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When considering a move to a different church, you must be cautious in your response. The possibility of a move often comes at a time when some aspects of your present position are not going well, and the automatic response is, "God is giving me an opportunity to move to another place of service." Also, it is easy to be highly complimented or even flattered that another church is interested in you. While these responses are normal, they must be short-lived, and they must give way to careful spiritual analysis and thorough investigation of the potential church. When considering a new ministry position, you must never forget the old axiom, "The grass is always greener on the other side!" A new church and its representatives are courting you for a long-term relationship. What you observe in this courting relationship is the very best they have to offer; however, what you will actually experience on a day-to-day basis may be considerably different. There are no perfect churches or ministry colleagues. The longer you are in a church, the more you know its assets and its flaws.
Churches go about the hiring/calling process differently. In some denominations you are directed by a regional board to move to a new location. In others, the congregation carefully chooses a committee charged with the responsibility of choosing the new music minister. Yet in other churches, the congregation entrusts this important job to the pastor. The pastor is probably the single most important person for you to assess; therefore, the next section, "Assessing the Potential Pastor," is devoted to this subject.
The Search Committee
The make-up of the search committee will give you an important first glance into the priorities of the church and its leadership. If there is no committee and you only deal with a pastor, then you must assume that the church has adopted a CEO model in which the Chief Executive Officer (the Pastor) has been entrusted with the power to hire a staff of his/her choosing. While many churches adopt this model, it is not without pitfalls, and it does not offer you a wide glimpse into the life of the church. In this model, you must understand that you will be hired by an individual who may/may not represent the congregation at large. It is also important to acknowledge that the group/person who hires you probably has the power to dismiss you. When a single person hires you, that person will most likely be your immediate/single supervisor and will have complete control over your ministry in this church.
When the church has carefully chosen a committee, you have the opportunity to see a cross section of the congregation and to learn from this group whom the church has entrusted with this important task.
Other Ministers
As you visit the potential ministry site, closely observe other ministers. If possible, ask for a private appointment with each of the other ministers during the interview process. Once requested, if this time is not scheduled, you may suspect that there is something to hide. Even if you meet with a negative staff member, you cannot automatically assume that this is a negative response to the congregation or other staff members, for this person may have other issues that cause his/her negativity. However, it may be possible that this person is being very honest with you, and his/her advice should be heeded. You will have to make these careful judgments. I have often found people to be very positive in a large group and to say only what they deem appropriate; but, when I've spoken with them in private and have asked poignant questions, I've sometimes found different responses. The following questions may prompt more careful observations:
1) Do they appear happy in their jobs?
2) Are they focused and capable?
3) What is the average tenure of the staff? If their average tenure is short, look for a good, logical explanation because this is a potential red flag. If their short tenure is because the pastor is relatively new, then you should inquire about the reason for the previous minister's departure. Long staff tenure is also a sure sign of the church's willingness to care for its ministers.
4) Are goals in their respective areas compatible with yours? Does the youth minister value youth choir? Is she willing to allow you access to students, and is she willing to share their loyalties. Is he willing to be cooperative in scheduling so that both of your priorities for youth can be met? How does the education minister view the role of music in the education process of children, youth, and adults?
5) Can you observe a healthy respect among all ministers? Are they comfortable around each other and free to speak their minds? How do you analyze the dynamics between pastor and ministers? Do they work with the pastor or for the pastor?
6) How do other ministers view worship and music? What are their stylistic preferences? Where do they fit theologically? How compatible will you be with them?
Analysis of your potential colleagues will be one of the most important aspects of your visit to a church. If you genuinely enjoy the people that you work with on a daily basis, then your job satisfaction will likely be very high. With the support of your colleagues, difficult situations are easier to overcome. Choosing good ministry colleagues is a crucial step in this important process.
The Music Staff
You may be the only music staff, or your staff may include an administrative assistant/secretary, accompanists, and other full-time ministers. Whatever the size or structure of the music ministry team, you must carefully observe them in the interview process. If you will be working with other full-time music ministers, then the questions above apply here. If you will only be working with accompanists, then consider the following:
1) Are the accompanists musically competent? Do they have good training and good technical skills? Are they knowledgeable in their fields? Do they keep up with current trends, literature, and resources?
2) Are they able (and willing) to play in different styles? Are their stylistic preferences compatible with the church's current direction and where you perceive the church may be headed? Do they have good keyboard skills, including modulation and improvisation?
3) Are they team players? Do they have the ability to see the big picture in music ministry and in the life of the church? If you observe fragile egos and careful guarding of territory, beware! A fine accompanist can be your best friend and ally; however, a disgruntled accompanist can make your job difficult!
4) Do they have long tenure in the church? If not, what are the reasons?
The Music Ministry Groups
These are the people that you will work with each week — choirs, ensembles, instrumentalists, and others. Normally, as part of the interview process, you should have the opportunity to work with them. As you do so, carefully observe their musical skills, their attitude toward service in the church, and their willingness to give careful consideration to your approaches in rehearsal. In addition, is there a strong sense of dedication and loyalty to music ministry in the church? Do they appear eager to learn? Do you believe they are willing/capable of embracing a new leader? Are they already organized for effectiveness, i.e., ministry teams, officers, parent support groups, and committees? Will you enjoy spending time with them?
Do you sense a connection that seems natural and has the possibility of further growth?
The Congregation
The congregation is the most important music ministry group, for these are the people for whom you will plan worship and will lead corporately. As you lead and observe their worship, notice if they participate actively? Do they embrace congregational song wholeheartedly? Are they involved in the selection process? Have their wishes been considered in an earlier poll, and do they have opportunity for continued input? As you lead/observe worship, do you sense a connection developing or see the potential to connect in a personal and spiritual way?
Your major role in analyzing the church will be observing people; therefore, you should have adequate opportunities to observe people in many roles. Your ability to understand them and read them accurately will be important for your long-term success should you eventually serve in this church.
Assessing the Potential Pastor
Of all the aspects of considering a new ministry position, your compatibility with the pastor is probably the single most important aspect of the assessment process. If you and the pastor are not compatible, your ministry together will be short term! Relationships with all of the ministers are eminently important; however, the relationship with the pastor is absolutely critical. The time and energy that you spend in assessing the potential pastor is a good investment in your future. In fact, you must spend as much time assessing the pastor as he/she spends assessing you. Although you may not be free to interview the pastor openly or ask for references or vitae, there are many ways that you can gain an accurate impression of the person with whom you will potentially minister. The following categories represent aspects of the pastor that you must carefully analyze.
Direction and Vision
Spend time talking with the pastor about his/her direction and vision for the church. Where does he see the church going? What are her dreams for the church? Where would he see the church being in five years? Ten years? What are the methods that she might use to assist the church in reaching these goals? What current methods are in place to help this vision become reality?
If you are a visionary person and you do not immediately sense vision as a trait of the potential pastor, beware, for you will experience frustration if you dream about the church's future and the pastor does not think in these terms. If you do not see that the pastor has set a forward-moving direction for the church, you must analyze the meaning of this perceived lack of focus. In addition, if the pastor has set a direction for the church that you cannot enthusiastically embrace, then this church with this pastor's leadership is not a place where your ministry will be effective.
As you assess the pastor, pay careful attention to his background. What types of churches has she served? Where and with whom has she studied? What is his church background as a child, young adult, and adult? Are these areas of his background that you view as potentially incompatible?
Theological Foundations
Although the pastor and the minister of music do not have to see eye-to-eye theologically, they must be supportive and agree to respect differences. While many theological issues will not necessarily interrupt a good working relationship, others can and often do! Which theological issues are important to you and which are vitally important to the potential pastor? While theological differences may seem minor on the surface, they can easily become more important when a situation arises in the church where this issue directly impacts ministry.