Are you a B2B buyer using a procurement system to purchase products and services from supplier? If the answer is yes, it is time to streamline your purchasing process using a PunchOut catalog. PunchOut mechanism ushers in a new era of speed and efficiency, making it much easier to procure products from suppliers. Although procurement system automates the purchasing process and is considered an effective way to connect buyers to suppliers, one has to still execute a number of steps in order to complete the process. For instance, once in the Oracle iprocurement catalog system, you have to login with the right credentials in order to access the supplier’s catalog. Again, you have to sort and filter products, since the catalog will also contain products that do not match with your assigned ‘Product List’. This can be tedious and time consuming. PunchOut Offers Single Click Shopping With a PunchOut catalog solution, you make your purchasing process more efficient by getting rid of unnecessary steps. As a buyer, you get one click access to your supplier’s website within your own procurement system. Moreover, the PunchOut OCI catalog you access is customized as per the contract agreement between you and the supplier. So the product offering and pricing you see in the catalog is contract-specific. You will see only those products that you are authorized to purchase. This eliminates the need for filtering products to view your own catalog. Also, order errors related to product pricing and availability are less likely to occur as you get updated catalog information in real time. Moreover, you access your own catalog that is personalized just for you. The process workflow for PunchOut ordering involves minimum no. of steps, hence you find it easy and pleasant to do business with suppliers that provide PunchOutenabled store. You are sure to get a user-friendly shopping experience that will exceed your expectations.