7 minute read
My Learning Log
My Learning My Learning Log Log
Throughout this unit I really liked learning about:
A skill I worked on during this unit: My favourite activity was: A question I still have: Two things I found interesting/surprising: Five things I learned: ©The Educational Company of Ireland
A drawing of something I have learned from this unit, for example, a map or a diagram showing how an experiment worked:
My sources Name of website, or title of book or newspaper
Primary or secondary source? 2 3 1 New information I found while doing research for this unit: ©The Educational Company of Ireland
Appreciating People
Design a school flag to promote diversity.
Turn your Activity Book sideways and design a flag to show that your school is inclusive of all ethnicities. Include a motto on your flag, for example, ‘Bringing out the best in each other’. G E O G R A P H Y ©The Educational Company of Ireland

People in the community
Write about the work of each of these people.
What is her job? ____________________________
What service does she provide?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ What contribution does her work make to the community? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ What is her job? ____________________________ What service does she provide? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ What contribution does her work make to the community? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ What is his job? ____________________________ What service does he provide? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ What contribution does his work make to the community? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 2 ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Diary entry
Imagine that you work in one of the jobs in activity B. Write a diary entry describing an unusual or exciting day on the job.
Dear Diary, ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Theme: Celebrating Diversity Feasts, Festivals andGames of theWorld
Using historical evidence
This photograph shows the first modern Olympic Games, which was held at the
Panathenaic Stadium in Athens in AD 1896. Examine the photograph and answer the questions. 1 In which century did this event take place? __________________________ 2 How many spectators would you estimate this stadium could hold? _______________________________________________________ 3 Do you think the design of stadiums has changed much over the years? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________©The Educational Company of Ireland
5 What kind of ceremony do you think might be taking place in the centre of the stadium? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6 Imagine that you are one of the spectators in the stadium. Write a paragraph describing how you feel about being at this event. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________©The Educational Company of Ireland
Fill in the blanks.
Eid Colosseum chocolate eggs festivals religion Ramadan
pagan dreidel Zeus Hanukkah eight gladiators oil lamps evil Christian Mass Olympic 776 BC
Feasts and ______________
exist in all cultures around the world. Some festivals are part of a ______________ . In the religion of Islam, two ______________ festivals are celebrated each year: Eid al-Fitir and Eir al-Adha. Eid al-Fitr marks the end of ______________, which is a month of fasting and prayer.
The Jewish religious festival of ______________ is celebrated every year between late November and December. It takes place over ______________ nights. Each night, one candle in the menorah is lit. Children often play a traditional game with a spinning top called a ______________ .
Diwali is a Hindu festival that celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and good over ______________ . Hindus celebrate Diwali by placing lights and _______ ______________
on the streets and in houses.
Easter is a ______________
festival that remembers the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. On Easter Sunday, many families attend ______________ and celebrate with friends and family. Adults and children are given ______________ _______ as gifts.
The ______________
Games began in the city of Olympia in Ancient Greece in the year ____________ . The games were part of a religious festival celebrating the god ______________ .
In AD 393, Roman Emperor Theodosius banned all ______________
festivals. The Ancient Romans held sporting events such as chariot racing in large arenas. At the ______________
in Rome, the audience came to watch tournaments between fighters called ______________ .©The Educational Company of Ireland

Theme: Celebrating Diversity 27 Changes for IrishWomenin the19thand20thCenturies

Fill in the blanks to complete the timeline.
The Constitution of Ireland is written.
1918 Rules about where and when women can work are introduced. 1908 The Ladies Committee is set up to support the IRB. 1831
H I S T O RY 1924 19371865 Constance Markievicz is elected to the British parliament. The Irish Women’s Franchise League is set up to campaign for the vote for women. The Irish National Board of Education makes primary education free. ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Diary entry
Imagine that you are working as a domestic servant for a wealthy family in an Irish city in 1900. Write a diary entry about a day in your working life.
Dear Diary, ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Changes for IrishWomeninthe19thand20thCenturies 27
Using historical evidence
This photograph was taken around 1906. It shows a district nurse visiting a family on Arranmore Island, Co. Donegal. District nurses were employed by the government to provide healthcare to patients in their own home. They visited the sick, assisted at births and gave babies regular check-ups. Examine the photograph and answer the questions. 1 Describe the home and the area seen in the photograph. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2 What do you think the district nurse is holding by her side? _______________________________________________________ 3 Why, do you think, was the district nurse visiting this family? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4 Do you think this family would have had access to healthcare without a district nurse? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5 Do you think being a district nurse was a rewarding job? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________©The Educational Company of Ireland _______________________________________________________

Theme: Celebrating Diversity 28 Celebrating Lo and Animals calPlants
Local investigation
1 Conduct a nature investigation in your locality and record your findings.
Location chosen:
What types of trees can you identify? What types of shrubs can you identify? How many different types of grass can you find? What types of wildflowers can you identify? What other types of plants can you identify? What types of insects can you identify? What types of birds or mammals can you identify?©The Educational Company of Ireland
Celebrating LocalPlants andAnimals 28 2 Choose a tree, a shrub and a wildflower from your nature investigation. Fill in the details in the grid.
Name: Description: Tree Shrub Wildflower
Is it common in this area? Estimate of height: Is it safe to touch? What do its leaves look like? Does it grow flowers? If so, describe them. Does it grow berries, nuts or seeds? If so, describe them. ©The Educational Company of Ireland
Crossword puzzle

3 4 5 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
1 The fruit of the horse chestnut tree 2 A bird found along the coast in Ireland 5 A female fox 6 The young of a fox 7 A male rabbit 8 A shrub that produces red berries called haws 9 Ireland’s tallest native tree 11 The fruit of the oak tree 12 Describes a tree that sheds its leaves each year in autumn
6 Down 1 A wildflower with lobed leaves and yellow flowers 3 A female rabbit 4 The young of a rabbit 10 Known as the ‘tree of wisdom’ in Irish mythology 13 A male fox©The Educational Company of Ireland

Case study

Choose an animal found in the wild in Ireland from the options below. Research your chosen animal and write a case study about it under the headings provided.
Include drawings or photographs.
Options: badger, red squirrel, red deer, pygmy shrew, Irish hare, viviparous lizard, sparrowhawk, smooth newt, long-eared owl, raft spider, Daubenton’s bat, pine marten C A S E S T U DY Case study about:________________________________________ Appearance and characteristics Habitat and diet Interesting details _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________©The Educational Company of Ireland