5 minute read
u3a Penrith and North Lakes
from Eden Local Issue 174
by Lee Quinn
direct connec,on with a university and U3A is an interna,onal movement with the first Université du Troisième âge being founded in Toulouse (France) in 1972 and the first in the UK star,ng in Cambridge in 1981. Founded in 1982, the UK U3A movement adopted an approach which moved away from having a direct connec,on with a university and adopted a collabora,ve approach, with the term !university’ represen,ng a group of people who gather together to learn from one another. Members, who are in their !third age# of life – no age limit though mainly re,red or those no longer in full ,me employment - form self-help interest groups covering a wide range of topics and ac,vi,es, from art & archaeology to scrabble & walking. Learning is for pleasure and for its own sake - there are no qualifica,ons or exams to pass. It is all voluntary and self-funded, with the emphasis on life-long learning and on keeping body and mind ac,ve. Penrith & North Lakes u3a was founded in 1996 and is an independent charity with a board of trustees/execu,ve commiZee. It is affiliated to the u3a na,onal body, the Third Age Trust www.u3a.org.uk which provides educa,onal and administra,ve support. UK wide there are over 1000 u3a#s with over 400,000 members. Penrith & North Lakes u3a has over 500 members and over 40 groups; for details of all the groups, please see our website hZps:// penrithandnorthlakesu3a.org.uk We encourage and help members to start or suggest new groups. Each of our interest groups has a convenor who helps to coordinate the group# s ac,vi,es and is a point of contact. Some convenors have specialist knowledge and act as a group tutor or leader, but it is not necessary to have an expert as a leader as members also learn from and with each other. Depending on group size, mee,ngs take place in members# homes or in community venues, village halls etc. and costs are kept to a minimum. Government guidelines regarding safety during the Covid 19 pandemic have restricted some groups from mee,ng, and others have !met# on Zoom. Many are now !up and running# and the remainder plan/hope to start-up again in September. For full details visit: hZps://penrithandnorthlakesu3a.org.uk If you would like more informa,on: email: pnlu3achair@gmail.com
or !phone: 01768 892690
Jo Laycock. Publicity Officer. U3A Publicity and Informa,on Day at the Bandstand, Cornmarket.
U3A is an international movement with the first Université du Troisième âge being founded in Toulouse (France) in 1972 and the first in the UK starring in Cambridge in 1981. Founded in 1982, the UK U3A movement adopted an approach which moved away from having a direct connection with a university and adopted a collaborative approach, with the term university’ representing a group of people who gather together to learn from one another. Members, who are in their third age of life – no age limit though mainly retired or those no longer in full time employment - form self-help interest groups covering a wide range of topics and activities, from art & archaeology to scrabble & walking. Learning is for pleasure and for its own sake - there are no qualification or exams to pass. It is all voluntary and self-funded, with the emphasis on life-long learning and on keeping body and mind active. Penrith & North Lakes u3a was founded in 1996 and is an independent charity with a board of trustees/executive committee. It is affiliated to the u3a national body, the Third Age Trust www. u3a.org.uk which provides educational and administrative support. UK wide there are over 1000 u3a’s with over 400,000 members. Penrith & North Lakes u3a has over 500 members and over 40 groups; for details of all the groups, please see our website www. penrithandnorthlakesu3a.org. uk We encourage and help members to start or suggest new groups. Each of our interest groups has a convenor who helps to coordinate the groups activities and is a point of contact. Some convenors
adopted a collabora,ve approach, with the term !university’ represen,ng a group of people who gather together to learn from one another. Members, who are in their !third age# of life – no age limit though mainly re,red or those no longer in full ,me employment - form self-help interest groups covering a wide range of topics es, from art & archaeology to scrabble & walking. Learning is for U3A Publicity and Informa,on Day at the U3A Publicity and Information Day at the Bandstand, Cornmarket. pleasure and for its own sake - there Bandstand, Cornmarket. have specialist knowledge are no qualifica,ons or exams to pass. and act as a group tutor or It is all voluntary and self-funded, with leader, but it is not necessary the emphasis on life-long learning and on keeping body and mind ac to have an expert as a leader as members also learn from and ,ve. with each other. Depending on group size, meetings take Penrith & North Lakes u3a was founded in 1996 and is an independent charity with a board of trustees/execu,ve commiZee. It is affi place in members homes or liated to the u3a na,onal body, the Third Age Trust www.u3a.org.uk in community venues, village which provides educa,onal and administra,ve support. UK wide there are halls etc. and costs are kept to a minimum.over 1000 u3a#s with over 400,000 members. Penrith & North Lakes u3a has over 500 Government guidelines members and over 40 groups; for details of all the groups, please see our website hZps:// penrithandnorthlakesu3a.org.uk regarding safety during the We encourage and help members to start or suggest new Covid 19 pandemic have restricted some groups from meeting, and others have met on Zoom. Many are now up Each of our interest groups has a convenor who helps to coordinate the group# s ac,vi,es and running and the remainder plan/hope to start-up again in and is a point of contact. Some convenors have specialist knowledge and act as a group tutor September. or leader, but it is not necessary to have an expert as a leader as members also learn from

For full details visit: penrithandnorthlakesu3a.org.uk community venues, village halls etc. and costs are kept to a minimum.
If you would like more information: email: pnlu3achair@gmail.com or phone: 01768 892690
Jo Laycock. Publicity Officer. Government guidelines regarding safety during the Covid 19 pandemic have restricted some