrival of the Ecologic Extranet for local authorities and waste processors is the event of 2009. "This resource is quite simply indispensable in enabling those working in the field to meet their objectives.�

77 % consider collection lead times to be entirely satisfactory

88 %

of Extranet users consider it to be user-friendly Source: survey carried out by Aviva on behalf of Ecologic in Autumn 2009, based on responses from 100 local authorities .

Producers also have their own Extranet!

With producers in mind, we developed a specific resource to enable them to declare the material placed on the market every six months and to complete their statutory declarations on line. In addition to checking all this information (for regularity, anomalies etc.) to assure consistency of volumes captured, Ecologic teams support producers in all their environmental endeavours, whether WEEE-specific or not. The fundaments of this partnership is trust and attentiveness.



Ecologic 2009

Active participation in sustainable development Carbon accounting

Optimising transportation to limit CO2 emissions In order to limit greenhouse gas emissions accruing from the transport of waste, Ecologic has sought to optimize its logistics systems. Each new contract signed with a treatment partner under the framework of the consultation carried out in 2009 improves the transfer of consignments from one point to the next. This approach feeds into the “carbon accounting” project, initiated by Ecologic in 2008 which aims to balance, using a specific measuring tool, all the mileage covered between the consolidation centres and treatment sites and the associated carbon emissions. Coming into service in 2010, this new system will enable improvements to be made to transport arrangements with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.




09 20





Beyond the WEEE sector…


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InfoLogic n°17 >

ête ne rev ument ce doc Le Projet de loi Grenelle 2 squi constitue la boîte à outil juridique du dan tenus s con l’Environnement a été adopté par le Sénat le 8 octobre dernier. ndation dique. omma avis a juri quant à elle adopté le projet de loi le 11 mai dernier et rec un s L’Assemblée ument aucun cas Les docuent en contre 213. constit

Grenelle de par 314 voix

Lors de la discussion à l’Assemblée, les députés de l’opposition ayant épuisé leur temps de parole n'ont pu débattre des derniers articles de la loi. Les deux versions du texte vont donc devoir être examinées par une commission mixte paritaire dans le cadre de la procédure dite de conciliation. Si les deux assemblées parviennent à un accord alors le texte sera définitif, si la procédure de conciliation échoue, alors le Gouvernement aura la possibilité de donner le dernier mot à l’Assemblée Nationale. En tout état de cause les discussions risquent d’être encore longues en dépit de la procédure d’urgence mise en place par le Gouvernement pour ce texte… Nous vous proposons de suivre dans notre tableau de synthèse les évolutions du texte entre la version adoptée par le Sénat et celle qui a été adoptée par l’Assemblée Nationale le 11 mai dernier sur les dispositions qui concernent directement vos entreprises. Les documents et recommandations contenus dans ce document ne revêtent pas de caractère systématique et ne constituent en aucun cas un avis juridique.



Juin 2010


Although the WEEE sector is at the heart of our activities, Ecologic, as a responsible organisation (on an economical and social as well as environmental level), is constantly looking to improve its partner relations. In June 2009, for example, Ecologic teams created a new information system for producer members, known as InfoLogic. Each month, they are provided with information considered to be relevant or useful on the subject of WEEE and the electrical/electronic equipment industry at large, as well as anything that might have a regulatory, financial or fiscal impact on their business: the 2009 budget, eco-design, Reach, Grenelle 1, the directive on batteries and accumulators, etc. InfoLogic positions Ecologic as both a partner and an advisor at the service of its members.

Ecologic 2009

Eric Julien Director ENVIE 33

Ecologic, a social enterprise partner Our first calling is the social domain. As with similar schemes, the main priority for ENVIE social enterprises is re-integration to the world of work for individuals who have experienced some form of social rupture or career disruption. Our experience in processing WEEE means that we are as well positioned to operate in the sector as any other waste processor. Ecologic trusted us from the start and our relationship with Ecologic remains excellent to this day. I believe that it is this approach to maintaining quality relations with partners that characterises Ecologic, indeed it is their forte. They know when to listen and when to insist on something, when to act and when to raise awareness, taking into consideration the problems on the ground that can sometimes disrupt the smooth functioning of the sector. Today, our number one priority is to ensure the integrity of appliances at waste disposal sites (looting and damage) to prevent soil contamination at these sites and conserve financial resources. Ecologic is aware of the importance of security and caretaking at waste sites and is there working with us to find quality solutions that are both economical and ecological, always as an agent for sustainable development.

ISO Certification

Renewal of ISO standards Committed to ongoing innovation and progress, Ecologic was the first take-back system in the WEEE sector to be ISO 9001 certified in 2007 (certification relating to management and quality systems) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). In 2009, AFAQ (French Association for Quality Assurance) conducted its annual audits for certification and re-accredited Ecologic in each case.


Ecologic 2009

3. Changing practice

Raising awareness on the ground

The ascendancy of the Recycling Tour de France

Selective sorting, the first step in the WEEE process, is crucial to ensuring efficiency across the sector. Whilst new targets were fixed for 2010 with re-approval of the take-back systems, it falls to local authorities

to take responsibility for organising the recovery of used appliances, clearly informing citizen-consumers of the collection solutions available as well as the significance of pollution control. To help them in this exercise and as a way of reaching out to those citizens, Ecologic, as premier players in the treatment chain, initiated in 2008 the Recycling Tour de France. This project stems from one basic premise, namely that the best way to help consumers take action is to demonstrate sorting in practice as well as its consequences for both pollution control and the recycling of raw materials. Armed with an exhibition involving activities and practical dismantling workshops, encounters with WEEE professionals (not-for-profit

Véronique Cornieti Deputy Mayor and representative for sustainable development.

Going out and meeting the people can really make a difference As with so many other towns, in Maisons-Laffite, the waste sorting activity has not been totally taken on board by its inhabitants and many items of waste fail to find their way to the correct stream simply because they aren’t delivered to the right place. Our task is to inform our fellow citizens and to do that, we know that we will have to repeat, explain and reinforce the message. In welcoming Ecologic’s eco-podium to our town, we have ramped up our communication programme on WEEE as well as other selective waste collection. Via this concrete approach with demonstrations, visitors are receiving clear and accessible explanations and are being persuaded of the importance of their role across the entire waste industry!


organisations, waste processors and also retail chains) and mocked-up collection points, a specially adapted bus known as the ‘eco-podium’ traverses the towns and villages of France. Its aim is to get the message across to as large an audience as possible and in a clear and educational manner, demonstrating that everybody can get involved in one simple way: sorting your waste. Based on a successful operation, carried out across more than 45 local authorities in 2009, the 2010 Recycling Tour de France will be rolled out to nearly 70 stopover towns!

More than a hundred communication kits distributed In a bid to assist local authorities with planning their communication campaigns across a calendar year, Ecologic has introduced a communication kit. Each treatment partner can, according to the requirements of his project, print flyers and pre-formatted notices, organise ready-made events drawing from pre-written material as well as visual aids using the distinctive Ecologic iconography.

Ecologic 2009

Bernard Casnin Member of the National Council on Waste and the Consultation Board for the authorisation of WEEE sector take-back systems

The French public are more than just waste sorters! They are simultaneously (or successively), consumers, inhabitants, citizens. For each individual to change their practice, for each individual to become proactive in the control and prevention of the waste they produce, it is essential that we speak to everyone for who they are. This is a crucial factor when trying to ensure that attitudes change. Of course, we need to keep sorting and collecting more and more WEEE but we also have to look at producing less waste by consuming differently. To do this, we must keep on informing, explaining and getting involved so that everyone can take on their responsibilities in full awareness of the cause. As a means of calling people to action, OCAD3E is mounting an important national event that will involve the various WEEE take-back systems and rely on the specific qualities that each brings to the table. Ecologic in particular brings a close relationship and collaboration with its partner local authorities. Ever attentive, Ecologic can intervene in the field to ensure as many individuals as possible participate in this growing awareness.

New web-site

Web 2.0 in action The posting of data on WEEE processing via the Extranet has allowed Ecologic to communicate directly with all its partners, facilitating data exchange and improving organisation of the sector as a whole. In 2009, Ecologic looked to broaden the scope of this approach to informationsharing to all parties involved in WEEE sorting (citizen-consumers, local authorities, distributors, producers and processors alike) and develop a new version of its web-site. The ambition was to create the first cross-disciplinary information portal for WEEE that would be dynamic (dashboard with real-time volumes processed by Ecologic, presence on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook etc.), interactive (personalised Extranet access, the ‘Court Circuit’ offer), collaborative (content posted by Ecologic advisors) and personalized (assisted browsing based on profile, widgets, etc.) With this new strategy, Ecologic brings together all participants in the field, pooling their efforts, their projects and knowledge to create a real community of players committed to transforming minds, preserving our resources, encouraging waste sorting and generally developing the sector. Finalised in December, the new site went live in January 2010.

The Ecologic Weeebzine How is waste processed and by who? What happens to the different waste fractions? How do local authorities raise awareness amongst their residents of the importance of sorting and collection? What are the latest developments in legislation and regulation? What is eco-design all about? All these topics are covered in the quarterly weeebzine available via the Ecologic website and sent out to all partners via email for the first time in October 2009.


Ecologic 2009

3. Changing practice

Bruno De La Chesnais

Collection Devices

Sustainable Development Officer, Castorama France

Ecologic invents… a 4th collection solution

Whilst new collection solutions are currently being researched that will encourage sorting of household WEEE (particularly SDA), in 2009, Ecologic put together a brand new partnership with three major DIY outlets aiming to install sorting bins at the precise spot where consumers come to obtain their new appliances. This enables the take-back of ‘the old’ to go beyond the basic 'One for One’ programme to cover all types of electrical and electronic equipment but without the obligation to purchase a new equivalent appliance. It gives thousands of consumers the opportunity to honour their commitments as a citizen. Nearly 300


collection devices placed at store entrances - Leroy Merlin, Bricodépot and Castorama – resulted in the collection of more than 700 tonnes of WEEE across the territory, with awareness of the importance of recycling raised in a clear and efficient way to a large cross-section of consumers. Based on the success of this operation, which demonstrated the level of interest in and the efficiency of this type of close-quarters engagement, Ecologic will pursue a similar programme in 2010 with new partners - Weldom et Bricorama have already signed up!

The acceleration in technical innovation The increasing amounts of high-performance equipment being placed on the market inevitably encourage consumers to renew their material more and more frequently. The DIY and home sector is no exception. Because we sell many electrical and electronic appliances, we want to ensure they are easily recyclable, giving a second life to thousands of tones of reusable raw materials. Very visible, very practical and easy to install, the collection device has many advantages. In the blink of an eye, our customers can identify the goal (the war on wastage) and appreciate immediately that with a simple gesture (sorting waste), they can take concrete action to help save our environment. It’s a positive initiative in so many ways!


300 collection devices installed at Bricodépot, Leroy Merlin and Castorama


700 tonnes of used equipment collected

+ 40% 40% more equipment collected in 2009 (compared to 2008 figures)

Ecologic 2009

WEEE forum

The harmonization of European standards Bringing together 42 WEEE take-back systems across Europe, all specialists in WEEE processing, the WEEE Forum, founded in 2002, has declared several ambitions: to review the different processing methods utilised across Europe, to compare results and evaluate efficiency and to identify the most efficient procedures. In time, this ‘club’ of specialist organizations aims to be prescribing the rules at a common European level (WEEE Labex) by proposing standards at each stage of WEEE processing and thus making the whole sector more efficient. For the past three years, Ecologic has taken an active part in the WEEE Forum sessions and has piloted a working group on the pollution control of screens which in 2009 enabled us to itemize all the practices employed by the various waste processors in Europe: dismantling methods, the trajectory and end use of each fraction, sharing innovative solutions for raw material recovery and defining new uses for it, etc.

> > > > > > > >

15th January / Zurich/ Directive revised 3rd april / London / General Assembly 20th and 21st April / Brussels / WEEELABEX 17-18 june / Vienna / CRT + Plastics + Flat screens 6-7 july / Oslo / WEEELABEX 10th and 11th september / Budapest / WEEELABEX + CRT + Plastics Technical Committee 1-2 october / Paris / WEEELABEX 20th and 21st november / Athens / CRT + Plastics + Flat screens Technical Committee

Ecologic Encounters

Produce more by polluting less Increased producer responsibility in the collection and pollution control of used appliances, has helped raise manufacturer awareness of the economic and ecological priorities of eco-design. In 2009, Ecologic organized an encounter in the field between producers and waste processors. This meeting gave manufacturers wanting to take environmental

measures the chance to gather factual information on the issues faced by waste processors in the areas of recycling and pollution control. It’s part of Ecologic’s role to facilitate knowledge-sharing in areas such as this, which are central to EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility).


Ecologic is your partner for the implementation of WEEE collection solutions. In 2009, we have stepped up our communications, to give more overall profile to our mutual priorities in matters relating to the environment, sustainable development and regulatory obligations.

Edited by Ecologic Managing Editor: René-Louis Perrier Project Coordinator: Valérie Henriet, Communications officer Editorial Design: Shazam - Design & Layout: Pierre-Louis Matias Photos credits: Photolia, iStockphoto, Copyright Captimage : B. Riniotis, Mayak This document is printed by Imprim’Vert on FSC certified paper: 100% recycled, 100% recyclable.

Lasecond 2 e vie des électriques A life déchets for electrical waste

Immeuble Arago 1 • 41 boulevard Vauban • 78280 Guyancourt Tél. : 01 30 57 79 09 • Fax : 01 30 57 79 10

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