RAKESTRAW INSURANCE CENTER, INC. 336-427-5181 • www.RakestrawInsurance.com Serving all of Rockingham County and the surrounding area since 1990 PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL • LIFE & HEALTH • ANNUITIES
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Local Information County Wide Vol. 12, Num. 5 Monument Cleaning www.tilleymonumentcleaning.com
336-394-4930 R. Taylor Peters ISSA CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER
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Decks Pavers Walkways Irrigation New Lawns Plant Beds Landscape Lighting Retaining Walls Grounds Maintenance
336-623-7759 “Creating Outdoor Living Spaces”
323 E. Meadow Rd. • Meadow Road Plaza • Eden
Every Tuesday at Master Lube (Across from the Eden Mall) SENIORS: 55 Plus
MAY 2011
Eden is an All-America City finalist The City of Eden has been selected as a 2011 AllAmerica City finalist by the National Civic League. This non-profit, nonpartisan organization supports a mission to strengthen democracy by increasing the capacity of all of our nation’s people to fully participate in building healthy and prosperous communities across the nation. The AllAmerica City designation is part of its Civic Recognition Awards. To become eligible to be an AllAmerica City you have to demonstrate how your community has addressed its two most pressing issues and a third issue concerning youth. A committee of Eden citizens started meeting in July of 2010 to begin this process. Many worthy programs were identified, including the Lord’s Pantry, Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Eden Parks and Recreation Department after school programs. The three programs selected included:
Headquartered in Eden, this grassroots organization strives to improve water and encourage conservation, recreation and education. Water quality is vital to Eden’s industrial recruitment efforts and tourism development.
• Rockingham Education Foundation This organization was started in Eden and expanded across the county. This organization has addressed the need to increase the education level of city and county residents. Employment opportunities increase with education levels. • Dan River Basin Association (DRBA)
• Rockingham Student Health Centers Started in Eden in 1992, the centers provide health care for youth who may not otherwise have access to these services. In recent years, they have also addressed issues such as texting and driving, cyber-bullying and drinking and driving. “The All-America City Award, does not mean you have a perfect community; it means you recognize your issues and are dealing with them in a collaborative way, utilizing a
Continued on Page 5
Hwy 14 - Reidsville
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INDEX Final Farwells - Page 3 Events of Interesst - Pages 6 & 7 Jokes - 20 & 21 Classifieds - Page 40 Sports - 34, 35, 36 Rockingham County Star Features Pages 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25
Rockingham County Humane Society Offers Monthly Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic Monthly low-cost spay/neuter clinic is sponsored by the Rockingham County Humane Society. The clinic is held the first Monday of each month, no income or residency requirements. Dogs are $68, cats are $58. Include spay neuter, rabies vaccination, pain medication. For more information or to schedule an appointment contact us at 336-623-4428 or visit us at 205 Boone Road in Eden NC.
441 Mebane Bridge Rd • Eden (336) 623-5664
Home & Garden 336-623-2322 347 W. Kings Hwy., Eden Hours Mon. - Fri., 10-6, Sat. 9-3
Your Full Outdoor Living Destination! Specializing in hard to find trees, shrubs, flowers and garden decor Also providing LANDSCAPE & HARDSCAPE SERVICES
Tues. - Thurs. 11am - 9pm Fri. 11am - 10pm • Sat. 3pm - 10pm Lounge Open Until 1am Fri. & Sat. Sunday 11am - 3pm Menu & Buffet
LUNCH BUFFET $5.95 11am - 2pm Tuesday. - Friday
Letters to the Editor Dear Citizens of Rockingham County, The NC Dental Society’s Mission of Mercy – free adult dental clinic – has agreed to come to Rockingham County July 8 – 9, 2011. They will utilize the facilities at Reidsville Christian Church, 2020 South Park Drive. The adults, who need dental care, will be received on a “first come, first serve” basis. Registration will begin around 6am on July 8 and 9. It is anticipated that about 400 – 500 adults will be able to receive free dental care over
those two days. This free dental clinic is available to any adult resident of Rockingham County who needs dental care. We need your help. In order for this to happen, our community is responsible for raising $25,000 to help offset the costs. Already we have raised $11,180. Checks or pledges have been received from the following: Harold and Lula Bass Mike and Ruby Jewell Michael and Anne Flanagan Bill and Carol Duke Robert Wheless
Calvary Baptist Church Wilkerson Funeral Home First United Methodist Church, Reidsville Amcor Tobacco Packaging Rockingham County Dental Society Commonwealth Brands, Inc. First Baptist Church, Main Street, Reidsville Reidsville Area Foundation Please consider making a donation. Please make your check payable to: “Dental Health Fund.” In the memo please write: “NC MOM.” Please mail
your check to: First Baptist Church, 409 South Main Street, Reidsville, NC 27320. Your check needs to be received by April 30, 2011. We will send the checks as a group to the NC Dental Society. Questions? Please don’t hesitate to call me at 342-4227.
Thank you, Bill Duke, Pastor, First Baptist Church 409 South Main Street, Reidsville, NC 27320 billduke@triad.rr.com • 336342-4227
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Daily Specials “Jack Little Ministries” for Spring Revival Coming this May 15th – 18th , at Spray Baptist Church for spring revival will be Jack Little Ministries. The revival will begin in the Sunday morning service at 11 am and will continue on Sunday and Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM with services starting at 7 PM on Monday and Tuesday nights. Come out and experience the life changing power of Jesus Christ through our revival service. Jack Little Ministries is an evangelistic/ revival ministry that combines music and message with the intent of telling God’s story and singing His praise. Established in 2005, the ministry has been across North Carolina, South Carolina, in Virginia and Florida to tell God’s story of salvation by grace and to sing his praise. If you are looking wonderful combination of heart felt songs and Biblically sound messages you will enjoy having Rev. Jack Little and his family. Spray Baptist Church invites you to share revival with us with Rev. Jack Little and family.
Choose with confidence. Brian Center Health & Rehabilitation 226 North Oakland Ave. Eden, North Carolina 27288 (336) 623-1750
Daily Specials
Letters to the Editor do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editor/publisher. Letters received are personal opinions from private citizens in the area and must be signed by writer. Submissions should be no more than 300 words, longer only by permission. We reserve the right to refuse a letter for any reason and to edit for grammar and taste. The writer should include their address and phone number for verification purposes only. Address: Eden’s Own Journal • 519 S Van Buren, Suite C • Eden, NC 27288 • or email: edens-own@embarqmail.com. • Fax to 336-627-9225.
Schedules upcoming ISSUE
June 2011 Deadline for Ad Proofs
May 23rd 4pm sharp Call
336-627-9234 Fax 336-627-9225 email lisadoss@edensown.com
Want to know more about the basics of government at the local, state, and federal levels? The School of Government recently made this book available online: Local Government in North Carolina www.sog.unc.edu/programs/civiced/ncccma/educators/textbook
5197 NC Hwy. 14• Eden, NC 27288
Fax: 336-627-9225 • edens-own@embarqmail.com • Political Issues - limited to schedules and location of group meetings, the decisions made by officials, and voting information. • Community Events - Articles should be sent in as early as possible, by the 20th of the prior month is always safe, and photos are welcome. There is no charge for an article of community events. • Church Events - There is a special section for Special Church Events. The cost is $10 for up to 10 lines. • There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. • Letters to the Editor should be no larger than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit or not to print letters that we feel do not fit our mission. • Birthday, Anniversary, Family announcements available at reduced rates. Articles and ads presented in this paper do no necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. Contributed articles are subject to editing for content and space. Respond to advertisements at your own risk. Mistakes in articles or ads will only be compensated up to the cost of the submission.
For Advertisement Information Call...
Lisa F. Doss 336-613-0325 336-627-9234 lisadoss@edensown.com Visit Us At
edensown.com Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality Of Life
Loved ones who have recently passed away. Mary Helen Artis, 89 - Eden Hattie Griffin Adams, 85 - Rockingham County Gordon W. Broadnax, 75 - Rockingham County Sallie Lou Dabbs Blalock, 73 - Rockingham County Margaret Mae Summers Bumgarner, 89 Herman Louis Baldwin, 81 - Rockingham County Billy Joe Berry, Jr., 64 Jean Austin Balser, 78 - Eden Ray Charles “Mo Money” Brown, 42 - Rock. Co. Aaron Darrell Barnes, 53 Angie Thompson Cox, 87 Bessie Alberta Brammer Carroll, 78 - Reidsville Cherryl Arden Clauss, 68 Mildred Jones Cassell, 90 - Eden Michael Dale Craddock, Jr., 24 - Rockingham County James Melvin Claybrook, 85 - Stoneville Henry Terry Chandler, 53 - Reidsville Thomas William “Tom” Collins, 42 William E. Dillard 66 Nancy Lee Traxler Davis, 66 - Reidsville Lillian Hartness Deaton, 96 Bernard Allen “Chucky” Denny, 50 - Rockingham Co. Raymond "Son" Giles East, 57 - Reidsville Larry Wendell Eaton, 76 William E. “Quincy” Foddrell, 76 - Rockingham Co. Roy Otho Fagan, Jr. Brandon “BG” Graves, 24 Frances Scales Giles, 77 - Rockingham County Mabel Roberts Gilland, 91 - Eden Clara Fortune Gallimore Eugene “Gene” Oliver Groninger, 82 Paul Taylor Gann, 88 - Mayodan Christmas Henry “CH” Hairston, 85 SSgt. Ret. Bernard Hairston, 77 Heidi Fahringer Hogrefe, 40 - Reidsville Joyce Louise Loftis Heath, 66 Kenneth Russell “Ken” Haynes, Jr. 63 - Rock. Co.
Lawrence Carlton Haney - Reidsville Rosetta Ann Cabler Hobbs, 80 - Rockingham County Delsie Lawson Hopkins, 81 - Eden Dennis “Big D” Hazelwood, 66 Elizabeth Foulks Isley, 75 - Reidsville Rupert Otis Jones, 96 Michael "Mike" LeRoy Jackson, 57 Patricia LeSueur Johnson Thomas Raymond Jones, Sr., 90 - Reidsville Rupert Otis “Jack” Jones, 96 - Rockingham County Ruth Talley Knight, 89 - Rockingham County Kenneth Ray Key, Sr., 88 Peggy Jackson Kiser, 80 - Rockingham County Constance Rich Lee, 76 - Reidsville Andrew B. Lovelace, 22 J. C. Lovelace, 73 - Reidsville Donald M. McCormick Sr., 83 Kenneth Reed McDonald, 62 Joseph Lee Mize, 63 - Eden Charles Curtis McMillan, 75 - Reidsville Rufus Gordon Manley, 82 - Reidsville John Douglas “Jack” Newell, 80 Sallie Ann Barham Nolan, 62 Glenn C. O’Neil, 60 Howard Manley Pless Kenneth Joe Perdue, 67 Thomas Edward “Bossy” Pruitt, 59 - Reidsville Mary Morton Poore, 100 John Spencer Renfrow Curtis “Curt” Earl Robbins, 74 Elzie Moorefield Rhodes, 86 Mary Elizabeth Adkins Robertson - Eden James “Dexter” Richardson, 62 John Albert Scott, Jr., 82 Eleanor Collins Spencer, 88 - Rockingham County
Joyce Monuments
Elegance And d Dignit ty. ... Yet t Affo ordable (336) 623-5333 14176 N.C. 87 N • Eden, N.C. 27288 Custom Monuments designed to your specification on site. All types of monuments in a variety of colors and sizes in stock. From design to delivery in 14 days or less. Cemetery • Churches • Civic Monuments Granite, Marble, Bronze FREE ESTIMATES Locally owned and operated By Sandra Joyce
Stop In and meet our Staff Open daily 8 until 5 Saturdays 9 until 12 In home or After Hour Appointments Available If Needed ADDITIONAL SERVICES Death Dates Cemeteries Cleaning Family/Church’s Monument cleaning and repair Benches, Crosses, Vases ALL TYPES OF METAL SANDBLASTING Car Parts, Cars, Frames, Out Door Furniture, Cast Iron Cook Ware
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The City of Eden received a $769,000 grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation in April. The funds will be used to run a sewer line to the Virginia state line so the city can supply utility services to the Berry Hill Regional Mega Park. The Mega Park is a 3,500 acre industrial park designed to attract a “gamechanging” industry, such as automotive, steel or chemical. Up to 12,000 jobs have been forecasted for the park when it is completely occupied. Eden has been a partner in this park since its 2009 ribbon-cutting. The Golden Leaf Foundation is a non-profit organization that disperses funds from the tobacco settlement to help tobaccodependent communities initiate and take advantage of new economic development opportuni-
ties. In July of 2010, it started a Community Assistance Grant process that awarded $2.7 million to Rockingham County. Citizens and community leaders met monthly to identify the areas that most needed assistance. The final three areas selected included economic development, education and access to health care. The Eden project was ranked second to the Rockingham County Schools Mobile Learning Initiative that received $1million in grant funds. “We appreciate that the participants in this process from other parts of Rockingham County recognized the tremendous potential of the Berry Hill Regional Mega Park in creating employment opportunities for citizens in a 6 county, 2 state area,” stated Mike Dougherty, Director of
Economic Development for the City of Eden. “We are pleased to participate in such a huge economic development project with our Virginia neighbors.” Construction on the city sewer line extension is schedule to be completed by August of 2012. This grant was one of two funds the city obtained recently. On April 1, 2011, The City of Eden Environmental Services Department was notified of a $2.5 million loan to do the Kuder Street Substation rehabilitation project, $1 million of which is principal forgiveness, meaning it does not have to be paid back. This is the second consecutive year that the Environmental Services has applied for and received loan forgiveness funding.
Red Cross Responds After Tornadoes, Wildfires Leave Devastation Across The South
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WASHINGTON, April 2011 – The American Red Cross is working around the clock to provide relief to people affected by the deadly tornadoes and scorching wildfires that left a path of destruction in six states across the south over the April 16th weekend. Strong tornadoes ripped homes off their foundations, destroyed businesses and schools, overturned cars and buses, uprooted trees and downed power lines in Oklahoma, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi. In North Carolina alone, preliminary disaster assessments show almost 500 homes destroyed and more than 1,000 damaged. Some of the hardest hit areas are still inaccessible, and officials say that many more than 1,000 families will be homeless in the state. Red Cross workers sheltered more than 500 people over the weekend, served meals throughout the affected neighborhoods, and provided personal hygiene items and supplies to help as the clean-up begins. With government officials reporting more than 40 deaths from the tornadoes, Red Cross disaster mental health workers are available to help people cope with the aftermath. Red Cross chapters throughout the south are deploying trained disaster teams into the area and more than 25 Red Cross emergency response vehicles are in hard-hit North Carolina, or on their way to the
state. In Texas, wildfires have spread across more than 700,000 acres, destroying homes and forcing people to leave their neighborhoods. Red Cross disaster workers have opened shelters and are feeding those displaced by the fires. As families return to their neighborhoods, Red Cross teams are providing them with food and water. The Red Cross is also assisting those who have lost their homes to the fires, providing them with food, clothing and other necessities. “Families have lost everything, and we are doing what we can to help them as they figure out what’s next,” said Charley Shimanski, senior vice president, Red Cross Disaster Services. “We’ll continue to help them in the weeks ahead as they try to get back on their feet.” Since the end of March, the Red Cross has offered relief to people affected by 35 disasters in 20 states. The Red Cross is able to respond quickly with the help of corporations who are members of the organization’s Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP). ADGP members pledge donations on an ongoing basis to allow the Red Cross to pre-position supplies and be ready to take immediate action when disasters occur. ADGP members include 3M, Altria, Aon, Cisco Foundation, ConAgra Foods, Darden Restaurants, Inc., Dr Pepper Snapple Group, FedEx Corporation, GE Foundation,
The Home Depot Foundation, John Deere Foundation, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Kraft Foods, Lowe's Companies, Inc., Merck, Morgan Stanley, Nationwide Insurance Foundation, Northrop Grumman, Ryder Charitable Foundation, Southwest Airlines, State Farm, State Street Foundation, Target, The TJX Companies, Inc., UnitedHealthcare, UPS and Walmart. The Red Cross depends on financial donations to help people affected by disasters like these tornadoes and wildfires. You can help by making a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief. Visit www.redcross.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Contributions may also be sent to your local American Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013. About the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies nearly half of the nation's blood; teaches lifesaving skills; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit www.redcross.org or join our blog at http://blog.redcross.org.
Civil War Symposium The Eden Preservation Society, the Eden Historical Museum, and the Rockingham County Historical Society Museum and Archives are pre-
Continued from Page 1
All-America City finalist diverse group of citizens, organizations and community leaders,” stated Mike Dougherty, Director of Economic Development for the City of Eden. Community pride, increased tourism development and making your community more attractive to businesses and residents are just some of the benefits of being selected. The excitement and positive outlook that resulted from Reidsville’s 2008 selection are still apparent among city residents and leaders. On June 15, 2011, approximately 30 Eden community leaders, selected program representatives and other participants will travel to Kansas City, MO to compete with twenty five other finalists. Ten communities will be selected as All-America City Award winners. “We are very optimistic about our chances of winning,” stated Dougherty. “The Eden projects are innovative, effective and have impressed the National Civic League.” Fundraising efforts have begun, along with a process to create the most effective presentation before the National Civic League judges. This ten minute presentation is the determining factor in award selection. The award ceremony will take place on June 17th. If you would like to participate in the process or contribute to the All-America City Award Fund to send the Eden contingent to Kansas City, please contact Mike Dougherty at 336-6237789 ext. 3046.
senting a Civil War Symposium. On Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Eden City Hall. Seating is limited, so register early. The subject of the symposium is Capt. Thomas Robinson Sharp, who spent the last 30 years of his life in what later became the Draper section of Eden, NC. Inder Stonewall Jackson. Sharp masterminded one of the great railroad heists of all time during the Civil War. On May 24, 1861, soldiers began to seize
some 40 locomotives and nearly 400 railroad cars they had accumulated and relocated them 130 miles over land. Cost of the symposium is $40 which included lunch. Registration deadline is June 11, 2011. To register, or for more details about this event visit our website : http://www.edenpreservation.org/symposium.htm l or call Melissa Whitten at 336623-6393.
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UPHOLSTERY Call Connie Siegner at 336-635-2541 • 336-552-1057
Percision Machine Shop
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Morehead Mammography Center to Open Extended Hours Morehead Memorial Hospital’s mammography center will offer extended hours for the convenience of patients beginning Monday, May 2. The center will extend its operating hours to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, enabling later afternoon mammography appointments. The center currently is open 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Breast specialists from Greensboro Radiology now read all screening mammograms, as well as diagnostic mammograms and breast ultrasounds. This enables patients in Rockingham County and the surrounding communities to obtain the same screening and diagnostic mammography services at Morehead Memorial Hospital as patients of The Breast Center of Greensboro without leaving Eden. All mammograms scheduled at the Wright Diagnostic Center of Morehead Memorial Hospital are performed with digital imaging equipment. Digital mammography enables the radiologist to magnify the images, increase or decrease the contrast, and invert the black and white values while reading the images. These features allow the radiologist to evaluate very small abnormalities and focus on areas of concern. Women will notice little difference when having a digital mammogram performed. The procedure is the same as traditional film mammography, but less time consuming, since repeated repositioning of the breasts for additional imaging is frequently unnecessary. “Digital mammography has been proven in large scale studies to be especially helpful for women who are pre-menopausal and still have periods, and for those who are under the age of 40 and have dense breast tissue,” said Dr. Gretchen Green, supervising radiologist with Morehead Memorial Hospital’s breast imaging program. For information about scheduling a screening mammogram, contact Morehead Memorial Hospital’s Central Scheduling Department at (336) 627-6183. The Wright Diagnostic Center of Morehead Memorial Hospital is located at 618 Pierce Street in Eden.
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E vents Community Education Support Groups & Meetings HIV/AIDS Meetings Held Monthly. For info: 800-924-3193 Teresa Hart CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT classes are now held at Morehead Hospital diabetes Education Classroom Please call 627-0409, 8 am-5pm to register for these classes. • Cardiac Rehab & Maint. • Diabetes Management • Pulmonary Rehab Prgm. LOOK GOOD - FEEL BETTER 10 a.m. - noon, Monday, May 16 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center This program helps patients learn to disguise physical side effects they sometimes experience while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Open to any patient in Rockingham County regardless of where they are receiving treatment. Registration is required. To register, call 336-623-9713. HOUSE CALLS RADIO SHOW 11:30 a.m., 2nd & 4th Wednesday
1490 WLOE AM • WMYN AM Hosted by Kerry Faunce, Morehead Hospital marketing director. Hosted by Torrey Goard, community health educator LOOK GOOD…FEEL BETTER – Annie Penn Hosp. Female cancer patients are invited to a FREE beauty makeover taught by volunteer cosmetologist, Beth Hodges. Each female cancer patient receives a FREE makeup kit worth $200. Classes are offered the first Wednesday of each month. WEEKLY WELLNESS HOUR Every Wednesday evening at 7pm FREE to Public! Door Prizes! Learn about health and prosperity. 594 Pierce St, Eden, NC (next to library) 627-4325 COMMUNITY OF HOPE CANCER SUPPORT PROGRAM 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 10 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center Conference Room Topic: Exploring Self-Esteem and Intimacy. A group designed to help patients and their families/caregivers/friends cope with cancer. Family concerns, financial concerns and spiritual concerns and needs will
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Divorce Recovery & Support Group Someone You Know Is Hurting Tell him or her about Divorce Care, a special weekly seminar and support group for people who have been touched by separation or divorce.
Call today for more infomration: 623-1114 Sponsored by Growing Oaks Community Church GriefShare & Divorce Care groups meet every Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC
Call 336-623-1114
for more information www.growingoaks.org
G r i e f R e c overy Support Group Comfort & Care For Those Left Behind. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/ support group for people grieving the death of someone close. Call Today For More Information.
Help Your Childr en Heal Fr om The Hur t Of Divor ce Divorce Care for Kids, DC4K, provides a safe, fun place where your children will learn to understand their feelings, express their emotions appropriately, feel better about themselves and develop coping skills. For Ages 5-12 - Support Groups Meeting Every Monday 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Growing Oaks Community Church, 2271 Harrington Hwy., Eden, NC Call 336-344-0215 or 336-623-1114 for more information
I nterest
be addressed. Call Marcia McQueen at 336-623-9711, Ext. 2482. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Wed. - 8pm - Morehead Hosp. Dining Rm - Tue & Fri - 8-9pm Rock of Eden Spray Methodist AL-ANON - Fri’s 8pm - Joint meeting with Alcoholics Anonymous Rock of Eden Spray Methodist Wed’s - Morehead Hosp. Dining Room - Circle of Love - 8 - 9pm NA (NARCOTICS ANON.) Meets 5 days a week in Reidsville at the REMMSCO Annex, 108 N. Main St. Includes a noon meeting on Monday and 8 PM meetings Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 1 hour meetings, open to all. GROUP DIABETES CLASSES – Annie Penn Hospital - FREE Diabetes Group Classes twice a week to County residents. Walk-ins welcome. Classes held in Dining Room C in the Annie Penn Cafeteria on Ground Floor. The classes will be held each Monday and Wednesday. Contact Jennifer Dietz, at 951-4673. SPECIAL POPULATION DANCE - 336-627-7565 The Arc Of Rockingham County sponsors a special population dance monthly (the 2nd Thurs. of month RCC, Whitcomb Student Center. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Refreshments. GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE - Support groups for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them or needing help healing from pain of separation or divorce. Every Mon. from 6:30- 8:00pm, Growing Oaks Community Church, 2270 Harrington Hwy., Eden. Call 6231114, 558-5947 or visit www.growingoaks.org ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 p.m., Thursday, May 19 Morehead Nursing Center (call number below for location) A support group designed for caregivers, families and loved ones of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other related dementia. This support group is affiliated with the Alzheimer’s Association www.alz.org and a 24/7 Helpline available at 1800-272-3900. For more information, contact the MNC Rec. Services Director at 336-623-9712, ext. 2619 or email ahardy@morehead.org. FOSTER CARE & ADOPTION SUPPORT Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm- 8:00pm, DSS Conf. Room. Jo Wilson 342-1394 TEEN PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at Leaksville UMC. For more information, individuals can contact Ashley May at 623-6002. TOTAL JOINT EDUCATION CLASS - Annie Penn Hosp. Meet from 7:00-8:00 pm, the 2nd Thursday of each month, in the Short Stay Waiting Room on the hospital’s first floor. Physical therapists, nurses, and other professionals provide information and demonstrations to patients who are considering, or scheduling total knee or total hip replacements. To register 951-4357. MOPS - Eden MOPS - Contact Virginia at 623-3400 for more info - Reidsville MOPS - Contact Kelly at 348-1634 for more info - Rockingham MOPS - Contact Heidi at 427-2712 for more info
Sharon Reynolds @ 336-613-0474
FRIENDSHIP MINISTRY Osborne Baptist Church Children’s Worship Area A ministry for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Arts and crafts, 1-on-1 bible study with a buddy, snack time, and social time. 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month 6-7:30pm. Registration Required call Kevin Bedard. 336-623-6064 kbedard@osbornebaptist.com
STONEVILLE RURITAN CLUB Meets at the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday or the month - 7pm Call Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005 MINORITY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION - EDEN Meets 1st Monday of each month at 6:00pm Eden Chamber of Commerce building, Van Buren Road. Call Butch-627-7600
YOGA CLASSES - Terri Lea, certified Yoga instructor at In Touch. Beginner & Intermediate Welcome - 118-A Arbor Lane, Eden. 623-9138 to register EDEN CITY HALL - EDEN ROOM Ongoing Classes Tues’ 8:30-9:45am or CB Hut - Boone Rd., Eden, Weds. 6pm-7:15pm $72 for 6 week session or $15 per class (must have min. number of students, class sizes limited, reg. early)
CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF EDEN Entertainment and Brunch Wray Centre, 452 Bridge St., Eden $10 at the Door. Contact 939-2230 or 342-1524 For Dates and Times ROCKINGHAM COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Monthly Meetings held 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of month. Red Cross Bldg - 3692 NC Hwy 14, Reidsville. 573-3317 or 548-2027
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP 2 p.m., Tuesday, May 17 Morehead Memorial Hospital Main Conference Room. A support group providing information and encouragement for individuals and families affected by Parkinson’s Disease. Refreshments provided. 627-6199.
THE DAV Now meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm JOB SEEKER CLASSES Goodwill Industries of Central NC Community Resource Center of Reidsville. Call 336-637-1010 to register Employability Skills, GED Classes
Civic and Group Meetings
AMERICAN LEGION POST 79 - Reidsville, Meets the 1st Monday each month at 7pm at the post located behind Auto Zone in Reidsville. For more info: 336-2952996.
EDEN’S WOMEN’S CLUB 3rd Thurs. of mo. - 7pm. 623-7290 SPECIAL YOUNG ADULTS 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, May 2 & 16 & 19 in the Morehead Memorial Hospital Downstairs Classroom A night for adults ages 18-45 with mild or moderate developmental disabilities to meet new friends, play games (Bingo, Uno, Dominoes), make crafts, enjoy snacks and participate in other social activities. For more info.n, call Brenda Moore at 623-1077 or613-5174 after 6 p.m.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 254 Normally Meets 3rd Thursday of month. 6:30pm. All Vets Welcome 147 N. Fieldcrest Rd, Eden CIVIL AIR PATROL The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is seeking volunteer members to help perform emergency services (including search and rescue and disaster relief operations); aerospace education; and cadet programs for teens. Meetings every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Shiloh Airport, Stoneville. Call Charlie Spratt at 336-537-3115 or 336-520-7886.
WENTWORTH RURITAN CLUB Ruritan Club meets 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30 at the Wentworth United Methodist Church at 6:30pm. Charles Boswell @ 336-342-4346 or
Church Events A New feature of Eden’s Own / Rockingham County Star Church Events is for Special Occasions that Churches in the county offer the public such as Revivals, Music, Guest Speakers, Programs, Vacation Bible Schools and more. For 10 Lines or less the fee is $10 The listing will be in the public’s hands for a full month, so be sure to tell the public what your place of worship has to offer them. Call 336-627-9234 and ask for Elizabeth or Lisa.
GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE (Grief Recovery Support Group) meet every Monday 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC Call 336-623-1114 for more information www.growingoaks.org • Spring Revival featuring "Jack Little Ministries" SPRAY BAPTIST CHURCH 745 Church St. Eden, NC 27288 May 15-18, 2011 Sunday Morning 11 AM Sunday & Wednesday, 6:30 PM Monday & Tuesday, 7 PM
E vents “JOSHUA’S TROOPS” Meet every 2nd Thursday of month 8:30am at the Dan Valley Com. Bldg (Madison) Do not have to be a vet to attend. MARINE CORPS LEAGUE Meetings 2nd Thursday each month at 6:30pm - 8pm, at the Whitcomb Student Center at RCC. Seeking new members 613-3171 or email tthorne@triad.rr.com AMVETS- Newly formed local group. All Veterans and service men and women welcome. Willard (Woody) Waters at 635-1786 or woodyeee@embarqmail.com
Free Meals MEALS WITH FRIENDS! Monday – Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 years of age and over Why: activities, good food & fun • HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 Site Manager-Joann Williams-Tucker • LEAKSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St. Eden Site Managers- Mildred Cochran Kay Ramsey 623-5343 • MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION Mad. – May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., May. - 445-9840 Rita Hunt • REIDSVILLE SENIOR CENTER Reidsville Rec./ RHS Apartment 201 N Washington St., Reidsville Site Managers- Sara Dominick & Diane Clark 349-9757 SALVATION ARMY Hungry? Come by and have a meal on us! Mon. thru Fri. 12:00-12:30 314 Morgan Rd, Eden Sunday 9:30 worship 11am Sunday School.
Events Of Interest MUSIC & DANCE Cascade Community Center 3561 Huntington Trail, Cascade Every Friday Night 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cascade Express & Friends. Concessions Av. MUSIC AT THE BARN Tuesdays 7pm the doors open at 151 Gant Road, Eden. - Bluegrass music & Jam sessions. Free to public. 2nd & 4th Saturday, 6pm covered dish - 7pm - Heart Strings... SALVATION ARMY 13TH ANNUAL DOT WILSON MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT May 25 - Practice 11:30 - 12:00, lunch 12 - 1pm, Shotgun Start 1pm. For more info call Lynrock Golf Course - 623-6110 or the Salvation Army at 627-4177. MAYODAN MERCHANT’S ASSOCIATION Pro-active group comprised of business and property owners interested in working to improve the Downtown area. Regular meetings will be held monthly on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm, at Mayodan Town Hall. RED CROSS BLOODMOBILES Appointments are strongly recommended for donors to get in and out faster. Call for the nearest bloodmobile near you! 349-3434 NEW BEGINNINGS NEEDS... Children’s clothing need. Infant Toddlers plus women’s Plus Sizes. This shop’s proceeds supports the Rockingham County Women’s Shelter. Please donate you unneeded items to this shop. 653 Washington Street, Eden Phone: 336-627-5003
BLACK TIE BLUE JEAN Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center Ninth Annual Fundraiser Saturday, May 7, 2011 First Presbyterian Church, 582 Southwood Dr., Eden, NC 5:30 pm It’s not just a date - It’s a date that makes a difference! Food, Fun, Silent and live auction. Event is Free, but resevations are necessary. Contact 623-5540 to reserve your table. CRUISE IN Friday., May 20th 4pm Until 9pm CAR SHOW Sat.., May 21st 9am Until 4pm Both events will be at Tri-City Ford - Eden Parking Lot. For more info call Chris Jeffries 5898004. THE ARC OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, INC. will present it's 7th Annual Talent Show and Entertainment Bonanza on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 7 p.m. on the campus of Rockingham Community College, Technical Laboratories Building Auditorium, Wentworth. This event will showcase the many talents of Rockingham County special population citizens. Invited guest performer will be Sunshine Hudson, comedian, of Reidsville, NC. The admission is free to the public. For more information call 336-627-7565. CONCERT IN THE PARK Jaycee Park, Reidsville Saturday May 21st - 12pm - 5pm Featuring U-Turn and Jon Skyy as well as String Theory. Free admission. Consessions sold. Bring a chair and the family! Non-perishable food will be accepted to benefit the Reidsville Outreach Center. Call 336-932-1494 for detials. 15TH ANNUAL KIDS SAFETY DAY Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Center, Directions: off Cedar Lane, 804 Cedar Lane onto 4-H Drive Reidsville on May 27. Registration 8:15-2:00 Classes, School groups, home schooled children and private schools are welcome to attend Contact Leola Meador at 336-9392537. Geared toward 4th graders, yet others are welcome! Groups must PRE-Register by May l. Participants must register with parent signature for legal liabilities because this is a SAFETY ISSUE. IF parents stay, they must register, they are welcome. Each child will receive a t-shirt and goodie bag (snack and pizza lunch). JOB FAIR sponsored by Spray United Methodist and St. John United Methodist to be held on May 10th at City Call. MOVIE AT MARKET SQUARE Reidsville May 5, 8:30 or dusk “Secretariate” CONCERT IN THE PARK AT FREEDOM PARK Saturday, May 28th from 6:30-8:30 at Freedom Park Kiwanis Amphitheatre and will feature the Music of Micheal Ken. Free to the public and are sponsored by the City of Eden Recreation Department. Come out and enjoy the music in the park. RIBFEST Saturday, May 14th from 10 am until 5:00 pm. at Freedom Park. Free to the public. Music by the Bullet Band, Radio Flyer and Veronica Jones Free inflatable's for children!!! Face painting, festival foods, crafts and more...
I nterest
“GIRL’S NIGHT OUT” REIDSVILLE May 6 - 6pm - 9pm Music, refreshments, sales and more! Sponsored by the Downtown Merchants . "GET DOWN AND DERBY!" Second Annual Derby Day, A benefit for Help, Inc. - Center Against Violence on Saturday May 7th 2011. Join us in traditional derby attire (including your fanciest hat!) for an afternoon of fun and fellowship and a live viewing of the Kentucky Derby at Autumn Creek Vineyards 364 Means Creek Rd., Mayodan. Post time is 3:54, Race time is 6:04. In addition to choosing a pick for the race, there will be fabulous silent auction items, music and other forms of Horseplay! Doors open at 3:54 pm and Race Time is 6:04pm. Tickets are $25 per person or $40.00 per couple and include hors d'oevres with a Southern Flare, an adult beverage and one ticket to bid on your favorite horse. For tickets or additional information, call 342-3331. Help, Inc.- Center Against Violence is a non profit agency providing services in Rockingham County to victims of domestic violence and abuse. AFTERNOON WITH CHARLES RODENBOUGH An afternoon with Rockingham County Author Charles Rodenbough. Charles is the author of many local history books including History of a Dream Deferred, William Byrd’s Land of Eden. Will be held on May 22, 2011 at 2 p.m. at the Church of the Epiphany, 537 Henry Street, Eden NC. Free and open to the public.
Bridge Street Center, Eden. Must bring a $1.00 prize for ages 55- up For more information call tank at 623-5559 McMICHAEL HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT May 14, 7am -1pm. Benefiting the Western Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. Space rental is $15 for 16’x10’ area Call 485-1135 or 548-7411 to reserve your space.
Mark Your Calendars NC Dental Society’s MISSION OF MERCY Free Dental Clinic for Adults Coming to Rockingham County Friday & Saturday, July 8 & 9 - 2011 at The Reidsville Christian Church located at 2020 South Park Drive. BEACHES OF THE WORLD “HAWAII” The Band of Oz Friday, June 10, 2011 - 8am - 12 mid. Whistle Jacket Restaurant EFFECTIVE PARENTING STRATEGIES Join with other foster and adoptive parents to learn the effective parenting strategies outlined in the book “The Connected Child” (Authors: Karyn B. Purvis PH.D., David R. Cross PH.D., and Wendy Lyons Sunshine). Parents who have welcomed children
from: Other countries and cultures, From troubled backgrounds or with special behavioral and emotional needs Where: One Way Café of Osborne Baptist Church First Friday of each month Time: 6:30pm meet and greet, 7:00pm to 8pm Group Book Study Cost: Book: $11.00 Childcare: Provided at no cost Dates: May 6th (Overview and distribute books) June 3rd Begin Study Group Book Study Facilitator: Jay Slaydon LMFT. Questions or to order books call Stephanie Long (336) 655-1354
Serving Eden for Over 26 Years
112 N. Van Buren Rd. Hwy. 14, Eden, NC PIZZA “A Square Meal In A Round Pan”
Phone 627-1706 For Take Out Orders
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640 Washington Street, Eden
MHS BEST AUDITORIUM FUND 2011 Spring Benefit Series • 50-Year-Old Seat Farewell Benefit Saturday, May 7, 2011 7:00 p.m. Bette-R-Look Salon & Spa 715 Washington St. Adults $10 Students $5
In The Historic Olde Leaksville Shopping District
BEACH BASH Western Rockingham Junior Service League is holding a Beach Bash, Saturday May 7, 2011 from 8 p.m. 12 a.m. at the Carolina Marina in Stokesdale NC. 21 and Up (ID Required) There will be raffles, cash drawings, door prizes, and a silent auction. $10 per person, $15 per couple. Cash bar, entertainment will be by Party Reinforcers.
Trinity Wesleyan Education Center
EDEN’S LADIE’S NIGHT OUT “IN HATS” Friday, May 6, 6pm - 8pm Washington Street, Eden Sales, Door Prizes, Refreshments, Treats, Live Music. Crazy Hat Contest 7pm in Park SENIOR CITIZEN BINGO Tuesday, May 17 at 1.00 p.m. at the
Check Us Out! www.judithwarren.com “Shaping Young Lives” Offering quality affordable Christian Childcare • Open Monday - Friday 6am - 6pm • Ages 6 Weeks - 12 years old • ABEKA Christian Based Preschool Curriculum • DDS Approved • Educational Fieldtrips • Before & After School Program (transportation provided from local schools) • Homework Assistance
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Improve the nighttime visibility, clarity and appearance of your headlight lenses! Special Price $49.95 (Pair)
Reggie Denney Auto Repair 406 Bridge St. Eden, N.C (336)627-1456
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life
County Schools Seeking Your Votes!
Umberella Girls - Everett Kuntz In addition to the Tenth International Argus Collectors Gathering we are sponsoring an exhibit of photos of Ridgeway Iowa 1939-42. They will hang for the whole month with an Argus Camera display as well. Photos resemble Leaksville-Spray-Draper in same era. They were made using an Argus camera and the film was developed then, but not printed until 2002 Later some were published by University of Iowa Press so you'll get press release site as well as this NY Times site for a review.
Tenth Annual International Argus Collectors Group Comes To Eden Display is curated by Mike Retisma and Pam Buckley from Los Angeles with permission of the Everette Kuntz family. Copies of the book will be available. The photographs themselves will be available at the end of the show..
"In the early summer of 1939 I was in Iowa City to participate in a scholarship contest. I didn't win a scholarship, but I did get a nice sit down dinner with tablecloths and real napkins at University of Iowa expense - and I got a camera." Everett W. Kuntz, 2002 In 1939 Everett Kuntz spent $12.50 at Henry Lewis's drug store in Iowa City for an Argus Model AF camera. The purchase exhausted most of the 18-year
old's savings, but he soon discovered the economy of surplus movie film and turned his camera toward the people of his hometown. Over the next three years he would make nearly two thousand negatives documenting the lives of the people of Ridgeway, Iowa and then store them away, not to be seen for 60 years. Seventy of these images will be exhibited at the Eden, North Carolina Public Library during the month of May. The photographs are clearly those made by someone who is
known and trusted by his subjects: a policeman pushing a baby carriage, children spinning
Argus Continued on next page
Eden, North Carolina May 13, 14, and 15Location: Eden City Hall 308 East Stadium Drive Eden, NC 27288
Rockingham County Schools are seeking votes from the community in a national contest that evaluates school district websites. The school district’s www.rock.k12.nc.us website is one of 7 national finalists in a contest coordinated by the Kansas-based All of E Solutions organization. The organization has selected 7 medium sized (with enrollment 7001 – 24,999) school district websites in its School-e Awards program that recognize the best district websites. The contest generated more than 7,500 nominations and RCS received 1,002. A selection process named 7 finalists for best websites in the medium sized category. One of the final 7 will be announced as best website based on the number of votes it receives. Members of the public can vote for their favorite school district websites. Voting ends on May 5, 2011 and a winner will be announced on May 6, 2011. To vote go to www.rock.k12.nc.us and click the graphic link under the Announcements heading that reads “Vote for RCS.” The School-e Awards recognize the best school district websites based upon good design practices, clear, concise and complete content and the ability of a website to fulfill an audience’s needs. Rockingham County Schools is the only NC school district to make the final 7 in the medium sized category. Other finalists are school districts in Missouri, Wyoming, California, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Apple Foundation Grant Helps Continue Entrepreneur and Technology Services The Rockingham County Business & Technology Center recently announced that it has been awarded a $15,000 grant from the Ben R. and Lemma M. Foundation to support its general operations. With these funds, the Center will continue to help local entrepreneurs learn how to plan, start and grow businesses, while also supporting its renewable energy, broadband and local food projects aimed at helping transition Rockingham County’s economy. To foster local business success, the Business & Technology Center provides reliable information and effective services to its clients regardless of the business type or phase of development. Businesses served by the Center fall in a wide range of sectors including alternative fuels, commercial construction, light industrial, renewable energy, catering, farming, retail and more. While each business is different, sound business principles and effective use of technology cut across them all. The counseling, training and support services provided by the Business & Technology Center cover a variety of areas including business plan preparation, budget development, marketing strategy, financial analysis and e-commerce. In addition, staff has developed economic development projects that aim to push broadband into rural areas not already served, utilize trash as a renewable energy source and help farmers develop markets for high value food to help replace tobacco income. “This investment by the Apple Foundation helps us continue the broad range of services we are providing and the innovative projects we are leading,” said Mark Wells, Executive Director at the RCBTC. “Without their support, we would not be able to offer the level of services Rockingham County businesses need to help them through the existing economic transition from tobacco and textiles, coupled with the Great Recession,” added Wells. About the Ben R. and Lemma M. Apple Foundation: The Ben R. and Lemma M. Apple Foundation was established in 1987 by a gift of stock from Mrs. Apple. The Foundation focuses its investments in Western Rockingham and Eastern Stokes Counties, the area the Apple family spent their entire lives. The family’s desire was to use their accumulated wealth to reinvest in their community. Mr. Ben T. Vernon serves as the Foundation’s Senior Trustee. About the Rockingham County Business & Technology Center: The RCBTC is an e-NC Authority Business and Technology Center designed to create an entrepreneur-friendly, technology-enabled environment in Rockingham County. The Center helps entrepreneurs learn how to plan, start and grow businesses, while making sure they understand how to use technology to be competitive in today's global marketplace. For more information call (336) 342-7853 or visit their web site at www.rockinghambusiness.org.
Broadway Blast - Musical Theatre Camp starts registration Please come join us for our annual Musical Theatre Camp – BROADWAY BLAST! Sponsored by the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department and DeHart Dance Theatre, this camp will take you through many facets of musical theatre – acting, singing, and dance. We are inviting all skill level between 6 – 18 to participate. Students will learn to perform and learn auditioning skills while building self-esteem, confidence and teamwork. Instructors with years of experience in performing and directing will be teaching var-
Continued to Page 9
Give Your Mother The Gift Of A New Style!!!
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 8 ious skills and techniques at the camp as well. There will also be an end of camp production on the last day to showcase student’s talents. Camp Director, Deana DeHart, is an exciting, creative and very motivating instructor. She has spent over 20 years as a choreographer for Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia as well as doing show for Carnival Cruise Line. She is also currently running dance programs in the area. Broadway Blast will be held at the Madison-Mayodan Rec. Dept. June 27, 2011 – July 1, 2011. There will be two classes taught to adequately instruct different age groups. Classes for ages 6 – 10 will be from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and will cost $85.00. Classes for ages 11 – 18 will be from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. and cost $105.00. To pre-register or for more information please contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at 336-548-2789. Space is limited, so register today!
RAFI Grant to Increase Local Food Sales The Rockingham County Business & Technology Center (RCBTC) has received a $30,000 grant to redesign and take control of the Piedmont Local Food website (www.piedmontlocalfood.com) . This is a demonstration grant distributed by Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI) with financial support from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. These demonstration grants are slated to help transition tobacco farmers into other crops so that rural areas can maintain their farming heritage. Now entering its second season, the Piedmont Local Food initiative is a virtual farmers’ market partnership led by Rockingham County Local Food Coalition, Inc. and supported by the RCBTC and Rockingham County Cooperative Extension. Grant funds will be used to fully redesign the existing PiedmontLocalFood.com website, which is currently leased from Foothills Connect, a sister e-NC Business & Technology Center to the RCBTC. Doing so will allow many new enhancements to the current site, including thorough reporting that will allow farmers to better manage their farm businesses. It also will bring technical control of the website to the Piedmont, allowing quicker updates, fixes. “Foothills Connect has done a magnificent job helping us expand their program in the Piedmont, and this grant provides them a signifi-
Continued To Page 10
On Duty - Everett Kuntz
ARGUS ... continued from previous page around a merry-go-round, young friends arm-and-arm smiling for the camera, a store clerk surrounded by the sundries of the 1930's. All reflect an easy familiarity and affection between photographer and subject. Other images record the working and social life of Ridgeway - setting fence posts, laying railway track, a high school car wash, a dance and are full of the material details of the time which provide so much of the satisfaction of documentary photographs. The lasting impression is one of a community in which friendship and mutual regard were the expectation, an impression more striking to today's viewer than it would have been to the subjects themselves. Everett worked almost entirely with available light on Kodak Super-XX film, and his images are well exposed and sharp. He could not afford an enlarger or printing supplies, so he simply developed the negatives in a makeshift darkroom, storing them away when he enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1942. After the war Everett finished his degree and worked as an electrical engineer at Minneapolis Honeywell. He married Helen in 1954 and together they raised 3 children and cared for 7 foster children. He continued to make photographs and movies, passing on his love of the discipline, the outdoors, and learning in general to his children and foster children. Everett returned to his Ridgeway negatives in 2002, and at age 81 began scanning and printing them on his PC. He showed the prints to friends, family and some of the original subjects, and word spread of the exceptional photographic and documentary value of the work. Requests for prints accumulated and articles appeared in media in Iowa and Minnesota. Finally, a few months before his death in 2003, a retrospective exhibit was held near his home in Mounds View, Minnesota. In 2008, a book of the photographs, Sunday Afternoon on the Porch (text by Jim Heynen, University of Iowa Press), was published. The current exhibit was assembled with the cooperation of David, Carol, and Nancy
Kuntz, the Argus Collectors Group, the Eden Public Library, and the University of Iowa Press. It includes the first complete collection of prints of the images in Sunday Afternoon on the Porch made since the publication of the book. The prints in the exhibit were made from Everett Kuntz's scans by Clint Farlinger, a nationally published photographer who works from Cresco, Iowa. The exhibit will be up from May 3rd to May 28th during regular hours at the Eden Public Library, 598 South Pierce Street, Eden, North Carolina. The exhibit is in conjunction with the Tenth Annual International Gathering of the Argus Collector's Group which meets May 13-15. Argus camera collectors from across the US and Canada gather at the Eden City Hall for the fourth year for workshops, photo tours and contests. Persons interested in further information can check the Argus Collectors web site: http://www.arguscg.org/events/g athering/
MEADOW GREENS SHOPPING CENTER 640-M S. Van Buren Road • Eden, NC 27288
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Offer expires: May 31, 2011 Not valid with any other offers. Limit One. Valid at Eden Location Only
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Call Eden’s Own Journal Rockingham County Star for your publicity needs 336-627-9234
Eden Team to Participate in RCYFL Children in Eden have a new option for improving their foot-
ball skills. Last night, the Rockingham County Youth
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Football League invited Eden to participate in league. They will begin play this fall. "This is a fantastic opportunity for kids who want to play football," said Jason Smart. "RCYFL is a quality organization, and we are excited about the chance to have our kids participate in an established league." Several months ago, Keith Dallas, Jason Smart, and Phil Berger, Jr. began discussing the possibility of joining the RCYFL. Dallas and Smart submitted a proposal to the league which provided for one team in the 7-9 age group and another in the 10-12 age group. There will also be cheerleading squads for the teams. While football season may seem far away, the group has to build the program from the ground up. "We are looking at brand new helmets, jerseys, pants," said Keith Dallas. "Right now, however, we have to pick out colors, logos, and even a name. We invite football fans in Eden to help us." Children interested in playing should contact edenyouthfootball@gmail.com. Information on signups will be available at a later date.
Baked Fresh For Your Pooch!!! Hand made with wholesome ingredients Visit www.caramelpaws.com for details.
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Music at the Mural "The Rockingham County Arts Council is beginning the planning for weekly live Wednesday evening music in the beautiful little park at the corner of Washington and Henry Streets in Eden's Leaksville Shopping District during the summer months. Local merchants have expressed enthusiasm for this idea, and local musicians have long expressed a desire for more places to play. Please share this with interested persons so that logistics can be firmed up. This park area has grounded power for small PA systems. Performers can market own CDs/product during performance. There is a strong possibility of a paid stipend for performers. Contact Bret Harold Hart by responding to this FB page for more information/booking. "First respond-first booked."
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Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 9 cant nod that they have graduated their first expansion,” stated Mark Wells, executive director of the RCBTC. The Piedmont Local Food initiative has forty participating farmers from six Piedmont Triad counties, and the project’s goal is to help farmers gain access to new markets and increase revenue through technology. Through its partnership with Rockingham County Cooperative Extension, Piedmont Local Food provides marketing, sales and distribution for farmers while also offering access to business and agricultural training. “Farming has been such a large part of Rockingham County’s economy, and this project hopes to help save our rural farming heritage by making small farms profitable again,” added Wells. RAFI has made significant investments in Rockingham County’s agricultural efforts, having invested $30,000 in Piedmont Local Food in 2010, Rockingham Community Kitchen in 2006 and many private on-farm operations for many years. “We are very fortunate that RAFI continues to invest in Rockingham County, and we should be proud of our local farmers for making these projects attractive to these investors,” expressed Wells. About Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA: RAFI-USA is a non-profit farm advocacy organization based in Pittsboro. RAFI's Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund makes grants to individual farmers and community groups to develop strategies for new income on the farm. For more information, contact Joe Schroeder, Program Director of Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund at 919-621-0534. www.rafiusa.org About the NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission: The NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission was formed in 2001 as one of three agencies formed by the General Assembly to distribute funds from the Master Settlement Agreement. The NCTTFC targets funding towards individuals and communities affected by changes in the tobacco industry and supports projects designed to increase farmer income, stimulate local economies and generate jobs. www.tobaccotrustfund.org About the Rockingham County Business & Technology Center: The RCBTC is an e-NC Authority Business and Technology Center designed to create an entrepreneur-friendly, technology-enabled environment in Rockingham County. The Center helps entrepreneurs learn how to plan, start and grow businesses, while making sure they understand how to use technology to be competitive in today's global marketplace. For more information call (336) 342-7853 or visit their web site at www.rockinghambusiness.org.
Be the voice for a child
Box Springs & Mattress - Twin Sets $119.95 Dinette Tables starting at $199.95 Couch & Loveseat $499.00 115 MORGAN ROAD • EDEN, NC 27288
County Star
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You can be the voice for an abused or neglected child in rockingham county. Over 125 of Rockingham County’s children are in foster care. These children are victims of abuse and neglect. Many of these children will spend their childhood in foster care and never experience the love and security of a permanent home. Unfortunately, this number continues to rise. While many of these children’s stories are sad, there are also many with the potential for happy endings. In order for safe, permanent homes to be secured for these children many people must become involved and work to improve their outcomes. A Guardian ad Litem Volunteer is one of those people. The Rockingham County Guardian ad Litem Program is a nonprofit organization and is a division of the Administrative Office of the Courts. This program is based on community volunteer participation. Without volunteers the program would not exist. This program trains volunteers to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court. Our goal is to help these children find safe, loving, and permanent homes. A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a trained volunteer who is appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of an abused or neglected child. In court, the GAL serves as an important voice for the child. Guardian ad Litem volunteers come from all walks of life and have a variety of professional, educational and ethnic backgrounds. No special education or experience is required. All children deserve a voice and an advocate on their side. Won’t you dedicate a few hours a month to ensure they have it? For more information, call Amanda Benavides at (336) 634-5738.
Historic village comes to life The Rockingham County Historical Society Museum and Archives (RCHSMA) hosted their first "Family Day" in April on the grounds of Wright Tavern, at 1073 NC HWY 87 in the historic Wentworth Village. The theme for this event was “Colonial Life in North Carolina” and was intended to demonstrate the everyday activities of families during the colonial era in rural N.C. Guests enjoyed games, music, story-telling and demonstrations of everyday work in the home including lap quilting, canning, and candle making, and were able to watch Archaeologists working with site artifacts and American Revolution re-enactors will recreate battles and skirmishes. There were tours of the historic structures and grounds of Wentworth Village provided and staff from the LDS Genealogy Library explained how to use the internet to research your family history. For additional information call 336-394-4965 or email rchsmamembership@gmail.com The Rockingham County Historical Society was established in 1954 and merged with the Museum and Archives to form RCHSMA in 2009. The organization is responsible for preserving the county’s
Continued to Page 11
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 10 written, oral and architectural heritage and is working to establish a museum space to provide a permanent home for their collections.
Grassroots Grants RSVP for May 19 workshop Rockingham County Arts Council is now accepting applications for North Carolina Arts Council Grassroots Arts Program subgrants through June 30, 2011. Applications are available for non-profit organizations whose purpose is to promoteand develop diverse cultural arts programming in Rockingham County. Funding priority is given to qualified arts organizations (theaters, galleries, choral societies, festivals), arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists, and other community organizations that provide arts programs in the county. Application forms and grant guidelines are available on the Rockingham County Arts Council website at www.artsinrockingham.org or may be picked up at the Rockingham County Arts Council office Monday, Thursday & Friday between 11am-2pm. Rockingham County Arts Council will also mail applications and guidelines upon request. Applications must be received no later than 5pm, June 30, 2011. Rockingham County Arts Council is also hosting a Grassroots Arts Program Grant Workshop to assist interested applicants in preparing competitive grants on May 19 at 4pm. New and past applicants are required to attend. Grant applications are evaluated by a diverse panel of community members and voted on by Rockingham County Arts Council Board of Directors. Awards are announced in September each year. For questions or more information, contact Rockingham County Arts Council at 336.349.4039 or email info@artsinrockingham.org
GIS Explorer Camp WHEN: Mon-Thurs, June 27th - 30th, 9am-4:00pm WHERE: Centennial Campus Center for Wildlife Education, Raleigh, NC WHO: Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders COST: Free of charge In this exciting program, rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders will learn how to use GIS (Geographical Information Systems) technology and have fun outside while gaining important career building skills. Participants will use computers
Continued To Page 12
Red Cross Donors “Spring to the Skies!” With Delta Airloines Presenting Donors Eligible to Win One of Two Pairs of Delta Air Lines Domestic Tickets With the winter weather behind us, and the skies shining bright with sunshine, there’s no better time than now to plan your perfect vacation. Just in time, the American Red Cross is rewarding those who give from the heart to help save lives with a chance to win one of two pairs of domestic airline tickets from Delta Air Lines. For your chance to “Spring to the Skies,” simply stop by your local Red Cross donation center from April 15 to June 30, 2011 to donate blood or platelets. Two lucky presenting donors will be selected at random to receive a pair of round-trip tickets. - Monday, May 2nd, 2:00 -6:30 pm, Glencoe UMC, 601 Glencoe Church Loop, Summerfield, call the Church Office 616-0017 for an appointment - Wednesday, May 4th, 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Reidsville Community at Reidsville YMCA, 504 S. Main Street, Reidsville, (drive sponsored by Wesley Chapel UMC), call Aisha at Red Cross at 349-3434 for an appointment - Thursday, May 5th; 12 noon – 4:30 pm, Eden Chamber Business Expo in front of Eden Mall, Old Peebles, 201 East Meadow Road, - call the Red Cross at 349-3434 for an appointment - Friday, May 6th, 10 am – 2:30 pm, NC DOT, 191 Hwy 65, Wentworth, call Brenda 6345642 for an appointment - Sunday, May 8th; 1:00 – 5:30 pm, True Gospel Baptist Church, 4720 NC Hwy 704, Madison, Call Joanne at 427-4879 for an appointment - Monday, May 9th, 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Stoneville Community at Vera Holland Center, 203 East Main Street, Stoneville, sponsored by Boy Scout Troop #782, call Jerron at 552-1345 for an appointment - Thursday, May 12th, 3 – 7:30 pm, Bethany VFD at Civic Center, 3 – 7:30 pm, call Betty 951-2787 for an appointment - Thursday, May 19th; 2:30 – 7:00 pm, Edmundo Agundiz BloodStock to be held at Reidsville First Congregational Christian Church, 1863 S. Park Drive, Reidsville, call Edmundo at 518-4010 for an appointment - Friday, May 20th, 10 am – 2:30 pm, American Red Cross, 3692 Hwy 14, Reidsville, call the Chapter at 349-3434 for an appointment - Saturday, May 21st, 10 am – 2:30 pm, Ruffin Stacey Baptist Church, Ruffin, call the church at 939-2895 for an appointment - Monday, May 23rd, 3:00 – 7:30 pm, Madison UMC, 110 West Academy Street, Madison, Call Carolyn at 548-6320 for an appointment
- Thursday, May 26th, 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Osborne Baptist Church, Eden, call the church office at 623-6064 for an appointment The need for blood is constant. Even in the spring and summer months, when people are seemingly their healthiest, those with illness, cancer or trauma need our help. The Red Cross encourages donors year-round to help make sure the blood supply in our region remains at adequate levels to provide for those in need. “Every day, people attend American Red Cross blood drives and help give life to someone they will never meet,” stated Joyce Brendel, chief executive officer of the Carolinas Blood Services Region. “The Red Cross is grateful to Delta Air Lines for this unique opportunity to say thank you to blood donors for
helping hospital patients in need.” Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. The American Red Cross Carolinas Blood Services Region provides lifesaving blood to patients in 103 hospitals. Approximately 1,600 people need to give blood or platelets each week day to meet hospital demand. Blood can be safely donated every 56 days. Most healthy peo-
ple age 17 and older, or 16 with parental consent, who weigh at least 110 pounds, are eligible to donate blood and platelets. Donors who are 18 and younger must also meet specific height and weight requirements. To schedule an appointment to donate please call the sponsor listed or the Rockingham County Chapter at 336-349-3434 or visit www.redcrossnet.org for more information. Appointments are strongly recommended.
NORTH STATE BAIL BONDS 336-613-5136 • 336-520-5153 24 Hour Statewide Service Jon Servie Owner/Bail Agent
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New Grief and Loss Support Group Formed
Race Car driver Ward Burton, Chuck Toulouse of Reidsville and and Ken Buccini of Eden as well as several other guests recently gathered at Buccini’s home for a meeting of Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM). Buccini plans to hold more meetings featuring well known persons who also participate in their program.
Mother’s Day Special!!! $10 Off Color Through May 2011!!! Walk-ins Always Welcome
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- No Job Too Small Charlie Carter (Formerly of Reidsville Nissan)
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Death is an experience that hurts, and brings pain. No one is immune. It is part of being human. No one escapes grief and loss. The sources of grief and loss are many. They vary from person to person, but the feelings we experience are similar...shock, denial, anger depression. Feelings that can overwhelm us unless they are faced and shared. If this is a time of grief and loss for you we invite you to join with others who are going through the same experience. Dealing with grief and loss following a death has many times been thought of more in the area of crisis management. What has been discovered though, is that the process of grieving often lasts for years. After all the friends, family, church officials, and other professionals leave, there is still unresolved pain and negative feelings. These feelings many times are thought to be unique and are buried and not dealt with. Here is what others have said: “This class helped me put things in perspective and showed me I was handling things better than I thought.” “It was helpful to hear others and what they went through and are feeling. Plus the meetings actually make you bring feelings out and deal with your grief. Plus there are always those people you attended with that will always be there for extra support. Thanks.” This support-group on “Grief and Loss” being offered by Draper Christian Church will be of real value to you. We are having an initial organizational meeting on May 28th at the church building located at 1116 West Fieldcrest Road in Eden. We will meet at 7PM. Gary L. Wackler, DCC’s new minister, will facilitate the group. Call 336-635-8932 to register or if you have questions.
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 11 and GPS units, sample stream quality, survey bird populations, create maps and posters, and present their results to Wildlife Resources Commission staff, as well as their family and friends. See attached flyer. GIS is a technology that combines hardware, software and data to help view and understand mapped information. Through conducting field work in our local streams and woods, participants in the GIS Explorer Camp will explore how spatial data can help biologists make decisions and answer questions about the natural world. GIS is also used by city planners, hydrologists, health officials, emergency response teams, and in many more careers around the world. The program is free, but you must supply your own bicycle and helmet as we will be traveling by bicycle along Raleigh greenways to collect the data needed for GIS mapping. Application Deadline: May 6th. Please contact Kelsey Obernuefemann at kelsey.obernuefemann@ncwildlife.org or (919)707-0202 for more information and application forms.
Seventeen graduate from CNA course
Graduating class: first row: Jill Hawks, Elizabeth Squires; Second row: Angela Neal, Gloria French, Brandi Thompson, Ashley Rickman, Reba Price; Third row: Paula Candler, Heather Wagoner, Herseana Moss, Teresa Mabe, Mara Snyder; fourth row: Carrie Schlup, William Martin, Whitney Blackstock, Patricia Shaw, John Wicker Jr. On March 25, students in the certified nursing assistant program at Rockingham Community College received their certificates of completion during a graduation ceremony, which included a blessing of the hands, held at Goodwill Resource Center in Reidsville. Graduates are: Whitney Blackstock, Mara Burchell, Paula Candler, Gloria French, Reba Lewis-Price, Gail Mabe, William Martin, Herseana Moss, Angela Neal, Ashley Rickman, Carrie Schlup, Patricia Shaw, Liz Squires, Shardae Thompson, Heather Wagoner, Jill Walker-Hawks, John Wicker. Certified nursing assistants are on the front line of patient care. They are one of the most vital patient care contributors to nursing home and hospital patients. The CNA training program at RCC is a 160-hour course that takes approximately nine weeks to complete. Classes are held at Goodwill Resource Center. Many individuals use the program as a stepping stone to the Associate Degree Nursing programs or to gain employment within the medical
Cooperative Extension receives grant awards
Rockingham County Cooperative Extension is pleased to announce recent grant awards to be used for the Rockingham Community Kitchen www.rockinghamkitchen.org . The Rockingham County Farm Bureau donated $15,000 for the purchase of equipment for the Rockingham Community Kitchen and for
To p N o t c h Tr e e E x p e r t s “A Cut Above The Rest” 24 WES SHELTON e Em -Hour Experienced Arborist Fre tes e a Tree Removal and Trimming Stormrgency m i Wo Est rk Chipping and Stump Grinding Cabling and Bracing • Animal Rescue Serving All of Rockingham County & Surrounding Areas
Red Cross thanks volunteers for service Rockingham County Red Cross held their volunteer appreciation luncheon in April, with the theme “Volunteering…Making a Better Tomorrow… Today.” Red Cross honored all the volunteers and their guests with a hearty meal provided by Debbie’s Catering and entertainment provided by Chords & Strings, directed by Red Cross volunteer, Mary Jo Boswell. Jana Nowell, Executive Director made the introduction of the program followed by words of thanks from Steve Hale, Board Chairman. Hale said the definition of volunteer is someone freely willing to perform a task, and those who work with the Red Cross consider it a “Labor of Love”. He also noted “Every pint collected is life, I can never say thank you enough.” Aisha Gwynn of Emergency Services explained the needs of the department that handles families burned from their homes as well as regional emergency situations. And, Ada Wells of Blood Services and Food Pantry thanked the guests for all they do, “We couldn’t do it without you.” Carole Boice of Volunteer Services remarked, “I’m inspired by our volunteer’s talents, compassion, and willingness,” noting the goals of volunteer services is to provide relief to disaster victims and to prepare and respond to emergencies. The event ended with a video showing the presentation of the Volunteer of the Year Award to Bill Larson of Emergency Services. Larson could not be at the luncheon but was honored at an earlier event that was filmed.
HOME EQUIPMENT Canes Crutches Walkers Hospital Beds
Wheelchairs Bathroom Aides Oxygen C-Paps
Flu shots Pneumonia Tetanus Zostavax Travel Vaccines
DIABETES CARE Free Diabetic Meters Diabetic Shoes Diabetic Education TAKE CHARGE Nutrition Program
Reduce your Prescription cost Free Generic Voucher One-Price Prescription Drug Plan
Providing Solutions for Better Health Hale
Free Monthly Supply of Vitamins for Kids • Free Monthly Supply of Low-Dose Aspirin
Health Tips Wells
Providing Solutions For Better Heath Asthma in Infants Few things are as unsettling as a sick baby, struggling to breathe – especially when it's yours! And, figuring out the source of the problem can be a bit of a puzzle, particularly if your infant has asthma. That's because asthma in infants can have many faces. Babies with asthma often have sudden, severe wheezing and trouble breathing, just as older children do. But asthma in infants may also show up a s chronic coughing, noisy breathing, or "chest colds." Asthma is a chronic lung disease. It makes the airways swell, tighten, and produce too much mucus. Severe asthma attacks can require a trip to the emergency room. And, uncontrolled asthma can damage the lungs over time. So, this is not something to ignore. If your baby has unexplained respiratory symptoms, stay alert and in communication with the pediatrician. Be prepared to tell the doctor how and when symptoms get worse. This can help rule out problems and confirm a diagnosis of asthma. If anti-asthma medications relieve any wheezing and coughing, the diagnosis is pretty clear. But in some cases, other asthma mimics need to be ruled out. These include viral infections or congenital conditions or diseases such as cystic fibrosis. If it turns out your baby does have asthma, you may be wondering what caused it and what to do next! Although no one really knows the cause, your genes may play a role. Other factors may also come into play. Some doctors think breastfeeding the first year can help prevent asthma, but the evidence doesn't yet support this. Keeping your baby away from common asthma triggers such as cigarette smoke, aerosol sprays, pet dander, and dust mites may lessen symptoms of asthma. If you suspect a certain food is causing an allergic reaction, this could also trigger asthma. Remove the food from your baby's diet, and then reintroduce it, to see what happens. However, it's hard to do very much about other common triggers, such as crying, respiratory infections, and weather changes. Prescription anti-inflammatory medications are the other mainstay of asthma treatment for infants. Your baby may need a combination of different types of medications. Be clear about whether you should give medication continuously or only when symptoms appear. A nebulizer uses forced air to send out a mist of medication that your baby can breathe through a mask. Don't be alarmed if it takes a little while for your baby to get used to this. If your child is a toddler, it may be possible to use an inhaler with a spacer (a small tube). Are you concerned about trying these medications in such a small child? Remember that, along with your child's pediatrician, I can help guide you in their safe and effective use. But whatever you do, don't put off seeking care – even if you think your child may "outgrow" this problem. Some kids' asthma does get better with time, but the best results come with adequate treatment. Eden Drug is a full service, family owned pharmacy serving the individual needs of our patients.
YMCA celebrated their National Healthy Kid’s Day in April with kid’s games, demonstrations, and community education, making learning fun for the youth of the community as well as their caregivers. Above are photos of the Eden event.
Join us on Facebook @ Eden Drug Health Mart Pete Crouch, RPh, CPP 103 W. Stadium Drive, Eden, NC 27288 Phone: (336) 627-4854 Hours: Mon-Sat. 9am - 9pm, Sun. 1pm - 6pm FREE DELIVERY • Website: www.EdenDrug.com
Councli decides to join forces for education
In April, the Eden City Council, approved a motion to continue with their plans to join in with Rockingham Community College and Goodwill Industries, Inc, for the creation and operation of a Community Resource Center to operate within the city limits of Eden, NC. Although at the time of the vote the program had not yet received Goodwill Industries, Inc. approval, if and when they
County Star
give that approval the program will assist individuals in the community with job training services In Rockingham County there is presently one Goodwill Career Development Community Resource Center in Reidsville, which opened in 2004. In partnership with Rockingham Community College, Eden is offering a funding commitment for the constru-
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tion of three classrooms and a conference room and helping with the annual operating costs for a two -year period. At the end of this period the city would release responsibility of the project to Goodwill Industries completely. Council was presented with the infrastructure and projected operating costs for the budget. Although Councilman Gene Hagood opposes the city’s involvement with the project, believing that the city should not be in the education business and should be handled by a non-profit entity, the motion was approved. Rockingham Community College, has already approved their cooperation in the project, which now awaits approval from the Goodwill Industries Board.
Need publicity for your business? Call Eden’s Own Journal / Rockingham County Star at 336-627-9234
Move-In Ready!!! 3251 Oregon Hill Road, Ruffin NC 27326... $129,900 This brick ranch home sits on a 1 acre lot and has 1649 square feet, living room/dining room, den with fireplace, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage and large unfinished basement with full size garage door access. The rear of the house features a large cement deck with built in grill and an open view of farmland. This house is conveniently located just off Highway 700 about 10 miles from Highway 29 (Visitor's Center exit) with a short 9 mile drive to Eden. Location is ideal for commuters to the Danville/ Eden/Reidsville/Greensboro areas.
Contact Mark at 434-713-9332 for details. www.move-in-ready.com
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 12 Acidified Foods Processing training. These funds provided the matching funds required for the recently awarded NC Value-Added Cost Share--Equipment for Processors grant for $12,500. The combined funds will purchase steam kettle, labeler, scales, work tables, chocolate tempering matching and other items for the kitchen. The new equipment and training will help food entrepreneurs be able to safely produce a wider variety of value added products. The Rockingham Community Kitchen is a joint project of Cooperative Extension and Rockingham County Business & Technology Center. Wells, RCBTC Executive Director, says, "We are delighted that the Cherokee Camp Road kitchen location will reopen in May after being used over the past two years by our Sheriff's Department during their recent construction. We plan to continue operation of our satellite location at Eden United Methodist Church in Madison, also." Brenda Sutton, County Extension Director, states that she is appreciative of the long-standing excellent relationship with Rockingham County Farm Bureau. "Farm Bureau understands that investing in community economic development projects--especially those concerning agriculture--help make our county stronger."
“Inspiration” Marketplace welcomes everyone Laura Schnekler and her husband opened Inspirations Artisan & Antique Marketplace at 108 W. Murphy Street, Madison, in November 2010. The shop has 30 artists/antique room for many more. This unique shop and workshop combined currently has pottery, knitting, water color paintings, acrylic paintings, jewelry, soap, candles, photography, hand made rugs, nativity scenes, bird art, dolls, primitives, quilted purses, quilts, baskets, antiques, garden art, plus lots more. There is ample room for artists to teach classes, some of which are currently offering knitting, jewelry making, rug hooking, wool appliqué and taking requests for more artistic endeavors. Laura is a fiber artist. “I have my rug hooking studio upstairs in this beautiful and historic building in downtown Madison.....I teach rug hooking classes in my studio in Madison and will also do commissioned rugs to your specifications” she said, “I have been rug hooking for 15 years and I also plan and host rug hooking/fiber retreats all over the US. I teach rug hooking at John Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC a couple of times a year.” The beautiful old-fashioned atmosphere of the shop fits perfectly in the downtown area and welcomes onlookers as well as shoppers and artists with new ideas.
Business student sees value in understanding global practices Between graduation on May 13 and the first day of summer school on May 29 at Rockingham Community College, Cody Snow, of Eden, will be working as an intern in Castlebar, the center of County Mayo in Ireland. Snow, 21, is the recipient of RCC’s international internship offered through the college’s global education initiative. During his two week stay, Snow will spend one week Snow working with a hotel/event center in Castlebar in which he will be involved in the marketing, scheduling, billing, accounting, currencies, tourism, and other business aspects of the hotel and event center; three days with the GMIT Small Business Center and its incubation companies; and two days with the Castlebar Chamber of Commerce learning about area business practices. “I wanted to go out of the United States and learn something about international business practices,” said Snow. “I wanted to see how companies in other cultures conduct business. You can always learn something as well as share what you know.” Snow will graduate in May with a degree in accounting. He
Continued to Page 16
Rockingahm County’s Transit System At Work RCATS helps provide transportation for those who have no other way to get out. Typical destinations are medical facilities, rehabilitation and treatment centers, educational facilities other than K-12 schools, employment, grocery shopping, etc. Fares may apply depending upon eligibility and destination. A four working day notice is required in advance of appointments due to seating capacity, van availability and route arrangements. To make a reservation or for more information, please call 34R-CATS. RCATS has a fleet of 20 vans providing services under contract for the majority of the Health and Human Services in Rockingham County and the general public. RCATS provides transportation to Rockingham County citizens only and travels only in Rockingham County. RCATS provides wheelchair accessible lift van service as well as standard conversion van service for ambulatory passengers. Transportation services are provided Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturdays for Dialysis passengers only. Anyone who is a citizen of Rockingham County is eligible to ride RCATS vehicles. An adult must accompany anyone under the age of 18 to and from appointments unless special pro-
visions have been made prior to the transportation being provided. All passengers are allowed one attendant to ride along. Some forms of Medicaid provide for transportation to medical appointments only and the passenger is not required to pay a fare. An eligibility screening is done upon the initial contact with transportation system and the passenger and/or family will know whether the fare applies or not. Fares range from $2.00 to $3.00 each way depending upon location and destination. Tickets may be purchased in advance of transportation for passengers having repeating trips such as employment or education. Fares will apply to noncovered reservations such as shopping, picking up prescriptions/glasses, education, visits to Social Services, etc. for Medicaid recipients When the weather begins to heat up and summer is here, Duke Energy and the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments distributes electric fans through ADTS to people 60 years of age or older who are residents of Rockingham County and are facing a home situation that is a threat to their health and wellbeing due to a lack of air conditioning. Please call Patsy at 336349-2343 for information about the 2010 program.
A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! $499 Mo. Still Offering 1/2 Off 1st Month’s Rent! A Pet Friendly Community 336-623-4645
Dr.Abdul-Mbacke 6890 Greensboro Rd., Ridgeway, Va. (Next To The Sheetz)
Francis Photography Collection
This old photo is from the Francis Photography collection at the Eden Historical Museum. They are as yet unidentified. If you think you know who is in the photo please contact: edenhistoricalmuseum@yahoo.com, or call Julie Hampton Ganis at 336-623-3853.
Complete Women’s Healthcare Now Featuring 3D/4D Ultrasound Get An Early Look At Your Baby. Full Range Of Obstetric-Gynecologic Care. Annual Exams, Office Procedures To Avoid Hysterectomy, Treatment Of Diabetes, Thyroid And Blood Pressure. You Can Have All Your Care In One Place! Same Day Appointments Available. To Make An Appointment, Please Call - 276-956-1013
Nancy and Bill Putnam pose with Keith Henderson at a MHS Best Auditorium Benefit. They celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary at the Keith Henderson Tribute to Elvis LIVE.
A Fundraiser for the Best Auditorium Seat Program
6890 Greensboro Rd., Ridgeway, Va.
(Next To The Sheetz)
Operation Medicine Drop Disposes of Unused, Expired Prescriptions Take-back events statewide offer Top Hat Cleaners & Tuxedo Rentals (336) 623-4910 101 N. Van Buren Rd. • Eden Hours: Mon. • Wed. • Fri. - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mother’s Day Special! Ladies 2 Piece Suits Cleaned For Only $5 In May
APARTMENTS FOR RENT WE ACCEPT HUD VOUCHERS 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Call for information on our Special Summerglen - Rent is $435.00 per month, $200.00 security deposit. 2 bedroom apartments available. Hampton Wood - Rent is $450.00 per month, $200.00 security deposit. 2 bedroom apartments available. Klycewood - 1 bedroom apartment for $385.00 per month, $200.00 security deposit. 2 bedroom apartment for $450.00 per month, $200.00 security deposit. OTHER AVAILABLE RENTAL PROPERTY Parkland - 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments available. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. Glenwood Court - 2 Bedroom apartment available. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. Norman Court - 1 Bedroom apartment available. These apartments are for applicants 62 years of age or disabled regardlessof age. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. Knollwood Court - We are now taking applications for our waiting list. These apartments are for applicants 62 years of age or disabled regardless of age. Rent is based on income and handicap accessible when available. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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public safe, secure way to dispose of medications. Eden-Operation Medicine Drop is sponsored across North Carolina by Safe Kids North Carolina, the N.C. Department of Insurance, State Bureau of Investigation, and Drug Enforcement Administration. Unintentional poisoning deaths and injuries are increasing nationwide. Children ages 1-5 account for 23 percent of all emergency department visits related to poisoning and these types of injuries result in high death rate of infants under the age of one due to their smaller size. The most common culprits for children are access to the following drugs: • Over-the-Counter Medications: cough and cold, iron tablets, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications • Prescription Medications: antidepressants, narcotics and recreational drugs Results of the 2011 Operation Medicine Drop Collection Sites for the City of Eden: Draper Fire Department Collection Site: 6,045 dosage units Layne’s Pharmacy Collection Site: 1,367 dosage units Eden Drug: 15,189 dosage units Walmart: 3,910.5 dosage units Mitchell’s Drug: 7,827 dosage units Eden Police Department 11,353.5 dosage units Total Dosage Units: 45,692 dosage units
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued will take classes this summer to complete a degree in business administration. After earning degrees from RCC, Snow intends to gain a four-year degree in business or accounting. With more and more companies becoming involved in international business, Snow believes an understanding of global practices will make an individual a more viable, productive employee. “I believe my time in Ireland will help me with that,” he said. “I’m excited.”
County 4-H Nutrition Fair On Tuesday, April 12, Rockingham County 4-H held their 2011 4-H Nutrition Fair. 4-Hers from ages 5-18 displayed their recipes and food dishes. There were 6 youth participating in the contest! 4-Hers prepared a food dish in one of the 5 categories such as salad, snack, dessert, main dish or beverage. Some examples of food displayed were veggie pizza, tropical yum yum and monk’s coffee cake. The 4-Hers not only had to prepare their dishes; they had to share their knowledge to the judges. The judges taste tested 4-H dishes and asked questions about the preparation and display of the food. Youth had to tell the judges about the nutrition of their dish and what nutrients were in their dish. The 4-Hers then shared their food with one another before the awards were presented. 4-H participants received certificates and cooking items to improve their cooking experiences. 4-H wants to thank the Nutrition Fair judges as well. Rockingham County 4-Hers culinary skills shined brightly at the Nutrition Fair! For more information about 4-H in Rockingham County; contact Morgan Maness, 4-H Agent at 336-342-8230.
The annual Memorial Day Veterans program will be held on Sunday, May 29 at 2:00 pm at the Rockingham County Veterans Park in Wentworth. There will be a special reading of the names of Rockingham County Veterans who have passed away during the past year. All veterans and the public are invited and encouraged to attend.
The official ribbon cutting was heldon Friday, April 1st in the New Market Shopping Center in Madison for the new Salvation Army Store. City, Chamber and Salvation Army Officails pose for the evetn. GHAO7VXES12
Cutting for over 40 Years fan. It’s the first thing you see on the door. In fact some of his most prized possessions are autographed Duke posters. Woodall is a family man, he has a stepson, Bryan Cox, with
his wife Kay and also a son with Kay, Sgt. Shane Woodall of the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Department, He serves as a school resource officer at McMichael High.
Woodall’s father, the late Roy “Buck” Woodall retired from American Tobacco, his mom Virginia, retired from Vanier Graphics.
Special Invitation In honor of Mother's Day and Better Hearing Month,
Advantage Hearing & Audiology is offering free refreshments and consultations for mothers and families. This event will be available by appointment only during the month of May.
Over 40 years cutting hair and listening to stories, Tommy Woodall has heard it all. Or so he thinks, until a new customer comes in and tells him something that surprises him all over again. He began working in July 1968 at Butler’s Barber Shop on the Cook Block, owned by Lee and “Rooster” Butler. He decided to go into business for himself almost three years later and opened up on April 5th 1971 in the old Gillespie Barber Shop on Fieldcrest. In 1977 he moved to his present location right up the street at 130 N. Fieldcrest, where he has been ever since.
Born and raised in Draper, Woodall cuts hair for the community in his little golf ball filled Barber Shop (he has 2249 displayed and 1500 more at home). The ceiling is covered with flags from over 100 various golf courses. So it’s easy to see what he liked to do in his off time. Woodall recently celebrated 40 years in business in April and is still going strong. Many think of him as the place to go to find out what is going on, and to spread a little news of their own. An avid sports fan, as soon as you see the front of his shop, you know he is Duke Blue Devil
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Nearby Vacation Destinations Completely unsolicited at locations that were totally unaware of being critiqued before checkout.
As a new feature, every month or so I will review a dayaway drive location (within a few hours drive) that I feel could offer citizens a nice little get away… or not…depending on the review! This month’s choice is the Sandy Beach Resort, in Myrtle Beach and a nearby restaurant that is also a great place to visit on your trip the beach.
Where to stay… Sandy Beach Resort, Myrtle Beach 201 S. Ocean Boulevard - 1-800844-6534 • www.beachtrips.com General Manager Tony Volpe at ext 4000 Rates April 1 – June 30 are from $49 - $415 per night July 1st through September 30 $64 - $395 per night October 1 – December 31 $45 - $135 per night • 1, 2, and 3 bedroom condos with bedroom and living room separate, most rooms are equipped with washer and dryer (wonderful for those wet bathing suits!), refrigerator, stove, microwave and LCDTV. Some have deep and luxurious whirlpool tubs as well. These rooms are not the bright tropical motif most are accustomed to at
the ocean, but a tasteful, luxurious decor makes you feel like you’re living in style. AMENITIES • Offering indoor and outdoor pools and lazy rivers (heated and unheated), a children’s pool that has big colorful amusements as well as hot tubs inside and out, all these are great additions to the ever popular ocean. I find that there is abundant outdoor seating, well kept pools and hot tubs, plenty of shade for the non-sun worshippers. There are also towels available at the pool so you don’t have to bring your own. • For those who like to work-out there is a fitness center. I find it enough of a work out just to be on vacation, but you may want to visit the gym. • All rooms have free wireless Internet and free local calls. • Do you become a dare devil on your vacations, well there are on-site parasail and Jet Ski rentals just for you. • Some like their rooms close to the ground, others can get a more than spectacular view from the 19th floor. • Right on the beach, with a lifeguard stand directly in front, and rentable beach cabana tents and chairs right on the oceans edge. • And can you say location, loca-
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tion, location? The hotel sits diagonally from the Family Kingdom Amusement Park, where the famed Swamp Fox roller coaster runs, as well as scooter rental, convenience stores, beach stores, hot dog stands, ice cream parlor and a neighborhood bar, all adjacent to the property. Not to mention only a few hundred feet from the entrance to the ever-popular Family Kingdom Water Park. • There is a guard on duty at the front entrance to the hotel, and guests are assured of a safe vacation. That is all the good about the Sandy Beach Resort the only bad I saw in the entire hotel was that the parking was across the street, and although you have plenty of room to pull up under a covered entrance to unload and load, the parking can be a small drawback.
Where to eat… • The 2nd Ave Pier is a very short little walk on the beach or on the sidewalk away (about two hotel widths away), and features the PierHouse Restaurant, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the third floor Pier View Open Air Bar overlooking the ocean, beach and pier and a magnificent view of the strand. Owner Trent Collins and bartender Michael Phillips both make you feel right at home, and don’t forget to ask for server Heather Fernie, who will make sure your visit is enjoyable. I personally ate at the Pier View Open Air Bar, choosing to sit out in the sun due to a sumptuous cool breeze, forgetting that the sun still burns the skin, whether you’re hot or not! But I found the covered open-air tables are great for the day and the uncovered for the evening dining, unless you are a true sun worshiper. Food was great; service was quick, friendly and lighthearted. Just right for beach dining.
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued
Teacher Remembered with Scholarship Dr. Dorothy M. Haith of Perry, Ga. remembers well Ida Hauser Duncan, the woman who took time to mentor, guide and instruct students at Booker T. Washington High School in Reidsville. Haith was one of her students. “She took a deep interest in teaching her students more than academics,” said Haith. “She knew the influence that a caring teacher could have upon a student’s life.” Duncan In honor and appreciation of Duncan, the woman who served as teacher, yearbook and student government association advisor, mentor, and “first lady” of Livingstone College during her husband’s tenure there as president, Haith has established the Ida Hauser Duncan Scholarship at Rockingham Community College. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior from Reidsville High School who is enrolled full-time in any RCC program of study leading to a degree or diploma. Duncan scholars will demonstrate good character, a desire for education, and financial need. Recipients must have a minimum 2.25 grade point average and show academic promise for completing their course of study at RCC. The scholarship is renewable for two years if criteria are met. Gifts may be made to the Ida Hauser Duncan Scholarship at any time. To make a contribution, contact the RCC Development Office at 342-4261, ext. 2201.
Market opens in May Rockingham County Farmers Market, located on the Upper Piedmont Research Station-- adjacent to historic Chinqua Penn--is preparing for season opening on May 7, 2011. On May 14, 2011, Diane Daniel, author of "Farm Fresh North Carolina" will be on hand to autograph and sell copies of her new book. In the first statewide guidebook of its kind, "Farm Fresh North Carolina" takes readers on a lively tour of more than 425 farms, produce stands, farmers’ markets, wineries, children-friendly pumpkin patches and corn mazes, pick-your-own orchards, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, agricultural festivals, and more, all open to the public and personally vetted by travel writer Diane Daniel. Rockingham County Farmers Market is featured in the book--which also includes a recipe from The Produce Lady. Deborah Crumpton, market president and founding vendor, notes that the market is the only farmers market in the area that accepts WIC vouchers and EBT cards. The market is committed to making good local foods accessible to all citizens. Interested vendors should contact Deborah Crumpton at runningpineherbfarm@yahoo.com The Rockingham County Farmers Market is open May through October--Saturdays from 8 to 1, and Wednesdays from 3 to 6.
Ruhland Accepts Position as President of Moraine Park Technical College RCC’s Vice President for Instruction, Dr. Sheila Ruhland, will become the next president of Moraine Park Technical College. Established in 1912, Moraine Park Technical College has campuses located in Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac and West Bend, Wis. and is one of 16 technical college districts that make up the Wisconsin Technical Ruhland College System. Dr. Ruhland succeeds Dr. Gayle Hytrek who will retire in June after serving as president since July 2004. Dr. Ruhland came to RCC in July 2007 to serve as vice president for instruction. Prior to coming to RCC, Dr. Ruhland served as Vice President of Instruction at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Ore. RCC President Michael Helmick said, “I appreciate the contributions that she has made to RCC. The college family and I extend our congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Ruhland as she embarks upon her new responsibilities.” Dr. Ruhland said she is honored to have been selected as Moraine Park’s next president. “I appreciate the board members and the college community recognizing the experience I will bring to the Moraine Park District. I am excited to become part of the team at Moraine Park and a member of the communities we serve.”
Exciting New Health Seminar Series Coming To Rockingham County For the first time ever, the Rockingham County Public Library System and Rockingham County Department of Public Health will team up to provide FUN and educational opportunities for county residents. The program is called ‘Healthy Living in Rockingham County’ (a health seminar series). Mr.
Michael Roche, Rockingham County Public Library Director, sparked the idea for the project after the release of the 2010 County Health Rankings. “We are very excited to be able to offer these free programs such as these to educate the public on the health issues facing our citizens.” The Public Libraries are full of
Amanda Rorrer, Contributing writer Author of Runningwrite.blogspot.com
"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." -- Laura Ingalls Wilder
Dear Daddy, You really gave me a scare last week, and everyone else that loves you, too. I had planned a birthday surprise for you, but it was nothing major, just cake and ice cream and our family get-together. I didn’t get you a present to open. As I thought about things and the events that unfolded over the next few days, I regretted that I didn’t have a gift for you. As I was wondering the gift shop at the hospital, I really felt out of sorts. I had stepped away from the room to make some phone calls, clear my head, and just make sense of all that had happened. I didn’t know what I was looking for, but really, God showed me what it was. I’ll never forget the look you gave me as you lowered your glasses and saw the price tag when I brought back the coffee mug. (Sorry, I forgot to take it off.) You asked me if I really paid $14 for a coffee mug. The answer is no— I paid $28 for two. I know you have a gazillion mugs, but you didn’t have one like this, and neither did I. And no, it wasn’t the mug that God was showing me, but the message behind it. The inscription on the mug says: Appreciate the little things, because one day you’ll back and realize they were the big things. My eyes welled up with tears when I read the words. As I turned the mug in my hand, I saw the figure watering the small bush and the larger tree next to it. My tears were no longer contained in my eyes; they were streaming down my face. I know it’s not even scripture, but I think that is one of the neat things about it. God reveals Himself to us in ways that surround us all the time. Sometimes I let myself become consumed with things that I make out to be big things, when really, they are small potatoes in the grand scheme of life. That’s part of being human, and sometimes God likes to slow us down and make us reconsider our perspective and priorities. I immediately thought of you and of those I love the most in this life. I thought of your love of flowers and the outdoors, and how you instilled in me that same love. I realized that my happiest childhood memories are of us working together in the yard. My happiest memories as an adult are times I have spent working in the flower and vegetable gardens with Robert and Lydia. I remembered Nannie and how much she loved flowers. I remembered how you taught me the names of them and how Nannie sang to them to “get them to grow.” I’ve tried to pass this love on to Lydia. We’ve had her in the dirt since before she could walk and I’ve taught her the names as well. Robert works with her patiently in the vegetable garden, just as his grandpa did with him. You see, I can’t put a price on those memories. I don’t need a mug to remind me to remember, but I thought you could think of me and I of you when we can’t be near and know how much we love each other. God reminded me that the little things in life should be the things we cherish the most. He did this in a way that was much more personal than any cheesy “priceless” MasterCard commercial. I answered by saying, “Ok God, you’ve got my attention. Thanks for saving my Daddy. I promise to pay more attention to the little things that I am so blessed to have. I’m trying to do the right thing in so many different directions of my life, I still make mistakes, and I need you to show me what the right things are.” There in the hospital, you told me that everything happens for a reason, and God never puts more on us than we can handle. Even in the midst of things, you were comforting and parenting me. The thought of not have you as a presence in my life was very bleak and scary, but I know it is a part of growing up, growing older, and living life. There is no possession that could compare or replace those who I love the most. I spent years searching to fill a void because I didn’t have the capability at the time to realize the love surrounding me or the importance of the little things. I went to Texas and back, came home with an empty heart, and only then did I begin to treasure the little things that family provides. Over time, and with maturity, God has granted me a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter that have shown me more love than I thought I was even worth at times. They have helped me prioritize what is important and view life with a larger perspective. Our love is not found in grand things, but in small things we often take for granted. I think it all comes down to what a person’s view of big and small really is proportionately, in one’s heart and head. I am thankful that I have a house, which is a necessity in life. It may not be the biggest or most fancy house, but it is ours and we have made a home. There is always a stack of bills that must be paid, but our table is blessed and our bellies are full. For us, these are the big things. We work for them and we have pride in what we do, but at the end of the day, it’s the little things that provide us with joy. Little things include: sitting in the front porch swing and planning our future, snuggling and laughing during Scooby Doo cartoons, reading bedtime stories, a refrigerator covered with memories and artwork, a note on the counter that says “I love you,” tomato sandwiches for breakfast, a dog at my feet after a hard day’s work, talking to you on the phone for an hour and not even realizing that an hour has passed, a kiss on the cheek for no reason at all, the sound and feeling of laughter with family, and evening walks. We were more than lucky on April 10th, 2011, and that’s no little thing. I love you very much and I appreciate all that you are to me. Love, Amanda
resources that are available to everyone such as Books, DVD’s and magazines on dieting, healthy cooking, health issues, exercising, pregnancy and more. In addition to materials on physical health, there are also books dealing with mental and spiritual health as well. Through the collaboration of the Library and the Health Department, many resources will be combined in an effort to effectively educate Rockingham County residents on how to live longer healthier lives. ‘Healthy Living in Rockingham County’ will be offered two Tuesdays each month for six months, beginning May 2011. In order to effectively serve the entire county, the series will rotate locations to include Eden, Reidsville, and Mayodan libraries and Vera Holland Community Center in Stoneville. All seminars will begin at 6pm unless otherwise noted. The series will cover a variety of topics from prostate or breast cancer to healthy eating and physical activity. Seminars will be conducted by health professionals in that area of expertise. Everyone is invited to participate and have fun while learning how to live a happier, healthier life. Please register for any seminar in the series by contacting Tara Martin @ 336-342-8149 or Beverly Scurry @ 336342-8258 or call the scheduled series location. A complete seminar schedule is listed below. For more information please visit www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org or http://www.rcpl.org/. Series Schedule • Healthy Lifestyles (Nutrition and Weight loss/gain issue) — May 3, 2011 @ Mayodan Library • Drug Test Your Knowledge (Substance Abuse) —May 17, 2011 @ Eden Library • Healthy Hearts (Heart Disease)—June 7, 2011 @ Vera Holland ! Free Your Mind (Mental Health)—June 21, 2011 @ Mayodan Library
• Women’s Health (Breast and Cervical Cancer)—October 11, 2011 @ Reidsville Library • Breathe Healthily, Live Happily (Lung Cancer, Tobacco, and Smoking Cessation)—
October 25, 2011 @ Reidsville Library * Denotes seminar time other than 6:00 pm
Pampered Pets Grooming Located in rear of Granny’s Variety
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BETRAYED BY ATTORNEYS Because They Could by ROBERT & CAROL RORRER A true account of a local family betreayed by attorneys. Books available: Amazon.com www.rosedogbookstore.com. Also limited supply available at Eden’s Own Journal - 336-627-9234
Tommy’s Style & Barber Shop 615 Washington St. • Eden, NC 27288 336-623-7699 Hours: New Mon. - Fri. - 10 - 5:30
Tommy Cook, Owner
Towne Apartments 602 Henry Street Now Leasing 1 BR, 2 BR Apartments “All Utilities Included” Fleming Property Management
• Fun in the Sun(Skin Cancer and Summer Safety)—July 12, 2011 @ Reidsville Library • You Are What You Eat (Label Reading, Food Substitute, and Portion Distortion)—July 26, 2011 @ Mayodan Library • Moving for a Healthy You (Physical Activity)—August 9, 2011 @ Eden Library • Keeping Seniors Connected (Access to healthcare for the elderly) —August 23, 2011 from *9am – 11am*@ Vera Holland • Healthy Kids for a Healthy Future (Access to healthcare for children and families) — September 13, 2011 *5:30pm – 7:00pm* @ Vera Holland • Men’s Health (Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer)— September 27, 2011 @ Eden Library
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For more information, come by and visit us today! 540A Riverside Drive, Eden (Next to Rhode Island Mill Apartments)
For The Fun Of It Are blind pilots flying?
Business Men
One day at a busy airport, the passengers on a commercial airliner are seated waiting for the pilot to show up so they can get under way. The pilot and copilot finally appear in the rear of the plane and begin walking up to the cockpit through the center aisle. Both appear to be blind; the pilot is using a white cane, bumping into passengers right and left as he stumbles down the aisle. The copilot is using a guide dog. Both have their eyes covered with sunglasses. At first, the passengers do not react thinking that it must be some sort of practical joke. After a few minutes though, the engines start revving, and the airplane begins moving down the runway. The passengers look at each other with some uneasiness. They start whispering among themselves and look desperately to the stewardesses for reassurance. Yet, the plane starts accelerating rapidly, and people begin panicking. Some passengers are praying, and as the plane gets closer and closer to the end of the runway, the voices are becoming more and more hysterical. When the plane has less than twenty feet of runway left, there is a sudden change in the pitch of the shouts as everyone screams at once. At the very last moment, the plane lifts off and is airborne. Up in the cockpit, the copilot breathes a sigh of relief and tells the pilot: "You know, one of these days the passengers aren't going to scream, and we aren't going to know when to take off!"
Once there were four business men. They were sitting on a bench in a hospital waiting room because their wives were having babies. A nurse comes over and says to the first businessman, "Congratulations! Your wife had 1 baby." The man says, "What a coincidence! I'm the president of And1!" The nurse goes away. Then the nurse comes back and says to the second businessman, "Congratulations! Your wife had twins!" The man says, "What a coincidence! I'm the owner of the Minnesota Twins!" The nurse goes away. The nurse comes back and says to the third businessman, "Congratulations! Your wife had triplets!" The man says, "What a coincidence! I work for Triple Crown!" The nurse goes away. The nurse comes back and sees the fourth businessman alone on the bench crying. She asks, "Why are you crying"? The man replies, "I work for Seven Up"!
Tent Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: “Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see.” Watson replied: “I see millions and millions of stars.” Holmes said: “and what do you deduce from that?” Watson replied: “Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like earth out there. And if there are a few planets like earth out there, there might also be life.” And Holmes said: “Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent.”
Ten Games For Elders 1.)Sag, You're it 2.)Pin the Toupee on the bald guy 3.)20 questions shouted into your good ear 4.)Kick the bucket 5.)Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over 6.)Doc Goose 7.)Simon says something incoherent 8.)Hide and go pee 9.)Spin the Bottle of Mylanta 10.)Musical recliners
Adam & God Adam was talking to God one day, and asked, "why did you make Eve so pretty?" God replied, "So you would love her". Adam then asked, "why did you make her such a good cook?". God replied, "So that you would love her". Adam asked, "Why does she have such a heavenly smile?". God said "So you would love her" Finally, Adam asked "Why did you make her so dumb?" God replied, "So that she would love you!".
Deer What do you call a deer with no eyes ? I have no I-Deer
Fish What do you call a fish with no eye ? FSH !
Blondes So a blond was speeding down the highway. All of a sudden she gets pulled over (obviously because she was speeding.) The cop who pulled her over was also a blond (uh-oh)... The cop says "Ma'am i need to see your drivers license ID." The driver was confused, being blond and all. So, the cop decides to remind her what an ID is. "Ma'am its a rectangular thing with your picture on it" The blond still has no idea, but looks for it anyways. So funny them blonds. She pulls out a rectangular mirror and hands it to the cop. The blonde cop says to the blond driver, "Oh, sorry ma'am if I had known YOU were a cop too, I wouldn't have pulled you over."
Dogs In A Bar A man goes into a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says "You can't bring that dog in here!" The guy, without missing a beat, says "This is my seeing-eye dog." "Oh man,” the bartender says, "I'm sorry, here, the first one's on me." The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door. Another guy walks into the bar with a Chihuahua. The first guys sees him, stops him and says "You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog." The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar. He asks for a drink. The bartender says "Hey, you can't bring that dog in here!" The second man replies "This is my seeing-eye dog." The bartender says, "No, I don't think so. They do not have Chihuahuas as seeing-eye dogs." The man pauses for a half-second and replies "What??! They gave me a Chihuahua??!"
Three Women Three women are at a house, one redhead, one brunette, and one blonde. A genie appears and says the women can say anything, but if they tell a lie, they will disappear. The redhead says, "I think I am the smartest woman ever," and she disappears. The brunette says, "I think I am the most beautiful woman on Earth," and she disappears. The blonde says, "I think-" and she disappears.
Three Men
Mary, Anna, and Tess died and went to heaven. God said, "Do whatever you want, but don't step on the pink clouds." One day, Mary decided to go for a walk. When she came back, there was an ugly boy next to her. Anna and Tess asked, "Where'd you get that ugly boy?" "I stepped on a pink cloud." The next day, Anna decided to go for a walk. When she came back, there was an ugly boy next to her. Mary and Tess asked, "Where'd you get that ugly boy?" "I stepped on a pink cloud." The next day Tess decided to go for a walk. When she came back, there was a cute boy standing next to her. Mary and Anna asked, "Where'd you get that cute boy?" The boy said, "I stepped on a pink cloud."
Three guys had to cross a lake. The first one prayed to God for the strength, he swam across the lake, but almost died 5 times. The second guy prayed to God for the strength and the tools, he made a boat, and rowed himself across the lake, he almost died 3 times. The third guy prayed to God for the strength, the tools, and the brains. He turned into a girl, walked 4 yards, and crossed the bridge.
Memory Class An elderly couple had been experiencing declining memories, so they decided to take a power memory class where one is taught to remember things by association. A few days after the class, the old man was outside talking with his neighbor about how much the class helped him. "What was the name of the Instructor?" asked the neighbor. "Oh, ummmm, let's see," the old man pondered. "You know that flower, you know, the one that smells really nice but has those prickly thorns, what's that flower's name?" "A rose?" asked the neighbor. "Yes, that's it," replied the old man. He then turned toward his house and shouted, "Hey, Rose, what's the name of the Instructor we took the memory class from?"
How To Ask A Man How To Ask A Man To Do Something Always remember these six important rules when asking a man to do something: 1. Make sure the man is conscious. 2. Crash the hard drive on his computer and line the bird cage with the sports section. 3. Be brief! Limit your nagging speech to two, three hours, max. 4. Reward him for cooperative behavior. Offer to cook him something that doesn't have a peel-back cover. 5. Punish him when he refuses to cooperate. Microwave his remote on high power for 55 minutes. Rotate 1/4 turn, and microwave again for another 35 minutes. 6. Use "would you" or "will you" instead of "you'd better" or "do as I say and no one will get hurt."
Dog What is a dogs favourite school subject? "Dog-Ruff-E "
PUZZLE Locate These Hidden Words In Eden’s Own Find A Word
There are 13 letters left. For the answer see classified page
MAY 2011 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 21 ¶ Keep on the right track!
Have A Happy Mother’s Day
Railroad Cafe 239 N. Main Street & Hwy 770 East • Eden, NC • Phone (336) 635-1709
Those raccoons are not luggage
The Hair Cut
As migration approached, two elderly vultures doubted they could make the trip south, so they decided to go by airplane. When they checked their baggage, the attendant noticed that they were carrying two dead raccoons. "Do you wish to check the raccoons through as luggage?" she asked. "No, thanks," replied the vultures. "They're carrion."
A little boy took the chair at the barber shop. “How would you like your hair cut today, Son?” asked the barber. “Oh, do it like Daddy’s with the big hole at the back.”
I deserve a first class seat A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section of the plane. The stewardess rushes over to her and tells her she must move to coach because she doesn't have a first class ticket. The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job, and I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica." The disgusted stewardess gets the head stewardess who asks the blonde to leave. The blonde yet again repeats "I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job and I'm staying in first class until we reach Jamaica." The head stewardesses doesn't even know what to do at this point because they still have to get the rest of the passengers seated to take off; the blonde is causing a problem with boarding now, so the stewardess gets the copilot. The copilot goes up to the blonde and whispers in her ear. She immediately gets up and goes to her seat in the coach section. The head stewardess asks the copilot in amazement what he said to get her to move to her correct seat. The copilot replies, "I told her the front half of the airplane wasn't going to Jamaica."
Memories Michelle: “My parents have dreadful memories.” Chris: “Can’t remember everything, huh?” Michelle: “Oh, no. That’s the problem. They do remember everything.”
1st Time Flier The first-time flier was very nervous as he buckled his seat-belt before takeoff. He turned to the woman in the next seat and asked, “About how often do jetliners like this crash?” She thought a moment and replied, “About once, usually.”
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The Scale Little Kristin, five, was showing a neighborhood friend around her house. Her friend had never seen bathroom scales before and was mystified by the dial. “What is ths?” the friend asked. “I’m really not sure. But I know what it’s used for. It’s a machine that puts grown-up people in a terrible mood.”
Dear Son: Just a few lines to let you know I’m still alive. I’m writing slowly because I know that you can’t read fast. You won’t know the house when you come home… We moved. About your father, he has a lovely new job. He has 500 people under him. He is cutting grass at a cemetery. There was a washing machine in the new house when we moved into it, but it wasn’t working too good. Last week I put 14 shirts into it, pulled the chain and I haven’t seen the shirts since. Your sister, Mary had a baby this morning. I haven’t found out whether it’s a boy or girl, so I don’t know if you are an aunt or uncle. Your uncle Dick drowned last week in a vat of whiskey in Doublin Brewery. Some of his work mates dived in to save him, but he fought them off bravely. We cremated his body and it took three days to put out the fire. Your father didn’t have much to drink over Christmas. I put a bottle of castor oil in his pint of beer. It kept him going until New Year’s Day. I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father went with me. The doctor put a tube in my mouth and told me not to open it for 10 minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him. It only rained twice last week. First three days, and then four days. Monday was so windy that one of our chicken laid the same egg four times. We had a letter from the undertaker. He said dif the last installment wasn’t paid on your grandmother, up she comes. Your loving mother. P.S. I was going to send $10, but I already sealed the envelope.
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Outdoor Enthusiast Country Store & Madison Dry Goods Co. Casual Clothing and Mercantile 104 W. Murphy St. • Downtown Historic Madison, NC Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 336-427-7099 www.madisondrygoods.com
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life
3rd Annual Shaggin’ in the Vines to Feature Mark Roberts & Breeze in Beach Music Fundraiser for Hospice
Hospice of Rockingham County will host a its 3rd Annual Shaggin’ in the Vines beach music benefit featuring Mark Roberts & Breeze at Autumn Creek Vineyards on Saturday, May 21st from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. The concert will also feature local favorites, The Impacts. This year’s benefit concert will also feature an amateur shag contest and a several items for raffle. Tickets are $20 in advance at $25 at the gate. Advance tickets may be purchased at the Hospice office; Autumn Creek Vineyards; NewBridge Bank branches in Eden and Madison and the Reidsville Main Office; The Front Porch in Eden; and Carolina Apothecary and Belmont Pharmacy in Reidsville; children under 10 may attend at no charge. Guests are welcome to bring picnic baskets but food will be available for purchase. Beverages will be available for purchase but outside coolers and/or beverages will not be allowed; glass containers of any kind are also prohibited. The gates open at 11:30am and the event will be held rain or shine. Autumn Creek Vineyards is located at 364 Means Creek Road in Mayodan, NC. For additional information, please contact the Hospice office at (336) 427-9022, visit their website at www.hospiceofrockinghamcounty.com or Autumn Creek Vineyards at (336) 548-WINE (548-9463). Flintrock Farm Hosts
“Run For The Roses” A Fundraiser for Free Clinic of Rockingham County The 137th Kentucky Derby is the theme for the May 7th event at Flintrock Farm on Highway 158 in Rockingham County. Set amid the rolling pastures, stables, barns and riding rings, guests will be transported to Churchill Downs for the most exciting two minutes in sports and a Derby experience beyond compare. Between 4:30 and 8:30, guests will sip on mint juleps while strolling the stables before the race, taste traditional Derby fare, enjoy music, silent and live auctions, an equestrian flag presentation, hat contest and
Continued to Page 22
Friendship Ministry Starts In Eden Osborne Baptist Church in Eden has begun a new ministry called the Friendship Ministry. The Friendship Ministry is a bimonthly gathering for children and adults with developmental disabilities. The gathering is designed for children and adults ages 12 & up. The vision of the Friendship Ministry is to share
the love of Jesus Christ with our friends in the community with special abilities. The class meets on Sunday evenings twice a month from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Children’s Worship Center at OBC. At each Friendship Ministry gathering, special friends are matched with a “buddy” and together they
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explore God’s love for them through worship, drama, bible study, crafts and social time. The mission of the Friendship Ministry is to share God’s love with people who have developmental disabilities and help them become a part of the Body of Christ. Registration is recommended but folks can also show up the night of the gatherings. A class for parents and caregivers is also offered in conjunction with each Friendship Ministry gathering. Parents and caregivers are asked to accompany our special friends into the building for check-in procedures. Parents and caregivers are not required to stay each time our Friendship Ministry meets, but we would love for folks to stay and enjoy the fellowship time in the Parent/Caregiver class. The upcoming Friendship Ministry dates are 5/1 & 5/22, 6/12 & 6/26, 7/10 & 7/24, and 8/7 & 8/21. If you know of someone who may benefit from this ministry or if you would like to volunteer please contact Kevin Bedard, Recreation and Family Ministries Director, at 336-623-6064 or kbedard@osbornebaptist.com. Osborne Baptist Church is located at 326 E. Stadium Dr. in Eden, NC.
Have a story idea? Need publicity for your event? We’re here for you! Call Us 336-627-9234
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 21 pick their favorites for win, place and show! And, of course, watch all the action on big screen televisions to see if their picks win! All proceeds benefit The Free Clinic, a private, non-profit, volunteer based organization which continues to be the thoroughbred provider of medical, dental, and pharmaceutical care for Rockingham County residents who are low income and uninsured. The Clinic is quick to acknowledge its winning record is only because of caring community partners. Nearing its 13th year of providing quality, comprehensive health care, the Clinic has provided millions of dollars in services to its target population and has significantly relieved the burden placed upon local emergency rooms. In 2010, medical visits jumped 32% and dental visits increased 40% over 2009 totals as record numbers of Rockingham County residents found themselves uninsured and desperate for care. The Clinic ensures the sick and hurting are able to receive the quality care they need so they can return to work, support their families and contribute to our local communities in ways that ripple positive economic effects throughout our entire county. Leslie Deaton, Executive Director of the Clinic, says “the cost per day to operate the facility is $850. Our biggest expense is the many prescriptions for our patients, many of whom are extremely sick with chronic diseases.” Open since 1998, the Free Clinic of Rockingham County operates solely on private donations and grants. Fundraisers like this are critical to keeping the Clinic doors open. A limited number of tickets are available for $50 per person and may be purchased by calling 336.627.1127.
Eaglemania camps ready for area youth Rockingham Community College is once again offering the unique Eaglemania summer camp adventures for students entering first through eighth grades. These special one and two week camps begin June 20 with tennis, drawing, golf, American Red Cross babysitter training, horsemanship, career exploration, and outdoor adventure. For more information on the opportunities awaiting your child(ren) through RCC’s Eaglemania summer program, call 3424261, ext. 2177. Also, the Eaglemania camp schedule will be posted in the near future on the RCC homepage at www.rockinghamcc.edu.
Rockingham County Arts Council
WardAssoc@triad.rr.com • 336-286-9816
Coming soon at the Rockingham County Arts Council is Tea & Talk May 19, 2011 at 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., located at the Agriculture Building, NC Hwy 65, Wentworth, NC 27375. There will be a presentation on Grantwriting, by Janie Wilson, Arts in Communities Director, NC Arts Council. In 1977, North Carolina General Assembly established the Grassroots Arts Program to ensure that every citizen had access to quality arts experiences. The program distributes funds for the arts, primarily through local arts councils, to all 100 counties using per capita based formula. Grassroots funds support hundreds of arts activities. Learn about the Grassroots Grants process, forms, and ways to develop you project description toward funding. Open and free to the public. Please RSVP. Organizations planning to submit a grant proposal for Grassroots Grants are required to attend. Grassroots Grants are specifically the topic for this presentation but all grantwriters can benefit and are welcome. Coming soon at the Rockingham County Arts Council is Tea & Talk June 16, 2011 at 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. “How To Prepare A Book Proposal For Publication.” Join the author Dena Harris for a workshop that can give you the word on the street! Topics we will be covering include: Components of a successful book proposal, building you author platform, where to submit, what to expect. Established author Dena Harris guides participants through the often-confusing world of non-fiction book proposals. Learn what editors and agents are looking for, the essential elements of a successful proposal, how to build you author platform, and what you can expect from the process. Dena is the author of several humor/gift books including Who Moved My Mouse? A self-help book for cats, to be released in five countries. Her work has appeared in over 50 national/international print and online publications, Visit www.denaharris.com for more information. Cost for members: $10, cost for non-members: $20. RSVP by June 11. No materials are necessary, but are welcome to bring sample work and questions! Open to the public. If you have an idea, project or would like to present your guild or group please contact us at 336-349-4039. For more information and to register please email info@artsinrockingham.org or call 336-349-4039.
Paddling Snow Creek The Dan River Basin Association's First Saturday Outing on May 7, 2011 will be a paddle trip on the Dan River in Stokes County. Covering just over 5 miles, the float will begin at Snow Creek Access and end at Hemlock Golf Course Access. Will Truslow, expert paddler and past president of the Association, will coordinate the trip. Participants are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Snow Creek Access about 200 yards west of Dodgetown Road Bridge on Pitzer Road (GPS 36.4026, 80.1404) to unload boats and gear and set the shuttle. For boat rentals and shuttle, contact Three Rivers Outfitters, 336-627-6215 or 276-340-3983, www.3-r-o.com, or Dan River Company, 336-593-2628, www.danrivercompany.com. History and legend abound on this section of the river, which is characterized by high bluffs forested with hardwoods and stands of stately hemlock trees. Just upstream of the put-in is the frame of the Pitzer Steel Truss Bridge, dating from 1918. About half a mile below Snow
Creek is Thompson's Fish Dam, which has remnants of a rare wooden slat trap. According to "An Insider's Guide to the Dan River," a "heavy timber frame, about eight feet square, formed a grid of slats" to trap fish channeled into the trap by a veeshaped low rock wall. At least two branches of the Great Wagon Road forded the river at shoals on this section, and caves are said to have been used by Confederate draft dodgers. Rock formations and uncommon Carolina hemlock stands have received recognition as the Dan River Cliffs natural heritage area. According to Trip Coordinator Will Truslow, "This section of the Dan has the last of the really high bluffs before the river winds on into the Piedmont. Some are about 150 feet high." The most spectacular is Davis Bluff, a dramatic rock face on river left where huge boulders lie in the water at the base of the cliff. Legend says that a member of the Davis family fell to his death from the road on top. To this day, the cliff is known as
Mount Horrible. The Dan River in this section is rated mostly as Class 1, but the remains of a former Duke Power dam, dynamited in 1975, create a sometimes challenging Class 2 rapid. Fortunately, it is located within sight of the take-out ramp at Hemlock Golf Course. Participants are asked to meet at 10:00 at the Snow Creek Access on Pitzer Road. They should arrange to supply boat, paddles, life jackets, water and lunch; wear water-shedding artificial fabric or wool (not cotton, and certainly not blue jeans); and provide a back-up change of clothing. All participants will be asked to sign a waiver. Directions: At intersection of NC 8 and NC 89 3 miles south of Danbury, NC, turn northeast onto Dodgetown Road. Drive about 4 miles, cross Dan River. Immediately turn left onto Pitzer Road. Snow Creek Access on the left 200 yards. Driving south from Virginia on US 220, turn west on NC 770 to Sandy Ridge. Turn south on NC 704 to Dodgetown. Turn right onto Dodgetown Road and drive about 4 miles. Just before crossing the Dan River, turn right onto Pitzer Road. Snow Creek Access is on the left in about 200 yards. Outings and meetings of the Dan River Basin Association are open to the public without charge. For more information about the trip, contact trip coordinator Will Truslow, 336-5471903, willtruslow@hotmail.com .
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A Breath of Fresh Air -- DRBA Welcomes New Executive Director "Going green and protecting the environment are not only good for the earth, but good for people, too," says Tiffany Haworth, new executive director of the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA). "We all know that fresh air, clean water and exercise can help our bodies, but what people may not realize is that preservation of our natural resources is also good for our economy. It can draw businesses and tourists to the area, making our communities economically stronger." Haworth, a native of Ohio with a degree from Rutgers University, has experience working in both the corporate and non-profit worlds in Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. Since 2004 she has been with the United Way in Martinsville, where she has created new partnerships and programs to achieve community outcomes and has conducted workshops and training for dozens of organizations and businesses. "DRBA's Board and staff welcome Tiffany to Team DRBA and look forward to working together to further the Association's mission and vision," says Wayne Kirkpatrick, DRBA President. "Her experience with non-profit and private businesses will be a great asset for the entire Dan River region." "We've gotten to know Tiffany through her workshops and consultations with our board and staff," says T Butler, corporate secretary of DRBA. "We know what an excellent leader she is, and we're delighted to welcome her to lead our organization. We have full confidence that she will help DRBA grow in new ways, continuing and building on the great work and dedication of our wonderful staff and volunteers." A frequent user of new trails that DRBA has helped to build in Martinsville and Henry County, Haworth notes, "Once you experience the beauty of our natural resources and understand the cul-
tural history that makes this region unique, you can't help but want to support the efforts of DRBA. "And yes, building trails and caring for the water quality of our rivers and streams will get you wet and dirty," she continues, "but it feels good to be doing something that makes such a positive difference. I'm looking forward to sharing that experience with every person, in every community, that DRBA serves." DRBA serves a sixteen-county Piedmont region spanning the North Carolina - Virginia border, all united by the Dan River and its tributaries. Founded in 2002 to preserve and promote the region's natural and cultural resources, DRBA is headquartered in Eden, NC, with offices in Collinsville, VA, and Danbury and Yanceyville, NC. DRBA's first executive director, Katherine Mull, retired this spring. Tiffany Haworth assumes the position on
May 2. Haworth comments, "Every person living in the Dan River region has benefited from DRBA's work in keeping the rivers and streams that provide our drinking water clean, constructing walking trails for recreation and health, and providing educational programs for children such as Trout in the Classroom. I hope to continue and expand its work so that every adult and child can experience the wonder of the natural beauty of our region." Looking ahead, Haworth says, "I am so looking forward to joining the highly experienced DRBA team. I share the same passion as the board, the staff and the volunteers in continuing to preserve our natural resources and care for our rivers and streams so that future generations can enjoy outdoor adventures and learn about our local heritage and cultural treasures."
Owner: Mrs. Bette Furr
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From The Desks Of CITY HALL City relocates recycling site By Rodney Carter, Superintendent of Solid Waste
When the lease for the city’s recycling site at the Eden Mall expired, we began searching for a suitable replacement. Turns out we didn’t have to look far. The relocated site is now at the municipal building housing city hall and the police department at the corner of Pierce Street and Stadium Drive. Recycle plastic, news and mixed paper, tin and aluminum in the containers located in the back parking lot closest to the Pierce Street entrance. Cardboard and glass are not collected at this site and must instead be taken to the main recycling center on Mebane Bridge Road. If you don’t live or work near this location, you may find one of our other recycling sites more convenient to use. They are located on Henry Street, Main Street, Orchard Drive, J-Mart at Virginia Street and Aiken Road, and Oak Street at The Boulevard. If you have any questions about recycling, please call the Solid Waste Division at 627-7789.
120 Mebane Bridge Rd. Eden, NC 27288 Phone: 336-627-4989 Email: heatandair@triad.rr.com
Steve Underwood N.C. Licenses: GC #9773 HVAC #10623H-1,2,3 Service • Sales • Installation • Design-Build • Planned Maintenance
Elree’s Sweet Shoppe
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(336)-627-9338 323 B. E. Meadow Rd., Eden, NC
Deli, Grill and Catering.
The Lunch Box
By Johnny Farmer, Director of Parks & Recreation
The City of Eden will host the 8th Annual Ribfest at Freedom Park on Saturday, May 14 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Enjoy live entertainment throughout the day and shop for handmade and unique goods. Choose a meal or snack from vendors serving up mouthwatering ribs and delicious grilled meats as well as other foods. Inflatable amusements will be set up for children to enjoy at no cost. Ribfest will get underway at 10 a.m. with a performance by Veronica Jones. The Carolina Elite Cheerleaders will perform from noon until 1 p.m. followed by Radio Flyer from 1 until 3. The Bullet Band will finish up the event playing until 5. This popular family event is free to the public. Please come out and enjoy Freedom Park during this wonderful spring season. For more information on Ribfest, please call Eden Parks and Recreation Department at 623-2110, option 3.
Eden Evening Lion’s
All Types Decorative Cakes, Pies & Sweet Snacks
Treat Mom To A Cake!!!
Ribfest set for May 14
110 W. Murphy Street • Madison
Mon. - Sat.. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Owners: Mark & Missy Snyder Ask about Catering, Special Events, and Renting Space.
The Exhaust Center
Recycle For Sight at Ribfest
Code enforcement works for community’s vitality By Kelly Stultz, Director of Planning and Inspections
It’s spring. The grass is growing and everyone is getting out in their yards. This is also a busy time of year for our department with local code enforcement. The city enforces regulations that deal with grass and weeds, housing code violations, accumulations of debris, junk cars and building violations. Once grass or other vegetation is 12 inches high it becomes a violation. If a notice is sent the property owner would have 15 days to mow it and if it has not been cared for the city will have it done. The costs of this abatement would be the responsibility of the property owner. Any other nuisance violations follow the same procedures. Our junk car ordinance limits a residential lot to having one junk motor vehicle stored on the lot. This one vehicle must be stored behind the house and completely covered. The vitality of our community depends on maintenance of neighborhoods and businesses. If you would like to report a potential violation or if you need more information, please give the Planning & Inspections Department a call at 623-2110, option 2.
Meet your Eden city employees: Jonathan Gourley – Eden Police Department He’s worn several different hats as a city employee but Jonathan Gourley has finally put on Gourley the one he’s been striving for. Gourley has joined the Eden Police Department as a full-time patrol officer. In the past five years, he has served the Eden community as a part-time patrol officer, part-time firefighter and volunteer firefighter. He’s content with the position he’s earned, citing that he likes his coworkers and enjoys learning new things every day. Gourley is the son of Dot Shelton and Wesley Gourley and is a native of Reidsville. He now lives in Eden. He enjoys four-wheeling and spending time with his children. Asked about his plans for the future, Gourley said he just wants to make every day count.
Vision Van May 5, 2011-As spring cleaning gets under way, the Evening Lions are asking people to look through dresser drawers and closets for used eyeglasses and donate them to the Lions Recycle For Sight program. RIBFEST May 14, 2011 - The Evening Lions Club will be collecting used prescription eyeglasses and prescription and non-prescription sunglasses as part of a unique recycling program. The collected glasses will be cleaned and prepared for distribution in developing countries where eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible. “We need everyone to donate their used eyeglasses,” said Jim Bush, President of the Evening Lions Club. “In most developing countries, an eye exam can cost as much as one month’s wages and a single eye doctor may serve a community of hundreds of thousands of people.” The donated glasses will be shipped to a regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where they will be cleaned, categorized by prescription and prepared for distribution by Lions and other groups. To donate used glasses (including sunglasses and reading glasses), place them in the specially marked Lions Recycle For Sight collection boxes located at WalMart or bring to the Vision Van May 5th or to Freedom Park May 14th. The Eden Evening Lions Club meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Santana’s Restaurant at 6:30PM. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit the Web site at www.lionsclubs.org.
Custom Pipe Bending • Headers and Side Pipe
Unique program takes on cyber criminals
810 Washington Street, Eden, NC 27288
In a home drive-by theft, Shanine Messick’s identity was stolen. At Bank Business, hackers removed sensitive data contained in 33 employees’ files as well as financial information from the files of all 1200 of the bank’s customers. Pornography has been circulated from a local home, name withheld pending further investigation. These crimes did not happen, but they are real. Every day technologically savvy criminals are committing cyber crimes, often from the comfort of their homes. All it takes is skill, knowledge, practice and the right equipment. The percentage of people exposed to or victimized by a cyber criminal is shockingly high. As computer crimes grow, so does the need for qualified, technologically savvy fraud/crime investigators. These individuals must know how cyber crimes are committed and how to detect them. Students in criminal justice technology financial crime/computer fraud, a degree program at Rockingham Community College, are being trained to offer front line defense in the fight against cyber crimes; they are learning how to investigate computer crimes in order to catch the perpetrators. In this unique program, students study financial criminal activity and computer investigative security procedures from a law enforcement perspective. They study forensic accounting, constitutional law, network security troubleshooting, criminology, courts and evidence, ethics, and more. No one sits passively through this course. Students must take an active part in learning criminal behavior and conducting investigations. In this course, they learn to protect those without the skills or knowledge to protect themselves.
Owner: Jim Smith
Phone: 336-627-1056 336-623-4246
Macy J’s
Grooming Boutique LLC 711 Washington St., Eden, NC 27288 Jeanette Haymore, Professional Groomer
Graduate of Nanhall Professional School of Dog Grooming
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life
Market Enhancements given to Farmers Market Rockingham County Farmers Market, located on the Upper Piedmont Research Station--adjacent to historic Chinqua Penn--has received market enhancements from the USDA-NIFA Farmers' Market Promotion Program (FMPP). A new permanent sign is being erected on the site; and new tents, tables, and chairs will enable the market to have more special events to promote local foods and farmers. On Friday, March 11, 2011, the Rockingham County Farmers Market welcomed representatives from NC A&T University. Present were the School of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences Dean, Dr. Donald McDowell; the Project Director, Dr. Osei Yeboah, Associate Professor & Interim Director, L. C. Cooper International Trade Center; Co-Project Director, Dr. Paula Faulkner, Assistant Professor; and the Administrative Assistant to the Center, Ms. Sandra Simmons. Deborah Crumpton, President of the Rockingham County Farmers Market, says "We are looking forward to our best year yet at RCFM. Our market has been self-sustaining by participating farmers since 2005." Dr. Joe French, Superintendent of the Upper Piedmont Research Station agrees, "This will really help move our market to another level of visibility for the entire community while supporting local agriculture." Brenda Sutton, Rockingham County Extension Director, notes that the market is the only farmers market in the area that accepts WIC vouchers and EBT cards. The market is committed to making good local foods accessible to all citizens.
Scout Clubhouse Suffers from Storm Damage The storms of April took their toll on several areas of the state, but locally one of the casualties was the clubhouse of Madison Boy Scout Troup 540, located at 102 Tidball Avenue, which had their building damaged and their supply travel trailer totally destroyed. The troop, kids and parents, plan on doing all the work themselves to repair the damage from a fallen, but the supplies and materials will take their toll on the checkbook. Scout Master Van Hurd said there simply isn’t money for this contingency. With the fundraisers they have the funds are to help make sure anyone who wants to join will have the funds to do so, none was really in excess enough to pay for these repairs. The troop would appreciate any help they can get from the community, whether in supplies, materials, money or skills to do with fixing a roof and broken chimney, which was partially pulled away from the structure. If you have any information or can offer help call Hurd at 336706-0606 or 336-427-0888.
Madison Reidsville Senior Center Broadway Blast holds onlgoing classes Set for June 27th City of Reidsville Senior Center 1100 Franklin St., Reidsville, NC 27320 – July 1st 336-349-1088 Join the annual Musical Theatre Camp – BROADWAY BLAST! Sponsored by the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department and DeHart Dance Theatre, this camp will take you through many facets of musical theatre – acting, singing, and dance. We are inviting all skill levels between ages 6 – 18 to participate. Students will learn to perform and learn auditioning skills while building self-esteem, confidence and teamwork. Instructors with years of experience in performing and directing will be teaching various skills and techniques at the camp as well. There will also be an end of camp production on the last day to showcase students’ talents. Camp Director, Deana DeHart, is an exciting, creative and very motivating instructor. She has spent over 20 years as a choreographer for Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia as well as also doing shows for Carnival Cruise Line. She is also currently running dance programs in the area. Broadway Blast will be held at the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department June 27th – July 1st. There will be two classes taught to adequately instruct different age groups. Classes for ages 6 – 10 will be from 9:00am – 12:00noon and will cost $85.00. Classes for ages 11 – 18 will be from 1:00pm – 5:00pm and cost $105.00. To pre-register or for more information, contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789. Space is limited, so register today!
Ongoing: Mondays: 8:30-Morning Paint Group 9:00-10:00 Senior Fitness Class 10:00-10:15 Rusty Hinges Exercise Class 1:00-Senior Strikers Bowling (Reidsville Bowling Lanes) 1:00-Afternoon Paint Group Tuesdays: 9:00-12:00 Crochet class 10:00-11:00 Dance Class 10:00 Phase 10 Card Players 1:00 Canasta Card Players 6:30- Men’s Shuffleboard Wednesdays: 8:30-Morning Paint Group 9:00-12:00 Floral Design Class 9:00-10:00-Senior Fitness Class 10:00-10:15- Rusty Hinges Exercise Class Thursdays: 1:00- Canasta Card Players Fridays:
8:30- Morning Paint Group 9:00-10:00- Senior Fitness Class
Richard’s Meats & Things 1403 S. Scales St., Reidsville 336-342-1881
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New Life Community Church A support group for women caring for loved ones suffering from depression, bipolar, and anxiety disorders. “HUGS” is a safe, confidential place to receive and share support with others from the grief, pain, loneliness, and stress of dealing with loved ones suffering from depression, bipolar, and anxiety disorders. The monthly sessions will convene at New Life Community Church, 415 Mica Road, Ridgeway, Virginia 24148, each first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Each session will include information on depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders, relevant & helpful words or encouragement from the Bible. Also included is the opportunity for prayer support to participants as well as the family member or friend in need. Each participant will have the option to enlist a support partner when needed. All sessions will guard the confidentiality of participants. For more information please call 1-276956-5433 or visit our website at ww.nlccalive.org.
10 (6 oz.) Ribeyes $29.90
Other Bundles Available!
We Accept EBT & Food Stamps
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KINGS HWY. PRODUCE & HAND DIPPED ICE CREAM STAND 598 W. Kings Hwy. • Eden 336-623-8225 New Summer Hours Mon. - Sat. 9 - 7, Sun. 10 - 7
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Electronic Farmers Market Comes to Morehead Memorial Hospital
INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, ONE-ON-ONE ADVICE. Kathy W. Hale, AAMS® Financial Advisor 302 B N. Pierce St. Eden, N.C. 27288
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(336)623-5930 Now Open Tuesday - Saturday Walk Ins Welcome • Appointments Appreciated
KENNY FRITH GRADING & HAULING New Home Sites Land Clearing Roadways
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336-623-4944 Cell:
Morehead Memorial Hospital staff recently received their first shipment of produce from PiedmontLocalFood.com, a new “online” farmer’s market launched by the Rockingham County Local Food Coalition, Inc., in partnership with the Rockingham County Business & Technology Center and Rockingham County Cooperative Extension. The PiedmontLocalFood.com project was designed to help local farmers sell sustainable agricultural products to potentially high volume buyers. Specifically, the project focuses on helping local farmers sell to restaurants and corporate buying clubs. Last summer, Morehead Memorial Hospital developed an initiative to provide healthier eating options to its staff through access to locally-grown, fresh food products. Through cooperation between Morehead’s Food Services Department and Piedmont Local Food staff, a seasonal onsite farmer’s market was established on the hospital grounds in front of the hospital Dining Room which provides a
SPRING REVIVAL featuring "Jack Little Ministries", May 15-18, 2011 Sunday Morning 11 AM, Sunday & Wednesday, 6:30 PM; Monday & Tuesday, 7 PM
Sunday School - 9:45am Worship 10:55am and 6:30pm Prayer/Bible Study - Wednesdays 6:30pm Children/Youth Bible Study Sunday & Wednesday 6:30pm
Just a few apartments left at Harris Pointe Eden NC Premiere Senior 55 + Apartment Community Located next to Meadows Green golf course Thank you for your fantastic response! If you want to be a part of Eden’s premier luxury apartments for Seniors 55 and older Call today and I’ll tell you about our fantastic Move in Specials. Our great amenities include: Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Disposal Large Closets Exercise Room Reading Room
Laundry Facilities on each Floor Community Room with Kitchen Ceiling Fans in Living Room Ceiling Fans in Bedrooms Sitting Areas all Floors Medical Exam Room Computer Center
Secured Access Walking Trail TV Room Garden Plots Cable Ready Beauty Salon Reading Room Reasonable Rent
Morehead Vice President of Operations Steve Kleckowski assists with the first delivery of PiedmontLocalFood.com. Employees Ann Hanline and Tina Kirkman were among the first hospital staff to order local produce through a new “online” farmer’s market launched by the Rockingham County Local Food Coalition, Inc., in partnership with the Rockingham County Business & Technology Center and Rockingham County Cooperative Extension.
limited variety of fresh products to hospital staff. The PiedmontLocalFood.com project enhances the onsite farmer’s market by expanding the number of participating farmers to more than 30 and providing access to locally produced vegetables and baked good year round. With this increase in the number of participating farmers also comes a substantial increase in the variety of fresh food made available to Morehead employees. How it Works Hospital staff can place orders online at PiedmontLocalFood.com and it is delivered to the hospital in a refrigerated truck once a week for pickup onsite. Food ordered is picked within 24 hours of delivery, guaranteeing the freshest food possible, all from farms within about a 50-mile radius of the hospital. This is much fresher than food that travels 1,500 miles over the course of more than a week, which is typical of grocery store “fresh” farm products. Beyond that, Morehead employees have the ability to order 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing a significant level of buying convenience. According to Mark Wells,
executive director of the Rockingham County Business & Technology Center, all food listed on PiedmontLocalFood.com is verified by Cooperative Extension staff to be grown on the respective farm, guaranteeing all listed food as truly local. “Once off the farm, the quality of food products is checked first by the Piedmont Local Food project manager, and the buyer then has the ability to reject food that does not meet their expectations,” he said. “Much effort is expended to ensure all food sold through PiedmontLocalFood.com is local and of high quality.” Morehead Memorial Hospital’s management team has embraced the project as a way to impact the eating habits, and thereby lifestyles, of its employees while at work and at home. “Research has shown that many life-threatening illnesses can be prevented by lifestyle changes,” said Steve Kleckowski, vice president of operations at Morehead Memorial Hospital. “The onsite farmer’s market and PiedmontLocalFood.com are two great opportunities to enable staff to purchase fresh produce so that we can all be healthier and enjoy local produce at the same time.”
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3 bedrooms, 2 baths, partially furnished stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer included storage building, already set up in park call Janet @ 932-9135
Section B EDEN’S OWN
JOURNAL Eagle Home Care Services “Home Care That You Can Trust “
Eden Rotary Inducts New Members -The two newest members of the Eden Rotary Club are Eden Police Chief Reece Pyrtle and Jim Hubbard of Dyer's Plumbing and Farm Supplies. Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self. The Eden Rotary Club meets
every Tuesday at Noon at the Whistle Jacket Grill, 441 Mebane Bridge Road. Membership is open to men and women who believe in the Object of Rotary, which is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First, the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second, high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
148 E. Meadow Rd. • Eden • Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Third, the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; and, Fourth, the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. For more information about the organization, contact club President Rick Hurley at (336) 342-7768.
Office: (336) 612-2466
323-C E. Meadow Rd. Eden, NC 27288
Alterations Done On Site.
Japanese Restaurant Authentic Japanese Cuisine 112 New Market St., Unit 112 • Madison K-Mart Shopping Center
Rotary Membership Chairman Kathy Hale inducted Eden Police Chief Reece Pyrtle, center, into the Eden club during a recent visit by District 7690 Gov. Wes Patterson, right.
$2 Off a $15 Purchase • $3 Off a $25 Purchase $5 Off a $40 Purchase Must bring coupon • Expires May 31, 2011 • Madison Location Only
Fast, Healthy, Filling and Delicious!
Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9am-11pm • Fri. & Sat. 11am - 9:30 Sun. 11am - 9pm Dine-In Or Take Out Same owners as in Kernersville, High Point, Winston Salem, Clemmons
Camp Meeting 2011 Jim Hubbard, second from left, of Dyer's Plumbing and Farm Supplies was inducted into the Eden Rotary Club by President Rick Hurley, left, and Membership Chairman Kathy Hale and Past President Scott Flanagan, far right.
May 2nd Through May 6th - At 7 p.m. Each Evening Encouraging Preaching • Enthusiastic Singing • Exciting Fellowship
Special Music Monday - Wednesday
The Rockingham County "Yard Sale" ReStore returns to weekday Hours: Monday and Thursday 1 - 3 PM Located at 249 The Boulevard/Irving Ave., Eden. Rev. Steve Dagenhart New and used household items, furniture, appliances and construction items sell quickly. Donors receive taxdeductible in-kind credit for donations. The ReStore support benefits families through house construction or renovation. Contact Nancy and Denise for large items, large load pick up or to join the BUILDING TEAM. No construction experience required (627-0160).
• Monday, May 2 - Eden Baptist Church Choir of Eden, NC • Tuesday, May 3 - Shady Oak Baptist Church Choir of Providence, NC • Wednesday, May 4 - Bethel Baptist Church Choir of Eden, NC • Thursday, May 5 - Clearview Baptist Church Choir of Mayodan, NC • Friday, May 6 - Joyful Sounds from Shining Light Baptist Church of Greensboro, NC
Thursday - Friday
Dr. Tommy Steele
Eden Baptist Church The Church With A !"For You!
320 The Boulevard, Eden, NC Church Office 336-623-3515 Everyone Is Welcome - Come, Bring The Family!
New Rockingham CountyAnimal Shelter opens for business The time if finally here, the new Rockingham County Animal Shelter opens its doors on May 1st, 2011.
Director Kevin Baughn is in charge of the facility and will work with Brittany Antunez who worked at the Forsyth County
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Animal control for three years before coming to Rockingham County, as well as a veterinary technician, is certified in euthanasia and administering rabies vaccinations. Shelley Lilly will also be part of the team as technician. Lilly was a veterinary technician for five years as well as a volunteer at the Guilford County animal shelter. Working with Pet Smart she has assisted in finding home for over 200 cats. The new spotless facility has 10,000 square feet dedicated to the care of animals in the county. Open for business as of May 1st, there will be a Grand Opening ceremony on May 21st with the accompanying Animalpalooza event from 10am - 2pm, sponsored by the Animal Protection Society in Rockingham County. Interested in Volunteering at the new Shelter? Adult opportu-
right in line with other animal shelters. This astonishing fact makes getting dogs and cats adopted a major priority. Baughn said that if a shelter is said to have a really low percentage rate of euthanasia, it is still 70%. Want to give a special pet a loving home? DirectorBaughn said the prices in May include for FeLV/FIV test, first vaccines, spay/neuter, micro-chip, deworming and bath. All this for Cats $90, for Dogs $110. In March, 2010, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to build the new shelter in
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the efforts of our generous supporters, the new shelter has become a reality. Fund raising will be on going in order to fund facility operations. he new shelter features include: • Four times the current capacity (providing separation between animals, reduction in disrupting and stressful noise, and longer than 72 hour holds) • Separate adoption wing and bonding areas (encouraging adoption and allowing animals to be introduced to their potential owners separate from the distraction of noisy kennels and cages) • Training and Education area (enabling the staff and volunteers to host adoption and fundraising events and promote responsible
• Invoices • Business Cards • Calendars
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Director Kevin Baughn stands in the adoption side of building
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nities will be for Kennel Helper, Shelter Pet Obedience Training, greeter and adoption assistant, special events, building and grounds care, data entry, fundraisers and more. There will be lots of opportunities to volunteer in many capacities at the new Shelter but especially with the Adoption and Spay & Neuter programs. These two programs will be more effective with dedicated volunteers. There is only a 72 hour waiting period for animals brought into the facility before they will be put down or put up for adoption, determined by the condition and adoptability of the animal. The current euthanasia rate is 80%; it has been as high as 98% in Rockingham County, which is
Spay and Neutering areas. its entirety - including a spay & neuter clinic, adoption wing, and bonding area. The Rockingham County Animal Shelter Campaign was devoted to building the animals of Rockingham County, NC the shelter they deserve. Throughout the course of the campaign, $250,000 was raised in private donations and grants . Thanks to
pet ownership through seminars) • Separate HEPA filtered isolation and quarantine units (reducing the spread of disease and threat of aggressive animals) • Spay and Neuter Clinic to reduce the overpopulation. Eventually the shelter will have their own website, but for now you can visit www.rockinghamcountyanimalshelter.org for more information. Left: Pet of the week display area in adoption wing. Below: Cage area for dogs who are brought in for precessing.
Front End Alignments: Cars $25•Trucks $30 Brakes • Tune Ups • Shocks • Alignment Custom Wheels • State Inspections 311 S. Van Buren Rd. Eden, NC 27288 Mon - Fri - 8am - 5:30pm • Saturday 8am - 2:30pm
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19 .95
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Photos by Elizabeth Doss
Section B EDEN’S OWN
JOURNAL Eagle Home Care Services “Home Care That You Can Trust “
Eden Rotary Inducts New Members -The two newest members of the Eden Rotary Club are Eden Police Chief Reece Pyrtle and Jim Hubbard of Dyer's Plumbing and Farm Supplies. Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self. The Eden Rotary Club meets
every Tuesday at Noon at the Whistle Jacket Grill, 441 Mebane Bridge Road. Membership is open to men and women who believe in the Object of Rotary, which is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First, the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second, high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
148 E. Meadow Rd. • Eden • Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Third, the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; and, Fourth, the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. For more information about the organization, contact club President Rick Hurley at (336) 342-7768.
Office: (336) 612-2466
323-C E. Meadow Rd. Eden, NC 27288
Alterations Done On Site.
Japanese Restaurant Authentic Japanese Cuisine 112 New Market St., Unit 112 • Madison K-Mart Shopping Center
Rotary Membership Chairman Kathy Hale inducted Eden Police Chief Reece Pyrtle, center, into the Eden club during a recent visit by District 7690 Gov. Wes Patterson, right.
$2 Off a $15 Purchase • $3 Off a $25 Purchase $5 Off a $40 Purchase Must bring coupon • Expires May 31, 2011 • Madison Location Only
Fast, Healthy, Filling and Delicious!
Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9am-11pm • Fri. & Sat. 11am - 9:30 Sun. 11am - 9pm Dine-In Or Take Out Same owners as in Kernersville, High Point, Winston Salem, Clemmons
Camp Meeting 2011 Jim Hubbard, second from left, of Dyer's Plumbing and Farm Supplies was inducted into the Eden Rotary Club by President Rick Hurley, left, and Membership Chairman Kathy Hale and Past President Scott Flanagan, far right.
May 2nd Through May 6th - At 7 p.m. Each Evening Encouraging Preaching • Enthusiastic Singing • Exciting Fellowship
Special Music Monday - Wednesday
The Rockingham County "Yard Sale" ReStore returns to weekday Hours: Monday and Thursday 1 - 3 PM Located at 249 The Boulevard/Irving Ave., Eden. Rev. Steve Dagenhart New and used household items, furniture, appliances and construction items sell quickly. Donors receive taxdeductible in-kind credit for donations. The ReStore support benefits families through house construction or renovation. Contact Nancy and Denise for large items, large load pick up or to join the BUILDING TEAM. No construction experience required (627-0160).
• Monday, May 2 - Eden Baptist Church Choir of Eden, NC • Tuesday, May 3 - Shady Oak Baptist Church Choir of Providence, NC • Wednesday, May 4 - Bethel Baptist Church Choir of Eden, NC • Thursday, May 5 - Clearview Baptist Church Choir of Mayodan, NC • Friday, May 6 - Joyful Sounds from Shining Light Baptist Church of Greensboro, NC
Thursday - Friday
Dr. Tommy Steele
Eden Baptist Church The Church With A !"For You!
320 The Boulevard, Eden, NC Church Office 336-623-3515 Everyone Is Welcome - Come, Bring The Family!
“ One World, Many Stories”
GORAYA FOODLAND 713 Church St., Eden, NC • 623-2981 Fresh Meats • Custom Cut Steaks Cut While You Wait
8oz Ribeye - $5 • Hamburger $2.69 lb Fresh Cut Bologna & Cheese DISCOUNTS ON LARGE ORDERS Hours 7am-10pm - 7 Days A Week
Summer Reading & Programs at Rockingham County Public Library You will take a trip around the world without leaving home as you listen to stories from places far and near. The series starts on Monday June 13 at the Eden Library with a kickoff Family Story Time at 7:00 p.m. featuring the RCPL Story Tellers. The evening kickoff programs continue through the week at the Reidsville Library on Tuesday, at the Mayodan Library on Wednesday and at the Stoneville Library on Thursday. Continuing through the summer, Preschool Story Times, at 10:30 in the morning, will feature Miss Jacky telling a variety of stories that have a world theme. Programs for school age children, at 3:00 in the afternoon, will feature a variety of guest speakers from around the world and from right here in our own
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Contact Mark at 434-713-9332 for details. www.move-in-ready.com
DRS Medical Supply
back yard. This year the books for Teen Readers feature two titles: THREE CUPS OF TEA by Greg Mortenson and CHINESE BORN AMERICAN by Gene Yang. Teen Readers is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Libraries. Everyone is always invited to join reading club, children, teens and adults as well. The arm-chair travel continues through the first week in August when Donna P the Balloon Lady
will end the program series for the preschool audience and Steve Somers with his “Fly High” program will end the series for the school age audience.
Rockingham County Arts Council accepting subgrant applications Rockingham County Arts Council is now accepting applications for North Carolina Arts Council Grassroots Arts Program subgrants through June 30, 2011. Since 1977, the North Carolina Arts Council’s Grassroots Arts Program has provided North Carolina citizens access to quality arts experiences. Using a per capita based formula, the program provides funding for the arts in all 100 counties of the state through partnerships with local arts councils. Rockingham County Arts Council serves as the North Carolina Arts Council’s partner in awarding subgrants to local organizations for arts programs in Rockingham County. Applications are available for non-profit organizations whose purpose is to promote and develop diverse cultural arts programming in Rockingham County. Funding priority is given to qualified arts organizations (theaters, galleries, choral societies, festivals), arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists, and other community organizations that provide arts programs in the county. Grassroots funds are not generally awarded to arts organizations that receive funding through the North Carolina Arts Council’s State Arts Resources. Projects must occur between July 1, 2011 – May 15, 2012. Application forms and grant guidelines are available on the Rockingham County Arts Council website at www.artsinrockingham.org or may be picked up at the Rockingham County Arts Council office Monday,
Thursday & Friday between 11am-2pm. Rockingham County Arts Council will also mail applications and guidelines upon request. Applications must be received no later than 5pm, June 30, 2011. Rockingham County Arts Council is also hosting a Grassroots Arts Program Grant Workshop to assist interested applicants in preparing competitive grants on May 19 at 4pm. New and past applicants are required to attend. Grant applications are evaluated by a diverse panel of community members and voted on by Rockingham County Arts Council Board of Directors. Awards are announced in September each year. For questions or more information, contact Rockingham County Arts Council at 336.349.4039 or email info@artsinrockingham.org
Habitat For Humanity Dedicates House Congratulation to the Latasha Redd family! This new Habitat homeowner accepts the responsibility to be an Eden and Rockingham County NC new property taxpayer. On April 10, Rockingham Habitat for Humanity and others dedicated the house at 1222 Lewis Street. Contact Nancy or Denise (627-0160) to apply for a house or to build on the Spring 2011 house.
302-A Pierce Street • Eden, NC 27288
Office: 627-0061 • Fax: 627-7003
We would like to Thank our Customers for allowing us the privilege to serve you over the years Patient Care and Satisfaction is Our Goal!
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Mayodan’s First Ever Antique Extravaganza welcomed dealers and visitors from all over the region to browse, buy and walk down memory lane.
Rockingham County Aging, Disability and Transit... A Blessing To The Community Hungry and lonely. That’s what hundreds in our community could be every day, but thanks to those who volunteer for the “Meals on Wheels” program, they never go hungry, and actually have loving human contact everyday. In April the Rockingham County Aging, Disability & Transit Services welcomed their many volunteers to a breakfast at Golden Corral in Reidsville honoring all they do for the community. The breakfast was generously provided for by BB&T. Lee Covington recognized their special guests and presented the Volunteer Board, Helen Bondurant, Harold Vaden and Bonnie Nelson as well as the 260 staff members of the program. The Meals on Wheels program provided some 35,000 meals last year alone to shut-ins who would possibly go without were it not for the volunteers time. Eden Mayor John Grogan, guest speaker said, “I am honored to be asked to be part of Meals on Wheels.” He had the chance to see what volunteers do during this year’s Mayors For Meals
Day as a part of its March For who could have as much as 20% Meals campaign. He added, cut from their budget due to State “There is nothing better orga- budget cuts coming down from nized for volunteers to get their Governor Perdue. Fundraisers jobs done,” than this program, will have to help fill the gap cre“You get a lot more back than ated by these cuts in order to conyou can give.” tinue the program at its present “We were excited about hav- rate. ing Mayor Grogan participate in Although Meals on Wheels our Mayors for Meals Day is a huge part of the program, it event,” said ADTS Director of isn’t everything that Rockingham Nutrition County Aging, Disability and The Meals On Wheels Transit does. Association of America • RCATS helps pro(MOWAA), seeks to vide transportation for raise awareness of those who have no senior hunger and to other way to get out. encourage action on the Typical destinations part of the local commuare medical facilities, nity. rehabilitation and “Meals On Wheels treatment centers, programs are on the educational facilities front lines of our battle other than K-12 and need support from schools, employment, Covington elected leaders to congrocery shopping, etc. tinue providing the Fares may apply nutritious meals and human con- depending upon eligibility and tact that our seniors so desperate- destination. A four working day ly depend on.” notice is required in advance of At the time of the breakfast appointments due to seating there were 30 people on the wait- capacity, van availability and ing list for Meals on Wheels. route arrangements. To make a Covington also noted that it reservation or for more informais a critical time for the ADTS tion, please call 34R-CATS. • RCATS provides transportation to Rockingham County citizens only and travels only in Celebrating Earth Day Rockingham County. RCATS Melvin Boone provides wheelchair accessible (Director Kids Best) lift van service as well as standard conversion van service for Volunteer’s help save a cat with a ambulatory passengers. broken leg. As Earth day we are Transportation services are focused on providing better care provided Monthrough Fri-, 6:00 of endangered animals along am to 6:00 pm and on Saturdays with educating the public about for Dialysis passengers only. endangered cats and why wild Anyone who is a citizen of animal don’t make good pets. Rockingham County is eligible to ride RCATS vehicles. Some forms of Medicaid provide for transportation to medical appointments only and the passenger is not required to pay a fare. An eligibility screening is done upon the initial contact. Fares range from $2.00 to $3.00 each way depending upon location and destination. • Fans to beat the heat. When the weather begins to heat up and summer is here, Duke Energy and the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments distributes elecWolf Work Shop Angela Boone (left) with “Silas” a black Timberwolf, teaches why tric fans through ADTS to people little Red Riding Hood lied! The wolves eat old and sick deer and 60 years of age or older who are clean up the environment. Wolves are in danger. The Endangered residents of Rockingham County Species Act is one of the most important conservation tools we have. and are facing a home situation Since becoming law, the Endangered Species Act has saved from that is a threat to their health and extinction, 99% of the species assigned to it. You can celebrate Earth well-being due to a lack of air day by giving a gift back and writing Speaker of the House, John conditioning. Please call Patsy at Boehner and U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and tell them 336-349-2343 for information to work with the Obama Administration to fully protect species like about the 2010 program. the wolves, polar bear, lynx and ocelot, and hold industries account- • The Friendship Adult Day able for violations of the act, and restore funding for the most crucial Center provides a safe, caring wildlife protection legislation we have as a nation.
Sirloin House Restaurant Breakfast Buffet Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Saturday 6 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sunday 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lunch Buffet Mon. - Fri. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
207 S. Van Buren Road, Eden, N.C.
environment for adults who need daily supervision, socialization, and assistance with the activities of daily life. A calendar (link to monthly calendar) outlines the center's plans for the month. The Friendship Center is a great place for older adults or adults with disabilities who need specialized care but want to continue living in their own homes or community setting for as long as possible. Services Provided Structured activities, nutritious meals, and social programs are provided. The daily staff includes a center director, a program director and activity coordinator. __In addition to offering a fun and safe place for participants, the Friendship Adult Day Center allows caregivers to work and take care of other family responsibilities during the day with the knowledge that their relatives are safe. The Friendship Center is especially for people who would benefit from a safe environment and enjoy, singing, dancing, talking, exercising, working with crafts, laughing, volunteering or
just people watching. A preadmission assessment is conducted by staff during a visit to the center. The cost is $35.00 a day. Financial assistance is available for individuals with limited resources. Persons using these funds are given the opportunity to share in the cost of service by giving what they can afford. Aging, Disability & Transit Services of Rockingham County’s mission: Dedicated to assisting and linking senior adults, people with disabilities and their families with information, opportunities and services that promote and enhance quality of life, and to meeting the local transportation needs of county citizens. Through advocacy and service, we will ensure that maximum options and opportunities exist for older adults, people with disabilities and their families to achieve a high quality of life, while ensuring access to local transportation for citizens of Rockingham County.
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Numbers Worth Keeping On Hand Alzheimer's Disease Annie Penn Memorial Hospital 336-951-4000 Morehead Memorial Hospital 336-623-9711
Disabilities (Children) Camp Carefree - 336-427-0966 Rockingham County Public Library (Outreach for Visually Impaired) 336- 627-1106
Smith-McMichael Cancer Center - 336-623-9713 American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345
Opportunity Center 336-342-0319
Rockingham Com.College 336-342-4261 ext. 2170
A&B Pest Control 134 N. Fieldcrest Rd., Eden
336-627-9113 It’s Your Home, Not Theirs. Call Today!
Steve Woods - Licensee Jerry Meeks - Owner Residential & Commercial Now Licensed In Virginia
Free Clinic of Reidsville & Vicinity - 336-349-3220
HIV/AIDS Triad Health Project 336-275-1654
Ecumenical Family Life Center 336-342-6130
HELP, Inc. - 336-342-3331
Aging, Disability & Transit 336-349-2343
Rockingham County Department of Social Services 336-342-1394
Hands of God - 336-548-4204
Hospice - 336-427-9022
Salvation Army Eden - 336-627-4177 Reidsville - 336-349-4923
Advanced Home Care - 336-6161955
Abuse & Neglect, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Blind/Visually Impaired
Reidsville Housing Authority 336-349-1080
Prescription drug benefits 1-888-687-2277
Weatherization (to assist in lowering home energy costs) 336-342-0868
Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center - 336-623-5540
Educational Opportunity Center 1-800-682-1159
Caregivers of Rockingham County - 336-361-0971 or (provides other volunteer services as well) - 336-361-0712 Nutrition Sites and Home Delivered Meals 336-349-2343 Reidsville Soup Kitchen 336-349-5071
2 Sausage Biscuits Double Cheeseburger Fry & Drink $2.00
Reidsville Outreach Center (other services as well) - 336342-7770 Department of Social Services (Food Stamps) - 336-342-1394
1004 W. Washington Street, Eden, NC
American Heart Association 1-800-284-6601 Help Incorporated 336-342-3331 Sexual Assault Awareness Child Abuse Prevention
Emergency/Crisis Rescue, Police, Fire - 911
Vocational Rehabilitation 336- 634-5611
Reach For Recovery Reidsville 336-342-1931 Eden 336-623-8886
Vocational Rehabilitation 336-634-5611 Employment Security Com. 336-634-5600
Salvation Army Eden - 336-627-4177 Reidsville - 336-349-4923 Senior Center Nutrition Site 336-349-9757 Cooperative Extension Service 336-342-8230
Bar & Grill Located in the Kingsway Plaza Visit Us On The Web--
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Habitat for Humanity 336-627-0160
Center for Active Retirement, Rockingham Community College 336-342-4261 ext. 2163
Care-Line (NC) 1-800-662-7030
Eden Parks & Recreation 336-623-2110
Eldercare Locator (National) 1-800-677-1116
Madison-Mayodan Recreation Center 336-548-2789
Rockingham County Senior Line - 336-342-9999 Legal Services Central Carolina Legal Services 1-800-951-2257 North Carolina Bar Lawyer Referral - 1-800-662-7660 Mediation Services 336-342-0882 Disagreements with family or individuals
Reidsville Senior Center 336-349-1088 Social Security Administration 336-342-7796 or 1-800-772-1213 Veterans Services 336-342-8449
MAY 2011 1st - Benefit POKER RUN for Relay for Life - ride starts at 1pm 6th - Impacts • 7th - TBA 13th & 14th - Next Faze 15th - Benefit POKER RUN for tornado victims through Red Cross - ride starts at 1pm 20th & 21st - Roulette 27th & 28th - Black Tooth Grin
Cooperative Christian Ministries (other services as well) 336-623-7214
Rockingham County Health Department 336-342-8140
$5 Off NC State Inspection 96 & Newer Valid Thru May 31, 2011 Must Bring In This Coupon
Hometown Radio Online Live and Local Weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Local News/Weather Community Calendar Obituaries Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries Listener Comments Swap Shop/Trading Post Regional Christian Programs Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
North Carolina Community Foundation activates statewide Disaster Relief Fund to support storm, tornado victims The
Community Foundation (NCCF) has activated its statewide Disaster Relief Fund to support relief efforts related to the April 16 tornadoes and storms that created devastation in more than 20 counties in the central and eastern regions of the state, according to an announcement made today by Grants Board Chair Rodney E. Martin. Credit card donations can be made online through the NCCF website via the “Give Now” button or under the “Giving” tab at nccommunityfoundation.org or by downloading a contribution form from the site and mailing or faxing it to NCCF offices. (The fax number is 919-828-5495. The
form or checks can be mailed to NCCF at 4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 524, Raleigh, NC 27609). Please designate your gift for “Disaster Relief.” All gifts are tax-deductible. All funds will go directly to nonprofit organizations serving the needs of local victims in counties served by the NCCF. Local affiliate foundations will determine the nonprofit agency/agencies that are the best and most efficient means to provide immediate relief for victims of storms in their areas. No portion of the NCCF’s Disaster Relief Fund will be used for the Foundation’s administrative or operational expenses, which the Foundation is also encouraging among local recipient agencies.
“Our hearts go out to our neighbors and friends who have suffered losses throughout so many counties in North Carolina due to this horrendous storm,” said NCCF CEO Jennifer Tolle Whiteside. “Our network of affiliate foundations will ensure that any contributions we collect for the NCCF Disaster Relief Fund are quickly and effectively distributed to those nonprofit agencies that can serve the greatest needs in our partner communities,” she said. For more information visit nccommunityfoundation.org, contact the NCCF headquarters office in Raleigh at 800-2019533 or email questions to info@nccommunityfoundation.org .
About NCCF The NCCF is the single statewide community foundation serving North Carolina and has made nearly $63 million in grants since its inception in 1988. With more than $130 million in assets, the NCCF sustains 1,000 endowments established to provide long-term support of a broad range of community needs, nonprofit organizations, institutions and scholarships. The NCCF partners with 60 affiliate foundations to provide local resource allocation and community assistance in 66 counties across the state. An important component of the NCCF’s mission is to ensure that rural philanthropy has a voice at local, regional and national levels. For more information, visit nccommunityfoundation.org and Facebook.
AUDIO PLUS OF EDEN Proudly serving Rockingham County and surrounding areas since 1993.
Pioneer DVD Player AVH - P3200DVD
Only $329.95 320 W. Meadow Rd. • Eden
Hours: Mon. - Fri. - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sat. - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Eden Parks And Recreation Notes • 2011 Summer Camp - offered for children 6 years old to 12 years old. Camp is located at the Bridge Street Center and operates from 8-5 pm Monday thru Friday. Camp is $225.00 per child for city residents and is limited to 25 children. Register at the Eden Parks and Recreation Department office located at City Hall. For more information about the camp call 627-4711. • Kiwanis Club and Eden Parks and Recreation Department Fishing Derby – Free for children ages 4 -12 years old. The fishing derby will be held on Saturday, May 28th from 9-11 at the Fireman’s Hut Pond. Call 627-4711 for details.
336-627-7288 Toll Free 800-222-4814 636 Boone Road, Eden, N.C. 27288
www.scottsrugs.com scottyscarpet@embarqmail.com
247 West Kings Highway
For the following: Call the Garden of Eden Senior Center for details 627-4711. • Travel Group – Come travel with us to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. • Friends Club – Meet every Tuesday at 10:00. We meet for lunch at a local restaurant the 4th Tuesday of each month. Anyone is welcome to come join the fun and fellowship. • Senior Dance at the CB Hut featuring the City Limits Band. Monday, May 28th from 7-9:30 admission will only be $5.00 at the door. Come at 6 for line dance. The dance is held the last Monday of each month. • Line Dance just for fun and exercise at 10:15 every Monday. Class is free of charge. • Landscape/ One Stroke paint classes- Thursdays from 9-12. • Legal Aid will be May 12th at 10:00 am call 1-800-951-2257 to make an appointment • Genealogy class- Learn to explore your family history. Classes will be held Fridays at 1:30. Classes are taught by Gerri Garrison and are free of charge.
Eden, NC 27288
Happy Mother’s Day! Mother’s Get A Free Brownie With Meal!!! We Cater! UNDERGOING MAJOR RENOVATIONS!
• Come walk our track anytime 5 laps=1mile on the Senior Center Track. • Walking Group meets at the Senior Center track on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00-8:30 am. • Come Exercise with us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30-9:00. Sit down or stand up class using resistance bands, balls and hand held weights. • Rook or Hand and Foot card games – Anyone interested in playing the card game Hand and Foot or Rook please show up at the Garden of Eden Senior Center before 1:00 pm on Wednesdays. • Bingo Bash at 9:00 on Monday, May 15th at the Garden of Eden Senior Center. • Computer Classes offered at the Garden of Eden Senior Center Register Now!!! Classes begin the week of May 17th Discover the ComputerWednesday 3:30-5:30 or Thursday 9-12 Microsoft Word 2007- Tuesday 912 Discover the Internet- Thursday 1:30-4:30 Seniors are welcome to come use our computers during times we do not have classes.
WOODBRIDGE APARTMENTS 2101 S. Scales St., Reidsville, NC Be among the first to enjoy: • New appliances in every apartment; • New Energy Efficient Heating Systems • New siding/windows for all buildings; • Completely renovated playground; • New office/community room • And much, much more!! Apply Now for a 1, 2 or 3 BR Apt. Family Friendly Beautifully Landscaped 24-hour Maintenance On site management
Call (336) 342-0705 To see what we have to offer! Disability accessible units based upon availability. Rents based on income and availability Sec. 8 Welcome! Equal Housing Opportunity.
Professionally managed by Partnership Property Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer.
SPORTS EDEN PARKS & REC JUNIOR LEAGUE BRIDGE ST. MAGIC Kneeling L to R - Trey Jeffries, Jamaal Wade and William Dowdy. Second Row L to R Sterling Bennett, Edwin Wilson, Josh Johnson and Justin Brown. At rear Tyrone Wade. Not pictured - Rausheed Moore and Coach Chris McArthur
EDEN PARKS & REC SENIOR LEAGUE 76ERS L to R - Jawaan Winfield, Allanti Broadnax, Marlin Blackwell and Shawnell Hairston. At rear - Coach Q. Not pictured - Wayne Thomas
EDEN PARKS & REC SENIOR LEAGUE MILL AVE. LAKERS Kneeling L to R - Luther Neal, D. J. Jennings, Xavier Jackson and Joseph Fluellan. Second Row L to R - Coach Red Neal, Jaquel Baize, Joseph Redd, C.J. Ellebree and Brayl Fax. Not pictured - Daniel Platt.
EDEN PARKS & REC - AQUAFINA PITCH, HIT AND RUN WINNERS Front Row L to R - Chantel Gill, Kaya Roberts, Stefan McLaughlin, Carson Wray, Allondre Simpson and Tristen Smith. Back Row L to R - Angela Mullins, Deja Peeler, Nikkie Simons, Josh Bingham, Austin Denny and Makayla Hutchens.
Long’s Kustoms One Stop Shop
EDEN PARKS & REC SENIOR LEAGUE BRIDGE ST. CELTICS Kneeling L to R - Fred King and Dre Wilson. Second Row L to R - Coach Anthony Wilson, Marquis Davis, Tyree Smith, Antonio Joyce and Daquan Terry. Not pictured - Markeist Johnson
Luke Long , Owner Chrome Wheels & Tires Kustom Paint & Airbrushing & Powder Coating Sand Blasting & Welding ATV & Motorcycle parts & service
(336)-623-9278 longskustoms@yahoo.com 621 Boone Rd. Eden, N.C.
Kitty Says... Come See Us At Our
125 N. Van Buren • Eden
New Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
EDENPARKS & RECREATION RIO GRANDE Front row L to R: Tristan Rakestraw, Danielle Simpson and Carrie Ratliff. Back Row L to R: Marshall Ratliff, Eric Lea and Larry Rakestraw. Not pictured: John Simpson.
EDEN PARKS & REC CHURCH CO-ED LEAGUE "B" BRACKET VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFF CHAMPS - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Kneeling L to R - Joy Toms, Edgar Zuniga, Meredith Watson and Gina Richardson. Standing L to R - Chris Higgs, Daniel Bradford, Russell Robertson, Bray Tilley and Will McGuire.
HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULES MOREHEAD HIGH SCHOOL Home Games Girls Varsity Softball 5/3/11 Western Alamance 5/10/11 Conf. Tournament TBA
ROCKINGHAM COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Home Games RC Women’s Soccer 5/4/11 Morehead (Senior Night) 5:30pm 5/11/11 State Playoffs 1st round state 5:30pm 5/14/11 2nd round state 5:30pm 5/18/11 District Playoffs 5:30pm 5/25/11 Regional Championships 5:30pm 5/27/11 State Championships 5:30pm 5/28/11 State Championships 5:30pm RC Varsity Baseball 2011 5/3 - 5/11 Conference Tournament 5/13/11 First Round State Playoffs
RC Lady Cougars Softball 5/5/11 Southwest Guilford (Breast Cancer Awareness) 7pm 5/13/11 Northeast Guilford 6pm 5/10 - 5/12/11 Conference Tournament Higher Speed TBA 5/17/11 1st Round State Playoffs TBA 5/20/11 2nd Round State Playoffs TBA 5/24/11 District Playoff TBA 5/27/11 Sectional Playoff TBA REIDSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Home Games Boys Varsity Baseball 5/5/11 Conference 5/13/11 1st Round Playoff
Girls Varsity Soccer 5/2/11 Eastern Randolph 5/11/11 1st Round Playoff
6pm TBA
Girls Varsity Softball 5/3/11 Eastern Randolph 5/6/11 Jordan Matthews
5pm 5pm
MCMICHAEL HIGH SCHOOL Home Games Boys Varsity Tennis 5/3/11 1st Round Dual Team
Boys Varsity Baseball 5/3 - 5/5/11 Conf Tournament @ Higher Seed 5/13/11 1st rd state 5/17/11 2nd rd state 5/20/11 District Finals
Girls Varsity Softball 5/3/11 Rockingham County 5/10 - 5/12/11 Conf. Tournament @ Higher Seed 5/17/11 1st round state 5/20/11 2nd round state
5:30pm TBA TBA TBA
Girls Varsity Soccer 5/4/11 Eastern Guilford 5/11/11 1st round state
7pm TBA
EDEN PARKS & REC CHURCH CO-ED LEAGUE "B" BRACKET VOLLEYBALL PLAYOFF RUNNER UPS - NEW BEGINNINGS #2 Kneeling L to R - Rachel Young, Brenden Roberts & Amanda Paschall. Standing L to R - Collin Paschall, Chris Powell & Megan Broome
Osborne Baptist Church Old Timers Season & Playoff Runner Ups Kneeling L to R - Bobby Young and Shane Bullins. Standing L to R - Angie Wilson, Claudia Moore, Matt Moore and Jimmy Hopkins
First Congregational Christian Church - Eden Parks & Rec Church Co-ed "A" Bracket Playoff Champs Kneeling L to R - Anna Conner, Emily Conner and Lindsey Smith. Standing L to R - Rod Conner, Scott Luking, Joey Blackburn and Scott Smith
Looking for a positive place for your kids this summer? Best deal in town! BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF EDEN 1026 Harris St 336-627-7960 Email- bgceden@triad.rr.com Web site: www.bgceden.com Registration now open for Summer Fest 2011 When- June 13th to August 5th / 7:15AM to 5:30PM Ages 5 to 18 Cost- $40.00 membership Fee (active until 12-31-11) Plus $140.00 total for full 8 week session = $180.00 Kids will be divided up into groups by age and assigned a group counselor Includes: Breakfast & Lunch Theme Weeks, Sporting Activities, Computer Time, Arts & Crafts Smart Moves/Street Smarts, Exercise Classes Game Room Activities, Swimming, Gardening, Field Trips & FUN!! Sign up at the Club today! Limited to 100 campers
Amelia W. Dallas, GRI, CSP
THE WRIGHT COMPANY, REAL ESTATE 222 East Meadow Road P.O. Box 610, Eden, NC 27289 336-623-8481 Fax 336-623-3043 • Home 336-627-1569
email: adallas@triad.rr.com
“The Price Is Right” At
Till Sporting Good Lawson McCollum Owner
144 N. Fieldcrest, Eden, NC 27288 Telephone: 635-6222 Fax. 623-3318
Member of the National Sporting Good Assoc.
SPORTS EDEN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT INDOOR SOCCER MIDGET LEAGUE - ROWDIES L to R - Chianna Blackwell, Tiana Gibbs and Deja Peeler. Not pictured Josh Hallman
EDEN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT INDOOR SOCCER MITE LEAGUE - FIRE Left to Right - Joyzlyn Falcon, Makkaya Stultz and Bradley Steele. Not pictured - Isaac Falcon, Glymyia Terry, Dwayne Terry and Cooka Martin
L to R - Shelby Martin, Nikkie Simons, Buddy Simons and Tyren Willis. Not pictured - William Poindexter
We Accept Any Insurance Estimates
Chilton’s Body Shop 702 Morgan Road, Eden, NC
Business 623-5660
The One Stop Shop For All Your Hunting Needs!!!
Jesus Saves • HORSE • DOG • CAT • GOAT • CHICKEN •
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LOCATED : HWY. 87 SOUTH, EDEN N.C. Carp Bait • Steamed Oats • Grits • Trout Feed Business: (336) 627-0150
Cell : (336) 669-3803
JR’s Archery
Jason Wright www.jrsarchery.com email jrsarchery@earthlink.net
615 Henry St., Eden (Old Nat. Guard Armory)
EDEN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT INDOOR SOCCER MITE LEAGUE - REVOLUTION Kneeling L to R - Tristen Smith, C J Dawes, Karma Coleman and Ayana Dawes. Standing L to R - Keyan Walker, Makayla Hairston and Shantel Gill
First Tournament Champions
Draper Lumber & Hardware Co. Inc. All Kinds Of Building Material. Right Here At Home. Small Plumbing Repair #12221
1425 Front St. • Eden, N.C.
336-635-5271 W e Now Have COMPLETE UPS PROCESSING for your shipping needs!
SCALES APPLANCE R E PA I R S E R V I C E 9 9 5 Wa s h i n g t o n S t r e e t • E d e n , N C 2 7 2 8 8 336-340-8400
• Washer & Dryer Set $185 & Up • Stove $125 & Up • Refrigerator $135 & up We sell new and used appliance parts PRESENT THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE
1/2 Price On Service Calls! Ask For Jim - 336-340-8400
Jalund Wilson, Jarret Stewart, Jacob Bruins, Rashaun Clark, Christopher Bowes. Back Row L-R:Scott Bruins, Parker Wilson, Willy Blackstock, Keivon Broadnax, Brendon Harris, Caleb Law The Eden Raptors 11u basketball team scored their first tournament championship April 1st and 2nd in Reidsville. The 5th grade USSSA boys competed in the NC/VA Showdown against other teams from the region. The team will compete again on April 16th and 17th at the Rock The Rim Tournament in Martinsville Va., and will host the Two Rivers Shootout on April 30th at the Boys & Girls Club of Eden. Special thanks for helping us get off to such a good start: Eden Moose Lodge, Circle Drive In, Mabe’s Trucking, LTM Auto Sales, Ramsey’s Barber Shop, Econolodge of Eden, Tamara’s Tax & Translation Service, Carpetland USA of Danville, Carter’s Auto Repair, and The Boys & Girls Club of Eden.
Come Watch A Movie! At The
Rockingham Theatre EDEN PARKS & REC JUNIOR LEAGUE - MILL AVE. HEAT Kneeling L to R - Jay Terry, Treyvon Lampkins and Raquan Martin. Second Row L to R Shaquion Madison, Chris Patrick, Steven Galloway and Matthew Shipwash.
Come out and support your local youth sports!
205 Gilmer St. • Reidsville 349-5673 • 432-2841 Evenings, 7 Days A Week - 7:30 p.m. - Adults - $5 Children 12 & Under - $3 Matinee, Saturday & Sunday & Any “School’s Out” Days - 3 p.m. - $3 Full Concessions Stand!
KENNETH SIMMONS 217 W. Meadow Rd. • Eden
336-623-7679 Mobile Service
Store Fronts
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We Buy Junk ATV’s & Motorcycles
EDEN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT INDOOR SOCCER MITE LEAGUE - CREW Kneeling L to R - Keegan Neri and Alexis Denny. Standing L to R - Skylar Neri, Dominique Blackwell and Tevon Gibbs. Not pictured - India Hairston, Zaeyvon Stokes and Sada Johnson
Pick-Up & Delivery Available
Scooters New & Used
Draper Cycles 513 S. Fieldcrest Rd. • Eden (336) 635-5811 drapercycle@yahoo.com
Pam’s Caring Companions, Inc. Specializing In In-Home Companion Care NC State Licensed Pam Phoenix - Owner 1422 Freeway Drive • Reidsville, N.C. 27320
336-394-4277 pamscaringcompanions@triad.twcbc.com
Phone: 336-627-9100
660 South Pierce St. Eden, NC 27288 (Beside Walmart)
At the twenty-second RCC Foundation Benefit Golf Tournament, scheduled for May 19 at Oak Hills Golf Course in Eden, Tri-City Ford-Lincoln dealership in Eden is offering a 2011 Ford Fusion for a hole-in-one. Pictured at the dealership with the car being offered are, from left to right, RCC president, Dr. Michael Helmick; Grayson Whitt and Amy Brown, representatives of NewBridge Bank, the tournament's major sponsor; Kevin Coats of Tri-City Ford-Lincoln, kneeling; and Foundation president, Eugene Russell. For details about the tournament and hole-in-one challenge, call Gaye Clifton at 342-4261, Ext. 2201.
SELECT LOTIONS 50% OFF www.tanzonespa.com
5197 NC Hwy. 14 • Eden, North Carolina 27288
Office 336-627-9234 Cell 336-613-0325 • Fax 336-627-9225
www.edensown.com lisadoss@edensown.com
Offering Display Ads Classifieds Full Obituaries Wedding Announcements Engagement Announcements Birthday and Anniversary Announcements Flyer/Brochure Insertion into Paper •
MONTHLY FEATURES Local News and Features Local Farwells Jokes Sport Team Photos Events of Interest Schedules Classifieds Special Columns Must Reads Vacation Spot Reviews and more
also services through
FINNEY/DOSS DESIGNS Typing Business Cards Flyer / Brochure Design Advertisement and Logo Design
Eden Cook shares sugar free applesauce cake recipe in national book Eden hometown cook Bill Snead is sharing his Sugar Free Applesauce Cake recipe with thousands of others at Just A Pinch Recipe Club, the new online social community for cooks in hometown America at www.justapinch.com. Snead is one of several area residents participating in the club, known as "America's Great Recipe Swap". Members can post their own "family tested and approved" recipes, try recipes submitted by other club members, print hundreds of grocery coupons and enter recipe contests. They also have the opportunity to utilize a personal online recipe box to save recipes, compile grocery lists and plan meals. In addition, members can create and join discussion groups to chat about recipes, share cooking tips and build relationships as if they are sitting around one big kitchen table. "We continually add new features to the club based on the feedback of our members," says Just A Pinch Food Editor Janet
Tharpe. "It's because of people like Bill Snead, who is proud to share his family's favorite recipes with other hometown cooks, that the club has become so popular and is growing so fast." Snead's Sugar Free Applesauce Cake recipe, along with thousands of others, can be viewed, printed and shared at no charge through the recipe club. "My wife made this cake for my uncle who was a diabetic. He always looked forward to us visiting and bringing him this cake," says Snead. Founded in 2010, Just A Pinch Recipe Club offers free memberships and premium perks. Join us in the kitchen at www.justapinch.com. Sugar Free Applesauce Cake Bill Snead (Eden) Ingredients 1 bx raisins (14 oz.) 2 c water 2/3 c cooking oil 1 can(s) unsweetened applesauce (No. 2 can)
Contestants show Eden their talents The Duane Best Auditorium at Morehead High School was the venue for the first ever Eden Talent Show in April. In April twenty-nine acts (33 contestants) competed in the premier Eden’s Got Talent Show sponsored by the Morehead Memorial Hospital Foundation Contestants competed for cash prizes in youth and adult categories. Winners included the following
Rivers Band. Proceeds from Eden’s Got Talent will go to benefit two causes: Morehead Memorial Hospital’s Equipment Fund for pediatric and cancer needs, and the Chair Replacement Program for the Duane Best Auditorium.
Eden Inn Motel 213 S. Van Buren Rd., Eden
1 tsp baking soda 3 large eggs 1 tsp cinnamon, ground 1 tsp allSnead s p i c e , ground 12 pkg sweet and low (not equal) 2 c self rising flour 1 c nuts (optional) Directions Cook raisins and water until almost dry. Mix together cooking oil, soda and applesauce. Beat eggs until smooth. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pour mixture into a greased tube or bundt cake pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Check with toothpick for doneness. Cool in pan for 15 minutes before turning out. Just A Pinch Recipe Club | 110 Third Avenue North | Franklin, TN 37064 Phone: 615-599-8751 | Fax: 615599-8752 | www.justapinch.com Free Syndicated Editorial Service: www.justapinchmedia.com
336-623-9161 Have Family Visiting And No Place To Put Them? Great affordable accommodations for Sports Teams and Fans, Special Events, Festivals and Construction Workers. Newly Renovated with 5 Star Hotel Furnishings Double and King Size rooms with pillow top mattresses, refrigerator and microwave in every room. Expanding to 62 rooms soon! Rooms starting at $39.95 per night (Regular Rates Do Not Apply Race Weekend)
Spring Special Pay For 3 Nights, Receive 1 Free!
$5 Off A Nights Stay At Eden Inn Motel Expires May 31, 2011
Reduce • Reuse • Recycle
Eden’s Got Talent
Adult Category 1st - Andria Lowman - Singing “At Last” 2nd - Andrea Lanum and Megan McCollum Dancing/Clogging Duet to “Giddy On Up” 3rd - Two Rivers Contestants wait for the judges deciBand - Playing sions at the EDEN'S GOT TALENT Show “Jackson” sponsored by the MMH Foundation. Youth Category 1st - Rachel & Lauren Jones Singing Duet “You Are My Hiding Place” 2nd - Jesse Hodges - Playing Guitar Solo To “Back In Black” 3rd - Katie Griffin - Playing The Fiddle to “Maiden’s Prayer/Clinch Mt. Backstep” Contestants in the show included: Leah Amick accompanied by Michael Breeding, Rachel Amick, Shawn Bakos, Kaytlin Barnes, Alexis Blackstock, Bethany Burroughs, Kortni Darnell, Rachel Gallardo, Katie Griffin accompanied by Don Wright, Kaitlyn Harris, Jesse Hodges, Kellie Jones, Rachel and Lauren Jones, Clay Joyner, Andrea Lanum accompanied by Megan McCollum, Jane Largen, Andria Lowman, Ron Martin, Morgan McGuire, Ashley Meeks, Ashlynn Minor, Jessica Price, Dewey Pruitt, Katt Rogers, Brandon Scearce, Ronald Smith, Sydney Stanley accompanied by Kaitlyn Sexton, Jacob Vaughn, and The Two
Call me for information on: • Individual Health Plans • Medicare Supplement Insurance Authorized Agent
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FAST CASH CLASSIFIEDS APARTMENTS / HOMES FOR RENT OR SALE HOME FOR SALE 3 Bedroom, TV room could be 4th bedroom, 2 Bath, Kitchen/Dining Room combination. Dishwasher, stove. Great Location! $69.000. 336-932-7332 For Sale - 3 Brick Apartments In Ridgeway/Hwy 220 Central Heat/Air Newly Restored Log Cabin Onsite Included 276-226-0576 Apartment in Ridgeway for Rent $450 A Month, Water Included, House In Eden For Rent 2 BR. $500 A Month, & Mobile Homes For Rent Please Call -276-226-0576 Apartment For Rent 1 BR Apartment - Eden Just Renovated Ref. Stove & Water Included No Pets / No Children / No Smoking
$345 Call 336-623-7796 MOUNTAIN VILLA APTS. Located in Mayodan, with handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. Call 427-5047. Office hours: 8 am-2 pm. Mon.- Thurs. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962. Equal Housing Opportunity
Answer to Puzzle: GO SWIMMING NOW
1, 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Apartments / Homes for Rent in Eden area. Reasonable Rates! W/D Hookups, Some include appliances. Daytime 336-623-6948 night 336-635-1717 Apartments Available - 2BR, 1.5 ba $475 per month. Deposit & References Required. No Pets. Call Fleming Property Management at 336-627-5797 1 and 2 br houses / Eden Area. W/D hookups, some appliances. $400 - $450 /plus Deposit Call 336.589.7901 Mobile Homes For Sale: Owner Fin/Stnvl Four MH’s ready $9,000 to $14,000 Dwn $500, 10 yrs 12% pmts $122 - $200 Appl, Dep & Lot Rent Mark 623-8749 List your land, home or rental property in Eden’s Own Classifieds for as little at $7 mo. 336Call 627-9234
2011 AUCTIONS Antique Auction
Pets To A Good Home or Lost & Found ads are free No 900 numbers accepted
If billing is required & accepted there will be a $1 charge billing charge added.
Get your advertisement in the next issue! email ad to...
edens-own@embarqmail.com we will call you for payment • Call 336-627-9234 with information (leave message if necessary. I WILL get back to you!)
• Fax to 336-627-9225 • Mail in your ad information and payment to Eden’s Own Journal 5197 NC Hwy. 14 NC. Hwy 14 Eden, NC 27288 Eden’s Own is published and placed on the stands on the 1st of Each Month Ads cannot be put in nor canceled after deadline. No refunds. Ads run only at the discretion of the management. We reserve the right to turn down any classified ad we deem not publishable for any reason.
“The Lady Auctioneer” Offering Alternative Methods of Liquidating Estates & Personal Property
FREE CONSULT... Linda Wyatt www.auctionzip.com
From a few items to entire estates Serving North Carolina & Virginia
WYATT AUCTIONS Complete Auction Service specializing in Estates, Antiques, Personal Property and Estate Tag Sales.
Call Linda Wyatt 336-616-2113 home or any other item, call about listing it in the Fast Cash Classifies for as little at $7 per month! 336-627-9234 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1970 CORVETTE, White With Black Interior 330 Hp, $14,500 See At The Old Chevy Showroom On The Boulevard Or Call 336-612-2386 PETS Ads for Lost or Found Pets are free.
SALE! Finches, Paraketes, Cockatiels, Love Birds, Cockatoos, Eclectus, African Greys. Very Good Prices. Cages, Food, Etc. Also a 55 Gallon Fish Tank With Oak Stand & Placo Rapheal Cat Fish. 336-627-9274 YA R D S A L E S Benefit Yard Sale Multi-Family May 7th 8am - 12pm 701 S. Van Buren Dr. Hasani’s Parking Lot.
Comfort For Women
Tripad Comfort: SAS Supersoft Lightweight Soles. Other SAS Syles Available Including Walking And Duty Shoes.
Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 10 a.m. 171 Holder St., Milton NC Personal Property Of Harriett Brandon (Living) Long Time Antique Dealer Closing Out
Antique Consignment Auction Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 5 p.m. 136 N. Feildcrest Rd., Eden NC
LAND FOR SALE 7 Acres on a corner lot at Pervie Bolick & Friendly, Eden. Contact owner at 910-276-5796. sSigns on property. ROOMS FOR RENT $295 Month or $395 w pvt bath $20 appl. & $130 Dep. non smk & alchl Carolina Inn, Eden Bobby 623-2997 S E RV I C E S AVA I L A B L E CLARKS PAVING Free Estimates Asphalt • Patchwork • Seal Coating Driveways & Parking Lots 276-226-0576 BUSINESS PROPERTY Office Spaces Available. $395, $725, and $1000 per month. References and Deposit required. Contact Fleming Property Management at 336-627-5797 WA N T E D TO B U Y I AM Buying DRAPER PARAPHANALIA Call 336-635-5811 ITEMS FOR SALE
Selling Antique, Collectible & Estate Items
Estate Auction Saturday, May 28, 2011 - 10 a.m. 310 Ayersville Rd., Mayodan NC Selling Personal Property Of Connie Marshall (Deceased)
Linda Wyatt NCAL # 8777 • NAAL # 3772
Call 336-616-2113 For More Information Check auctionzip.com For Full Detail & Pictures, Look Under NC Auctioneer #16467
8 Piece Patio Set, table, 6 chairs, umberalla. Less than a year old. Weather proof. Only $260. 336-627-8202 FOR SALE Full size Ridgeway Freezer $250 Cleca Accoustic Guitar $120 Call 336-613-2460 Sell your unneeded items here in our classifieds. Call 336-627-9234 FREE - Various Sizes of Wooden Wire Spools and wooden pallets. Call Melissa's or Jim at 336-573-4225 Have something to sell? Whether it be real estate, or odds and ends from your basement. A vehicle or motor
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RECENT CRIME REPORTS • On Monday, March 21, 2011, Angela Priddy Evans of 725 Morgan Road reported property damage at her residence. According to the report, the victim returned home from work and discovered bed sheets cut, a living room couch cut, and a RCA television damaged. A suspect has been identified. • On Monday, March 21, 2011, The City of Eden reported two street signs valued at $200 stolen off of Victor St. and Grove St. • On Monday, March 21, 2011, NC Realty reported a larceny from 601 N. Van Buren Road. According to the report, a commercial heating & air system valued at $5,000 was stolen from the outside of the vacant building. • On Monday, March 21, 2011, Robert Edward Dix of 303 Fieldcrest Road reported a larceny from his residence. According to the report, a gas grill valued at $189 was stolen from the front yard between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. . • On Monday, March 21, 2011, Wise Choice located at 621 S. Bridge Street reported a larceny from the business. According to the report, a Carrier A/C unit valued at $2,000 and a concrete bucket for a Bobcat was stolen from the premises after business hours. The investigation continues. • On Monday, March 21, 2011, Steve Wayne Bryant of 416 Washburn Ave. reported property damage. According to the report, perpetrator(s) entered the residence and vandalized windows, assorted furniture, and house hold items with damages exceeding $500. • On Monday, March 21, 2011, Medlin Law Office located at 230 W. Kings Highway reported a larceny from the business. According to the report, a commercial Heating & Air unit valued at $5,000 was stolen from business during the night hours. • On Tuesday, March 22, 2011, Melissa Dawn Pulliam of 108 Moir Street reported vandalism. According to the report, 3 tires were cut on her 2005 Chevrolet. A suspect has been identified. • On Tuesday, March 22, 2011, David Wayne Carroll of 1422 Fieldcrest Road reported a larceny from his residence. According to the report, someone siphoned 16 gallons of gasoline from his 1980 Chevrolet. • On Tuesday, March 22, 2011, Corum Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. located at 605 Bridge Street reported a larceny. According to the report, someone stole a tool box off a work truck, a 1996 Chevrolet. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Fast Finishes located at 407 Cascade Ave. reported a breaking, entering, and larceny. According to the report, the owner discovered the front door of the business open and several items stolen. A Suzuki dirt bike valued at $2,500, a Miller wire welder, various tools, a Dewalt saws all, a battery charger, and a floor jack was reported stolen. The investigation continues. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Randy Steven Martin reported a possible identity theft. According to the report, someone
obtained his prescription medication from Eden Drug by using his identity and signing for the medication. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Duke Energy reported a larceny at the intersection of Bridge and Taylor Street. According to the report, an electric meter was stolen off a telephone pole at the intersection of Bridge Street and Taylor Street. The meter controlled the stop and go traffic light at the intersection. The meter was recovered and a suspect has been identified. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Christopher Lee Huffman of 315 Ewell Street reported a larceny from his residence. According to the report, a Poulan lawn mower was stolen the yard between March 08, 2011 and March 22, 2011. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Brent Demitres Scales of 318 Moir Street reported a larceny from his residence. According to the report, a 2008 Velocity scooter valued at $450 was stolen from the yard. The investigation continues. • On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Ricky Curtis Mitchell of 725 Caleb Street reported vandalism. According to the report, during the night hours someone cut all 4 tires on his 1997 Ford Ranger truck. • On Thursday, March 24, 2011, Salvation Army located at 648 Kings Highway reported a larceny. According to the report, the commercial heating & air unit connected to the business was stolen. • On Thursday, March 24, 2011, Chuck Faint Reality Company reported a larceny from 705 Oak Street. According to the report, a white Westinghouse washing machine and a dryer was stolen from the vacant rental property between March 12, 2011 and March 23, 2011. • On Friday, March 25, 2011, Brittany Michelle Fretwell reported property damage from 416 Beech Street. According to the report, someone cut and slashed 4 tires on her Honda Accord between March 22nd and March 23rd. • On Friday, March 25, 2011, N.C. Realty located at 601 Van Buren Road reported a larceny. According to the report, a Carrier heat & air unit was stolen from the business after hours. The investigation continues. • On Friday, March 25, 2011, Alton David Joyce reported a larceny from 248 N. Pierce Street. According to the reporting party, while doing some yard work he discovered the heating & air unit disassembled and copper missing from the unit. • March 31, Community Church of Eden reported a larceny. When Mr. Grigsby found someone had cut the copper line on all three heat pumps that were located in the rear of the church and near the basement door. • On Monday, March 28, 2011, Ronald Wayne Branch of 105 Stephens Street reported a larceny from his residence. According to the reporting party, a Bashan scooter was stolen off the front porch of the residence during the night hours.
• On Monday, March 28, 2011, Gary Grey of 345 E. Harris Place reported an attempted breaking & entering, and a larceny from his vehicle. According to the report, someone attempted to enter the victim’s 1995 Jeep Wrangler by prying on the door and attempted to steal the radio. The report indicates also that $45 worth of gasoline was siphoned from the vehicle. • On Monday, March 28, 2011, Michael Smith of Eden reported a motor vehicle larceny. An unknown black male wearing a red hooded sweat shirt entered his 1996 GMC Yukon and drove
Call Crime Stoppers If You Have Information On Any Of These Or Other Crimes
www.crimestoppers.com off traveling west on Washington Street. The Yukon is described to be dark blue in color with 20” chrome wheels, with a NC License Plate, RXM-1973. • On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, First Church of the Living God located at 426 Thomas Street reported a larceny. According to the report, 3 A/C units were stripped and the copper components within were stolen. • On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, Victor Delacruz of 721 McConnell Ave. reported a larceny from his residence. According to the report, a lawn mower and a gas grill was stolen from the yard. • On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, Titus Plomaritis Office located at 110 South Park Terr. Reported a larceny. According to the report, 5 Goodman A/C units valued at $50,000 were stolen from the business between March 25th and March 29th. • On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Penelope Wilson of 708 Spring Street reported a larceny from her residence. According to the report, a Kodak camera and a Gateway laptop computer was stolen from the residence between March 21st and March 23rd. • On Tuesday, Joshua Michael Terry of Eden reported a robbery on Taylor Street near the Bridge Street intersection. According to the reporting party, a black male wearing a red hat and a blue jacket approached the victim with his
hand in his pocket. The approaching subject told the victim, “Give the moped or I’ll shoot you.” The victim complied and black male drove off on the moped traveling west on Taylor Street. The moped is described as being red & grey in color with a sticker of either a hand or flower on the back left panel and there is noticeable damage to the front fender. • On Wednesday, April 06, 2011, James Garland McBride reported a larceny from 122 Kennedy Street. According to the victim, a North Carolina License Plate, P564634575, was stolen off a car trailer between April 03rd and April 6th. The stolen plate has been entered into NCIC as stolen. • On Wednesday, April 06, 2011 at approximately 3:07 p.m., patrol officers responded to a robbery at Home Savings Bank located at 722 Washington Street. According to a Home Saving Bank employee, a black male entered the business and displayed a note to a teller. The note informed the teller he was armed and he demanded money. The employee complied by giving the suspect an unknown disclosed amount of cash. The suspect left
the premises on foot traveling east on Washington Street disappearing into an alleyway. On Thursday, April 07, 2011, with the assistance of the Reidsville Police Department, Eden investigators arrested and charged Michael Louis Gallant of 604 Piedmont Street, Reidsville, N.C., with Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon. • On Thursday, April 07, 2011, Bobby Walker reported a larceny from Bailey’s Hot Rods & Customs located at 132 S. Fieldcrest Road. According to the reporting, his vehicle was at this business for repairs on March 28th through April 07th and during that time frame someone stole the North Carolina License plate, AAC-1238, off his vehicle. The stolen plate has been entered into NCIC as stolen. • On Thursday, April 07, 2011, Anna Marie Carter reported a larceny from 750 Fieldcrest Road. According to the report, someone entered her 2002 Pontiac Sunfire and stole a RCA 5X5 square DVD monitor, 6X9 speakers with a black casing, two 12 inch subs in a box, an Explode AMP, and lights.
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The Evening Lions Club is planning a celebration at Santana's Restaurant on May 24th at 6:30PM. We will be celebrating the service to our country by the World War II Veterans. If needed, we will provide transportation to an evening of fun and entertainment. Many of our World War II veterans were not able to make the trip provided by the Flight Of Honor to Washington DC. We have one veteran we are sponsoring for the next Triad Flight of Honor on May 18, 2011. Joe Weddle, who fought in the South Pacific, will make that flight. We are dedicating our meeting honoring surviving veterans of World War II. If you are a veteran and would like to attend, please call Lion Norma Jean McKinney at 627-8881 or Lion Mary Barrett at 623-5415. Keep in mind that Memorial Day is May 30th and we need to remember all our servicemen that made our country great! Photo of George Hicks(fourth from left ) and his five brothers that served in World War II.
Friends of the Library hold annual meeting On Tuesday evening, April 12, 2011, the Friends of the Library held their annual dinner and meeting at the Eden Public Library. After enjoying a meal prepared by Debbie’s Catering, the annual meeting was held. Friend’s member, Karen Wakelee, welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented Eden staff member, Dale Smith with the 2011 ‘Special Friend Award.’ The speaker for the evening was North Carolina author, Peter T. Deutermann who currently lives in Rockingham County. Mr. Deutermann has written a number of suspense novels, however, his most recent novel, Pacific Glory is a novel about World War
Zero Down Financing Available! 163 Merrigold Rd., Reidsville, NC $87,900 This brick ranch home has 1160 square feet, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and large deck. This house is conveniently located off Highway 14 with easy access to Eden, Reidsville and Highway 29.The house was recently updated and includes the following: replacement windows, vinyl over soffits, floor covering throughout, kitchen appliances, kitchen counters/sink and light fixtures. In addition, freshly painted, completely updated bathrooms, and freshly landscaped w/1161 sq ft unfinished basement. Contact Mark 434 713 9332. Pictures at www.move-in-ready.com
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II. During his talk, Mr. Deutermann talked briefly about his family’s extensive military service and about his newest book. At the end of the evening,
the author was on hand to autograph copies of Pacific Glory which were available for purchase.
MAY 2011 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 43 ¶ YES I'M A SENIOR... Seniors are constantly being criticized for every conceivable and deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.
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HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the seniors who TOOK The melody out of music The pride out of appearance, The courtesy out of driving, The romance out of love, The commitment out of marriage, The responsibility out of parenthood, The togetherness out of the family, The learning out of education, The service out of patriotism, The Golden Rule from rulers, The Nativity scene out of cities, The civility out of behavior, The refinement out of language, The dedication out of employment, The prudence out of spending, The ambition out of achievement or God out of government and school. And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!! We do understand the meaning of patriotism and those who have fought and died for our country. Does anyone under the age of 50 know the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner? What about the last verse of My Country 'tis of Thee? "Our father's God to thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright, With freedom's Holy light. Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King." Just look at the Seniors with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts! YES, I'M A SENIOR! I'm the life of the party...... even if it lasts until 8 p.m. I'm very good at opening childproof caps. with a hammer. I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up. I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying. I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure place, somewhere. I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg. I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps. I'm a walking storeroom of facts..... I've just lost the key to the storeroom door. Yes, I'm a SENIOR and I think I am having the time of my life! Now if I could only remember who gave this to me. Spread the laughter -Share the cheer Let's be happy while we're here.
JIMMY JOHNSON MOTORS VANS, TRUCKS & CARS 325 Fieldcrest Rd. Eden, NC 27288
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Members of the Morehead High School’s Interact club, sponsored by the Eden Rotary Club, recently were presented with their official charter. Shown are (front row) Hannah Amick, Leah Amick, Maddie Duque, Julie Synder, Betsy Prater, District 7690 Interact Director Cathy Coats Harpster and District Gov. Wes Patterson; and (back row) club Advisor Donna Turner, Blake Slaughter, Jesse Barnes, Annie Kate Smith, Kirsten Hartsoe, and Sinayah Stevens.
Eden Interact Club Receives Charter Members of Morehead High School’s (MHS) newly formed Interact Club recently were presented their charter by Rotary District 7690 Gov. Wes Patterson and district Interact Committee Chairman Cathy Coats Harpster. Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. The MMH Interact Club was sponsored by the Eden Rotary Club. Since its inception last fall, members of the Interact Club have engaged in several community service projects. They included assisting with the Rotary Club’s Masquerade Ball fundraiser, an MHS campus cleanup, making "Blankets and Books" for holiday season delivery to Help, Inc., conducting a "Pennies for Polio" fundraiser to support Rotary International’s worldwide project to eradicate polio, and providing assistance at
Morehead High School Seat Project Team will have a BIG YARD SALE on Saturday, June 4, 8 AM at the former Merita Store on Kings Highway. Janice Hagood, organizer, requests clothes, household and yard items and working appliances. Those 50-year-old Best Auditorium seats must go!
DROP-OFF DAYS are THURSDAYS from 1 - 6 PM. For other arrangements call 623-6826, 627-5905 or 623-2932.
Eden’s Pregnancy Care Center. The charter was presented at a special meeting of the Eden Rotary Club held at the Whistle Jacket Grill.
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