How VARStreet's Real Time Integration with Distributors can Benefit VARs?
VARStreet is one of the most popular and reliable ecommerce and sales quoting platform among VARs (value added resellers) of all sizes. Among its many features that make VARStreet ecommerce solution so popular is its ability to integrate with distributors in real time. This feature ensure that VARStreet resellers get information from distributors in real time through VARStreet platform. This is indeed a very useful feature that resellers connected to VARStreet platform can take advantage of.
Real Time XML Integration Currently, VARStreet has real time XML integration with the following distributors:
Ingram Micro Tech Data Synnex D&H Digitek
Following are the benefits, VARStreet resellers can reap from VARStreet’s real time integration with these distributors:
Resellers can place Orders Electronically Real time integration supports electronic ordering, the most efficient way of placing orders with distributors. Studies have shown that systems that handle electronic ordering speeds up the turnaround time of transactions. Electronic ordering essentially streamlines the ordering process. It saves substantial amount of time in the order process. The ordering process is faster and more efficient. The electronic data interchange between trading partners has fewer errors and is devoid of monotonous repetitive tasks.
Resellers can know Product Pricing and Inventory in Real Time This is another very important advantage of having real time integration with distributors. Has the pricing of the product changed at the last minute? Is the product available with the distributor? All this you can know in real time. In short the information that you receive from distributor is updated to the minute. You don’t have to wait for a day or two to get the latest product related information from the distributor. So if you are connected to VARStreet, your product catalog will
receive real time pricing and availability from all major distributors including Ingram Micro.
Resellers Get Order Status in Real time This is yet another benefit of real time integration with distributors. No matter with how many distributors you are connected to, real time integration ensures that you access order status in real time from multiple distributors. Real time order status gets updated every 30 seconds in VARStreet platform. So once you send purchase order electronically to the distributors, you can access their order status at a click of a mouse. Order status such as shipped, backordered, cancelled, invoiced or already delivered can be viewed in real time through VARStreet platform.
Resellers can take Timely Informed Decisions Real time access to inventory and product pricing keeps you better informed and moreover at the time of creating quotations and purchase orders, you can make more accurate, faster decisions. Real time visibility will allow you to sell products more efficiently to your customers. VARStreet platform comes with a host of features that can help you to leverage advantages of real time integration with distributors. So the next time you want to integrate with your distributors in real time, VARStreet should be your first choice.