J. Albert Wehrle, S.M. Named Dean of
Engineering College
JUNE • 1948
A. JANSZEN DIES IN CINCINNATI Augu t J. J an zen, pre ident of the J anszen Food Company and D ot Food Store , died early Wedne d ay, M ay 19, at Good Samaritan H o pital. H e re ided at Fair Oaks Drive and Section Road, Amberly Village. H e ha been in ill health for more than two months . :Mr. J anszen, who was 55, was widely known in local and national food ci rcles. H e wa pa t president of the Association of Wholesale Food Di5tributors of Ohio, member of the Board of Governors of .S. Wholesa le Groce rs' Associa tion, and a member of the Nationa l American Wholeale Grocer ' Association. During th e war he was on the Pre ident's Food Council in Washington. A footba ll tar at the University of D ayton from whi ch he wa gradua ted in . . . , he played for many year on the Old Celts Professional team in Cincinnati. H e was a member of the lower Cincinnati Busines M en's and Executive A sociation, the Fenwick and the Cincinnati Club , the Knight of Columbu , the F.O.E ., and th e Rotary Club. Mr. J an zen, whose father founded the J anszen Company in 1873, e tablished th e Dot Food Stores Organization in 1931, which is composed of more than 400 independently owned grocers throughout Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. H e was an as ociate member of the Cincinnati Grocers' and Meat Dealers' As ociation, the K entucky Retail Grocers' Association, and the Greater Cincinnati M eat Dealers' Association. H e is urvived by his widow, Mrs. Alma Janszen ; a on, William, pre ent general manager of the Janszen Food Company; two daughter , Misses Patricia and Jacqueline, both living at home ; two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Harpenau and Mrs. Marie Schmidt, both of Hollywood, California, and two brother , Bernard Janszen, Newport, K y., and Lawrence Janszen of Cincinnati. Requiem High Mass was read at
FRONT C O VER - May we pre-
ent J. Albert Wehrle, S.M ., the dean of the College of Engineering of the Univer ity of Dayton. Bro. Wehrle ucceed Bro. Austin Holian, who has erved as Acting Dean of the College of Engineering since the death of Bro. Matthias Haas in 1945. The appointment was effective June 6.
June, 1948
Vol. XIV
No. 6
M ary Shay '44 . . . . ... ....... ... ............. . ... Editor Patricia Shroder ............. . .. . . ..... . . ............ . ..... A ss't. Editor William J. Guensche, Jr., '47 ........ . .... .. .. . ... . ..... . ... . Sports Editor "En tered as econd class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of M arch 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." 9 :30 a .m. on Saturday, May 22, at our Mother of Sorrow Church, Ro elawn.
JOHN BOLAND '42 RECEIVES PROMOTION John J. Boland ha been promoted to Chief Application Engineer of the M eyer Furnace Co., Peoria, III., according to an announcement made by FrankL. Meyer, president. A native of Dayton, 0 ., Mr. Boland was graduated from the University of Dayton with the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in 1942. As a part of hi post-graduate tudy was included a year of aeronautical engineering at California In titute of Technology. At the University of Illinois, where he earned his Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering he did research work for the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association. Mr. Boland spent three year in the Navy principally aboard aircraft carriers as an Aviation Engineering officer. He has served as an instructor in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois. While he reided in D ayton; he was employed at the Inland Manufacturing Division of the General Motors Corporation. In 194 7 he joined the staff of the M eyer Furnace Company. A Chief Application Engineer, Mr. Boland will supervise and direct the application of Weir and Meyer furnaces and air conditioning equip-
ment in in tallation throughout the nation. AI o, he will be responsible for and in charge of the engineering sessions at dealer chool held by the M eyer Furnace Co.
FATHER LEIBOLD '36 NAMED CHANCELLOR Father Pa ul V. Leibold, an alumnus of the University of D ayton in the class of 1936, ha been named Chancellor the Cincinnati Archdiocese, according to an announcement made by the Most Reverend John T . McNichola , O.P., Archbi hop of Cincinnati. Father Leibold, former as istant Chancellor, u cce~ds Monignor Clarence G. Issenman. Monsignor Issenman will continue hi dutie and his residence at St. Louis' pari h, Cincinnati, of which he i serving as pastor. Monsignor I senman i one of the Vicar Generals of the Archdiocese. Father Leibold is a native Daytonian of Holy Trinity Parish . He was graduated from the University of Dayton with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1936. Following which he attended St. Gregory' and Mt. St. Mary's seminaries. After his ordination in 1940, Father Leibold studied at Catholic University from which he received a licentiate in canon law. In 1942, soon after returning to Cincinnati, he wa appointed assistant Chancellor. Another member of the Leibold family, a brother, Father Clarence F . Leibold, is an assi tant pastor of Sacred H eart parish, D ayton.
Rev. P. T. Froendhoff, O .P. as a Dom inican priest
(E ditor's note: The following articl e written by Alvin R osensweet, staff wri ter for th e D av ton H era ld, a pp eared in that paper on Jun e 3. The a uthor recalls and relates experiences as he knew Father Froendhoff, O.P., during his activities at the University of D ayton . The many favora ble comments which have come to my d esk gave impetus to sha ring the story with all members of th e Alumni Association. The editor would like to express her app reciation to Mr. Rosenswee t for the pri vi lege of using it in the Alumnus.) by Alvin Rosensweet
M aybe this story doesn't belong on the sports pages. It's about Paul Froendhoff, whom I u ed to write about when he was playing C lass A amateur baseball a nd University of Dayton basketba ll. M aybe somebody else, other than this writer who is of the J ewish faith, ought to be writing it. Because the story is tha t tomorrow R ev. Pa ul Timothy Froendhoff will be ordained as a priest by the Dominica n Fa thers at River Forest, Ill., and on Sunday h e will offer his first solemn mass a t the Church of the R esurrection, his parish on D ayton' West Side. When this one-time .300 hitter and high scoring basketball ace dons the white robes of the Dominican Order it will mark the end of one road in his life and the beginning of another. Already, in the rigorou curriculum of the Dominican order, one of the most profound in a ll the Catholic Ch urch, he has earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree. After his ordination Rev. Froendhoff will return to the Domin-
ican H ouse of Studies for anoth er year of tudy in theology. Possibly it was a difficult choice when young Froendhoff, then 21, decided to enter the Monastic Order founded by St. D ominic in 1208. Hi father, a retired lieutenant in the Dayton fire department, makes no secret of the fact that at one time h e wanted Pa ul to become a big-league ball player. In that case it would read "Paul Froendhoff, 2b" instead of " Rev. Paul Timothy Froendhoff, O.P." for Order of Preachers. Froendhoff wa hiting .333 for Acme Pattern and Tool in the Cia s A amateur league when he left for the priesthood. Even hi own teammates, fighting for the league title, didn't know that he was going. Then one Sunday he didn't show up for a game and the next his clubmates knew he was in Chicago preparing for a lifetime of service in the Church. Ever since he was twelve year old and played in the Fire D epartment Baseball League, Froendhoff wa intere ted in ports. H e graduated into Class B and then Cia s A. At Roosevelt High School he played forward on two city championship teams and one sta te champion hip team. His parents have a scrapbook showing Pa ul hitting .4 71 in Kids League. Then he played a few games with the Boys Club in Class B, and shortly afterward joined Sam's Sweet Shop in the Class A circuit. H e was probably the youngest player in Clas A. Later he played with Finke's, and Acme. One year he went through the entire Class A season without triking out and box scores from his amateur days how he frequently collected two or three hit . The " thin man" as he is sometimes called, weighed only 140 pound and wasn' t a power hitter, but he got his hare of ringing single , usually over a urprised second baseman's h ead. At the University of D ayton he specialized in basketball, playing forward most of the time and a little at gua rd . H e played U.D. basketball in the 1939-1 940 a nd 1940-41 season. In 1940 he scored 14 points agamst a top notch Mia mi team at Oxford. A couple of weeks la ter when Miami ret urned to the Coliseum it was Froendhoff who scored 4 fast field goals and a fou l to bring the Flyers up to a tie with the R edskins. H e was on the U.D. team that made an Eastern swing and turned in one of the major surprises of th e
as Paul Froendhoff, 2b
1939-40 eason, a victory over a high scoring Rhode Island team that considered it an off night if it didn't ring up 70 point . H e played second base on the U. D . baseball team, and was lead off man in the batting order. But his activities at the U .D. weren't confined to athletics. Paul became president of the D ebating Club, and maintained a high sch olastic average. When he left D ayton in July 1941, it was the last time, for seven years, that he got a look a t Dayton, where he moved from Philadelphia, his birthplace, at the age of one year. One of the requisites of the Dominican Order is that its members not return home while they are preparing for the priesthood. Now he come back as the first member of the R esurrection parish ever to be ordained a priest. That not only means satisfaction to his family but to his parish priest, F ather John Stedman, as well. H e comes back not as Pa ul Joseph Froendhoff, his given name, but a R ev. Paul Timothy Froendhoff. H e took the name Timothy upon entering the Order. The Solemn High Mass at 10 :00 a.m. Sunday will be preceded by a procession. Father John P. K enny, O .P., formerly on the U.D. faculty, will speak. Father Andrew Henry, :1 teacher at St. Pius High School, Chicago, will be deacon of the Mass, and Father Luke Lyons, of Chicago's Fenwick High School, will b e subdeacon. A reception will be held at the Church from 3 to 6 p.m. ( C ontinued on page 7)
Bro. A. Holian
Rev. George J. Renneker, S.M., pr sidcnt of the U niversity of D ayton, recently announced tha t Brother J. Albert Wehrle, S.M ., instructor in the engineering division, was a ppointed D ean of the Engineering College. The a ppointment took effect following graduation on June 6th . Bro. Wehrle succeeds Bro. Austin Holian, S.M., who has served as acting dean since the death of Brother M a tthia H aas, S.M., in 1945. Brother Holian will continue on the taff as a member of the electrical engineering division, and will erve in the capacity of professor. Brother Wehrle received his Bach elor of Science degree from U .D . in 19 12 ; his M aster's of El ectrical Engineering in 192 7, and his Doctora te in 1930 from the U niversity of Pitt burgh. H e served a an in tructor in the ma thematics a nd physics depa rtment a t U.D., from 1920-1 926, and 1930-31. From 193 1 to 1940, he was H ead of the D epartment of Professor of Physics a t Trinity College, Si oux City, Iowa . Returning to th e University of D ayton in 1940, he was a ppofnted assistant, th en as ocia te profe sor of electrical engineering. During the war years of 1943- 1944, Bro. Wehrle was a member of the teaching taff of the Army Specialized Training Program. Bro. Holia n was awarded his Bachelor of Science in Education from the U niversity of D ayton in 193 1. H e received a BS in Electrica l Engineering, and hi rna ter's in the sa me fi eld in 1942 and 1944, respectively, from Case School of Applied Sci nee,
FATHER PAUL T. FROENDHOFF, O.P., !CENTER) OFFICIATED AT HIS FIRST Solemn High Mass in his parish Church of the Resurrection, Dayton, on Sunday, June 6. Left to right are Dominican Fathers Andrew Henry, deacon; Paul T. Froendhoff, and Luke Lyons, subdeacon. Father Froendhoff was ordained in the Dominican Order on June 4 at River Forest, Ill. Photo courtesy of Dayton News
Clevela nd. In 1944 he was a ppointed a member of the ASTP staff, foll owing which he was the University of D ayton representa tive on th Engineering, Science and M an agement Wa r Training Program of the U .S. Office of Education . In 1945, upon the death of Bro. M a tthia H aa , Bro. H olian was appointed acting Dean of the College of Engineering, and h as continued in th a t capacity.
Bro. Parr Heads ME Dep't. Bro. J erome Parr, S.M., h a been na med to po ition of head of the department of mechanical engineering. H e is succeeding Bro. Andrew Weber, S.M ., who "'!ill continue a profe sor in the ME depa rtment. Bro. Pa rr rece ived his Bachelor of Science degree from the Univer ity of D ayton in 1932. Following thi h e tudied a t Catholic U niversity of America, from which he received his Bachelor's degree in M echanical Engineering. In 1947, following tudy at Carnegie Institute of T echnology, the n ewly a ppointed head of the M echanical Engineering depa rtment then earned hi M aster' degree in his fi eld. H e has ta ught a t U.D . in the ummer school sessions from 1942-1 946. ( Continued on page 6)
U. D. Scholarship Won by Daytonian Mi s Beverl y J ean Whisler, a senior a t Wilbur Wright High Sch ool, D ayton, wa the recipient of a $100.00 scholarship to th e Univer ity of D ayton. The award was made by the Junior Achievement, Inc., with John Spencer, director of Junior Achievement, Dayton, making the presentation . The national H orace A. M o es Founda tion of the A sociation preent approxima tely 1,000 such awards each year. T he award was given to M iss Wh i ler for h er outsta ndi ng achi evements in th e J. A. group. M ayor Louis W . Lohrey proclaimed M ay 18 Achievement D ay. The pre enta tion of the ch olar hip wa the sole feat ure of the day, recognizing achievement in thi pa r ticula r fi eld. The Junior Achievemen t As ociation i sup ported by indu try and commerce with the objective of assisting and training young per ons who fo rm enterprise of their own . Su pporters of these activitie are convinced tha t thi is one way " to teach free enterpri e, American style."
George Pohlm an, Thoma R otterman, Ea rn est ea rl e , Bernar d Shay, William Strathea rn, AI Suttman, Joseph Toll e, K enneth Arkenberg, Wm . Bachus, L eo Buse, Lewi s Craver, Stanley Groene, Ri chard H anousek, Robert Huels, T errence L ynch, Blaine T. McGuire, John Mahon ey, William X . W a lsh, an d H arry Worman .
Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Studies: Patri cia J. Suttman. Bachelor of Science in Hom e Economics: Constance Frank, Suza nn e Hummer t, Mary Ann K essen, Anna King, I sabel Klopf, and Eleanor Lowry. Bachelor of Science in ursing Education : Margaret Bissel, Ju lia Lucas, Frances Shank, Sister M. Frideswalda Bruendl, and Eli zabeth Sullivan. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering : John Haskins, Paul Swift, Jr. , James Wilson, Jam es Woeste, Edward Frech, J. D ennis Griffin, Gerard Haury, a nd Dona ld Scheidler. Bachelor of El ectrica l Engin eering: Michael Fischer, H erman M artin , David Timmer, Wa llace Chang, Albert Diringer, George Fa lkenbach , Raymond Fortune, Thomas H a nlon , James Pfeiffer, and Robert Thome.
THE FIRST SOLEMN HIGH MASS OF FATHER JOHN N . SHERMAN, O .P., WAS celebrated on Sunday, June 6, at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Dayton . Father Sherman was ordained at the Dominican House of Studies at River Forest, Ill., on June 4. Left to right are Father Michael T. McNicholas, subdeacon, Father Sherman, celebrant, and Father Thomas Donlan , deacon, all members of the Dominican Order. Photo courtes y of Da yton News
180 Receive D egrees At 98th Commencem ent Commencement exerci es for the 98th graduating cia from the University of D ayton were h eld on Saturd ay, June 5th at 2 :30 p.m., at the National Cash R egi ter Auditorium. An honora ry degree wa conferred upon the Rt. Rev. Frederick G. Hochwalt, director of th e Educational clivi ion of the ation al Catholic Welfare Conferen e. On e hundred and eighty degree were conferred by the president, Father George J. R enneker, S.M.
BACCALAUREATE F a ther Charle L. Collins, vicepre ident and dean of admi ion , delivered the Baccalaureate sermon at the Ma s h eld in the Immaculate Conception chapel on the campus on unday, M ay 30th.
ALUMNI DINNER The graduates were welcomed into the Alumni A sociation at a dinner in their honor a t the Wishing Well in Centerville on June 3. Elmer Will,
president of the a socia tion, formally received th e new member a t thi time, and member hip card were given the gradua ting seniors.
SOROSIS TEA The Sorosi - the a lumnae as ociation of the university, h ad th future alumnae a their gue t of honor at a tea on Sunday, June 6, at the Salem Manor. The following i a list of the cia of '48: Bachelor of Arts: M yra Bolan d, Lucy Breid enbach, Ma rjorie C. K eithl ey, Joan Culbertson, P atricia D enni s, Victor Dilgard, Arthur Fisher, Tunn ey Fisher, Rita McGary, Edward M arrinan, Mild red Moon ey, Mary P ascha l, J ea nn e Smith, John Steinbruegge, Barbara Varga, J ohn Clancy, Edward Fo ter, Frank Hugh es, Jr., George Mitchell, J r., Gerald O 'Grady, Eugene Vonderembse, Id a Wh eeler. Bachelor of Music : Winifred M arian na R echer, V ery! Zech.
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Grace Parrott. Bachelor of Science in Busin j'!SS Administra tion : John Arch er, Earl Clark, Jack D awson, J ames Finke, John Gosiger, Willi am Homa n, John K eyes, Lloyd L ewis, Jr., Ruth K . M eyer, M arian na Monty,
Bachelor of M echanical Engin eering: Win ston L . Ginder, Ni colas Guardiola, Robert K. Schweller, John R . Shaffer, John J. Wilker, and George Zimmerman. Bachelor of Science: Alvin Bridges, George Brown, Emmet Campbell, Doroth y Clark, H erman Eichel, Robert Finch, Louis Gould, Frank Holl encamp, Ro eann Hou se r, K enn eth Jackson, Charles K ell er, Jr., Norbert Kosa ter, Frank L evin, Thomas McCarthy, Eil een McGa rvey, N an McGuirk, James Millard, Robert V erni er, Warren Wil son, Doro th y Zaenglein, Alton Backs, Mark Backs, Eugene Bold, S.M., Ri cardo Bressani, Rosemary Coulter, Thomas Cron, Robert K ass, R obert K emper, Rita Kramer, Be ie L a nkin Pokorn ey, Rodolfo Lujan, Bess M cCann, Robert Owen, Lloyd R eindl, an d M ark Ware. Bachelor of Science in Education: J ea nnette Barlow, Josephine Barlow, Nancy Boring, Mary F. Cavana ugh, Norman Connors, Elizabeth Crawford, Georgia Day, Margaret Di erkin, Carol Doles, Doroth y Dolle, D oroth y Ellifri t, Ad elai d e Ford, orman Froikin, P atricia Griffin, Edward Grimm e, S.M., Grace H art, J eane LeBoeuf, Grace L uther, Otis MacFarlane, Barbara Mal colm, Howard Miller, Ruth Moore, J essie Morrison, Pa tricia O 'Brien, Catherine R aso, Mary R einhard, M a d elein e U nger, J ohn Vincent, J eanne Warman, Edward Carey, S.M ., Geraldin e Clower, Thomas Corbett, S.M ., George D einl ein, S. M ., Gregory D eMoor, S.M., Robert Dobbins, John H amman , S.M., Lucius H ernandez, S.M ., Jo eph Jan sen, S.M ., John K eega n, S.M ., Willi am Ki efer, S.M ., R aymond L eopold, . M ., Ri chard Middl etown, S.M., Ferdina nd Schindler, S.M., Arthur Schmidt, S.M., Arthur W ea rdon, .M ., an d Robert Wood , S.M. M aster of Arts: Genevieve Hi ckey, Marie Hughes, T ecora eil, J oseph Peppare, Sister Ann L oui se, S.N.D . ; Sister Mary Audrey, CPPS .
At the last meeting of the University of Dayton Alumni Association Board of Directors, held May 26, 1948, Harry Baujan, Athletic Director and Bro. William B eHmer of the unive rsity's athletic department were guests of our board. The purpose of their presence was to facilitate the sale of tickets for the Flyers' home games during the 1948 football season. Every effort is being made to reserve seats for alumni who are planning to return to the university for any or all games. This being the last issue of the Alumnus until October, we have decided that the members of the alumni association should be informed of the ticket situation for the coming season, and that every effort is being made to accommodate your needs and desires for tickets. Mr. Baujan stated that this year 3500 season books will have been sold prior to the opening of the season. Also that 12 new boxes have been sold. A suggestion was made that in September a special mailing be sent to alumni again explaining the existing ticket problem, promoting the early purchasing of tickets in general and more particularly tickets for the Homecoming game on Nov. 13th. The athletic director stated that he would be willing to RESERVE ADDITIONAL SEATS FOR ALUMNI UNTIL TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE RESPECTIVE GAME, and further that he would hold the remainder of the sections Y and Z on the south side (those seats which have not been sold in season books) until two weeks before the date of the Miami, St. Louis, and Homecoming games. St. Louis is scheduled for Oct. 24, Sunday afternoon; Miami for Saturday, Nov. 6, and Oklahoma City, the Homecoming game, on Nov. 13. The single game prices are as follows: reserved seat for the Miami, St. Louis, and Oklahoma City ga~es are $2.50; reserved seat for the Marshall, Iowa State Teachers games are $2.00. The price of a season book is $10.00. All prices quoted include Federal and State taxes.
RECEIVING THEIR DIPLOMAS AT THE NINETY-EIGHTH ANNUAL COMmencement exercises at the University of Dayton, June 5, were Mr. and Mrs. AI Thomas Suttman. AI entered the university in 1937, but due to conditions beyond his control-six years in the army, he is just completing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Suttman are graduates of the Business Division. Photo courtesy of Dayton Herald
The five home games are: Oct. 9 Marshall Oct. 24 St. Louis Nov. 6 Miami Nov. 13 Oklahoma City (Homecoming) Nov. 20 Iowa State Teachers If you desire insured mailing add twenty cents to your order which should be mailed directly to the Athletic Ticket Office, University of Dayton, Dayton 9, 0. ORDER NOW for GOOD SEATS in the STADIUM.
Appointments ( C ontin u ed f ro m jJage 4)
Bro. Spahn Heads Civil Engineering Dept. Bro. George Spahn, S.M., was appointed acting head of the department of civil engineering, after serving as a professor in tha t division since 1947. H e received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1936 from U.D. In 1946 upon completing his studies a t Ca tholic University, he earned his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, and then received his M aster's in civil engineering a t Case School of Applied Science. Bro. William J. Wohlleben, S.M.,
will continue in his po ition as h ead of the chemical engineering department, and Bro. Louis Rose, S.M., will remain in the same position in the electrical engineering depa rtment.
BOB GRIMES '36 TAKES POST IN S. A. Robert W . Grime, an alumnus of the University of Dayton in the class of '36, recently departed from Dayton with his family. In New York, they will board a steamer for Buenos Aires, Argentina. A gradua te of Cha minade High School, D ayton, Bob received his degree in Chemical Engineering from U.D . During World Wa r II, h e served in the Air Forces fo r four years and was discha rged as a lieutenant colonel. H e then returned to Lowe Brothers Paint Co., with whom he had been a ffilia ted since 1936, as a member of the technical service depa rtment. In Argentina, Mr. Grimes assumes the post of superintendent of a paint mill opera ted in the Argentine capital by Lowe Brothers. Mrs. Grimes a nd the two children, Pa tricia and Bobby, will make the trip to Argentina.
1926- H erb Eikenberry was gue t peaker a t the Lions club luncheon in Dayton.
1928- Congra tulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koor on th birth of th eir son, John H enry, Jr., on M ay 16 in D ayton . Ed. C. Powers is erving a ch airman of the Chamber of Commerce fire prevention committee' mercantile group. Dr. George ]. R au was elected treasure r of th e ge n er a l practitioner' branch of the Montgomery County Medical Associa tion . 193 Vincent Castrop, D etroit, wa a campus vi itor. J ames P. Caidy wa elected a council member of the D ayton R e erve Officers' Association.
ANOTHER UNUSUAL PAIR TO BE AWARDED DEGREES AT COMMENCEMENT in June is Mrs . Josephine Barlow lleftl and her daughter, Jeannette. Both mother and daughter entered school at the same time and continued to work together until their dream of graduating wa s achieved . They are graduate s of the Division of Education . Jeannette was the ed itor of the 1948 yearbook, The Daytonian . Photo co urtesy of Da yton Herold.
FATHER FROENDHOFF (Continued from page 3) The verse (St. Paul 2, Cor. 1-24) enclosed in Rev. Paul Timothy Froendhoff's a nnouncement tells it better than we can. " Not that we lord it over your faith, but rather we are fellow-workers in your joy."
CLASS PRESIDENTS Please Contact the Alumni Office Fo r H omeco m i ng R eunions.
1908- Congratulations are extended to Father Harry Ansbury on the occasion of his thirty-fifth year of priesthood . H e recently was the guest of honor at a surprise dinner by his parishoners.
1912- Congratulations are also extended to Father George F. Kuntz on the celebration of hi silver jubilee.
1931- Rt. R ev. Frederick G. Hochwalt, director of the D epartment of Education of the ational Ca tholic Welfare Conference, a nd commencement speaker for the Univer ity of Dayton' 98th exercises, delivered the commencement address at Seton Hill college, Greensburg, Pa. Joe Stermer, M aj., Ordnance Divi ion, D etroit Arsenal, h a just returned there after an extensive inspection tour of ordnance installation on the West Coast. Congratulation are extended to Mary M. Mootz and Fred M. K err who were married on Saturday, M ay 22, at We tminster Chapel, Dayton.
1913- Todd Makley was installed as president of the Dayton Fire and Cas ualty Underwriters.
1932- Dr. A. P. M cDonald was installed as secretary of the practitioners' branch of the Montgomery County Medica l Association.
1915- F ather Francis T. Culley was a member of the committee for the Orphans' picnic held on June 27, in Dayton.
1934- K evin Dwyer, president of the Dayton Art Center, officially welcomed Stevan Dohanos, Saturday Evening Post cover man of "Ashcan Art" at a recent dinner meeting. Louis W. Makley is serving as publicity chairman of the newly-organized South Park Business Men's Association in Dayton. John Craig was named a vice-president and general manager of the Crosley Division.
192 1 - George A. Pflaum, president of the Geo. A. Pflaum Publishers, Inc., served as general chairman of the 38th annual convention of the Catholic Press Association of the United States h eld in Cleveland. 192 3 - Sympathy i extended to the family of Father E. J. Klass who died recently a t St. Anthony's hospital, Columbus, 0. H a rold Ims is residing in Canal Winchester, 0 . 1 924 - Charles E. Eisenhauer was elected vice-president of the Tool Manufacturer's A ociation.
1935- Mary Horrigan was elected president of the Dayton unit of the Archdioce an council of Catholic nurse, and president of the Dayton League of Nur ing Education at their annual meeting. 1936- Robert Grimes was a campus visitor prior to his leaving for Buenos
( Continued on page 8)
Oass Notes ( Continued fro m page 7)
Aires to ta ke over a Lowe Bro . Paint factory. F a ther Paul V. Leibold was a ppointed Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Dick Cull i very busy these days covering the Phil adelphia Convention . Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. H erbert Wha len, Jr., on the birth of their da ughter on June 7, in D ayton. 1937- Fred Schulenberg, formerl y with the Sa les depa rtment of the Frigid aire Division, GMC in St. Louis is now back in Dayton.
1942- Josc ph M cSh ane has been moved to Syracuse, cw York . John Bola nd ha been a ppointed chief application engin eer for th e M eyer Furnace Co., in Peoria, Ill. Bob Butler was elected trca urer of the Cha minade High School a lumni associa tion.
1938- Congra tula tions a rc being received by Mr. a nd Mrs. George L. Wolf, Akron, who are the proud pa rents of a bab y girl, Loui c Ann, who a rrived on M ay 30. Lt. Col. John E. Unvcrferth has been tran fcrred to the Engineer ' Center, Ft. Belvoir, Va.
1943- Ed. P. Agnew has esta blished his residence in St. Albans, W. Va. H erbert Hayes, 1st Lt. , is stationed with th e 364th Infa ntry a t Ft. Dix, New J er cy. Dorothy Flohre a nd Rich a rd ]. W e tendorf were ma rried on Sa turd ay, June 5 a t St. Joseph's Church, Dayton.
1939- M aj. Don A. K ersting is sta tioned a t the 9th Air Force Base a t Greenville, South Ca rolina.
1944.- Michael Connair received his mas ter's degree in Chemical Engineering a t M assachusetts Institute of T echnology this June. H e was a campus visitor a nd will work with Goodyear in Akron, 0. M a rtha M. L ehman a nd Wi llia m L. Duffy have set th e d a te of their wedding which will take place on Aug ust 14 in Our Lad y of M ercy Church, D ayton . Congra tul a tion a rc extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. John D. Esse! tcin (Ad ele Klo pf ) on the birth of their son J a mes D a vid on Friday, June 11.
1940- Ed Borcher was elected secreta ry of the Cha rninade High School alumni association. M a rgaret Hoelscher was cho en a secreta ry of the D ayton unit of the Council of Ca tholic nurses. F a ther John N. herman, a nd Fa ther Pa ul T. Froendhoff, both newl y ordained member of th e D ominican order, recently offer d th eir first M a ses in their res pective pa ri hes in D ayton. The engage ment a nd a pproaching ma rri age of orma Joa nne L aFa ve a nd Dr. Anthony Rush, D etroit, has been a nnounced . Th ey will be ma rried on July 3 a t St. Ro c' Ca tholi c Church in Detroit. Congra tula tions and bes t wi hcs a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. J ames C. Gibbons who were marri ed on M ay 22 in Pa mplona, Gua temala. H e is the Gua temala n reprc enta tivc of the C. D. Kline firm in Chi cago. Dottie Ewing a nd Bill Sherma n h a ve set July 1Oth a the da te of their wedding. Bill's brother, Fa ther J ohn N . Sherma n, will officia te a t the ceremony a nd a t the M a . A nice " newsy" note from M a ry Glick, Toledo, informs us tha t she and Tom a re the proud parents of a da ughter, Jane Ell en, born May 2nd. Congratula tions ! 1941 - M a ry Eloise Balke and Cl aude 0 . Kroger will be m a rri ed on ept. 4 in St. Anthony's church, D ayton. Jim Winter hold the job of vicepresident in the alumni associa tion of Cha minade High School.
1945 - K a thleen M cCloskey and Dr. J erome T. Gri mer were ma rried on J unc 5 in Corpu Christi Church . J erry i interning a t the U niversity of Oregon hos pital in Portl and. M argaret Ca rroll is one of the sponsors of th e D ayton cha pter of the Ohio Sta te Society of M edical T cc hnolo.,.ists. Fern R eever Bern er was named to the Boa rd of Direc tor of the D ayton League of Nursing Education . Congra tula tion a rc extended to Fa ther J ohn H . Antony, pa tor of St. Pa ul's Church, Yellow Springs, 0 ., on the celebra tion of his silver jubilee in the priesthood. Mr. a nd Mrs. Fredcrick H . L ewis ( M a rgaret Cosner ) a re receiving congra tula tions on the birth of their da ughter Trish a L ee, on Jun e 10. M a rth a Ann Hromyak, Youngstown, and Robert R eef were ma rried on June 26 a t St. Luke's Eva ngelica l Church . C adet R. M . Pfeiffer was a mong the West Pointers who enj oyed a two-day tour of Wright a nd Pa tterson Fields. Bob will be gradua ted in 1949. Dr. and Mrs. Richa rd W elch were ca mpus visitors.
H e i interning a t St. Elizabeth's h o. pita l, D ayton. R ay Biedenbender h a designed a new furnace for the M eyer Furnace Co., in Peoria, Ill. 194 6 - Congra tula ti on are extended to C a ptain a nd Mr . H enry Wm . Scha rf who were m arried on June 16, a t St. Gertrude's church in Franklin pa rk, Ill. Mr . Scharf is the form er Anita Burke. Donald]. Kreitzer received hi mas ter's degree in Politica l Science a t the University of Cincinn a ti . H e expect to begin work on thi doctora te a t Ohio Sta te in J a nuary. J oan Ca therine Fitzharris' engagement to D ave Borch ers has been a nnounced . 1947- The engagement of M a rian C . Schoch and J a mes F . Scheuerman has been a nnounced . They will be ma rried on Aug. 21 in Holy Trinity Church in Coldwa ter. Ann Fitzgerald a nd R obert Wourms were married on June 12 a t Corpu Christi Church . R ay Bola nd advises u on a recent campu visit tha t he i re iding in a poleon, 0. Cha rles Seaman is a rc ident of La urel, New York. D ori J ean W a lker a nd J ack Castignola beca me Mr. a nd Mrs. on Sa turday, June 12 a t H oly Angels' Church, Dayton. J ack Jonc is a ports writer for the D ayton D a ily News. H e was a recent ca mpus visitor. J oe Accrocco i pursuing his studic in physical therapy a t th e U niversity of California. 1948 - D orothy Lee R aney and Willia m ]. Bachu were ma rried on June 19, a t Cor pus Christi Church, D avton. Following a motor trip to c~v York, they will fly to Bermud a on their honeymoon. Evelyn R eicha rd a nd T om C ron were married on M ay 29, a t Our L ady of M ercy Church in D ayton. They a re residing in Celina. Taney Boring and Fra nk Hollenka mp h ave set the d a te of their wedding for Aug. 7, a t Corpus Christi, D ayton . Doroth y Ann Wildenha us a nd Gerald L. H a ury will be ma rried on Jul y 10 a t St. Agnes Church, D ayton. J eann ette toecklein a nd T errance P. L ynch h ave set Sept. 4 as th eir wedding da te. Mr. and Mr . J ohn ]. Wilker a re being congratula ted on the birth of their son, J ohn J o ~ ph, on M ay 25.