2 minute read
1) Direct the organization and implementation of a comprehensive church music program including choir, vocal and/or instrumental ensembles, and drama teams.
1 The following job descriptions and organizational chart are drawn from N. Lee Orr, The Church Music Handbook for Pastors and Musicians (Nashville: Abindgon Press, 1991), 72-7.; and Bob Hatfield and Tom Willoughby, "Organizing Effectively: Organizational Charts and Job Descriptions," in The Music Ministry Resource Manual, comp. Gerald P. Armstrong, Jere V. Adams, and Clinton E. Flowers (Nashville: Convention Press, 1990), 1-11.
2)Assist the pastor in planning congregational services of the church and be responsible for the selection of the music, particularly during special seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
3)Serve as a leader in the worship services, giving direction to the congregational singing, choir, and other phases of worship.
4)Direct major service choirs and other choirs or ensembles as personal schedule will permit.
5)Supervise the work of paid music staff workers and volunteers. Conduct regular staff meetings for the purpose of evaluation and planning.
6)Cooperate with the church nominating committee to enlist and train leaders for the church music ministry.
7)Serve as a member of the church council; coordinate the music program with the organizational calendar and emphases of the church.
8)Lead in maintaining a church music committee or council. Seek input from committee members in matters such as goal setting, evaluation, leadership, and personnel policies for paid staff, facilities, finance, and administrative procedures.
9)Serve on, and work with, church committees as assigned.
10) Plan, organize, and promote concerts, choir tours, mission trips, retreats, festivals, workshops, clinics, and other special programs to enhance the music ministry.
11) Oversee maintenance of the music library, materials, supplies, musical instruments, and other equipment useful in the music ministry.
12) Prepare reports necessary to keep the church fully informed concerning the music ministry.
13) Participate in special ministries to music personnel (hospital and home visitations, and other matters as needed.)
14) Prepare, with assistance from the music committee and music staff members, an annual music budget reflecting the needs for the entire music program. Administrate the budget once the church approves it.
15) Be informed of denominational goals, emphases, publications, materials, policies, and plans for employing them as they relate to the local church.
16) Assist other staff members in church-wide events when necessary.
17) Assist in the selection and provision of appropriate music for weddings, funerals, special projects, and other church-related activities.
18) Give direction to, and participate in, a plan of visitation and enlistment.
19) Visit hospitals and assist in pastoral care when called upon.
20) Attend workshops or conferences concerning church music.
21) Keep informed on current music methods, materials, promotional ideas, and administrative techniques.
22) Maintain a consistent program of self-improvement.
Music Associate Principle Function
The music associate is responsible to the minister of music and the church for assisting in the development and promotion of the music ministry of the church.
1)Assist in the planning, coordinating, and evaluation of the music ministry.
2)Meet regularly with the minister of music and other music staff members for coordination and planning.
3)Direct various music groups as assigned by the minister of music.
4)Direct rehearsals and services in the absence of the minister of music.
5)Assist with music leadership for special church events (retreats, socials, banquets, and so forth).
6)Enlist persons for participation in the music ministry through visitation and other means.
7)Assist with special training opportunities for the congregation and music ministry participants.
8)Assist with sectional rehearsals and other special rehearsals as needed.