Want to setup your own ecommerce site? If yes, firstly you need to know some interesting ecommerce facts, which will help you to know how the site should be designed and what all products can be included so as to get higher sales revenue via ecommerce sales. A lot of hard work goes into building an online ecommerce store and making it successful is even more work. Knowing some interesting ecommerce facts and then implementing it accordingly can save you from ecommerce failures. Interesting Facts about Ecommerce 1) Mandatory registrations are one of the main reasons behind shopping cart abandonment. One study reveals that a whopping 26% of online shoppers abandoned their carts when they found that account registration is mandatory for purchasing products. So don’t just focus on buying sophisticated ecommerce software, make sure the online store is user friendly as far as account registrations are concerned. 2) You might be using the best B2B ecommerce platform for your business. Yet you cannot ignore social media if you want to see results. Promoting your business on social media is very important to improve sales. According to Nielson Media Research (NMR), an American firm, 46% of online shoppers completely rely on social media when taking a buying decision. So get your business on social media and influence the buyer’s decision in a positive way. 3) Taking business online can work wonders to enhance overall revenue as shopping statistics reveal that approximately 71% of shoppers are of the opinion that browsing the Internet will help them to get products at better prices than a physical store. 4) According to Net Market, an online marketplace, it was the first to conduct an online sale way back in 1994 on August 11. A few weeks later, Pizza Hut, the American restaurant chain received its first order online for fast pizza delivery. 5) Over 80% of Internet population has done online purchasing at some point of time. Also, over 50% of online users have purchased more than once using the Internet. 6) It is estimated that around 43.8% of online orders in 2017 will come from mobile commerce. Whereas in 2018, mobile ecommerce will represent nearly half (46.6%) of ecommerce sales. So make sure your store is mobile friendly. 7) In United States, clothing and accessories are now considered to be the highestselling category in ecommerce, displacing IT products and hardware from the top spot in ecommerce sales. 8) A recent survey has revealed that 66% of online shoppers while browsing ecommerce sites carefully go through their returns policy. Moreover, free shipping services motivates over 90% of visitors to take call to action.
9) It is observed that 61% of online shoppers are influenced by customer reviews. So having customer reviews about the products that you are selling on your ecommerce site, is very important to boost conversion rates. 10) In 2017, ecommerce sales are expected to reach a whopping $370 billion. It appears there is no stopping for retail sales coming from online shopping. 11) A new study conducted by InMobi and Mobext reveals that approximately 70% of tablet users make an online purchase every month through their devices. This means it is necessary to use B2B or B2C ecommerce solutions that are responsive on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. 12) Online shoppers between 18 and 34 years of age tend to make more purchases online as compared to people in other age groups. So in order to increase overall revenue, owners should come with marketing strategies that particularly targets people in 18-34 group.