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Receiving a Message – When receiving a message, observe the following: (1) Listen or read carefully. Work hard to focus on the source of the message. In verbal communication, keep your eyes focused on the speaker. Avoid distractions. (2) Do not interrupt a vocal message. Allow the speaker to finish before asking questions or responding. (3) Keep open to new information, especially when you perceive messages are contrary to your opinion or values. Always listen to information as if this were your first time to hear this viewpoint. (4) Seek clarification. Ask questions that confirm that you've heard correctly: "Would you please clarify?" "Would you say that again?" "Can you say that in a different way?" (5) Play back the message received. Important messages should be put in writing for referral and protection. Following a particularly important conversation, write a verbatim of the conversation's content for future reference.
Types of Correspondence
Letters – Letters are usually sent to convey information. Letters are particularly effective because they can be saved for reference. Many ministers of music have their own stationery; however, for a group of ministers to use common stationery is often best since the paper must be bought in bulk and is often wasted when a minister changes positions. With colored printers and sophisticated computer programs, it is possible to design your own stationery, which may be used on an as-needed basis.
Cards – Cards can be produced en-masse or handwritten. Reminder cards for rehearsals or events are often duplicated and mailed with computer-generated labels. However, absentee cards should be handwritten and personalized. Cards are also ideal for recognizing achievement and for expressing thanks and appreciation. If you send cards often, you may choose to design a music ministry note card that can be used for many occasions. Although e-mail is widely used, receiving handwritten notes is appreciated. Many ministers send birthday cards to everyone in the music ministry or to those in a particular choir. While this is a thoughtful idea and is always appreciated, it requires diligence and discipline. When sending birthday cards, you must develop a system so that no one is excluded. Some ministers buy a large supply of cards, sign the cards, address them and put them in a box in order of mailing dates beginning with January (write the mailing date on the upper right hand corner where the stamp will go). Each day the file must be checked. Before mailing, write a brief note that highlights recent situations in the person's life. If you travel often, you must take the cards with you or leave them with a responsible person to be mailed.
Telephone – The telephone is most useful in enlisting and in outreach when responses are important and questions need to be answered immediately. If you have large blocks of "waiting time," perhaps waiting for a child at piano lessons, dance classes, or an athletic practice, this time can be spent with a cell phone calling people whom you need to contact. (You will want to build a file of cell phone numbers since people increasingly depend on cell phones for direct communication.) The telephone can also be effective for calling groups of people when a phone chain is in place. Calling lists are probably most effective with older adults although a calling list utilizing cell phone numbers for youth choir may be effective.
E-mail – E-mail is probably the most effective form of communication, for e-mail is private, quick, interactive, and allows the receiver to have control over the time of receipt. E-mail can also be printed if a hard copy may be needed for further reference. E-mail is particularly effective for short messages that don't require detailed responses and is ideal for reminders, updates, or for other reasons. Long e-mails are sometimes not read thoroughly, so if you have several messages to send to the same person or group, you may consider sending multiple e-mails rather than one long e-mail.
Music Ministry Communication
Communicating with Children – Children love to get mail; therefore, postal mail is particularly effective with them. They love to check the mail each day and are pleased when something is for them. When sending mail to children, consider using bright and colorful cards and paper. Sign your name with a colored pen! Remember to print messages since younger children do not read cursive writing. If reproducing many messages, add a splash of color with markers. Add a special touch with an interesting stamp! When communicating with children's parents, you may prefer to use e-mail or letters. Generally, updates and reminders can be sent by e-mail; schedules and calendars should be sent through postal mail. Realize that parents sometimes don't see the mail that is sent to their children nor do they always receive what is sent home with the child. When children check the mail, they may take out what is for them, and their parents may not see important notices; therefore, you may want to send a note to the child and to the parent.
Communicating with Youth – Youth are often the most difficult group to communicate with effectively because they lead very busy lives and are in a phase where they take some responsibility for themselves, yet they depend on their parents to help them with their schedules. As with children, communicating with youth should involve communicating with them and with their parents; however, with children the majority of communication is done with parents and with youth the majority is done with the youth. In order to communicate effectively with youth, variety is important. Search for random ways to send your message. Some of the most effective youth choir leaders send the youth a message each week. Sometimes it is informational, sometimes instructive, and sometimes devotional. Through a brainstorming session with youth choir officers, you may discover preferred ways to communicate.
Communicating with Adults – Adults will probably rely on more traditional forms of communication; however, you should survey adults to find their preferred forms of communication. Find what works and maintain consistency. Adults will expect similar messages to come from similar sources.
Committees and Councils – Committees and councils should receive notices of meetings, minutes, and follow-up material. If everyone in the group has access to e-mail, utilize it. If not, you may communicate by postal mail or through a combination of the two. Phone calls are effective with smaller groups.
Worship Leaders – I utilize e-mail exclusively to maintain contact with worship leaders. The pastor and I plan worship on or before Monday, and the worship order (with explanations) is sent out by the end of the day on Monday. This e-mail goes to all ministers, church staff, worship coordinators, accompanists, and others who may be involved. A preliminary order of worship is available on Wednesday night and is edited on Wednesday evening; the final copy of the worship folder begins to take shape on Thursday morning
Long-Term Projects – Long-term projects may require many forms of communication. You may begin six months ahead by announcing a date, overall purpose of the event, and speaker. At three months you may publicize the location, specific times, and a tentative schedule. One month prior to the event you will want to supply information about childcare, items to take/bring, food, and other specifics. During the last month you will want to follow up with specific individuals through more personalized communication. Long-term projects should utilize multiple forms of communication.
Newsletters – Music ministers often ignore the potential use of the church newsletter as a source of communication. The church newsletter is important because it communicates not only to those specifically involved in music ministry but to the church as a whole. Newsletter articles are more effective when they go beyond motivational articles about attendance and cover substantive issues regarding music and worship.
Choir or music ministry newsletters are also effective. Many choirs have weekly or monthly newsletters that communicate rehearsal schedules, upcoming music, birthdays, news about mem- bers, and other items of interest. A weekly publication may take the form of rehearsal notes and updates. If the letter is monthly, it usually takes a broader approach. Music ministry newsletters should contain news and updates from all aspects of music ministry.
Letters to New Members and Guests – A letter sent to all guests explaining the music ministry and potential for their involvement is often the determining factor in whether or not people join your church. Likewise, when people join, they should receive contact from the music minister. Letters to new members and guests may also include a music ministry brochure and/or a recent newsletter.
Web Sites – Music ministries should have web sites that include potential opportunities for involvement in music ministry. Utilize photos as well as testimonials and other information. Web sites must be updated regularly!
Calendars – Yearly calendars of music ministry activities should be sent to all who are involved in music ministry. Work with school and civic calendars to avoid conflicts.
Other Contact – Music ministers should be aware of every opportunity for communication, whether direct or indirect. Music ministers should check local papers for news about choir members and then send the article with a congratulatory note. Illnesses of choir members and their families should be acknowledged as well as deaths and other difficulties. Music ministers should, whenever possible, attend events in which choir members are involved. Always talk with the person afterward or send him/her a note of congratulations. Music ministers must utilize every opportunity to communicate with those who are involved in music ministry.