Aardvark Insurance Academy - April 2017

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More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

Joe Tipton & Eddie K. Emmett, Co-Editors / Publishers

The Single Most Important Fact You Must Know About Your Customer Retention By Michael Jans

It’s not a strategy. And the guy down the street would probably say the exact same thing.

My Doctor Plan ........................... 5

From time to time, an insurance agent or broker will share a bewildering story about their retention. Part of their market territory goes south on them. A zip code or postal code. A class of business. A niche. The whole book even!

Referrals: Let Your Clients Work for You ......................................... 8

If I’m going to dig into this, I start with the fundamental question:

Having a good staff, treating customers with respect and care…that’s just the ticket price. I won’t underestimate it. A great staff is a necessary – repeat, necessary – business practice.

The Top Rules of the Most Successful Agents ................... 10

What is your retention strategy?

But, it’s not a strategy.

That’s usually a bit of a conversation killer.

A strategy must express your agency’s core belief about what effects a positive outcome in your retention, with a series of measurable and testable executions that bring that belief to life in the real world.

In This Edition The Single Most Important Fact You Must Know About Your Customer Retention ................... 1

How to Use Video to Engage with a Video Handshake .......... 14 How well do your customers understand the coverage they have / don’t have? .................... 18 Isn’t close good enough? ........ 20 Check out Monday Morning Markets ...................................... 11 Aardvark Insurance Academy

After a little head scratching, the answer is usually along the lines of, “Well, we really take great care of our people.” Or, “I have a great staff.” That’s a retention strategy?! The guy down the street never thought of that?! Page 1 of 21

Continued on page 2 April 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

Your Customer Retention (continued from page 1) Retention is the great ’taken-for-granted’ in the insurance world. We all know – heck, we all LOVE – the fact that, in P&C, clients keep coming back. Year after year. But – until you do the math – you’re probably grossly underestimating the compounding power of small tweaks in your retention…and the effect it has on long term wealth and equity. Sadly, most management systems don’t elegantly (or accurately) reveal critical performance measures very well. So, when the monthly carrier reports come in, a lot of agency principals, do ‘quick head math’ to see how they’re doing. Then the phone rings or a CSR pops in with a question, and we’re off to the races.

Here’s the single most important truth you need to know about your retention: how great a difference a few small points will make to your income over the next few years. It’s huge. For example, let’s take a book with a million in revenue. At a (paltry) 85% retention – in other words, at an annual rate of erosion of 15% – that book will generate $5,551,045 in the next ten years. Bump retention by four points, and it generates $6,568,024. (And, we’re still only at a weak 89% retention rate!) Now, bump it up another four points, and it generates $7,855,664! A difference of over $2.3 million from the first scenario. (And, we’re still at a very achievable 93% retention.) Continued on page 4 Aardvark Insurance Academy

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April 2017

More Than Just a Pen: An Identity. Make Your Mark. Every time you reach for a pen, take a sip from your coffee mug, or make a note in your calendar, remember that 89% of consumers can tell you the name of the brand on a promotional product that they have received in the past 24 months. Investing as little as 23¢ cents per pen, with your logo on it, will make a lasting impression for your brand. How do you and your business stand out? Are you inadvertently missing the mark? The main use for promotional products is to increase brand recognition. With the rise of visual marketing, businesses are learning to show, not just tell. But why stop there? By giving your business a personal touch, your clients can carry your branded product, along with the memory of your quality of service. It’s time your clients have your brand in hand! Pbay Promo can give you a hand with your brand by offering your company, or campaign, the utmost attention it deserves, and the expertise you need to make your promotions stand out, from start to finish. Committed to offering clients an unmatched level of excellence in our products and services, Pbay Promo is focused on providing an exceptional customer experience, for your every promotional need. We meet or beat competitor’s prices, and provide knowledgeable support to ensure your order suits your needs perfectly. If you have a brand identity, we will bring you brand mobility.

It’s time to get noticed!

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com Your Customer Retention (continued from page 2)

 The first thing to know about your retention is that if you raise it, you’ll make a LOT more money. And, if you calculate how much more, you won’t be able to stop yourself from taking this notion – Retention Strategy – very, very seriously. 

The second thing to know. Loyal clients retain at 97%. (I’ve written about that extensively, including here.)

 The third thing to know is that you can help them become very loyal, very quickly, by communicating with them. Offering value. And doing it frequently.  And the fourth thing to know, if you’re not right now, actively, strategically and openly, working to earn their loyalty, there are plenty of other companies that would love to have your customers. And they are working on it. Want to know how much difference a few points in retention would mean to you? (How could you not? For most agencies, this is one of the most, if not the most important indicator of future income.) 1. Download our ‘Easy Millions Spreadsheet‘ here. http://go.agencyrevolution.com/freegift/ems/ Oh…and did I say, ‘FREE?’ Yup. 2.

Run the numbers.


Share with your team.


Commit to communicating – with value and frequency – with your customers.


(And, for goodness sake, if you have seen how our software does this for you, see for yourself!)

Admittedly, most agents think that marketing automation for insurance agencies must somehow be about getting new clients or lead generation. That’s a fraction of what it can do for you. Serious business owners – ‘insura-preneurs‘ if you will – understand the need for full spectrum marketing. And they never underestimate the power of retention.

Agency Revolution has delivered training and technology to independent insurance agencies and brokerages for over 20 years. We believe the independent agent-broker system is the best way to protect the consumer. NSD Aardvark Insurance Academy

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April 2017



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Independent Agents and their customers are seeing the value of Telemedicine Plans Over the past two weeks, the response has been overwhelming to myDOCTORplan™, offered to Independent Agents throughout the Southeast through PTS Financial Services. It’s no surprise! In 2015, around 15 million people utilized the services of telemedicine programs in the country. That number is estimated to grow 30% annually. Working families can’t resist the privacy, convenience, and cost effectiveness of treating routine illnesses, and Agents appreciate the satisfaction of offering their customers a truly valuable service, while earning 50% commission.

Why Offer myDOCTORplan™? ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

50% commission on active memberships No L&H license is required Customer Billing is automatic Diversifies your products and services Entire household is covered for one monthly fee of only $14.99, or A reduced annual fee of $129 (Save almost 30%!) Family members in household from ages 2-26 are included. Physician access 24/7/365 by phone or web $0 consultation fee or copay Many of your clients do not have health insurance/primary care physician

Your customers will ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

love myDOCTORplan™!

No more having to take time off work App or toll-free access to care 24/7/365 Family members including children ages 2 – 26 are covered No more having to visit the ER/Urgent Care Clinic for expensive care No more waiting in germ-filled doctors’ offices No more trying to get squeezed in to be seen No office visit copays Less interference with child or eldercare responsibilities No more long waits in doctors’ offices Access to doctors for new and refill prescriptions while traveling

Here is what one customer had to say:

“My daughter became ill late one Saturday evening, and I used the toll-free line. Within 15 minutes I was in contact with a physician who provided a consultation, and prescribed an antibiotic that I was able to pick up at my pharmacy the next morning.” –Victoria, Lafayette, GA. To show you just how confident we are that you will love having this service available to your clients; we are providing new producers a FREE SUBSCRIPTION for three (3) months! If you are interested in offering this program to your customers, or have questions contact Krystal Frachiseur at 706-602-0597 ext. 301, or by email at krystalf@ptsfinancialservices.com

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com Know Your Value

Referrals: Let Your Clients Work for You In the insurance industry, leads are the most important aspect of your business. Without new clients flowing in, revenue won’t flow out. While advertising and social networking are great ways to connect with new clients, why not use the contacts you already have to bring in new business? Research has shown that agents have greater closing ratios through a referral by friends or family of a client. This makes asking for referrals a great way to create new clients. Here are four ways to ask your current clients for referrals, so you can keep your business moving forward. AFTR – Ask for the Referral The primary reason agents don’t receive referrals is because they don’t ask for them. Always ask for the referral. The best time to ask is before your client leaves your office, while you’re still involved in the transaction and have their full trust and attention. While your clients may be more than happy to refer you to their friends and family, they may be unsure how to explain what makes you a great agent. To combat this, consider creating a one-page flyer or checklist detailing who you are, what you do, and why you’re great to work with. When you ask clients for referrals, leave this sheet with them so they’ll know exactly what to tell others.

Remember, you’re providing a service to your clients. If you’re good at what you do, why would they not want to recommend you to the people they care about? When you ask, assume your clients would be happy to refer you. If they seem hesitant, this opens up an opportunity for you to discuss what made them uncomfortable in the transaction process, which can help you improve in the future. Asking for referrals can feel nerve-wracking if you’re not used to it; however, with practice, it will become more and more natural and eventually just become part of your regular closing process. Plus, you’ll be creating a great stream of new clients. One of the best ways to generate new leads is by creating a system that works and sticking with it.

Use an Email Campaign After you’ve closed with a client, add them to an automated campaign that goes out each month with insurance-related ideas so you can always stay “top of mind” with them. In these emails, remind them you are also available to help their friends and family have peace of mind when it comes to insurance. Be sure your contact information is always prominently displayed in your campaigns and add links to your social sites that will allow clients to rate or share their experiences on your pages. Remember, once a client opens your email, they should know exactly what you want them to do next. A clear call to action is necessary for clients to interact with you.

Since referrals can be your #1 source for new prospects, why not use the #1 best ways to get your customer's referral message in front of their friends? Here’s a short video tutorial I created for our Alliance Members. https://youtu.be/XriguCuAJec Check out our newest Alliance Member Benefit. And the best part? It's free! eke

Offer a Small Incentive In some states, your appreciation for a referral can only be expressed in a verbal “thank you.” In others, however, you could offer a financial incentive for each referral that turns into a closed transaction. Keep these incentives inexpensive and relevant to the transaction goal. For example, a small gift card shows appreciation without breaking your budget, while a yearly subscription to a meal prep delivery club may be a little excessive. Also, remember that for many clients, having someone they know, like, and trust help their friends and family is all the incentive they need.

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April 2017

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The Top Rules of the Most Successful Agents by John Chapin What follows is a list of most important rules followed by the top 1% of agents. Burn these into your brain by reading them every morning when you first wake up and right before you go to bed for the next 30 days. After that read them once a week. Rule 1: My most important result is to produce. Rule 2: My most important activity is to talk to as many potential prospects as possible. This is my main focus every day and I don’t let anything distract me from this most important task. Rule 3: I am in the people business first and foremost. I build solid, long-term relationships. Rule 4: I am a team player and play well with others.

Rule 13: I am always learning and getting better professionally and personally. I read books, listen to CDs, watch DVDs and videos, follow industry publications, go to workshops and seminars, and invest in learning. Rule 14: I take 100% responsibility for my failure and success. I am my greatest enemy or ally. The only one in my way is me. Rule 15: I understand there are no excuses. Someone has had it worse and overcome it. Rule 16: I face my fears and push out of my comfort zone. I make the tough calls and do something that scares me every day. Rule 17: I know my numbers and my daily activity. I know what I have to do every day to hit my weekly, monthly, and annual goals.

Rule 5: I have a great attitude, am self-disciplined, and am the hardest worker in the workplace.

Rule 18: I listen 70 to 80% of the time. When I do talk it is usually to ask good questions.

Rule 6: I show up early, leave late, and work nights and weekends.

Rule 19: I am great at finding problems and never propose a solution until I know the problem(s).

Rule 7: I persevere and persist. I refuse to quit until I win.

Rule 20: I always do what’s best for the client and put their needs first.

Rule 8: I am thick-skinned and don’t take things personally.

Rule 21: I realize that the first sale is to myself. I believe my company and my product are the best.

Rule 9: I always smile no matter what gets thrown at me.

Rule 22: I dress well and am neatly groomed. I realize that a good handshake, polished shoes, speaking professionally and intelligently, and having a clean, crisp image are essential.

Rule 10: I am extremely responsive and answer client/prospect communications as quickly as possible. I also answer calls and e-mails at night and on the weekends. Rule 11: I am self-motivated. I know WHY I do what I do. I am also self-disciplined so that when motivation wanes, I still do what I need to do even though I may not feel like it.

Rule 23: I understand that my quality of life comes down to who I associate with and what I put in my brain. I put positive thoughts and ideas in my head and only hang out with positive people. I stay away from negatives and negative people. I also only listen to top salespeople and business people.

Rule 12: I push myself harder than anyone else can possibly push me. Aardvark Insurance Academy

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Continued on page 12

April 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58ubgSnewSk ************************************************************** Insurance marketing expert, George Nordhaus, has created a brand new marketing system (Monday Morning Markets) for specialty coverages of all kinds…that automatically adds a new Product Knowledge Video or an Insurance Insights Video every week right on your website …at no cost to your agency. Over 200 agencies have each “claimed” their 200,000 population exclusive territory. After embedding the MMM system on their websites, the MMMapproved agencies are busy using the additional marketing materials furnished by MMM to tell their clients and prospects about the availability of “Every insurance product you can name…and more”. So if you are ready to know more, go into www.MondayMorningMarkets.com. Listen to the explanatory videos. See how top independent agencies are using MMM on their websites. Then take five minutes of your time and click on “Agencies” (top menu). You’ll find out if your territory is still available. In Georgia, for example there are 54 territories, and 49 are still available. Five minutes can change your agency forever! Check out Monday Morning Markets Aardvark Insurance Academy

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April 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com person of integrity and character. I am always professional, respectful, and honest.

Rule 34: I focus on agreeing with people as much as possible.

Top Rules of the Most Successful Agents Continued from page 10

Rule 35: I know I will have difficult days but refuse to complain or quit.

Rule 24: I jump right to the next call after I make a sale and don’t take a break because I know there is power in momentum. Rule 25: I am scripted and know exactly what to say in each and every prospect and client situation. Rule 26: I am over prepared for any and all sales situations. Rule 27: I role play and practice constantly with others and myself. Rule 28: I make one more call and do one more thing before knocking off for the day. Rule 29: I delegate as many non-sales tasks as I can. Rule 30: I time block my schedule and do my best to only work on one thing at a time. Rule 31: I outwork, out-relationship, and out-sell the competition. I am more committed. I take better care of our clients than the competition because I care more. Rule 32: I do what I say I’ll do when I say I’ll do it and I always go above and beyond and do more than the client expects. Rule 33: I do my job and hold myself accountable to the highest professional and ethical standards. I am a

Rule 36: I understand that most worthwhile undertakings usually take far more effort than estimated. I am prepared to do whatever amount of work is necessary to make my dreams come true. John Chapin is a sales and motivational speaker and trainer. For his free newsletter, or if you would like him to speak at your next event, go to: www.completeselling.com John has over 29 years of sales experience as a number one sales rep and is the author of the 2010 sales book of the year: Sales Encyclopedia. For permission to reprint, e-mail: johnchapin@completeselling.com. # 1 Sales Rep w 29+ years’ experience, Author of the 2010 sales book of the year: SALES ENCYCLOPEDIA (Axiom Book Awards) - The largest sales book on the planet (678 pages). 508-243-7359 - 24/7 johnchapin@completeselling.com www.completeselling.com LINKEDIN: once logged in find me under: johnchapin1 FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/johnjchapin TWITTER: http://twitter.com/johnjchapin

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April 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

Why should I subscribe to Aardvark? We have a better idea! Our benefits are designed to help agencies in every aspect of their operation and all of it is done on the Internet. It is delivered in a combination of “How-To” videos, interactive quizzes and breaking-news.

We already have a library of “How-To” booklets on a wide range of agency topics. Want to set realistic goals for your CSRs and Producers? It’s in the library. Want to know how to evaluate, buy & sell a “Mom & Pop” insurance agency? I wrote the book based upon my decades of ownership experience.

$99.00 per year or $10.00 per month Subscribe at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com           

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Valued at $997.00! Only $99.00 per year gets access to everything for all staff members

Aardvark Insurance Academy

All agency staff members are included for one low fee of $99.00 per year. No hidden fees, no discounted programs. Want to take a test drive? Join today and enjoy a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. Just to show you how strongly I believe we offer more value for less money, I challenge everyone to dare to compare, dollar for dollar, our benefits against any organization. If you can prove to me that some organization has better benefits, I’ll give you a free year’s subscription to Aardvark Insurance Academy.

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April 2017

Announcing AccuAgency: New Name, New Look, Same Great Company! Assurance Systems, Inc., is best known by its long-standing product name, AccuAuto. Many agents still refer to us as AccuAuto, but an update is long overdue. For years we have offered independent insurance agents more than just an auto rater. Our new name, AccuAgency, encompasses our suite of products, including AccuAuto rater, AccuHome rater, AccuAgency management system, and AgencyThrive web marketing and website services. The name AccuAgency emphasizes our commitment to help independent agents be more efficient, productive, and successful in an increasingly competitive market. As we officially adopt our new name this January, we are also excited that 2016 marks our 30th year in business, still under the same ownership and still committed to supporting the independent agent. Only our name has changed, we are the same great company with the same great service. AccuAgency looks forward to supporting you, the independent agent, for many years to come. We’re excited about our name change and about offering agents a variety of products to Get Your Agency In Check!

A complete web-based system that integrates agency management and document storage all in one easy-to-use service. Loaded with features to help organize and run your agency. Fully integrated with our AccuAuto comparative rating where available.

If you write auto insurance and represent multiple auto insurance carriers, you know how timeconsuming it can be to enter the same quote on each carrier's website. Auto rates are always changing. You may be familiar with the rates and underwriting rules for a company one day, but they may change the next. With AccuAuto, you always have the most current rates and underwriting rules in one easy-to-use, web-based service

A new product in our line-up, and only available in certain areas, AccuHome capitalizes on our many years of experience with comparative rating to add a new tool to your arsenal for writing homeowner policies.

Do you need a website for your insurance agency? Absolutely. If you don't have one (or you do, but it isn't getting any traffic), you are missing out on the fastest growing marketing tool for insurance there is. We believe in creating a simple, clean, professionally designed site for your agency. But this is just the first step. Getting visitors to your site is step two, and we can help with that. We will do the work involved in claiming your agency listings and marketing. Need a phone number changed or have a great new photo of your staff you want added to your site? You can reach us by email and phone for any updates or questions. Support is always included with an AgencyThrive website.

Visit us at http://www2.accuagency.com/fyi.

About Assurance Systems, Inc. Since 1986, Assurance Systems, Inc., has offered a variety of services for independent insurance agencies, in addition to custom solutions and analytical products for insurance carriers.

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

A video handshake can be especially useful for those smaller accounts where it just doesn’t make sense for a producer to see the prospect or client face to face physically.

How to Use Video to Engage with a Video Handshake Video is big. It is really big!

The equipment necessary to get started is simple and inexpensive. I use and recommend the Logitech WebCam HD C920 or C922 (less than $100 on Amazon), a microphone (the microphone built into the Logitech WebCam is certainly adequate to get started), and decent lighting. Standard office lighting should work just fine to get started. Create a Script Next, create a simple video handshake script you can use to make sure you do not fumble over your words. Something like this should work just fine: According to an article posted on the YouTube Official Blog, people around the world are now watching a billion hours of YouTube’s content every day. And, over half of those views are coming from mobile devices. Agency Video Use I have been talking about the importance of video for an insurance agency for a long time here, here, and here. The number of organizations I talk to that are actively using video is small. The ones that are, create coverage explanation videos to put on their YouTube channel and their website. Coverage videos are a terrific way to start using video effectively. Another way to incorporate the use of video into your standard workflow is by sending video email follow-ups. The technology to deliver videos as part of your email follow-up continues to improve. In this TechTip, I want to focus on how producers can use video as a follow-up tool. I call it the video handshake. Aardvark Insurance Academy

Introduce Yourself: “Hi, I’m Steve. I know it’s nice to put a face to the name…” Recap Key Points: Briefly cover the key points from your conversation quickly. It helps to write them down as bullet points before you record your video. This way you do not ramble and stay on track. Talk about the Next Step: Remind them about the time of your next call or meeting, or the action you want them to take. You can just type this into a document and have it on your computer screen as you are recording your video mail. Read Steve Anderson’s entire article at https://steveanderson.com/2017/03/30/how-to-usevideo-to-engage-with-a-video-handshake/.

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Then start shaking hands! April 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com Sprucebooks

or visit www.sunins.com

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April 2017

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How well do your customers understand the coverage they have / don’t have? Education is without a doubt a key issue in the field of E&O loss prevention. To that cause, I have professed for many years that your customers are going to be educated at some point in time on how their coverage works. Unfortunately, there will be times where that customer education occurs when they have a claim only to find out that there was an exclusion or limitation they were not aware of. They have now been educated but they are also not very happy. These situations are oftentimes when there is greater potential for that client to pursue legal action based on the size of the uncovered claim. What if you could somewhat modify that process and have the education occur before the claim happens? To the degree the customer was aware of the exclusion or limitation and decided not to do anything about it, there is definitely a greater possibility that legal action will not be the end result. Is this possible? Very much so! In fact, there are numerous options to consider. One of those options would involve the agency performing an annual account review with that client. Ideally, this would be a face-to-face discussion. However, this may not be practical for some agencies and for some clients based on availability. In many E&O claims, the actual offer of conducting a review has helped in the defense of the agency. Another approach would be to provide on an annual basis a list of coverages for the clients to consider. When taking this approach, it is best to include a quasi-disclaimer that “coverages to consider include but are not limited to the following”. This essentially implies that the list is not meant to be a full list.

Many agencies provide (at renewal time or other times during the year) a sheet that lists coverages such as the following: 1.




3. Inland Marine floaters (that provide much broader coverage) 4.

Umbrella coverage



For each of the coverages noted, provide an explanation that highlights some coverage differences that will hopefully catch the attention of the customer and prompt them to inquire further. One of the key reasons for providing some guidance on insurance issues is due to the fact your client’s exposures (both personal and commercial) are changing and there is a good chance that your client does not understand how a change in their exposures could affect their insurance coverage. Exposure changes such as kids going off to college or vacancy of a home can be significant. Those two issues have often been a key element in an uncovered claim and the agency now facing an E&O claim. Other approaches towards educating the customer include an agency blog, a newsletter, an e-mail blast using a theme such as “did you know…” Education of customers is a very powerful initiative. It will certainly play a major role in the defense of the agency should a problem occur. It will also probably result in the agency selling more insurance and a better reputation of the agency in the community. Imagine a client stating the following about your agency: “I finally have my insurance with an agency that helps me understand what coverage I have and what coverages I don’t.” Sounds pretty powerful to me. More E&O Tips at http://www.agentseotips.com

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April 2017


Go to www.EandOQuote.com for more information

More Tips & “How-To” videos at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

First, clearly identify the problem. Then move forward in finding the solution The Producer Online IN ACTION is a monthly reminder of how you can turn the knowledge gained from The Producer Online into powerful sales opportunities.

Finding the carrier Only a limited number of carriers are interested in writing the stock that is part of a jewelry manufacturing risk. Some standard carriers may write such a risk but exclude the jewelry. In such a case, a carrier that specializes in jewelers block can be contacted to provide the coverage needed to complete the account.

Isn’t close good enough?

Click here to review the Jewelers Block coverage in The Insurance Marketplace for the state of Indiana that lists brokers who are active in jewelers block and can provide both coverage and advice. Contacting the prospect Brian was driving his car when he heard a noise. He got out to inspect the vehicle, leaving it running with the keys in the ignition. As he was crouching behind the car and looking at the tail pipe a person got into the car and drove it away. While the car was later discovered, the two garment bags containing jewelry owned by Brian’s employer, E.M.M.I, were gone and never recovered. E.M.M.I filed a claim with Zurich, but the claim was denied because the theft was from an unattended vehicle.

Have you decided to pursue a jewelry manufacturer? If so, offering to provide a risk management survey might open the door. You could use the Commercial Lines Risk Evaluation System Jewelry Manufacturer’s Questionnaire to conduct the survey, but first you must get the appointment. Click here for a Business Building Letter you could mail to your identified prospects.

Click here to see how the appellate court ruled.

Jewelry Manufacturers

Attention: Insurance Companies, MGA’s, Premium Finance Companies & Insurance Industry Vendors: Check out the rates for the most cost effective method of keeping your message in front of your customers … The Independent Insurance Agent. Insuring jewelry manufacturers can be very difficult because of the value of the inventory. The carriers interested in writing these risks understand the unique exposures and, therefore, often attach warranties that allow the carrier to deny coverage when the manufacturer or its employees are not vigilant. If you are interested in writing a jewelry manufacturer, Click here to review the Commercial Lines Risk Evaluation System Narrative that describes exposures and recommends coverages.

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Questions? Contact Eddie K. Emmett at eddie@fyiexpress.com or (770) 312-2342. HU

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April 2017

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