DearGod A Lesson on atonement
BY Sister Elisabeth
BY Sister Elisabeth
Soon we will celebrate the day of Atonement. This takes place during the seventh Hebrew month we call Tisri. This is a very special and holy day. Like the Sabbath, we do not go to school, work, watch tv, play or do any other common activities.
On the day of Atonement
we ask the Lord for forgiveness for our sins. Do you remember what sin is? This is when you disobey God’s 10 holy commandments. Everybody in this world has disobeyed God at some point in theirs lives, including you and me.
God, however, is very merciful and has given us time to ask for forgiveness and to obey him so that we can be saved from this wicked world. This is known as grace. When we ask for forgiveness and decide to not sin anymore. This is called repentance.
To ask for forgiveness we do so by praying. When we pray this is very holy. We do not play during prayer and take it seriously. Remember you are talking directly to God the Father. You must be quiet. You should bow your head and clasp your hands together. We start with the Lord’s prayer, which is in Matthew Chapter 6. Let us review.
God instructs us to fast the entire day of Atonement in the Bible. When you get older, you will begin to fast during the Day of Atonement as well.
Fasting teaches us to focus on God and all the wonderful things he has done for us like giving us life, sending Christ to die for our sins and providing us with the truth.
Fasting is not always comfortable. Your tummy will ache and your head might hurt. This teaches us that when we obey God, life will not always be easy. We will go through things that may make us uncomfortable, sad or angry. But no matter how we might feel, we still must obey God.
On the day of Atonement, we pray for the day when we no longer sin. We pray that our bodies and minds are pure. What does pure mean? It means to be without sin. When God makes us pure, he will no longer remember our sins. We will holy, happy and have eternal life.
BY Sister Elisabeth