3 minute read


Generally, achievement, recognition, challenging work, responsibility, and personal growth motivate people.2 In summary, people like to achieve, and they like to be a part of something meaningful. They like to be recognized for their work. They like to be challenged to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be responsible for their own outcomes, and they appreciate the opportunity to grow personally.

Conversely, people are de-motivated by lack of administration, poor supervision, poor working conditions, poor interpersonal relationships, and lack of status or security.3 People will not be motivated to continue their work or to work when asked again (1) when work is not planned and ready for them; (2) when they are not supervised and/or are unsure of what they should be doing; (3) when they do not have adequate work space, heating, cooling, or the necessary equipment; (4) when they work with others who do not foster good interpersonal relationships; and (5) when their status is not recognized.

1 Anne Ortlund, Up With Worship: How to Quit Playing Church, Revised and Updated ed., (Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2001), 125.

2 These points are outlined in Ted W. Engstrom and Edward R. Dayton, The Christian Leaders 60-Second Management Guide, (Word Books: Waco, TX, 1984), 55.

Recruiting Volunteers – Never offer a public appeal for volunteers for important jobs. Emphasize that God has opened up an opportunity for involvement.

Job Descriptions – People who participate in ministry should have job descriptions. The document should consist of a description of the task, the purpose of the task, to whom are they responsible, length of service, skills needed, and resources available. See the section in Chapter 4 dealing with "Developing Job Descriptions and Organizational Charts."

Working with Difficult People

Every church has its share of difficult people and, eventually, you will have an opportunity to work with them or be confronted by one of them. Difficult people range from the person who has a heart for ministry but has a challenging disposition to the person who constantly criticizes and occasionally is confrontational. These people present us with a significant opportunity to grow personally and to minister to a person who has unusual needs. Sometimes getting along with "difficult" people is as simple as finding out what motivates them and working to connect with their needs; however, the situation is usually much more challenging.

If we find ourselves dealing with many difficult people, we need to examine ourselves, especially if these are people not considered "difficult" by other persons. I once worked with someone who thought nearly everyone else was a "difficult" person. It never seemed to occur to her that she was the problem. Ironically, most people that we consider "difficult" consider us "difficult," for they often perceive us as a hindrance to the fulfillment of their needs. It is always possible that we (like my former colleague) are the difficult person and that everyone else is trying to send us a message!

3 Ibid., 56.

Some of this chapter will deal with accepting normal criticism, and other parts will be applicable to major confrontations.

In the normal course of church life, the minister of music will deal with many people who offer criticisms about the music, worship, and any other matter that displeases them. However, another person may affirm the idea that someone else has criticized. Although all criticisms have the potential to wound our egos, most should be considered part of the normal routine of ministry. Generally, criticism should be handled with such as the following: "Thank you very much for offering your suggestions. I have certainly heard your suggestion (restate it), and I assure you that I'll give it good consideration. Your suggestion shows me how much you care about our church and its ministries." If the criticism is offered in a kind and gentle manner and time allows, you may choose to explain your perspective without becoming overly defensive; however, most often you should simply use some variation of the above response. Once you are alone, seriously consider the person's comments and weigh them carefully. I've found that a reply similar to the one suggested above is much more efficient than becoming angry or defensive. Although I may resent their comments at the time, I'm not actually telling a lie to thank them for the comments, for at a later time, I'm usually glad to hear their input. If I respond according to my feeling at the moment, this response would also lack honesty for, at a later time, I may feel differently. If the situation merits a response, then offer one in writing, or make a special point of saying at a later time, "I've really been thinking about what you shared with me the other day, and I think . ..."

The Confrontation

When you are confronted in a more hostile manner, consider the following suggestions:

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