Santa references issuu 7

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Santa’s References Senator John Glenn Jim Just

The Behrens Family


Eliane’s Family Party . .Make A Wish Foundation

Entertainment Cruises

Entertaining at Senator Glenn's Congressional Country Club Christmas Parties was a great Pleasure. , , , `

The Senator, Mrs Glenn and all their guests were delightful to visit . Christmas Spirit abounded throughout the events . The guests were role models of how to be supportive adults....It was especially inspiring to see them involving themselves in the magical effects Santa was conjuring up with the children . When Santa entertained children with questions, stories, yarns, magical effects, gifts, and photos in the corner, it was heartening to see so many adults leaving their conversations with adults to spent this time to enjoy activities with their children. When Santa walked around greeting adults, they readily joined into the spirit of the greetings . There was a joyful effect upon the children when they saw distinguished adults relating to Santa and having their pictures taken with him as if they were children .

Visiting the Christmas Eve Community Party at the Just’s house was soon to become a wonderful tradition.

It was amazing, even

for Santa, to watch the changes which took place among the family and with the guests, as the years went by.

The bewilderment

of the children when my first visits started was beautiful to watch. As the children grew up a nostalgic feeling developed. The adults became comfortable in interacting with Santa.

When Mary

became a teen she was impressive when she joined with me reciting “The Night Before Christmas” and became quite sensitive helping with the small children.

James E. Just 8524 Connirae Lane Vienna VA 22182

Dear Ed,

29 September 2012

It was so good to hear from you. My whole family has such fond memories of our time with you. My wife and I never thought Santa would be visiting our house for 18 years after we won the bidding for you at the little Langley School auction in 1987. I remember your first visit like it was yesterday. It was our Christmas Eve children’s party for friends and neighbors. When Santa walked through the door with bells ringing and his big velvet bag loaded with gifts, the image of the wide-eyed looks on those children's faces is etched in my mind. How could we not do it again? Santa’s visit soon became a tradition. Our kids grew up believing in Santa, looking forward to your Christmas Eve arrival. Once, while I was driving my then 12-year-old daughter Molly to a soccer game, I heard her arguing with a teammate in the back seat. She almost shouted, "Oh yes there is a Santa. I've seen him. He comes to my house every Christmas Eve." By the next year she realized you were an actor. Then she became your devoted helper for several years after that. By this time she had learned all the words to "The Night Before Christmas" and helped you recite it during your visits. She was great at reassuring some of the reluctant toddlers that they could sit on your lap

I kept trying to figure out how you did it. How did you keep the children as believers for so long? There were so many elements of your style, mannerisms, and patter that contributed: ·•You treated the adults the same as the children. Many took you up on your offer to sit on your knee and visit. You must have had a strong knee. ·•You found out little tidbits of information about each guest and then dropped them into your conversations with them. ·•You spoke vividly and always had a trove of magical effects that you used while talking. ·•Your great costume with the wild looking Fox fur and the realistic props certainly added to the illusion. ·•Best of all was your beard. It was so obviously real. After 18 years, our children started having their own Christmas activities and there were fewer neighborhood children. We were a little sad that the tradition was ending. When I told Santa this, you suggested that I might want to join the Holiday Project visiting in hospices, hospitals and jails giving holiday wishes, carols and small gifts. We miss you a lot and wish you all the best. Have a very Merry Christmas.


The Behrens Family When Santa visits large loving families the spirit often feels magical. Peter and Austin were eager to be of assistance to Santa. They caused Santa to feel like an honored guest. This is what makes doing these family gigs so satisfying.♥

From: Subject: Date: To:

Eliane Catilina <> Re: Santa's visit on the 24th December 26, 2010 12:13:44 AM EST Ed J Downey <>

Dear Ed, Thanks for Santa's visit. It was a dream coming through to the kids. Â We all had a great time. Eliane Sent from my iPad

, , ,

Santa cherished the reactions of the children when their dreams seemed to become real. . .When Santa knew his magic was working. It is the magic that brings joy to the hearts of children.

From: Subject: Date: To:

Eliane Catilina <> EASTER BUNNY? March 11, 2011 6:41:44 PM EST Ed J Downey <>

Dear Ed, I am not sure you remember but you did our Christmas's Party last year on Christmas Eve. It was a major success. My kids are absolutely convinced that the real Santa came to our house! Well, now I am planning a Easter Party and wonder if you have any "Easter Bunny" that could come to the party. It will be a very low budget party. Basically it will be an Egg Hunting, the Easter bunny with help out with that. If you have one available, could you give an idea on how much one hour performance would cost? Thanks much, Eliane Sent from my iPad

Make A Wish Foundation , , ,


Santa felt privileged to be able to visit with a 7 year old child sponsored by the Make A Wish Foundation for what would be her last Christmas. When Santa visits seriously sick or terminal patients he knows the value of his visit is just as for the family as it is for the patient. Yes he brings immediate joy to the patient but he will also be every bit as helpful in enabling the family have to some extent an enjoyable and nostalgic experience, to remember rather than, as is so often the case, remembering only the unhappiness of the time. Santa helped the family to recall happier moments. I am grateful that I was prepared for tasks of this nature by my training and my experiences as a social worker.

Santa appeared at Entertainment Cruises for 3 or 4 hour visits with large audiences. Santa engaged in a variety of performance styles. The passengers appreciated seeing Santa in many roles including :

1. Santa

welcoming passengers upon arrival and posing for photos with them using the ship as a background. visiting with people at their tables...Santa had more intimate / extended visits when there were children at the table (also with many adults who clearly enjoyed visiting with Santa.)

2. Santa

3. Santa taking part in dance routines with cruise staff. 4. Santa telling yarns, enacting “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,� and engaging passengers singing with the children sitting on the dance floor. 5. Santa dancing with the lead singer as she was singing. 6. And of course, Santa visiting with the children siting on his knee, posing for pictures, telling Santa their wishes, and receiving gifts.

Washington and Maryland Harbor Entertainment Director Ross Milam 202 264-3636 From:

Ross Milam <>


December 4, 2010 2:24:58 PM EST

Subject: Santa Cruise! To: Cc:

Mr Ed Downey <> Pat Vogel <> and 4 more...

Hello Mr. Ed Downey! Thank you for your festive, energetic and fun services as Santa; the guests love you! I look forward to seeing you Dec 11th. Ross

Santa will conduct Christmas Parties that your children and guests will remember for a long time....The children will become believers. Guests will appreciate that you have put on a wonderful event.

Merry Christmas

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