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Creature Feature


Hoary Bat
(Aeorestes cinereus) or Skoyom in the Yurok language.
Hoary Bats are a widespread species in North America, and are one of the most common bat species in Humboldt County. ey are also some of the largest bats, measuring nearly 6 inches in length.
ey get the name “hoary” from their silver-tipped fur, which is reddish brown underneath. Hoary bats hunt their insect prey using very low frequency echolocation. is makes it harder for them to detect obstacles, so they typically hunt over wide open spaces. You can spot these tree-dwelling mammals at Humboldt Redwoods State Park in the evenings.
Photo: JN Stuart on Flickr Ivy Munnerlyn, Coastal Programs Coordinator
Long Tailed Weasel

(Neogale frenata) or Tsougulhayughunu’ru’ in the Wiyot language.
e long tailed weasel is a charming but erce predator, snacking primarily on rodents and other small mammals. Weasels are part of the “Mustelid” family, which includes badgers, otters, martens, and ferrets. In summer, they are brown with a white face and pale belly. In the winter, they transition to an all-white coat (except the tip of their tail, which is always black).
is species typically makes its den in abandoned chipmunk burrows. eir young develop rapidly, and can leave the burrow and eat meat before their eyes open. Photo: Robin Agarwal on Flickr

California Blackberry
(Rubus ursinus) or Pi’dughurragilh in the Wiyot language
CA blackberry is native to the West Coast and can be distinguished from invasive counterparts by their slender petals, which taper to a point at the base and tip. e leaves are also a good indicator. ey are green on the underside, and always come in sets of 3. e CA blackberry has a hard time competing with the invasive Himalayan blackberry, so this is a great plant to cultivate in your yard and surrounding areas.
Chances are you’re more likely to run into the highly invasive Himalayan Blackberry than our native species. While this species is extremely disruptive to native plant communities, it is also delicious to humans, so pick as many as you like! Photo: A. Davey on Flickr
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