OkCDA Treble Submission

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As the Rain Hides the Stars - John Leavitt

SSA Chorus and Piano

As the Rain Hides the Stars

Em er gi ng



As the Rain Hides the Stars

SSA Chorus and Piano

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Solenne q = ca. 58
Copyright © 2024 John Leavitt administered by Galaxy Music Corp. (ASCAP) a division of ECS Publishing Group. www.ecspublishing.com All rights reserved. Catalog No. 1.3709 John Leavitt (ASCAP) Traditional Gaelic Prayer Piano 4 Cantabile espressivo q = ca. 60 7 S1 S2 A 4 4 4 4 mp with pedal As mp therainhidesthestars, Asthe hides mp thestars, hides mp thestars, 2

autumn mist hidesthehills,

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au tumn hills,

au tumn hills,

Asthecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky,

Asthecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky,

Asthecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky,

9 11
1.3709 3
13 rit. rit. Poco più mosso q = ca. 63 Poco più mosso q = ca. 63 16 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 as mf thecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky, as mf thecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky, as mf thecloudsveiltheblue ofthesky, mf So mp thedark happenings of mylot Oo So mp thedark happenings of mylot Oo Oo mp hidetheshining mp 1.3709 4 Copyingisillegal Reviewcopy only

ofyour face fromme. (mel.)

a tempo

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Cantabile espressivo q = ca. 60

Cantabile espressivo q = ca. 60

Yet, mp ifImay holdyourhand inthe hold mp yourhand hold mp yourhand (mel.)

20 a
rit. rit.
1.3709 5

dark ness itis enough. SinceIknowthat it isenough. SinceIknowthat it isenough. SinceIknowthat if Istumble, if mf Istumble if Istumble, if mf Istumble if Istumble, if mf Istumble

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27 30
1.3709 6

youdonotfall. Yet, mp ifImayholdyourhand youdonotfall. Yet, mp ifImayholdyourhand youdonotfall. Yet, mp holdyourhand

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in thedarkness, it isenough. in thedarkness, it isenough. in thedarkness, it isenough.

rit. rit. 32
Poco meno mosso q = ca. 58
Poco meno mosso q = ca. 58
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1.3709 7
(poco ten.)

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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

SSA Chorus and Piano

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


Music by Tim Cahalan Text by Robert Frost
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by Alex Berko

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

Frost (1874–1963)

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Alex Berko (b. 1995) For biographical information visit: www.ecspublishing.com

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Robert Frost

for SSA Chorus and Piano Catalog No. 1.3710

Thoughtfully (q = 84)

Text: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost (1874–1963) (PD).

Copyright © 2024 by Galaxy Music Corp., a division of ECS Publishing Group. www.ecspublishing.com All rights reserved

Music by Tim Cahalan Accompaniment by Alex Berko (ASCAP)

          Piano   
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There Is a Balm in Gilead - Ysaÿe M. Barnwell

Four-Part Treble Chorus unaccompanied

There Is a Balm in Gilead

Arranged by YSAŸE


Four-Part Treble Chorus unaccompanied



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Here is an arranged spiritual commissioned by MUSE: Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir. This particular setting is one of the most accessible in the body of Dr. Barnwell’s spirituals. Here she uses the traditional melody above a cascading harmonic figure that expands from unison to minor seconds, minor thirds and ultimately a perfect fourth. The rocking and swaying affect against the repeating harmonic figure embodies the idea and feel of a balm.

The verses employ a duet above the same harmonic cascade as the refrain.

It is important to note that there is no tempo indication at the beginning of this piece. This encourages significant space to interpret how the song is performed. Much depends on where the spiritual is placed in the concert program and how it relate to that which comes before and after.


There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole, there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.

If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot pray like Paul, you can tell the love of Jesus, He died to save us all.

Sometimes I feel discouraged and I think my work’s in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.

—Tradional Spiritual

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Duration: ca. 3:45

Dr. Ysaÿe M. Barnwell is a commissioned composer, arranger, author, and actress. She began her 15-year violin instruction at age two and a half and went on to earn degrees in speech pathology (BS, MSEd), craniotomy-facial studies (Ph.D.) and public health (MSPH). In addition, she was awarded honorary doctoral degrees from theological seminaries in Illinois and Virginia.

Dr. Barnwell taught at Howard University College of Dentistry for over a decade, later moving on to overseeing public health projects. In 1979, she joined the Grammy winning African American female a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock.

She also served as teacher and choral clinician in African American cultural performance, leading a workshop entitled “Building a Vocal Community: Singing in the African American Tradition” both at home and abroad. Conducted in the oral tradition, it utilized an African world view and explored African American history, values, cultural, and vocal traditions to build communities of song among both singers and non-singers. Her pedagogy is highly respected among musicians, educators, health workers, activists, organizers, and members of both corporate and non-profit sectors.

In addition, Dr. Barnwell has published books and made appearances on tv and in film. Composing music for dance, choral, film and video, she has received commissions from countless organizations including Sesame Street, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and the King’s Singers among others.

E. C. Schirmer Music Company is proud to be the publishing home for Dr. Barnwell’s choral music. Please visit ecspublishing.com for a complete listing of her works.

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division of ECS
Catalog No. 9297 Traditional Spiritual Arranged by Ysaÿe M. Barnwell
I II III IV 2 4 6 4 4 4 4 There unis. mp is a balm in There unis. mp
Is a Balm in Gilead for Four-Part Treble Chorus unaccompanied
© 1994 Ysaÿe M. Barnwell, transferred 2024 to Ione Press, Inc. (BMI), a
Publishing Group. www.ecspublishing.com All
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inGile ad to, inGile ad to healthesinsick, to tohealthesin sick, unis. soul. Sometimes Ifeel dis tohealthesin sick soul. Sometimes Ifeel dis, sometimes Ifeel dis,

24 26 28 30 32
9297 6

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34 I II III IV 35
9297 7
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andI sometimes Ifeel discour aged, and I sometimes Ifeel discour aged, well then, think mywork’s invain, but think mywork’s invain, but think mywork’s invain, but I unis. thinkmywork’sin Ithinkmywork’s in, Ithinkmywork’s invain, wellthen,

then theHo ly Spir it re then theHo ly Spir it re then theHo ly Spir it re but unis. thentheHo ly, butthentheHo ly, butthentheHo ly Spir it, well then,

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vives mysoul again. There mp is a, vives mysoul again. There mp is a vives mysoul again. There mp is a re unis. vives mysoul a, revives mysoul a, unis. revives mysoul again. Well,

37 39
9297 8

there is abalm, there is abalm to balm inGile ad to balm, there is abalm, there is, to there unis. mp isabalm in, thereisabalm in inGile ad to, inGile ad to, make thewounded whole, make thewound ed whole, there is a make thewound ed whole, tomakethewound ed, tomakethewound ed, tomakethewound ed whole.

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41 43
9297 9

there is abalm, there is abalm to balm inGile ad to there is abalm, there is, to There unis. isabalm in, thereisabalm in, inGile ad to, inGile ad to

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heal thesinsick soul. heal thesinsick soul. Thereis a heal thesinsick soul. healthesinsick, to tohealthesin sick, unis. tohealthesin sick soul.

45 47
9297 10

There is abalm, there is abalm to balm inGile ad to Balm, there is abalm, there is, to thereisabalm in, thereisabalm in inGile ad to, inGile ad to,

Copyingisillegal Reviewcopy only

heal thesin sick soul. make thewound ed whole. There is a make thewound ed whole. tomakethewound ed, tomakethewound ed, tomakethewound ed whole.

49 51
9297 11

There is abalm, there is abalm to

Copyingisillegal Reviewcopy only

balm inGile ad to

There is abalm, there is, to There unis. isabalm in, thereisabalm in, inGile ad to, inGile ad to

heal thesin sick soul.

55 poco rit. poco rit.

heal thesin sick soul.

heal thesin sick soul. healthesinsick, to tohealthesin sick, unis. tohealthesin sick soul.

9297 12

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