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A project of this magnitude could not have happened without much help and support. I wish to thank Mark Lawson for recognizing the need for this book and encouraging it from its inception. Additionally, it was a pleasure to work with Morningstar Senior Editor, Thomas R. Pearce, whose careful eye for detail and church music experience significantly improved the manuscript.
I am also grateful to church music graduate assistants at Baylor University who over a three year period contributed significantly — Steven Braucht, Kyle Damron, Katherine Kimbell, Lauren Shelton, and Chris Wood. Kyle Damron should be singled out for his tedious attention to detail in assisting with research and Lauren Shelton for her careful proofreading, corrections, and helpful suggestions. While my student worker, Josh Kusch, did not work on the book, he capably attended to other tasks allowing me to give greater energy to this project — thanks, Josh.
I also express my gratitude to Brenda Bradley for patiently proofing and editing the text more than once, and to Mary Kay Parrish for her keen eye and careful attention to detail in proofreading and editing (with assistance from her adult children, John Michael and Robin).
Many of my colleagues around the country offered significant input in developing the book's initial proposal. Their suggestions enhanced the books contents, organization, and breadth. These friends include Ray Burdeshaw, A. L. "Pete" Butler, Stephen Carrell, Mark Edwards, Charlie Fuller, Michael Hawn, Rob Hewell, Becky Lombard, Paul Magyar, Don Odom, Lewis Oswalt, Sue Ellen Page, Mary Kay Parrish, John Simons, John Witvliet, and Terry York.
In addition, I am grateful to my church music colleagues at Baylor University, Terry York and David Music, who encouraged me along the way and often offered their insights, sometimes without ever knowing it. Also, thanks to Will May, Dean of the School of
Music for allowing me to have a more flexible schedule to complete the final manuscript.
Futhermore, I'm thankful to the churches I've served who have taught me much of what I know — Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Georgiana, Alabama; First Baptist Church, Benbrook, Texas; Maywood Baptist Church, Independence, Missouri; University Baptist Church, Shawnee, Oklahoma; and Calvary Baptist Church, Waco, Texas. Through the advice of wise church members, dedicated ministers, and deeply committed choir members, I have grown. And to the hundreds of students who have been in my classes, I'm appreciative of all that you've taught me. Much of it has found its way into this book.
Lastly, I'm grateful to my family — to my wife, Brenda, for her consistent encouragement and support; and to Hannah and Isaac for doing without me during many writing retreats, and for sharing me with the computer on far too many Saturday mornings.