Newsletter 4 psychodrama in the class the pilot courses

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Psychodrama in the class: the Pilot courses



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June 2015

PaTiE e - newsletter

Issue 4

What you can find in this issue: PaTiE in the class: the Pilot Courses Centro Machiavelli workshops fro pilot testing training matererials ALECOP launches a pilot course in psychodrama for adult educators Quotations by learners Next steps

Pilot workshop sessions implementation The implementation of 32 pilot courses in workshops' form, with the participation of 45 adult trainers in the four partners' countries Florence







Watowice (EST) and Arrasate (ALECOP), gave enough material for evaluating, feedback and finalization of the produced educational material . Coordinator of the training courses activities in all partners' countries, as well as responsible for the development of two training packages, is the

European Centre in Training for

Employment - ECTE, while coordinating partner of the program is Lifelong Learning department of Regional Unity of Rethymnon (KEKAPER), in Rethymno. Pilot training programs were attended by 12 adult educators, and leaded, Ms Sofia Dimou, psychodramatist amd scientific advisor of ECTE. The project ÂŤPaTiEÂť, which is near completion, is aiming at the development of a European professional profile of psychodramatist educator for adults, through introducing methods of psychodrama in the processes of learning. The development of educational material and the



Psychodrama in the class: the Pilot courses

"Trainers handbook" is a main tool in educators hands. The produced educational material except "Teaching

material User Guide ", is including eight packages of training material in

following training modules: Module1 Experiential psychodrama Module2 Power of group Module3 Sociometry Module4 Warm up Module5 Power of playing Module6 Working with symbols Module7 Conflict management Module8 Sharing

All training material is available for downloading

from Patie site after registering in

projects' platform.

Centro Machiavelli workshops for pilot testing training materials The PaTiE project is underway and will end with the final event to be held in Rethymnon (Greece) in September 2015. Up to now have been successfully concluded the tasks involved in the work packages 1, 2, 3, 4 and turns to term also work package 5 ( During the past six months, the training modules related to the activities and the practical exercises that will form the basic contents of a manual for teachers, expected among the key products of the project, have been completed. The modules, 8 in total, are divided into independent functional units and cover the following topics: The original material created by the partners has been analyzed and discussed by all partners during the 3rd Partners' meeting held in October 2014 in Mondragon (Spain), at the headquarters of ALECOP. The meeting in Mondragon was very helpful as it represented a moment partners


of communication

allowed to modify and improve the training materials








assessments made during the meeting. The training materials, edited during the meeting, founded the basic training package for the realization of the pilot courses organized in each partner country and just concluded. The pilot courses have the dual purpose of communicate in a practical way the methodology of psychodrama applied to adult education and to test the materials previously developed. Each course was attended by a minimum of 8 trainers for each partner country, which have had the opportunity to practically apply and test the techniques developed in the previous phases of the project activities. The participants’ final comments were enthusiastic and the pilot courses were successfully conducted in all the project partner countries. Among the comments expressed by the participants, we report below some that are particularly significant. Firenze, 11th June 2015 Mario Paiano



Psychodrama in the class: the Pilot courses

Cristiano Sanna Translation in English Ms. Mariagiovanna Ricciarelli

ALECOP LAUNCHES A PILOT COURSE IN PSYCHODRAMA FOR ADULT EDUCATORS The cooperative company from Mondragon Corporation culminates successfully the first course in the country oriented to professors empowerment in group management through Psychodrama, a group therapy that uses dramatic art techniques, that has involved 13 participants from the Basque country .

“I ’ve noticed a change in the classroom that, probably, is due to my own change during this course. The school year has been difficult, but its closure was really good ”, explains one of the participants during the pilot sessions of Psychodrama for educators, which have taken place during March and June in Alecop cooperative. The framework of this course is the PaTiE Project (Psychodrama as a Tool in Education) in which the company Alecop has been working since 2013 and which is founded by the European Union. The main goal is to design psychodrama training materials adapted to improve adult educators’ skills. Thus, the training materials performed by training institutions from Italy, Greece, Poland and Spain, train to empower the professors in conflict management, the communication in the classroom and facilitation of the learning process, the creation of a confident environment in the group and the management of heterogeneous groups, among other capabilities. These skills are based on the research done by PaTiE project among adult educators from all the participating countries in order to identify their real needs. It seems that the course, however, has exceeded the initial expectations and the participants have shown their satisfaction with the learned techniques, as can be excerpted from the feedback and final evaluation sheets. They have stressed the personal and professional learning acquired during the pilot, as well as in the chance of group work training, the high experiential component of the course or the excellent organizers. They mentioned specially the psychologist that directed the workshops, Carlos Ramírez, who has a Degree in Psychology and Psychotherapy and has completed his training in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Sports Science in England, Scotland, Canada and the US. “I think that this course should be included in the official training for educators”, states one of the professors. Pilot course has consisted in eight sessions, all founded by the Project budget, with around eight hours per session, during which the participants have had the opportunity to learn about all the topics designed for the course: Introduction to the Psychodrama, Warm-up, The power of the group, Role playing, Conflict solving, Working with symbols, Group mapping and Sharing. After the pilot, the partners in the project are now improving the training materials and finishing the design of the course with a view in offering it the next year among the interested educators.



Psychodrama in the class: the Pilot courses

Quotations by learners "The methods and techniques learnt at the PaTiE course influence my work to a large extent as I see their potential in the groups led b y me" "I see a lot of possib ilities to implement techniques such as “map”, “path” or “atom”, "If applied properly they can help me b etter assess the composition of an adult group and thus b etter manage cooperation and communication" "The methods of psychodrama b roadened my perception of b oth individual and group processes. In particular, I can b etter understand how the “role” experience impacts on the development of a person". "Psychodrama engages the b ody and the emotions, you can ob serve and get to know the participants b etter in their role‐plays conducted in a safe and supportive environment".

Next steps The results of the pilot courses will be presented, evaluated, discussed and shared during the additional Partner Meeting organized in Florence on 24th and 25th June 2015. During the meeting the partners will have the opportunity to analyze the results of the experiment by focusing on both the strengths and weaknesses that have emerged during the pilot courses. Based on these observations, the entire work done until now will be revised and the training materials refined, so to be finalized and validated. The following months will be crucial because, in this period, the dissemination activities and especially the exploitation of the results achieved will be intensified. All the project activities will end in September when a final conference will be held in Crete. During the final conference, the materials and results achieved by the project will be presented to the public and to the media in order to allow their further exploitation.



Psychodrama in the class: the Pilot courses

PaTie Project is co-financed by the European Commission

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