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Children's Choirs

To reach children, you must reach two groups: the children and their parents/guardians. Although children can influence their parents, the parents will ultimately determine the child's long-term involvement (especially when they are younger). Even though children may not be aware of quality at first, they will eventually know whether the program is worth their time. Children are quite perceptive and will be aware of unprepared teachers, lack of focus in lesson planning, and lack of control of the group. Unfortunately, many choir programs fail for these reasons. Quality is extremely important with every age. Parents and their children have many choices of activities in which to participate. They will not choose to begin or continue those activities that are not of the highest quality.

Children's choirs do not meet during the summer in most churches; therefore, the start of school offers a perfect time for a fresh beginning for children's choir. Repeatedly, I have had great success with a children's choir kickoff event. The event has always had a theme which has been carried out through teasers in the church newsletter, a large display near the worship space, posters, letters to parents, notes to children, visits to children's Sunday school departments by someone dressed according to the theme, and visits to adult Sunday school departments by other directors. Visit all adult Sunday school departments, not just age groups who typically have children at home. Everyone knows children and can spread the word. Publicity should begin simply and should build as the fall approaches.

At the kickoff event, the parents should receive a yearly calendar including major appearance dates, and the minister of music should meet with parents as the children's activities begin. The minister can use this opportunity to talk about the positive effect that children's choirs can have in their child's life.

As the year progresses, be innovative in finding ways to promote the children's choirs to the rest of the church. Stay in touch with parents on a monthly basis. Have the children sing in worship from time to time, except for preschoolers, who shouldn't be considered as a worship choir because their primary goal is music readiness, not worship leadership. In addition, they may be traumatized by public appearances. Younger children should sing three to five times per year, while older children are capable of participating in worship regularly. As you have retreats with older children or parties with younger children, participate with them in missions events (nursing homes, caroling, or ministry projects) and find ways to let others know what is happening. Use photos for a bulletin board, write a newsletter article, or create a display.

Contacting absentees through cards, e-mails, and phone calls is critical to the success of this program. In addition, send birthday cards to each child, and remember those who have summer birth- days. All of these gestures, while helping children to feel important and valued, eventually result in promoting the children's music ministry. Parents are the best promoter of children's choir as they talk about its benefits to other parents. When parents are considering allowing their child to participate in an event, they typically talk with other parents whose children are involved. Parents usually take the recommendation of other parents.

Youth/Student Choirs

Youth choirs, like children's choirs, usually do not meet all summer; however, they sometimes meet for a portion of the summer because of choir tours. Successful youth choirs usually have kick-off events in the fall. The events need to be high profile for the students and should be partially designed by the officers. These events often include retreats, rushes, trips, and parties. These events can be repeated year after year as long as they are successful and have a different twist with each repetition. Youth respond positively to tradition — as long as it is their tradition!

Tours provide the best avenue for promoting the youth choir to other members of the church, the community, and to other youth. Since tours involve travel, they usually include everyone in fundraising, a home concert, sharing of pictures, and other related events. Youth choir tours should become events where the whole church is involved in different ways. One of the best functions of a youth choir tour is for the group to recognize the broad support that they receive.

Youth choirs should provide worship leadership as often as they are ready. Good youth choir directors schedule appearances frequently because youth will work harder when there is a definite goal. Youth choirs should sing from memory and offer the highest quality presentation possible. Their presentations will always be in direct proportion to the musical and motivational skills of their director. Youth choirs who have high expectations get phenomenal results.

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