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Communication is the key to working with other groups in the church. When conflicts arise, they are usually related to someone's failure to communicate his/her ideas to someone else.
romoting the Music Ministry in the Community
Music ministers often overlook the importance of promoting the music ministry to the community. They are so busy directing groups, planning worship, and promoting the music ministry within the church that they often fail to focus on this important component of music ministry. Communicating about music ministry to the broader community serves several functions: (1) it promotes the outreach ministry of the church, (2) it allows the music minister to be a minister to the larger community, (3) it promotes the cause of art, (4) it builds support for enhancing the music of the church, and (5) it keeps the minister of music working with musicians whose primary focus is not the church. Music ministers are encouraged to be a part of the community in which they minister. When music ministers participate in community choruses and theatrical productions, direct a community chorus, or work with groups at the local high school, this connects them with other musicians and artists in the community. Their community presence is more effective in promoting the music ministry than any other publicity channel.
Musicians should utilize opportunities to publicize the music ministry in their communities. Effective ways include the following:
Public Service Announcements – Utilize your local radio and television stations to advertise events. Develop relationships with these people so they are willing to work with you.
Word of Mouth – Provide promotional material to people within the church to use with their co-workers, friends, and neighbors.
Posters, Flyers, etc. – For every major event, provide posters and flyers to people in your church to distribute to the community.
Advertising – Whenever possible, advertise in your local paper. The religion page editors often look for interesting articles. If you keep them supplied with photographs and material, you will most likely receive coverage.
Preview Performances – Present a preview of an upcoming program for a civic group or other community groups.
E-mail – Have different e-mail groups to whom you send notices of particular events.
Web Site – Utilize a web site to promote both ongoing ministries and special projects. Include your web address on all publications.
Mail-outs and Phone Calls – Target particular zip codes with special programs and utilize phone campaigns when appropriate.1
Professional Musicians
Music ministers are professional musicians in their communities. Unfortunately, they often fail to get involved with other professional musicians. Involvement with other musicians is helpful to church musicians and to other musicians as well. Music ministers need this interaction to keep them creative and alert. Other professional musicians may need pastoral ministry that church musicians can provide. Church musicians are encouraged to be involved in some musical activity outside their churches. For the minister of music with young children, involvement might include accompanying the elementary school music program, or a person with high school children might work with the band or chorus at the high school. Others might sing in or direct a community group, serve on the board of the symphony, or play piano for a civic group.
Symphony Players – Many churches present programs that involve musicians outside the church. Often symphony players will be contracted to play. Symphony players are professional musicians, are usually members of a local union, and should be treated accordingly. Symphony players are usually hired through a contractor who is often given twice the salary of the highest paid player. If musicians are members of a union, their fees will be set according to whether they will be a principal player or not. If they have large instruments, they will also charge cartage fees. Professional players should be contracted far in advance, and all aspects of the performance and rehearsal should be specified.