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Evening Programs
Evening programs will resume in September.
Field Trips
Register with Carol at 707-822-2015 or theralphs@ humboldt1.com to learn details. Small groups, face coverings, and social distancing observed.
June 19, Saturday. Seawood Cape Reserve Day Hike. About 2 miles of level walking on rough trails will provide a good review of coastal plants in the Redwood and Sitka spruce forests of this new preserve north of Trinidad, guided by The Wildland Conservancy staff.
June 27, Sunday. Canoe Fire Day Hike. Retired park ecologist Steve Underwood will show us how things have changed and how they have remained the same since the Canoe Fire burned through part of Humboldt Redwoods State Park seventeen years ago. We will hike several miles, both on and off trail, seeing the fire’s long-lasting impact and enjoying many favorite understory plants.
Missed the Wildflower Show?

A Little Free Wildflower Gallery. Photo by Annie Reid
The virtual flowers are still viewable! Find our four iNaturalist projects through the links on the Wildflower Show webpage on our website. The Zoom speakers on serpentine habitat are still viewable! Find the recorded videos under the Education tab of our website. And the real art is still being shared in the Little Free Wildflower Galleries. Find the 15 locations on the Art Share page of the Wildflower Show tab of our website.

Grasswidows, in the iris family, a photo in the Wildflower Show “Observations” iNaturalist project. By Kale Levin

The Spring Plant Walks iNaturalist project, showing 3 of the 20 walks contributed by photographers.
Missed the Plant Sale?
Our native plants are available every day, 12 noon-6 p.m., at the Kneeland Glen Farm Stand at Freshwater Farms Reserve, 5851 Myrtle Ave. If you don’t see what you want, contact us at northcoastcnps@gmail.com
Stay Updated: www.northcoastcnps.org facebook.com/NorthCoastCNPS CNPS welcomes everyone. No expertise required.