23 minute read
When accepting an assignment about which you have a choice, avoid giving an immediate answer. It is usually best to say, "I'll check my calendar and call you back." Once you have time to check your calendar, work backward from the date and estimate preparation time and other factors. This will give you a much more realistic picture of the total commitment. Sometimes I accept responsibilities that are far into the future. At the time they seem totally reasonable because my calendar is clear. However, as the time approaches and other responsibilities are also imminent, I become overwhelmed. Working backward can help to avoid this situation.
When working with your master calendar, make appointments with your family for special days, block out times for special projects and planning, allow time for physical fitness, and other needs.
When you are approached about a commitment, simply respond, "We'll have to find another time for that; I already have a commitment."
When to Say "No" and When to Say "Yes"
When we say "yes" to something, we are usually saying "no" to something else — perhaps to our family or ourselves. While saying "no" is an important component of gaining control of your life and managing your time, saying "no" is not always a good choice. When we say "no" or "yes," we should carefully analyze why we are making such a decision. Is it motivated out of fear? Do we really believe someone else could do it better than we could? Is it something we aren't really interested in? Do we accept only to stroke our ego?
I often fear that our society places such a high premium on saying "no" that we may be raising a culture where becoming uninvolved is considered a noble alternative. I am certainly not advocating over commitment; however, saying "no" is not always appropriate and the decision should be carefully analyzed.
Solving the Clutter Problem
Solving the problem of clutter is particularly difficult for church musicians since we receive many promotional materials, always have stacks of music to read, and stacks of recordings to preview. Furthermore, our offices tend to become the gathering places for instruments, props, and everything else imaginable. Every person must decide what amount of clutter he/she can tolerate. While this is not the same for everyone, I believe there are acceptable ranges of clutter. I have accepted that I will probably never have a completely clean desk and will always be surrounded by stacks of paper; therefore, my objective is to keep the stacks small and on my desk. For me, when my floor becomes cluttered, it is time to clean up!
Some people clear their desk at the end of every day while others go through everything at the end of the week. The real problem with clutter is paper. When we observe the previous suggestion to (1) do it, (2) plan to do it, (3) delegate it, (4) file it, or (5) toss it, much of the clutter problem is solved. If you have an assistant, ask this person to open your mail, toss everything possible, write notes on important mail regarding content, and suggest action.
Group Similar Tasks
Many people become inefficient because they do not group similar tasks. For instance, answer all e-mail at specified times during the day. Otherwise, you may find yourself responding to messages as they arrive. On some days you could spend your whole day watching them arrive and responding. Work similarly with phone calls — return them all at once. Always leave a message and put the responsibility for returning the call on the other person. Other tasks might include score study, copying, checking the mail, and answering correspondence. When you are delegating to others, start a stack or folder for the people to whom you're delegating. Don't call them each time you delegate a task. When working with your calendar, set adjacent appointments. If you have an afternoon with scattered thirty-minute appointments, you'll probably not accomplish anything else during the afternoon. However, if you have two hours of appointments, you will have another block of time for other tasks. Also, putting appointments back to back keeps a thirty-minute appointment from lasting one hour.
One of the surest ways to avoid interruptions is to shut your door. Another is to face your desk away from the door. When your desk faces directly toward the door, each person that passes will likely drop in to talk for a moment. Open door policies seem effective; however, they are not efficient.
When a person with whom you don't need to spend a lot of time talking interrupts you, do not invite him/her to sit down. Also, stand up and move from behind your desk toward the door.
If you answer your own phone, you should keep a telephone log. This will help you keep a record of the caller, the date, time, subject, and phone number. I use a legal pad and write down phone messages or calls. When I return a call, I make a check by the message. If the call requires no action, I draw a line through it. This also becomes a handy reference when you need to return a person's call from a week ago and you need his/her number. Many people write notes on numerous slips of paper. This is ineffective because notes are easily lost. A legal pad by the phone and a legal pad for the "to do" list avoids clutter.
rganizing for Choirs and Performance Groups
Choirs and performing groups must have structure in order to function effectively. Structures vary from group to group and within different ages. It is beyond the scope of this book to talk about rehearsal planning, techniques, appropriate goals, and other related matters for particular groups; however, this chapter will discuss various organizational structures.
Preschool Choirs
Space – Preschool choirs (they really are music activity groups rather than choirs) should have flexible space. They will need space for large group and small group activities, for learning centers, and for movement. Usually, space that is used for other preschool activities is adequate. Preschoolers do not have to have a room with a piano, for they should rarely use one. They will need chairs and tables for activities, although they will usually sit on the floor for large group.
Materials – They will need age-appropriate curriculum, art materials, and other materials for personal expression.
Equipment – Preschoolers will need instruments and a CD player.
Personnel – This choir will need one worker for every five to six children; however, even if the group is small it will ALWAYS need at least two workers. A pianist is not needed.
Structure – These young children can be organized into a number of different structures by age. The structure depends primarily on the number of children and the number of available workers. Some churches include musical activities for three-year olds and some do not. A separate group is usually provided for threes, while fours and fives are combined into a group. However, if there are only a few threes and many fives, the threes could be combined with the fours, and the fives could be by themselves. Some churches choose to combine fives with first graders since most fives and many first graders are not reading well.
Children's Choirs
Space – Children's choirs also need flexible space. They will need space for moving, tables for activities, and chairs for large group time.
Materials – They will need age-appropriate curriculum and supplies to support the needs of the curriculum
Equipment – Children will need instruments in addition to a piano, and they will also need a CD player. They can also benefit from the use of a computer.
Personnel – Children's choirs will need a director, a pianist, and workers for every six to seven children. Parent support groups will be helpful at this age. They may assist with the choir session, provide refreshments, assist with travel, and other duties.
Structure – Smaller churches may need to combine all children in grades one through six; however, when there are sixteen to twenty children, they should be divided into two groups. Most churches will group children into two groups — grades one-three, and grades four-six. Other churches may group children into grades one and two, three and four, and five and six; may have choirs for individual grades; or may group them into multiple choirs for individual grades in the younger grades, and a larger choir for older grades. Others may have separate boy's and girl's choirs at this age.
Youth/Student Choirs
Space – These choirs will function well in a traditional choir room.
Materials – They will need music and folders. Equipment – Youth will need a piano, sound equipment, and other instruments as required.
Personnel – A director, pianist, and parent support are required. Parents can assist with duties similar to those above. (See the section on "Parent Councils" in chapter 5).
Structure – They are usually structured as one large choir (grades 7-12), but may also be divided into middle school (grades 68) or junior high (grades 7-8 or 9), and into high school (grades 9 or 10-12). Following the system set up by the schools may be beneficial. Youth choirs should have officers, but there should be as few as possible to get the work done. The officers usually consist of a president, vice president, and a secretary/treasurer. Other officers may include historian, web master, social chair, section leaders (responsible for communication), and perhaps others. Officers are usually elected (preferably by secret ballot).
Adult Choirs
Space – Adults will rehearse in the choir room or worship space.
Materials – They need music and folders.
Equipment – Use piano and other instruments as required.
Personnel – Adults need a director and an accompanist.
Structure – Most adult choirs are open to all people eighteen years and older. Some churches may have college choirs and senior adult choirs; however, these adults are welcomed in the regular adult choir as well. Adult choirs should also have officers. The list above is helpful in determining officers, with the addition of a robe chair. Officers are best chosen by a nominating committee that recommends the officer slate to the group. The previous year's officers can serve effectively as the nominating committee. Officers for a choir should be changed as the needs of the group evolve, and their duties and responsibilities should be determined by the particular needs of the choir. See the following pages under DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES FOR CHOIR OFFICERS for sample duties.
Instrumental Groups
Space – Instrumental groups most often rehearse in the worship space because of acoustics.
Materials – They need music and folders.
Equipment – They will also need a tuner, stands, and instruments.
Personnel – A director is important, and probably an assistant who manages the music, set-up, teardown, and other duties.
Structure – Instrumental groups are usually director driven and rarely have officer structures.
Space – If at all possible, you should have space that is specifically designated for handbells. Handbell ringers become quickly discouraged when they have to set up and take down all equipment for each rehearsal. If possible, have the handbell rehearsal space on the same level as the worship space. Carrying handbells is not an easy job; therefore, having adequate rehearsal space that is easily accessible to the worship space will eliminate a huge barrier to frequent appearances.
Materials – They require music, folders, tables, pads, table covers, and gloves.
Equipment – They need handbells, mallets, handchimes, and stands. A piano is helpful.
Personnel – A director is essential.
Structure – Handbell groups usually do not have officer structures, although they may.
Description Of Duties For Choir Officers
•Serves as spiritual leader of the choir
•Conducts officers' meetings
•Coordinates and delegates the responsibilities and functions of choir officers
•Represents the choir members to the church staff and congregation
•Keeps officers and Music Minister informed of the choir's needs
•Responsible for helping the Music Minister fulfill his/her vision for the music ministry
Vice President
•Assumes President's responsibilities if he/she is absent
•Responsible for promoting choir membership
•Introduces and welcomes visitors and new members
•Keeps Secretary informed of current membership and attendance status
•Informs Music Minister of spiritual, emotional, and physical conditions of choir members
•Assists the President in prayer for the music ministry
•Assumes President's responsibilities if President and Vice President are absent
•Responsible for financial management of the funds and budget of the music ministry
•Responsible for paying bills on behalf of music ministry
•Must keep financial records current to disclose financial status with integrity
•Must keep President and Music Minister informed of financial standings
•Assumes President's responsibilities if above officers are absent
•Records minutes of meetings
•Keeps records of attendance, works closely with Section Leaders
•Keeps Vice President informed of attendance, visitors, memberships
•Keeps Music Minister informed of weekly attendance
•Maintains records of the music ministry
•Collects public notices (newspaper clippings, etc.) of choir or choir members
•Documents events in music ministry, acts as photographer
•Maintains choir bulletin board
•Maintains choir scrapbook
Section Leaders
•Oversees the condition of their section
•Responsible for taking attendance weekly in their section, submits records to Secretary
•Responsible for contacting visitors and absentees
•Responsible for orienting new members of their section
•Assists with the disbursement of music, folders, and other materials within their section
•Acts as a liaison between choir members and officers
•Responsible for maintaining newsletter
•Collects current information from choir
•Announces needs or other news to the choir
•Responsible for organizing, cataloguing, and keeping current records of all church music
•Responsible for music distribution and collection
•Assists Music Minister with preparation for future choral productions
•Keeps Music Minister informed of music needs
Robe Chair
•Responsible for maintenance (cleaning and repair) of robes
•Consults with Treasurer for budgeting and expenditures
•Responsible for assigning robes
•Responsible for vesting every choir member
•Keeps Music Minister informed of robe needs
Social Chair
•Responsible for arranging and organizing social activities for choir and music ministry
•Coordinates events with Music Minister and President
•Consults with Treasurer for budgeting and expenditures
•Keeps record of materials used in social events
•Encourages a sense of community within the music ministry and other church organizations
Ministry Chair
•Responsible for expressing joy, love, concern, or condolences on behalf of the Music Minister, officers, and choir to other choir members
•Responsible for sending flowers or cards for illness, deaths, births, birthdays, new marriages, and other special needs of events.
•Should keep all officers and Music Minister informed of conditions of choir members
Organizing and Maintaining the Music Library
Organizing and maintaining a music library is an ongoing task that will require considerable work; however, when you consider the financial investment of the music stored in a music library, the importance is readily apparent. Even a small music library of several hundred titles is worth thousands of dollars. Music can be stored in many different ways, and no one way is correct. If you have a system that works, I suggest that you continue using it. Changing systems is time consuming and expensive. An effective music library is one in which music can be easily located when needed, and the music is free from water, mildew, dust, and other elements that deteriorate paper. A music library doesn't have to be attractive and all labels don't have to be typed; however, the area must be organized and functional.
Methods of Storage
There are three usual methods of storing music in a music library — boxes, envelopes, and folders. Boxes are placed on shelves, and envelopes and folders can be placed on shelves or in a filing cabinet. I have worked in churches where different combinations of the above have been successful. Most people prefer to store choral octavos in boxes on shelves, and other music in filing drawers. However, choral octavos can easily be stored in filing folders in a filing cabinet. When deciding how to store music, consider available space and cost of storage.
Organizing the Library
Every library should contain some system of cataloging to allow for ease of finding music. This information can easily be stored on computer, in a file, notebook, or card catalogue. Most people who store the information on the computer design their own program that contains the information they need. When using a card catalogue or notebook, pages/cards should reflect the information that you will need when accessing the file.
Information to Be Used in Cataloguing
Different people utilize different information when cataloguing music in the music library. Each piece should have the following information catalogued: title, voicing, library number, and composer. Additional helpful information includes number of copies, subject or seasonal usage, when used, scripture reference, cost per copy, publisher, lyricist, difficulty level, vocal ranges, instrumentation, and miscellaneous information.
Numbering Systems
Numbering systems vary. The following system is effective: M1, musicals; C-1, collections; E-1, ensemble; H-1, handbell; and I-1, instrumental. Choral octavos simply have a number with no letter. I recommend not dividing choral music according to youth, children, adult, or other groups. This system eventually breaks down because multiple age groups may use the same literature.
What About Odd-Sized Music and Scores?
Collections and musicals are difficult to store in boxes since the boxes are expensive and several of them are usually required to store a musical or collection. I recommend that they be stored on shelves, standing up, with a label on the shelf indicating the musical or collection.
Handbell music and instrumental music can be stored in oversized boxes; however, expense and space may be prohibitive. I suggest that handbell music be stored in a legal-size filing cabinet in hanging files numbered as suggested above. It should be catalogued in a separate notebook, card file, or computer program.
Instrumental music can be stored in the same manner as handbell music (probably in envelopes instead of hanging files) with the originals being placed in a file and the copies in an envelope in a separate file. Conductor's scores should be bound by a spiral binding machine with a card stock cover and placed on a separate shelf so that they are more accessible for previewing. Each score should be labeled with the title, composer, instrumentation, and number that corresponds to the parts.
Where Do I Begin If There Is No System?
If there is no system in place, choose one, then have a Saturday workday, and enlist the help of others. Assemble all the materials in advance and set up an assembly line to sort, label, catalogue, and file until the project is complete.
How Do I Catch Up Years of Neglect?
Again, enlist volunteers and have a workday. The project is too large for a single person. Once the task is caught up, the librarian can manage it.
How Should the Library Be Maintained?
New music should be stamped, catalogued, and processed before it is handed out. Boxes, folders, or envelopes should be kept in stock. In a small to medium-sized church, a volunteer librarian can maintain the music library. In a larger church, a music secretary may take responsibility or a part time worker may have to be hired. If your church has a large instrumental program, someone will have to manage this music each week. This person will need to prepare the folders, copy parts, and file everything. In a large instrumental program, several weeks of neglect can be overwhelming.
Waterproofing and fireproofing may be considered if building new space; however, a rider on the church's insurance coverage with an attached list of the libraries' contents may be a cheaper alternative.
How Can a Library Be Purged?
From time to time music libraries should be purged to make room for newer materials. The best way to purge a library is to consider pieces that haven't been used in a long time or ones that are of a style that is no longer acceptable. However, proceed carefully because these pieces are sometimes used for reunion choirs, homecomings, and other nostalgic events. When I've purged a library, I've pulled single copies of octavos and conferred with other ministers of music before making final decisions. It is easy (especially as a young minister of music) to throw away classics without knowing it. When you purge a library, offer the music to other churches.
In a ministry setting, calendaring goes far beyond simply putting the date or event on your calendar. Other groups within the church also have events scheduled, and every event affects everything else that is scheduled. When calendaring, consider the following:
Calendar Immediately
When you are aware of an event for music ministry, calendar it immediately. Sometimes we intend to calendar an event yet fail to follow through once we begin working on another task. Often one person on the staff handles the calendar, and putting an event on the calendar may be as simple as sending an e-mail or filling out a form. Always confirm that the event has been calendared. Usually, anything regarding the calendar should be discussed in staff meeting, for although the particular date or dates may be free, the timing of the event may be too close to a similar event, utilize the same people, conflict with transportation, or conflict with school schedules. The staff will be much better at making these decisions. Most events have an effect on other events. Once everyone involved agrees to put the date on the calendar, you have the support of your colleagues if conflicts arise later.
Contact Everyone Who Is Affected and Coordinate Details
Immediately after an event is calendared, contact others who may be affected by this date. A checklist might include other ministers, staff, nursery workers, custodians, drivers, sound technicians, food service personnel, choir members, and accompanists. It is very easy to calendar the youth choir to go to festival and later discover that while you failed to reserve the bus, someone else has reserved it. It is easy to show up for an extra choir rehearsal and discover that there are no nursery workers, or that the sanctuary is being used for a wedding, or that no heat is on. It is easy to prepare to take the youth choir on tour and discover two days before you leave that you don't have money for the trip, the checks have already been signed for the week, and the bank is closed tomorrow. These are details that should be taken care of early.
Empower Others to Help You
Empower the people you work with to help you with details. Ask someone in choir always to ask you, "Have you arranged for childcare?" Ask the financial secretary to notate on his/her calendar that you'll need a check on a certain date. Encourage people you work with to ask lots of questions and not assume that you've thought of everything. Prior to any major event, always have a specific "To Do" list and receive input from several other people.
Special Issues for Bi-Vocational Ministers
Since most churches are smaller and cannot afford to pay fulltime salaries, they are served by part-time or bi-vocational ministers of music. Some of them are compensated and some are volunteers. Being bi-vocational means that you have to accomplish many of the same tasks each week as a full-time music minister; however, you have less time to do your work. Bi-vocational music ministry is challenging in the following ways:
Financial and Resource Issues – Many bi-vocational ministers are not paid their worth; however, because they have other full-time jobs, they are able to serve their churches. Because they are usually in smaller churches, they often work with small budgets and minimal resources.
Time Constraints – Time for planning, rehearsals, administration, and meetings consumes much of the time that bi-vocational music ministers are not working at their full-time job. Effective bivocational music ministers must become experts at good time management.
Communication Challenges – Because bi-vocational music ministers have other jobs, they are not able to have staff meetings at the usual times, they may not be free to meet people for lunch, and they may have difficulty planning worship with others and attending necessary meetings. They must find communication methods that overcome these barriers.
Lack of Stature – Bi-vocational ministers of music sometimes feel that they are second-class citizens in the world of music ministry. They may feel inferior since they are often unable to participate in music ministry support groups, denominational meetings, and specialized training sessions.
Keeping Abreast of New Developments – Since they are sometimes not able to attend conferences or other informational meetings, bi-vocational ministers have difficulty keeping abreast of new developments in church music.
The following suggestions will prove helpful for bi-vocational ministers of music:
Find a Suitable Companion Career – Some careers work well as the full-time counterpart with bi-vocational ministry while others do not. While my career as a college teacher has worked well with bi-vocational ministry, a career as a physician would not be a good match. In order to have the freedom to deal with meetings, conferences, funerals, and other aspects of music ministry, look for fulltime positions that provide maximum flexibility. Good options might include teaching, real estate, sales, owning/running your own business, as well as others. Actually, bi-vocational ministers work in nearly every career imaginable; however, some careers are more conducive than others.
Attend a Workshop or Conference Each Year – For a bi-vocational minister, this may involve using your vacation time to attend a workshop or conference. Try to choose conferences that are designed for families and that can include side-trips along the way. Whatever the sacrifice, the resources that you gain and the skills that you develop will probably be worth it.
Plan in Large Segments Determined by Your Other Work Schedule – As a bi-vocational minister you will not have time to plan each week. In order to be most effective you will need to use blocks of time to plan far into the future. As a student and later a teacher, I learned to plan according to the academic calendar. I plan in the following segments:
August – plan October through January
January – plan February through June
June – plan July through September
By planning before the rush of school activities, I'm able to survive the busy times of my academia. When you plan quarterly, or biyearly, always plan music for the month in which your next planning session will take place so that you'll have adequate lead-time.
Set Weekly and Monthly Meetings and Keep Them – Find times to meet with others and stick to this schedule. With an additional full-time job, you may not be able to adjust your schedule quickly. If you fail to meet on a regular basis with those with whom you work, eventually you'll work harder to communicate and you'll end up doing their work for them.
Involve Others and Give Ministry Away – Every effective bivocational minister is masterful at delegating (See the section on "Delegation" in Chapter 5). You must resist perfectionistic tendencies and be willing to accept "good enough."
Realize Your Time Limitations – You will always be frustrated because you know how to do more than you are able to do; however, you must realize your time limitations and work within them. You will not be able to go to the church on Thursday morning and clean up after choir or put last minute touches on the order of worship. You may miss surgeries and other ministry opportunities for those involved in music ministry. You will likely not be able to meet youth choir students for lunch at their school. Your limitations are significant; however, they cannot be changed.
Protect Yourself – Since you will be working an extra job, you must be intentional in protecting yourself. In all of my part-time positions, I've eventually realized my limitations, and I've gone to the pastor and said, "I'm doing all that I can do, and I need you to know not to expect any more. I'm maxed out!" Each time the pastor has respected my position and has worked to help me protect myself.
Learn to Live with Good Enough – Every task can be completed in a better way given unlimited time and resources, but we must all realize the limitations placed on us. Continually ask yourself if the effort required to move a task from "good enough" to "superior" is worth the effort required, or if it is possible given your circumstances.
Plan for the Tough Times – The tough times for ministers of music will come during Christmas and Easter, and at other times depending on your other job. If you own a business or work retail, Christmas may seem unbearable for you. If you're an accountant, Easter may seem impossible. When you realize that tough times are ahead, plan accordingly, and don't be surprised.
Utilize All Available Communication – Learn to maximize both computer and cell phone usage as well as other available forms of communication. Set up group lists and other time saving devices.
Stay Organized – You do not have time to let your organizational systems become lax. You must stay organized or you'll quickly become overwhelmed.
Decide What You Can and Can't Do and Stick with It – The pressures for you to do more will be great. Some pastors can be unceasing about giving suggestions and sharing what other churches are doing. You will have to stick to your agreements when your plate is full.
Use Your Extra Income to Give Yourself Perks – Because you are working two jobs, you may not have time to mow your own grass, clean your house, repair the plumbing, sew and design your clothes, change the oil in your car, work a garden, polish your own shoes, and iron your own clothes. These are jobs that you can hire others to do for you. Give yourself a break by paying for some services that you might not otherwise pay for.
Form Networks of Other Bi-Vocational Ministers – By forming networks with other bi-vocational ministers you can work together to accomplish more. For instance you can take turns going to reading sessions or conferences, you can share music and other resources, and you can combine your choirs for seasonal presentations.
Don't Play the Comparison Game – There will always be other music ministries that accomplish more than your church's. Someone will always do a more elaborate pageant or a flashier production. Someone will always have a bigger choir and more resources. When congregants go to presentations in other churches and come back raving about what they've seen and heard, don't take it personally.
Bi-vocational ministry is both rewarding and challenging. For many people bi-vocational ministry provides them a venue to live out their call to ministry. For many churches, were it not for bi-vocational ministers, their worship of God would be much less meaningful. Not every church can afford a full-time music minister; but every church deserves high quality leadership!
Using the Computer in Music Ministry
The title of this section is almost humorous, for music ministry could hardly function in today's world without the use of the computer. It is vital to every aspect and enhances almost all functions of music ministry. The following suggests common uses.
E-mail – E-mail is used for inter-office communication, communicating with choir members and prospects, sending the order of worship to participants, and other types of communication. Develop group lists for every group, and categorize your contacts into easily accessible groups.
Library – Music is catalogued on the computer, and special programs are either available or may be created to customize your church's music library. You can easily access the library from your desk.
Attendance Tracking – Special programs are available to track attendance for all choirs.
Facilities and Purchases
eneral Guidelines for Fiscal Responsibility
Unfortunately, some music ministers are not known for handling the church's money wisely. According to pastor friends of mine, music ministers are notorious for bypassing procedures, losing receipts, and overspending the budget. I'm not sure if this is really accurate or if such behavior is just stereotypical of artists. Whatever the case, being a good steward of the church's money is a responsibility that the music minister should not take lightly. The following suggestions will prove helpful in gaining the respect of your church and colleagues regarding fiscal responsibility.
1) Stay within the Budget. A budget is a guide of what you intend (are allowed) to spend during a given budget cycle. Although it is a guide, this does not mean you are allowed to spend more than the budget if you have greater needs. Any expenditures beyond those allowed for in the budget should have separate approval or should be taken from different accounts in consultation with the church's financial committee or administrator.
Spending slightly less than appropriated is advised. However, if you leave a considerable amount of money in the budget, there can be questions concerning whether the music ministry needs all of its money. Leaving a little extra money in the budget will compensate for one last bill that comes in just before the budget cycle ends.