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HOPE & RESISTANCE Earthquake Resistant Strategies Through A Prototype School EDA URAZ

Master Dissertation Project: HOPE & RESISTANCE Earthquake Resistant Strategies Through A Prototype School

All rights are reserved under international copyright conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-coping, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or specific copy wright owners. Work and publication made during the course of a personal master dissertation project. Š 2018 EDA URAZ Contact: urazeda@gmail.com

Academic Promotor: Ignaas Back Contributors: Klaas Vanslembrouck, Dr. Hilde Bouchez, Drs. Tom Callebaut, Wart Thys and Lin Seminck Academic Year: 2017/2018 Publication: 18.06.201 International Master of Science in Architecture’ and Campus: Ghent Centre for Educational Policies and Practices KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent. www.arch.kuleuven.be www.internationalmasterofarchitecture.be

The Joy of Making, Learning and Teaching a Sustainable School and Community

Sincere gratitude to;

-My academic promotor Ignaas Back for always being positive and helpful with his precious lead on my project. His motivation and support provided me with the confidence and freedom to choose my way in all stages of my work. Thanks for his enthusiasm for teaching me how to design and how to deal with architecture as a particular form for every distinctive culture in different contexts. -My family for their infinite love, support, and understanding in every step I take. In all honesty, I couldn’t finalise this challenging period properly without them, without feeling their presence always with me. Many thanks for being my family and very special to me. -Francesco for his belief in me, love and support. His presence and life energy is always a source of happiness and motivation to me. Many thanks for being very thoughtful, helpful, and positive in this period. -My friends for always caring, and cheering me up. Thanks to their true friendship, I always felt their presence with me either for sharing our happiness or surviving difficulties. Many thanks for their support and contribution to my life.


This master’s dissertation is about developing a series of systems and strategies for a prototype school which can be adaptable to different climate regions and buildable with different material options based on local availabilities and limited resources in Nepal. This master’s dissertation addresses the lack of educational facilities in Nepal, where 8.000 schools were lost in the devastating Gorkha earthquake in 2015. There is a need to complete the educational facilities as fast as possible. This project aims to develop an ideal school, which must be flexible and easily applicable with its special strategies to any climate region. The vision was to develop a school project that is safe, earthquake resistant, and which represents local identity. Recently, the confidence in the local structural quality has been diminishing among the local cultures, as the desire for stronger structure is popularised with concrete buildings. However, most studies prove that the local structural quality is very stable and still standing after 3 big earthquakes rocked Nepal in the last century. Hence, the aim of this master’s dissertation is to complete a school project with earthquake resistant techniques by combining local architectural footprints and contemporary ones within a participatory design process: by including local communities in order to teach them new interpretations, to build an educational building from scratch, to establish confidence in the safety of the new building, and to incentivise the local people to carry out new techniques in the future. This way, Nepal would be stronger against possible earthquakes that may happen in the future and protect its indigenous cultures by following local characteristics.

Consequently, this architectural proposal is completed by research based approaches within environmental and spatial strategies in order to design a prototype, a home as a community space, a flexible design, a proven earthquake-resistant building and a safe shelter.

Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Nepal in general

2 1

1.1. Reasons, aim and importance


1.2. A Prototype School


1.3. Geography and climatology


1.4. Characteristics and guidelines


1.4.1. Kali devi, Makwanpur 1.4.2. Ghandruk, Pokhara

9 11

1.5. Conclusion


Chapter 2: Experience


2. What i experienced?


2.1. Landed in Kathmandu


2.2. Research in Kali Devi


2.3. Discovering Jungles


2.4. Trekking in Himalayas


2.5. Final Thoughts


Chapter 3: Earthquake


3.1. Earthquake in Nepal


3.1.1. Urgent Needs 3.2. Earthquake in Turkey

23 25

3.2.1. After the Earthquake


3.3. Earthquake Resistant Design Criteria


3.4. Traditional Earthquake ResistantTechniques & National Building Codes


3.5. New Solutions For Masonry


3.6. Earthquake Resistant Contemporary Techniques


3.7. Earthquake Resistant Traditions, Nepal


3.8. Traditional Building Types


3.8.1. Weaknesses


3.8.2. Strengths


3.8.3. Concrete Reality


3.9. Earthquake Resistant Traditions,


Safranbolu, Turkey


3.10. Final Thoughts


Chapter 4: Research Based Design 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype 4.1. Environmental Strategies

44 45 45

4.1.1. Low Tech To Build Safe


4.1.2. Cross Ventilation


4.1.3. Rain Protection


4.1.4. Sun Protection


4.1.5. Acoustic Quality


4.1.6. Heating System


4.1.7. Rain water & Disposal Proposal


4.2. Spatial Strategies


4.2.1. Simplicity


4.2.2. Low Techniques with new interpretations


4.2.3. Design To Be Educational

49 Reasons To Collapse

49 Learn The Material

50 Learn how to build for testing on wall samples


4.2.4. Design To Be Home


4.2.5. Design To Be Flexible


4.2.6. Program


4.2.7. Research Based Design Brief




5.1. Current Situation In Sites


5.1.1. Kali Devi


5.2. Intervention 5.2.1. Kali Devi

65 65

5.3. Design Process


5.4. Participatory Design, How Does It Work For a Prototype?


5.4.1. Kali Devi, Logic of The System

69 Ground Floor Plan, Kali Devi

71 Summer, Kali Devi

73 Fall, Kali Devi

75 Interior Life, Kali Devi

77 Safe School, Kali Devi


5.4.2. Ghandruk, Logic of The System

81 Ground Floor Plan

81 Ground Floor Plan

83 Winter, Ghandruk

85 Summer, Ghandruk

87 Interior Life, Ghandruk

89 Safe School, Ghandruk

91 Materiality

93 Structural System


5.4.3. Hand crafted contributions Chapter 6: bibliography

97 106

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hope and Resistance 1. Nepal in general Nepal is a country with diverse cultures, traditions, ethnic groups, religions, and languages. It is located in Asia, on the south side of Himalayan ranges and surrounded by India from the south, east and west side, and China from the north side. Nepal is also a country that lies on very active fault lines and had been through very severe earthquakes throughout its history. Especially in the last century, there were 3 devastating earthquakes that rocked the country and caused thousands of people to die, and thousand of buildings to collapse. “If any region would seem to have a reason for the emergence of a “seismic culture,” one would think that Nepal would be close to the top of the list, along with neighboring Bhutan, Tibet, Indian and Pakistani Kashmir, and Afghanistan” (Langenbach, 2015). So, it can be said that Nepal is very vulnerable because of its geographical position in the world. The most important thing in this situation is to learn how to deal with the reality with more resistant building solutions and approaches. On the other hand, the altitude is another interesting feature of Nepal that varies enormously. Throughout the country, the altitude starts from 65 meter above sea level and reaches up to 8848 meter above sea level at the highest peak of the world, Mount Everest. In parallel to this, there are 5 different climate regions in the country, starting from the south through to the north peaks. Additionally, Nepal has great numbers of indigenous groups and each of them has very special characteristics. As it is written in

the Census of 2011, Nepal has 126 different ethnic groups and 123 languages. Also, the life style according to the local availabilities shows diversity. In Nepal the current population is 29,577,978, while the population density is 207 per km². Also, the population density in urbanized areas seems to be very high, unusually, just 19,6% of the population lives in big cities. And the rest of the population is spread around the country within small villages and varied characteristics. The conditions of accessibility and infrastructure between those small rural villages or between villages and big cities are very harsh. As it was experienced in our study trip, there was a huge amount of construction work going on across the country. Because of the movement of the land as a result of the landslides, especially in the monsoon seasons, the investments for the development of better quality and safe travel might fail. Hence, as an introduction, according to the research and experiences on the site, the country has both very special cultural values and tough life conditions as a result of geographical characteristics. Also according to my observations, what contributes to them keeping their unique culture untouched is being more isolated from the global movements. Although, for them, these special values that they have, doesn’t make them feel very special. They would like to have a shift in time, and have more modernized environments. So, the main and most important issue that should be dealt with my dissertation project

Left: Image 1_Local people from Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz). Right: Image 2_View of Himalayan range from Poonhill, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



is to develop a proposal which protects local characteristics of indigenous cultures and combines them with new interpretations in order to supply them a modern look as they desire. The aim of my dissertation is to design a school project which can be built within limited resources and possibilities in order to respect and protect the cultural continuity and local identity. Also after the earthquake happened in 2015, 8.000 schools are ruined down throughout the country. School is one of the most important entities for a country. So their aim is to rebuild 8.000 schools in a very short period in order to bring back education facilities properly. That’s why another important thing is that the school proposal should be a prototype and flexible as possible to be finalized as fast as possible across the country, by the same rules and strategies which can adapt to another climate region or material solutions ,according to the local resources of hosting village.

Above: Image 3_Kali Devi Primary school classroom in current situation, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 1.1. Reasons, aim and importance In Turkey I experienced what is an earthquake is and how strong it could be. The similar stories that I have in my memory and what the Nepalese people experienced in the last earthquake in 2015, convinced me to study further on earthquake resistance, because i know how important it is to have a safe and strong roof to live under with the feeling of being safe. So, the main reason behind my objective is to develop a proposal in Nepal as a Turkish architect and with an international approach, while keeping their indigenous cultural style by combining it with contemporary techniques in order to give them a modern look as they want. In addition to that, proposing an earthquake resistant building under the basic frameworks of cultural requirements would be the start point of my project to keep a regard for to their existence and indigenous footprints. My focus and main interest to study in Nepal is because I would have a proposal which completes a very real need of the community there. A real design to help them to get rid of the main fear of the earthquake, and provide them to face the next one without any anxiety, by having stronger resilient techniques. Especially after the earthquake in 2015, they lost their belief to their building techniques and started to invest in concrete, which is risk of losing their special identity. So, my aim is to develop earthquake resistant techniques for local architecture in order to keep their indigenous identity and supply them a public building which is both strong and looks safe. The building should look safe, because

the community, that will use the building after the construction is completed, should totally believe the structure of the building is really safe. Otherwise, bringing a new earthquake resistant building technique by just saying that it is safe wouldn’t be satisfactory for the local community. So, another significant issue arises at this moment, which is including the local community in the process ,from the beginning until the end of the project. In order to supply the continuity of the new building techniques, integrating the local community to the process is very crucial step. So in my proposal, the social aspect covers the education for adults for both the physical and social strength of the village. In this way, they would learn the earthquake resistant techniques by building the school together with the professionals and after that they would carry on these special techniques in new constructions in the village, in order to have stronger infrastructure for new buildings. Also, the process would be a very big opportunity for the sociocultural development by the education process itself. Moreover, the proposal is prototype which should complete multiple requirements of different climate zones of Nepal, since after the earthquake of 2015 they urgently need to complete the school buildings for the fundamental education of the society.

Left: Image 4_Construction work of a new school project with local people from the village, architects and students from Belgium, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz). Right: Image 5_Cutting a bamboo into its fibres for the foundation work, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



Above: Image 6_Ongoing construction of the new school and collaboration of local community with professionals,Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 1.2. A Prototype School The dictionary meaning of ‘prototype’ is; “the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed”The theme of my master dissertation is to design a prototype school for Nepal that can be adaptable and flexible enough for any climate condition that can happen within the borders of Nepal. In order to let mass production of defined strategy or a new system as a school to be applied as fast as possible throughout the country, the logic and operation of the school should be clear. The design and final volume may differ according to the topographical or climatological conditions, but the logic, program and the system of the school should be consistent. The operation of building process and theme of the school should have the same outcomes in the end of the process. So, while I was in Nepal for the site visit and investigating local typologies, routines, characteristics, and materials, I selected another site for applying the logic of prototype. In general, the main site is Kali Devi, Makwanpur. The village is located in (N27. 426708, E085144662) Tarai region, 90 km from the southwest side of Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal. According to the road conditions, it takes approximately 10 hours to complete a travel in between Kali Devi and Kathmandu. This village is a Tamang village, very hidden from the main road and has stunning views of landscape of the agricultural terraces. Local people speak the Tamang language which is different from the main language. The settlement pattern is rather loose. Houses have big gardens and mostly, a second or third

floor for sleeping and storage. For them the ground floor is generally welcoming place and main living zone. There is a primary school and a small library in the village. The school is currently in use, but the library is locked down to avoid robbery. Sal wood, bamboo, natural stones from the river bed, and earth are the main and local construction materials, but imported steel, baked bricks and concrete can be seen as construction materials also. Recently, especially after the earthquake, corrugated metal sheet roofs are their basic solution for roofing. But in the summer season, it doubles the heat of the indoors, and in the monsoon season, because of the heavy rains, it causes a lot of unwanted noise indoors. The second site for developing the prototype is located in Ghandruk, Pokhara, the second big city of Nepal. The village is located in (N28.376231, E083811445) in the middle mountains, approximately 250 km away from Kathmandu and 45 km away from Pokhara. It is located on the northwest side of the capital city and the travel distance is approximately 10 hours because of the harsh road conditions. The village is occupied by Gurung people that also speak Gurung language which is another dialect in Nepal. The village is a passage for a trekking route, so, this village is much more crowded and touristic one compare to the first one. The settlement structure in the village is more compact because of the climatic reasons. Houses have gardens, but are more introverted and protected from the weather conditions. There is one big secondary school in the village,

Left: Image 7_Settlement Pattern, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 8_Settlement Pattern, Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



located a bit distant to the village. The village is on one side of the mountain, the houses as close as possible to each other, and there is a small valley separating the village and school from each other. As a construction material, natural stone for the walls, wood for the structure, and slates for roofing are the solutions in that region, according to the local resources. Consequently, these 2 villages shows many differences in the settlement structure, density, climate, materiality, and culture. But there are some common points also. They both need a school as a community place, a safe place to trust, a fundamental education. They need economic and sustainable solutions with the combination of contemporary ones. Thus, all of the entities that are explained above can be designed under one logic and system, that must end up as a prototype.

Above: Image 9_Handmade crafts with the students in Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 1.3. Geography and climatology Nepal has 5 different landscapes and accordingly 5 different climate regions (Habitation continues in four of the climate zones. The fifth one is called Tundra climate and since it is above 5000m, there is not a proper town structure), as can be seen in the map below. The 5 different regions are ordered below respectively; Middle mountains, (Tarai region), between 60m-300m above sea level, Churia Hills, between 300m-700m above sea level, Hills, between 700m-2000m above sea level, Middle Mountains, between 2000m-2500m above sea level, And High Mountains, between 2500m -8848m above sea level. In the Tarai region, sub-tropical climate is dominant. In Churia Hills region, the prevailing climate is the warm temperate climate as it was seen in Kali Devi, Makwanpur Valley (the first project site). In the winter period, the maximum drop of temperature would be around 10°C. The solar energy would heat up the building and bring up the indoor temperature to a comfortable degree. The building orientation in this climate is quite important, as mentioned “Buildings should be oriented with the longer facade toward south and have medium sized openings; by this way solar penetration of the south facade could

provide solar heat gains in winter (when the sun angle is low) and reduce overheating in summer” (Bodach S., Lang, W., Hamhaber, J., 2014). In the hills region, the prevalent climate is cool temperate climate. And in the middle mountains, the dominant climate is alpine climate as it was seen in Ghandruk (the second project site). Alpine climate is much colder than both warm temperate and cool temperate climate as Bodach mentioned “Protection from the cold is necessary from October to April. Therefore, compact building layout and small openings (15–25% of outer wall area) are recommended” (Bodach S., Lang, W., Hamhaber, J., 2014).

High Mountains, 2500-8848m Middle Mountains, 2000-2500m Hills, 700-2000m Churia Hills, 300-700m Middle Mountains, Tarai, 60-300m

Left: Figure 1_Climate Regions and Location of Villages for Prototypes (drawn by Eda Uraz)

Ghandruk Kathmandu Kali Devi







Source: Bodach S., Lang, W., Hamhaber, J. (2014) Climate Responsive Building Design Strategies of Vernacular Architecture in Nepal, Energy and Buildings 81, pp 227–242.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

°C Temperature 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 % Humidity 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 mm Precipitation 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Alpine Climate °C 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 mm 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

°C Temperature 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 % Humidity 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 mm Precipitation 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Warm Temperate Climate

°C 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 mm 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Above: Figure 2_Characteristics of Warm Temperate Climate (drawn by Eda Uraz). Below: Figure 3_Characteristics of Alpine Climate (drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Bodach S., Lang, W., Hamhaber, J. (2014) Climate Responsive Building Design Strategies of Vernacular Architecture in Nepal, Energy and Buildings 81, pp 227–242.



Hope and Resistance 1.4. Characteristics and guidelines 1.4.1. Kali devi, Makwanpur Kali Devi is a village that is located in a very changing topography, in between hills and valleys. And according to its climatic characteristics, the settlement structure in the village is loose. The houses are separate and far from each other, they have big gardens, a porch for outside house activities with an over hanged roof above. The house starts with a living area and a kitchen behind in most cases on the ground floor. On the first floor, life becomes more intimate. Bedrooms, and storage are upstairs, which are reached by a staircase located outside of the house. Average number of stories can be 2 or 3 for this region. Water connection does not reach in the house, and the toilets are always outside of the house as another small unit. The houses are generally facing to the south side with their longer facade and absorb sun light more for the winter period. Also there are big openings through the south side in order to allow natural ventilation to cool down the interior temperature of the house. In general, the longer facade is placed parallel to the topography for the strength of the building foundation that can stay on the stabilized ground. Materiality is another significant feature for this special village. They use mostly locally available materials and techniques for building their homes. The reason for using locally available materials are not only for continuity of these vernacular techniques, but also for economic reasons. There are some imported materials such as corrugated sheet for roofing or concrete for foundation or structure of the building. But in general, the building materials

are thatch or mud bricks for the roofing, Sal wood or bamboo for the structure, sun dried brick, baked brick or locally available stones for the wall infill, again locally available stones for the foundation, and mud plaster for the finishing of the wall. In general the wall thickness may change between 50cm and 70 cm according to the local conditions. The reason for keeping the wall thickness at least around 50 cm is because of the necessity of thermal mass. Thanks to the thicker walls that they use, the interior air quality becomes more livable. For the purpose comfort of interior temperature, they keep the height of one floor between 160cm or 190cm. By having the lower ceiling, the volume of the house gets smaller and heating the house or keeping the warm air heated by sunlight in the house becomes easier. Likewise, in most cases they prefer over hanged roofs for protecting the house from the rain, and supplying shadow under it for outside activities in monsoon season and in summer season, respectively. Another special characteristic is their wooden doors and windows. The doors and windows are always with double leaves. There is no need of glass for them, the door and window themselves functions both for separating indoor from outside area, and as solar shades. Also, the house starts with a small step, that both draws the border of privacy and keeps it a bit elevated from the garden level for hygiene reasons. On the other hand, the kitchen is a very special facility for the family. I can say that it is a very sacred and clean place for them. It

Left: Image 10_Construction site, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 11_Elevation of a Traditional House, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz)



is the place where the family comes together, where they talk, live, eat, and drink. It is the furthest zone from the entrance door of the house in order to keep it cleaner and more intimate. They have a special fire pit or oven with a chimney for cooking. All the cooking and eating activities happen on the ground, with special tools for cooking on the fire, and just basic tools for eating. So, with all the respect to their special culture, i discovered, experienced and learnt more and more there. And, in the light of the basic local characteristics, and guidelines, the design of the school would become more sustainable and environmental friendly, because if the first step of the design would start depending on the natural, and sociocultural requirements, it would achieve the fundamental goals of the school design. That’s why, I started to lead my Newari: 3 storeys 2 storeys design average: based on research related their actual life style.

paralel to hill

paralel to hill

long facade to south

long facade to south

paralel to hill

long facade to south paralel to hill

long facade to south

long facade to south

long facade to south

Longer facade: parallel to hill Longer facade: south paralel to hill long facade to south

paralel t

50 cm

long facade to south 180 cm

Average: max 2 or 3 storeys

General house organization

indo nepalese and hil house average: 2 storeys

average: 2 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys average: 2 storeys Newari: 3 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys average:Newari: 2 storeys 3 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys average: 2 storeys

indo nepalese and hil hous indo nepalese and hil house Newari: 3 indo nepalese and hil house

Newari: 3 sto

bigger openings just on longer facade

bigger openings

bigger openings

bigger openings just on longer facade

just on longer facade

bigger openings just on longer facade

just on longer facade

closed courtyards

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv min 50cm-protect from rain and sun

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv overhanged roofv min 50cm-protect from rain and su min 50cm-protect overhanged roofv from rain and sun min 50cm-protect from rain and sun long facade to south

average: 2 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys Settlement structure: loose

Longer facade: big openings indo nepalese and hil house

Newari: 3 store

bigger openings just on longer facade

r openings

n longer facade

m thermal mass


Above: Figure 6_Guidelines for Warm Temperate Climate (drawn by Eda Uraz)

50 cm

50cm for thermal mass hil house

Source: Bodach S., Lang, W., 28 to 70cm Hamhaber, J. (2014) Climate for thermal mass mud plaster locally available stone mud plaster newari Responsive Building Design mud plaster mud wall mud plaster Strategies of Vernacular Architecture in Nepal, Energy and Buildings 81, pp 227–242.

Interior: mud plaster Wall: stone Exterior: mud plaster inner wall: sun dried adobe brick outer wall: burnt adobe brick

50 cm mud plaster locally available stone mud plaster

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv cm min 50cm-protect from rain50-70 and sun 28 to 70cm for thermal mass

mud plaster mud wall mud plaster

Interior: mud plaster average: 2 storeys Wall: mud/timber cane/thatch Exterior: mud plaster


inner wall: sun dried adobe brick outer wall: burnt adobe brick

Newari:wall: 3 storeys Interior sun dried brick Exterior wall: burnt brick


bigger openings just on longer facade

50cm for thermal mass

50cm hil house for thermal mass hil house

mud plaster 50cm locally available stone forplaster thermal mass mud mud plaster

locally available stone hil house mud plaster

average: 2 storeys

28 to 70cm for thermal mass

50cm mud plaster thermal wall mass mud plaster formud mud plaster mud locally available stone hilplaster house mud plastermud wall mud plaster

inner wall: sun dried adobe brick

outer wall: burnt adobe brick 28 to 70cm 28 to 70cm 28 to 70cm newari for thermal mass thermal mass brick inner wall: sun fordried thermal mass inner wall:for sun dried adobe adobe brick mud plaster outer wall: burnt adobe brick outer wall: burnt adobe brick newariavailable mud plaster newari mud plaster locally stone newari mud wall mud plaster mud wall mud plaster mud plaster

Newari: 3 storeys

inner wall: sun dried adobe brick outer wall: burnt adobe brick

1.6 ove min

indo nepale 10


Hope and Resistance 1.4. Characteristics and guidelines 1.4.2. Ghandruk, Pokhara Ghandruk is a village that is located in the mountain region, on a side of a mountain in Himalayan range. It is also located on very busy touristic routes for going Annapurna Base Camp or Poonhill. According to its climatic conditions, the settlement structure in the town is very compact. The housing pattern in the village are rather close to each other with mostly a courtyard surrounded by walls in order to keep it protected from exterior temperature and direct wind. The longer facade of the houses also seem in this climate region rotated towards the south side and parallel to the topography. This longer side of the facade is the side of the house where preferably the openings are located. But the openings are quite small compared to the ones in Kathmandu. For outside activities, the courtyard is under use, and the porch in front of the house under the over hanged roof. Garden usage in Ghandruk shows similarities with other typologies in Kali Devi. In general, the average number of storeys are 2 in Ghandruk, and the space arrangement seems vertical. The organization of the house starts from more public to private from ground floor through upper floors. In a Gurung house, the ground floor is used generally as an entrance space, storage or place for animals, the first floor is main living, food storage, cooking and praying zone, while the second floor is just separated for sleeping. Materials differs in this region. The most remarkable ones are slates which are used as roofing material. Also, the roof is rather flat in

this climate. In this village as Kali Devi, they also use the local resources and techniques. Generally the building materials are locally available stones for the foundation, locally available timber for the structure of the building, again stone or sun dried bricks are the solutions for wall infill, mud is used as a wall finish and lastly the doors and windows draws the attention by their special wood carvings. The wall thicknesses may change between 40cm and 50cm in order to supply enough thermal mass for the comfort temperature in the house. In relation to that, for keeping the warm air inside the house or for heating the house easier, the height of the each floor reaches up to 200cm maximum. Another important thing is that there is a very big gap between the day and night temperature. So, in order to keep the house away from the outside temperature, the heavy roof with a high thermal performance, active sun heating during the day and artificial heating as a support are needed in this region. As a conclusion, Ghandruk shows very special characteristics as much as Kali Devi. It is very recognizable that, in materiality, design of a house or even the whole village demonstrates very distinctive specialities depending on the climate, altitude and topographic conditions. So, developing a proposal in accordance with the general guidelines and characteristics that are explained above, is very crucial for achieving a successful and really functional prototype school design project.

Left: Image 12_Traditional wood carved window frames in Ghandruk (by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 13_Slates as aroof material in Ghandruk (by Eda Uraz)



long facade to south

long facade to south

paralel to hill long facade to south

alel to hill

paralel to hill

Longer facade: parallel to hill

long facade to south long facade to south

Longer facade: south

paralel to hill long facade to south

flat roof

flat roof

flat roof

paralel long facade to south Newari: 3 storeys

average: 2 storeys

indo nepalese and hil house

Newari: 3 storeys

180cm - 200 cm

average: min 2 storeys closed courtyards

average: 2 storeys Average:min 2 storeys

Space arrangement: vertical

closed courtyards

Closed courtyards

flat roof

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv min 50cm-protect from rain and sun

palese indo and hil house nepalese

flat roof

Newari: 3 storeys and hil house Newari: 3 storeys

average: min 2 storeys average: min 2 storeys

closed courtyards closed courtyards paralel to hill

m high for heating 1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating ed roofv overhanged -protect from rain androofv sun min 50cm-protect from rain and sun

average: 2 storeys

Newari: 3 storeys

long facade to south

long facade to south

indo nepalese and hil house

Settlement structure: compact

Newari: 3 store

Longer facade: small openings

er openings

on longer facade


mud plaster locally available stone mud plaster

28 to 70cm for thermal mass

1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv min 50cm-protect from rain and sun

inner wall: sun dried adobe brick

outer wall: burnt adobe brick mud Figure plaster newari Above: 7_Guidelines mud wall mud plaster for Alpine Climate (drawn by Eda Uraz)

stone W., wall Source: Bodachnatural S., Lang, sun dried mud bricks Hamhaber, J. (2014) rammedClimate earth Responsive Building Design Strategies of Vernacular Architecture in Nepal, Energy and Buildings 81, pp 227–242. indo nepalese and hil house

natural stone wall sun dried mud bricks rammed earth

Interior: mud plaster Wall: locally available stone Exterior: mud plaster

Newari: 3 storeys

average: 2 storeys

closed courtyards

12 closed courtyards

flat roof

flat roof

Sun dried brick

Newari: 3 storeys


1.6 to 1.9 m high for heating overhanged roofv min 50cm-protect from rain and sun

50 cm

45 cm

natural stone wall natural stone wall sun dried mud sun bricks dried mud bricks rammed earth rammed earth

indo nepale

average: min 2 storeys

HOPE AND RESISTANCE - EDA URAZ average: min 2 storeys

Hope and Resistance 1.5. Conclusion As a summary of this chapter, Nepal is a very special country by being the intersection point of diverse cultures, religions, languages and much more unique characteristics. In other word, this country is being a host for centuries to very special formations. Aside from that, it has also very special geographic and geologic situations such as having five different climate zones within one border, it also has very unique mountain ranges and is on a very active tectonic region which makes everything in the country very fragile. Very severe earthquakes happened in Nepal in recent years and rocked the country by taking the lives, or homes of thousands unfortunately. Today, their reality is the earthquake and how to confront to it properly. To do that, earthquake resistance in buildings is the most crucial thing. There is a very thin line between designing a structure within earthquake resistant frameworks and at the same time making it a traditional representation. At this point my mission starts by coming up with a design which completes both the dreams of the community and achieving an earthquake resistance proven structure by means of combination of local techniques and contemporary ones as a community centre, as a prototype, as a landmark of the villages where applied, and as a primary school for delivering the fundamental education facility throughout the country.

Left: Image 14_Traditional fire pit for cooking (by Eda Uraz) Right Above: Image 15 17_Memories from Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right Middle: Image 16 _Memories from Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right Below: Image 17_Traditional kitchen organization with an oven (by Eda Uraz)



Left Above: Image 18_ Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Left Middle: Image 19_A house in Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Left Middle: Image 20_ Silhouette, Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Above: Image 21_The Dinner Time (by Eda Uraz)



Chapter 2: Experience

Hope and Resistance 2. What i experienced? February 2018, an unforgettable memory in Nepal. The main aim of the visit was for research of my dissertation project. But since I was going there, to the other side of the world, to a completely different culture, I really wanted to discover more in order to widen my knowledge, experience and understanding of their rich culture and history. 2.1. Landed in Kathmandu My unique experience started by landing in Kathmandu. The city looked quite unlike the ones I have been to before. The traffic, buildings, restaurants, food, temples, squares, the architecture, the architecture after earthquake, street life and people were all new. Spending five days here taught me many things. The research for my dissertation project was not started yet, but I already started to collect information, and tried to observe as much as I could. Walking through Thamel -the touristic center and where we stayed, visiting Monkey Temple (Swyambhu) - very peaceful and sacred by its atmosphere and people, andalso a joyful place with monkeys running around; The Great Baudha Stupa - a magical, gorgeous, spiritual and religious place; Pashupatinath - the place where they burn the dead bodies and send the ashes to the river, and Durbar Square-representation of traditional Nepalese architecture were enough to stun my head. Bhaktapur was another beautiful corner to visit. Durbar square in this place drew my eyes away from everything else. And then a sunset in Nagarkot, in a piece of nature with a view

of the Himalayas with the sun setting behind. After a small dose of getting more informed about Nepal and its culture, we were ready to start for the trip to Kali Devi and the research there. 2.2. Research in Kali Devi My research and experience about this village started from the first moment I got off the bus there and until the last moment that I was leaving. Everything around me was teaching me. It was not easy experience, some moments were even very tough indeed. After getting off the bus, there was a small forest path to walk for an hour with our backpacks, and headlamps on. For the first Dal Bhat, their traditional food, we were super ready after a long and tiring 10 hours of bus travel and 1 hour of forest walk in the dark. The dinner was ready after we settled down. Our family was waiting us to meet us. It was another experience and learning for me to have a seat on the ground on their special handmade carpets, and to eat by hand all the food in my dish. Also we were trying to understand and get to know each other with all curiosity. Another experience after dinner was the sleeping arrangement. We were sleeping on the ground, on our mats, in our sleeping bags, in the same room with the other members of the family and some roosters in the basket. We slept in a few seconds after very tiring travel during the day. And here woken up by the singing roosters, and curious kids in the house watching us. It was hard to get ready, change the clothes

Left: Image 22_A woman making handmade pots, Bhaktapur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 22_Just Arrived to the Village, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz)



in the same room with other family members, go to the toilet outside of the house, and have breakfast with the same food again in the early morning. Afterwards we were at the school site for the research. Some of us were going for social research, some of us going for architectural research, and the rest was on the site, helping the construction work for the new school design by our tutors for the village or teaching something joyful and interesting to the students in the primary school. Every day started as a new experience. The meals, sleeping and experience related to life in the house were getting interesting, while the practice in the site related to our research during the day was different for everybody day by day. If one does social research in one day, other day he/she should change the work and do the digging of the foundation or exploration of the local typologies. The whole week was just learning, learning and learning in any moment and in any atmosphere in the village. On the last day, there was a community day for the families in the village. We invited them one by one to come to the school site in order to introduce the new school design to them. Some of them were curious and tried to understand the varied physical model with different material proposals, and some didn’t show up, unfortunately. But it was a really interesting day to see the interaction between local community, students from Belgium, from Kali Devi and the teachers together both working on the construction together, delivering a bucket of cement hand to hand to pour into the foundation pit or just observing whats going on there. That day was a really interactive day by seeing the motivation and cooperation of the people.

Above: Image 23_The Great Baudha Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal (by Eda Uraz)



Hope and Resistance 2. What i experienced? A week passed as fast as the twinkling of an eye with lots of experience, information, analysis, and beautiful memories of the families. When I left Kali Devi, I felt more grown up, I started to appreciate life more, learn to be happy from very small things. I loved being there, although the life conditions were sometimes super difficult for us. With the day of closure and presentations by us about our experience there, we were getting ready to continue our Nepal exploration. 2.3. Discovering Jungles We headed through the southern part of the country, to the tropical climate regions, to the jungles, to the elephants, to the rhinos and to the many things that we hadn’t expected before arriving there. The weather was amazing, the nature, vegetation, village structure was totally different from what I saw in Kathmandu. Elephants were walking in the streets, having bath in the creek passing by next to our hotel, crocodiles were chilling under the sun, deers were blinking their very shy eyes behind the bushes and so on. The following day passed by discovering the jungles and visiting the animal species in the jungle, in their home. Monkeys, birds, bears, lizards, leopards, deers and much more to see took my breath away. This trip was another learning, and another memorable experience for me with its very special nature and village structure that would definitely affect my approach in further studies about my dissertation.

2.4. Trekking in Himalayas Time to travel from jungles to mountains. Through to the end of the experience in Nepal, we were still in our exploration, having a day long bus trip under the sun, sometimes long hours of waiting in the mountain road nearby the cliff because of the construction work. This was much more tiring than the other activities. Finally we were in Pokhara without knowing which day of the week or which date of the month we are in. I was really under the effect of the beauty of the variety of cultures, climates and natures in Nepal. Pokhara was a really nice coastal city thanks to the Phewa lake surrounded by mountains. After all the sightseeing through the city, exploring the new foods, visiting Peace Stupa and Tal Barahi Temple, we were ready to trek. Four days long trekking with walking of approximately 20 km per day, climbing thousands of stairs to reach up to Poonhill for the breathtaking view of Annapurna range and the 7th highest peak of the world Dhaulagiri during the sunrise within a clear sky was definitely worth it. The level of oxygen, the fresh air, the tones of green in the forest, the very small mountain villages, the gradual change in altitude up to 3260m were sometimes undescribable both in beauty or difficulty, but it was really a life time experience. With all the happiness, appreciation, and memories blowing in my brain, we competed the last chapter of our Nepal trip and went

Left: Image 24_Trekking in Himalayas, Day 2, walking from Ulleri to Ghorepani, Nepal (by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 25_The Peace Stupa, Pokhara, Nepal (by Eda Uraz)



back to Kathmandu to fly back to Belgium. 2.5. Final Thoughts In a few words, every breath and every step I took there, taught me so many things that are definitely classified as part of my research by knowing more about the cultures of country throughout my travel. And it would absolutely reflect in my design process for an ideal school for Nepal.

Above: Image 26_Elephants in the Jungle, Chitwan, Nepal (by Eda Uraz)



Chapter 3: Earthquake

Hope and Resistance 3.1. Earthquake in Nepal “Nepal is characterized by frequent disaster events like floods and earthquakes where substantial loss of lives, infrastructures and properties is occurred every year. In the period of 1900-2005, as 1674 flood events were reported in Terai region of Nepal causing 2856193 casualties (Aryal, 2012). The great Bihar Nepal earthquake of magnitude 8.1 claimed lives of 8519 people along with more than 200000 houses damaged across the country (Dixit et al. 2013). In addition to these earthquakes , the magnitude 6.9, 2011 Sikkim Nepal Border Earthquake caused extensive damage on rural houses of eastern Nepal. The severe impact of 2015 Gorkha earthquake (magnitude 7.8) is reflected in terms of 8790 casualties, 22300 injuries and 498852 houses completely or partially collapsed and other 256697 houses partly damaged (NPC 2015)” (Gautam et al., 2016)

damages and the effect could be devastating. The most violent earthquake is the one that happens in subduction zone. The subduction zone is the junction point of two plates of earth. In this type of earthquake, one plate goes under the other one and the second plate goes above the first plate. This is the type of earthquake was the one that rocked Nepal in 2015, unfortunately. As Langenbach mentions in ‘The Earthquake Resistant Vernacular Architecture in the Himalayas’; “The Himalayan chain was created by the collision of continental plates, creating the highest mountains in the world, along with one of the world’s most active earthquake hazard areas” (Langenbach, R., 2015). Also the building stock in the country was not ready for this powerful earthquake, so that the effect was very destructive both in the cities an in the rural regions.

Earthquake is a sudden movement of two piece of earth that causes seismic waves on the earth’s surface. According to the estimations that is said in the documentary ‘Earthquake 101’ by National Geographic, there are 500.000 earthquakes happens in each year in the world, 100.000 of them are strong enough to be felt, and 100 of them cause very severe

3.1.1. Urgent Needs In Nepal, almost one third of the country inhabits the houses which were built by local resources, such as natural stone, bamboo, wood brick, rammed earth or wattle and daub. According to Adhikary’s, ‘Vernacular architecture in post-earthquake Nepal’, “Nepal


Kathmandu Kali Devi



Left: Figure 8_Active faults in Nepal (drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Upreti, Bishal & Kumahara, Y & Nakata, T. (2007). Paleoseismological study in the Nepal Himalaya—Present status, https://www.researchgate.net

has a rich tradition of vernacular architecture, but in the last 30 years owing to government policies the vernacular has not been able to thrive in the modern context. The government’s restriction on harvesting and usage of wood adversely affected the traditional practices of making earthquake resistant wooden bands over the years. In the April 2015 earthquake, many buildings of relatively recent vernacular construction, especially stone with mud mortar typology, collapsed. On the other hand, both traditional and contemporary buildings that incorporated earthquake-resistant features survived” (Adhikary, N., 2016) So, according to the informations given above, the real and urgent need for the Nepalese is to have a right to live, right to have a safe house, right to properly integrated earthquake resistant techniques, and right to have to be educated and equipped how to deal with the earthquake properly with the special earthquake resistant building techniques. These techniques does not have to be contemporary ones. It is really possible to improve earthquake resistance by locally available materials. If the building’s construction materials and structural elements were tied up to each other thoroughly, most of the destruction could have been prevented. Unfortunately, due to the collapse of the vernacular buildings, the people became disillusioned with their values.

Above: Image 27_After Gorkha Earthquake in 2015, Nepal (by Rory McKeown and Matthew Young, 2015). Source: www.dailystar.co.uk Below: Image 28_After Gorkha Earthquake in 2015, Nepal (by by Carl Whetham, IFRC, PA Wire). Source:www.lonelyplanet.com



Hope and Resistance 3.2. Earthquake in Turkey We woke up in the morning, there was a big silence around the neighbourhood. And no electricity, no television or radio signal were receiving. We were the lucky ones, away from the origin of the earthquake. But unfortunately, thousands of us weren’t that lucky. Some of them lost their lives, families, or their homes. According to NTV News, the earthquake magnitude of 7.6 continued 45 seconds, claimed almost 18.000 of people, injured around 23.000 of people, ruined 28.000 of houses and 43.000 of offices. After the earthquake, 600.000 people became homeless. “Thank God, we weren’t home then; we’d gone to my aunt’s house for a meal”. “When we came back into town, we couldn’t find our bearings—all of the buildings in the city centre were laying in the streets. You could step on top of the five-story building we’d lived in. It was completely flattened.” says Serdar Yalay in an interview (www.citylab.com). Maybe he was the lucky one for not being there at that moment. But he became an earthquake victim and homeless at that time. Turkey was not ready to face such a violent earthquake as Nepal. So many earthquakes happened before 1999 or after, but none of them ended up with a devastating impact as this one. The reason that I am sharing this experience from Turkey is because of the similarities between both countries. Both didn’t have

a strong structural qualities, people were unconscious about what to do or how to evacuate properly, the quality of building materials or the reinforcements were not as required. So, the impact and the experiences after the earthquake were similar for the earthquake victims. 3.2.1. After the Earthquake After the earthquake, socially responsible projects were started by some volunteer groups, and nongovernmental organizations with the collaboration of earthquake victims in order to give their home back as soon as possible. One of them is explained further in this chapter which is ‘Düzce Disaster-affected Homeless People’s Housing Cooperative’. This cooperative was “set-up to fight for the right to housing to be extended to tenants – victims of earthquakes in 1999 – who did not receive post-disaster support from the government” as explained in the Housing International Cooperative’s website. And they received ‘World Habitat Awards’ in 2017 thanks to their humanitarian project. First, they made a call in order to provide bright ideas for the social housing project in Duzce for 234 members. Also, their aim is to involve the local victims in the design process to be able to end up with an operative project for “low income citizens in a post-disaster context.” as it is explained in


Left: Figure 9_The Active Faults In Turkey (Magnitude 7.6) in 1999 (drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: mta.gov.tr



detail in Duzce Umut Atolyesi’s (Duzce Hope Homes) blog. Dursun Teper, a member of the cooperative “Until fifteen years ago I had lived hopelessly. The reason for my hopelessness was the fact that I could not own a home. It was at this time when the 1999 earthquake hit. We were devastated. Following the earthquake the state built houses and provided property owners with apartments. We were living in prefabricated houses when we discovered that we, tenant victims, also have rights.”“Our hope started to grow. The cooperative was set up and the legal process began. We started to fight for our rights. We have achieved things that we never believed we would.” as it is written in ‘beyond.istanbul’ further. As a result, the main reason behind all of the explanation of the participatory design process is to give a great example for the social aspect for my design proposal. So, in order to achieve the continuity of local identities within earthquake resistant techniques by combination of local and contemporary solutions for the ideal school proposal, the local community must be the part of the design process, and must be present and helpful at the construction site in order to learn how to build their community building. By this way, they really can learn, carry out and teach the specific techniques, for the resilience of the community.

Above: Image 29_After the 17 August 1999 Gölcük Earthquake (by www.ntv.com.tr) Below: Image 30_After the 17 August 1999 Gölcük Earthquake (by www.ntv.com.tr) Source: https://www.ntv.com. tr/galeri/turkiye/17-agustos1999-depreminin-18-yili-golcuk-depremi



Hope and Resistance 3.3. Earthquake Resistant Design Criteria For designing an earthquake resistant building technique, there are some important steps to consider. According to the Indian Institute of Technology, in Earthquake Tips 5 (What are the Seismic Effects on Structures?), when earthquake occurs, ground and building moves in the opposite direction. The ground moves with acceleration, and the building reflects it with an inertia force that causes change of location as big as ‘u’. So, it is very important that, the weight of the building should be in balance. Otherwise, if one part of the building was built by another material or the foundation of the building is not in the same level on the ground because of the slope, the building mass might twist itself and this movement may cause damage or collapse of the building as it is explained by Indian Institute of Technology, in Earthquake Tips 7 (How Buildings twist during Earthquakes?). Another very significant step is to design the building by tying up the walls to each other strongly, because when an earthquake hits the building from one side, the walls that are perpendicular to the acceleration would become weaker and the ones parallel to the acceleration behave stronger. So that, if the walls are connected to each other properly, the walls that acts stronger thanks to its position, holds the weaker ones in its position and prevents the building collapse as it is mentioned in Earthquake Tips 12, (How do Brick Masonry Houses behave during Earthquakes?) by Indian Institute of Technology. With reference to the Indian Institute of Technology, in Earthquake Tips 14 (Why

are Horizontal Bands necessary in Masonry Buildings?), another very crucial step is to take into account the horizontal bands, because the openings are the weakest part of the buildings. So, in order to avoid them becoming a danger for the structure, lintel beams must be located above and below each opening, all around the building. Plinth bands, and ring beams have another important role for keeping the building as one piece for earthquake resistance. These bands can differ in materials such as wooden bands or steel bands, but the most important thing is to craft these crucial bands on the building correctly for stability.

Left: Image 31_150 years old round building remained alive during the last earthquakes (by Gautam et al.) Source: Gautam et al., (2016), Disaster Resilient Vernacular Housing. Right: Image 32_Welded Steel Framed Stone Building, University of Nepal, Putchowk Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).



Ground Movement Inertia force

Building Twist


Ground Movement

Building Twist

Inertia force

Lintel Band

Plinth Band

Ground Movement

Roof Band

Lintel Band Plinth Band

Right Above: Figure 10_Schemes of Earthquake Resistant Design Criteria (Drawn by Eda Uraz).

Ground Movement

Source: Earthquake Tips, Indian Institute of Technology, Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi, India.



Hope and Resistance 3.4. Traditional Earthquake ResistantTechniques & National Building Codes ‘Nepal National Building Codes NBC 204, Guidelines for earthquake resistant building construction reveals some very important earthquake resistant techniques and frameworks. For earthquake resistance, the geometric form of the building is the first step to consider, as it is mentioned in the ‘National Building Codes’, as “creating a box effect”. The symmetry of the plan, equal proportions, and storey height are other important values that are recommended about the building mass. In masonry units, strong bonds make a big difference for stiffness of the building. Also, the maximum length of the wall should not be longer than 10 meters, because the longer the wall gets, the weaker it would be. Otherwise, if the wall must be longer than 10 meter, than it has to be supported by buttresses. Likewise, the point of junction of walls of the building must be reinforced by bamboo or wooden supports. On the other hand, the walls that are made out of mud must have vertical reinforcement and strongly connected joints. Besides, timber bands are another important criteria for earthquake resistant design. While taking care of the stability of the wall, the openings shouldn’t be forgotten, because they might be dangerous during the earthquake. By this way, according to the ‘Nepal National building Codes’ the horizontal and the vertical distance between the openings should not be shorter than 120cm and 60cm, respectively.

Left: Figure 11_Corner Reinforcement Detail (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Right: Figure 12_Beam and Coloumn Connection Reinforcement Detail, (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Source: Nepal National Building Codes NBC 204, Guidelines for earthquake resistant building construction: Earthen Building.



Opening Sizes

Bamboo Reinforcement

Secondary Structure

Secondary Structure

Ground Movement

Secondary Structure

Right: Figure 13_Building Structure, External Wall Supports, Ceiling Configuration, Horizontal Bands (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Source: Ortega et al., (2017), Traditional earthquake resistant techniques for vernacular architecture and local seismic cultures: A literature review, 2017, Journal of Cultural Heritage 27 (2017), pp 181–196.



Hope and Resistance 3.5. New Solutions For Masonry "The buildings with regular structural layout, with the walls properly connected together at the floor levels, have often performed well, even when they are not designed to resist earthquakes. Adequate seismic behaviour of those buildings proved that it is possible to improve the seismic resistance by considering simple principles of architectural and structural planning, and meeting the requirements for the quality of materials and construction at the same time" (Tomazevic M., 1999) says Miha Tomazevic in Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings. According to his research and what he mentioned about structural stability above, it can be said that highest priority at first for earthquake resistance is designing a well constructed building body. There are some new solutions for masonry structures that can also be adapted for sun dried bricks or compressed blocks, within local possibilities. First of all, for a masonry unit, the position, and dimension of the brick are crucial. Also, if the bricks are hollow core for some kind of reinforcement, the size of the holes should be limited, in another way, the brick volume around the holes should be strong enough for its durability. Another important thing is the bonding system for a brick masonry unit. The alterations in each horizontal layer form a straight head structure. Confined masonry with vertical and horizontal reinforced elements surrounding the building, reinforced hollow core brick masonry unit with steel or concrete reinforcement in the cores, ladder or truss type horizontal reinforcements in the wall, cast in place reinforced slabs with bonding beam are the solutions for making

a masonry unit, a structurally earthquake resistant one. Miha Tomazevic mentions that "Seismic actions are accidental actions which, depending on the seismicity of the location, rarely occur in the building's lifetime. However, because of the destructive power of the earthquakes the stability and safety of buildings located in earthquake prone areas should be verified for seismic loads" (Tomazevic M., 1999). So, especially the regions where there are active earth plates that cause a destructive earthquake, need proven structural ability.

Left: Image 33_Mud Brick Process (by Paul Downton) Right: Image 34_Building with Mud Bricks (by Paul Downton) Source: http://www. yourhome.gov.au/materials/ mud-brick



Bonding Arrangements of Hollow Masonry

Bonding Arrangements

Single Leaf Wall

Single Leaf Wall

Reinforced Hollow Unit

Double Leaf Wall

Reinforced Hollow Unit

Cavity Wall

Confined Masonry Structural Walls

Above: Figure 14_New Masonry Techiques (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Tomazevic M., (1999), Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Building.



Hope and Resistance 3.6. Earthquake Resistant Contemporary Techniques Apart from traditional construction techniques for earthquake resistance, there are some recently improved contemporary construction techniques for bigger and taller buildings through the last century. First of all, the newer foundation systems were designed to be as flexible as possible to absorb and wipe out the earthquake force before it affects the building system. This is possible with ‘Sliding bearing: friction pendulum system’ or ‘Lead rubber bearing system’ under the columns. By this methods, the foundation slides during the earthquake and prevent the fractures or twists that might cause damage in the building structure. Also for the flexibility of the building itself, lightweight partitions play an important role and thanks to the space between the partitions , the building movement becomes harmless, because the structural elements would not be crashing into each other. There are other structural solutions for the steel buildings and concrete buildings as they can be seen on the next page in detail. In steel buildings, the earthquake resistant systems are; lateral force resisting system that is special with its strong junctions as nodes, braced frame system that becomes strong by its diagonal continuous connections in different configurations, outrigger system that has a central core and this core has stable connections to the structure surrounding the building, framed tube system which is a 3D system which enables the building to dissipate and absorb all the lateral forces and the last one is seen as trussed tube system that has the high efficiency of the framed tube system for a much taller building’s stability.

In concrete buildings, the earthquake resistant systems are; moment resisting frame that has large beams and columns to get rid of the lateral forces, braced frame that has strong connection of horizontal, vertical and diagonals which carries the lateral forces, rigid frame system that resists both gravity and lateral pressures by its rigid structure well, and the last one is called shear wall system that can supply efficient power against lateral loads. There are also some improvements for column or wall systems. For instance, the concrete encased composite column systems, and steel jacketing can be examples of strengthening the reinforced concrete columns. External steel shear walls or steel infill application for the concrete walls would be the solutions for stability of the contemporary structure solutions. Under the light of new interpretations, the possibility of combining these to the traditional Nepalese and Turkish earthquake resistant structural techniques, within limited resources, would reflect the logic of the structural capacity such as including bracing, strong cores, properly tied column beam systems in order to let the building stand against lateral forces as solidly as possible.

Left: Image 35_Infill Wall Application (by Hasan Kaplan & Salih Yilmaz) Right Below: Image 36_External Steel Shear Walls (by Dr. Yavuz Selim Tama) Source: Kaplan H. et al, 2012, Seismic Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Buildings



Regular Foundation System

Moment Resisting Frame

Sliding Foundation System

Braced Frame

Above: Figure 15_Resistance to Earthquake with Sliding Foundation System (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Middle: Figure 16_Resistance to Earthquake in Concrete Buildings (Drawn by Eda Uraz).

Shear Wall System

Coloumn Outrigger System

Outrigger System

Beam Rigid Joint

Lateral force resisting system

Middle: Figure 17_Resistance to Earthquake in Concrete Buildings (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Below: Figure 18_Isolated Foundation Systems (by Bungale S.), (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Coburn, A., (2002), Earthquake Protection. Source: Bungale S., (2003), Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings: Structural Analysis and Design.

Framed tube system


Trussed Tube System

Braced frame system


Hope and Resistance 3.7. Earthquake Resistant Traditions, Nepal In Nepal, vernacular architecture is one of the most common way of building. In recent years, these special techniques were left behind because of the loss of the belief in the strength of local resources. Although, there are some earthquake proven local construction techniques that survived through 3 very big earthquakes in the last century. "Past earthquake events from 1255, 1260, 1408, 1681, 1767, 1810, 1823, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1869, 1917, 1934, 1936, 1954, 1965, 1966, 1980, 1988,2011 and 2015 have depicted severe damage scenarios in Nepal in terms of structural collapse, life and property damage (Dixit et al. 2013; NPC 2015). Beside several detrimental cases of structural collapses in other types of houses, timber framed houses are the resilient ones in every earthquake event in Nepal (Rana 1935; JSCE 1989; Gautam et al. 2015) and also timber frames are justified as seismic resistant features globally (e.g., Poletti et al. 2015)" (Gautam et al., 2016). Also, again based on ‘Disaster resilient vernacular housing technology in Nepal’ (Gautam et al, 2016) there are two districts in southern Nepal called Jhapa and Kaski. In Jhapa district, their structural quality depends on wooden structured houses. Likewise, in Kaski district, the speciality of vernacular architecture and strength of structure are originated from mud bonded bricks or stones in a round shape. “These two districts have unique architecture and performance of these particular types of houses has been justified in three strong earthquakes of 1934, 1988 and 2015” (Gautam et al., 2016). The research claims that after the earthquake in Udaypur

in 1988, the local community from that village started to build their houses with the similar local structural techniques. “The construction technology is not sophisticated and doesn’t require specialized manpower; however a simple rectangular construction technology with four to six wooden pillars running from foundation to roof is prevalent in case study area. Such simple and symmetric construction is also efficient in terms of balancing the torsional effects during earthquakes” (Gautam et al., 2016). On the other hand, there is another special technique called ‘Taq’ for earthquake resistance. Its speciality is very strong timber lacings in the masonry buildings. “In this construction large pieces of wood are used as horizontal runners embedded in the heavy masonry walls, adding to the lateral loadresisting ability of the structure…Masonry laced with timber performed satisfactorily as expected, as it arrests destructive cracking, evenly distributes the deformation which adds to the energy dissipation capacity of the system, without jeopardizing its structural integrity and vertical load-carrying capacity, (Rai and Murty, 2005)” (Langenbach, R., 2015). According to ‘The earthquake resistant vernacular architecture in the Himalayas’, taq technique is the best earthquake resistant technique with the local materials within the last century. “The city of Srinagar looks tumbledown and dilapidated to a degree; very many of the houses are out of the perpendicular, and others, semi-ruinous, but the general construction in the city of Srinagar is suitable Mountains Hills Tarai

Left: Image 37_Taq Technique, Bhaktapur, Nepal (by Randolph Langenbach). Source: Langenbach, R., (2015) The Earthquake Resistant Vernacular Architecture in the Himalayas. Right: Figure 19_Kaski and Jhapa, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).


Jhapa 0


100 200



Source: Gautam et al., (2016), Disaster resilient vernacular housing technology in Nepal, (original: http://www. johntyman.com/nepal/01. html)

for an earthquake country; wood is freely used, and well jointed; clay is employed instead of mortar, and gives a somewhat elastic bonding to the bricks, which are often arranged in thick square pillars, with thinner filling in. If well built in this style the whole house, even if three or four storeys high, sways together, whereas more heavy rigid buildings would split and fall” (Neve, 1913)” (Langenbach, R.2015). So, it can be summarized that the material choices with the correct combinations would survive very strong earthquakes. Also, it can be said that, the real solution lies back in their history which also enables them to keep their pure and special vernacular architecture untouched. In part of Langenbach’s research, there are 42 very important historical buildings that are under conservation and are located in Bhaktapur. They were built by the Taq technique and managed to survive during the devastating earthquakes. He mentions; “I re-inspected [the 42 buildings and] I am really excited with their performance… The timber bands, double boxing of openings, struts, subsequent load reduction mechanism are genius. The smaller openings, building symmetry and others are also excellent… Inside many of the houses …there were only minor diagonal cracks… Till date, I haven’t found any collapsed house [with] timber bands.” (Langenbach, R.2015).





Earthquake resistant 'Taq' Technique, Bhaktapur

Bamboo Roof

Bhaktapur EQ Res House-Another detailin Lintel Beam

Bhaktapur EQ Res House-Ano Decorative Band

Plinth Band

Resistant Secondary

istant Secondary

Above: Figure 20, 21, 22_Taq Construction Technique (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Left Below: Image 38_Saraswati Secondary School, Nepal (by ABARI) Right Below: Image 38_Saraswati Secondary School, Nepal (by ABARI)

Saraswati Earthquake Resistant Secondary School, ABARI

Saraswati EQ Resistant Secondary School

Source: http://abari.earth/ saraswati



Hope and Resistance 3.8. Traditional Building Types Another earthquake resistant traditional technique was found recently, (see the image 32, on the right below) as it was explained in University of Nepal, Engineering Faculty, Putchowk Campus, Department of Architecture. This technique was developed in order to prevent stone delamination. The difference in this technique from the regular stone building is that, the stones were covered and framed by the welded steels. So that, it becomes more stiff and stable against the earthquake. In rural Nepal, the traditional building types could be similar according to their materiality, because in rural Nepal mostly they use locally available materials as I observed in Kali Devi and in Ghandruk. In the traditional housing from the Tamang and Gurung culture from different districts in Nepal, the houses have generally 2 storeys. In the plot, there is an open garden area for outside activities, for washing, and a small room for a toilet far from the entrance of the house. Then the entrance of the house shows very typical feature in each cases with its 20-50 cm elevated porch. This porch both defines the border of the house and creates a shade place under the roof for the household. On the ground floor, the kitchen is the furthest facility from the entrance, since it needs intimacy and hygiene for the food. Upstairs belongs to the bedrooms and storage zone and it is reached by a stair which is located outside of the house. Thus, it can be said that, house typology starts from more public to more private through the kitchen zone and bedroom zone.

3.8.1. Weaknesses The reflection of the local culture is really visible in the house configuration. Unfortunately, the place that they call ‘home’ which should mean the safest, the most secure place for a family, might have some weaknesses in the construction logic that could be really vulnerable under the impact of the earthquake and may result in very tragic situations. The weaknesses show up because of the lack of quality structure, or lack of horizontal or vertical supporters of the building. 3.8.2. Strengths Unlike the explanation above, Nepalese traditional architecture shows very special structural qualities in some local or historical buildings which were built just with local resources. But unfortunately, after a while, especially after the local community saw that their homes were collapsed during the earthquake, they thought that it is because of the weakness of the local materials. As a result, they started to invest in imported or unsustainable materials for new constructions like corrugated steel or concrete. Actually, some studies proved that the local resources that they have in this climate could be more than enough to build strong and stiff buildings to be able to stand during the strong earthquake. On the other hand, nobody would know what may occur. If the earthquake would be the strongest earthquake ever in the world Left: Image 38_Weak Structural Connections, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz). Right: Image 39_Earthquake Resistant Traditional Taq Technique, Srinagar, Nepal (by Randolph Langenbach). Source: Langenbach, R., (2015) The Earthquake Resistant Vernacular Architecture in the Himalayas.




Plan Type House 1: Gurung House Typology Plan Type 1: Gurung Typology

that none of the earthquake resistant building Toilet Porch Balcony could resist, at least it could fulfil its mission which would be just to remain standing for Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom evacuation of people in short time. Hence, Wood both the design and the structural strength Partition of the building are very crucial steps to take Kitchen into consideration for a proper earthquake Bedroom Wood resistant design. Another important thing is to Pillar make people believe in their local strength PlaninPlan TypeType 2: Gurung 2: Gurung House House Typology Typology order to not lose the local characteristics while Balcony designing an earthquake resistant structure. Gurung House Typology

Reinforced Concrete Structure

Bedroom Wood Partition Bedroom Wood Pillar

Ground Floor

Stone Wall with Plaster

First Floor

Plan Type House 2: Gurung House Typology Plan Type 2: Gurung Typology

Plan Plan TypeType 3: Tamang Typology 3: TamangHouse House Typology Living Room

Reinforced Concrete Structure



Wood Pillar

Stone Wall with Plaster

Chimney Shaft

Tamang House Typology

Ground Floor

First Floor

PlanPlan TypeType 5: Tamang 5: Tamang House House Typology Typology Stone Wall with Plaster

Reinforced Concrete Structure

Plan Type 5: Tamang House Typology Plan Type 5: Tamang House Typology Kitchen


Living Room

Water Storage

Wood Partition

Wood Pillar





Plan Type 4:Ground Tamang House Typology Floor

Tamang House Typology

Reinforced Concrete Structure

Above: Figure 23, Traditional Tamang and Gurung House Typologies, (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Emergent Architects, Foundation of Public Interest, Study of habitat typologies and Solutions for their seismic reinforcement Nepal, 2016, www. archi-urgent.com

First Floor

Stone Wall with Plaster

Back Back Balcony Plan Type House Typology Bedroom Kitchen4: Tamang Porch Porch Wood Pillar

Tamang House Typology


Wood Pillar

Ground Floor

First Floor

Plan Type 6: Tamang House Typology



Plan Type 6: Tamang House Typology

Hope and Resistance 3.8. Traditional Building Types 3.8.3. Concrete Reality “There is a general perception among the villagers that mud mortar is not very strong and there is a general aspiration to build with cement” (Adhikary, N., 2016) “Although there was significant damage to buildings made of stone with mud mortar compared to concrete framed buildings, one should realize that the latter exists in relatively small numbers (as low as 3.5%)” (Adhikary, N., 2016). “Secondly, in people’s perception, collapse of concrete buildings is correlated to the flaws in the engineering technique and poor craftsmanship whereas in vernacular buildings the materials are blamed” (Adhikary, N., 2016). According to the Adhikary’s research, the increase in number of concrete buildings shouldn’t be surprising. Since the construction technique with seismic bands was abandoned in the past , the local materials became weaker. Although if concrete hadn’t been reinforced, it would also have been as weak as their local materials. The important thing here is that is not the material, but following the correct technique with these materials in order to provide earthquake resistance. The importance of materiality starts to be taken into account when the problem is the risk of losing local identity. So that the main insistence about usage of local resources originates from this reason that is mentioned above. The main reasons for building collapses are mostly the roof collapsing, lack of structural unity, delamination of the stone infill walls, bad quality of structure and lack of horizontal,

diagonal and/or vertical bands. As Adhikary asserts in ‘Vernacular architecture in postearthquake Nepal’, “Most of these failures could have been avoided if horizontal and vertical ties had been present” (Adhikary, N., 2016). 3.9. Earthquake Resistant Traditions, Safranbolu, Turkey Turkey, my home, hosts many beautiful traditions, cultures and different lifestyles as much as Nepal has. My aim is to compare Turkish traditional building with the Nepalese ones, to contribute to my dissertation by showing similarities and differences between two cultures, also by showing some very special earthquake resilient local technique as an inspiration. In this chapter, I will first explain the traditional Turkish house typologies. And the local earthquake resistant technique will follow it with the further explanation. In a Turkish house, the main living area is really important too, as has been seen in Nepalese house typologies. The main living area is the central or more public zone for the family, and the rooms become more private zones by surrounding the central living room. The entrance is generally used as space for animals or storage, and the life begins from upstairs as can be seen in the section on the next page. These traditional houses still exist in some rural parts of Turkey, such as Safranbolu.

Left: Image 40_House in Gurung Village (by Eda Uraz). Right: Image 41_House in Tamang Village (by Eda Uraz).



Front Porch




Wood Partition

Wood Pillar

Reinforced Concrete Structure Stone Wall With Plaster



Gurung House Typology

Ground Floor

First Floor

Plan Type 1: Gurung House Typology Corrugated Sheet Wood Partition

Stone Wall With Plaster

Rammed Earth

Reinforced Concrete Structure

Binding Concrete Gurung House Typology

Section AA

Plan Type

Plan Type 1: Gurung House Typology A


Bedroom Reinforced Concrete Structure

Bedroom Wood Partition

Wood Pillar

Kitchen, Living Room

Stone Wall



Plaster Plan Type 2: GurungWithHouse Typology Front Porch


A Tamang House Typology Ground Floor

A First Floor

Plan Plan TypeType 3: Tamang 3: Tamang House House Typology Typology Bracing

Plan Type 2: Gurung House Typology

Stone Wall With Plaster

Corrugated Sheet Wood Partition

Plan Type

Wooden Balcony

Above: Figure 24, Traditional Tamang and Gurung House Typologies, (drawn by Eda Uraz)

Plan Type

Plan Type 5: Tamang House Typology Rammed Earth

Tamang House Typology

Source: Emergent Architects, Foundation of Public Interest, Study of habitat typologies and 3: Tamang Typology Solutions for theirHouse seismic reinforcement Nepal, 2016, www. archi-urgent.com

Reinforced Concrete Structure

Section AA

Plan Type 6: Ta

Plan Type 5: Tamang House Typology Plan Plan TypeType 4: Tamang 4: Tamang House House Typology Typology 40


Hope and Resistance 3.9. Earthquake Resistant Traditions, Safranbolu, Turkey In Safranbolu, this typology is followed by special earthquake resistant technique. “Hımış is a composite construction system, where the ground floor is mostly composed of masonry (rubble stone or alternating layers of stone and brick, or adobe with timber posts) with timber tie-beams (hatıls) built on continuous or discontinuous stone foundations, and the upper-storeys and roof of timber” (Aktas, Y., 2017). Also according to the article ‘Seismic Resistance of Traditional Timber-frame Hımış Structures in Turkey: A Brief Overview’ by Aktas, this special structure either performed well or survived with small cracks (which is repairable) during the earthquakes that rocked Safranbolu throughout last 50 years. The speciality of this technique is composed of primary wooden structure, secondary horizontal and vertical structure, and the diagonal structures which are especially for preventing the opening collapses with an earthquake force. In this way, the special ‘hımıs’ can contribute my design proposal by its structural quality and thanks to the combination of both traditional techniques, the earthquake resistant ideal school would become a representation of togetherness of two beautiful vernacular architectures. 3.10. Final Thoughts In Nepal, as the local resources suffice for new technologies and applications, the school proposal should include both local and contemporary initiatives. All the research about earthquake, and how to be resistant

enough to it after understanding Nepal in general, project sites, climatic conditions, topographic difficulties, local characteristics, guidelines, prototype phenomenon, the possibilities or impossibilities within the local resources, cultural footprints, dreams about modernization, hope for safety, fears about the earthquake, and necessities about the proper public education should end up to a new start as a design strategy which originates by research, and turns into a body as a whole with unity, togetherness, congruity and harmony. The body of the school proposal must be derived from details to the whole with a logical system. Apart from all the technical information, there is a huge social aspect lying behind my proposal, because, in order to achieve a strategy which results in a school organism, the proposal must be inclusive of the local community. The more the design welcomes the community with an important role in the process, the more real and successful the school project. That’s why for my proposal, explanation of how to build, how to originate a school form from a mergence of local material combinations by teaching the new interpretations and testing them with the people from the village, by listening their ideas and implementing them to their reality would make a school a real school for everybody which they will really actively use, and which they will always be part of it and proud of it after the construction will be completed.

Left: Image 42_ Safranbolu (by Umut Özdemir) Source: https://whc.unesco. org Right: Image 43_Traditional Safranbolu House (by www. safranboluevleri.org) Source: http://www.safranboluevleri.org



Wall Plate Room


Upper Window Sill

Diagonal Supports

A House Without Living Room

Plan Type 1: without living room Room

Kitchen Toilet

Plan Type 2: with exterior living room

Lower Window Sill



Tie Beam, Foot Plate

Room Living Room


A House With Exterior Living Room

out living room

Plan Earthquake resistant 'Hımış' Technique, Safranbolu

Plan Type 2: with exterior living room



Kitchen Living Room



APlan House Interior Room TypeWith 2: with interiorLiving living room


Masonary Filling, Plaster

Primary Structural Element

Plan Type 3: with central living room

Secondary Structural Element

Diagonal Structural Element


Living Room

nbolu EQ Res House Room



Traditional Turkish House

PlanWith TypeCentralized 3: with central living room House Living Room

Supporter for extension (Ayi Bacagi)


anbolu EQ Res House-Another detailing: hım Stone Filling, Mud Mortar

Main Living Area Entrance, Storage

Traditional Turkish House Section General Type of Section

Plan Type 1: without living room

Plan Type 2: with exterior living room

Safranbolu earthquake resistant traditional house

Left: Figure 25_Traditional Turkish House Plan Typologies, (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Eldem, H., (1954), Turk Evi Plan Tipleri. Right: Figure 26_Traditional Seismic Hımış Structures , Safranbolu, Turkey, (Drawn by Eda Uraz)

Safranbolu EQ Res House

Safranbolu EQ Res House-Another detailing: hı



Chapter 4: Research Based Design

Hope and Resistance 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype As all the research shows that, my master dissertation is going to be a prototype school project with earthquake resistant techniques. And my theme is ‘Hope and Resistance’. To me, the meaning of ‘Hope and Resistance’ carries two great meanings. The first one is related to increasing the structural capacity and quality. The second one is defining a belief in the local community’s heart by symbolising the school as a centre of hope for the resilience. Also, in order to finalise a proposal to be a prototype for Nepal, I defined some rules and strategies for the building which also forms the school program itself for different climate zones. So, my strategies are originated from environmental and spatial requirements. 4.1. Environmental Strategies 4.1.1. Low Tech To Build Safe The proposal must be designed in order to enable the building process with low techniques and limited resources to be a safe building for earthquake resistance. 4.1.2. Cross Ventilation The cross ventilation must be supplied in different layouts for different climate zones. For instance, the school in Kali Devi must have a well designed cross ventilation system in order to let the fresh air pass throughout the building from one side to another, whereas in Ghandruk, keeping the inner temperature warm is the most important value. So, the

cross ventilation system should be limited in colder climate zone and ventilate the interiors from one side of the building clusters. 4.1.3. Rain Protection Rain protection is the third strategy and the same for both climate zones. The school building must have an over hanging roof to keep the monsoon rain away from the school building. 4.1.4. Sun Protection The fourth strategy is for sun protection. The sun shines with 38 ° in winter and with 86 ° in the summer for both sites. The solution for sun protection and overheating for warmer climate is to provide a second roof as a ceiling, so that the air passing in between two roof layers would be an isolation for keeping the interior temperature cooler and away from the heat under the first layer of roof. In colder climates, while the second roof layer plays an important role for keeping the interior temperature at a comfortable level in the summer periods, it would work as an insulation in the winter time in order to keep the interiors warmer. Also, In both climate regions, the traditional material for openings is wood. For this reason, wooden framed doors and windows are proposed in order to keep the local characteristics. And bamboo sticks are proposed to place in between the frames as an insulation.

Left: Figure 27_Figure 24_School Site, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (drawn by Eda Uraz) Right: Figure 28_School Site, Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (drawn by Eda Uraz)



env str_1_ventilation

env str_1_ventilation env str_1_ventilation

env str_1_ventilation

env env str_1_ventilation str_2_raim protection env str_3_sun shading

4.1.5. Acoustic Quality

Air Change

env str_2_raim protection

Air Change

Air Change

Air Change

For the acoustic quality, the strategy is same for both sites. In this proposal, the second roof env str_2_raim protection env str_2_raim layer as a ceiling of each interior space works as protection Kali Devi, Cross Ventilation Ghandruk, Cross Ventilation env str_2_raim protection a sound insulation and keeps the outside noise away from the classrooms. Also the bamboo env str_2_raim protection sunshades on windows and doors plays an important role with its sound insulation ability Annual precipitation: Annual precipitation: 2750 mm (kg/m²) to support the acoustic quality of the facilities. 2210 mm (kg/m²) env str_4_acoustic quality env str_3_sun shading

4.1.6. Heating System

Rain Protection env str_3_sunGhandruk, shading

Kali Devi, Rain Protection

A heating system is another strategy that is Summer Sun: 86° Summer Sun: 86° Winter Sun: 38° necessary for Ghandruk. In Ghandruk, the most Winter Sun: 38° env str_3_sun shading env str_3_sun shading used heating systems are firewood, kerosene, 31 °C 20 °C 25 °C 20 °C electricity, solar and gas, respectively. The most common one which heats the water env str_3_sun shading env str_3_sun shading in pipes with a special system integrated to Kali Devi, Sun Protection AND DISPOSAL Ghandruk, Sun Protection env str_4_RAIN firewood is proposad for heating system of the env str_4_acoustic quality new school in Ghandruk. So, the water pipes are heated and distributed to the classrooms. env str_4_acoustic quality

4.1.7. Rain water & Disposal Proposal

>55 dB

<35 dB

env str_4_acoustic quality

env str_4_acoustic quality

The last environmental strategy is about sustainability of the new program. It is about rain water collection and waste disposal for both climate zones. First of all, for the rainwater collection, an underground water collection tank is proposed for collecting the rainwater to use in gardening activities or in toilets.

<35 dB

>55 dB

Kali Devi, Acoustic Quality

Ghandruk, Acoustic Quality

env str_4_HEATING env str_4_acoustic quality env str_4_RAIN AND DISPOSAL

env str_4_acoustic quality

-10 °C

20 °C

20 °C


Ghandruk, Heating System



env str_4_RAIN AND DISPOSAL 144 m³

env str_4_HEATING

20 m³

Ghandruk, Rainstr_4_HEATING Water Collection & Disposal env


env str_4_HEATING Above: Figure 29_Environmental Strategies (Drawn by Eda Uraz)

env str_4_HEATING 144 m³

20 m³

env str_4_HEATING Kali Devi, Rain Water Collection & Disposal



Hope and Resistance 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype In Kali Devi; -Total roof surface (RS): 326 m² -Annual precipitation (AP): 2210 mm (kg/m²) -Annual Tank Capacity (m³)= (RS)x(AP)/1000 - (326 m²)x(2210 kg/m²)=720.460 liter -720.460lt/1.000= 720,4 m³ -Rainy season in 1 year: 4-5 months - (720,4):(5 months)= 144 m³ tank capacity for each month. In Ghandruk: -Total roof surface (RS): 262 m² -Annual precipitation (AP): 2750 mm (kg/m²) -Annual Tank Capacity (m³)= (RS)x(AP)/1000 - (262 m²)x(2750 kg/m²)=720.500 liter -720.500lt/1.000= 720,5 m³ -Rainy season in 1 year: 4-5 months - (720,5):(5 months)= 145 m³ tank capacity for each month. So as a rainwater collection, a 145 m³ tank capacity is required in order to store all the rainwater that touches to the roof surface. For the drinking water supply, the existing tap water connections is considered. Secondly, each site needs a proper waste disposal for a healthy and hygienic school environment. In order to do that, there must be an underground septic tank in order to collect the disposals from the toilets and the kitchen. For the calculations of the septic tank, the formula is taken from BS6297 per year. -(C): (150liter)x(P)+(2000liter) -(C): size of the tank -(P): population

In Kali Devi and Ghandruk; -Occupancy of school: ~ 100 people (C)= 150 x 100+ 2000 liter; 20 m³ Hence, for both school sites, the annual need of septic tank capacity must be at least 20 m³ under the ground. Furthermore, in order to keep rainwater and tap water connections safe from the septic system, the location choice is important and must be distant from each other. 4.2. Spatial Strategies Spatial strategies for a prototype take root from 5 main rules which will be explained in detail below as simplicity, low techniques with new interpretations, design to be educational, design to be home and design to be flexible, respectively. These strategies must be applicable in both school sites, maybe in another form but with the same logic and system, because the other important thing for the proposal is to propose a prototype for easy and fast production of a school building too. In the current situation, the country needs to build 8.000 school as quickly as possible in order to complete a very fundamental necessity of the country. 4.2.1. Simplicity For earthquake resistance, simplicity of the building structure is very crucial. So that the structural body of the building should be origi-

Left: Figure 30_Sun Azimuth, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (drawn by Eda Uraz) Right: Figure 31_Sun Azimuth, Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (drawn by Eda Uraz)



nated from the simple geometric forms such as circles, rectangles, and squares. In Nepal, most of the school buildings have linear plan organization which causes weaker structural ability against earthquake, because the longer and more linear the building, the weaker it gets. That’s why, defined, well bonded, simple characteristics for the building volume is the first important step to take. 4.2.2. Low Techniques with new interpretations

Local Availability


Some similar references in developing countries lead my way during the pursuit of my proposal. Rufisque Women’s Centre inspired me with the contrast between its entrance and courtyard. It is visible that, the facility is there, and where it begins is clear. On the other hand, that door draws a border for keeping a very special outside place for the users modesty. Another project is a secondary school project from Nepal. The speciality of the project comes from the details of the solutions. The ‘Taq’ technique, which was an earthquake proven technique from their ancestors, was applied in the secondary school’s construction system in a very modern way. Also, the material choices for the lower walls, upper walls and roofing shows that, the building starts with an heavy material for stability, and through the upper parts it changes and gets much lighter in order to prevent heavy loads during the disastrous earthquake. The third one, an Educational Building in Mo-

Sun dried hollow bricks


Above: Image 44__Construction Site with Local Resources(by Eda Uraz) Middle: Image_45: Sun Dried Hollow Core Brick (Made by Eda Uraz) Below: Image_46: Bamboo Reinforced Earthquake Resistant Wall System (by Eda Uraz)

Bamboo reinforced earthquake resistant wall system



Hope and Resistance 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype zambique, is an example with its construction process. Their ideology is building a simple structural forms with a functional and playful atmosphere inside. During the construction of the school building, the team works with the local people. Firstly, they build up the structure, Secondly, they fill up the sandbag walls in between the structure, and then they cover the building with a special roof that also enables collection of rainwater. So the building becomes educational itself by the collaboration of the construction team and the local people (see the images 50, and 51 in the next pages). The following reference is Bamboo Primary School in Vietnam. To me, for my proposal, the charming aspect of this project is a design with detached classrooms, and an outside space in between them under the big canopy roof. So that the roof makes the school facility a whole, but under the roof the clusters of education, and outside activity becomes diverse (see the images 52, 53 in the next pages). Another example comes from Burkino Faso, Afrika. This school is a special reference for my proposal with its double roof solution. It has a big over hanged corrugated sheet roof and in order to supply cross ventilation and cooler interior temperature, the secondary ceiling underneath. Also, The Preschool in Ouled Merzoug in Morocco played a very important role for the opening designs, with its playful organization, colours and textures. As a last reference for the materiality and detailing, the experiment on bamboo fibres by Prof. Dirk Hebel from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich enlightened me to proof

the strength of the material structurally. Eventually, by these comprehensive projects, I would be able to widen my design approach, and enrich the meaning of my ideal school. 4.2.3. Design To Be Educational This step explains how I combined the traditional techniques with the new approaches by an inclusive design criteria. So that the whole school building would be educational by its existence for the local community. Reasons To Collapse As I explained in my strategy, the ideal school should be built with the collaboration of the local community with the design team. In this way, the process must start by giving lectures about what an earthquake is, Why were most of the buildings collapsed during the Gorkha earthquake with all the reasons. The main reasons of collapses of buildings during the earthquake were roof breakdown that could have been avoided by stronger tie beams and proper roof structure, delamination of stone buildings that could have been avoided by better bondings in-between stones or welded steel structure covering them, poor construction quality that could have been avoided by properly constructed braced frames, low quality of structural integrity that could have been avoided by building up a proper structural body and weak corner joints that could have been avoided by corner reinforcements. If the local community would listen to the reasons Left: Image 47_Experiment on Bamboo Fibres by Prof. Dirk Hebel from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Image 48_A Prototype of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete by Prof. Dirk Hebel from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Source: https://www.dezeen. com



without having a prejudice about the weakness of local materials, they would really understand that earthquake resistant design is possible within their cultural identity.

Roof Collapsing

Tie Beams


Woven Infill

Poor Quality of Construction

Braced Frames

Lack of Structural Integrity

Proper Structural Body

Weak Corners

Corner Reinforcement Learn The Material After the lecture or series of lectures about the weaknesses and strengths of building with their resources, the material possibilities should be introduced and materials should be prepared together. As a sample, I continued with brick for my proposal, since the sun dried bricks are really possible and easy to create. The material is the earth itself, with a special craft, the frames for bricks can be prepared and practiced together for experiencing all the correct bonding alternatives in order to show the stability of their soil and let them test and have contact with the naked material. So the community should really understand all the logic about brick masonry properly, as explained below, respectively. The specialty of brick work is the system of its bonding. To bring two bricks together horizontally, we need a bond in-between them that is called ‘perpend’. And to bring two bricks together vertically we again need a bond which is called ‘bed joint’. The aggregation of bricks by bonding between longer sides of the brick is called header, and by bonding between shorter sides of the brick is called stretcher. In the regular arrangement of the brick masonry, bond are never encountered.



Bed Joints

Regular arrangement of masonary unit

-Stretchers and headers must alternate regularly on elevation.




Wrong bonding

Bonding should not come across.

-Horizontal courses must be aligned.

-Perpends must continue straight from beginning of a brick, till the end.

Above: Figure 32_How to Deal with the Wrong Structural Applications (drawn by Eda Uraz) Below: Figure 33_Learn to Built (drawn by Eda Uraz)



Hope and Resistance 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype Wrong bondings without alterations of bricks creates a weak wall system. As can be seen in the drawings on the right side of the page, stretchers and headers have to alternate on the elevation of the wall, so the connection of the bricks by having once the shorter side of a brick and once the longer side of a brick enables the wall unit to work as a whole. Another important thing is that, the perpend must continue from the beginning of the brick, until the end. The bonding material shouldn’t be under used. Learn how to build for testing on wall samples After the introduction lectures about the materiality, different wall system can be prepared, and tested. Here, according to my research, I will go in depth about new exploration of brick masonry by new interpretations, such as reinforcing the wall systems of brick masonry with other material alternatives. The first technique that can be tested by the design team and community is ‘Reinforced Cavity Wall’ with concrete infill. This system is proven as an earthquake resistant technique according to my research. But the negative side of it is usage of concrete. In this step, while testing this system with the community in the construction site, the side effects of usage of concrete should be explained patiently. Because, concrete is a material which cannot be reused, and recycled. It is not sustainable for the earth and it releases carbon dioxide

emission and causes pollution. The second technique is similar to the Nepalese ‘Taq’ and Turkish ‘Himis’ technique. It is brick masonry with tying horizontal, vertical and diagonal beams in order to support primary structural elements. The community can build a sample and place it next to the first sample to understand the similarities and differences in appearance and in strength. This solution is an environmentally friendly solution. It uses possible local resources such as the soil, and timber from the Sal wood. The system is sustainable, thanks to its materiality. In the case of demolishing the building, the materials in good state can still be used or recycled. The third testing technique is the stone wall system with steel welding around. To do that, first the team and the local people should learn the handcraft of welding the steel in order to bring it in a state of strength for covering the stones. Then natural stones supplied from the river bed is used for the filling. So, after the community and the team makes a sample of this system, they can place it next to the other samples for comparison. Similarly, this system is also sustainable in the way that the materials are local, recyclable and reusable. The fourth technique is another solution by brick masonry. This method ‘Hollow Core Masonry’ with steel reinforcements. This system requires hollow core bricks. So, the team should teach how to prepare a brick with a hollow inside. This step will be explained in the fifth wall system.

Left: Image 49_The Entrance of Rufisque Women’s Center, Senegal (Hollmen Reuter Sandman Architects) Right: Image 50_The Garden of Rufisque Women’s Center, Senegal (Hollmen Reuter Sandman Architects) Source: http://www.hollmenreutersandman.com



This system requires steel for reinforcement and cement for the stability of the steel in the hollows. Even if the system requires less concrete than the first one, it is still not a dry solution. Therefore steel is a material which must be imported out of the country. So the solution becomes less sustainable.

Reinforced Cavity Wall with Concrete Infill

Timber Structure with Brick Infill

Hollow Core Masonry with Steel Reinforcement and Concrete Infill

Above: Figure 34_Earthquake Resistant Wall Samples (drawn by Eda Uraz)

Welded Steel Structure with Stone Infill



Hope and Resistance 4. Introduction to Strategy and Approach, Design to be a prototype The fifth and the last wall alternative is the one that I developed according to my research and by consideration of local availabilities as much as possible. Bamboo is a material that can be used as a reinforcement as a local earth quake resistance. And instead of usage of cement, gravel would be a dry solution for the infill of the hollows. For this method, the brick sizes are really important for the particular stability. The hollow sizes must be 8cm for the bamboo placement inside which is 6cm in diameter. And the dimensions of the brick must be 30cmx30cmx12cm. The width of the solid part of the brick provides stability, so it should at least be 10cm for the stiffness. So the trial of this sample can also be tested with the community in order to compare the 5 solutions all together and select one of them as a system of the ideal school. First the hollow core bricks must be prepared for this system. It is possible to prepare compressed bricks with a machine, but the size of the bricks made by this machine is limited. And for having a hollow inside the brick with the necessity of durability, the biggest size of compressed blocks would remain small and weak. So by avoiding the

baked brick, since it is not sustainable and it is a main pollution problem of Nepal, the sun dried adobe bricks should be prepared. To do that, they need a handcrafted wooden frame to placing the mixture of brick inside the frame. After the required amount of the sun dried bricks are ready for the construction of the sample, the system can be tested like the other alternatives. The bamboos should be placed and the infill work should be completed after the brickwork masonry is completed properly. On the other hand, for the seismic active areas, the foundation quality matters. For the stability of the bamboo in the foundation system (which will be explained in the next chapter in detail) the steel bars must be anchored in the ground. And then, the bamboo sticks will be placed after the brick masonry is completed on the correct location which is compatible with the steel anchors. For providing the togetherness of bamboo and the steel bars, a very little amount of cement must be poured at the bottom level of bamboo, so that the wall system is reinforced, stable, and well connected with the foundation.

Below: Image 51_1/20 Hollow Core Masonry with Bamboo Reinforcement and Gravel Infill Model (Made by Eda Uraz).



In addition to this, the system would became totally sustainable and possible within local resources (except the anchoring steel). As a consequence of five earthquake resistant method trials, one method can be selected, together by the local community and the team. It is really important to make them decide for the system of the school, because definitely they would choose what they would believe in and what they would feel looks contemporary. So, this process makes the whole project meaningful and educational for everybody. Furthermore, they also carry out these special five techniques for the further constructions in the village. In this way, both the society becomes more educated and the village becomes stronger against seismic activities.

Above: Figure_35_Hollow Core Masonry with Bamboo Reinforcement and Gravel Infill (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 4.2.4. Design To Be Home Another important characteristics of the village is their house typology and life style. So that, if the school resembles the house character of the village, it would become more like a place that they can call ‘home’. According to the house typologies (that is explained in further detail in the 3rd chapter) there are some very special characteristics that influenced my school proposal. The typical Nepalese house typology in the village has a big garden, a porch in front of it, and the interior facilities. The main garden is reached by a small path in most cases. The garden does not limit the visibility from outside, but also does not allow direct access from the main road. There is a small path which branches out of the main road and comes to the more private place, to the garden. So even if the garden is just an outside space, it is still behind invisible borders. The porch is another place that defines border of the family’s property. Also it is for outside activities under the over hanged roof of the house. After the porch, the ground floors remain for the main living activities and the kitchen. The kitchen has a special location which is far away from the entrance of the house in order to keep the privacy level high and the kitchen itself clean. In addition to that, toilets are always outside the house facility. There is a small hut for the toilet which is away from the house for keeping the dirt away from the clean interior zone. And bedrooms become the most private zone by their location, which is upstairs of the

housing facility. As a consequence, the general tendency of housing design in the village shows similarities in most of the cases. Moreover, the houses also take their organization according to the habit of the local community. So it really reflects the identity. That’s why, I aimed to study the local typologies for describing them in my school proposal in order to design a place which feels like home, which fills people with enthusiasm, and which really exists thanks to the continuity of their special identity and daily life habits.

Left: Image 52_Playful Space of Preschool of Ouled Merzoug, Morocco Right: Image 53_Life in the courtyard of Preschool of Ouled Merzoug, Morocco. Source: BC Architects (http:// architects.bc-as.org)



Traditional Nepalese House Typologies

Plan Type 2: with interior living room

Plan Type 1: Gurung House Typology

Plan Type 3: Tamang House Typology

Plan Type 2: Gurung House Typology kitchen + living


porch garden room

Spatial Organization of a House

ogy e Typology Plan Type Plan 3: Tamang Type 3: Tamang House Typology House Typology


Plan Type 3: with central living room

Plan Type Plan 2: Gurung Type 2: House GurungTypology House Typology Plan Type Plan 4: Tamang Type 4: Tamang House Typology House Typology Plan Type Plan 5: Tamang Type 5: Tamang House Typology House Typology Plan Type Plan 6: Tamang Type 6: Tamang House Typology House Typology

A school in a House Typology

Spatial Organization of a Plot

Plan Type 4: Tamang House Typology

Plan Type 5: Tamang House Typology

Plan Type 6: Tamang House Typology

Above: Figure 36_Characteristics of Traditional Tamang and Gurung House Typologies (Drawn by Eda Uraz) Source: Emergent Architects, Foundation of Public Interest, Study of habitat typologies and Solutions for their seismic reinforcement Nepal, 2016, www.archi-urgent.com

Traditional Turkish House Typologies

Plan PlanType Type1:1:without withoutliving livingroom room Plan PlanType Type2:2:with withexterior exteriorliving livingroom room

Plan Type 1: without living room


Plan Type 2: with exterior living room

Plan PlanType Type2:2:with withinterior interiorliving livingroom room

Plan Type 2: with interior living room

Plan PlanType Type3:3:with withcentral centralliving livingroom room

Plan PlanType Typ

Plan Type 3: with central living room


Hope and Resistance 4.2.5. Design To Be Flexible In my proposal flexibility of the school design is very crucial. Because, in order to propose a prototype design and participation by the local community, the design must be very responsive for any possibilities. Firstly it must be adaptable for different climate zones, which might result in different plan layouts or requirements. On the other hand, in order to make the local people believe in the design quality and a design which is really special to them, they must be included the design process by listening them and interchanging the ideas. To be able do that, I defined a grid of 5m by 5m and some geometric forms as the representation of school facilities. So, on a scaled model, the local people can test any alternatives that reflects their cultural spatial organization and climatic requirements. Then by this way they really can design their school building by learning how to build and then inclusive design process.



Above: Image Series_Flexibility of Design (Made by Eda Uraz)



Hope and Resistance 4.2.6. Program The program of the school will not interrupt the ongoing primary school education. The new school will be in a location that would complete the existing school as if its the other half for both project sites. And it will include secondary school education (for Kali Devi), community education, a sacred place-kitchen, safety, privacy, practice, playfulness and joy. The reason for placing secondary school education in Kali Devi is because the nearest existing secondary school is 2,5 hour walking distance. So that the number of students going to the secondary school from this village dramatically decreases due to the weather conditions or lack of motivation of the student. And education level remains very low. The community education and practical education come into existence, because the community must learn how to build, must contribute, and carry out the techniques for the other future buildings of the village. Only by this way, the safer structures can be defined within their indigenous identity. And only by this way they would believe in the new defined structure that is really safe. That’s why, inclusive design, the interaction of international opinions with local ones are really important to persuade the local community that they can believe in the project which is safe, which is educational, which is really made for them and which fulfils their dreams, and cultural footprints. The kitchen is a very special place for Nepalese people, at least for Kali Devi, as far as I experienced there. In the kitchen, the family comes together 3 times a day, spends time together,and eats together. So the kitchen is

a place to meet. At the same time, it becomes public for the family members. It has borders on the outside. The location of the kitchen, according to the local house typologies, is the furthest point from the entrance. It is hidden, but in a way it is public. That’s why I defined the kitchen as a sacred place for them. In the current situation, in the school, there is no food and no dining hall. The children are there from the early morning, until the afternoon and they become hungry. This would effect both the energy level and the motivation of a kid to come to the school. So the kitchen must be included in the new school program. At the school, the kitchen turns into a more public place than in a house. It becomes a place for all the children, their families and the teachers. In this way, the students would not continue the second part of the day with a hungry belly. Also, the operation of the kitchen would be managed by one or two mother per day, so that they can cook for the school community and at the same time they can make their bonds with this education facility stronger. By the existence of the new school in the same site as the existing schools, privacy, and the joy which is a really big expectation for a kid, must be supplied in the program. In Kali Devi, in the current situation, there is not a specified school garden. Instead, there is a huge space in front of the school that can be used for any kind of activity. Also, the classes face the outside directly. In this case, the education facility might be interrupted easily by the noise coming from outside. That’s why, a defined, private, safe and joyful school garden must be

Left: Image 54_Overhanged Roof of Gando Primary School, Burkino Faso, Afrika. Right: Image 55_Double Ceiling of Gando Primary School, Burkino Faso, Afrika. Source: http://www.afritecture.org



part of the design. In Ghandruk, the school has more compact plan and a court yard, in this case, the proposal becomes a completion part with its additional classrooms, community centre, kitchen and a hygienic sanitary zone. While safety has a meaning for children’s state in the school, it is also a requirement for the building itself. As it was explained in ‘Strategy’ chapter, the building must be safe against earthquake, and must arouse curiosity of the users by its safe look. The last content of the program is playfulness, which is a very important and basic characteristic for a school. Firstly, the school must be playful enough for children, because the school should not only be a place for education but also a place where the children would like to go with passion and have fun. On the other hand, playfulness means flexibility in design for a prototype school. In this way the volumes of the school buildings will become a place that inspires interest, entertaining by its in between spaces and spatial quality.




School In Nepal Within Limited Resources




Above: Figure 37_Program of the New School (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 4.2.7. Research Based Design Brief This chapter is a bridge between design and research. It shows the relations, origins and reasons of the school design. It defines the system and the strategy to be a prototype for different locations under the social and technical frameworks. For my proposal to be real, it definitely needs the social aspect, an inclusive design, because if the people feel that they are given importance and taught proper solutions, they would understand the importance of their role in the continuity of their vulnerable culture. Firstly, the strategy and the program are defined according to the social and physical demands. Social demands are an education facility both for the community and the children which includes participation, learning by building, protecting local culture, and feeling safe. The physical demands are providing a school building which is completely earthquake resistant, which has a new structural technique and appearance, which is adaptable to be a prototype, and which is integrated to the existing site conditions. Having said that, the location decision follows the demands. The building should be in relation with the existing school and should define a private school garden. It should be on land which is not steeper than 20% for the stability of the foundation. The school building should define ways of relating for the integrity of the school facility to the surrounding nature. And it should be a landmark of the village, a community centre, a school and an entrance for a better future by being educational as a whole by its body and its facility there. The school facility, should include, primary

school classrooms which are already there, the secondary school classrooms, a practical room for workshops, an outside workshop space as well, a defined school garden, a kitchen, a dining hall, clean toilets, and sanitized drinking water connection. Secondly, my proposal will be a prototype school which can adapt to different climate zones and material types with the same strategies. It will be a design which remains sustainable with the local resources and techniques and that is combined with the contemporary ones in order to realize a feasible, modern looking and a safe structure. The design of the school should carry all the cultural footprints for reflecting the real daily life style to the school life and provide the students a place that feels like home. And lastly the design of the school should reflect accustomed typologies in the village with well integrated of special structural techniques. Secondly, the environmental strategies bring an important value to the school facility. By the proposals for cross ventilation, rain water collection, acoustic quality and sun protection, the school activities would climb up to a comfort level. On the other hand, spatial strategies plays another significant role in my school proposal. For the structural quality and earthquake resistance, proposing a simple structural body is important. Also, in order to achieve a strategy which results in a school organism, the proposal must be inclusive of the local community. The more the design welcomes the community with an important role in the process, the more the school project will be real and successful. So that, the local community learn the material and how to build with it by the explanations of how to originate a school form from a mergence of local material combinations through new interpreta-

Left: Image 56_Educational Building, Mozambique, (by Tord Knapstad) Right: Image 57_Educational Building, Mozambique, (by Bror Hansen) Source: https://www.archdaily. com



tions. And they can even attend the process of school construction that would make the school a reality for everybody which they will really actively use, and which they will always be part of and proud of after the construction is completed. Furthermore, with the flexible plan proposal, the last planned layout of school facility becomes just representative on paper. It means, there would not be just one plan layout, the plan of the school can be in any shape. By this way, the locals can participate with the ideas, can change the design, and play with the volumes for their school proposal from beginning. In conclusion of this chapter, the new school proposal as a design should include and represent all the strategies and the inclusive program, so that it can reach to a level of being a comprehensive reference for the further future of the rural Nepal.

Above: Image 58: Community Day at School for the Introduction of New School Building, Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (by Eda Uraz).




Hope and Resistance 5.1. Current Situation In Sites 5.1.1. Kali Devi In Kali Devi, the primary school building is located on a hill which is in the central point of the village. The school site is approached by pathways from north east and south west that end up in a junction in front of the library building. On the east side of the library, the school building is located and surrounded by the natural landscape. Since it is on top of a small hill, It has clear visibility from different parts of the village. The current school site does not have a defined school garden, but just an open space in front of the classrooms. This situation decreases the quality of education by the other activities happening outside of the school or noises reaching the classrooms easily. Library on the west side of the school site is not in use for preventing robbery. 5.1.2. Ghandruk In Ghandruk, the secondary school building is located on a plain land in between the Annapurna mountain range. Village is located on the west side of the school, on a hill, and there is a small valley keeps the village and the school facility apart from each other. The school building is surrounded by the local landscape and also visible from village in this site too. The school facility is much bigger than the one in Kali Devi, it has a specified courtyard both for the school activities and the climatic requirements. For the sport facilities, there is a basketball field on the west site of the school building and an open space for other purposes related to school.

5.2. Intervention 5.2.1. Kali Devi In Kali Devi, the new school cluster is based on environmental and spatial strategies that are defined according to the research that is explained in the 3rd chapter and proposed to be a reflection of the existing school in order to catch similarities between the new and old by its volume. By this way the new design is not only a completion of the current building but also defines the school property and boundary. So, in the new situation, there will be a courtyard just for the school activities for the children and the classrooms become more intimate and silent with this layout. With the new facilities such as the community centre, game room, new classrooms and proper sanitary zone, the whole school facility becomes complete. 5.2.2. Ghandruk In Ghandruk, the new school cluster is also based on environmental and spatial strategies that are defined according to the research and located place instead of the current sanitary zone of the existing facility. This zone is replaced by the new classrooms, a game room, community centre and a newer sanitary zone as a supplement of the ongoing education. In this way, the school would have a welcoming entrance, a community zone and then classrooms respectively. Also in this site, the school design is based on environmental and spatial strategies that are defined according to the research.

Above: Image 59_ Kali Devi Existing School (y Eda Uraz). Below: Image 60_Ghandruk Existing School (by Eda Uraz).



Above: Image 61_ 1/1000 Master Plan Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz). Below: Image 62_ 1/1000 Master Plan Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 5.3. Design Process In the design process both for Ghandruk and Kali Devi, different plan layouts with the same approach were studied. On the right side of the page, there are some plan trials showing the idea of having one whole roof and cluster of facilities from more public to private underneath. While some examples are more rigid or loose, the others are more playful or compact. The main reason of studying different plan layouts during the design process is to find the correct layout for both climate zones and cultures. With the support of physical models, I could have chance to feel the new atmosphere between my proposal and the existing. That process also lead me to complete the process with the most feasible, flexible and adaptable ones to be a prototype. Also, small samples of the wall system lightened me to solve the particular details of the new proposal for the earthquake resistant wall system.

Above: Image Series_ 1/100Ground Floor Plan Process (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Left Above: Image Series_ 1/1000 Model Process (Made by Eda Uraz). Right Above: Image Series_ Varied Scaled Models in Process (Made by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 5.4. Participatory Design, How Does It Work For a Prototype? Prototype as a school means a series of defined strategies that can end up with different plan layouts with different materials or different spatial configurations according to the need of a specific village, culture, local resources and identity. For every different proposal in Nepal, the layout and required facilities may change, but the strategy and approach to construction of the school building must be the same. In this way, 8.000 schools which were demolished because of the Gorkha earthquake in 2015 can be replaced faster with the same earthquake resistant strategies. 5.4.1. Kali Devi, Logic of The System The logic of the school system in Kali Devi is based on the experience and research in the site, the guidelines and characteristics, environmental requirements and spatial strategies. Moreover, the plan layout of the school takes its origin from flexibility and typical house typologies in order to resemble their habits in the school atmosphere and let them be part of all the process of their new school. Ground Floor Plan In the master plan on the right side, the attempt of locating the new school against the junction of roads is to define a welcoming entrance zone by the porch, the kitchen and the community centre which are the most public facilities in the school. After that, the game room, amphitheatre and 2 classrooms follows each other in a loose pattern under a whole over hanged roof. In the spaces between buildings under the roof, all the community activities can happen such as eating, gathering together, story telling, learning, and experiencing. In the garden between two school buildings, children can play or community can practice the new construction techniques. Also the new school building perform as a bridge between the new school garden and the wooden playground on the southern hill of the site.


Above: Image 63_ 1/200 Ground Floor Plan Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).




Hope and Resistance Ground Floor Plan, Kali Devi 18.00 1.85 2.00

5.50 5.00





Above: Image 64_ 1/100 Ground Floor Plan Kali Devi, Makwanpur, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).




15.20 5.50 5.00

2.80 3.30





2.20 1.70


5.00 5.50



A 0








Hope and Resistance Summer, Kali Devi

Above: Image 65_ 1/50 Section AA, Kali Devi in a Sunny Day (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance Fall, Kali Devi

Above: Image 66_ 1/50 Section AA, Kali Devi in a Sunny Day (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance Interior Life, Kali Devi

Above: Image 67_ Life in the School, Kali Devi (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance Safe School, Kali Devi

Above: Image 68_ Safe School, Kali Devi (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance 5.4.2. Ghandruk, Logic of The System Ground Floor Plan In the master plan on the right side, the proposal of the new school design shows that there is a welcoming entrance with the community centre as a kitchen, common public space under the roof, and then the classrooms as a more private space. The plan layout is more compact here in order to share walls and interior warmth in between spaces, and prevent strong wind circulation between the buildings. Also the kitchen and sanitary zone come together in this plan layout. The interior garden is a space for the children to play, for the school activities, or as the practice place for the community members who want to take place in the design process. In short, there are 2 different plan layouts within same strategies in my proposal. And those are not the only two as it was explained in detail in the research based design chapter. The plan layouts seem finished, but actually, the logic of the system shows the varied possibilities under defined rules and flexibility strategies.

Above: Image 69_ 1/200 Ground Floor Plan Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).





Hope and Resistance Ground Floor Plan In the master plan on the right side, the proposal of the new school design shows that there is a welcoming entrance with the community centre as a kitchen, common public space under the roof, and then the classrooms as a more private space. The plan layout is more compact here in order to share walls and interior warmth in between spaces, and prevent strong wind circulation between the buildings. Also the kitchen and sanitary zone come together in this plan layout. The interior garden is a space for the children to play, for the school activities, or as the practice place for the community members who want to take place in the design process. In short, there are 2 different plan layouts within same strategies in my proposal. And those are not the only two as it was explained in detail in the research based design chapter. The plan layouts seem finished, but actually, the logic of the system shows the varied possibilities under defined rules and flexibility strategies.

Left: 1/100 Physical Model, Ghandruk (Made by Eda Uraz) Right: Image 70_ 1/100 Ground Floor Plan Ghandruk, Pokhara, Nepal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).




16.20 2.00


2.50 5.00









5.00 5.50


B 0








Hope and Resistance Winter, Ghandruk

Above: Image 71_ 1/50 Section BB, Ghandruk in a Snowy Day (Drawn by Eda Uraz).





Hope and Resistance Summer, Ghandruk

Above: Image 72_ 1/50 Section BB, Ghandruk in a Sunny Day (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance Interior Life, Ghandruk

Above: Image 73_ Life in the School, Ghandruk (Drawn by Eda Uraz) .





Hope and Resistance Safe School, Ghandruk

Above: Image 74_ Safe School, Ghandruk (Drawn by Eda Uraz).





Hope and Resistance Materiality 3-Steel bars attached to the ground 4-Bamboo positioning on steel bars for hollow brick reinforcement -A bit of cement infill for stabilising the junction of steel and bamboo in the foundation plinth 5-Stone foundation 6-Stone soling The structural elements such as ring beams, plinth beams, lintel beams, horizontal, vertical and diagonal secondary structural supports, and corner reinforcements are locally available woods and are designed for earthquake resistance in order to prevent torsion and twist of the building under the earthquake force. The roof trusses, tie beams between columns, the secondary ceiling structures are made out of locally available wood as well. The building starts with the heavy materials from the foundation and gets lighter through to the roof. At the roof level as a last layer of the building, slates are proposed since they are locally available, and very specific to their culture as a roof material.

In my proposal, material choices for the school building depends on local resources, and techniques within the new structural interpretations for earthquake resistance. For the wall material, earth is proposed to make sun dried bricks with local craftsmanship, since it is what they already have there on the ground. Within a correct application, it can work as a strong material for the structure and as an insulation system for the interior comfort temperatures. To be able to use earth as a structural element, the mixture and amount of materials are important. The mixture should include sand, loam, clay, straw and water in correct amounts. For the reinforcement of the wall system, the hollow core bricks are used in order to fill the space with the bamboo and gravel for the bonding of each horizontal brick layer. The foundation is made by the locally available stones from the river beds. And small steel bars and small amounts of cement are necessary for anchoring the bamboo sticks properly in the foundation. In the image below; the foundation process explained by numbers as follows; 1-Firm and flat site 2-Borders of foundation






1 Above: Image 75_Foundation Detail (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Above: Image 76_1/25 Section (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance Structural System

Locally Available Roof Slates

Secondary Structure: Third Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates

Secondary Structure: Second Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates Bamboo Sheet for Waterproofing

Secondary Structure: First Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates Primary Structure: Wooden Truss Ststem

Second Ceiling: Wooden Ring beam Bamboo Sheet Wooden Supports to Carry Bamboo Sheet Wall: Hollow Cored Sun Dried Brick Bamboo and Gravel Reinforcement

Ground and Foundation: Stone Foundation Stone Soling Rammed Earth Mud Tiles

Above: Image 77_Kali Devi Northwest Axonometric View (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Locally Available Roof Slates

Secondary Structure: Third Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates

Secondary Structure: Second Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates Bamboo Sheet for Waterproofing

Secondary Structure: First Bamboo Layer for Carrying Roof Slates Primary Structure: Wooden Truss Ststem

Second Ceiling: Wooden Ring beam Bamboo Sheet Wooden Supports to Carry Bamboo Sheet

Wall: Hollow Cored Sun Dried Brick Bamboo and Gravel Reinforcement

Ground and Foundation: Stone Foundation Stone Soling Rammed Earth Mud Tiles

Above: Image 78_Ghandruk Northwest Axonometric View (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 5.4.3. Hand crafted contributions

Above: Image 79_1_5000 Kali Devi Site Model (Group Work).



Above: Image 80_1_5000 Ghandruk Site Model (Group Work).



Hope and Resistance 5.4.5. Hand crafted contributions

Above: Image Series_Kali Devi Proposal (Made by Eda Uraz).



Above: Image Series_ Ghandruk Proposal (Drawn by Eda Uraz).



Hope and Resistance 5.4.5. Hand crafted contributions

Above: Image 81_Kali Devi Top View (Made by Eda Uraz). Below: Image 82_Ghandruk Top View (Made by Eda Uraz)



Above: Image 83_1/20 Earthquake Resistant Wall Wall Sample (Made by Eda Uraz). Below: Image 84_1/20 Structural Model (Made by Eda Uraz)



Hope and Resistance 5.4.5. Hand crafted contributions






Above: Image 85_Materials for Sun Dried Brick (Made by Eda Uraz) Below: Image 86_Brick Mixture, Process of Drying in the Mould (Made by Eda Uraz).



Above: Image 87_Sun Dried Brick After 1 Week (Made by Eda Uraz) Below: Image 88_Brick Texture (Made by Eda Uraz)



Chapter 6: bibliography

Hope and Resistance Books [1] Sinclair, C. (2006). Design Like You Give A Damn (1), Architecture by Humanity. [2] Sinclair, C. (2012). Design Like You Give A Damn (2), Architecture by Humanity. [3] Bouchez, H. (2017). A Wild Thing. [4] Proulx, A. (2017). Barkskins. [5] Khan, M. (2013). Earthquake Resistant Structures. [6] Moustafa, A. (2012) Earthquake Resistant Structures, Design,Assessment and Rehabilitation. [7] Coburn, A. (2002). Spence R., Earthquake Protection. [8] Bungale, S. (2005).Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings,Structural Analysis and Design. [9] Dowrick, D. (2009). Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk Reduction. [10] Kelly, J. (1997). Earthquake-Resistant Design with Rubber. [11] Tomazevic, M. (2006). Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings. [12] Cruz H. et al. (2015). Historical Earthquake-Resistant Timber Framing in the Mediterranean Area. [13] Eldem, S. (1954). Turk Evi Plan TIpleri.



Hope and Resistance Articles & magazines [1] Bodach, S., Lang, W., Hamhaber, J. (2014). Climate responsive building design strategies of vernacular architecture in Nepal, Energy and Buildings 81 (2014) 227–242 [2] Langenbach, R. (2015). The earthquake resistant vernacular architecture in the Himalayas. Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-028920.

[13] Village Volunteers, Manual on Building Bamboo Houses. [14] Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Planning and Works Department of Urban Development and Building Construction, Nepal National Building Code. (1994). NBC 206, Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Building Construction: Earthen Building.

[3] Gautam et al. (2016). Geoenvironmental Disasters, Disaster resilient vernacular housing technology in Nepal 3:1 DOI 10.1186/s40677-016-0036-y.

[15] Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Planning and Works Department of Urban Development and Building Construction, Nepal National Building Code. (1994). NBC 105, Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal.

[4] Nripal Adhikary (2016) Vernacular architecture in postearthquake Nepal, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73:4, 533-540, DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2016.1179011.

[16] Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Planning and Works Department of Urban Development and Building Construction, Nepal National Building Code. (1994). NBC 108, Site Considerations for Seismic Hazards.

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