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Project Status

Of the place-based projects participating in the survey, 30% considered themselves to be at the ‘initial research’ phase. 5% of projects considered themselves to be ‘stalled’. The remaining projects were ‘ongoing’, meaning that they were at some stage of the ‘investment readiness’ process, including revenue generation. There was no discernible correlation between type of lead organisation and project status. The only exception is that the highest proportion of ‘stalled’ projects was found in VCSOs.


Project Milestones

Survey respondents were asked to select the milestones which their projects had reached, corresponding to the GFI Hive Investment Readiness Toolkit1. Our analysis, as one would expect, shows that there is a much greater number of projects at the earlier stages of project development such as scoping sites, identifying sellers and carrying out baseline estimates.


1. Available at Green Finance Institute’s website.

The proportion of projects whom have reached the milestones outlined as part of the GFI Hive Investment Readiness Toolkit1

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