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Madrasty opens a new chapter in K-12 e-learning Bringing the ‘cool to school’ with active learning, songs, & AI
I strive for quality and affordable education with equal opportunity for all. To further this goal, we are providing our app, free of charge, to students with chronic health conditions and disabilities.
What impact did technology have on Madrasty?
What are the strategic educational aims of Madrasty?
Recent studies show that music not only activates both hemispheres of the brain, increasing comprehension, but also activates the part responsible for memory. We were able to create cool, enjoyable songs that appeal to students of all ages, bringing the “cool” factor back to education.
Mohamed Elkabany, the CEO of Madrasty, which he founded in 2021, previously served as CEO of Orman schools, a chain of over 100 Egyptian schools.
Elkabany launched the e-learning platform Madrasty in 2021 with the goal of providing students with access to affordable, high-quality education. To discuss this and the ever-changing educational landscape, Economy Middle East had this conversation with Elkabany.
Could you tell us about your passion for education?
At the first school I managed, students were spoon-fed information. However, when we introduced active learning, we witnessed a noticeable improvement in their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. This led me to realize that we were teaching students “what” to think rather than “how” to think.
By leveraging technology, we have been able to bring the best teachers to every home through pre-recorded videos, learning through songs, live sessions and our assessment tool. Within 18 months of launching Madrasty, we had over 100,000 active students who watched 2.5 million videos, listened to 2.9 million songs, and solved 8 million questions. The use of instant feedback from our assessment tools has eliminated the need for teachers to validate student learning, significantly accelerating the learning process.
Technology also enables us to customize the student experience by quickly identifying their weaknesses and enhancing their strengths. It can identify where a student is struggling and suggest alternative learning methods for a particular lesson. Additionally, AI chatbots can provide personalized tutoring to help students grasp challenging concepts.
Also, with AI as the teacher, each student can receive an education tailored to their learning needs, creating a massive impact on the way they learn. We are committed to designing and implementing the most suitable architecture for our database that will support a robust AI system for educational purposes.
What changes are needed in today’s K-12 education?
Educational institutions often choose to force students to memorize vast amounts of information, which can impede their ability to excel in subjects they are passionate about. Coding, for instance, should be part of the main curricula, knowing that this skill may be a requirement in future jobs. I also believe that the job market for sustainability will grow as communities realize the importance of environmental and sustainability awareness, which should be part of curricula as the threat of global warming worsens. Creating more electives for students can also help bridge the gap between what is taught today and future market needs.
What are the current funding needs for the expansion of Madrasty?
We are currently looking to raise $1.5 million to scale our team, attract the right talent, and start our expansion in Saudi Arabia.