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The City of Copenhagen has a vision: By 2015 Copenhagen is to be the Eco-metropolis of the world, and the City will be rightfully known as the capital city with the best urban environment in the world. In order to keep track of our progress, Copenhagen’s Green Accounts are made every year. They include a presentation of the most important key figures for the environment as well as information on how close we are to meeting the 13 ambitious and binding goals laid down in ‘Eco-metropolis – our vision for Copenhagen 2015.’ (See the 13 goals and where we are today

In connection with the City Council’s unanimous decision in 2007 to make the City the Eco-metropolis of the world, the City has already decided on 6 Star Initiatives that will lead to highly visible, pivotal and concrete improvements that will have a positive effect on the environment of Copenhagen and will contribute to supporting the goals set for 2015. The 6 Star Initiatives are: No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6

Renewal of Fælledparken Vehicles of the future 500 litter bins The Christianshavn Route – a green cycle route Playgrounds for all tastes Beach at Svanemøllebugten and Kalvebod Bølge

In addition to the above, many other valuable initiatives have been taken that support the City’s new ambitious visions and goals under the four themes: • • • •

The World’s Best City for Cycles Climate Capital A Green and Blue Capital City A Clean and Healthy Big City

overleaf). The accounts illustrate that the City of Copenha-


gen – through continuous and targeted efforts – has come a long way, but also that the City is still facing some challenges. When it comes to bicycling, energy supply and the consumption of organic food, we are among the frontrunners at global level. However, with regard to traffic, the City must still search for new and innovative solutions in order to reach our ambitious goals. Our vision for Copenhagen 2015 Find key figures and information about Star Initiatives as well as the many other environmental initiatives in Copenhagenøregnskab Read the Green Accounts in full (in Danish) and Read about specific themes




THE WORLD’S BEST CITY FOR CYCLES At least 50 % of people will go to

37 % in 2008

their workplace or educational

require reinforced and continuous efforts. Cycle infrastructure is regularly being improved, however

institution in Copenhagen by bike The number of seriously injured cyclists

car traffic must also be restricted, e.g. by way of congestion charges, if we are to meet this goal. 121 in 2008

in Copenhagen to be halved compared to

The number of serious accidents involving cyclists has been significantly reduced over the past 10–12 years. Safety conditions are regularly being improved at intersections etc. In addition to this,

2005 (when 118 cyclists were injured) At least 80 % of cyclists in Copenhagen to

The percentage of people who cycle has been steady for several years, so achieving this goal will

campaigns to increase awareness among cyclists are needed. 51 % in 2008

feel safe and secure in traffic

There has been a slight decrease in this area over the past years. This reflects the positive problem that there are more cyclists and therefore more congestion on the cycle paths. The City runs regular campaigns on how safe it is to cycle, however more campaigns are needed and more space is needed for cyclists in intersections and certain stretches of road.

CLIMATE CAPITAL A reduction of Copenhagen’s CO2 emissions

4 % in 2008

of at least 20 % compared to 2005

From 1990–2005, CO2 emissions dropped by almost 25 %. The City’s 2009 climate plan shows how this 2015 goal can be achieved. In 2008 the City allocated almost DKK 150 million to this area and a further DKK 85 million in 2009. Agreements e.g. on restructuring the energy supply must be implemented to achieve this goal.

A GREEN AND BLUE CAPITAL CITY 90 % of Copenhageners should be able to

Approx. 60 % in 2007

In 2009, the City adopted a strategy that includes establishment of 14 new pocket parks in the city before 2015. The first park was established in 2009 and another 2 will be initiated in 2010. In

walk to a park, a beach, a natural area or sea

addition to this, new recreational areas are being established regularly, e.g. by the waterside and in

swimming-pool in less than 15 minutes

connection with major urban development projects. Copenhageners will be visiting the city’s parks, natural areas, sea-swimming-pools

On average 1 hour every

The frequency with which Copenhageners visit parks, etc. has been stable for the past 5 years. With

other day in 2008

its new strategy, the City is focusing on improving the quality of its green areas. Work is also being done on a regular basis to renovate all of the city’s playgrounds, park furniture and pathways.

and beaches twice as often as today (on average 1 hour every other day)

A CLEAN AND HEALTHY BIG CITY Copenhageners should be able to sleep

30,000 dwellings exposed to

The City is to adopt an action plan for noise in 2010. Noise-reducing asphalt is being used when

peacefully, free from noise harmful

too high noise levels at night

repairing larger roads today. Technology developments, new ways of regulating traffic, subsidies for

to health from street traffic

in 2009 (rough estimate)

home-owners as well as government co-funding are all essential if we are to achieve this goal.

All schools and institutions should be

Approx. 50 % of schools and

The City’s upcoming noise action plan focuses, amongst other things, on noise reducing initiatives

subject to only low traffic-noise levels

80 % of institutions exposed

by renovating municipal buildings. External co-funding is extremely important if we are to achieve

to low noise levels in 2009

this goal.

The air should be so clean that

Limit values for nitrogen

Traffic-related pollution with nitrogen dioxide and particles has not seen the same positive trend

Copenhageners’ health will not be damaged

dioxide and particles were

as other kinds of air pollution in Copenhagen. Since 2008 the City’s Environment Zone has been

still being exceeded in 2008

expanded to comprise the entire municipality, and regulations will become stricter in 2010. If the City is to limit pollution further, there is a need to tighten environmental requirements for cars and improve City traffic regulation.

There should be at least 20 % organic food

20 % of Copenhagener’s

Consumption of organic food by Copenhagen households has increased from approx. 15 % of total

in the city’s food consumption

food consumption was

food consumption in 2006 to very close to 20 % in 2008. The corresponding figure is not known for

organic in 2008 The City to lead the way with at least 90 %

56 % in 2008

restaurants, cafés or private canteens. Consumption of organic food has increased significantly since 2005, when the percentage was 36 %. Københavns Madhus, an organisation focussing on promoting healthy eating habits, will

organic food in its institutions

continue to introduce organic food in municipal kitchens. Copenhagen should be Europe’s cleanest

Yet to be conceptualised

Surveys from 2008 and 2009 show that the city is now cleaner and that citizens can also see that this is true compared to the situation in 2007. This even holds true after a summer with an

capital and one of the cleanest capitals in

abundance of activities and events. The City has launched a new effort and allotted an additional

the world

DKK 30 million to the area for the period 2007 to 2012. Litter should be cleared from public

Yet to be conceptualised

A targeted effort is needed. This will be conceptualized in 2010.

streets within eight hours

Printed matter eco-labeled with the Nordic Swan 541–202

City of Copenhagen, November 2009. Contact: Project manager Lise Fogh,, +45 3366 5934

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