Kingstown College Coaching Magazine 2019

Page 1


Is Artificial Intelligence your new coach? Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Setting Boundaries at work

Is coaching good for the planet? The 5 States of Team Success

Keith Barry on Coaching Coaching and Mentoring in An Garda Síochána

Finding your coaching niche

the tree of life and core concept • Coaching model on a sales team • The Legend of zelda • transformational coaching • the world of a financial coach • recovery framework in mental health practice • Mentoring in the charity sector

A message from the Directors Welcome to another information filled

ever attendance. This is a very proud

The new Certificate in Mentoring is

publication of our Coaching Magazine!

moment for us at Kingstown College as it

now available for online study, which is

showed how respected the coaching and

proving to be particularly interesting to

It is truly an exciting time for Coaching

mentoring professions are in Ireland, and

large organisations which need to train

and Mentoring. Once again, this year, we

also how our capital city was enjoyed by

mentors and mentees efficiently across

have experienced a record number of

the attendees from all over the world.

multiple locations.

and Mentoring. We are seeing the

With keynotes and workshops

As you read through the articles in this

professions and skill sets being adopted

including best selling author Tim

edition, consider for a moment how young

by leadership in every industry and

Gallowey, Professor David Clutterbuck,

the coaching profession is, and yet see

sector from charity, to government and

and mentalist Keith Barry, attendees

how many industries have embraced


discovered new theory, real world

those principles to put people and people

applications and a peek at how the mind

development to the fore of their strategy.

applications for our courses in Coaching

This is, of course, in addition to the

can play tricks on us!

many coaches and mentors who work

In your next steps as a coach and mentor,

independently to help their life coaching

One of the highlights for us was the

we trust you will find these insights

and executive coaching clients to

opportunity to present the findings of

beneficial, and we look forward to hearing

overcome and achieve.

our Corporate Wellbeing Survey. This

and reading about your success!

research helps us to inform the content of Since the last publication, Dublin

the new Diploma in Corporate Wellbeing

Yours in Coaching,

has hosted the EMCC International

Coaching which will be a popular study

Paula King and Edward Boland

Conference which boasted the largest

option for learners in 2020.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Content 6 The Beauty of the ‘F’ Word! Paula King 10 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Can it Change Your View of Life? Carmel Woods

Kingstown College Harbour View 7-9 Clarence Street Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin Web: Tel: +353 1 284 5360 Email:

Editor: Alan Brereton Design and Layout: Anna Kozielska Academic Supervision: Kingstown College Directors: Paula King, Edward Boland

14 Setting Boundaries at Work Judith Spring 18 Introducing a Coaching Model on a Sales Team Niamh McCartney 20 The Tree of Life and Core Concept Isabelle Gillespie 23 The Corporate Wellbeing Coaching Conversation Chandrika Deshpande 26 Taking Control: Resilience for Work and Life Jane Perry 28 Going Beyond: Transformational Coaching Steven Lane

The content of this publication - design, text and images are all subject to copyright and may only be reproduced with the permission of Kingstown College. Please contact with any reproduction requests. The views expressed by the authors may not be the views of Kingstown College or Executive Coaching Solutions Ltd.

34 Team Coaching: Coaching Teams of Teams David Clutterbuck

40 The Legend of Zelda and the Hero’s (Heroine’s?) Journey Zelda di Blasi 44 Coaching for Writing a Book Susan Browne

82 What makes for Successful Coaching? Andreea Artilean 85 How to become a Life or Executive Coach

47 Coaching Heroes Award

86 Artificial Intelligence in Coaching and the Job Market Christa Ilieva

50 The World of a Financial Coach Morgan O’Connell

92 Is Coaching Good for the Planet? Jo Sachs-Eldridge

54 The 5 States of Team Success Sinead Fitzgerald 58 GoldilocksandtheNeuroscienceofChange Rachael Clarke 62 Case Study: Introducing a Mentoring Scheme in the Charity Sector Adrienne Collins 68 Mentoring Irish Rugby Players for Life After Rugby Paula King 74 Case Study: Leadership and Management Development within an Garda Síochána Oliver Nally 78 Finding Your Coaching Niche Alana Kirk

96 Case Study: Coaching through Societal Change in the Disability Sector - A Journey of DIscovery and Creativity Pamela Mansell 100 How the Application of a Coaching Approach Can Facilitate the Implementation of the Recovery Framework in Mental Health Practice Patsy Mc Sharry 104 Keith Barry speaks about Confidence and Performance

106 Prof. David Clutterbuck on Leadership and Speaking Up in the Organisation 108 Meet the Faculty 111 In-House Training Solutions

Also available to view online at



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

THE BEAUTY OF THE ‘F’ WORD ! Master Coach and Director of Kingstown College, Paula King, discusses the other ‘F’ word as she explains how working with forgiveness and self forgiveness are powerful steps for a client to improve their happiness and even their health. I was struck by a conversation I had with one

What is important about Forgiveness?

of my clients recently during our coaching

There is research, however, that shows the desire for revenge to be in some instances

session. He was encountering a particularly

Negative life events, if significant enough,


challenging time and our work together was

can get encoded in memory and often

especially in men. Participants in a

focused on how we could release some of

cause us to have physical reactions to

Singer and Lamm study did not respond

his time. An obvious resource would have



with empathy toward a person that was

appeared to be one of his peers who had

From the perspective of psychological

suffering, especially when they felt the

both the expertise and experience to assist

research holding a grudge is considered an

person deserved punishment (2009).

my client prepare a complicated report.

“imagined emotional response” (Witvliet, et

When I questioned him on his rationale

al., 2001).



for not engaging with him my client told me that his colleague had upset him some

This would suggest that one must fuel the

years before and he would never forgive

negative emotions in order to sustain them

him. This decision, by my client, to retain

over a long period of time. For example,

such negative emotions for such a long time

vengeful thoughts that embellish and

struck me deeply. The greatest gift we can

describe the event with contempt only

give to ourselves is the gift of forgiveness –

intensify the emotional imagery and

forgiving ourselves and others.

physiological experience.




“One moment of anger can wipe out a lifetime of merit” Dalai Lama


As with so much of our behaviour as human

negative consequences in one’s emotional and

Therefore research tells us that letting go of

beings, we need to practice the art of

physical health as well as relationships (Brown,

negative emotions can often have a remarkable

forgiveness as forgiveness is a muscle which

2003; McCullough et al., 1998).

impact on the body.

that empathy should be cultivated early on

According to the Mayo Clinic, deliberate letting


through ‘forgiveness education’. When inner

go of negative emotions, particularly those that

turmoil ensues in adulthood, it may be tough

are strong and have been linked to forgiveness

Some of the work carried out by Professor Paul

to find our way to forgiveness if we’ve never

brings with it plenty of health benefits, including

Gilbert in the space of Compassion Focused

practiced it before therefore teaching children

improved relationships, decreased anxiety and

Therapy can be useful for us, as coaches, when

and adolescents what forgiveness is and

stress, lower blood pressure, a lowered risk of

working with our clients who are experiencing

how people go about forgiving makes sense.

depression, and stronger immune and heart

difficulty forgiving perceived failures. In the

Teaching forgiveness can help young people


following table we see how a client may view

must be developed.

Indeed, some argue

themselves when they encounter a perceived

and, later, as adults forge stable and meaningful relationships with the understanding that anger

One study found that letting go and adopting

failure and have difficulty forgiving themselves.

does not need to result in discord and division.

a merciful attitude toward the offender

Their self -narrative can create deep upset for

contributed to fewer cardiovascular and

them. We see their focus is on past errors and

Cultivating forgiveness is important because,

immune system problems (Witvliet, et al.,

concentrating on deficits which can only lead to

many people are similar to my client and are


deeply upsetting emotions.

anger which can have serious implications for

Other studies found forgiveness to be positively

If we move our clients towards self-

their mental health and wellbeing.

associated with five measures of health:

compassion through our use of coaching

Studies show that being an object of


physical symptoms,


medications used,


sleep quality,


fatigue, and


somatic complaints

nurturing negative emotions resentment and

tools such as Appreciative Inquiry we can and commence the process of building on

transgression can be a significant cause for developing depression and that practicing

strengths rather than focusing on areas of negativity and frustrations.

forgiveness can alleviate feelings of anger, avoidance and vengeful-ness that lead to

assist them to reframe negative thoughts





positive emotions directed toward oneself; and the definition of self-forgiveness

If we move our clients towards self-compassion

self-directed negative emotion, but also (McCullough, Sandage, & Worthington, 1997;

the increase in positive or benevolent

McCullough & Worthington, 1994; Thoresen,

emotion like compassion, generosity, and

Harris, & Luskin, 1990).

love toward the self (Enright, 2001).

through our use of coaching tools such as Appreciative Inquiry we can assist them to reframe

Shame-based self-attacking • • • •

and commence the

on strengths.

Compassionate self-correcting

Focuses on the desire to condemn

Focuses on the desire to improve

and punish

Emphasizes growth and enhance-

Punishes past errors and is often


backward looking

Is forward-looking

Is given with anger, frustration,

Is given with encouragement, sup-

contempt, disappointment

negative thoughts process of building

not only included the abandoning of

Concentrates on deficits and fear

port, kindness •

Builds on positives (e.g. seeing

of exposure

what you did well and then consid-

Focuses on self as a global sense

ering learning points)

of self Table 1 Adapted from P. Gilbert (2009) The Compassionate Mind


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

I work with many clients who are

For a transgression:

smart and talented people. They push

For a transgression:

themselves to achieve and if they

Shame, avoidance, fear

Guilt, engage

encounter what they perceive to be

Heartsink, lowered mood

Sorrow, remorse

failure, they can be extraordinarily hard



the understanding of the importance

Consider an example of a critical

Consider an example of encouraging

of the gift of self-compassion is an

teacher with a child who is struggling

supportive teacher with a child who is

on themselves. Coaching them towards


important aspect of our coaching as no human being can truly become the best version of themselves and reach their potential if their self-narrative is

Table 2 Adapted from P. Gilbert (2009) The Compassionate Mind

critical and negative. Self-forgiveness is an important aspect of one’s ability

So forgiving ourselves and others is

Although dwelling on injustice, holding

to forgive others, in the same way as

important for our well-being and resilience.

onto grudges and exacting vengeance are

self-compassion is crucial to one’s

Loren Toussaint, an associate professor

tempting options, study after study shows

predisposition to be compassionate

of psychology at Luther College in Iowa,

that forgiving those who have harmed us

toward other human beings.

discovered that if people were highly

can systematically reduce distress and

forgiving of both themselves and others,

increase satisfaction with life.

Being kind to yourself and forgiving

that characteristic alone virtually eliminated

of your own shortcomings can give us

the connection between stress and mental

Several studies linked forgiveness to

much needed perspective on suffering







symptoms of physical illness. One study

and imperfections of others. It allows us to connect to others on the level of



found that forgiving on one day resulted

common humanity and can often be a

forgiveness we don’t have a buffer against

in participants reporting higher levels of

humbling experience when evaluating

stress and often will feel its raw effects.

happiness on the next day (Witvliet, 2001;

what motivates other people’s behavior.

Even something as seemingly insignificant

Worthington, 2004).

Coaching tools such as ‘Switching

as a short prayer or a brief meditation on

Perspectives’ where we invite our clients

forgiveness can help people take the edge

Forgiving was also found to be an effective

to view the world through another’s eyes

off (Toussaint at al., 2016).

emotion-focused coping strategy that could




contribute to overall health and was also linked

can be extremely powerful for our clients and assist them to view a relationship

Worthington and Scherer (2004) found

to more frequent experiences of positive

from a kinder and gentler perspective.

that unforgiveness, when considered as a

emotions of empathy and compassion.

negative emotional and cognitive construct, Studies in conflict resolution show that

causes stress.

we tend to invent intentions for others when in most situations we know only

Inability to forgive was also linked to anger

our half of the story.

and hostility, and those negative tendencies have proven to have a negative health effect,

Wenzel et al. (2012) argued that self-

especially with regard to cardiovascular

forgiveness is best understood as a


process by which we sever the negative link between taking responsibility and positive self-regard, which is a process that Holmgren (1998) referred to as genuine self-forgiveness. The





If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.

difference between shame-based self -attacking correction.




Marcus Aurelius

Studies in conflict resolution show that we tend to invent intentions for others when in most situations we know only our half of the story.


The role of empathy and apology in the process of forgiveness as well as their link to each other were based on the hypotheses that “the relationship between receiving an apology from and forgiving one’s offender is a function of increased empathy for the offender” in a study done by McCullough and colleagues (McCullough, Worthington, & Rachal, 1997). There is a proven link to gratitude and forgiveness. Practicing gratitude has been consistently linked to greater wellbeing in a study done by Emmons and McCullough, where it was measured by mood, coping behaviors,




symptoms, and overall life satisfaction appraisals (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Since gratitude has been linked to empathy and empathy was found to have implications for forgiveness, there is potential that fostering gratitude could improve one’s capacity toward forgiveness. When coaching your clients in this space of forgiveness I find the teachings from Naikan

This type of daily reflection is called

What troubles and difficulties have


daily Naikan (nichijo naikan).

I caused due to my decision not to forgive?

Naikan is a Japanese word that means

So lets revisit my client who declared

“looking inside,” though a more poetic

he could never forgive his colleague. I

This part of our coaching session was

translation might be “seeing oneself

asked him these three questions having

extremely emotional for my client.

with the mind’s eye.” It is a structured

explained their origin.

became quite upset when he began to

method of self-reflection that helps us to

discuss the option of forgiveness.

He His

understand ourselves, our relationships,

What had he received from not forgiving

belief was deeply entrenched that this

and the fundamental nature of human

his colleague?

situation could never change. Viewing this


from a different perspective shifted his His reflections here were that what

view completely of the relationship. When

Naikan was developed in Japan in the

he was receiving was negative and

he began to discuss his colleague from a

1940s by Ishin Yoshimoto, a devout

upsetting emotions

compassionate perspective he realised that,

Buddhist. Naikan reflections is based on three questions:

if he approached him, his colleague would What had he given to improve this

welcome his overtures and work with him


to resolve the situation. Which, in fact, was

The Three Questions

exactly what happened. My client acknowledged that he, at no

What have I received from ____? What have I given to ____? What troubles and difficulties have I caused ____?

point, had attempted to improve the

So, lets celebrate the beauty of the F word

situation and acknowledged that, in

and be compassionate to ourselves and

fact, he had done the exact opposite.

others by giving the gift of forgiveness as

Taking every opportunity to criticize his

often as possible.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Can it Change Your View of Life? The philosopher Epictetus believed that people are disturbed not by things, but by their view of things. These “things” are events or situations in our lives that can cause us to feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, stress or anxiety. Carmel Woods introduces us to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and how it can be used to change that view. It is our interpretation of events in

Applying the CBT concept

relation to our thoughts and emotions

the present. It focuses is on how our thoughts determine how we feel and

which determine how we deal with

As stated, CBT was introduced initially as

react to events in our lives that are

or react to these events. This is the

a way of treating depression and is now

challenging or stressful.

cornerstone of Cognitive Behavioural

used more commonly to treat anxiety,

Therapy or CBT as it is more commonly

stress, phobias and other emotional or

The coach or therapist also guides

known. This CBT philosophy is currently

psychological blocks which clients face

clients to question and challenge

used in coaching and termed CBC or

in both coaching and counselling. It aims

their dysfunctional thoughts, try out

Cognitive Behavioural Coaching.

to help people become aware of when

new interpretations of the event, and

they make negative interpretations, and

ultimately apply alternative ways of

of behavioural patterns which reinforce

thinking in their daily lives. Below

the negative or irrational thinking.

is a diagram which illustrates how

Origin CBT is, in fact, an umbrella term for many

what we think, feel and behave are all

different therapies that share some

CBT is a time limited and goal directed

common elements. Two of the earliest

therapy dealing mainly with issues in

forms of the model were Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950s, and Cognitive Therapy, developed by Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s. REBT is a type of cognitive therapy first used by Albert Ellis which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioural problems. The goal of the therapy is to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones (e.g. I must be “perfect” all the time) and subsequently persuades the person to challenge these false beliefs through reality testing. Beck’s (1967) system of therapy is similar to Ellis’s but has been most widely used in cases of depression. Cognitive therapists help clients to recognize the negative thoughts and errors in logic that cause them to become depressed.

linked and connected to each other.



for example, that they will never get a better job or a promotion at work, then

Negative Thought: My manager thinks I

this can become a reality if this belief is

am Useless, I will probably get told off

viewed as a fact. This is how powerful our thoughts are in dictating how we

Emotion: Anxious and nervous

live our life and determine how we feel and ultimately our behaviours (e.g. the

...just because we believe our

Behaviour: He avoids his manager and

behaviour of not going for the interview

feels nervous the next time he has a

job and staying in the same job or

challenging task to do in work.


thoughts to be


true does not


make them facts.




feelings of frustration and depression). Continually believing and accepting these negative or unhelpful thoughts even

as facts can cause stress and lead to

confident I would get a good appraisal




problems which can in coaching act as

this year

psychological blocks. This can lead to unconscious self-sabotage.

Emotion: Disappointed but motivated to do better

Similarly, some clients come to therapy or

A situation or event happens which



anxious or depressed and are unsure

can improve and approaches next

of the origin of these feelings. Using


the CBT model, clients are facilitated





triggers a thought. Thoughts / Beliefs


Behaviour: Asks her manager how she

to identify their irrational thoughts or thinking patterns regarding themselves

Through using the CBT model, clients

and others. Over a short period of time,

can learn to identify their own thought

CBT techniques can gently challenge

patterns, emotions and behaviours

the evidence for these thought or belief

What a person thinks or believes about

and come to understand how thoughts

patterns with the aim of changing what

the situation or event. This is how the

shape how we feel and impact their

they are doing, or in some cases not

individual interprets a situation.

life in significant ways. The first step

doing to improve how they are feeling.

to changing thoughts and behaviour Emotions

is awareness of them. Once clients

CBT Techniques

become aware of their irrational or This is how a person feels about a

unhelpful thoughts, they can work to

1. Thought/Belief Records or Exercises

situation. Emotions are not necessarily

challenge their basis in reality.

are used by clients to log negative or

based in logic, but they are influenced by thoughts and beliefs. Behaviour / Response The person’s actions and behaviours in

unhelpful thoughts. The next step is to Through examining and re-evaluating

identify the evidence for or against a

some of our less helpful thoughts we

thought or pattern of thoughts. Over a

can develop and try out alternative

short period of time, clients can identify

viewpoints and behaviours that may be

cognitive distortions and establish a

more effective in aiding our problem.

more balanced way of thinking, i.e.

response to their thoughts and feelings about a situation

what is true and not true based on the Unfortunately, many clients view their


thoughts as true (facts) that cannot be Example of a situation to illustrate

changed (for example, I know I will not

2. Journaling – like, but more detailed

how CBT works.

get that job when I go for the interview

than thought records, the journal can

next week). The CBT model challenges

be used to record in detail and describe

Both Harry and Jane both receive a negative

this by saying that just because we

the origin of thoughts, situations and

evaluation at work.

believe our thoughts to be true does

responses or behaviours. Evidenced

not make them facts. If clients think,






Coaching Magazine Vol.5






3. CBT challenges debilitating beliefs/

thoughts around being a “bad mother”.

The physical act of writing, thereby

thoughts and enhances motivation, self-

She was feeling guilty and anxious

“downloading” unhelpful thoughts and

worth and problem-solving abilities.

about this and told me that she often

feelings in relation to events, provides

shouted at her young children when

significant awareness and feelings of

4. CBT is consistently goal orientated

they were fighting or disobeying her.


and aims to promote new thoughts and

We used thought records to examine

behaviours to the point where they

the evidence for and against this belief/

3. Homework assignments help clients

become internalised as new helpful and

thought over a couple of sessions. At

to learn or improve skills and integrate

healthy habits.

home, she recorded past and present

concepts discussed into daily life, e.g. reading an article, book, watching a

examples of where she had exhibited 5. CBT techniques can be used to

patience and tolerance of her children’s

compliment the use of other coaching

sometimes challenging behaviour. After

TEDTalk or YouTube video that illustrate

tools such as GROW and the Wheel for

a few sessions, she reported that she

use of a concept being worked on in


was often dismissing her unhelpful

coaching. Examples are in relation

thoughts and was remaining calm when

to preparing for interview, doing a

6. Teaching clients CBT and promoting

dealing with her children. She told

presentation, going to a networking

the use of its techniques, enables

me in her last session that having the

event to practice social and connection

them to achieve independence in their

knowledge that she could do something

skills, practicing mindfulness mediation,

ability to ‘coach themselves’ out of their

to question and change her negative


troublesome and unhelpful thought

thoughts, was, she said, life changing.

patterns and habitual behaviour.

She reported that she now had the tools

4. Roleplay can be used with clients to assist practice in new responses

to dispute and change her irrational or Limitations of CBT

negative thoughts and therefore was

or behaviours. It is a useful tool for

able to control her frustration and felt

learning new skills such as networking,

1. The cognitive model is viewed as


simplistic and narrow in scope. Thinking




more content in her life.

is just one part of human functioning.

Another client in his early 20’s, had

Sometimes, broader more complex

been having issues in dealing with

5. Mindfulness meditation involves

issues, often need to be addressed

bullying behaviour from a manager at

clearing the mind and focusing on the

which often originate in the past.

work whom he thought viewed him as a

sensations and thoughts in the moment,

“soft touch”. The client told me he had

observing them and allowing them to


pass. Although it takes some practice,

behaviours seem to have been written

and it’s not for everyone, mindfulness

into a person’s DNA and may be difficult

can be beneficial as a technique in

to shift. CBT is sometimes viewed as a

I used the CBT model to firstly, gently

accepting our thoughts as just thoughts

short-term “band aid” solution therapy


(not facts), not allowing them to impact

which is not suited to some clients who

manager’s view of him being easy to

us in the present moment.

may require long term psychotherapy for

manipulate or, in his words, a “soft

deep rooted trauma issues. Therefore, it

touch”. The origin of this thought pattern

is not appropriate or ethical to attempt

was in school, so we spend some time

to challenge or change thoughts in

talking about his childhood. He used

these instances.

the journaling technique to record

Strengths of CBT 1. The Model has widespread appeal





due to its simplicity to apply and







these experiences. We subsequently Professional use of the CBT Model


been hurt and upset by this bullying

did some assertiveness exercises using “I statements” through role play and he



I have used CBT quite successfully

devised a plan to confront his manager

reported the use of the CBT model to




with some clients in both coaching and

about his behaviour. In addition, I

be very effective in treating depression

therapy settings.

encouraged him to practice these

(Hollon & Beck 1994) and moderately

assertiveness exercises at home with a

effective for anxiety problems (Beck,

An example of how I used the model

trusted family member or close friend.


with a client who had debilitating

He reported in his most recent session,


to have had a conversation with his

I have used the CBT model in my

manager about his behaviour which

counselling and coaching practice and

has resulted in being treated with more

received positive feedback. Personally, it


respect at work.

is the simplicity and ease of application

Treatment University of Pennsylvania Press:

which gives it appeal. In addition, CBT

Philadelphia: USA






techniques can be integrated with other goal oriented coaching tools such as

Dryden, W; (2010) Dealing with Clients

I believe that applying CBT in some

the Wheel and GROW, to form a tailored



coaching approach for each individual

Routledge: London:UK




our client’s view of life. Clients can






learn to identify and be aware of their

Hollon, S. D., & Beck, A. T. (1994). Cognitive

negative or irrational thought patterns,

However, it is sometimes difficult to

and Cognitive-behavioural therapies. In A.

emotions and behaviours so they can

shift negative thought patterns which

E. Bergin & S.L. Garfield (Eds.), Handbook of

understand how they impact their life

have been formed throughout a lifetime.

Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change Wiley:

in a significant way. It is important to

Many people view their thoughts as

New York: USA

encourage client self-compassion for

true facts, thereby making it a hard

this to occur. Through the process of

concept for some to believe in. CBT is

Myles, P & Shafran, R; (2015) The CBT

challenging and providing evidence

not a model that can be applied to any

Handbook Clays Ltd: London: UK

to support or dispute some of our less

emotional difficulty, particularly those

helpful thoughts, clients can develop

that are deep rooted requiring a longer-

Neenan, M & Palmer, S; (2018) Cognitive

and try out alternative viewpoints and

term therapeutic intervention.

Behavioural Coaching…Research Gate

behaviours that can be effective in improving the quality of their life.

Palmer, S & Whybrow, A; (2018) Handbook of Coaching Psychology Routledge: London: UK



exercises and Thought records

Carmel Woods Carmel Woods is a business/life coach and psychotherapist in private practice based in Dublin. She also works for the charity, Aware as a support group facilitator. Carmel holds a BA in Counselling and Psychotherapy in addition to a BA (hons) in Business studies from the Metropolitan University in North London. She has achieved an Advanced Diploma in Coaching from Kingstown College and is a pre-accredited member of Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). Carmel has worked in both banking and business consultancy prior to starting a counselling and coaching career. She is planning to introduce online, walking in nature and home based coaching to her one to one coaching and counselling services in the coming months.

Train your workforcE at their desk We can help you to create bespoke training content, provide e-learning delivery platforms for organization wide education and training, and any necessary assessments or knowledge reviews.

Let’s talk about how we can combine your expertise with ours!



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Setting Boundaries at Work Executive Coach and Kingstown College faculty member Judith Spring explains why we find if so difficult to set boundaries, and how the absence of them can effect physical and mental health. Judith also suggests some approaches for individuals and coaches to draw the line.



from putting defined limits on what

and your life outside of this space is

we consider is “fair”. Boundaries are

essential to maintain your physical and

knowing and understanding what your

have been

mental health.

limits are – where you end and work


‘Tell me about your boundaries’ is a

don’t assume

question I often ask clients who are




Once boundaries

people will just work them out;










setting can

and creep

or burn-out. Most often, they will

up slowly. Continuously looking after

sheepishly admit that they had not set

others ahead of ourselves, working

any – or further, hadn’t even thought


about them at all.

additional work ultimately leave us

communicate them clearly..






feeling exhausted. Often times, these While we all generally acknowledge

feelings of exhaustion are coupled with

and agree with the idea of putting

resentment. Feeling that others don’t

in a “fair day’s work for a fair day’s

appreciate the effort we are putting in

pay”, this doesn’t need to preclude us

further compounds the impact. When

Remember that “you teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop and what you reinforce.”

the point of burn-out is reached it is

being advantage of or not appreciated;

those in power. I’ve heard people say

often too late; energy, excitement and

from a constant need to please; or, very

‘you just can’t say no around here’ while

interest in work are lost and oftentimes

typically, from a struggle to say ‘No!’.

they believe there is an expectation

unsalvageable because we haven’t

that they will just keep taking on more.

taken care to identify where our positive

So why do people struggle to set

energy is coming from.


What strategies might people adopt to set boundaries?

How to recognise when someone is

Guilt, fear and self-doubt are often

struggling with boundaries.


Discovering struggling

whether with







Setting and maintaining boundaries is a

boundaries. People may fear other’s

skill that may not come naturally to all


response (especially someone in a

and needs to be learned and developed.


position of power) if they set and

and the knock-on effects of stress or

enforce boundaries. The culture of an

burnout requires them to be attuned

organisation may be one where few

to their feelings. In being so, they are

do set boundaries and so it would feel

One of the most important steps

better able to identify their physical,

inappropriate to do so. The boss works

is for people to identify what their

emotional and mental limits and take

all hours – and no-one leaves before the

boundaries are. Understanding their

care to monitor when they are being


values is often a helpful starting point.

reached. A great coaching question

Understand your Limits

Living according to your values and

could be ‘what are you tolerating?’ to

The need to be liked may prevent

not to other’s opinions or expectations

help people recognise that boundaries

people from saying no or putting their

is more rewarding and beneficial to

have either not been set or maintained.

needs ahead of other’s.

your self-esteem. What else are you

Two key feelings that should be used

committing to outside work? How will

as cues are discomfort and resentment.

Saying ‘no’ can make people fearful of

you make time to care for yourself? How

These may arise from the feeling of

how they are perceived, especially by

flexible can you be? Being overly rigid



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

will create further challenges so people

or ‘let me think about it and I’ll get

need to recognise what they can let go

back to you’ would allow time to review

of from time to time.

other options that may be available.

Communicate clearly

Manage your time effectively

Once boundaries have been established,

Often our boundaries are breached

them to discuss and set them at their

don’t assume people will just work

because we are not using our time

annual performance reviews.

them out; communicate them clearly.

effectively; we allow valuable time to

An ideal opportunity at work is when

be stolen with time-wasting activities.

As I was writing this article, the news

starting a new role or when setting the

Keep a time-audit for a couple of

reached me of the death of the writer

annual development plan with your

weeks to identify exactly how your

Toni Morrison. In 2017, she wrote

manager. Setting SMART objectives that

time was used. Reviewing this against

about her father’s philosophy on work

are clearly prioritised is an excellent


and the four points she took to heart:

framework for discussing subsequent

allow you to be more objective with

changes or additions to your workload

the tasks you undertake.

Helping others to set boundaries Pushing staff beyond their limits will, in the long term, benefit no one. Managers should be aware that their staff have boundaries and should encourage




1. Whatever the work is, do it well—

in a professional and fair manner. It is also an ideal time to clarify how flexible

not for the boss but for yourself. Beware the need to be liked

you are prepared to be with your time. It

2. You make the job; it doesn’t make

is particularly important for people who

Everyone at work does not have to

are working part-time to reiterate their

like us. Mutual trust and respect is

hours as those can often be forgotten.

most important in any relationship.

you. 3. Your real life is with us, your family.

Being clear on boundaries engenders Practice saying ‘no’

respect; it builds trust as it makes clear to others what is important to us.

4. You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.

Learning to say No and not be fearful of how this is viewed by others takes

Prepare for Encroachments

Establishing boundaries may take time

practice. Remember, saying Yes and

and may initially feel intimidating.

not being able to deliver is worse than



However, when you respect your

saying No! Don’t just practice saying

unwittingly, people will try to push your

personal boundaries, others typically

No, practice how you say No. Be clear

boundaries. Be prepared for when you

will, too. Remember that “you teach

that you are saying No to the task, not

can show flexibility but also be timely

people how to treat you by what you

to the person. Some good examples are;

in highlighting breaches. Stewing over

allow, what you stop and what you

‘I can’t take that on right now but if we

things and becoming resentful isn’t


reviewed the priorities we agreed to,

going to help anyone.




I may be able to delay something else’

Judith Spring Executive Coach, Mentor and member of Kingstown College Faculty. Judith has worked across Europe and Australia for organisations including Shell International, Viterra and Kelloggs. During her career, she has been a coach and mentor, particularly helping emerging women leaders to be more confident and more impactful. A vision to see more women having the choice to progress their careers has been the driver for her becoming a full-time coach, focusing on high potential women, to accelerate their growth and development for their own benefit and for the benefit of the organisations they work in. Judith gained her engineering degree from Trinity College, Dublin. She is a graduate of the Governor’s Leadership Foundation Program of South Australia and holds an Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching from Kingstown Kingstown College.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

If you have considered asking a top performer to coach other team members to draw on expertise within the team, tread carefully...

Introducing a Coaching Model on a Sales Team If you are a sales manager looking to increase performance, productivity and employee satisfaction levels you may want to explore what benefits creating a coaching culture on your team can deliver. Niamh McCartney gives a practical explanation of making the move the coaching. There are some key elements to consider

Be aware that this approach may not

If they need performance management,

that will help you decide whether

be appropriate for all members of the

coaching is unlikely to work in the short-

coaching is required and to ensure the

team. Coaching is not performance

term and may not yield the results you

success of your new approach.


require within a reasonable time-frame

In fact, a performance

management plan as it exists in the 1. Make sure you really understand

corporate context is not compatible

what coaching is (and what it is not!)

with the essence of coaching. Coaching

for the investment. Recommendations:

tends to be an equal, reflexive and Having a coaching style as a manager

non-directive relationship - it “asks”,

can empower and challenge team

performance management tends to be

available in your organisation and

members by moving conversations

directive, top-down, measured and time

meet with a coach to understand

from ‘tell’ to ‘ask’, giving them more

sensitive - it “tells”.

what coaching is

input, control and agency in their roles.

all team members require coaching,

Getting a coach for top performers is

and identify those who require a

also known to accelerate results.

performance management plan instead.

Assess whether •

find out if there is any coaching

attend an ‘introduction to coaching’ workshop

read “The Tao of Coaching” by

If you are creating a culture of coaching

Max Landsberg and “The Coaching

on your team, this will take time and

Habit: Say Less. Ask More

require open minds and the willingness



commit to a programme of 6 sessions minimum

Change the Way You Lead Forever’

to adapt and change.

by Michael Bungay Stanier.

follow steps 1 and 2, then your initiative

performance is improving and

is a tick-box exercise.

assess the results over a reasonable

If you do not

2. Get buy-in from the team





time-frame Recommendations:

If you are introducing a coach for your team, make sure the team fully

5. Get an external coach •

follow steps 1 and 2

understand what coaching is, the benefits for them and the benefits for

If you are introducing a coach to your •

the team and business as a whole. If

get confirmation from your team

team, I would strongly recommend

that they commit to the initiative

hiring a coach outside of the team/

you are not clear on what coaching is, it is likely your team will not be clear on it

organisation. If you have considered •

either and the initiative will fail.

draw up a coaching contract in

asking a top performer to coach other

place for the team

team members to draw on expertise within the team, tread carefully here.


4. Consider getting a coach yourself

It assumes that a top performer has the skills to coach as well as execute,

get someone from your organisation

You may not need to get a coach for

and that the team will be willing

who coaches to come and talk to

your team, especially if buy-in is thin.

to be coached by a member of the

your team about the benefits •


often the case and this move could

organise a team ‘introduction to

over time you will learn the skills you


coaching’ workshop and design

require to implement a coaching culture

resentment, disengagement and a drop

your new 1:1 structure together

within your team by adapting your

in performance.

own management style. •

In my experience, this is not

If you work closely with a coach yourself,

organisations coach managers and not

and their understanding of this

reps - it is more scalable, less costly and


embeds the culture at the right level;






Many large

ask your team for their thoughts

coaching approach


Recommendations: •

get an external coach for your team

if coaching from within, invest in

you are likely to have a broad range of skill/will, performance and engagement

3. Make sure ‘coaching’ is not a tick-

levels across a team and so the results

training for the individual before

box exercise

will be variable. Adapting your style

rolling out the initiative

to include a coaching approach may Introducing coaching to your team

deliver the same return for less cost.


Hopefully these steps will help you

get buy-in from the team

because you heard it drives results will not drive results. The philosophy needs to be embedded in the way the team functions or it will not work.

decide whether to implement coaching •

get your organisation to provide

for your sales team, and to avoid

you with a leadership coach

potential pitfalls if you proceed!

Niamh McCartney Niamh McCartney works as a sales manager in the technology industry and is passionate about coaching to drive a culture of excellence. She holds a BA in Anthropology with Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London and is a graduate of the Kingstown College Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching. She has been working in sales for 8 years and is currently studying the MA in Personal and Management Coaching at UCC. Niamh is a mother of three, and her private coaching practice works with parents to help them achieve balance and success both at home and in the workplace.


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

This awareness is a huge step towards becoming the best version of herself she can be as it

The Tree of Life and Core Concept Isabelle Gillespie puts forward the analagy of the Tree of Life to help individuals to identify outward roles they are fulfilling (branches) and the true (Core) inner self, which as she explains, are not always known or aligned.

brings peace with

Each one of us is a unique special person.

the mom, the dad, the grandma , the

Like a Tree which presents one trunk and

grandpa, the cousin, the aunt, the uncle....

the understanding

many branches, we are made up of a core

the friend, the individual at work with

which represents the essence of who we

his/her title.... depending on which stage

are as an individual. Our core expands in

of our lives we are in and our social

many branches with each representing a

circumstances. We can call these facets

facet of us, an aspect of who we are: the


of who she is in her core.

wife, the husband, the son, the daughter,

When the tree flowers and bear fruits, all of

balance between the likenesses around

its branches receive mineral sap. Mineral

our core. The core is our anchor.

Is it different from whom you were? How?

sap comes from the Earth, it is water and minerals that are absorbed through the

How do we achieve that?

root system. In the leaves, the process of

Is it different from whom you thought you would be?

photosynthesis transforms it in organic

The coach has a huge treasure box to sort

sap, containing sugars that are enabling

out as the knowledge of who the person

the tree to grow. Each part of the tree is

is can be completely non existent if the

essential to its life. They are connected

person is lost into the most important of

and each has a purpose. A single branch

her ‘now likeness‘.

How does it feel?

For example, some women thrive to be

What is fully contented for you?

How do you define contentment?

What is the picture of happiness for

Can you get a sense of who you are as a person and describe it?

cannot live on its own. In order to become the best we can be it is

moms. Once they are moms they forget

crucial to define and be aware of the core

to be the wife to their husband, the friend

of who we are, the me, from whom comes

to their friends, the colleague at work, the

all of our likenesses. Me is my anchor, the

daughter, the aunt...Everything becomes

conscience of who I am as an individual.

secondary after the child. They are lost

My true self. My true self feeds from

in their now likeness, which is, being

some of the energy/experience gathered

mom. Yet, being mom is only a branch

in some likenesses and redirect some

of her Tree of Life. Not her whole tree.

energy/experience to other likenesses.

It’s like looking at something through a

This give and take has the purpose of

microscope. Enhanced, clear, intense, but

creating balance.

also a distortion of reality.

It would be very difficult to be truly fulfilled

The coach has to lead the person through

you want to be what will it be? With

if one decides to rather be a single likeness

his questions to the self discovery journey

who? Where? How would it feel?

and forget the rest of what he/she is. This is

of herself, in other words to define her

going into denial, into denying that we are

core, her likenesses. See if she has the

many in one and that it is the source of our

consciousness of either.

you? •

Who is in that picture?

Has the picture changed? How? When?

complexity as human beings.

If tomorrow you could be whatever

What would be missing?

What is whole for you?

Start with writing down a list of adjectives A tree is well anchored in Earth, it has

that the person feel define her at the

The challenge for the coach is to grow the

balance in its roots and branch system

beginning of the session.

understanding of the person about herself

in order to stand straight, its crown symmetrical.

in terms of core and likenesses. (The coach can double check that list later on with the key words that came up during

What are her likenesses? Identify them,

In the same way we have to have balance

the self discovery journey: Is there ‘par‘

explore them.

between the different parts of us and it

between the first list aka feeling of who

can be done by acknowledging core and

the person think she is and what appears

Which are the common parts between


to be her core? Or is the ‘par‘ happening

these likenesses as they get together to

more with what appears to be one of her

form her core? (Here we work backwards in

likenesses, probably her ‘now likeness’?)

a way as it is from the core that likenesses

How does the concept of the tree of life and core can be useful for a coach?

branch out). Some




The concept is powerful tool of self



likenesses and the core:






Through intuition and listening skills, the coach will be able to get the mental picture projected by the person. He can

Core means who we really are. It is about coming back to our bone marrow, to our

How would you describe who you are

write down the key words which can be


names of likenesses, their respective

essence, to take the time to reflect and

attributes (among which lay values,

define the “me“. It is about finding the

strengths, beliefs), or/and pieces of core,



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

and share them with the client. Ask the person if the word sounds more likeness? More core? The key for the coach is to help the client to get a clear vision and understanding of where she stands, “Am I in my core or am I lost in one likeness, my now likeness? “ If the latest, the coach has to extract the person from that likeness and bring her to define her core. To stand. To live. To realise and be who she really is. A whole human being that has many interactions with many different people in her life. That achieving can take many different forms. That being one likeness instead of a whole is restrictive and ultimately unsatisfactory. Following our example, one day kids are grown up and leave to live their own lives. Then, what about the woman that is stuck into her mom likeness? She thinks... what now? Friends are living their lives, disconnected from her. Husband might still

all the likenesses have been put as branches

become aware of who she really is. This

be around but used to be a shadow rather

and their characteristics listed, the coach can:

awareness is a huge step towards becoming

than a light in her life. But most importantly

the best version of herself she can be as it

she is disconnected from herself, with no

Either ask the person which element of the

brings peace with the understanding of who

core consciousness that would enable her to

likeness relates to who she really is. You have

she is in her core. A unity of likenesses which

move forward.

found a piece of core that can be drawn on

can coexist in balance and exchange energy.

the trunk. Using the picture of the tree

As a living tree which can lose a branch and Either circle the common characteristics

regrow one from a sleeping bud, we are

To make the coaching work more tangible,

between the different likenesses, they are

also able to shed one likeness and reinvent

the coach can use the picture of the tree as

all pieces of core and can be drawn on the

another one. It is the beauty of life mixed

a support during the session. Each likeness


with the complexity of the human being, one

identified is one branch. Put its name on one branch along with its main characteristics

strong core, many likenesses to sustain it, Conclusion

enrich it and grow it.

(here there can be values or beliefs or strengths linked to that particular likeness).

Ultimately using the tree of life and core

Carry on with the next likeness/branch. Once

concept is a tool enabling a person to

Isabell Gillespie In Isabell Gillespie’s own words, “My river of life has brought me to this moment in time where I embrace the coaching experience. It gives me the understanding and context to help me help people all over the world to reach their potential and their goals. Openness, curiosity, learning, enquiring, solving, passionate and resilient are all part of me. Born from my time studying for a PhD in sciences at the University of Bretagne Occidentale (Brest), France. Where meeting people from different countries, cultures and religions, framed my mind and life. Fortunate to have lived in many countries, I grew, assimilating different ways of living and thinking. In France and internationally I’ve been fortunate to interact with and teach a few generations of students, sharing my passion for the living and its environment. Today I call myself an international and feel like a world citizen. Coaching is an amazing experience that will transform you and your life. I welcome anyone who reaches out to me.

The Corporate Wellbeing Coaching Conversation At Kingstown College we have been developing a new Diploma in Corporate Wellbeing Coaching. As part of the research for this course a survey was undertaken with more than 1000 responses. Dr. Chandrika Deshpande gives us an insight into the findings.


The term the “overwhelmed employee” may be recognised by many reading this article


As we began working on this area we

“Making the Case for a Culture of

initiative around Corporate Wellbeing

realised that there were gaps which


was triggered by the growing need to

needed to be addressed in order to

paper was presented at the 25th Annual

launch a Corporate Wellbeing Coaching

integrate Wellbeing as a way of life

International Mentoring, Coaching and

Program based on various inquiries and

in organisations. This then formed

Supervision Conference held in Dublin

requests we have been receiving.

the basis of the presentation titled,

in April, 2019.












Practitioner Level, EMCC) was one of the key presenters and brought to the presentation her varied and rich experience of Coaching Senior leaders across different types of organisations. This article tries to summarise the key aspects of the presentation. “Corporate



contributes to a caring environment in which every individual in the organisation is encouraged to achieve their



potential for






themselves and the organisation.” Paula King Background: The term the “overwhelmed employee” may be recognised by many reading this article. This is a term originally coined by Deloitte in a report carried out in 2014. While the issue of highly stressed workers is not new, the relentless pace of business today has made the problem worse. Driven by the always-


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

on nature of digital business and 24/7

project an attractive employment brand.

Key Results and Interpretations:

Research Strategy and Inputs:

A study of the responses to the survey,

working styles, studies now show that more than 40 percent of all workers face high stress in their jobs, negatively

interviews with key people in organisations

affecting their productivity, health, and

The study of current trends based on

and focussed group discussions, ascertained

family stability. According to Deloitte’s

the findings of surveys like Gallup and

for us certain facts that we had come across

millennial survey, a majority of surveyed

Deloitte studies, makes it increasingly

in our research but also brought to the fore

millennials in 19 out of 30 countries

clear that well-being is now a critical

aspects which had not been explored before.

report that they do not expect to be



Strikingly, responses varied based on type

“happier” than their parents. Parallel

employee engagement, organizational

of organisations such as Government, SME,

to the challenges in the workplace the

energy and productivity. It is no longer

MNC, Start-ups, Charitable organisations but

digital well-being market is exploding.

a good to have option on the list but

there was a universal element of similarity

wellbeing is now front and center as a

across these sectors globally for most

More than $2 billion in venture capital

business imperative for leading high


has been invested in this area over the

performance teams and organisations.

last two years, creating a flood of online

Various wellbeing strategies have been

Not surprisingly one of the key results of

videos, apps, and tools to help assess,

implanted in organisations and there is a

the survey and probably the one with the

monitor, and improve all aspects of

strategy in place as well. What role have

greatest impact in the day to day working


Leadership Teams and Line Managers

of an organisation was the ability of Line



played in this space? Is there room for

Managers to have wellbeing conversations

Today, the definition of wellness has

improvement? How does Coaching

with employees. Even without an analysis

expanded dramatically to include a

fit into the overall scheme of things?

of this segment across industries, it was

range of programs aimed at not only

These were some of the questions we

clear that 60 % of the respondents felt that

protecting employee health, but actively

grappled with.

Line Managers were not well equipped to

boosting performance as well as social

have these conversations. This is the gap

and emotional well-being. These now

(1.) The ROSE Model was created by Paula King

that Coaching bridges with access to proven

include innovative programs and tools

and covers the elements of Reason to Exist,

models, tools and techniques to facilitate

for financial wellness, mental health,

Optimism, Self-Identity and Empowerment.

wellbeing conversation in organisations.

healthy diet and exercise, mindfulness,

We strongly believe that all the strategic

sleep, and stress management, as well

Feeling a need to ascertain this in a

interventions introduced by Organisations

as changes to culture and leadership

Coaching context, as a first step we

need to be supported by this underlying

behaviors to support these efforts.

designed a Corporate Wellbeing survey


based on the ROSE Model (1) We to

received 1173 responses from across

The most common responses which came

encompass what employees want and

Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany,

up as aspects of work life which cause the

value is now essential for organizations

India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand,

most stress and anxiety were then identified

to treat their people responsibly—as

United Kingdom, United States, Israel,

as these would have to be understood

well as to boost their social capital and

Italy, France.

in greater detail to enable relevant




interventions. •

Meeting deadlines/ time management/ improper planning

Work life balance

Uncertainty about the future/job/ finance/self-employed

Communication – lack of information sharing /unnecessary meetings

25 increasingly clear that well-being is now a critical performance strategy to drive employee engagement, •

Travelling ( daily commute/ job

The second tool is based on the popular


Wheel which is often used in Coaching. The Corporate Wellbeing Wheel was designed

Bureaucratic processes

keeping in mind the areas which most seem

organizational energy and productivity.

to impact this space. • •

Indecisiveness The idea behind this wheel like any other

Assurance Award from the European

Customers – Meeting demands/

wheel is to get the client to identify which

Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).


area they need to work on. This can be

This Diploma is an ideal accreditation for

facilitated with individuals or teams.

champions of well-being in their workplace

Keeping this in mind we amalgamated the

who would like to gain an accreditation in

findings with the ROSE model to offer a

The necessity of Wellbeing conversations in

comprehensive strategy aligning the key

organisations is a reality and organisations

elements necessary for Corporate Wellbeing

today are integrating this understanding

this space.

into their key processes. Industries across Suggested Tools for initiating Wellbeing

various segments from Government bodies

Conversations in Organisations:

to Multi-National Companies are recognising


and appreciating the need for Coaching

1.. Wellbeing – A strategy and a responsibility, The

Coaching conversations become meaningful

interventions as part of their Wellbeing

Rise of the Social Enterprise – 2018 Deloitte Global

when supplemented with the use of relevant


Human Trends

of Corporate Wellbeing, led to the evolution

We invite readers to participate in the

2. Link to Corporate Wellbeing Survey

of two tools which have as their basis tried

Corporate Wellbeing Survey (link in sources

and tested Coaching tools. The first tool we

below). We are still working in this area and


introduced is based on the GROW model and

would love to receive your responses to

looks at Optimizing for Performance. “WE

the same. We are also happy to share that

3.. Millenials Are Burning Out – Ryan Pendell , July 19,

GROW” adds the dimensions of Wellbeing

Kingstown College have researched and

2018, Gallup Essays

and embedding an environment which

designed an Internationally Accredited

fosters wellbeing as the key to performance.

Diploma in Corporate Well-Being Coaching

4.. People Managers Guide to Mental Health ,


September 2018, CIPD

tools. Brainstorming on the varied dimension





Chandrika Deshpande Ph.D. Chandrika is Head of Research and a Faculty Member at Kingstown College. She is a Learning and Development professional specializing in Talent Management and Organizational Development. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Mumbai and holds qualifications in the field of HR, Mass Media, Behavioral training and Psychometric testing. She also has an Advanced Diploma in Personal, Executive and Leadership Coaching accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

Coaching Magazine Vol.5


Taking Control: Resilience for Work and Life Jane Perry is an Organisational Psychologist, Leadership Coach, Mindfulness Therapist and a member of the Kingstown College faculty. In this article Jane highlights the role of the coach to help individuals address beliefs and confidence to minimise those moments that require resilience. Are there situations that are almost

You know your emotional responses are

and challenges, however, if you keep

certain to send you into orbit? Are

not serving you well when you regularly

responding negatively to the same

you sensitive to particular people,

feel anxious in certain scenarios or with

types of difficulties or hurts, then



particular people. You might excessively

your resilience or capacity to recover

Do you find yourself reacting with

ruminate on conversations or events;

is undeniably going to weaken over



lying awake playing a scene over and

time. At work, given the myriad of

response when something or someone

over in your mind? Or you may have


triggers you? Feeling emotions such

regrets about how you reacted in front

responsibilities that people generally

as anger, embarrassment, resentment,

of others. When you respond in any


disappointment and hurt are part and

of these ways you are seldom fully in

confident and in control is important.

parcel of being human, however, if you

control of your emotions.



types negative

of or

find your reaction to certain triggers


tasks, to





Difficult relationships were highlighted

become troublesome then it is worth

Resilience is often described as the

as the number one cause of work-

exploring some ways to regain emotion

capacity to bounce-back from setbacks

related stress in a large study of UK


employees. This is followed by ‘volume

scenarios trigger certain responses. If

of work’ and then by ‘feeling criticised’.

we can decipher this puzzle, we can then

These findings are backed up by HSE

turn our attention to the purpose of our

figures which highlight work pressures

reactions? How is our reaction serving

and difficult relationships as the most

us? This can be a difficult process and

common precipitating events leading to

what we learn is often quite a surprise.

if you keep

and stress account for almost 39% of all

When committed to change, we may


absences from work in the UK. In Ireland,

begin the process of changing our

even with a determined reluctance

relationship with the trigger or finding

to report ‘stress’ as the reason for

a workable alternative to the response.

absences on sick certs, stress, anxiety

Understanding why we react as we do

and depression now account for 24%

and having a workable alternative may

of noted illnesses. To put this problem

be enough to bring about sustainable

into context, a recent EU Labour Force

change, however, we are often reacting

survey quoted a figure of €614bn as the

from a blind spot; an unconscious

annual cost of work-related depression

response or habit. Coaching can help to

across the member countries.

shine a light on our blind spots and help

work-place stress. Anxiety, depression

us change our reaction habits. Resilience is far more than continuously bouncing back. Resilience first and

Mindfulness, when introduced into

foremost is about belief and confidence.

the coaching process, has the capacity

We are resilient when we believe we

to help create a tiny gap between the

are strong enough to deal with life’s

trigger and our response; an instant

difficulties. We are resilient when we

which allows us to pause and become

feel in control over our lives and work

aware that we are being triggered. This

and when we are confident that we can

mini-moment can give us just enough

master our emotions and our reactions.

time to recognise what is happening

negatively to the same types of difficulties or hurts, then your resilience or capacity to recover is undeniably going to weaken over time.”

and to choose our new learned way. Like all personal change, the starting

When we feel and believe that we are in



control of our response, your confidence

awareness. When starting out on a

lifts and resilience is strengthened over

journey of ‘self-knowing’, it is critical to





go about it in a positive and constructive way. The process of analysing and

When you find that gap and learn to take

evaluating ourselves must come with

control of how you respond internally

self-compassion, acceptance and a dose

and how you react externally, you will

of positive intent. Whether we are trying

build on your resilience skills which,

to work it out for ourselves or with the

with practice, lasts a lifetime.

help of a coach or other professional, the first step is to understand why certain

Jane Perry Jane Perry is a member of the Kingstown College faculty. Jane works with individuals and groups to help them thrive and fulfil their workrelated ambitions. She specialises in developing personal and leadership strengths and, in doing so, facilitates business owners, managers, professionals and teams to be self-aware, stronger, more confident and notably more effective. Her academic credentials include a 1st class honours MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Personal Construct Psychology (Orgs.). She is a qualified Leadership and Executive Coach, Mindfulness Therapist, Certified Trainer, Accredited Strengthscope Practitioner, Certified Test User (Occ), BPS & EMCC Member.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Going Beyond: Transformational Coaching In this article, Steven Lane explains his interpretation of Transformational Coaching, demonstrates how it can be used in the executive coaching space, and puts forward his own 8-stage coaching model from dependancy to awakening. I first encountered the above quote on



And yet, I am also aware that we are

Richard Branson’s Facebook page and

profession, coaching was something of

just skimming the surface; that most

I was instantly excited to wonder how

a revelation and an immediate calling.

coaching is largely a horizontal and

many business leaders may be ready to

The idea that it is possible to bring forth

transactional journey designed to bring

go beyond the considerable limitations

a person’s greater potential via a series

about specific goals and outcomes

of the thinking mind, and by tapping into

of meetings involving deep listening,

whilst affirming the sense of self

deeper aspects of themselves and their

questioning, growth of awareness and

that needs ongoing recognition and

“heart wisdom”, become “transformed”

committed action, without supplying


leaders and thus a force for a more

answers or imposing one’s own ideas

evolved and transformed world.

continues to inspire me. Every time I

Personally, on the basis of my own 35-

see it work, and watch an individual

year journey of meditation, personal

blossom, I am left awe struck.

and spiritual development, I wondered

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.





how applicable the vertical journey

“So we need leaders who are values

When you hear this, it is obvious that

towards the greater Self could be within

driven – that means collective values,

the executive needed transformational

a coaching context, as opposed to a

not selfish values ……. “

coaching (I use the word transformational

mentoring or teaching relationship.

as opposed to trans-personal because “So leaders for the future need to have

I feel it embraces more of the journey

Also, I kept recognising both my therapy

values and vision and to be authentic

from self centered and goal orientated

and coaching clients presenting with a

and agile, aligned and on purpose. Add

to being humanity and globally centred,

need to explore their inner dimension.

awareness and responsibility to the

based on Being, Heartfullness and

For example: L, a 45-year-old, senior

mix, self-belief and a good measure of

Wisdom and the discovery of the Trans-


emotional intelligence and we have a

personal Self. )





company opened with, “After 20 years

powerful recipe.”

working for this company, I feel spent,

Personally, I felt the need to look at

emotionally empty. The company in

“A psychosynthesis trained coach will

models other that Assagioli’s, not

its quest for profit and following major

invite the coachee to reframe life as

least because he prescribes lengthy

corporate reorganisation, has turned us

a developmental journey, to see the

psycho-analysis as the starting point

into mere cogs in a machine. Something

creative potential within each problem,

and because through my own journey,

inside me is waking up and knows there

to see obstacles as stepping stones, and

I discovered many valuable approaches

has to be more to life. I want to go to

to imagine that we all have a purpose

and tools which are as good if not more

work feeling inspired; to feel part of a

in life with challenges and obstacles to


force for good. I want to come home

overcome in order to fulfil that purpose.”

and smile at my wife and children

One such approach is that of Leon

and feel my day has made a valuable

“transpersonal coaching opens the door

VanderPol, founder of the Centre for

contribution. And most of all, I want to

to the superconscious”

Transformational Coaching, author of “

discover the inherent joy of my being

A Shift in Being: The Art and Practices

which I have read about in several

“coaches are midwives at the birth

of Deep Transformational Coaching and

books, but I have no idea how to reach

of a new social order, one in which

probably the world’s leading authority


compassion for all people and caring

on transformational coaching.

for all of nature and our only home form L is not alone with such feelings, though

the core theme.”

VanderPol sees coaching approaches as a

for the most, such feelings within the

polarity between transactional coaching

work environment are not expressed

When you contemplate Whitmore’s

(goal orientated) and transformational

and instead are held in check, adding to



coaching (aimed at awakening a person

the stress load and often an inner sense

transpersonal is a natural progression

to their true spiritual essence) with

of fading away.

for coaching and “spiritual” within

everything in between being what he

this context is about a natural inner

calls developmental coaching.





It was interesting to me, when I read

evolution as opposed to adopting

Sir John Whitmore’s seminal book,

some kind of externally imposed belief

VanderPol begins his book with: (Chapter


system or religious dogma.

1: The Deep Coaching Potential)


When I asked “L”, the executive

“Evocation: Around the world,


mentioned above, what kind of a leader

across cultures and religions, peo-

mainly on the basis of “Assagioli’s”

he wanted to be and what would make

ple are awakening to the potentials

model of psychosynthesis (Assagioli

his work purposeful, he said, “ I want

and realities of higher conscious-

was a psychiatrist and early pioneer

to show up for work as myself and be



authentic. I want to bring my humanity

ness. More and more people are

psychology who developed an approach

to work. I want to make my employees

which was years ahead of its time).

feel valued and I want to be able to act




towards the end, he emphasises the need








sensing and desiring a connection with their deeper essence, and feel

not only from my head, but also from my

compelled by an inexplicable life

A few quotes from Whitmore’s book

heart and my spirit. And I want to feel

force to understand the greater

highlight the need for a transformational

alive and joyful and help my company

nature and meaning of existence.

approach to coaching within leadership:

be truly relevant”.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

What does it mean to awaken?

that are optimal for the well-being

Awakening is a rich and complex

together in silence and listening for it or

of my body, mind, and soul. For

asking, “ what is the organisation being

experience that defies a narrow

others, proximity to nature and its

called to do” ) and the organisation is

definition, but the essence of awak-

energies and rhythms creates that

run on person centred practices with

ening is the new-found awareness

same sense of well-being. When I

employees being encouraged to show

and experience of one’s spiritual

live in harmony with those natural

reality. It’s not an event, it’s a pro-

rhythms, from wherever I derive

cess— a process in which spiritual

them, I thrive. Conversely, when

consciousness flows into the mind,

And in case you think this sounds

I get caught up in the hustle and

like some crazy hippy idea, such

reorienting the mind to a reality that

bustle, succumbing to the pressure

organisations have proven themselves

lies beyond the ‘veil’ of superficial

to get things done, move things

to be highly effective and profitable

definitions and material boundaries.

forward, make things happen (the


The veil then begins to lift and the

faster the better, of course), or when

awakened mind becomes aware of

I try to push or force things to hap-

living in a distorted perceptual real-

pen that are not ready to happen,

ity, a dream of self-imposed limita-

stress and tension settle in, and I

implemented. For such leaders to exist,

tions, where what was thought to

am no longer in my optimal state

many leaders will need to go through a

be true is in fact a shadow dance

of connection, flow, and well-being.

transformational coaching process.

masking an expansive and encom-

I am effectively acting against my

passing Truth.”

own desire to live at a higher level

VanderPol’s approach to this is to

of personal consciousness.”

up for work as themselves without the usual masks.





organisations. Key to such organisations though is an “enlightened” leader who does not so much do, but holds the space so the above practices can be

The term TEAL is a description of a person or organisation who has arrived at a certain level of consciousness

facilitate a transformational journey via

This is very much how I worked with L,

which gives them a specific perspective

9 coaching practices which he sees as

the executive. In our early sessions, we

and enables them to act in different

the equivalent as the Core Coaching

did some talking and exploring, and

ways. (see my later description of the


self-actualised person)

For example, the first

then we moved onto “inner” practices.

practice is: slow it all down and sync with

One was to begin with something akin

the rhythm of life and spirit, Practice 6

to mindfulness. I asked L to just sit and

I was curious about this because many

is: attune to your client’s Deeper Sense

notice the totality of his experience. I

years ago, when I was a business

of Self and let that lead.

suggested that by being aware of his

consultant, we used a model based upon

experience, his tensions would dissolve,

“Spiral Dynamics” in which a person’s

So, instead of the coaching session

his thought flow would calm and he

values and intention were indicators

being based on a model such as GROW

could shift to a heart awareness. Then I

of their behaviours. In fact, a number

in which a lot of questions are asked

asked him to ask his deeper self, “ what

of people have attempted to develop

and actions agreed upon, the coaching

am I being called to?”

a map of consciousness development

is about the Coach themselves having

including: Ken Wilber, Clare Graves, Don

the capacity to hold a sacred space,

This reminds me of my favourite business

Beck, Chris Cowan, Susan Cook Greuter,

to tune into the emerging potential of

book: “Reinventing Organisations by

Jane Loevinger, Tara Springett.

the client and the situation, and often

Frederic Laloux”. Laloux charts the

specific description depends how we

through silence to allow the coachee to

appearance, culture and practices of

are measuring growth – e.g. by values,

tap into their true Self.

so-called TEAL organisations – that is

stages of ego development, intention,


organisations that have adopted higher

way of relating to the world, direct

The first practice sets up the ability to

consciousness practices based on a


enter this space: (from his book)

higher level of wisdom to run their

“In my experience, the closer I get

businesses or organisations. Businesses

I have found this to be immensely



valuable when using a transformational

to Spirit the better I am able to

hierarchy or budgets, the evolutionary




coaching model – to have a model

connect with the rhythms of life

purpose of the organisation is key (which

enables me to recognise where a person

is discovered though employees sitting

is on their journey and what practices




1. Dependency

No power, innocent, childlike, wishful thinking, aligns themselves with a more powerful person, unaware of their own needs and generally unaware, tunes out, no responsibility

Has no control over their own life, can not accomplish, victim, wants to be rescued, prone to innocent spiritual beliefs or addiction

2. Power

Being autonomous, powerful, aggressive, self centered, us against them, narcissistic, dominant and able to use their will. Success through aggressive power

3. Rules and Suppression

Criminal or socially unacceptable dominant behaviour. Dictator boss or leader. No heart!

To counter the aggression of level 2, the person Life is very black and white. Emotions and lives according to strict rules, codes of behavtherefore the self is suppressed. Little joy and iour and moral values. Personal needs are supprone to anxiety. Always seeking security. pressed and the good of the greater society are more important than individual needs

4. The Achieving Self

Fulfilment is sought through achieving and acquiring. A good education, a good job, a partner, a nice home and car are the goals. This is the prevailing level of the western world and our education system is designed to achieve it. Most coaching is done at this level.

Makes for a busy stressful life and the fulfilment constantly needs to be refuelled with new acquisitions and challenges. Ultimately the person feels empty. Disconnection from the self

5. The Reconnecting Self

Awakening from the bubble of self centred achievement, and now has concern for others and the environment. Deep soul searching, expression of self, a search for purpose and practices such as meditation, healing , attending therapy etc. Green! Personal Development and transformational Coaching

Frustration, blame and anger, uncovering of emotional pain and a frustrated need to change themselves, others and the world. Excessive emphasis on equality, political correctness and being nice to people, though with angry and passive aggressive undertones

6. Self Actualisation

TEAL. The discovery of the trans-personal self and the beginnings of spiritual awakening. Deep intuition and wisdom. Taking responsibility and being truly in one’s own power. Able to act without personal agenda. Discovers true purpose and sees the world as a mirror of the self.

7. Transcendence

The oneness of life is realised and one is so Subtle traces of the former self which interrupt filled with love and compassion that life is detotal transcendence and often involve working voted to others and to the world. The ability to through some of the earlier levels which were heal and transform others through mere presnot fully completed ence becomes developed, and this person lives much of their life in a state of grace and bliss

8. Awekening

Full discovery of our true Self with all of the emergent wisdom, love and power. Absolute freedom

As the trans-personal emerges, conflict and change in ones personal and professional life. The metamorphosis of the butterfly!

The human body. Achieved by very few



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

focused on exploring his inner world and finding out what he really wanted. He put much emphasis on coming out of his head and being able to live from his heart. We coupled this with his desire to be authentic and he started to act upon this at home and at work. He arrived for session 11 glowing. He reported: “ I went for a walk in the rain and finished up sitting in the park for many hours. I suddenly became acutely present and everything took on a bright vibrant aspect. I could suddenly no longer separate myself from the trees and the birds and the rain. My whole being filled with bliss and a lifetime of sorrow was released”. L went on to take a one year sabbatical from





setting up a consultancy company specialising in employee engagement and wellbeing. His original company had failed to develop and there was no may be helpful. I have developed the

and purpose and connect a person

longer a match – they lost an awakening

model and could write an entire book

to their inner world. A space similar

leader. Transformational coaching was

on it, but the below is a brief overview

to that proposed by the humanist

exactly what he needed, and as the

from the lowest level to the highest. But

psychotherapist Carl Rogers is useful

world goes though the challenging

note that whilst we have a dominant



times we are now in, many can see the

level, we also show lower or higher

regard, congruence). For 5 to 6, Leon

emergence of a new relationship with

levels from time to time, depending

VanderPol’s model is more useful in

life, the environment and economic

upon the situation. Also we will often

which a person connects directly to

models. Transformational coaching will

have lower level “stuff” to resolve later.


be highly relevant and only coaches who


have gone through transformational Most








transitioning from level 4 to 5 or from

None of this can be rushed and certainly

coaching themselves will have the

cannot be faked! Each stage needs to be

Presence to coach others.

completed more or less.

5 to 6. Very different approaches are needed. For 4 to 5 it is necessary

L, the executive attended for 12

to explore feelings, beliefs, values

sessions. During the first half we

Steven Lane Steven Lane is a personal development and transformational coach and trainer. With a varied background including coaching, therapy, 7 years as a Buddhist monk and a decade as a business and NGO consultant, he has spent the last 20 years dedicated to helping individuals heal themselves and discover the depths of their potential. He works with private individuals and organisations in person and via Skype/Facetime. Tel: (00353) 0851003916 Email:



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

MIT’s Strategic Agility Project… reveals that strategic alignment amongst executives and managers is

Team Coaching: Coaching Teams of Teams Professor David Clutterbuck discusses team coaching, the PERILL model, and puts forward some expert advice on approaching the organisation of a Team of Teams, from values alignment, team development plans and communication. Just






number of examples of how functional


silos within organisations or even



lead to improved collective (team)

within departments can undermine


performance, high performing teams

performance overall. Every increase

don’t necessarily work together to

in the efficiency of a narrow slice of

deliver a high performing organization.

the organizational system can reduce

In his book Team of Teams, retired US

the effectiveness of the whole.

general Stanley McChrystal offers a

Internally-facing systems and

down through these managerial

new, of course, but it is only now, as

processes: in particular, work

“linking pins”. A team of teams may

team coaching becomes increasingly

design and interdependencies,

or may not have formal leaders

entrenched in organizations, that

communication and decision-

for each team but communicates

the focus is beginning to shift to



These insights are not completely

the wider system beyond the team. The emerging challenge is: how do

of •














we apply what we have learned

enhances its performance (how


about coaching teams to coaching

it does today’s tasks), capability

structures aim to produce greater

multiple, interdependent teams?

(how it enhances its skills and

efficiency, TOTs aim to increase

resources to tackle tomorrow’s

effectiveness and agility.

The PERILL model was the first

tasks) and capacity (how it does


more with less)


attempt adaptive





How can teams of teams build shared purpose and motivation?


work teams. It identified from





extensive literature analysis, six

factor that influences whether

MIT’s Strategic Agility Project (Sull

factors that interact to drive or


et al, 2018) provides a disturbing





binary factors

combination is



positively or negatively.

At their simplest, these factors



interact in three dimensions but there will be times and situations


strategic leaders




managers. It reveals that strategic What is a Team of Teams (TOT)?

when all six are influencing and

alignment and




executives consistently

being influenced by each other.

Traditional organizational structures

overestimated, with only slightly

The six factors are:

have a hierarchy of teams, with

more than half of top teams agreed

leaders of individual teams linked

on the highest three strategic

Purpose having




within a team of managers, who

priorities and only 22% of their




direct reports able to name the





senior manager and leader teams.

that energise and capture the

Communication happens up and

When individual and collective identity




common purpose, great things are possible. Externally-facing and




various how






understand team

systems how




and it,








resources etc •


being and a clear direction imagination of team members.





as trust, respect and genuine concern




welfare, which enable close collaboration

top three priorities..


Coaching Magazine Vol.5


Among practical approaches team

How can teams of teams enhance how

coaches can initiate are:

they interface with stakeholders and the external world generally?





create and share a narrative

The external interfaces of each

about what the organizational

team will have some similarities

purpose looks like from their








and (and



what or








will mean interacting with the same external system of systems, but at

with other teams in the TOT

different points. So, for example,

structure allows them better

while the executive team might be

to understand and appreciate

connected with its counterpart in

each other – but also to develop

a major customer, teams at lower

a clearer consensus about what

levels might be connected with


users of the products or services.



levels of trust

connections. In many cases, this



Achieving similar


purpose. Sharing these stories




to achieve their part of the


purpose and what they can do


to support each other.

up and down functional silos. In a


typical these

organization, interactions

between teams is challenging. Our tribal instincts kick in very easily, leading us to view


“outsiders”, who


we should be

genuine TOT, information is shared •

Identify in each team the tasks

equally horizontally, vertical and

its members find most and least





as rivals…


to opportunities for creative

As a team coach, we might facilitate

swapping – re-design of tasks

a team in developing better ways






collaborating with,






flexible use of the energy within

information from its stakeholders.

the whole TOT system.

With a TOT, it’s important to be aware of and capture information

How can teams of teams build

relevant to other internal teams as


well. Critical questions include:


How is this information relevant

Psychological safety and the trust



that it builds are fundamental to the

develop an internal focus on

purpose as a TOT, as well as for

performance of individual teams.

their responsibilities. Making at

our team on its own?

Achieving similar levels of trust




interconnected Just






individually-based systems



undermine teams




least one third of each team’s key




(KPIs) reflect contribution to

between teams is challenging. Our •

How do we listen to stakeholders

tribal instincts kick in very easily,

with the ears of other TOTs?

leading us to view “outsiders”, who

the system changes attitudes

we should be collaborating with, as

and behaviours, so that teams



rivals for, for example, resources,

take partial responsibility and

usually carried out at either an

attention, or reputation. Building

ownership for other connected

organizational or a team level. In


teams’ performance, capability

a TOT, these two levels of mapping

different from building trust within



can be integrated in an intermediary

teams. Practical approaches include:


level, which shows the overlaps


achieving purpose.

in the











Sharing personal histories and

connects directly to both team and

team histories. In a merger

organizational purpose.

situation, rapid integration can often be achieved when tow

a responsibility to repair the teams share with each other

A, are seized with enthusiasm

damage as quickly as possible.

“How we became the team we

by people in team B.)

Two key principles underlie an

are now”.

effective trust recovery process. •

Sharing There




One is that this is a learning


processes for resolving inter-

opportunity. The other is that


team conflict. Existing conflict

with humility and a continued
























focus on collective purpose,

Clarity about behaviours that


trust may be strengthened by

build and undermine trust and

the experience.


connectedness between them




in How can teams of teams develop


better shared systems?

promotes understanding. Where there are differences of values,

Physical location – having a

rather than engage in “right and

desk in the other team’s work

Team coaching can help with two

wrong” mindsets, the two teams


key systems:

can explore how the diversity of

human interaction




values can enhance how they work together to support the

• •

Having an agreed trust recovery

How do we communicate and coordinate across TOTs?

shared purpose. (One outcome

process. This recognises that

can be redefining work roles,

trust does get broken from time

so that aspects of the task that

to time and that, rather than

accurate decisions that involve

don’t energise people in team

let to fester, both teams have

several TOTs?

How do we make fast and


Coaching Magazine Vol.5


A knee-jerk response is to make

interface between teams, supporting

caches of experience and skill that



them when they come together to

can be enhanced and made more

which is likely to result in vital data



determine what decisions require

widely accessible, if other teams

being buried in an overwhelming

or will benefit from input from more

know about and value them.

mass of trivia and irrelevant data

than one team. Among questions

from every other TOT.


that are helpful here are:




making to the lowest practical level.

The TOT development plan plays a vital role in regular (at least annual) to

reviews of learning by the system.

For this to be effective, however,


make this decision (e.g. from




Team coaching focuses on helping

teams need shared communication

a position of timeliness, and

teams improve performance (what

and decision-making protocols and

having sufficient information to

they do), capability (what it will be

– over and above this – an instinctive

assess the situation)?

able to do in the future, if it acquires

understanding of what other teams need to know.

the •






decision, how and when? Artificial



and where to route information



of this kind, but a great deal can














resources) and capacity (how it will expresses



do more with less, as Peter Hawkins


to offer in terms of learning when







plans address the same issues and


help teams think beyond their own




horizons, expanding the collective consciousness



conversation. Regular and ad hoc

teams helps to break down the

responsibilities to the system rather

inter-team reviews of cases – both

“them and us” boundaries even

than just to a team or an individual

ones that went well and one’s


job description.

instinctive understanding of what

How can teams of teams better


needs to be transmitted along with

learn together?

leadership to greatest effect?

reinforce shared accountability. The

Much of what has been described


systems that genuinely enhance

above is in essence about co-



that didn’t – can build collective can





the level of urgency. They also not






learning across team boundaries.

hierarchies focus on the role of

When coaching individual teams,

the leader, who is expected to

a continuous, emergent learning

a team development plan, which

be in control of everything, but

process that constitutes collective,

links personal development with

increasingly can’t. The linking pin

adaptive intelligence.

team development and the business

model of organizations assumes

plan is an increasingly common and

that leaders at one level will


practical approach, now standard

become a team under a leader at

questions to explore communication

for all coaches, who have trained

the next higher level. It breaks

between teams is:

through Coaching and Mentoring



requires only one weak link for






is a

rarely imposed top-down – they are











the chain to break. Effective team

could provide would be most


helpful to you in making good



that is needed across and by the


system, but the same principles

these might best be delivered.



A typical outcome is that the


much and





coaching clarifies the functions


of leadership and enables the to




When will it be most helpful?


appointed leader knows how best

How can we provide it in the

development plans that link directly

to add value and that they are

most helpful way?

to the organizational purpose.








valued by the team. It also frees

outcome of doing so may be the

them up to focus on tasks that are

To facilitate these conversations,


more important to building future

team coaches can work at the

of excellence – small but valuable




capability and capacity.


Within a TOT, leadership may need

to what the system needs. For

to be expressed differently within

example, where is it oscillating

teams that have different roles

in ways that will interfere with

McCrystal, Gen Stanley (2015) Team



of Teams, Penguin Random House,








purpose. As in an individual team,


this diversity within a TOT has

be encouraged and reinforced?

potential to be both a strength and a

Functions of leadership.




weakness. Looking through the lens of leadership functions helps us to

London Sull D, Sull, S and Yoder J (2018) No One Knows Your Strategy —

Where do we go from here?

understand the leadership system

Not Even Your Top Leaders, Sloan Management

in a much more perceptive way. It

A literature search on TOTs reveals

requires a mental shift in managers

very little and nothing at all on

at all levels from seeking to control

team coaching in this context.

the TOT to facilitating it.

Clearly, we have much to learn!



Highlight online February 12)

Equally, this provides an immense Collective coaching conversations

opportunity for experienced team

enable the formal and informal

coaches to expand their portfolio.

leadership structures to listening

Professor David Clutterbuck Professor David Clutterbuck is one of Europe’s most respected writers and thinkers on leadership, coaching and mentoring. He’s the author of more than seventy books and regarded as a leading global authority on coaching and mentoring. Professor Clutterbuck is a visiting professor to the coaching and mentoring faculties of Henley Business School, Oxford Brookes University, Sheffield Hallam University and York St John.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

The Legend of Zelda and the Hero’s (Heroine’s?) Journey

we are all heroes and we all have

Zelda di Blasi shows us that the familiar story of the Hero’s Journey which can be found everywhere from the Bible to video games, can be a useful framework for the coach and coachee to work within. It also provides opportunities for some more adventurous, thought provoking language as we seek to slay dragons and banish demons!

calls for adventure, needs for change, challenges to overcome, and goals to set

A Coaching Model Clients often come to coaching looking

enemies in approaching the innermost

The third path is that of the journey,

cave (the Adventure) and returns home

where we follow our hearts, as we

transformed (the Return).

envision something more and are called

for some form of change or direction,

to discover something new.

perhaps a career transition or improved

According to Joseph Campbell there are

performance in an area of their lives.

three possible life paths that we can

We can go through several hero’s

As coaches we can use change theories

take: (1) the village, (2) the wasteland;

journeys in our lives when we follow

or models to understand the process

or (3) the journey.

our bliss, and we find ourselves

of change to help to create direction

experiencing magical moments when

and structure, so that we can enable

The village represents the traditional

the world opens up, as we connect with

our clients to move through change in

life that has been mapped out by

something greater and transformative.

effective, positive and supportive ways.

society and culture, where we do as

This is also known as the Eudaimonic

There are many coaching models that

we are told. We go to school, graduate,

or meaningful path to happiness, as

can help individuals in transition (e.g.

get a job, get married, have kids, buy a

its where we tend to cultivate our

GROW), as well as change theories (e.g.

house, work, retire, and finally we die.

strengths, contribute to a greater good,

Lewin’s 3 Step Model, Prochaska and

If we follow this path, in theory we will

realise our potential and find meaning

Diclemente’s Stages of Change model).

feel secure, safe and satisfied. For some,

in life. The Hero’s Journey is about

A less common model but a potentially

this may be true, but for many others

taking this third path; the journey to find

powerful one in coaching individuals

the village is, in Thoreau’s words: “a life

how to thrive by developing the skills to

and teams through change is the Hero’s

of quiet desperation”.

discover and travel your own path and

Journey by Joseph Campbell and the

live your own life as the best version of

work of Jung who discovered that

The wasteland is the path of the rebel

yourself. A hero’s journey is a path of

many legends, myths, stories, books

or outcast who reject the village, feeling

self-development. We grow in order to

and Disney movies are built on a basic

cynical and negative, and attempts to

develop the flexibility and competence

pattern and structured in three stages

numb these feelings with TV, drugs,

we need to navigate new territory and

where the hero goes on an adventure

alcohol, criminal activity or isolation.

overcome the obstacles that arise along






the way.

I stumbled on upon this model when

Also inspired by Zelda Fitzgerald,

‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with

I discovered scientific evidence on

Japanese cartoonist Miyamoto called

your one wild and precious life?’,

the power of our names on our lives,

his action adventure game, the Legend

said Mary Oliver. She explained the

including our career choices, whom we

of Zelda. Released in 1986, it has sold

process of departure in her poem ‘the

marry or where we live.

over 75 million copies and is one of

Journey’, where the hero stops listening

the most popular and influential video

to people around them and begins

Shakespeare wrote: ‘A rose by any other

games of all time. This video game was

to recognise and listen to their inner

name would smell as sweet’, however, I

designed using the Hero’s Journey.

voice, beginning their journey in order

am not sure I would be who I am today if I

Anthony Bean recently published a

to save their life. In starting our journey,

had been given another name, like Maria

book entitled The Psychology of Zelda,

we cross the threshold which takes us

for example, which I was almost called.

tracing aspects of the Hero’s Journey.

into new unknown “territory”, outside

While my parents had agreed on Zelda,

our comfort zone; where we are forced

my Sicilian grandmother managed to

1. The steps of the hero’s journey

to grow and evolve. This threshold is

persuade my father to register me in her

include: the Departure (Hearing the

generally a “point of no return,” once

own name, and this was later changed,


we are across it, we cannot go back to

and as a result, I never got a dowry from my grandmother, but I did get the name Zelda. Had I been called Maria,

the way things used to be. 2. the Adventure (Facing a Challenge); and

2. The Adventure:

I don’t think I would have left Sicily, where I grew up at age fourteen, when I

3. the Return (Transformation).

followed my heart and moved to Ireland to start a wonderful adventure. The

We are designed for adventures. From a neuroscience perspective, our brain is

1. The Departure:

name Zelda means ‘joy’ or ‘happiness’.

designed to thrive on new experiences and on challenges that allow us to learn

My job is to teach, coach and research

Hearing a calling relates to our life

and grown. Flow states are triggered by

the Science of Happiness. My mother

purpose or mission. We may refuse

challenges, and the brain floods with

chose this name inspired by American

or disregard the calling, but this

dopamine when it discovers something

writer and dancer Zelda Fitzgerald, the

often intensifies the problems, while


wife of great novelist Scott Fitzgerald.

committing to the calling leads us to

Like Zelda Fitzgerald, I love to write and

confront a boundary or threshold in our

Helen Keller, said: ‘Life is either a daring

to dance.

map of the world.

adventure or nothing at all’. Facing a



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

challenge or a demon is also a natural

The Hero’s Journey as a Coaching Tool

result of crossing a threshold. A demon or a dragon is generally something that

While a hero’s journey is a personal

appears to oppose, tempt or negate us

journey, it is not something that we can

as heroes, they are not necessarily evil or

do alone. Coaching using the hero’s

bad; they are simply a type of “energy”,

journey as a model, and especially when

that we need to learn to contend with,

taking a positive psychology approach,

accept and redirect. Often, demons or

can be very powerful in this journey.

dragons are a reflection of one of our

Several coaches have identified the

own inner fears and shadows. Here we

hero’s journey as a tool or model for

confront “self-liting beliefs” such as:

coaching, and provided useful resources

“You should not be here” or “You are


not good enough”. Developing new


resources is necessary in order to deal with uncertainty and transform the

To start with it is important to explain

“dragon” or “demon.” These resources

the concept of the hero’s journey to our

include increased self-awareness, the

clients, letting them see that they’re

ability to flex into strength, softness and

on a journey, perhaps drawing it on a

playfulness. Completing the task for

piece of paper using their story so that

which we have been called and finding

they can pull back and see light at the

the way to fulfil the calling is ultimately

end of the tunnel. Coaching sessions

achieved by creating a new map of the

using this model can take place while

world that incorporates the growth

walking outdoors in nature in order to

and discoveries brought about by the

embody the hero’s journey. In research


conducted with Gas Networks Ireland, together with my colleagues, I found that

3. The Return

coaching clients while walking outdoors was more energizing, increased levels of

The return involves the hero coming

self-efficacy and positive emotions, and

back to the village transformed and

created a greater sense of connection

and solutions, and to explore the

sharing with others the knowledge and

with clients, compared with coaching


experience gained from their journey.

conducted while sitting indoors.

beliefs, procrastination, weaknesses,

Coming back to the village, we share



temptations and challenges, along with

our story, having come full circle, but as

As coaches, we can support our clients

strengths, values, commitment, action,

a new person. Through challenges and

in preparing for their journey by


discoveries along the path we acquire

asking open questions that can get

to help our clients to identify, face

courage, insight, wisdom, resiliency and

our clients fired up, excited, and on

and transform their ‘dragons’ or their

greater awareness of ourselves and the

purpose, for example by asking them:

‘demons’ - in other words their inner

world. When we return to the village

“What is your call to adventure?”. Open

fears, shadows and self-limiting beliefs.

we are able to make our own unique

and powerful questions can help our

contribution and become recognized

clients plan the actions needed to get

We can ask questions such as: “What

and acknowledged for who we really

to their destination, and support them

can you do to slay your dragon?”,


along the way to build skills, believing

“What would happen if you slayed their

in themselves and staying focused on

dragon?”, “How would you feel?”, “Who

their objectives.

would you be?”, “What would happen

The journey is not always an external one. Sometimes we travel internally




if you didn’t slay your dragon?”. The

even as we stay within the physical

We can spend time analysing what areas

miracle question can be very powerful

context of the village. As a result of our

need attention, what is not working and

here, e.g. ““Suppose tonight, while

growth, we bring new ideas and new

what is working, brainstorming on the

you slept, a miracle occurred. When

life to the village, making it possible for

possible solutions, thinking creatively

you awake tomorrow, what would be

more to thrive there.


some of the things you would notice






keep up with your decision?”, “Is there something in the way that might stop you?”, “What else could you do?”. These questions can help increase optimism, self-efficacy and resilience. To conclude, we are all heroes and we all have calls for adventure, needs for change, challenges to overcome, and goals to set. In Mans’ Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl wrote: ‘between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom’. To this Bob Dylan adds: ‘A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with freedom’. Considering





“partnering with clients in thought provoking and creative process that inspires





personal and professional potential” (, the Hero’s Journey can be a very effective way to creatively structure and inspire our clients as they change to become the





that would tell your dragon had been

for us to stay as we were before so that

Whether at a crossroad and looking


they don’t have to change in response

for direction, perhaps longing for a

to our movement and growth. In the

career change, for improved health or


final phase, when the hero returns

enhanced performance, coaching that

challenging, and might involve crossing

home, it is important that the coach

is based around the Hero’s Journey can

another type of threshold, as the hero

gently challenges the client to ensure

transform our clients, supporting and

needs to reintegrate with life and key

that the conditions ahead will support

fuelling their passion and purpose.

relationships. There can be a fear on

the implementation of the changes.

our own part of getting stuck in our own

Useful questions might include: “Who/

previous existence, and there can be

What can support you?”, “What will

desire on the part of significant others

you put in place to ensure that you





Zelda Di Blasi Zelda Di Blasi, MPsychSc, PhD, is a graduate of the Kingstown College Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching, a certified HeartMath coach and Strengths Coach. She is the co-founder and director of a Masters in Positive and Coaching Psychology at University College Cork, where she lectures, coaches and conducts research. Zelda has a PhD from the University of York on the placebo effect and health care interactions, a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the University of California San Francisco and a Diploma in Modern Dance. She lives in Kinsale with her husband and her children Zoē and Joshua. E-mail:


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Those new to writing may be anxious to share their work and seek opinion on it very early on in the process. Showing the work in progress to people too soon, be they professionals or family and friends, can be damaging.

Coaching for Writing a Book Many people dream of writing a book; their autobiography, a self-help idea, the novel. Most people don’t get as far as writing the first line. Countless others have beginnings, but no endings. Susan Browne is an EMCC accredited Life Coach and shares some valuable thoughts and strategies for getting pen to paper. On writing my first book, Angel EFT, I

one. I approach this with the idea that

Clients who reach out to a coach for

thought about it for three years before

to write the book is only the first step.

help in writing a book are almost cer-

making a serious attempt and finish-


ing it. Now, writing my second book, as

The world is not genuinely sitting,

a coach this time around I can take the

scratching its chin, watching over their

challenges that are ‘the process’ and ap-

shoulder. That is just the inner critic. The

ply my coaching skills, as well as help

inner critic won’t merely go away, but

clients who have come to me for help in

the client can notice it for what it is, and

getting their book written.

tell it that its critique is welcome later,

a) Very serious about finishing it. b) Experiencing difficulty doing so. In this article, I would like to share with

at the editing stage, but not just now in

you some tips for coaching a client who

Overcoming Fear and managing the In-

wants support for writing their book, as

ner Critic

well as some insider tips from the writer

the creation stage. Reassurance that the creation stage is

point of view. I have offered powerful

Most people won’t start or progress

not even supposed to be good, never

questions as well as short visualisation

their book because of Fear. Fear of look-

mind finished or ready to show an edi-

exercises throughout the article that

ing stupid; Fear of not being as good a

tor/publisher/the public can help the

could be used or adapted in your prac-

writer as they first thought; Fear of be-

self-conscious writer. Just as one might


ing rejected; Fear of upsetting some-

put dung on the garden to fertilise it,

the client might need to write some

ture self if s/he any advice for you, no-

Showing up when you say you will –

dung before the good stuff can grow.

tice what they say.

chunking down goals

Powerful Question: If you could advise

The Need for Validation and learning

Part of making the action happen is for

a friend who was feeling fearful about

to Self-Validate

your client to create a realistic plan in

writing their book, what might you say?

bite-size chunks to get their book writThose new to writing may be anxious to

ten. If they want to write a 40,000-word

share their work and seek opinion on

self-help book in eight months, look

it very early on in the process. Show-

at how can they break this down into

For the client who is having trouble get-

ing the work in progress to people too

smaller goals.

ting started, or has started and then got

soon, be they professionals or family

stuck, suggest in your session a mind

and friends, can be damaging. Just like

On writing my first book, I decided to set

map. If you are working online suggest

a baby growing in the womb doesn’t

the target of writing just 500 words, five

your client get a piece of paper and a

need to be taken out and looked at, nor

days a week. It’s not much, but over time

pen and write something in the centre

do embryonic ideas for a book. They

it grew into a book. It was easy for me

like ‘ideas,’ or the name of their book.

need time in the darkness to grow and

to achieve 500 words, and it was meas-

Encourage them to relax if they are

receive nutrients.

urable. Until the editing process, which

Getting Something Down

tense suggest a brief breathing exercise

involves cutting words and changing

to help them to be calm. Having them

Clients often seek validation, feeling

things around. At this time, the goals

relax allows ideas to flow better. It’s fine

lonely and wondering if they are on the

needed adjusting.

to doodle images as well as using words.

right path. Working with them to trust themselves and the writing process can

How to know if goals are realistic or

Visualisation: Imagine that it’s the end

be useful, to create ways of self-valida-


of the week and you have written your


target amount and are pleased about it. You know it will need editing, but you feel glad to have done this work and have this much down. Now ask your fu-

Powerful Question: Which of your strengths can help you to feel more confident in this process?

Many writers have the luxury - and precarity - of having an undefined time limit to finish the book. Others will have



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

inflexible external deadlines to meet,

This is a very valid point but needs to

such as that of a publisher.

be balanced. If the client is working on

What one thing can you do today to progress your book?

their social media posts to build an auYou will soon discover if goals are real-

dience, this is well and good if the book

istic or not by how the client performs

is still progressing. Ten minutes on twit-

in meeting targets. Know from the out-

ter networking with other writers or po-

Many people writing a book have a lot

set, that particularly if this is their first

tential customers can quickly turn into

of other things going on in their lives.

book, the goals may need tweaking and

an hour and eat into valuable writing

There is always a reason not to sit down

reviewing as you go along.


and write. There are other things to be

Setting writing goals that are not

For me, starting writing first thing in the

be agony. This is the Fear and self-doubt

achievable and then not adjusting them

morning with no internet use is best.

that plagues writers and is common to

can lead to feelings of failure and self-

Even if I want to do an internet search

all. Creating a daily visual check-in that

sabotage. As a coach, look out for these

for some information for the book, I find

the coachee can work with can help cre-

tendencies and talk to your client about

it best to write my search query down

ate accountability. A paper calendar to


on a piece of paper to come back to

check off when the set amount of writ-

later when internet use is allowed.

ing completed is very effective.

Writers Block and Procrastination

Visualising the Finished Product

original goal with this. Is it time to adjust

Sometimes I wish that the term Writers

I can’t emphasise enough how much

the goal do you think? Knowing what

Block had never been invented. It gets

it helps writers to frequently imagine

you know now, what might you change

used as though it were some medical

their book, already written and printed.

your goal to?’

diagnosis. People will turn to any num-

Staying on Task – Being Accountable

done. Writing can be a joy, but it can also

Support your client when targets aren’t being met by saying something like ‘I notice it’s been hard to stick to your

Keep Powering Forward Encourage your client not to begin the

ber of other jobs to avoid writing, and

Visualisation: Imagine that you are hold-

the introspective client may even go on

ing your completed book in your hands

an endless psychotherapeutic quest to

and feeling great about it. What does

find reasons why they can’t write.

the cover look like, and how does it

editing process too soon. As in, let them

feel? What colours do you see? How do

try to finish an entire first draft before

So, how do you confront your client

the pages smell? Allow yourself to bask

editing. It’s very tempting to start edit-

when you suspect they are presenting

in the feeling of success and happiness

ing chapters before you are finished,

to you with a host of excuses? Nam-

as you connect with your finished book.

but can lead to getting muddled and not

ing procrastination could be the best

Feel proud of your achievement. Imag-

moving the book forward.

gift you can give them, but you want to

ine others congratulating you.

maintain the rapport. You want them to Parallel Projects

know you are still on their side, and not catching them out.

Some believe that you must get it written and not worry about anything else.

Powerful Question: How would you like people to feel who are reading your book?

Powerful Questions:

Others will say that you need to build your author platform. People you can sell the book to once it’s written.

What needs to change for you to succeed in writing this book?

Susan Browne Life Coach, EMCC. After mental health nursing for thirteen years, Susan transitioned into her own private wellbeing business. A qualified counsellor, EFT Trainer, Life Coach and holistic therapist, based in Co. Kerry, Ireland since 2000 and originally from Warwickshire, England. Susan provides coaching and runs holistic workshops, helping people to overcome self-limiting beliefs and achieve personal goals. Outside of her wellness work, Susan is writing her second book - a novel. Her first, ‘Angel EFT’ is a Mind, Body & Spirit book published by Dragon Rising, UK. Find out more about Susan’s work at and and her writing at


Coaching Heroes Award Celebrating 15 Years of Coaching Education We are delighted to be celebrating 15 years of Coaching Diplomas at Kingstown College. When the college first began to deliver the course, coaching was in it’s infancy in Ireland and Europe. Since then it has grown to become a respected profession, and an invaluable resource for organisations. To progress the profession so far in such a short space of time must be credited to those who were the pioneers and the champions of coaching. We have had the privilege to work with many of those people, and many of them have also studied with us. To mark 15 years of the Diploma in Coaching, we are celebrating 15 people whom we believe have made an important contribution to the coaching profession, and are honoured that they have accepted the Kingstown College Coaching Heroes Award.

PETER FITZPATRICK HEAD OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Peter FitzPatrick has almost two decades of HR, L&D and OD experience across a number of Government Departments and Offices, and is currently Head of Learning and Development in the Department of Health. Peter is currently Co-chair of a Civil and Public Service Coaching and Mentoring Working Group, which is working on definitions of coaching and mentoring within a public sector context, and assessing the future demand for these interventions to support staff development and retention.

BREDA O’TOOLE HEAD OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT & TRANSFORMATION, IDA IRELAND A native of Connemara, Breda joined IDA Ireland 16 years ago after spending much of her career in the UK. She has worked as IDA’s Head of HR, Regional Business Development and most recently heads up a team supporting the growth of 270 small to medium sized multinational companies in the IDA portfolio. Previously, Breda worked as Head of HR and Policy at Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council, UK and achieved a master’s degree in Strategic Human Resource Management with Manchester Metropolitan University. Breda was educated in Kylemore Abbey, Co. Galway and Shannon College of Hotel Management. Breda is a passionate believer in coaching for performance and leadership excellence and completed her Diploma in Personal and professional Coaching with Kingstown College in 2008. She has since applied a coaching approach with her team and in the approach taken to the development of the leadership teams of multinational companies here in Ireland. ‘It has been invaluable in my role as a leader, coaching staff here in IDA and with client companies in looking at ways to help them develop their leadership capabilities for the benefit of the Irish subsidiary and ultimately the economy’.

FRANK ROCK DIRECTOR , COACH, COACH TRAINER AND SUPERVISOR Frank is passionate and curious about equipping clients with the mindsets , behaviours and skills to have the necessary and courageous conversations on a day to day basis. He truly believes that this involves the coach and coachee embarking on a shared journey to explore and map out the precise steps that an individual must take in starting to have a real conversation and how to keep it alive. Frank’s work is about nourishing and sustaining individuals and organisations by bringing a fresh lens and language to view, and thrive, in the system in which they operate.

MAURICE WHELAN FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR OF UNLEASH POTENTIAL Maurice is the Founder and Managing Director of Unleash Potential. He has over 25 years experience in public and private sector at Senior Management and Executive level. He is a Fellow of the Contact Centre Management Association (CCMA) since 2007 and was the recipient of their Lifetime Achievement Award. He was a board member of the CCMA for 11 years, six of them as Chairman. Maurice’s leadership and strategy execution skills have been recognised by many national and international awards including European People Manager of the Year and European Industry Champion of the Year (ECCA). He became a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) in 2013. Maurice brings a different and unique perspective to the coaching experience and is also an accomplished conference speaker. Maurice provides programmes in Mindfulness, Leadership Development, Diversity and Inclusion, and one to one Executive Coaching. He works in Ireland, USA, Singapore, and all over Europe delivering services for clients including Airbnb, Paypal, Blizzard, Voxpro, Survey Monkey, Nestpick and Letgo, amongst others.

Coaching Magazine Vol.5 48 ANNE DOHERTY CEO MINDWISE NEW VISION Anne Doherty is Chief Executive Officer of Mindwise New Vision, with a demonstrated history of working in the mental health care industry for over 30 years. She is skilled in not-for-profit organisations with a specific passion and interest in developing client participation and engagement strategies. Anne holds strategic planning & business development as core skills (MBA), underpinned by a creative and innovative approach to Mental Health, Life and Executive Coaching - a qualified Coach/ Coach Supervisor.

GERRY DUFFY INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER IN GOAL SETTING, LEADERSHIP AND PUBLIC SPEAKING Gerry Duffy is an international speaker in Goal Setting, Leadership and Public Speaking. His CV has seen him work with over 1000 companies and organisations since 2010 and a personal passion for endurance sports has seen him complete many extreme sporting ambitions including running 32 marathons in 32 consecutive days. With a Masters in Business Practice and a Diploma in Coaching, Gerry has coached many senior executives and CEO’s and has written three books including THE GOAL GETTER - 35 Different Ways to Reach Your Goals. His clients include Aer Lingus, Boston Scientific, SAP, Proctor and Gamble and British Gas.

ROSARRI MANNION NATIONAL DIRECTOR, HSE Rosarii Mannion has 20 years of human resources experience including working at board level since 2012. In her career to date she has held a number of senior leadership roles. Currently on a career break she worked as National HR Director in the HSE for 4 years bringing forward the first ever National People Strategy for the organisation. She is a passionate believer and advocate for coaching and in maximising coaching and mentoring to improve staff performance, staff engagement and inclusion. Rosarii is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a qualified Mediator. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation and holds a BA, HDip, MA and MSc. She has recently been awarded a Professional Diploma in Human Rights and Equality. She is the 2017 ICF Business & Executive Coach of the Year and is the 2018 Legal Island HR Leader of the Year.

DR. KIMBERLY FITZGERALD Kimberly is a wellness, learning and health initiatives specialist where she works as a psychologist, counsellor, coach, trainer and researcher. She has worked in the US, Germany and Ireland as a mental wellness professional. Her exploratory sequential mixed method research in psychology focused on occupational health. Kimberly’s interests are in gender issues relating to differences between men and women and how they experience debilitating health conditions, which includes the areas of gender-specific medicine, social psychology, rehabilitation psychology, and occupational health psychology. Kimberly develops and provides psychology based leadership and wellness programmes with a focus on engagement, diversity and best practice. She is currently serving on two professional coaching psychology committees, actively writing wellness articles and developing a new wellness coaching assessment tool.

JOYCE FARRELL SENIOR INTERNATIONAL HRM Joyce is a Senior International HR Manager, with a track record of achievement and innovation that spans over three decades in the Utility industry. She has a particular passion and expertise in the areas of Strategy Development, International Talent Management and Leading and delivering HR Transformational Change both in Ireland and globally for ESB International . Joyce is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, holds a Masters in Leadership & Management Practice, Diploma in Executive Coaching, and a Diploma in NLP for Business Practitioner. Joyce is a champion for the development of female talent and among her most noteworthy achievements is the design, development and delivery of the ESB female development programme – ‘Inspiring & Empowering Female Talent’ – winner of CIPD Diversity & Inclusion Award 2017.

SIBÉAL CAROLAN WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT LEAD, WORKPLACE HEALTH AND WELLBEING UNIT, HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE Sibéal has made significant contributions to coaching and the coaching approach especially since joining the Workplace Health and Well Being Unit as Workforce. Development Lead. Sibeal previously worked in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Institute of Leadership. In her role as Lecturer and Programme Director at the RCSI Sibéal supervised performance improvement/change management projects from a wide range of organisational and professional settings. In addition Sibéal has conducted a number of Workforce Planning Projects in a variety of settings.


Paula Mullin is an Executive and Communications Coach specialising in Executive Presence. She is one of a small number of Irish coaches accredited to deliver the Bates Executive Presence Index (ExPI) assessment. This science-based 360 model measures Executive Presence. Paula has 19 years experience working in coaching and communications. She works with multi-national and Irish companies including CRH, EY, Glanbia, AON and CarTrawler. With a BA honours in Psychology and Sociology from Queens University Belfast, Paula has qualifications in Executive Coaching, Communications Training, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Public Relations. Paula is furthermore a highly sought-after executive coach for a number of c-suite and senior leaders across a diverse range of industries. She strongly believes in the importance of leaders becoming mindful of how they show up day to day and how their presence directly impacts others. Paula is passionate about making lasting change and developing authentic leaders.

NADINE MCCARTHY PERFORMANCE COACH In her work as a Performance Coach, Leadership Development Trainer, Theory U Facilitator, Systems-change specialist, Organisational Wellbeing and Development Consultant and Yoga Teacher, Nadine pours her energy, care and focus into helping people in business, sport and life expand into the fullest version of themselves. Her focus is always on helping them to achieve what they are truly capable of, by consistently managing their own performance, leadership and wellbeing to deliver results. Supporting the person behind the performance is always at the heart of Nadine’s work. She believes the individual themselves are the one constant force in every performance equation and their ability to remain focused, present, skilful and grounded against the backdrop of chaos, uncertainty and confusion will always be within your control. Nadine believes that there is a gap in our current societal, cultural and educational models that fails to adequately teach us to be that constant force. It is her purpose and mission to fill that gap.

CATRIONA BRADLEY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, IRISH INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY Catriona is an experienced leader with a passion for supporting people and organisations to realise their potential. Proven strengths in leadership, strategy development, culture change, coaching, change management and business management. Catriona is future focussed, and enjoys horizon scanning to identify emerging trends and opportunities. Talented at identifying untapped potential and opportunities for synergy, she is at her best when supporting individuals and groups to be at theirs. Her hallmark is one of delivering quality outcomes through strong process and powerful teams. Her experience to date spans across healthcare, academia, commerce, leadership and professional development. This breadth, combined with her education, provides her with a unique perspective. She is an effective communicator, in academic, business, media and leadership fora and is frequently invited as a key-note speaker at international conferences. Catriona blogs at

DR. MARY COLLINS SENIOR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP Mary is a Coaching Psychologist with 15 years experience in the field of Organisation Development & Talent Management. She is a Committee Member of the Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group of PSI, and is currently Senior Executive Development Specialist with the Royal College of Surgeons Institute of Leadership. Mary is a graduate of the Professional Doctorate Programme in DCU (2010), doctoral thesis in the field of Organisation Development, specifically looking at psychological contract theory in relation to engagement and retention strategies for high potential graduates (‘Generation Y’) in Professional Services. Regular conference and master class speaker in the area of ‘Engaging the Multigenerational Workplace’. She is currently writing a book on ‘Recruiting Talented Professionals’ due to be published by Chartered Accountants Ireland.

LT. COL. NEIL NOLAN Neil currently serves in the Irish Defence Forces. He has extensive military experience including UN peacekeeping missions to Lebanon. He has successfully completed the Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching as well as the Advanced Diploma in Mental Health and Wellbeing Coaching through Kingstown College. In addition to Neil’s specific military role, he forms part of a progressive group within the Irish Defence Forces which is helping to introduce Coaching and Mentoring as leadership competencies and organisation wide programmes. At Kingstown College we found the work of Neil and his colleagues to be of particular interest as we traditionally view military organisations as being the perfect example of a command and control structure. Therefore, to see Coaching and Mentoring being promoted and successfully implemented is extremely noteworthy.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

The World of a Financial Coach Morgan O’Connell gives us a personal insight into his role as a Financial Coach, his journey to that career and how money is still a subject which evokes emotion and consequently a reluctance to speak about it. My parents always said that the three things

My Journey to becoming a Financial

destination. I was driven by a desire to

never to discuss at dinner parties were


help and a fear of not being authentic

sex, money and religion. They didn’t abide

and transparent.

by these rules however and, as a young

I find myself at a very exciting time in my

boy, I often overheard heated discussions

life and career. My recent transition from

I wanted to be effective, at a more

on these topics with guests late into the

financial advice, to debt management

personal level and to be unique. I

night. When it came to money, strangely,

and now to financial coaching has taken

wanted to distance myself from the

it was never their own money the guests

several twists and turns but has seemed

rigid commission-based structure of the

discussed but everybody else’s. People just

like a natural progression. Looking

financial services industry in Ireland.

didn’t discuss their money at a personal

back at the journey it seems obvious

I recognise the good work that many

level. This is changing now.

that financial coaching was always my

advisors and financial planners do, and I

do not work in conflict with them. Indeed,

vision even before I knew what exactly

How clients feel about money colours

many practicing financial coaches work

financial coaching was.

their actions and inactions. Having it or

with advisors for the benefit of clients.

not, earning it or not, spending it, saving My eyes were opened with my

it, wasting it, talking about it, all impact

It is said that financial services are

experience in gaining the Advanced

the clients lives but also the lives of those

“sold” and not “sought”, meaning most

Diploma in Personal, Leadership and

around them.

advisors who make commission must

Executive Coaching in Kingstown College.

apply certain pressure, sales techniques

It was a wonderful ethical grounding

I ask a series of questions at the

and persuasion. If this agenda matches

in coaching. I then furthered this by

contracting phase with each client to give

the clients’ one, then all the better, it’s

attending the Wise Monkey Financial

me some insight into their beliefs and

a win-win. This is not always the case

Coach Practitioner Certificate Training,

financial behaviours.

though and herein lies the conflict of

held by the inspirational Simone Gnessen

interest. Many clients end up confused

in Brighton. A lightbulb moment for me.

and worn down with technical jargon,

I realised that financial coaching was

complex concepts and excessive choice.

something that others in the UK and

They frequently end up acting on advice

further afield were doing, that there

due to fatigue, disinterest and lack

were organisations and support groups

of knowledge. Even with extensive

available and that it was destined for the

consumer protection regulation in

mainstream. It gave structure, belief and

Financial Services, there are considerable

weight to my coaching.

Examples include: •

What would you do if money were no object?

What are your biggest frustrations about money?

ethical aberrations. Day to Day as a Financial Coach Moving to the area of debt management, and helping people to recover financially

Financial Coaching is first and

from problem debt, was much more

foremost coaching, with goal setting

rewarding, and more aligned to my own

and achievement at its core. I look at

values of integrity, authenticity and honesty.

someone’s life through the lens of money,

The ability to listen, empathise and be

and then use established coaching

aware of others became more and more

techniques, with some elements of

important. From the hundreds of people

advising and mentoring thrown in. Some

that I helped, I discovered what they really

purists might argue against bringing

valued most was being listened to.

these other elements, but I am using these terms to describe the process of

In debt management there was a lot of

educating, enabling, empowering and

blaming and shaming and embarrassment.

teaching better capabilities around

Many were in financial difficulty through no


fault of their own but were victims of timing or circumstance. The stress of being in

Discomfort, frustration, shame and

chronic debt and in conflict with banks was

anxiety are common emotions that

so destructive to health and relationships.

often colour a first financial coaching

I estimate that over half of my clients were

conversation. Listening and being aware

separated due to stress, anxiety, depression

of what is really “going on” here is crucial.

and anger. Many broke down at the start of

It would be an understatement to say that

our conversations because finally they were

money causes conflict in relationships.

sitting with someone that empathised with

The conflict is caused not by money


or lack of it, but by the emotions and meaning attached to it and what it

Some obviously wanted to hand the

represents to each party. Meaning and

problem over to me to fix. My challenge was

emotion around money are taken from

to help them to help themselves by taking

childhood, parents, mentors and past

control of their own situation. This was my

financial experiences.

Discomfort, frustration, shame and anxiety are common emotions that often colour a first financial coaching conversation. Listening and being aware of what is really “going on” here is crucial.


Coaching Magazine Vol.5


What are your biggest fears around

conversation. Moving into goalsetting

use them as a guide. I began looking at


follows from this.

solution focused tools. One that I have become comfortable with is the OSKAR

Have you any money behaviours you

One of the original thinkers in financial

Model (below), which focuses not on what

would like to change and what have

goal setting, George Kinder, posed several

is wrong or the barriers to success but on

you done in the past to do so?

thought-provoking questions in his book

what actually works. It was developed

“Life Planning for You”. The most powerful

by coaches Mark McKergow and Paul Z.

Have you ever set a money goal and

to me was to imagine yourself as being

Jackson and published in their 2002 book,

achieved it?

secure financially with no money worries

“The Solutions Focus: Making Coaching and

ever again. The question posed is “How

Change Simple”

How would you currently describe

would you live your life? Would it be

your relationship to money?

different? What and how would you change?

O- Outcome (objectives, benefits of

“. This helps a client take a step back and

achieving the vision)

If you have a partner, tell us how you

view things from a different angle, with a

make financial decisions?

rethinking of what is really important to

S- Scaling (where you are on a scale of 1-10


in relation to reaching your outcome)

At the beginning of my coaching journey

K- Knowhow and Resources (identify what

I felt overwhelmed with decisions about

works and who can help you move up the

How do you feel when you talk or

what coaching tools and competencies


think about money?

were the best fit for clients’ financial goals.

What did you learn about money from your parents/guardians?

There were so many and my attempt to

A- Affirm and Action (commitment to small

Clients find it difficult to answer these as

shoehorn some into coaching conversations

steps forward)

they have never been asked before. Often

did not always work well. I started to be

this sets the scene for an initial coaching

less rigid with the coaching tools and to

R- Review (strengthen momentum with support)

Whether a healthy pension pot,

a priority. She increased momentum by

about money lifting, this method is

educational savings, a debt free state

taking little steps like reorganising direct

sure to grow. The recent corporate

or being “in control” of spending or

debits and shopping in different places

“wellness” trend brings a welcome

negative emotions around money, the

and at different times. She became

focus on lifestyle issues for those at

financial goal needs to be clear. The

more interested in “value” and filtered

work, money included.

feeling that goes with goal achievement

spending through reframing questions

needs expression. The good thing about

like “do I really need this and what is

General Practitioners are very aware

money is that it is measurable, and this

the alternative?” She has become less

that stress and anxiety due to financial

helps with goal achievement.

worried about “status spending” and

problems is more prevalent in the last

more focused on the things that matter

10 years and identify money, work

As an example, a recent client felt she

to her. She also became an expert in

and relationships as the three main

was getting nowhere with her financial

abandoning her “cart” both online and

causes of stress in those presenting at

goal of buying her own apartment. She

physically. Small definite changes will

their clinics. Addressing the underlying

was a high earner but put herself on

help her to get to where she wants,

causes of stress is beyond their scope,

the scale of 3 out of 10 when scaling

with the loss of some (not so important)

but they are becoming more open to

her on the OSKAR model. Through


referring patients for money therapy

coaching, she identified what would move her up the scale. She analysed

and coaching as well as other more The future of Financial Coaching

traditional therapy options.

emotional triggers and priorities around spending. She developed better habits

While the coaching culture is growing

with this awareness. Her goal of saving

in Ireland, financial coaching is still in

for a deposit became both a habit and

its infancy. With the taboo of speaking

Morgan O’Connell Morgan O’Connell is a practicing Financial and Career coach. He is the first Financial Coach in Ireland holding the Certified Financial Planner© accreditation. He is a qualified Financial Advisor (QFA) and Personal Insolvency Practitioner (PIP). He holds a Graduate Diploma in financial Planning from UCD and most the Advanced Diploma in Personal, Executive and Leadership Coaching from Kingstown College. He is an accredited Practitioner with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). His coaching style is simple, uncluttered, energetic and challenging. He is married with 3 children and lives in Dublin, practicing nationwide.


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

The 5 States of Team Success As Team Coaching continues to increase in popularity, Sinead Fitzgerald examines The 5 States as an evaluator, report and workshop to develop the individual and team, and ultimately the organisation.


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With a background in Drama and

new still meant I would be working in

trained in the Insight psychometric,


the area of communication, groups

EQi (which focuses on emotional

and team effectiveness.

intelligence) and The 5 States model.

of mine. After 17 years teaching in

Working in Seachange Now in Dun


schools, clubs and afterschools, I

Laoghaire afforded me just that

all these skills together was my

decided to change my career path. I

opportunity. Each year I endeavoured


retrained in an area that although was

to learn a new set of skills and so

College. The world of executive




understanding people and further learning has always been a passion


element course





we found it difficult to find a tool which could snap shot, at that moment in time, how a team was performing, coaching opened my eyes to the

and explore is gold. However, it’s

benefits of 1-1 coaching. As part

not just listening that enhanced



each session; I always came away

practical and hands on approach to

with a required action identified by

coaching. In our first module we put

the goals I set for myself during the

our coaching theory into practice

session. The key to coaching is that

with peer coaching sessions. Peer

the answers lie within, the coach

coaching is a confidential process

simply facilitates and explores these


answers with the client.









interacting and evolving. Through Brendan’s bestselling book ‘The 5 States of Success’ an

classmates, work together to build new skills, teach one another and

Continual professional development

conduct practice coaching sessions.

is a key criteria in working within

I can honestly say that every area of

the field of coaching. So when our

my life improved during this process.

Managing Director, Brendan Foley,

Within my professional life, I gained

introduced The 5 States to the

a new confidence, and within my

Seachange Now team the timing

personal life I became more focused

couldn’t have been better!

evaluator and workshop were born.

an organised. The 5 States aims to unlock the

the areas which they may need to

I was impressed by how well my

potential of not only an individual

strengthen or leverage in order to be

peer coach listened and picked up

but also a team. In Seachange Now

part of a successful team.

on certain words that I used during

we found our team effectiveness

the coaching session. I had said them

work was increasing year on year.

The State of Clarity creates an

without really considering them but

However, we found it difficult to find

insight which can manifest really

they opened up so much discussion

a tool which could snap shot, at that


about how I felt and thought about

moment in time, how a team was


certain areas of my life. It was very

performing, interacting and evolving.

easy to talk to the coach and I did not

Through Brendan’s bestselling book

The State of Connection explores

feel judged. He was very respectful

‘The 5 States of Success’ an evaluator

how empathy is not sympathy but

in how he asked questions so I

and workshop were born.

it is beneficial to understand where

didn’t mind expanding further on my




someone is coming from, therefore

answers. The gift of another person


giving you time to listen, understand

each state, an individual can look at




building trust. This state also creates teamwork and relationships.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

The State of Certainty creates belief.

their success was through personal

The three key areas our 5 States

This state creates the qualities of

engagement of the workforce. As

Programme identified:

confidence and tenacity.

such, showing the teams that they

The State of Vitality creates action.

were truly valued, which mattered in

• The Need for Retention - good staff

this company.

were leaving to get better pay and

By examining our mental, emotional,

conditions from other companies

physical and spiritual wellbeing we

The State of Vitality was really low

and then returning as contractors

can create action and results.

and was becoming a barrier to

on a better rate - this made the

success. People were emotionally

existing staff feel undervalued and

The final State of Spirit creates

and physically drained. However,

underpaid (state of connection).

purpose. This state also creates

this did not mean that everyone was


working to their potential. In fact, the

• The Need for Focus and Wellness

opposite was true. Work conditions

– Most of the senior leaders and








managers were very stressed but did

In our workshops the clients can

all levels of leadership were the

not have the tools to deal with it.

identify the various strengths that

biggest factors at play. A feeling of

Stress and time management skills

exist among the members of their

being underpaid and undervalued

needed to be addressed.


permeated the organisation.







other in areas that may need work.

• The Culture - ‘them and us’ – staff

Through discussion and facilitation

• The Programme also identified the

and management were starting to

the team can understand how to

bright spots in the company. The

break down. The Senior Managements

create and maintain wellness in

organisation had really good people

attendance at workshops helped to

times of transition, through various

and talent. All that was needed was

show the company was listening.

success strategies identified in their

the right culture to channel this.

WIIFM (what’s in it for me) needed to

5 States profiles.

become clearer so that all staff had • We also identified strong leadership

more a business- than union-style

One case in point was an aviation

from the CEO. He displayed a hands-

mindset. It was identified the need

company we worked closely with.

on and practical approach which

to share the rewards with the people



was consistent with the vision and

making it happen.

introduced to help leaders within

communication within the company.




the organisation to become more

In a nutshell we encouraged the

self-aware and to develop their skill

• There was great talent at various

company to engage their people

set to manage others. 57 Leaders and

levels within the company and this

emotionally and build their vitality

Managers had a 1:1 coaching session

showed great signs for the future. We

in order to create team and in turn,

and a 5 States Personal Report.

identified that these people must be

company success.

retained, as they would build the During our work we found the State

culture of the future. To this point

of Connection was really high among

some of the long tenure people must

the team, which meant the key to

change or move.

Sinead Fitzgerald Sinéad has worked in the areas of education, accountancy and office management - bringing clarity and understanding to the needs of her clients. With 17 years experience working in the teaching profession Sinéad has a practical approach that is tailored to the needs of the learner. This comes through in her training and interpretation sessions where clarity and understanding are paramount. Sinéad’s focused approach creates clarity and helps clients to connect with the reality of their challenge and in doing so plan a clear route forward. A master at handling priorities Sinéad guides people toward doing the right things at the right time. Her strong communication skills allow her to articulate concepts clearly and accurately, thereby building a strong skill-set and mindset for those she works with.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Goldilocks and the Neuroscience of Change

Once upon a time, like Goldilocks, I went searching for ways to help myself be the be a better leader. I tried working more and more hours “this is no fun, I’m tired and grouchy all the time.” I tried telling people what to do, or better still, doing it for them- “that didn’t work either- now they are grouchy and I’m still tired.” Finally, I found a coach and got to know myself a little better - “Ahhh this

An understanding of how the human brain works is essential knowledge for coaches. But how can we gain an understanding of this vast and ever evolving research? Especially for application to the coaching profession. Kingstown College faculty member Rachael Clarke Ph.D. distills the world of neuroscience into easy to understand principles and real-world advice on how to introduce it to your practice.

is just right” I said happily and gobbled it all up. Coaches are turning to neuroscience to learn more about how we think, how we develop and how we perform. I’ve gone back to my neuroscience roots to infuse my practice with tools and techniques designed with the brain in mind. In this article I share key principles about the brain for facilitating learning and change and how we can build these into our coaching practice.

The brain is a connection machine

see patterns as easily.

having on you physically? What is the insight brewing at the back of

The brain creates million of new

2. Help people make their own

connections each second. It loves to

connections – What stage are you

make connections, its how we makes

at in your thinking of this? How

3. Support them in prioritising their

sense of the world.

clear is your thinking on this? What

thoughts - on a scale of 1-10,

connections are you making as we

how would you rate x? Scaling

talk about this issue?

things as percentages, ratios and

If I asked you to think of a banana and what it means to you? You might come

your mind?

ratings helps the brain rise about

up with different things - the smell,

3. On seeing an aha moment, take a

color, taste. You may recall eating

moment to highlight the insight

a banana and watching Bananas in

and help deepen the wiring around

Pajamas on TV. We all have different

their new thinking. E.g. how do you

The brain hardwires everything it can

concepts for ‘banana’ and they connect

think we might move this insight

- this drives how we see the world

when we think of the word.

forward? Whats do you thing your next step is based on this insight?

We make connections to things we already know, it helps us develop our

the detail and think about their thinking

The brain is constantly changing. New ideas or behaviours use our short term

Up close, no two brains are alike.

memory (conscious brain) which is a

mental maps. It feels good, as chemical

very limited resource for the brain.

neurotransmitters are released (e.g.



The brain prefers to hardwire any

dopamine or noradrenaline) which

connections for how they think about

behaviours or thought or activity, that

drive people to take action. When

things. Your mental maps are different

can be repeated into our longer term

we are unable to make a connection,

than everyone else’s. How you solve

memory (non-conscious brain) so it can

when we cant think our way out of a

a problem is simply that - how YOU

draw from when needed.

problem, we hit an impasse. Coaching

would do it. Other people are likely to

helps people to resolve this by helping

use different mental pathways to get

them think differently and create new






mental maps. Because no two brains are alike, we

The experience of learning a new skill e.g. driving a car, shows the shift from conscious to nonconscious and how something is repeated, even a few times can become part of our hardwiring and something we do automatically. This hard wiring helps to keep our short term working memory free and fresh, allowing us to make new connections.

To help: Often, we focus on what’s

all learn better when we find our own

we can see – results, behaviours of

answers. Which is why advice giving

individuals. Focusing on what is driving

rarely works. So If we want to improve

this, the thinking and feelings of the

the quality of others thinking our best

person makes it an effective tool for

option is to help them process ideas



1. Awareness is key. To support your

To help: Remember the energy of

coachee to identify the dilemma,

finding an idea yourself generates

Our short term memory (also called

I ask them to phrase the issue in

noradrenaline and dopamine, driving

the Conscious Brain) is where we

this format: I would really like to

people to want to take action







processing it. It is where all high level


Putting it into a short sentence,

1. Use questions to make their ideas

thinking processes happens- deciding,

and focusing on the want, reduces

more clear, e.g. how long have you

understanding, memorizing etc and

the load on the working memory

been thinking about this? How often

is controlled by a tiny area of the



do you think about this? When are

brain, behind the forehead called the

power available for considering

you most likely to think about this?

Pre-Frontal Cortex (PFC)) – its energy



intensive, has a small capacity and is

the question from a range of

easily distracted!

angles. Avoid getting lost in the

2. Focus on finding relationships

details of the problem and getting

between concepts- what one word

overloaded with information, you

that describes how you are feeling

Called the Goldilocks of the brain, the

lose clarity of distance and can’t

right now? What impact is this

PFC functions best when everything is



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

just right. Research by Neuroscientist

Keeping Hebbs Law (1949) in mind,

Good news! Experience consistently

Amy Arnsten shows peak performance


and continuously changes the brain.

is achieved when out brains have just

together. Three keys to helping habits

the right amount of two chemicals

and new wiring to stick are









In the fairy story, Goldilocks was the villain trespassing into the homes of

alertness) and Dopamine (the chemical

1. Pay the new habit a lot of attention.

the three bears. In the original, she

of interest). If the balance is not right

If we want to create a new, long

gets eaten as a result. There are no bad

we are bored or overwhelmed.

lasting connection in our brain,

endings here.

we need to pay it a lot of attention Coaching with the brain in mind means

in the form of the quality and

Healthy brains retain the ability to

working with the limitations of the

quantity of focus. Getting people

change and adapt and grow new

PFC in mind. It often involves getting

to put energy in, by having them

connections over our entire life (called

people to move away from autopilot

think about it, write about it, speak

Neuroplasticity). Our role as coaches is

and old habits and into more conscious

about it all make links to different

to get curious and design experiences

thought. It takes significant effort and

parts of the brain and help create

that take full advantage of this capacity

energy from the coachee as the brains

new maps with more density and

for change. I hope this article has

preference is to use the option already

more firmly.


hardwired. 2. Repetition. Repeating the behaviour It’s hard to deconstruct old wiring, it’s

every time situation X arises, helps

easy to create new wiring

the brain build new hardwiring.


Implementation intentions are a We try to change our old wiring all

great way to help us remember

Arnsten, Amy. NeuroBiology pf Executive

the time. Trying to get rid of habits

to repeat something – If I am in



no longer serving us by focusing on

circumstance x, then I should do y, in



the issue is often ineffective. We can

order to achieve Goal Z.

Psychiatry. 2004 Oct. (published online)





end up deepening the connection we are trying to break and creating more

3. Positive feedback is a signal to the

Rock, David. Quiet leadership. (New York;

awareness of problems. Focusing on

brain to do more of something.

Harper Collins, 2006) Brain based - coaching

solutions is a better strategy. It creates

It reinforces the new wiring the

principles identified in this article originate

energy in our minds and helps the brain

coachee is trying to make so it

from the NeuroLeadership Institute.

stay in a positive state so we get more

becomes a hardwired habit. When

creative and open up more to ideas.

you give positive feedback when

Taylor, Katherine and Marienau, Catherine.

you notice the coachee focusing

Facilitating learning with the adult brain

on solutions, the brain sees this

in mind: A conceptual and Practical Guide

as a reward which helps to further

(Wiley; 2016)

embed the new habit

Rachael Clarke Ph.D. Rachael Clarke, PH.D. is a executive coach and facilitator. A neuroscientist with 12 years healthcare leadership experience with AstraZeneca at a local, regional and global level in the fields of Compliance, Sustainability and Learning and Development. Rachael is passionate about empowering daring, authentic and sustainable leadership by helping leaders become the best they can be. Rachael holds an first class honors degree in Human Physiology, a postgraduate diploma in Statistics and a Ph.D. In Neuroscience. Her advanced diploma in Professional, Leadership and Executive Coaching is from Kingstown College and she is certified in Intelligent Leadership and Brain -based coaching methodologies. Rachael is a member of the Kingstown College Faculty and works with the NeuroLeadership Institute.

Congratulations to Our Graduates in 2018



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Case Study: Introducing a Mentoring Scheme in the Charity Sector There are almost 29,000 non-profit organisations in Ireland. Most organisations are very small with very few paid staff who are on modest salaries. Adrienne Collins introduces us to Carmichael, a registered charity which supports these small organisations, giving an insight into the day to day operating of their Mentoring scheme.

Being mentored can be invaluable


External support from someone

to challenge, to encourage exploring

for people, both individually and in

who is independent, impartial and who

new ideas. Mentors need a range of

their role in their organisation.

It is

has personal knowledge and experience

skills, the most important one being to

particularly important for leaders in

of relevance to their situation can be a

be an active listener. Others include

the non-profit sector. The Carmichael

significant support to them in their role.

coaching, being a critical friend, a role

Mentor Scheme provides mentoring

model, providing a “guiding” rather than

free of charge to chief executives of

Carmichael and the Carmichael Mentor






Chief executives are often in a difficult

a “doing” hand. The Carmichael Mentor Scheme started

position, trying to show they are in

There are approximately 29,000 non-

as a pilot in 2012 in response to ongoing

control and doing a good job to the

profit organisations in Ireland. Most

concerns about the difficulties faced by

board of directors and trying to lead the

organisations are very small with low

chief executives of small voluntary and

levels of paid staff on very modest

non-profit organisations and the lack

salaries, delivering significant public

of support for them by initiating a pilot

benefit for society. (Benefacts, 2018).

mentor scheme.

Carmichael, (itself a registered charity),

Volunteer mentors were recruited by the

supports these small organisations

Co-ordinator of the Scheme (currently

and works to build capacity within the

the Chief Executive of Carmichael). The

sector by promoting best practice and

feedback from the pilot was so positive

supporting boards in their governance role. It is one of the leading specialist training and support bodies for nonprofits throughout Ireland, providing services such as •

Office accommodation to 48 non-

In some cases, a

profit organisations

mentor may act as

Support services and facilities

an independent


sounding board




including the Mentor Scheme

while the mentee

Coaching or Mentoring?

explores issues

Much has been written about the

and decisions;





mentoring but in my view the Carmichael Mentor Scheme combines the best of both – a non-judgemental independent support using coaching skills; and insight from experience in management or in the non-profit sector. In the context of this programme, the mentor’s role is to share their knowledge, to listen and provide context to issues and problems, to act as a sounding board, to aid in exploring consequences of potential decisions, to provide information and feedback, to facilitate self-discovery,

in others they want to share knowledge and experience; in others to help tease out issues and explore possible solutions.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

that the board of Carmichael made a

the non-profit sector to the relationship.

in others they want to share knowledge

decision to continue it on a long-term

While some mentors are working, others

and experience; in others to help

basis – it is now an established support

have retired and want to share their

tease out issues and explore possible

to the sector.

knowledge and skills.


The board decided to

Mentors only

Mentoring is very useful in

bear any costs involved – staff time,

need to commit for one assignment –

helping someone through an important

administration and other overhead

the Co-ordinator checks once or twice a

transition in learning, coping with a new

costs – and to provide the Scheme free

year to see if they are prepared to take

situation, career or personal growth.

of charge to mentees. Two rounds of

on a new mentee. Sometimes mentors

Sometimes people come to mentoring

mentoring are organised each year with

are not available due to work or other

because they feel stuck and want to

an orientation session for mentees. A

commitments or due to continued

change the way they are working or to

total of 62 people have been mentored

involvement in a mentoring assignment

think in a new way.

to date (July 2018).

that ran on longer than expected.

The mentoring

assignment lasts approximately nine

Mentoring Topics Mentees


Popular Experienced Mentors Mentors












Mentees to date have come from


a very diverse range of non-profits

business planning; governance, board






backgrounds from for-profit, public

community groups; support groups for


and non-profit sectors.


management; human

financial resources;

Some want

a range of physical and mental health


to support the voluntary sector by

conditions; development organisations;

communications, PR, marketing, social

using their corporate experience in



media; service delivery; introduction to

accounting, finance, human resources,



non-profit sector or a sub-sector within

governance and business consultancy.

social services, sport, legal. Most work

it. Some mentees have come to work in

Others are professional coaches who

in organisations with less than 10 staff.

the non-profit sector for the first time,




want to do some pro bono work to



for example, moving from business

support leaders of small voluntary

In some cases, a mentor may act as an

consultancy to heading a small health


Other mentors bring

independent sounding board while the

charity, and they want some grounding

their experience and understanding of

mentee explores issues and decisions;

in the sector. Others have changed from

They found it very helpful to have someone neutral to speak with who was not linked to either the board or the staff and who could be objective.

one area within the non-profit sector to another, for example, from poverty relief in Ireland to development work overseas. The Co-ordinator matches mentees with mentors after the orientation meeting, taking into account what mentors are available and the specific needs of the mentee. A small number of mentees decide not to go ahead following the orientation session or when they are offered a mentor, for personal or workrelated reasons, including a change of job. Mentors





first meeting should be seen as an introductory meeting to scope out the needs to be addressed, the readiness of the mentee to engage and the

a monthly basis for 6 sessions initially,

compatibility with the mentor.

Six Years of Success

It is

reviewing at that stage if further

important to spend some time building

mentoring is required. If so, up to 3

The feedback over the last six years

a rapport at this meeting so that both

additional sessions can take place. Some

has been overwhelmingly positive and

parties feel comfortable. Both mentor

spread the sessions over a longer period

indicates the value of the Scheme.

and mentee review and sign the

to suit work or other commitments of


memorandum of understanding which

both parties or because of geographic

that the Scheme makes an important

includes a confidentiality agreement.



The mentee decides the level of

meet mentees for six 2-hour sessions.

being mentored in three areas – the

confidentiality about involvement in

In cases where a mentee is seeking

importance of the relationship with the

the Scheme. Some mentees tell their

help with something specific, a smaller

mentor, the expertise of the mentor

boards they have a mentor and have

number of sessions may be agreed to,

to support their development in their

full support for that. In a few cases, the

in a tighter time-frame. Some use skype

role; the benefit to the mentee’s

mentor has met with the board. Other

for some sessions, but all agree that it is

organisation. Some mentees realised

mentees have reported that they felt

best to have a face-to-face meeting first

they needed more support from their

their board might judge them as weak

to establish the relationship.

board or needed to influence the make-

Some mentors arrange to

for seeking a mentor and therefore did not tell them they were involved. Mentoring Sessions The



from to

mentees the

indicates individuals

up of the board to ensure the skill set The Carmichael Mentor Scheme has

required for good governance. Others

been evaluated on an ongoing basis

had staffing issues which they did not

since it began. All mentees and mentors

want to bring to the attention of the

are asked to complete an evaluation

board. They found it very helpful to


form following the final session and

have someone neutral to speak with

involves six to nine meetings over a

submit it to the Co-ordinator. They are

who was not linked to either the board

period of seven to nine months at times

asked to provide high-level feedback

or the staff and who could be objective.

and dates agreed by both parties, but

on the process and the relationship,

Mentoring provided an opportunity

this varies depending on the needs

they are not asked about the content

to explore strengths, weaknesses and

being addressed and the nature of the

of the meetings. Mentors are invited to

ambitions in confidence; was a source


It should not last more

an annual review meeting or to submit

of challenge to assumptions about

than a year except in exceptional

feedback in writing in advance of the

the job and how it should be done;

circumstances. Many mentors suggest


enabled growth in self-confidence and

meeting for approximately an hour on

self-awareness; was a sounding board



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

for new ideas and approaches, before

expertise being of direct benefit to

The Scheme is increasing executive

presenting them to the Board or the

the mentee’s organisation (in many of

capacity within the sector, albeit on

staff; provided the chance to learn from

these cases, the boards were aware of

a relatively small basis, by providing

someone else’s mistakes; and provided

the mentoring programme and in some


insights into the politics and decision-

engaged with the process to review


making processes and structures in other

how they operated as a board). Many

organisations they work in and the

organisations. Mentees commented on

mentors were surprised at the lack


the confidential support in a trusting

of governance skills at board level in

move to in the future. The Carmichael

atmosphere, feeling empowered, having

some organisations.

In some cases

Mentor Scheme is dependent on the

the space to think “outside the box” to

they supported the mentee to bring

commitment of mentees to engage

discuss issues that can arise between

new people with greater governance

in the Scheme and is indebted to

boards and CEOs, the benefit of having

skills onto their boards or to move

the goodwill of mentors to make the

open and challenging discussions, the

their boards’ focus from operational to

Scheme possible and to providing this

experience of the coach, of the “wise

strategic issues.

invaluable service.



for that





and the may

non-intrusive response”. Clutterbuck notes that “The golden Challenges




rule seems to be to have a relatively

allocating time and energy to the

formal structure for the programme, but



as much informality as possible within

critique; taking the risk to try out new

the relationship.” This is one of the key

ways of thinking and working.

successes of the Carmichael scheme,



with a formal process (application, In addition to supporting mentees

rounds of mentoring, documentation)

to do their work more effectively,

and an informal and flexible relationship

some mentors commented on the

between mentees and mentees.

If you would like to join the Scheme as a mentor, please contact Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, Chief Executive, Carmichael, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7. Tel 01-8735702.

Adrienne Collins Adrienne Collins is a Social Policy & Research Executive with the Citizens Information Board. She has also worked in the HR & Governance and Training teams in CIB. She worked previously for Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups, Irish Council for Overseas Students and Co-operation North. Adrienne has sat on boards of Irish Refugee Council and Voluntary Service International. She has done short term voluntary work in India, Sri Lanka and Ghana and performed a range of other volunteer roles. Adrienne has a Degree in Economic & Social Studies, a Master of Equality Studies, an Advanced Diploma in Personal & Executive Coaching, a Certificate in Corporate Governance for Not For Profit Organisations and an Advanced Facilitation Skills certificate.

About Mentoring According to Clutterbuck, good mentors mix challenge and stimulation with empathy and concern. Mentors need a range of skills, the most important one being to be an active listener. Others include coaching, being a critical friend, a role model, providing a “guiding” rather than a “doing” hand. The mentor’s role is to share their knowledge, to listen and provide context to issues and problems, to act as a sounding board, to aid in exploring consequences of potential decisions, to provide information and also feedback, to facilitate self-discovery, to challenge, to encourage exploring new ideas. The programme works best where the coachability of the mentee is high – where they are committed and motivated to improve and/or change. Mentors engage in asking provoking or powerful questions to create movement in the way the mentee thinks.

25th Annual EMCC Conference - Dublin 2019









Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Mentoring Irish Rugby Players for Life After Rugby What happens when your sporting career ends in your 30s? In this article, Master Coach Paula King describes the unique relationship between, IRUPA, the Irish Rugby Union Players’ Association and the Institute of Directors (IOD) and the partnership they created to launch their Business Mentoring Programme. This





the association runs a nationwide Player

further in the development of all young

relationship between, IRUPA, the Irish

Development Programme and has five

men and women playing professional

Rugby Union Players’ Association and

Player Development Managers (PDMs)

rugby in Ireland.

the Institute of Directors (IOD) and the

around the country, facilitating player

partnership they created to launch their

development at all levels. IRUPA is the

The IoD is the representative body

Business Mentoring Programme.

collective voice of players on all issues and

for over 2,300 directors and senior

through its Executive Board it advocates

executives within the private and public

IRUPA was founded in 2001 to help to

for player welfare within the Irish Rugby

sectors in Ireland. From chief executives,

promote and protect its members both

Football Union (IRFU). Its members are

managing directors and senior executives

during and after their careers. It first began

supported across a range of issues, from

to board members and chairpersons, the

offering services in the area of player

contract disputes to career development.

IoD membership covers the breadth of

development with the appointment of

The mentoring system launched with the

industry, ranging from start-up companies,

a Player Services Advisor in 2008. Today

IoD is one example of IRUPA aiming to help

SMEs and not-for-profit organisations


which players could access. The role of the

athletes. A potential explanation for this

IoD mentors was to assist players in post-

reduced level may be found by examining

playing career planning, the setting of non-


rugby-related goals, including educational

reach late adolescence, they are faced

and personal development, and facilitate

with the task of establishing their personal

industry-specific experience. The role of

identity (Chickering, 1969; Erikson, 1959).

the mentor was also seen as one of advice,

As explained by Marcia et al. (1993),

support, encouragement and networking


opportunities and introductions. For players

active exploration of possible roles and

at these levels, the focus is always about

behaviours, followed by a commitment to

preparation, and this initiative was an

the occupational and ideological options

opportunity for them to apply the same

that are most consistent with an individual’s

approach in developing their off-field

values, needs, interests and skills. It has

careers. Mentors and players were matched

been proposed that the commitment and

…many studies

based on a range of factors, including

exclusive dedication necessary to excel in

common interests, educational background,

sport may restrict athletes’ opportunities to

have described

professional interests, skills and geographical

engage in exploratory behaviour (Chartrand

the vulnerability

proximity, with players in each province

and Lent, 1987; Pearson and Petitpas, 1990),

taking a ‘hands-on’ approach to selecting a

which is critical for subsequent personal and

suitable mentor.

career-identity development (Super, 1957).

attached to







Individuals who make commitments to roles

athletes during this

Nearly 100 mentors were assigned to the

without engaging in exploratory behaviour

initiative from the IoD, with the aspiration

are said to be in a state of identity foreclosure

process and how

that 60 players would be involved in the

(Marcia et al., 1993).

this vulnerability adds to the transitional stress.

programme. Foreclosure may be brought on by Reason for embarking on the mentoring

the demands and expectations of the


environment or may be a result of individual choice (Danish et al., 2004).

Drawing together research which has been


carried out into the transition for a top

foreclosure has also been associated

athlete from his or her sport to a career which

with a dependent decision-making style,

will provide them with both the financial

in which responsibility for important

security and a fulfilled life, many studies

decisions (e.g. career choices) is deferred

have described the vulnerability attached

to others (Blustein and Phillips, 1990).

Creating this unique link through the

to athletes during this process and how this

Several authors have suggested that the

mentoring programme enabled talented

vulnerability adds to the transitional stress.

physical and psychological demands of





corporations and public-sector bodies.

rugby players to be partnered with talented business people.




intercollegiate athletics, coupled with the Research recognises the dedication it takes

restrictiveness of the athletic system, may

to achieve and maintain professionalism or

isolate athletes from mainstream college

Prior to the announcement of the launch,

elite standards, but this may come at a cost

activities, restrict their opportunities

the foundations were put in place for

(Pearson and Petitpas, 1990). The narrowing

for exploratory behaviour and promote

the programme, commencing with an

of focus may alter the developmental


invitation to IoD members to respond

perspective and inhibit certain life skills

Lent, 1987; Nelson, 1983; Petitpas and

to a request to partake in this mentoring

and life experiences, which would be of

Champagne, 1988). Consistent with these

initiative. An overwhelming response

assistance in career planning and personal

findings and the theoretical propositions

was received from the members and,

planning (Blann, 1985; Pearson and Petitpas,

of Jordaan (1963) and Super (1957),

throughout that summer, the IoD worked

1990; Sowa and Gressard, 1983).

research has shown that many athletes

in conjunction with IRUPA to develop




have restricted career and educational

panels of mentors who could offer a

Other studies have shown that there is

plans (Blann, 1985; Kennedy and Dimick,

wide range of skills and experience

a reduced level of career maturity in top

1987; Sowa and Gressard, 1983). In


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

addition to identity foreclosure, another

role, with little exploration of alternative

aspect of self-identity, athletic identity,

identities, can be associated with negative

may be relevant to the career decision-

outcomes (Brewer et al., 1993; Coakley,

Confidentiality – all issues discussed

making process in athletes. Part of

1993; Miller and Kerr, 2003).


multidimensional self-concept, athletic

Core principles






identity consists of the cognitive, affective,

The sport-business-mentoring relationship

behavioural and social concomitants of

can be beneficial to both parties, as players

Guidance – mentors will offer advice

identifying with the athlete role (Brewer et

have usually developed sports-based life

and guidance and assist with self-

al., 1993). It has been suggested that many

skills that can be transferred to the business


athletes either lack the time or interest to

world. Gould and Carson (2008) defined

do career planning or view it as a threat to

sport-based life skills as ‘those internal

Post-rugby planning – the relationship

their athletic identity and their dream of

personal assets, characteristics and skills

should concern itself with non-rugby-

being a professional athlete (Kennedy and

such as goal setting, emotional control,

related issues and focus on helping a

Dimick, 1987).

self-esteem, and hard work ethic that can

player ready themselves for their post-

be facilitated or developed in sport and are

rugby career. This should include advice

Taking the above research into account, it

transferred for use in non-sport settings’

and assistance with work placement

has been hypothesized that individuals

(p. 60). These life skills can be behavioural


with a strong and exclusive commitment

(communicating effectively with peers and

opportunities, advice on obtaining a

to the athlete role are less prepared for

adults) or cognitive (making effective decisions);

work–life balance and development

post-sport careers than individuals less

interpersonal (being assertive) or intrapersonal

of skills such as leadership or public

invested in the athlete role (Baillie and

(setting goals) (Danish et al., 2004).


1990). In support of this argument, athletic

The inspiration behind this initiative

Goal setting – mentors will help players

identity has been inversely related to post-

was, therefore, that while these skills

set non-rugby-related goals, including

sport career planning before retirement

are transferable, players may not always

educational and personal development,

from elite amateur sport (Lavallee et al.,

be confident in their ability to transfer

lifestyle and family. Goals will be shared

1997) and ease of adjustment following

them. Having a mentor to help them

with the mentor and reviewed on an

sport-career termination (Hinitz, 1989;

identify the skills that they have and how

ongoing basis.

Lavallee et al., 1997).

these are applied in the business world



Danish, 1992; Pearson and Petitpas,

would therefore be beneficial. Having

Mutual challenge and learning – there

However, we cannot ignore the many

access to a mentor whom the athlete

should be mutual benefit for both

positive aspects of athletic identity and

respects provides a fresh perspective and

parties in the mentoring relationship, in

the many skills that players learn while

encourages future career planning.

terms of exchanging ideas, creating and

they are playing that could be transferred

establishing goals and developing self-

to business.

Approach and methodology


High athletic identity, while associated

Following the appointment of the 100 men-

Person focused – academy players often

with restricted personal development, can

tors to the mentoring programme, the IoD

need to juggle their rugby lives with

lead to positive experiences for athletes

and IRUPA issued guidelines outlining the

college responsibilities. This programme

(Sparkes, 1998). It is highly correlated with

vision for the programme, including:

will take this into consideration and

athletic performance, higher commitment in training and a focus on sporting goals

the programme timings will be tailored 1.

(Callero, 1985; Horton and Mack, 2000).

Core principles of the mentoring

It has also been linked to high levels of self-confidence, positive self-image and

Mentoring guidelines 2.

Mentoring guidelines


What players should expect

all mentors and players:


Key contacts for the programme



healthy lifestyle habits (Callero, 1985; Horton and Mack, 2000). A strong athletic



The following guidelines were issued to

identity does not necessarily mean that an athlete will not be able to develop successfully in other areas outside of sport, but solely emphasizing the athlete

Once matched with a player, mentors should take the initiative at the start and make initial contact with their player.

If at any stage throughout the course

should agree on all aspects together.

What players were advised to expect

a player fails to get back in

> Mentors and players should tell

contact with their mentor after

each other their initial expectations –

and clarify goals, keep them focused

two attempts, the mentor should

expectations may be realis- tic or may

while working to achieve those

advise their regional IoD mentoring

need to be re-focused.

goals and provide advice, support





representative, who will contact

and encouragement.

IRUPA. Having been contacted by

> Mentors and players should agree on

IRUPA, if the player still fails to make

procedures and goals for the relationship

contact, they may be removed from

in general going forward.

Players should discuss aims and goals, find out their strengths and

the mentoring programme. •

Mentoring can assist players to set

weaknesses and get advice on areas > Mentors and players should agree

they need to improve upon. Players

Mentors and players should aim to

on the role and responsibilities of the

should not expect their mentor to

meet 3–4 times a year.


help with all problems.

Ideally, the initial meeting and at

> Mentors and players should agree

least one meeting a year should be

on the role and responsibilities of the

relationship will depend, to a large



degree, upon the player’s attitude


and •








An agenda should be set for each

> Mentors and players should agree on

expected to be proactive and work

meeting, with follow-up at every

how many meetings they will have – and

with their mentor in order to achieve

subsequent meeting.

when, where and how long?






> Mentors and players should exchange

unique and a flexible approach must


be taken in each case. However,

appropriate level of contact outside of

mentors should be willing to share

face-to-face meetings.





their own insights and experiences,

to assess career options post-rugby and to formulate plans. •

to encourage and support players to

> Mentors and players should agree

build connections and, if pos- sible,

on any prepa- ration needed by both

to facilitate opportunities to gain

the player and mentor in advance of

industry experience during or after


The mentor should assist the player






decisions and take the responsibility.

their playing career. > As early as possible, the mentor and A mentor should:

player should set out goals and a plan of action for the player.

Ask questions and challenge > Subsequent meetings should assess

Suggest networking opportunities

Boost confidence and encourage

Offer advice, but the decision to act

instances, mentors might feel they

on it will be for the player

personally were not able to assist a

progress towards goals, re-assess goals and add new goals, as required. There was a recognition that, in some

player in a particular area. In this case •

Nudge, not nag.

they were encouraged to continue to act as a mentor while introducing the

> While the initial meeting should be

player to other people who could offer

about getting to know each other, it

assistance. However, such introductions

should also set out how the relationship

should only be made having consulted

will operate, and the mentor and player

with the player.

The sport-businessmentoring relationship can be beneficial to both parties, as players have usually developed sportsbased life skills that can be transferred to the business world.


Coaching Magazine Vol.5


Players are encouraged to focus

Real need. Unless there is a real need

on what they want to achieve and

from a player for a mentor, the player will

on how to do so. Mentoring is not

disengage. Networking events, where

the same as counselling; players

players and prospective mentors mingle,

shouldn’t expect a shoulder to cry on.

tend to result in a better introduction to the concept of mentoring; pairings




cannot necessarily be forced.

answer or solve all questions or issues for a player. It is important that


the player is realistic about what can

practically daily, and mentors generally

be achieved; this is why setting goals

work full-time in business, making time

at the outset is so important.

to meet can be challenging, especially





for national-level players and extremely Key learning outcomes

busy or self-employed/ entrepreneurial mentors.

Supply versus demand. One of the key challenges since the mentoring

Time. It takes time to build a relationship.

programme was established has been

Players may not immediately appreciate


the time and attention that the mentor




When the IoD sought expressions of

has given to the process.

interest from its members to join the mentoring programme, it was heavily


oversubscribed in all provinces. A

players have suggested that they are unsure

broad mix of skills, expertise and

of what is expected of them in a mentoring

backgrounds was created on provincial

relationship. They have a sense that it is good

panels in order to meet the needs of a

for their off-field development but don’t

I suppose some of the challenges for

diverse player base. Once three panels

really know why. Often the players meet a

athletes is obviously the serious injuries






Case studies Player 1 experience


mentor once or twice but then the process

that you as a player can receive in the

90 IoD members in total – supply-

stalls as both player and mentor waited for

game. Also I think knowing and trying

versus-demand issues continued, as

the other to get in touch.

to figure out what you are going to do

the mentors involved outnumbered players.

after rugby is also a challenge for most Future career. Some players have an idea of


what they want to do, but most don’t have Managing expectations. One of the

a very clear path in their minds, so they are

My hopes and dreams from a rugby point

key challenges in the process has

reluctant to engage with a mentor as they

of view are to play for Ireland and to

been managing expectations on both

feel they might be wasting the mentor’s time.

fulfil my full potential as a player before

sides. From a mentor perspective, all

I retire. Outside rugby it would be to set

have been enthusiastic and keen to

Possible over management. There may have

up and run a successful business of my

get involved; however, as outlined

been a perception that there was a greater need

own, be happy and enjoy life.

below, not all players are ready

from players – and a less formalized approach,

for a formal/ structured mentoring

where a player comes with a specific need or

The fact that I know I will succeed and

relationship. Facilitating networking

question, or perhaps is looking for some work

get to where I want to go in rugby and

and connections between players and

experience or internship, has fostered better

in life if I always work hard enough for

mentors has been far more beneficial

engagement between players and mentors.

it. And also I believe the set-backs you

and has enabled relationships to form

There needs to be understanding by mentors,

receive make you stronger for it.

organically. Expectations were perhaps

too, i.e. although they have signed up and

overly ambitious at the outset, and

are ready to devote their time to becoming

I believe it’s very important not just to

through trial and error the programme

mentors, they may not be called upon (as there

meet new business people who might

is finding the right balance to create

is only a limited number of players) and that this

be handy to know in the future but also

fruitful and worthwhile interactions

is no reflection on their experience, qualification

it gives you the confidence of how to act

between players and mentors.

or skill set.

in a real job later in life. Also gets rugby

high performance is that it requires a

potential in other areas of life, and in

complete commitment and dedication

doing so prepare them for life after sport.

to train and compete at the highest level.

A mentoring relationship can give the

In such a drive to fulfil one’s potential,

mentee invaluable insight, knowledge

other aspects of life such as career

and perspective that they otherwise

development, social commitments and

would not get. It can also provide them

non-sporting interests can often be

with opportunities to try new things or

put ‘on the back burner’. The challenge

develop new skills.

for athletes is to manage performance influencing factors while maintaining

The value my mentoring relationship has

and developing themselves in aspects

had is that I have had a space to discover,

of their lives other than sport, as well as

to be me, to have a thinking partner who

planning for the future.

knows what the business I would like to get in to is like, and also who has come

My own hopes and dreams are to live

to understand my strengths and how I

a happy and meaningful life! To enjoy

could plug them in to the world. I have

time with people who are important to

been able to appreciate the value of my

me and to pursue different challenges in

sporting experience and how I can use

order to get the best out of life!

that now, and in the future. I have had the opportunity to learn from you and

I believe on some level that I can

with you, and you have given me the

players out of their comfort zone and

overcome difficulty, and I tend to have

chance to trial and give things a go, with

into a realisation of the real world a little,

quite good perspective – failure or

support and feedback. Mostly you have

prepares them for after rugby more.

disappointment in the sporting arena is

been there to serve me out of your own

small stuff compared to so many people

good will.



who have genuine difficulties to deal

appreciate what I do for a living as I saw




with in their lives. It’s sort of a challenge

This has been the cornerstone of what

what it was like to be sat inside an office

within myself to see how much I can

I feel is a very good relationship. I feel

all day! Helped hugely to keep me very

extend myself I guess. Having a great

I have developed as a whole person, in

busy during a tough time of injury and

support network is key, and also looking

knowledge, skill, understanding, I am

also makes you have another type of

for inspiration everywhere to keep your

awake to possibilities, I am far more than

discipline in your life which is good.

own will fueled.

just a sportsperson.

Player 2 experience

Sports people tend to be so invested

This article was originally written by Paula

in their career that their identity is

King for the Sage Handbook of Mentoring”

Challenges for top athletes:

completely built around them as a sportsperson. A mentor can help to

Elite or professional sport will rarely

develop the athlete as a whole person

be a lifelong career. The nature of

and help and guide them to fulfil their

Paula King Director of Kingstown College, Paula is a psychologist and leadership coach. She is registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) on the Register of Competence in Psychological Testing. She is a member of the Society for Coaching Psychology. Paula holds an MSc in Coaching and Organisational Development from Portsmouth University and is Past President of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Ireland. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and Master Practitioner Level with EMCC. Paula has received the prestigious ‘Best Global Coaching Leaders’ Award which was presented to her in Mumbai in February 2017 and is the first Executive Coach in Ireland to have received this international recognition. Paula is also a recipient of the EMCC European Coach of the Year Award.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Case Study: Leadership and Management Development within an Garda Síochána Oliver Nally takes us behind the scenes for an indepth look at the leadership and management development in the police force of the Republic of Ireland, and how coaching and mentoring are used within the organisation. “We have yet to find a company that can’t benefit from more candour, less denial, richer communication, conscious development of talent and disciplined leaders, who show compassion for people” (Sherman and Freas 2004 p90 in Clutterbuck and Megginson p 19).






section and are based firmly on human


rights principles and the Garda Síochána


Leadership GRID®, MBTI psychometric

Code of Ethics.

tool, 16PF, Emotional Capital Report 3600, Synergogy training, Emotional


Intelligence (EI) and BarOn Emotional


Quotient Inventory EQ-i.

learning interventions to meet the


specific Leadership & Management





programmes of



developmental needs of the individual.

Development Sections Role The Garda Síochána Leadership & Management









section is based in the Garda College,

Management Development Section is

Templemore, Co. Tipperary. It is headed

underpinned within an Garda Síochána

by a Superintendent, along with an

Mission and Strategy 2019-2021 where

Inspector, four Sergeants, one Executive

it states in Section 5, Our People – Our

Officer, one Clerical Officer and one

Greatest Asset

These training

interventions give

Temporary Clerical Officer who make up the team. The remit of the section

An Garda Síochána will develop our

is to develop, deliver and facilitate the

leadership capacity and provide

leadership and development training

strong visible leadership and

psychological space

for newly promoted personnel from Sergeant/Executive Officer to Chief Superintendent/Principal







underpinned by honesty, integrity,

ensure their personal development as


they transition into their new role.






Currently the section has responsibility

The L.M.D. role is to develop and facilitate

for the development of in excess of



to meet the specific personal and








development programmes.



professional of








These development programmes are To facilitate these programmes L.M.D.

a partnership between the newly

Sergeants are qualified in areas of

promoted individual, their manager,


their nominated mentor and the L.M.D.




individuals a safe in which to reflect, verbalise and explore challenges and issues which help them grow as managers and leaders in our organisation.

These programmes build on the existing


levels of knowledge, skills and expertise

utilised per rank/grade as follows -




of the participants and provide the scope for further development to

meet the managerial responsibilities

Sergeants/Executive Officers –

The •

these programmes is that they are


section in




in assessing their skills gaps and in completion






Officers – 16PF Personality Test

Garda Síochána has been facilitating




their to


years on all development programmes.

Principles – E.C.R 360

It is seen as an essential and beneficial constituent part of these programmes


between their rank/grade competencies, the


mentoring relationships for over 10 •



Inspectors/Higher Executive

operationally focused. The

“A Coach helps a person develop their own approach to something. A Mentor shares experiences and learning”

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

and challenges of managers in An Garda Síochána. The key pillar of


Chief Superintendents/Principle

and which now has become the “cultural

Officers – E.C.R. 360.


personal The






development programmes have the

reflection and growth. The section actively encourages newly promoted

Mentoring & Coaching within an Garda

individuals to accept responsibility for


following objectives – •

their own learning and development.

To provide practical support and

There is a distinction between coaching

guidance in order for the mentor/


and mentoring. The K.P.M.G. case study

mentee to commence their role in

mentoring and in the facilitation of

in Memon et al p. 137 is simplifies this

a positive and constructive manner.

a psychometric tool to increase self-





Coaching Magazine Vol.5


To clarify the role of the mentor/

The initial one hour mentoring sessions

talk as 90% of what I deal with are I.R.


are then facilitated on site. Separate


feedback •





To ensure that mentors/mentees

mentees is given after the sessions

have a good understanding of the

which has proven hugely positive.

mentoring process.

As part of the Inspectors and Higher On

Coaching within an Garda Síochána







To explore the skills required to be



Programme the 16PF psychometric is

a successful mentor/mentee.

introduced triads in advance of the

facilitated. This particular self-reporting



mentoring session taking place. These

psychometric tool looks at sixteen

To answer any questions that the

triads give individuals an opportunity to

separate traits of an individual. After

mentor/mentee might have.

discuss real life issues and the following

the report is completed a coaching

feedback is a testament as to how well

session with a qualified member of the

it has been received -

Leadership & Management Section is

To ensure that the mentoring aspect of the development programmes are met, the mentors are invited to attend the

facilitated. · “It gives space to solve a problem”.

development programmes where their







roles and responsibilities regarding the

· “It gets everyone in the mood (Triads

Development Programme, Roche Martin’s,

mentoring relationship are explained.

in advance of the mentoring sessions)”.

Emotional Capital Report 360 is facilitated.

The positive and negative experiences

This psychometric tool is a leadership

of mentoring are shared within the

· “It’s a great start instead of meeting in

development tool that provides people

group and the confidential contract is

a corridor”.

with a comprehensive interpretation of their

then introduced which the mentor and mentee sign.

leadership potential based on emotional · “Triads are very useful. It’s great to


It examines ten different

E.C.R. 360. As part of their development


programme they are allowed up to



4 extra coaching sessions with an


externally approved coach.


Leadership is

Self confidence






Some anonymous feedback from the

individuals within an Garda Síochána.

Coaching sessions is as follows-

Mentoring and Coaching are a vital


and necessary component of these •



development •


Self-Actualization Straightfordness

Excellent learning opportunity that


opened my mind to alternative

training interventions give individuals

ways of thinking or viewing things

a safe psychological space in which

from a different perspective.








challenges and issues which help them •

Relationship skills





An extremely worthwhile exercise.

grow as managers and leaders in our






process were unfounded and the entire exercise was found to be extremely productive and focused on outcomes. •

Good in that it provides the leader


with a new way of thinking about leadership and how a person leads,

1. An Garda Síochána – Mission & Strategy

The person takes the assessment and

human behaviour in the working




environment, the standards and

she then invites direct reports/peers

values that a leader sets him/

2. Making Coaching Work – Creating a

and their supervisor to take the same

herself and how different situations


assessment. Each rater is then given

are approached.

Clutterbuck & David Megginson.







an opportunity to give anonymous feedback


The feedback from coaching sessions

3. Mentoring an Entrepreneur: Guide for a

with whom the assessment is being



within an Garda Síochána remains

Mentor. Sage, 2015. Memon, Rozan, Ismail,

facilitated for.

unanimously positive and its continued

Uddin and Daud.

provision remains an essential element One member from the Leadership &

of an Garda Síochána’s investment in its

Management Development Team then


facilitates a Coaching session with this individual regarding the results of their

Oliver Nally Oliver is a Sergeant with over 20 years’ experience in an Garda Síochána. He is currently based in the Leadership and Management Development Section in the Garda College, Templemore, Co. Tipperary. An Executive Coach with qualifications in Leadership and Management he brings a real energy, a sense of lived experience and an encouraging attitude to the possibility of growth in developing the future leaders of the organisation. He is passionate about people and policing and in empowering the authentic and ethical self to be the best version that you can be. He currently is responsible for the Inspectors Development Programme and has inputs on various other development programmes including the facilitation of coaching sessions. He also is the Garda coordinator of the new Garda Executive Leadership Programme which is due to commence shortly.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Finding Your Coaching Niche

Alana Kirk is a successful author and coach and she offers some direction for those who are new to the coaching profession, (or veterans who need to restart their marketing plan!), on how to make the transition from learner to practitioner. What does success look like? As coaches,

staring at a calendar full of blank spaces,

ROI analysis, standing out amidst the

isn’t this one of the most important

how do graduates leap into the space


questions we can ask a client? But it’s also

from learner to practitioner?

budgets, and invoicing systems? And

one we need to ask of ourselves too.



where does a calendar full of clients come For those with no business experience,

from? If that’s not the background you

For many new graduates of the Kingstown

it can be fairly daunting prospecting

know, where do you start? Well, you start

College coaching courses, building the

for prospects. We know we have to put

by coaching yourself.

skillset of listening and questioning is

ourselves ‘out there’, but ‘out there’ seems

front of mind when training in the various

like a very large, unknown space, filled

What does success look like as a coaching

techniques and models. Focus is also

with experienced practitioners already

practitioner? If you were to wake up in six

directed towards garnering the experience

providing valuable content on websites,

months and have the perfect business,

of converting theory into practise through

building client bases from referrals,

who would your clients be? There are

peer and external coaching. But being a

testimonials and marketing, and providing

two ways to find clients: the ‘dive into

successful coach practitioner doesn’t stop

successful services to companies, teams

the ocean and hope you can grasp some

at skillset and experience: the holy grail

and individuals.

slippery fish with your bare hands’ way;

of a successful practice is a calendar full

and the ‘sit on a boat with a spear, knowing

of clients. Coaching is one thing; running

Coaching is about listening, questions,

exactly which fish you want to catch’ way.

a business is something else entirely.

and proven models. Running a business?

The spear is your niche, and the target fish


Doesn’t that mean marketing, branding,

are your ideal clients.




offering will be, and the more likely you’ll

be more successful and likely get more

be to attract the ideal client. By refining


the kind of client you can best serve - and will best serve you - you will give yourself

By refining the kind

What are you selling?

the greatest opportunity to develop

of client you can best serve - and will

signature packages, and bring your best

So once we’ve decided who we are talking

to the experience.

to, we then have to decide what to say. Part of being a practitioner is knowing what

I was lucky that I knew early on exactly

you’re selling. (Hint: it’s not coaching!).

what type of coaching I wanted to do,

It’s important to remember, we are not

and who my ideal client base would be.

selling the process; we are selling the

As a writer and journalist, I’m currently

outcome of coaching. Clients don’t care

greatest opportunity

interested in, and writing a book about,

about the frameworks, or the dynamics of

the issue of mid-age, and how this

to develop signature

our fabulously logo’d models. They care

generation of women in particular, are

that we will help them out of a rut, or see

redefining it in a way no other generation

what their purpose is and navigate how

have been able to do before. In just 50

to get there. There aren’t many people

your best to the

years, we have been given an extra twenty

out there who go to bed at night worrying

years of life expectancy, but rather than

about how SMART their goals are. I’ve


them being added to the end of our lives,

yet to meet someone wring their hands

they are being experienced in the middle.

and ask me what are the seven steps to

best serve you - you will give yourself the

packages, and bring

The signposts that most of us have been

success. They’ll be worrying about real

Knowing what kind of coach you want

encouraged to follow - education, career,

and important personal and professional

to be, and who your ideal clients are

partner, mortgage, kids - suddenly run

problems - the boss they can’t get on with,

will make so many of the other business

out, but old age is still decades away.

the money that just won’t stretch, the

questions easier - the who, the where,

Women (and men) are often left in a

promotion they can’t seem to get, the self-

the how and the what to market yourself.

place of change and uncertainty, but also

esteem they can’t find, the confidence

One of the easiest ways to do this is

unprecedented opportunity, and from my

they just need to start over.

to cultivate your niche, based on your

own life experiences and coaching skills,

own unique offering. What do you bring

this is where I feel I can make the biggest

As practitioners, we know coaching works.

to the table along with your coaching

impact. I want to help women learn to live

We know we can make a real and lasting

credentials? What authenticity makes

intentionally, and to find the potential this

difference to people’s lives. That’s what

you different from other coaches? What

time of life holds for them, often during

they need to hear; what will they be able

experiences and background adds to your

great change. So I’ve taken life and career

to do / have / be once the coaching work

own credibility? What style do you deliver

coaching and niched it down to ‘midlife

is done. Listening to the language our

and respond to best? Where do you feel

coaching for women’. That’s where I sit

clients and the people we have coached

most energetic and engaged?

on the sphere of coaching opportunities;

to date use, then translating what we do

those are the clients I want, because they

into what it does for them will be our

are the clients I will serve the best.

marketing message.

to a multi-faceted global activity that spans

Finding yours is the important first step

So, knowing our client and message, it’s

a multitude of areas: life, health, wellness,

in deciding how to start practising. Mastin

time to get on with the business of starting

career, sports, dating, education, business,

Kipp, the American trauma coach and

the business. Another important lesson I

executive, leadership, performance, team,

best-selling author of Claim You Power,

learned from my own life, reinforced by

parent, interview, sales … the list goes on.

highlights how important it is to pursue

Kipp’s advice to coaching practitioners, is

Which sphere you sit in, depends very

the ideal client, what he calls the ‘all-

that there is never a perfect time to start,

much on your own interests, experience

in client’ - one who is invested in the

in this case setting up our businesses.

and skills. Perhaps it would seem sensible

process, and self-motivated. Not only

Well, there is actually; it’s now.

that the broader your arena the more

will you be able to target your marketing

clients you’ll get, but the more strategic

better, you’ll be more confident, you’ll


and focussed you are, the better your

work more efficiently and ultimately

perfectionist’ which means I’m no longer





associated with sports, coaching has risen







Coaching Magazine Vol.5

I’m no longer held back by that crippling belief that everything - in this case, beginning my coaching practise has to be exactly right before I begin. held back by that crippling belief that

are now, rather than a perfect point in

The point is, just begin. Now. As you

everything - in this case, beginning my

the future when all the stars are aligned

are. You’ll never be ‘ready’ but making

coaching practise - has to be exactly right

(because they rarely are.)

mistakes and learning from them, being

before I begin. I’m setting up a business,

proactive in your success rather than

not launching astronauts into space -

We don’t look at a toddler who can’t walk

reactive means you’ll get there sooner. As

that actually does require a certain level

on the first attempt as a failure. We see it

coaches we know how easily we can be

of perfect precision. With coaching, it’s

as a naturally progressing work in progress

limited by beliefs that aren’t necessarily

better to have a website we can change

and offer constant support

true - as practitioners we need to identify

and improve over time, than no website

them in ourselves, and work to overcome

at all. It’s better to get moving, than stand

and encouragement. As coaches, we know

them. One of the benefits of becoming a

frozen in decision-making over the colour

from goal setting that identifying what we

coach through a supported programme

of our logo; we can coach without one.

want, helps us design the path to get there.

like Kingstown College, is that there is

Starting our business / practise / career

We need to also remember, that the path

no shortage of mentors, teachers and

/ freelance side-job is not a moment in

is also full of valuable lessons. Apparently

peers to help coach you on your coaching

time, but rather an on-going process that

99% of the time planes are in the air, they

business journey.

will constantly change, adapt and grow as

are off course. Yet the pilots know their

it develops.

destination and their job is to constantly

So go, grasp your new certification and

course correct to get there, adapting to

begin. Coach and make a difference

weather, air currents, and flight paths.

to people’s lives. As Mary Kay Ash, a

Some things may work, others might not, and things may need fine-tuning as we get

revolutionary and iconic businesswoman

experience. Taking a ‘trial and correction’

As founder of Amazon Reid Hoffman

said, “If you think you can, you can. And if

approach rather than a ‘trial and error’

famously cites, “If you aren’t embarrassed

you think you can’t, you’re right.”

approach, means we can get going and

by the first version of your product, you

start our coaching career from where we

shipped too late.”

Alana Kirk Alana Kirk works words for a living, as a campaign writer for the non-profit sector, as a journalist, and as a coach. Her bestselling memoir, The Sandwich Years dealt with love, loss, dying and living. Her curiosity for people’s lives, and helping to tell their story has been the cornerstone of her career, from her work with UNICIF in countries such as Iraq and Sierre Leone, and then with Barnardos, to the everyday stories and subjects she covers as a freelance journalist for the UK and Irish media. She is currently working on her second non-fiction book, The MidLife Manual, and practises as The MidLife Coach. She lives in Dublin with her three young daughters and a menagerie of animals.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

What makes for Successful Coaching? Andreea Artilean Ph.D. writes about her experience as a young coach and explains how she has successfully used the OK matrix to ensure she enters the coaching room with the correct mindset to best assist her clients. Coaching is a creative process that

be non-judgmental, to actively listen,

Studies in the field are discussing about

stimulates our mind and our spirit in

to put ourselves in the other’s shoes, to

the coaching relationship as being the

order to get out the best of ourselves.

be in the service of another person and

critical success factor in developing

It is a meaningful conversation that has

to offer our support in people’s way to


the purpose to help individuals achieve

success. If everybody in this world had

their personal and professional goals,

these skills, our life on this planet would

There is no other relationship like

improve confidence and performance in

be much better.

coaching. How does that happen?

all life areas, develop competences and

Well, compared with other helping

make changes for a more fulfilling life.

But what makes coaching successful?

Coaching is transforming lives and

Apart from a set of skills and ethics

that has the knowledge and expertise to

people. More than a process in itself, it

that the coach should have and put

help his patient by offering advice and

is a “way of being”.

in practice, is it the client that should

knowing what is right for him, while the

commit and cooperate? Or is it about

patient is often the one that needs to be

something else…

fixed/healed. Also, if we compare it to

professions, like therapy, we observe that the therapist is the expert, the one

Through coaching, we learn to accept one another despite our differences, to

Sometimes in our self-talk we respond automatically negative to these questions and then we start to blame ourselves and feel inadequate for the role, or even worse we develop the impostor syndrome.

mentoring, the mentor is the expert, the

one that has mastery over one particular

we accept each other exactly the

for the role, or even worse we develop

field and the mentee is the one that

way we are. Nobody needs to be

the impostor syndrome.

needs to learn and grow, looking up to

fixed or rescued.

his mentor as a role model.

But once we remember this principle, •

“I’m not ok, you are ok” could

I’m ok - you are ok, the courage comes

The coaching relationship is meant

appear in the moments when in

back to us, and we realize we are all

to be a powerful one characterized

front of a certain person we feel

human beings. Also, actively keeping

by rapport, trust and support that

inferior in our competence as

this principle in my mind helps me very

makes the client feel safe enough to

a coach. The other might have

much in my first sessions with a client.

take the risks necessary to grow and

reached a level in his/her career

The first meeting, when you don’t really

change. Unlike other professions, the

that we have never done, or his/her

know what to expect, you rely on “I’m ok

coaching relationship is based on an

intelligence and competences are

- you are ok” whatever would happen.

equal partnership, with the central

so strong that it makes us think “I’m

This usually sets a healthy ground for

assumption that the client is the expert

not good enough for this”. This is

your relationship to grow further. The

“each person is unique and whole

not a healthy position in coaching,

client feels accepted and respected

and has all the resources and answers

because apart from making us show

and from there you can start building



up with low self-esteem, we will

trust. He feels you provide the same

respect are some key ingredients for

transmit perhaps unconsciously

acceptance and respect for yourself

any coaching relationship to work and

that the other is superior to us, and

as well and he gets inspired to do the

succeed to “unstuck the stuck”. These

the relationship will be imbalanced.




elements were introduced in therapy and counseling by Carl Rogers (1961),

I’m ok, you are not ok” is also a

Based on my experience as a coach, I

once with the humanistic thinking

very dangerous position in my

could say that the relationship has a

and person-centered approach, and

view, because it makes us deviate

crucial role in the coaching effectiveness.

are considered core competences for

from important coaching ethics.

coaches as well in establishing effective

When I see the other as being “not

I am a young coach and let’s admit, this

working relationships with their clients.

Ok” there is a high risk to see him

is usually seen as a disadvantage. I had

inferior, incomplete, needing to be

my first executive coaching sessions at

In this respect, research evidence

fixed or even worse, your ego gets

around 28 years old. Even though I saw

indicates that the relationship is a

elevated and you as a coach lapse

it as a great achievement in my career

critical success factor. For instance, in

into the sin of judging him and his

that I was enthusiastic about, I have to

both therapy and executive coaching,

life decisions because you feel

admit that I had big concerns knowing

the quality of the relationship explains


that I would meet managers at 50 plus

around 30% of the change (Peter Bluckert, 2005). Another


years old, with 15 plus years of working •




quality of a coaching relationship is

“I’m not ok, you are not ok” is

experience. When I found out who my

basically explained that we both

first client was, my first thought was

need to be fixed, neither of us really

“Oh, this person is a ‘dinosaur’. He

trust oneself or this relationship.

is so brilliant and has so much more

coming from Transactional Analysis.

work experience than I do. He needs a

Frank Ernst developed the OK matrix,

I used to rely a lot on this matrix,

more experienced coach”. Looking at

also known as ‘life positions’. As you

usually to take care of myself as a coach

the OK Matrix, practically my thoughts

will observe, there is an ideal position

when I evaluate my performance and

were “You are ok, I’m not ok”. Because

which is desirable to take especially in a

my value. Because we have to admit,

I studied psychology and coaching a lot,

coaching relationship, but also in other

there are times when we ask ourselves,

I knew that this type of thinking is not

interpersonal situations.

am I good enough for this client?

going to work. So I started to cultivate a

Am I able to provide any value in this

positive self-talk in order to reframe “I’m

“I’m ok, you are ok” principle sets

session? Will I be able to work with an

not ok” into “I’m ok”. I remembered that

the ground for collaboration and

executive? Sometimes in our self-talk

coaching is not about who is the most

open communication. It means that

we respond automatically negative to

intelligent or has more life experience

we are two unique and complete

these questions and then we start to

in the room (even though it seemed

persons, healthy and sound, and

blame ourselves and feel inadequate

hard to believe even in myself). It is



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

about putting my coaching skills in the service of another who can benefit from the process that I’m able to initiate and guide. So, how I prepared myself for these meetings was exactly in this way, remembering the principle “I’m ok, you are ok” and get on with it. I know my skills, I’m a professional coach and I trust my practice. You are a manager, you have your own skills (different than mine) and you are the expert of your life. I’m here to offer you my support, to help you to become better in what you do. Let’s see how we can make this work. So, I embodied this attitude and walked my self-talk, being careful to be authentic in the coaching relationship and having in mind that the relationship might be the key ingredient for our coaching success, and indeed it was. Finally,







implications of this for our practice as coaches. Because what a client will remember of a great coach, would be less about the techniques and psychological approaches he used, but about who was the coach as a person, the warmth and the feeling that he transmitted. So, next time when we coach let’s ask ourselves: ‘‘Have I really been OK with this client?’’, ‘‘Have I put him above or below me? Have I hidden myself yet expected him or her to be authentic?’’, ‘‘What attitude did I show up’’? Of course this model helps us in any inter-personal relationship.

Andreea Artilean Ph.D. Andreea Artilean is an organizational psychologist and HR consultant in the business sector, delivering training and coaching with managers and leaders from various companies. She has experience in working with cross-cultural groups and teams, being a trainer and coach for youth in different European projects. In the last year she has worked in the Council of the European Union in the Human Resources, Staff Development Unit..

How to become a Life or Executive Coach

that the human being in front of them has the answer within them”. But one of the most important skill taught on life coaching courses is to put judgement aside. And that is not easy because as coaches we could approach

International accreditation should be

should be working and studying with

an issue with our own pre-determined

the number one priority of anyone

the goal of progressing through the ICF

beliefs and values –which may not be in

considering a career as a life coach. This

credentials. International organisations,

line with those of the client.

ensures that you are coaching in line

governments and individual clients

with international best practice within

view those credentials as a mark of

“Put aside judgement” advises Paula, “If

a quickly progressing profession, and

approval and quality.

we walk in to a room with our clients,

provides you with a globally recognised

genuinely holding them in unconditional

credential which is even more important

ICF also accredit Life Coaching Courses

as technology allows coaches to engage

such as the Diplomas offered by

clients all over the world.

Kingstown College. This is the fast track

That said, a coach also needs to

to ICF credentials with 160 recognised


training hours.

cognitions that are not serving them,

The path to professional life or executive coaching anywhere in the world will look like this

positive regard we cannot go wrong.”





leading to emotions that are disabling Since






profession has evolved from a separate

them, leading to actions that are not assisting them to achieve their goals.

1. Study an accredited Life Coaching

private practice to being a leadership

Course like the Advanced Diploma in

style within progressive organisations.

“[As coaches] We work in that space

Personal, Leadership and Executive

Not only does it help to achieve

using all of our tools, our techniques


corporate goals and targets, it also helps

and professionalism to help clients

retain talent within the organisation.

achieve their goals and their vision.”

Life coaching courses explore intriguing

Start your journey to becoming a coach

subjects such as resilience, positive

with Kingstown College!

2. Build up your coaching hours – even with pro-bono clients 3. Apply for Accredited Certified Coach


status with ICF, or Practitioner with EMCC

conflict, values and beliefs. Every client



is different and every coach is different, 4. Continue to learn and develop as a

so often life coaches are not only using

life coach with Continuing Professional

the popular coaching models such

Development opportunities such as

as GROW, they are developing new

seminars, conferences and Masterclasses

models which help their clients resolve challenges and achieve goals.

About the Coaching Profession Do you have what it takes to be a Life The techniques of Life coaching were


used by people in various disciplines from sport to business for the last

Paula King is the course director of

century, but life coaching really only

the Advanced Diploma in Personal,

became established as a profession in

Leadership and Executive Coaching at

the 1990s. It was during that time that

Kingstown College. She is the recipient

the International Coach Federation

of the Global Leadership Coaching

was founded, which is now the gold

Award and was recently announced

standard for life coach accreditation

as European Coach of the Year. She



believes that a coach should approach

Anyone considering the profession

a session with “the total understanding





Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Artificial Intelligence in Coaching and the Job Market Rapid improvements in technology can be life changing. For others it is job changing! Christa Ilieva takes an indepth look at the latest developments in chatbots and artificial intelligence and how these technologies are impacting coaching and employment.

What is Artificial Intelligence and

learning, AI can learn from other AI (ii)

Internet of Things and what would be the

autonomous behaviour: depending on

possible impact?

the application, AI software can reason, gather knowledge, plan intelligently, learn,

One of the widely used definitions of

communicate, perceive, and manipulate

Artificial Intelligence (AI), sometimes

objects. (iii) data driven: AI entails data

called machine intelligence, is intelligence

gathering, data processing and data

demonstrated by machines, in contrast

analysis; (iv) openness: AI combined

to the natural intelligence displayed by

with hardware can create new tangible

humans and animals.

products and/or deliver services. However, AI has for now only a limited capability to

AI combines certain specific characteristics

mimic emotions.

such as: (i) complexity: with machine The Internet of Things (IoT), is a system of




mechanical and digital machines, objects,

In more and more jobs AI

animals or people that are provided

new technologies and AI in all areas of life,

with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the

raises also questions:

ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or


What direction will the increasing

human-to-computer interaction. With IoT

autonomy of AI take? AI will act

will perform

proliferation in daily life, the virtual and

within its safety limits independently,

material worlds would merge and every


better than

domain of society will be touched.


humans, without

AI and IoT bring and will bring many

necessarily replacing them‌







What will be the impact on human


social relations due to the increased

people from difficult jobs, shortening

use of interfaces for human contacts,

working times and improving health. At

in parallel with the shrinking places

the same time the rapid introduction of

of human gathering at the work place




What will be the impact of AI on the

in China and Japan. In 2018 JP Morgan

(online dating), friendship (social

job market, and what measures are

introduced software that replaced 360.000

networks), free time and going out

taken to adapt human workforce to

“man hours” with processes that take only

(online games and virtual reality),

the forthcoming changes?

a few seconds. Digital technologies produce

internet commerce, e-administration, etc. •

cars, drones, smart homes and even viruses. AI has already an impact on almost all

In more and more jobs AI will perform better

segments of the job market (farming,

than humans, without necessarily replacing

What will be the legal personality,


them though.

legal rights and obligations given

services, medical care, schools, hotels,

to AI? What will be the rights and

banking and stock exchange). Many concrete

The nature of the remaining jobs will

obligations of AI on the job market,

examples can be given about companies

change considerably, impacting the social

compared to those of people? Will

using AI: Uber, Marriot, Bank of America, Pizza

integration of people, who will need to adapt

AI/robot rights be equal to human

Hut, Nestle, Walmart, Amazon, Tesla, Shiseido,

to new requirements in an increasingly


Adidas, ING, Zara, numerous industries

complex job market.





Coaching Magazine Vol.5

According to a study of the University of

What can the coaching community do in

could also be included in this reflection

Oxford from 2013 (Fey and Osborne),

this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex

process. The aim of the feedback and

47% of employment in US will be at risk

and ambiguous) context?

proposals would be to facilitate the

by 2034 due to automation.

training and integration process of the The




clients left behind by the introduction of

The McKinsey report from 2018 on the

(ICF) defines coaching as “Partnering

future of jobs estimates that “Automation

with clients in a thought-provoking and

and AI will lift productivity and economic

creative process that inspires them to

One ICF initiative, that had already taken

growth, but millions of people world-

maximize their personal and professional

place was launched by ICF France in

wide may need to switch occupations or

potential”. This is completely aligned with

2018 entitled “Will AI be the coach of

upgrade skills...”. The reports adds that

the huge needs that will arise from the

tomorrow?“ and it raised the question

“We estimate that between 400 million

fundamental changes that AI is expected

on how to link artificial intelligence with

and 800 million individuals (one fifth of

to produce on the job market.

emotional intelligence.

automation and need to find new jobs by

EMCC and ICF could start a reflexion on

A very important role of the coaching

2030 around the world...“. It also says that

how the coaching profession could adapt

profession would be to raise awareness

“A larger challenge will be ensuring that

best to these changes and use it as an

about the importance of this topic, and

workers have the skills and support needed

opportunity to popularise further the use

the timely and adequate preparation for

to transition to new jobs...”, concluding that

of coaching as a tool of transformation and

these large scale and quick changes, as

“75 million to 375 million may need to

change adaptation. Moreover, coaches - on

the responsibility for the success of this

switch occupational categories and learn

the basis of their closeness to executives

transformation cannot be left only to

new skills.” Unavoidably, such profound

and human resources in companies, but

the individual. Coaches can play a very

changes on the labour market will start

also to people in all spheres of society-

important proactive role with proposals to

trickling down to the coaching profession

could give valuable feedback and make

integrate coaching ex-ante in the process

and coaching clients.

proposals. Industries and governments

of AI transformation of human societies, in

AI, reorienting them to new career paths.

global work force) could be displaced by

order to be next to the people in periods

coaching when the AI is the boss of

of time when their support will be most

human employees?


needed. • Some new coaching practices

coaching AI coaches, AI mentoring; possibility of an AI coaching another

AI coaches could

AI ? The coaching profession cannot exist independently from people and coaching


AI coaching people in the setting of

thrives on changes in the world. Some

business and executive coaching.

new coaching approaches and tools in

AI can interact with employees,

an AI-transformed human society include

managers and human resources,

and might include among others:

thanks to access to data AI can

understand more quickly the needs of a coachee

foresee issues that can be resolved Coaching and training support based on

in advance.

thanks to data.

AI: New •

coaching chat-bots and apps. self-





accreditation for coaches:

improvement apps. For example AIMEE Kronos (Artificial Intelligence for




guidelines for work with AI coaches and AI, based on practice in the

learning app Qstream;

working environment

help develop coaching strategies, so that certain skills are not entirely lost for humans

conversational interfaces, teaching

assistants, digital tutors

help elaborate specific coaching approaches for the huge scale transition








between AI and humans

existential coaching, reorganising of

coaching between sessions, easier

free time

connection with clients and improved accessibility, increase of number of

new coaching tools to manage the

clients •

new coaching tools to resolve issues

augmented coaching tools




including in the coaching curriculum


a chapter on managing technological


transition and adapt accreditation

performance stress at work under


productivity pressure and certain





coaching tools to manage

lack of anonymity. Right to forget and •

coaching for specific jobs, using

contributing to values for AI coaches

reflection on possible new

right to forgive?

digital simulators Coaching




definitions of coaching

social role by expressing in confidence

configurations with the participation of:

people’s needs in a period of transition •

coach, coachee and AI coach;

coaches contributing to the better understanding by AI of the social context

coaches could play an important

coaching by AI: AI will have access to enormous data using a global network

coach, coachee, manager, and his AI



New coaching approaches:

group coaching of human and AI




coachees and coaches. How will the discrepancy in the level of available


coaching assisted by AI to

information affect coaching between

complement human coaches

AI and humans? As AIs are linked to networks, a human coach should coach






all AI’s simultaneously? AI coaches

employ mixed staff (human and


branches of coaching. For example in



could theoretically understand more

AI employees);executive coaching

a society where work will no longer

quickly the needs of a coachee thanks

on new methods of management;

be the anchor of society.

to data.

Coaching Magazine Vol.5





motivation and goal setting, which

The more functions humans delegate to

approaches for the young people

is the drive of a person’s behaviour.

AI and robots, the more the difference in

who are using predominantly AI

There is the opinion that emotions

process might influence the end results.

interfaces from their early childhood,

play an important role in coordinating

Different end results in coaching should not

with a focus on direct human

mind’s sub-programmes. Despite the

be a bad thing, as long as they help people to


entry of AI coaching, the value of

develop to reach their highest reaching goal.

human presence and true empathy •

new coaching practices to motivate

will remain a precious gift which

and prepare people to participate in

human coaches can give.

a job interview in competition with an

Conclusion The doubling every two years of computer

AI, and in front of an AI panel member

One of the big differences between AI

power, data, and funding will bring an

(AI job interviews are already used in

and human intelligence is the process

exponential introduction of AI, not to

several countries). Despite this there

of thinking and mind awareness. In

mention the possibility of quantum

are biological limits of speed and

2018, the author of this article visited

computers joining forces with AI.

volume of information that can be

the exhibition “Artists robots” in Paris

processed by humans, which cannot


Besides the criteria about technical

be overcome even by the best

artistes-robots), and the impression

security, there should be also taken into

training. Relations on the job market

was that though the artistic works

account the general impact on people

and between human and AI coaches

often approached what human artists

and society of the mass introduction of

will be probably characterised by

do in terms of techniques and artistic

AI. What will be the impact on psychology

cooperation, complementarity and

creativity, the process was different, and



this was reflected in the end result. Artist

between humans and AI?





robots combined easily in new ways •

millennial managers will turn more

(there was 20% liberty of expression

ICF, EMCC and the coaching community

and more to digital coaching and

given to the artist-robots) all kinds of

should proactively contact industries and

digital “deputies.”

artistic elements, which is one of the

respective government authorities so that

essential traits of creativity, On the

the coaching profession be integrated in



other hand exactly this feature of not

this unprecedented transformation of the

interactions between AI and people.


having emotional taboos (for example

job market from the very beginning: by

There is already a certain convergence

disintegrating completely a human face

coaching employees to orient themselves

between humans and the digital

or creating difficult to support sounds

to new professions, jobs and occupations,

world. On one hand digital interfaces

only from algorithms) gave the author

by contributing to training programmes,



an uneasy feeling of meeting an alien

by coaching on the new relations between

friendly, but also people are adapting

intelligence. Emotions and emotional

humans and AI, using the whole palette of

constantly to new technologies.

intelligence are based on thousands

present and future coaching approaches

Humans attach themselves to AI, but

years of biological evolution to go in

and tools to help develop the full potential

the “attachment” of AI to people will

pair with cognitive intelligence. As the

of people.

remain for the foreseeable future a

process affects the end result, it will be

pure imitation. For humans emotions

difficult to imagine that an AI coach will

are essential as emotions are behind

give the same results as a human coach.





Christa Ilieva Christa Ilieva is economist and holds a Master in International economic relations. She has experience in this field in different environments: private and public sectors and NGOs in several EU countries. Christa is graduate of the Kingstown college Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching and pursues with passion her coaching practice. She has also hosted solo and collective painting exhibitions. Christa has participated in brainstorming conferences and platforms on the impact of New Technologies and Artificial intelligence on society.

25th Annual EMCC Conference - Dublin 2019









Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Is Coaching Good for the Planet? In recent memory we have seen images of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg make headlines as she appears to single handedly take on the UN, the US President and other world leaders to move them to take action on climate change. Can one person change the world? Jo Sachs-Eldridge considers if coaching could also be making a contribution.

In his book, Authentic Happiness,

perspective? And most importantly for

Therefore regardless of the reasons



me, having spent many years working

people come to coaching or the goals

Positive Psychology, grapples with




in the field of sustainability is whether

they want to achieve, can the changes

the questions of whether there is any

coaching can contribute to creating a

that happen to an individual as a

greater meaning or purpose in his work

positive, sustainable future for us all?

result of the coaching process lead

or whether ‘..the science of positive emotion,



to changes that contribute to a better


At the heart of coaching is the belief

world? Could it be that the very tools

positive institutions will merely float

that we are all creative, resourceful

and knowledge we gain from the

on the waves of self-improvement

and whole, have enormous capacity

coaching process are the same tools


for growth, that we strive for personal

and knowledge we need to enable



us to do what’s needed now? As Lucy

I too grappled with these same

for meaning and purpose and an

Neale describes it in her seminal book

questions. Is there a greater value in

understanding of the world and our

‘Playing for Time’ - ‘As we step into a

helping people find their strengths,

role within it.

new geological age of a four billion

believe in themselves, or find another



year process on Earth, called the

‘anthropocene’, it is hard to imagine

it always will be so’ no longer needs to

as humans we are accountable for

be accepted. The process of coaching

reimagining our world on behalf of

enables us to see there are other


ways of looking at ourselves and



and all species’.

therefore at the world and that change is possible. A broad perspective, an

In this article I suggest some of the

ability to ask questions and a belief

ways that the process of coaching

in the possibility for change are key to

could contribute to reimagining and

making changes that will be good for

creating a better world.

the planet.

The need to constantly acquire, the need to have more, the need to have the latest, the


Being more aware: Often we act

coaching process can often involve

on ‘auto pilot’. This ‘auto pilot’ is

the questioning of our own beliefs,

very useful as it allows us to handle

particularly self-limiting beliefs such


as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I can’t

experiencing an overload of mental

do it’. This questioning of things that

processing.However living on ‘auto

we have believed to be true, perhaps

pilot’ can also result in us not seeing

all of our lives, enables us to look at

what is really happening. The coaching

everything differently and gives us

process allows us to reflect and talk

of ourselves can also bring a greater

the freedom to be able to question



consciousness of what is happening

other elements of the world we live in.

which allows for the development of a

out there in our communities and

Bringing a different perspective to our

deeper understanding of the thoughts

the world around us. Is it possible

accepted truths’ can potentially lead

and feelings that underlie them. A

that switching off the ‘auto pilot’ and

us all to ask more questions about

coach can facilitate this by asking

switching our awareness back on can

the way things are done, locally and

questions to sharpen our attention

lead to greater appreciation of our

globally. The mantra that ‘this is the

and help us to become more aware of

environment and the impacts of our

way it has always been and therefore

what is happening. Being more aware

actions (or inactions)?












biggest, the detrimental for the planet.


Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Believing in enough: The need to

increasingly linking thoughts about

constantly acquire, the need to have

our own personal future plans with

more, the need to have the latest, the

thoughts of what the future holds

biggest, the detrimental for

for the planet. Could our increased

the planet. It has been suggested that

awareness, coupled with the tools

it is our feelings of inadequacy and

for thinking about the future, bring

unworthiness that leads us to consume

us closer to making decisions that

more and more. But those feelings can

will impact positively not just on our

change through the coaching process

own future but on the lives of future

by enabling people to appreciate all


that they are and all that they already have – their strengths, their talents,


their relationships, their health – and

unlocking our imagination: At the

to value them above and beyond

heart of coaching is the belief that

anything they could buy. Could this

we are all creative. Yet so many of

greater contentment and shift in

us have stopped believing this and

values contribute to the consumption

have blocked our imagination. Rob


of fewer unnecessary things?

Hopkins of Transition Towns has spent

strengths, passions and dreams. This

many years exploring the role of

greater self-understanding can lead to














imagination in our future. He argues

greater kindness, trust and respect, for

acknowledgment of the past and

that imagination is central to empathy,





to creating better lives, to envisioning



and then enacting a positive future.

That developing kindness, trust and

negative, is an important step in the

In his forthcoming book, ‘From What

respect for ourselves can change the

coaching process; however, what is key

Is to What If’, Hopkins asks why

way we interact with others, shifting

to the coaching process is the focus on

imagination is in decline and what we

us from jealousy to pride, from anger

the future – what you want your future

might accomplish if we unleash our

to understanding, from competition

to be, where you want to be, what you

collective imagination. Does coaching

to cooperation. Could this sense

want to be doing with your life, what

have the potential to be part of that

of connectedness in turn lead to

will bring you real happiness. With a

unleashing, firstly by acknowledging

decision-making based on the needs

growing awareness of the impact of

that we are all creative and secondly,

of others, even future others, as well

climate change on our future we are

by giving us the ‘permission’, time and

as ourselves?





space to explore that creativity and release our imagination?

Finding our strengths: We are very unlikely to have any impact if we

Being better connected: ‘No man is an

are living someone else’s life, or are

island’, no matter how much they may

working to our weaknesses, or don’t

believe themselves to be. According

know what we really even care about.

to Daniel Goleman, author of Social

Once we have developed, through the

Intelligence, ‘we are wired to connect’.

coaching process, a greater knowledge

The very design of our brain makes

of our strengths and passions will we

make a difference

us sociable. We are naturally drawn

find it difficult to not bring our true,

to an intimate brain-to-brain linkup

authentic selves to our communities

while others feel

whenever we engage with another

– whether that be our families, our

it is up to them

person. We are, without doubt, social

workplaces, our town or village or

animals and we are also incredibly

wider society? And is it possible that,

reliant on each other for all that we do.

as social animals, our true selves will

Many of us believe nothing we do will

to save the world. Neither is true.

strive for the greater good rather than The process of coaching can enable

an individual goal?

us to better connect with ourselves, through




Being empowered: What the planet

mentoring and other relationships

for the planet. And I look forward to

where you seek advice from a more

seeing coaching become more readily

knowledgeable, more senior, more

available so that more of us can be

‘successful’ other, because coaching is

part of creating a positive, sustainable

built on the premise that each of us

future for ourselves and generations

has the best answers for us within us.

to come. There is much to do.

Coaching helps us realise that when it comes to our lives we are the experts, when it comes to finding our passions, only we can do that, when it comes to


using our strengths, that’s down to us. Seligman,

Good coaching gives us the courage to





Happiness. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

believe in ourselves. And the courage to know it’s ok to sometimes try and

Neale, L. (2015). Playing for Time: making

fail because that is all part of the

art as if the world mattered. Oberon Books

needs is action. It needs people to

process, part of the learning, part of


step up. It needs us to believe we can

getting closer to where we want to

have an impact. Many of us believe

be. The question then is whether that

Stelter, R. (2007). Coaching: A process

nothing we do will make a difference

courage and greater trust in ourselves

of personal and social meaning making.

while others feel it is up to them to

is of value to wider society?

International Coaching Psychology Review.

save the world. Neither is true. We

Vol. 2, No 2. July 2007.

alone cannot save the world, but as

I don’t have all the answers to these

individuals we can all have an impact.

questions, and I know that the plural

Markway, B (2013). Why do smart caring

As Helen Keller put it ‘I am only one.

of anecdote is not data, but I have


I cannot do everything, but still I can

seen people come to coaching in

Psychology Today. Available at: https://www.

do something; and because I cannot

the pursuit of an individual goal and

do everything, I will not refuse to do

through the process of questioning


something that I can do’.

the status quo, becoming more aware,





believing in enough, focusing on the Action is at the heart of coaching and

future, unlocking their imagination,

Hopkins, R. (2019) From What Is to What

empowering you to identify and take

becoming better connected, finding

If: Unleashing the power of imagination to

the steps needed to achieve your

their strengths, becoming empowered

create the future we want. Chelsea Green

goal, whatever that may be, is a key

and trusting themselves they have

Publishing. vi Goleman, D (2007). Social

part of the process. The question then


Intelligence: The new science of human

is - can the coaching process not only

dreams that are not just of benefit to

empower us to act for ourselves but

themselves but are of benefit to wider

also empower us to act for the greater





relationships. Cornerstone.

good? So I do believe that coaching is not Trusting ourselves: None of us has all

only good for us, as individuals, but

the answers. But coaching differs from

it also has the potential to be good

Jo Sachs-Eldridge Jo Sachs-Eldridge has a degree in Psychology, a Masters in Sustainability, Planning & Environmental Policy and an Advanced Diploma in Executive, Personal & Leadership Coaching. Jo has been part of many exciting projects for change in both Wales and Leitrim. She has designed and led workshops to empower others to bring their strengths to their communities and is currently a member of the team coaching young people through the Ideas Collective programme, bringing their ideas to change the world to life. Jo is a coach, a change maker, a community connector and a mum who still believes we can create a positive future for all.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

... a foundational part of this was to ‘discover’ people’s potential and capacity as opposed to naming deficiencies as so often happens in this field.

Case Study: Coaching through Societal Change in the Disability Sector A Journey of Discovery and Creativity During our lifetime we have seen, and will continue to see, a huge shift in how people with a disability are respected by society. In this new context, Pamela Mansell looks at how coaching helps to nurture capability rather than disability.

What happens when we have a

of us maybe only partly aware, for

UN Convention on the Right of People

thought? Where do we go to in our

some of us acutely aware, that for

with disabilities, which acknowledges

mind’s eye? How to we connect with

many years, and still today, people

that people with disabilities have

this thought? We connect using our



not had their human rights upheld.

own experience, our own frame of

been kept ‘separate’ from society,

“The purpose of the Convention is to

reference, our own mental imagery.

for some institutionalised for many

promote, protect and ensure the full

So when we think of ‘New York’ we

years, segregated with others who

and equal enjoyment of all human

think of when we last visited, what our

are the ‘same’ as they are and distant

rights and fundamental freedoms by

memories were, what was of interest

from the type of life that I know I have

all persons with disabilities, and to

to us. If we have never been to New

become not only accustomed to, but

promote respect for their inherent

York we recall images from many

that I expect. The type of life that a

dignity”. (

receptors, travel shows, magazines,

person with an intellectual disability

facebook, other people’s stories and

can experience, again some to a

The structures of our disabilities

we use this information to deduce

much greater degree than others, can

services have been designed in such

our own thoughts about New York.

deny the person true autonomy and

a way that sees the disability first and

When we think about people with



the person second. Institutional care

disabilities what happens? Where do

opportunities to love and be loved,

is still a predominant operating model

we go to? Are we shrouded in limiting

to have dignity and respect and to

of care for people with disabilities

thoughts and beliefs about what might

experience life to its fullest. Whilst

and this model of care is system

be possible? Or are we hopeful that

there has been a move away from

centred (managing ‘care’ for people

someone with a disability is offered

describing people in a medicalised

with disabilities, staffing, funding,

the same opportunities in life as the

clinical way, we have a long way yet


rest of us?

to travel to become a society that is

how the person spends their time,






inclusive and truly values and accepts

where and with whom) and serves

Unfortunately whilst that might be a

people differences, seeing the person

a target population on the basis of

hope within our society, it is certainly

first and the impact of their disability

their deficiencies. The sector, given

not a reality. We are aware, for some

second. In 2018, Ireland ratified the

the implications of the UN Convention


is now in the process of moving on

their own performance and therefore

trust, unconditional positive regard,

from this. So why do organisations

becoming unstuck, I began to see

and commitment to seeing what was

need to continue to move beyond

what was possible. I began on this

possible was paramount and by using

this? If we truly recognize and believe

journey of discovery and creativity,

refined listening skills and solution

that people with disabilities have “a



moral claim on the responsibilities

and their families to uncover their

afforded the most opportunities to

and benefits of citizenship that far

own capacities, discover their true

progress and so I began to wonder

too often go unredeemed” ( O Brien

potential, imagine a vision for a more

how I could develop this way of

& Mount 2015), then we must also

fulfilled life and plan out how they

working further. Having qualified from

recognize that a structured system

could then make this happen and with

Kingstown College with a Diploma

which only manages ‘care’ for people

what resources.

in Executive and Life Coaching and




is also unjustly limiting, not only for




receiving my EMCC accreditation I

people with disabilities, but for their

Working daily with people who have

combined many theories of practice

families, our communities and society


from Seligman and Biswas-Diener’s

as a whole. So how can we ‘unstuck’

barriers in their lives, barriers that I


the stuck?

am sure many of us may have fallen

strategies, social role valorisation

at, continued to ignite my passion for


coaching with people in this way. Their


lives became unrecognisable from the






within the Disability Sector.




psychology change


Theory theory


U and


and as

and Kotter’s began


beginning of their journey and their

enhance my own coaching models

There are many coaching definitions

possibilities and opportunities soared.

and approaches from the coaching

but ultimately coaching as Sr. John

Having trained as a therapist initially

expertise of Whitmore and Co-active

Whitmore describes it is a way of

I knew that the cornerstones of

coaching (Kimsey- House, Sandahl

being. It is a way of leading, a way of

building an alliance and a relationship

& Whitmore) . The thread amongst

treating people and a way of thinking.

with the person and their family or

all of my work being that we begin

Coaching is a way of unlocking

the team was vital for this process

to look at what was right with the


to work. I was beginning to see that

person, focusing on when the person


is at their best whilst recognizing that




their own performance. My guiding principle is that inherently we all have the capacity to learn and grow and we can maximise our own potential when we are empowered, with a willingness to change, to see our own strengths, values and vision. When I refer to ‘we all’ I truly mean all of us. All human beings have this capacity within them. There






establishing a coaching culture can establish real societal change within the disability sector. I have been using coaching skills for many years, establishing enquiry,



practising others


fostering change, however I was not always conscious as to what level and with what focus such skills could have supported a person to make changes in their own life. Empowering people to overcome barriers and external and internal interferences so as to enhance






Coaching Magazine Vol.5

the person has areas in their life that needed intentional focus so as not to have a negative impact on their lives. Earlier we spoke about how we deduce our own thoughts and what creates this, that being experiences and



imagery. and





are to move away from the mental imagery of people with disabilities being





‘dependent on’ others, then people with disabilities must be afforded the opportunities to experience this in another way, a way which is equal to other citizens in their community, turning up as community members, employees, neighbours, friends, aunts, wives, mothers. Through using positive psychology strategies support teams, the family and the person themselves

to naming deficiencies as so often

having seen the benefits of people

needed to begin to evidence what

happens in this field, it caused me to

becoming illuminated to their own

could be different for the person. How

pause and wonder what a coaching

capacity and the possibilities and

could society truly begin to ‘see’ the

relationship could bring to the person

opportunities this afforded them. In

person as a whole, unique individual

with a disability but also to those who

all occasions this exercise has lead

and how could they do this with

offer direct support when needed.

into the use of other tools such as

their family and friends as opposed

the PERMA Wheel , the Wheel of life,

to as a client of a large organisation

For the majority of people who work

the values matrix and VIA Character

with the options of many and varied

within this sector they have come to

Strengths . The VIA character strengths


this work so as to make a difference,

tool illuminates new perspectives

offer a leg up to or to advocate for

and encourages people to use their

those who need a voice to be heard.

strengths to realise their potential and

One of the key pillars of coaching is

achieve their goals.



and to




experience true and real life. “ We believe that coaching is chiefly

awareness. Once we become aware of



something we then have the choice to

Coaching also offers a vital place for

choice” (Co-Active coaching, Kinsey

change it. Coaching offers a space to

the team to reflect on their own values,

House, Sandal& Whitmore 2011)

the team to raise their consciousness

the values of the organisation and the

around their own unconscious bias

values of the person. Where and how






and the mindsets that they have

can these sets of values work together

when wondering about establishing



created around what might be possible

and where is their conflict amongst

a coaching culture within teams. As

for themselves and therefore also for


described above ‘Discovery’ (www.

the person with a disability. During

beliefs and ideals that a person

this process immense learning and

believes are important. Individually

capacity-building/ssdl) as I was trained

discovery takes place and new and

we use our values as a guide for

in, was a process in which I used daily

creative paths are created within their

making decisions and evaluating the

within my individual coaching and

professional practice but also within

behaviour of others. Our values are

mentoring work with individuals and

their own personal life. This discovery

the product of our family upbringing,

their families. As a foundational part

of the person aligned strongly with

our experiences and the culture in

of this was to ‘discover’ people’s

101 elements of the person coaching

which we were raised. Acknowledging

potential and capacity as opposed

tool which I found myself drawn to

within the coaching space that we

Values are those personal

Coaching can be an enabler of a whole

Effecting cultural change can be a

system approach that is a product of

difficult process but through coaching

personal development and a means to

and providing a space for reflection,

establish trust and of recognising that

creative energy can be harnessed

humankind is evolving both socially

and ignited so as to bring forth the

and spiritually. Victor Frankl writes in

internal source of our inspiration and

his book ‘ A Man’s Search for Meaning’

deepening our connection with others.





points, and is directed, to something

Dr. John Whitmore asks

or someone, other than oneself--be it a meaning to fulfill or another human

“Could the only thing limiting you be

being to encounter”.

the size of your vision and your own self-limiting beliefs?”

Here lies the need for transformational change


An interdependent, high performance

organisations where systems have

culture of the kind that a coaching


culture can produce can provide








the best chance of adapting to and

encounter’ and in the ‘caring for’ have

flourishing in the face of these

denied the person of ‘a meaning to


be fulfilled’, a true sense of meaning

organisations are facing at this time.

all have a set of values and gaining

and belonging in life will never be

Having begun to implement such

greater insight into the values of those

achieved separate to community and

coaching strategies in organisations

around them will aid the team in their



small and large I am confident that

decision making and in the direction of



true transformation can take place

their work ultimately enhancing their



once people are prepared to take on

performance as a team. The values of

and compliance and funding issues,

this journey of discovery, creativity

optimism, eliciting greatness, honesty,

however if organisations are to create

and generative action.

commitment and trust are some of

solutions to such stuck problems as

the values which seem to elicit the

exclusion of people with disabilities

greatest progression for teams who

they must discover how to prepare to

are ultimately supporting people with

resist the crush of other debilitating

disabilities to recognise, acknowledge

forces and begin to make room for

and empower their own potential.

generative actions to emerge.





surrounded such

by as






Pamela Mansell Future Solutions Coaching - Executive & Life Coaching and Mentoring Service Pamela is an experienced Consultant with a demonstrated history of working within organisations and with individuals in the public and private sector. She is a Professional graduate from CTI London and Kingstown College. Pamela is accredited in Executive Coaching and Personal Leadership, qualified in Integrative Psychotherapy and skilled in Management, Strategic Planning, Leadership, and organisational change. Her inherent belief is that we all have the future solutions that we look to and for, and we have the capacity within us to grow and reach our full potential in whatever area we choose.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

How the Application of a Coaching Approach Can Facilitate the Implementation of the Recovery Framework in Mental Health Practice Introduction Within this paper, current strategic developments within Mental Health Care will be outlined. This will be followed by a discussion on how the principles of Coaching interconnect with that of the Recovery approach. The benefits to be gained by educating Mental Health Professionals (MHP’s) on Coaching as a strategy to assist them in implementing the Recovery framework in its true essence will then be discussed. Author Dr Patsy Mc Sharry Qualifications: RGN; RMN; BA Nurse Education; MSC in Nursing and PhD in Health Promotion and Health and Wellness Coach, Mental Health and Well Being Coach Position Lecturer in Nursing and Health Studies, St Angelas College Sligo which is a college of NUI Galway.

Concept of Recovery

mental health policy and guidelines,

orientated learning and practice across

the evidence for the implementation

all stakeholder groups. The framework


in practice is not as widespread as

draws on work by Leamy and Slade

established within mental health care

the policy suggests. The culture of

(2011) who identified five processes

policy for a considerable period of time

traditional mental health practice has

that people with mental health find

now. Back in 2006, The Vision for Change

been slow to change to match the

essential for Recovery. These processes

policy document was published which

policy. In recognition of this, in 2017,

are “Hope” (having a belief that life will

was seen as the road map to guide Irish

the government published a National

and can get better), “Connectedness”

Mental Health Care practice and policy

Framework for Recovery in Mental

(within community and not being

away from a traditional medical model

Health (HSE, 2017). This framework

isolated because of illness) “Identity”

approach to care towards a Recovery

advocates the need for the service

(identity in life beyond that of service

approach. According to Anthony (2000),

user and their lived experience to

user), “Meaningful Role” (building on

Recovery is a process; a vision; a belief

be central to the process. They also

strengths and skills to have fulfilling

which infuses a system which providers

stipulate the need for co-production

and esteem building activities in life)

can hold for service users grounded on

between service user and practitioners.

“Empowerment” (having information,

the idea that people can recover from

The framework stipulates a need for


‘mental illness’, and that the service

an organisational wide commitment

decisions on own life). Many of these

delivery system must be constructed

to the development of a Recovery

Recovery processes are encapsulated

based on this knowledge”. Although

oriented mental health service. And

within a Coaching approach.

this approach is now embedded in

the need for supporting Recovery









Concept of Coaching

Recovery model.

Coaching draws from an eclectic mix


of underlying theoretical foundations




Regardless of the various definitions that exist, Ammentorp et al (2013)




(2016) is












exist within different descriptions of


Coaching within the literature such as

client directed counselling, positive


psychology, and appreciative inquiry.


Application of a Coaching approach

the transtheoretical

also includes application of tools drawn from mindfulness based interventions

aggregation and trending of health

All of which are directly relatable to a

and cognitive behavioural theory. Bora

outcome metrics, and prevention.

Recovery approach to care.

out of theories of Rogerian counselling

In a systematic review by Wolever et al.

More specifically to Coaching for Mental

from a humanistic perspective.




the core assumption that people have


an innate capacity to grow and develop,

model of

a focus on constructing solutions and

change,  goal setting, active listening,

a focus on goal attainment processes.


et al (2010) state that Coaching grew They

(2013) Health and Wellness Coaching


point out the link with the transport

is described as a patient centred

College within their description of their

metaphor put forward by Starr (2008)

process that is based on behaviour

Mental health and Well Being Coaching

and the idea of a stage coach or rail

change theory and is delivered by

Diploma, describe the philosophy of

coach symbolising that Coaching is



such Coaching as coming from a place

about transportation from one place

backgrounds. The Coaching process

that recognizes that every individual has

to another. Thus Coaching is future

entails goal setting determined by the

potential to lead a fulfilling life, whether

based and involves being transported


in the absence and/or presence of a

from one place to another through

in addition to content education and

development and growth. This concept

incorporates methods for developing

is reflected in the process an individual

accountability in health behaviours.

undergoes in establishing an identity beyond that of service user within the







mental health problem.




Coaching Magazine Vol.5

What Coaching can offer MHP’s

of a partnership of equals. Thirdly, Hope

them to take control of their own lives. In this

is central to the Recovery approach and

way the process encourages the concept of

It is clear that much overlap exists

nurturing that hope is a key role for the

positive risk taking deemed necessary within

between the principles and processes

MHP. From a Coaching perspective, the

a Recovery approach. Coaching supports

of Coaching and those of the Recovery

coach believes that the client possesses

this process. However, a tension could exist

framework. MHP’s will thus be expected

all the resources and skills they need to

for MHP’s between facilitating and allowing

to implement this framework and be

change what they want.

a client to take control and self-manage

familiar with these processes and skilled

when this might represent a possible risk

in facilitating their development within

Fourthly, Recovery represents a move

to the clients’ safety. As care givers, MHP’s

the client.

away from a focus on problems to a focus

are charged with a duty of care to protect

on strengths.

Coaching also operates

and maintain client safety. As the concept of

Traditionally MHP’s operated from a

from a strengths based perspective with

positive risk taking is an inherent component

medical model and were seen mainly

appreciative inquiry being one of its

of the Recovery approach itself, MHP’s are

as the experts in the professional/client

underlying theoretical foundations.

required to encourage appropriate risk

relationship and offered advice and

taking. The fact that MHP’s have the skills

treatment to clients under their care.

Fifthly, from a Recovery perspective

needed to assess and monitor mental status

Under a clinical model of care clients

there is an understanding that clients

makes them ideally placed to facilitate this

received a particular mental illness

are individuals and will have different

process in as safe an environment as possible.

diagnosis and relevant care and treatment

approaches to self-management and

In this way, clients’ get an opportunity to

were then administered in order to treat

no one size fits all. From a Coaching

experiment with possible strategies in a safe

this diagnosis. Thus, it is anticipated



environment, all the while being encouraged

that MHP’s may be challenged by the

clearing for the client to generate their

and supported by a health care professional

necessary philosophical and procedural

own solutions and all individuals are

who is also a qualified Coach who conveys a

changes that is required from them in

responsible for the results they generate.

steadfast belief in their inherent worth and




order to fully embrace and implement a


Recovery approach to care. Application

Sixthly, Recovery is about discovering an

of a Coaching perspective is proposed

identity separate to that of an identity

as a mechanism to assist MHPs with the

based on their mental illness. Coaching

philosophical shift required to implement

compliments this process as it is future

In conclusion from the above description,

the Recovery framework.

focused and comes from the perspective

it is clear that the philosophy of Coaching

of the past does not dictate the future

has much in common with the philosophy

Bora et al. (2010) suggest that during

of Recovery. Coaching can assist MHP’s in

Coaching, although past stories and

facilitating their clients to move through

Bora et al. (2010) outlines several areas of

experiences are acknowledged, Coaching

the Recovery process from Recovery to

overlap between Recovery and Coaching

is about facilitating the client to generate

discovery of personal inner strengths and

philosophies based on the literature.

new stories and unlocking potential.

resources and towards a redefinition of a

Overlap between Recovery and Coaching

Many of these areas are reflected within the




more resilient identity. MHP’s coming from


Seventhly, Recovery emphasises the

a Coaching perspective can empower their

above. Firstly, Recovery is about building

importance of clients discovering meaning

client’s to take back control for themselves

a meaningful life with or without the

in life and life purpose, on the other hand

and support them towards a fulfilling and

presence of mental illness. Coaching also

Coaching urges us to explore and discover

meaningful life with or without the existence

comes from the perspective that individuals

our life’s purpose.

of mental illness. Coaching is therefore

are not broken and do not need to be

proposed as a strategy to assist in making a

fixed. Rather Coaching helps individuals

Supporting a positive risk taking

Recovery approach a reality in Mental Health

to tap into their innate resourcefulness to

in a safe environment with the

Care Practice. In this way, well intentioned

discover what they truly want. Secondly,

combination of MHP expertise and

policy will become more than rhetoric lip

from a Recovery perspective the expert

Coaching philosophy.


patient relationship shifts to one of partnership and co-production as is

Within a Coaching framework, as a

reflected in the framework outlined above,

relationship of equals, the MHP is required to

likewise the Coaching relationship is one

respect the clients’ autonomy and empower

References Anthony, W.A. (1993). Recovery from mental illness: The guiding vision of the mental health system in the 1990’s. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 16(4), 11-23. Ammentorp, J., Jensen, H. and Uhrenfeldt, L. (2013). Danish health professionals’ experiences of being coached: A pilot study. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 33 (1), 41–47. Bora, R., Leaning, S., Moores, A. et al (2010) Life Coaching for mental health Recovery: the emerging practice of Recovery Coaching. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 16: 459–67. HSE, Government of Ireland (2006) A Vision for Change: Report of the expert group on Mental Health Policy Publications/Mentalhealth/VisionforChange.html HSE, Mental Health Division (2017) A National Framework for Recovery in Mental Health Services/advancingRecoveryireland/nationalframework-for-Recovery-in-mental-health/ Huffman, Melinda H. (12 May 2016). “Advancing the Practice of Health Coaching”. Workplace Health & Safety. 64 (9): 400–403. doi:10.1177/2165079916645351. PMID 27174131. Leamy, M., Bird, V., Le Boutillier, C., Williams, J., & Slade, M. (2011). Conceptual framework for personal Recovery in mental health: Systematic review and narrative synthesis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(6), 445–452. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.083733 Starr J (2008) The Coaching Manual. The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles and Skills of Personal Coaching. Prentice Hall. Wolever RQ, Simmons LA, Sforzo GA, et al. A systematic review of the literature on health and wellness Coaching: defining a key behavioural intervention in healthcare. Glob Adv Health Med 2013; 2:38–57. doi:10.7453/gahmj.2013.042

Dr. Patsy Mc Sharry Patsy McSharry is a Registered General Nurse, a Registered Mental Health Nurse, has a Masters in Nursing Studies from UCD and a PhD in Health Promotion from NUIGalway. She is also a qualified Health and Wellness Coach from Well coaches International, and a qualified Mental Health and Well Being Coach from Kingstown College. Patsy is currently employed by St Angelas Collage as a Lecturer in Nursing and Health Studies. She is involved in the undergraduate education of nurses and also heavily involved in the running of a Post Graduate level 9 Diploma in Applied Health and Wellness Coaching for professionals in the healthcare arena. Patsy is a lecturer on a postgraduate course in Community Mental Health Nursing for Registered Mental health Nurses.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

25th Annual EMCC Conference - Dublin 2019 Reflect - Learn - Transform The EMCC International Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Conference 2019 was hosted at the Dublin Convention Centre and with almost 800 delegates from around the globe in attendance, it was the largest ever EMCC annual conference. Here are some interviews and images from the event.

Keith Barry speaks about Confidence and Performance The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) hosted their 25th annual conference at there Dublin Convention Centre in 2019. The opening keynote was delivered by hypnotist, illusionist and magician Keith Barry. Most people know him as an entertainer,

Best is retiring from professional rugby, he

a magician and a mentalist but what a

has recorded his best season in terms of

lot of people don’t know is that he’s a

player statistics and performance.

hypnotherapist and a scientist, graduating with a first class honours degree in

Mind Magic was the title of the keynote

cosmetic science from Galway University.

Keith Barry delivered at the EMCC

We can learn

He’s a subconscious mind specialist and

Conference in the Convention Centre in

helps people reprogram their mind for

Dublin 2019.

all the sales


techniques in the

Part of Keith Barry’s presentation at the Coaching for Performance in Business

EMCC Conference was that people will make

world… but unless

and Sport

active change today. “Very often after I speak

our mindset is

At this moment Keith works as a life coach,

emails from people whose businesses have

correct we will

executive coach, performance coach and a

skyrocketed just from a moment either at

mentor to business people and high-end

one my my talks, or Paula’s talks, but there

athletes. Because of confidentiality we

is a moment that happens – something

rarely hear about those clients. But one of

clicks with them – and then ultimately it

those clients is Rory Best, who he has been

completely changes their life. And that’s

coaching for performance. Although Roy

what this is all about for me”.

fail as coaches.

at an event like this I get some amazing

Confidence is still a big problem… Keith also highlighted some unexpected

“We are pattern followers and pattern

I don’t see too many people coming in

seekers, and we are far more alike than we

with solutions”. “We have to teach people

are different”


“I teach people to break destructive

“I always say as a hypnotherapist, I don’t

similarities between business and sports clients.

behaviour patterns and then form new

hypnotise people to do certain things, I

“The number one thing I come across in

behaviour patterns that ultimately leads

teach them to self hypnotise and reprogram

all fields, even with high-end athletes,

them to success.”

their own subconscious mind. So it’s really

successful business people is, most

an education more than anything else.”

people suffer hugely behind the scenes

When asked about wellbeing Keith

with confidence.”

commented on the importance of the space,

As a life coach, executive coach or mentor,

but also had a word of caution. “There is a

there was a huge amount to be learned from

lot of talk going on about wellbeing … but

this entertaining keynote.

“Ultimately those type of people suffer from the same kind of insecurities we do and for me it’s about how to not fake confidence but actually grow as a person, grow that confidence to actually become the person or performer that you really want to be.”

Watch the interview with Keith at



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

The secure leader doesn’t see themselves managing anybody. They see themselves creating the environment where people can manage themselves

Prof. David Clutterbuck on Leadership and Speaking Up in the Organisation In the world of coaching, Professor David Clutterbuck is known and respected for his knowledge and his belief in what is made possible through coaching and mentoring. At the EMCC Conference in Dublin he spoke to us after a keynote address about encouraging people to speak up, delegating tasks, and the changing definition of leadership.

“People, as they move up the organisation,

prat?” Of course this was met with laughter,

Professor Clutterbuck has been a thought

find that there are fewer and fewer people

but it is a serious question leaders need to

leader in the space of coaching and

who actually have the courage to speak up


mentoring for decades, has written several

to them. It’s just the power dimension”

books and articles on the subjects, and has “If we really want to know what people

consulted with several large international

This position was phrased with slightly

are thinking we have to create the

organisations. He has seen the effects of

more humour from the stage at the

opportunities for them to do that, to speak

great and not so great leadership and how

EMCC Conference in Dublin, as Professor

up, to have voice”. “…we have to overcome

conversations with people outside the

David Clutterbuck asked the executives

the natural disinclination to tell the guy at

organisation can help.

in the audience “who do you have in the

the top that they are being really stupid, or

organisation to tell you if you’re being a

to question their assumptions”

A Criteria of Promotion

Hiring the Right People

Maybe a coach does that in the midst of

During the Dublin keynote, there was a


a coaching session and says ‘yeah, come

suggestion that a demonstrated pattern

organisations operate and communicate

on, pull the other one!’, and because you

of mentoring should be a requirement

internally, is it now important to hire

can do it in a good humoured way, and it’s

of promotion in organisations. But does

people who are already thinking in the

part of the relationship… then this is an

that create an ego challenge where

way of a mentor, or coach?

important element in helping somebody

leaders think they are irreplaceable, or an

keep grounded.“

insecurity that they may be in fact training

“Our definition of leadership is changing

their replacement?

quite rapidly and radically. We talk about

“We maybe have a trusted confidant who does that, that’s where mentors come in.

One of the other approaches suggested by Professor Clutterbuck helps to create





the secure leader. The secure leader doesn’t “I think it’s a challenge of narrow thinking”

a more open conversation between levels

see themselves managing anybody. They see themselves creating the environment

of the organisation. “One of the things we

“In one organisation they wanted to grow

where people can manage themselves.

encourage leaders to do is to share their

very fast

and mostly organically. We

They see themselves as a work in progress.

personal development plan”

persuaded the Chief Executive to issue

They are very tolerant of mistakes; they

the challenge to everybody that they

see mistakes as a way of learning and if

“…tell me when I’m living up to my

would be measured… by how much of

someone is not making some mistakes

aspirations, or when I’m not… When you

their job they got rid of each year.”

they are not stretching themselves. So all

do that people will be much more honest

of those kinds of things are very different

with you”. This is an approach that requires

This challenge was issued to the top 200

to the command and control attitude we

quite a bit of courage, but it does create

people in the organisation.

have seen in the past”

“The expectation was you would get rid of

Mentoring back in the Spotlight

the environment where people are more honest.

25% of your job by delegating it to other One story recalled was of a senior executive

people in your team.” “Some people just

“I think the conference has been brilliant

who didn’t believe he was a bully. As the

couldn’t cope with that, and they didn’t

because of it’s size - it’s the biggest one

coach, Professor Clutterbuck asked him to

have a future in the organisation”

we’ve ever had - and therefore the diversity

describe the characteristics of a bully. He

of the audience and the contributions, the

then agreed that in the next team meeting

If that organisation was going to grow

increased emphasis on mentoring has

he would conduct the meeting as a bully,

bigger, and the leaders were moving into

been really helpful in getting that balance

to show them what a bully actually looks

bigger roles, the only way is to not do all

back between coaching and mentoring as

like, therefore they would know that was

the things they were doing before. The

two equal partners in the development.”

not what he was doing. After only a few

approach achieved its objective.

minutes, he asked the team ‘I’m sorry but I don’t see any difference, do you?”. That moment of realisation was made possible by the relationship with the coach, and the commitment to being open with the team.

Watch the interview with Professor David Clutterbuck at



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Meet the Faculty Edward Boland Director, Executive Coach & Lecturer Edward Boland is a Director of Kingstown College. Edward is a highly experienced coach, mentor, trainer and facilitator. He has a particular interest in the area of career coaching and has worked with hundreds of clients assisting them in how to prepare for and conduct a professional interview. He is the only qualified Assessor in Ireland for the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and he is a Board Member of the EMCC in Ireland.

Paula King Director, Executive Coach & Lecturer Director of Kingstown College, Paula is a psychologist and leadership coach. She is registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) on the Register of Competence in Psychological Testing. She is a member of the Society for Coaching Psychology. Paula holds an MSc in Coaching and Organisational Development from Portsmouth University and is Past President of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Ireland. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

James Mcleod Executive Coach & Senior Faculty Member James Mcleod is a key member of the Kingstown College team and a tutor and executive coach. He has over 30 years of business experience in a variety of senior leadership roles at established media powerhouses including The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times.

Judith Spring Executive Coach & Faculty Member Judith Spring is a member of the Kingstown College Faculty and is involved in design and delivery of training programmes, consultancy and student support for the College.

Dr Jim Loughrey Associate of Kingstown College Dr Jim Loughrey is one of Kingstown College’s external assessors. He delivers executive coaching and coaching supervision throughout Ireland and has held a number of Executive Director and Board-level positions within the Public Sector.

Dr. Chandrika Deshpande Research Lead & Faculty Member Chandrika is Head of Research and a Faculty Member at Kingstown College. She is a Learning and Development professional specializing in Talent Management and Organizational Development. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Mumbai and holds qualifications in the field of HR, Mass Media, Behavioral training and Psychometric testing. She also has an Advanced Diploma in Personal, Executive and Leadership Coaching accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

Jane Perry Executive Coach & Faculty Member Jane Perry is a member of the Kingstown College faculty. She specialises in developing personal and leadership strengths and, in doing so, facilitates business owners, managers, professionals and teams to be self-aware, stronger, more confident and notably more effective.

Dr Rachael Clarke Executive Coach & Facilitator Dr Rachael Clarke is a Neuroscientist with 12 years healthcare leadership experience at a local, regional and global level, supporting leadership teams before following her curiosity into the learning and development space.

Mark Duffy Executive Coach & Faculty Member Mark Duffy is a member of the Kingstown College faculty. Mark is an executive coach, corporate trainer and faculty member with over ten years’ experience in the field. He is fascinated by the psychology of exceptional leadership, well-being and performance in the workplace.

Cathy Kelly Executive Coach and lecturer with Kingstown College Cathy Kelly is an Executive Coach and on-line student support with Kingstown College. Cathy has a passion for personal growth and leadership development. She is a strong advocate of coaching to build and develop high performing leaders and teams in a fast-paced environment, as well as during periods of transformational change.



Coaching Magazine Vol.5

Seanie Myler Executive Coach & Faculty Member Seanie is based in Omagh and has 30 years’ experience through different sectors and sales disciplines. He is skilled at improving performance to boost sales success both for individuals and teams. Among other qualifications, he holds the Advanced Diploma in Personal and Executive Coaching, Certificate in Team Coaching, and the Diploma in Mental Health and Well Being Coaching.

Gillian Larkin Senior Executive Coach & Faculty Member Gillian Larkin is a Senior Executive Coach with Kingstown College. Gillian is also Student Support with the College. Gillian has a First Class Honours Degree and an MSc from Trinity College in Applied Social Research.

Alan Brereton Executive Coach & Faculty Member As an Executive Coach, Alan works in particular with individuals and teams in the creative professions, and those who would like to develop the competencies of creativity and innovation. He has a background in TV and media and is Head of Marketing for Kingstown College. Alan lectures on the Advanced Diploma course and holds a BA in Human Resource Management, a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies and has also studied Luxury Brand Management.

Train your workforcE at their desk We can help you to create bespoke training content, provide e-learning delivery platforms for organization wide education and training, and any necessary assessments or knowledge reviews.

Let’s talk about how we can combine your expertise with ours!

In-House Training Solutions Talk to us about delivering diplomas and courses in-house for your organisation ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN PERSONAL, LEADERSHIP AND EXECUTIVE COACHING


Accredited by ICF and EMCC, also includes a Level 6 QQI

Formerly Train the Trainer


Kingstown College offers the complete Special Purpose Award which

This internationally accredited diploma is not only a popular

includes Training Needs Identification and Design, and Training

choice for private coaching practitioners, but also for

Delivery and Evaluation. This qualification is the benchmark for

progressive managers and leaders who want to introduce

those who analyse training needs, and design and deliver training

a coaching dialogue to management style.




Accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching

• International Business Communication - Creating common

Council, and also includes a Level 6 QQI qualification

platforms of understanding in international teams

As mental health and wellbeing becomes a greater priority

• Coaching for Managers

for organisations, leaders and human resources professionals

• Creating Five Star Customer Service

need to be skilled in addressing these challenges. Graduates

• Conflict Resolution and Diffusion

learn how to communicate and interact with their clients and

• Mentoring for Managers

employees in a more positive and empowering way.

• The Management Development Tool Box (10 modules) • The Leadership Development Tool Box

CERTIFICATE IN MENTORING Accredited by Coaching and Mentoring International (CMI) This certificate is an ideal qualification to be delivered in-house to organisations which have, or would like to promote a culture of mentoring and coaching. Mentoring has also been well evidenced to impact positively on an organisations’ recruitment, succession planning, diversity management and talent retention.

ACCREDITED CORPORATE COACH QQI Level 6 Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics, EMCC Accreditation (Foundation Level) Begin your journey to become an accredited Corporate Coach or Executive Coach. This course sets out best practice for coaches as well as equipping them with the basic tools to manage a coaching session with a client or employee. Graduates of this course have the opportunity to upgrade their qualification to the Advanced Diploma in Personal, Leadership and Executive Coaching, or Mental Health and Wellbeing Coaching. They may avail of an exemption from 50% of the modules and assessment of that diploma.

• Convincing & Selling your Solutions • Communicating to Engage, Inform and Influence • Creative Problem-Solving • Advanced Negotiation Skills


Train your workforcE at their desk We can help you to create bespoke training content, provide e-learning delivery platforms for organization wide education and training, and any necessary assessments or knowledge reviews.

Let’s talk about how we can combine your expertise with ours! • +353 1 2845360

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