Synergy Workshop 2013 Book of Projects

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EDEN 2013 Synergy Workshop

Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas

Held at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Hungary


Edited by Ildikรณ Mรกzรกr and Gรกbor Romรกn on behalf of the European Distance and E-Learning Network European Distance and E-Learning Network

EDEN Synergy Workshop Budapest, Hungary Published by the European Distance and E-Learning Network Editors: Mázár Ildikó Gábor Román Editorial co-ordination: Barbara Lázár EDEN Secretariat, c/o Budapest University of Technology and Economics H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1, Hungary Tel: (36) 1 463 1628, 463 2537 E-mail: Conference organised in collaboration with Budapest University of Technology and Economics Acknowledgement and thanks are given to EDEN Officers and project partners who supported the organisation of the event Hosting partner projects

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. Many of the projects introduced in this book have been/are funded with support from the European Commission. This publication and all its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Introduction In early 2013 the Synergy Workshop began its life as a joint event, sought-after by 4 EU cofunded projects, in which EDEN is a contractual partner. Driven by its mission to serve its community’s professional development as an important and influential “hub”, the Association took the central lead role in the organisation process. Inspired by the less formal ‘professional coffee break activities’ of its annual conferences, EDEN aspired to give these projects the chance to not only exchange practices and lessons learned, but also to allow them to synergise (with each other and the wider conference audience) in a more interactive and collaborative fashion. After identifying how much the co-hosting 4 initiatives have in common, and recognising the value of working together – as opposed to simply disseminating results and practices –, the scene-setting evolved into something more exciting than a ‘standard’ publicity event. The creation of a constructive collaborative environment was a priority, but the value of traditional presentations was also appreciated. Other EU projects and national initiatives, sharing thematic foci with the 4 hosts, expressed their interest in actively engaging in the conference activities, and within just a few months the number of participating projects grew tenfold. The assets brought by these many initiatives combined with EDEN’s conference organisation experience and expertise enabled the delivery of a unique event. Since the early stages, a number of ICT tools have supported and facilitated the organisation of the conference. These are projects’ Facebook groups and pages, Twitter tweets, YouTube channels, Google Docs, presentations on Slideshare and virtual Post-it walls on However, most important of all is EDEN’s NAP Members Area – the forum of the online collaboration where all the resources, including this publication, are available for reference. The Synergy Workshop’s working groups aim to address and discuss topics and issues of current professional interest in 4 major thematic clusters: 

ICT and learning to learn competences, teacher training and learner support,

How to make educational policies more constructive,

Open Educational Resources and OER repositories and

ICT supported language teaching and learning.

Although the input may largely be provided, or at least inspired by the presenting projects (especially by the 4 hosting projects), the working groups will not be solely relying on their contributions. True to its inclusive approach, EDEN will engage its wider professional community in the discussions and encourage the continuation of online teamwork after the end of the conference. This will provide an opportunity for further elaboration of the Workshop’s achievements and will also permit the expansion of the group of collaborators. Ildikó Mázár Project Manager

Workshop Programme 19 October (Saturday) 09:00 – 12:30

Registration, project poster installation 1

09:30 – 12:30

Pre-conference workshop: Discussion amongst project representatives who already arrived to Budapest Identifying common fields of interest, creation of online working document for collecting (later) outputs

11:00 – 12:30

DigiSkills “Hungarian teachers’ good practices with ICT-enhanced learning and education” Focus Group meeting (in Hungarian – Invitation only)

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 13:50

Official welcome by András Szűcs, Secretary General of EDEN

Accessible via Adobe Connect

Introduction to the programme, used/useful resources (NAP Members Area and Linoit) and collaborative activities, the preliminary “working groups” and the 3 days’ activities (Ildikó Mázár and Éva Suba)

13:50 – 15:00

eLene special welcome (Deborah Arnold) and eLene2learn presentation with special focus on the introduction of basic points of synergy (Alison Hudson)

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POERUP welcome and presentation of next days’ activities (Paul Bacsich) ODS and DigiSkills presentations of next days’ activities (Argiris Tzikopoulos) 15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 – 17:00

Project Fairground 1 (Flash introduction of 16 projects, 3-5 minutes each)

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All introduced projects will be invited to bring a poster that can be displayed during the 3 days of the conference. 1 page short discriptions will also be published of these projects in an e-publication.



Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

20 October (Sunday) 09:00 – 09:20 Accessible via Adobe Connect 09:20 – 10:05

Welcome, introduction of the preliminary “working groups” and the day’s activities, teasers for discussion initiation Sharing of online working document for collecting outputs (both on site and online) Project Fairground 2 (Flash introduction of 9 projects, 3-5 minutes each)

Accessible via Adobe Connect 10:05 – 10:50

Project Fairground 3 (Flash introduction of 9 projects, 3-5 minutes each)

Accessible via Adobe Connect 10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break

11:10 – 11:50

Project Fairground 4 (Flash introduction of 8 projects, 3-5 minutes each)

Accessible via Adobe Connect 11:50 – 12:30 Accessible via Adobe Connect

Project Fairground 5 (Flash introduction of participants not representing projects, breaking into Working Groups)

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:15

Working Group 1&2 (Part 1) – Propose a written outline for future collaboration whether it is the organization of a joint event, reciprocal piloting/peer review, community sustainability or a new partnership for a future project The 2 parallel themes are “ICT and learning to learn competences, teacher training and learner support” 2 and “How to make educational policies more constructive” 3

14:15 – 15:00

Working Group 1&2 (Part 2) – Propose a written outline for future collaboration whether it is the organization of a joint event, reciprocal piloting/peer review, community sustainability or a new partnership for a future project The 2 parallel themes are “ICT and learning to learn competences, teacher training and learner support” and “How to make educational policies more constructive”

2 3

Facilitators: Deborah Arnold and Alison Hudson, Notary: Éva Suba Facilitators: Paul Bacsich and Argiris Tzikopoulos, Notary: Ildikó Mázár

Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 – 16:15

Working Group 3&4 (Part 1) – Propose a written outline for future collaboration whether it is the organization of a joint event, reciprocal piloting/peer review, community sustainability or a new partnership for a future project The 2 parallel themes are “Open Educational Resources and OER repositories” 4 and “ICT supported language teaching and learning 5”

16:15 – 17:00

Working Group 3&4 (Part 2) – Propose a written outline for future collaboration whether it is the organization of a joint event, reciprocal piloting/peer review, community sustainability or a new partnership for a future project The 2 parallel themes are “Open Educational Resources and OER repositories” and “ICT supported language teaching and learning”

21 October (Monday) 09:00 – 09:20

Consolidation of work plan outlines in 4 (flexible, i.e. participants can move freely) parallel groups and online

09:20 – 10:00

Brief reports from the previous days’ work by 4 rapporteurs, introduction of the results of the “working groups”, instructions for the continuation of collaboration online

Accessible via Adobe Connect 10:00 – 10:50 Accessible via Adobe Connect

ProM: Buiding skills for educational mobility by professional e-learning – Presentation and experimentation

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break

11:10 – 11:50

Teaching & learning with iPAD – Presentation (Manfred Lohr ODS)

Accessible via Adobe Connect 11:50 – 12:30

Teaching & learning with iPAD – Praxis (Manfred Lohr & Zita Krajcso ODS)

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:15

Teaching & learning foreign languages – Presentation (Ulrike Frimmel & Zita Krajcso ODS)

Accessible via Adobe Connect 4 5

Facilitators: Paul Bacsich and Argiris Tzikopoulos, Notary: Ildikó Mázár Facilitators: Zita Krajcsó and Lívia Turzó, Notary: Éva Suba


Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

14:15 – 15:00

Teaching & learning foreign languages – Praxis (Zita Krajcso & Ulrike Frimmel ODS)

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 – 16:15

Policies for OER Uptake (POERUP) 3 EU (school) level policy documents presented and discussed, sharing of relevant news from the Commission

Accessible via Adobe Connect 16:15 – 17:00 Accessible via Adobe Connect

POERUP policy round table discussion – Hungary’s position within the EU (with an invited expert panel)

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Table of Contents Fairground 1 STAY IN RESLEA StartUp_EU VETWORK Revive-VET ProM VMPass mozaLearn I-TUTOR Am-Learning I-CriTEch EDUWORKS LeHo MedAssess OntoHR careNET POERUP

11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Fairground 2 NordicOER ODS Open Education Europa SMART PEEP MOOGE HoTEL MATEL

45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59

Fairground 3 Digiskills eLene2learn Hands-On ICT TRANSIt C@STELLI BYOD Literary salon “Five o’clock” VISIR Ed2.0Work G8WAY 8

61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77

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Fairground 4 CLASHE Big Foot EMPORT MINGLE Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement University Virtual Chair Sportello online eLene2Learn – Web4maths

81 83 85 87 91 93 95 97

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Themes ICT and digital media use in primary and secondary education Developing and improving learning to learn competences Learner support (with the use of ICT) Open Educational Resources and their use in education ICT enhanced language teaching and learning Teacher training (communities of practice) Support of educational decision makers (with the use of ICT) Improving employability with the use of ICT and e-learning


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STAY IN Students Guidance at University for Inclusion Website: Runtime: 01.10.2012 – 30.09.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus; Multilateral projects Partners: UNIMC – University of Macerata, IT; BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU; US – University of Seville, ES; MELIUS – International Mobility and Employment, IT; EDEN – European Distance and E-Learning Network, UK; ARCOLA Research llp, UK; Lynx s.r.l., IT; ESU – European Students Union, BE. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Pier Giuseppe Rossi ( STAY IN aims to provide a comprehensive on-going guidance service, including e-guidance, to students in higher education to contribute to increasing their educational achievement. Regarding the issue of ‘wider participation’ it has been noted that even where flexible provisions are established (i.e. availability of distance learning offers, flexibility of teaching and evaluation, language courses for migrants’ students etc.), improved access does not lead directly to improved rates of success: there is a missing link. For this reason, the STAY IN project seeks to focus on the student experience, providing support by means of flexible guidance/counselling services able to support students from under-represented groups throughout all study career, in presence (offices) and at a distance (e-guidance) to avoid drop out, and to pursue educational attainment. Main target groups of the project: Guidance and counselling workforce at HEI; Students involved in tertiary education; Future students, likely to be involved in tertiary education; HEI managers; Researchers and practitioners in the field of guidance and counselling, inclusion, ICT-based services and related topics; Policy makers in tertiary education and inclusion. Significant public results: ‘Guidance for inclusion: practices and needs in European Universities’, (April 2013) covering: results of the analysed practices; approaches and features of guidance and counselling services that are potentially transferable to HEI’s; results of the student survey; recommendations for guidance and counselling services. The key outcome of STAY IN will be an eGuidance platform for European universities, designed and developed in order to address the specific needs of higher education institutions and higher education students for guidance and counselling services, and suitable for supporting on-going guidance and counselling. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN



Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

RESLEA Reduction of Early School Leaving of Young People Website: Runtime: 02.2012 – 01.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Policy Co-operation and Innovation in Lifelong Learning (Key Activity 1), European Cooperation in Education and Training (ECET) of the European Commission Partners: Research Centre of People and Cultures in Portugal (CEPCEP), Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), PT; Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung (ISOB), DE; Számalk Education and Information Technology Ltd., HU; School Center Velenje, SI; Hackney Community College, UK; MENON Network EEIG, BE; Empresários para a Inclusão Social (EPIS), PT; Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (CECOA), PT; New Technologies and Learning in Europe (NTL), DE. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Fernando Chau ( and Maria Cristina Pereira ( The main aim of the ‘Reducing Early School Leaving of Young People’ (RESLEA) project, cofunded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) of the European Commission, is to develop an innovative and integrated delivery model and toolkits which can be used in different countries and learning settings to reduce the number of Early School Leavers (or ‘dropouts’) aged 15 to 19. The aim of the project is closely related to the European 2020 strategy, which highlights the EU’s target to reduce the percentage of early school leavers to no more than 10 % and increase the number of young people in higher education or equivalent vocational education to at least 40 %. It is recognized that the cooperation among EU member states is particularly important to achieve these targets, in particular in supporting the national reforms of lifelong learning and the development of common European instruments promoting quality of education and mobility. RESLEA aims to develop, pilot and validate an innovative model of addressing the issue of early school leaving across Europe, by drawing on existing knowledge and examples of good practices and success factors in helping young people to complete their education. This has resulted in the development of a RESLEA prevention model consisting of five highly practical toolkits to identify young people at risk of dropping out and to plan intervention methods to prevent early school leaving. The RESLEA model and toolkits are currently being piloted in European partner countries across four highly diversified educational settings working with different types of student groups at-risk: Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


Hackney Community College (Tertiary Level Education), United Kingdom;

Számalk (Vocational Training School), Hungary;

Agrupamento de Escolas da Apelação (Regular and Vocational Training School), Portugal;

School Centre Velenje (Vocational Training and Technical Secondary School), Slovenia.

The pilots aim to test the model and toolkits in real-life situations and provide relevant feedback to aid their development and fine-tune them in the light of emerging problems and specific needs. The results of these pilots will be assessed by a variety of on-going validation exercises, involving consultations with key stakeholder representatives (through RESLEA country Advisory Boards), focus groups (with social partners, institutions, professionals, experts, etc.) and collection and analysis of practitioner views and experiences. Main target groups of the project: Early School Leavers (ESL); young persons at-risk; Primary, secondary and vocational school students (aged 15-19); Primary, secondary and vocational school educators and facilitators; School administrations; Ministries of Education; Local and regional community representatives; Employers and employment associations Significant public results: see:


Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

StartUp_EU StartUp_EU – Be a High Tech Entrepreneur Website: Runtime: 12.2011 – 11.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Comenius Partners: University of the West of Scotland, UK; Friedrich Alexander Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Innovation in Learning Institute, DE; MENON Network EEIG, BE; Associazione seed; CH; European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN), BE; Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanz (CECE), ES. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Spiros Borotis ( and Thomas Connolly ( Entrepreneurial skills and attitudes are a key for employability and development in Europe. The StartUp_EU project is designed to motivate secondary school students by replicating the excitement and creative innovation of a new startup company. The project aims at creating an educational game to develop entrepreneurial skills on a Web 2.0 technology platform, to support an international competition of young people across Europe. The platform will include, communications, partner finding, inspirational videos, online materials, competition submission, and online presentation tools. Secondary school students aged 14-18 will learn about high tech entrepreneurship developing their own business ideas collaboratively and autonomously across Europe. The reality of creating a new idea, analyzing its potentials and the real need, will be set against the problems and costs of developing the idea into a virtual product for a market. The project will include 3 phases: (1) Development of educational game, (2) Development of platform and re-usable resources, and (3) The competition The piloting in schools was conducted in two phases. During the first phase, five schools across Europe with near 60 students with their teachers, so as to test the platform, the games, the supportive materials and the evaluation questionnaires. Next, a much bigger pilot was conducted: 65 schools, 20 countries, 80 teachers and 316 students participated. Most of the students did not have prior experience with entrepreneurship education or games-based learning, and self-assessed as weak their entrepreneurship-related knowledge, i.e. knowledge of career opportunities and the world of work, economic and financial literacy, as well as knowledge of business organisation and processes. The StartUp_EU platform and tools proved to be usable, well integrated, motivational, enjoyable, and was stimulating further inquiry. The students managed to develop all their entrepreneurship-related skills, knowledge and attitudes, with the sense of initiative, Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


presentation skills and the ability to design business projects being the champions among all. Last, the games proved to facilitate learning on entrepreneurship. Themes: Other: games-based learning Main target groups of the project: i) Students 14-18 years old, ii) teachers Significant public results: i) Platform available for every interested school; ii) User guides in multiple languages; iii) Case study collection and analysis (all available on the website of the project at and


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VETWORK Network to Strengthen the Relation between VET and the World of Work at the Governance and Implementation Level Website: Runtime: 10.2012 – 09.2015 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Leonardo da Vinci Partners: European Vocational Training Association (AEFP-EVTA), BE; Scienter, IT; Europäischer Verband Beruflicher Bildungsräger (EVVB), DE; MENON Network EEIG, BE; FiaTest, RO; Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Granada, ES. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Cristina Castellanos ( The VETWORK project is addressing the Bruges Communiqué challenges regarding both the implementation and the governance dimensions related to the link between VET and the world of work. It is focused on the area of training, integrating work-based learning (WBL) and VET providers, teaching, and support services. On the implementation side it contributes to the creation of new models of integration between the world of work and VET through the provision of guidelines that will be focused on measures to be undertaken to increase integration through methodological, process, organisational and content innovation. On the governance side, it contributes to reinforce stakeholders’ involvement in the process of VET innovation by creating a stakeholders’ roundtable which will gather representatives of social partners, enterprises, education and training providers, trainers, employment services, public authorities, research organisations and learners. The specific objectives of VETWORK are: 

To provide a set of success stories of integration between VET and the world of work focusing combined VET/workplace training for young people and adults. Such good practices shall show innovative and creative elements and strategies to reduce the implementation gap existing between what is learnt through VET and what is applied (and needed) at the workplace, particularly in view of innovation processes (in line with the New Skills for New Jobs initiative);

To design, develop and test a benchmarking system matching the micro-meso needs of companies, employers and VET providers (measuring effectiveness in reducing the implementation gap and assisting them in strategy redefinition for performance improvement) and the macro-needs of European VET as expressed in the Bruges Communiqué (i.e. methodological and organisational innovation, excellence, quality assurance, assessment and certification of formal and informal learning, mobility);

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To launch, maintain and make sustainable a consensus building exercise involving networks representing relevant stakeholders in VET and the world of work on challenges and recommendations for the innovation of European VET (representatives of social partners, enterprises, education and training providers, trainers, employment services, public authorities, research organisations, and learners will contribute) through thematic discussions on: methodological and organisational innovation, excellence, quality assurance, assessment and certification of formal and informal learning, mobility;

To launch, maintain and make sustainable an on-line Learning Community where VET providers, companies, employers and relevant stakeholders can virtually meet and exchange practices and experiences in a bench learning perspective;

To provide a set of recommendations to policy and decision makers for VET innovation in a more integrated perspective between VET and the world of work addressing the policy as well as the implementation dimension;

To provide a set of guidelines addressing VET providers and companies/employers for integrated VET/workplace planning, implementation, assessment and certification practice.

Main target groups of the project: European companies/enterprises and employers; Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers; public authorities; employment services; social partners; Education and Training (E&T) providers; learners Significant public results: Methodology report; Good Practice Report; Online Benchmarking Tool & Report, Online Learning Community; VET Stakeholders’ Roundtable; Guidelines & Recommendations for Integration of VET and Workplace Training


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Revive-VET Review and Revive VET Practices Website: Runtime: 09.2011 – 11.2013 Supported / co-funded by: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME / LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation Partners: European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL), BE; Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), HU; SCIENTER, IT; Lithuanian Association of Distance and E-Learning (LieDM Association), LT; Kaunas food industry and trade training center, LT; Fondo Formación Euskadi (FFE), ES; European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Airina Volungeviciene ( The Revive-VET project aim is to help building up a well performing VET system, and to avoid the child illnesses in a VET system developing program, or tear down the operational and/or strategical barriers with the use of self checking in a currently running VET service. To facilitate this, Revive-VET provides a Quality Criteria Tool which is the final result of the project. Themes: Other: Technology enhanced learning Main target groups of the project: The project addresses the need to develop the key skills and competences (in particular digital and technological competences) of VET teachers and trainers, institution managers in any sector, and basically anyone developing or establishing VET. Significant public results: 

Case development methodology adapted to VET sector;

Peer review methodology adapted to VET sector;

Training material on application of adapted case development, peer review methodologies and Revive methodology;

32 developed cases in the areas and levels selected.

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Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

ProM Building Skills for Educational Mobility Website: Runtime: 10.2012 – 09.2014 Supported / co-funded by: LLL / Leonardo da Vinci Partners: Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP), FR; Réseau Européen d’Associations des Professeurs de Langues (REAL), BE; Università degli Studi di Pavia, IT; European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), UK; The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), UK; Center für berufsbezogene Sprachen, AT; Académie de Versailles, FR. Project representative to be contacted for further info: ( ProM is a new European project aiming to provide a comprehensive professional training programme to European teachers by distance learning, to support the management, planning and implementation of mobility initiatives. Themes: Other: E-learning Main target groups of the project: 

Teachers: to take the ProM training modules, and

Teacher trainers and decision makers: to integrate these modules into their teacher training programmes.

Significant public results: 

Teachers take a quick online assessment to assess their current skills level on mobility management. They will then receive recommendations, tailored to them, as to which of ProM’s online training modules would best suit their needs.

Teachers take the recommended ProM training modules to acquire or enhance their professional skills required on mobility initiatives (exchanges, work placements and ICT partnerships) through an e-learning platform:

Teachers will have the opportunity to sign up to one special supported online module which will include feedback from experienced tutors. Those taking part will be trained alongside colleagues from other European countries, developing international links and creating a dynamic international network.

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VMPass Implementing Recognition of Virtual Mobility and OER Learning through a Learning Passport Website: Runtime: October 2013 – December 2015 Supported / co-funded by: LLP Centralised – Erasmus MP Partners: University of Leicester, UK, EFQUEL, BE, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, S.A., ES, Vytautas Magnus University, LT, Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University, DE, European Distance and E-learning Network – EDEN, UK, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE, MENON Network EEIG, BE Project representative to be contacted for further info: Kinga Kónya, UNIR ( Despite the rise of Virtual Mobility and OCW (Open Course Ware)-based opportunities for learning at institutions, around Europe – recognition remains uneven, and serves as a major barrier to uptake of these flexible forms of learning. The main reasons for these barriers include: 

Lack of knowledge about VM/OCW providers and courses

Lack of transparency regarding institutional procedures, pedagogy and assessment

Lack of trust in institutional quality systems

In the past year, both UNESCO and the European Commission have called for this problem to be addressed through improved recognition tools. Thus, VM-Pass will aim to increase interinstitutional recognition of virtual mobility and OCW-based courses, by: 

Building on results from OER test project and piloting the use of a student-held learning passport to facilitate recognition & mobility

Planning, testing and creating a recognition-clearinghouse to support the verification and investigation of learning passports

Creating a typology of quality systems used in VM and OER systems, to support the learning passports and recognition-clearinghouse

Engaging in dialogue with multiple institutions around Europe so as to mainstream use of the recognition tools created by the project

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These activities together will provide recognition offices a tool which will reduce the bureaucracy involved in recognition processes, allow them to share experiences with peers and compare their recognition decisions’ with other institutions – thus promoting harmonisation of recognition. All of this together, should make it easier for students to have their VM learning recognised, and thus increase the volume of students taking advantage of this flexible learning pathway, without increasing the administrative burden on their home institutions. Main target groups of the project: This project is squarely focused on Higher Education Institutions who intend to recognise learning experiences based on virtual mobility (including OER-based learning) or are already experimenting to do so. The project intends to involve these institutions in the two projects in two ways: 

A selection of HEIs will be involved directly in the project’s activities through participation in the living laboratory on recognition of learning based on VM

The wider HE community will be kept informed of the activities and successes of the project, with the hope that through continued information they will eventually join the project activities beyond the end of its life as part of its sustainability activities. This category activity will also indirectly target HE researchers, and the rest of the E&T Stakeholder Community.

Significant public results: The overall aim of the project is to increase inter-institutional recognition of virtual-mobility and Open Education based (OER/OCW) courses. We believe that by increasing the quantity and quality of recognition processes in VM we will: 

Create new flexible learning pathways for students inside Higher Education

Allow institutions to increase the scope of their offer, by integrating teaching/learning done at other institutions into their curricula

Improve resource-efficiency within HEIs

Lead to an increase in the use and impact of Open Educational Resources (OER)


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mozaLearn Digital Educational Solution by MOZAIK Education Website: Runtime: since 2008 Supported / co-funded by: Mozaik Education (Mozaik Publishing House, Hungary) Partners: The mozaLearn software suite is used in more than 70 % of Hungarian schools. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Dr. Ildikó Török ( MOZAIK Education is the leading textbook publisher and the provider of the most widely used interactive education software in Hungarian K12 education, producing educational material up to the highest European standards. Since the foundation of the company over twenty years ago it has been a leading force in the front line of innovation. Education today faces challenges worldwide. The way knowledge is passed on to our children is just as important as deciding what to teach for future generations. We have to prepare pupils today for the tasks of tomorrow. Our experts in education have the complex answers to face all aspects of this challenge. The mozaLearn is an integrated educational system, providing adequate digital support for pupils and teachers as well as for parents. Our all-round service system: 

Supports in-class teaching with mozaBook, a program designed for interactive whiteboards;

Gives active home learning a new dimension with its mozaWeb web platform with online supplementary content (3D models, videos, exercises, maps and thematic tools) and test exercises;

Helps schools with their wide-ranging duties in administrative work with its mozaLog complex digital administrative program.

The digital textbooks in mozaBook make the contents of the printed books more interesting and easily perceivable by using interactive 3D models, videos, exercises, maps and thematic tools. Please watch our videos on to get a deeper impression. Main target groups of the project: teachers, schools, textbook publishers, ministries of education in K12 education. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


Significant public results: The mozaLearn system is used in more than 70 % of the Hungarian schools. Further training for teachers is a very important aspect of our company's work for the advancement of education. The annual training courses, conferences and workshops for teachers help them attain the know-how of the digital materials linked to the printed textbooks, so that they can convey knowledge to the pupils easier and in a more enjoyable fashion. Teachers are in the front line of education, they are in direct contact with the pupils every day, we feel that it is very important to provide them with all the tools and help needed to excel at their work.


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I-TUTOR Intelligent Tutoring for Life Long Learning Website: Runtime: 01.2012 – 12.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme Partners: University of Macerata, (coordinator), IT; University of Palermo, IT; University of Reading, UK; Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU; Incorporated Company Continuous Vocational Training Centre, EL; Militos Emerging Technologies and Services, EL; European Distance and E-Learning Network, UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Gigliola Paviotti ( The Intelligent Tutoring for Life Long Learning (I-TUTOR) project aims at developing an intelligent tutoring system, to be applied in open source learning environments, able to monitor, track, analyze and give formative assessment and feedback loop to students within the learning environment, and give inputs to tutors and teachers involved in distance learning to better their role during the process of learning. The software is developed in java thus could be easily implemented and re-used in most of the common free platforms for eLearning. Main target groups of the project: Tutors and trainers, students Significant public results: E-BOOK PUBLISHED ON INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEM: “Intelligent tutoring system: an overview” The report presents the outcomes of a large literature review and the implications of using intelligent tutoring systems in the European scenario. Topics include a historical excursus and a description of the ITS, from a pedagogical and didactical point of view; cognitive modelling (and classic modelling) used by informatics designers in the ITS construction; data mining in education, examining potentials and constraints in the use of data mining in education, summarizing the potential they have to offer meaningful support to stakeholders; literature review in order to summarise directions and research paths in the use of user-profiling, trying to define the main topics that should be considered in future research; and finally Instructional Design and the perspectives of the ITS research, dealing with the issue of educational design software. Available to download for free from the website. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


END PRODUCT: INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEM APPLICATION Following up the development stage of the I-TUTOR ITS, piloting is crucial in testing validity and identifying areas that need attention before the roll-out phase of the ITS application and prior to system-wide modifications. Therefore, a small scale piloting session has been launched in May 2013 for the first testing phase of the I-TUTOR plug-in prototype. This preliminary testing, which involves final users, both tutors/teachers and students in higher education, adult education and training, will allow to gather data to refine the plug-in toward its first release for publication. The piloting sessions are taking place at the University of Macerata (Higher Education, Italy), at the Centre of Learning Innovation and Adult Learning of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Adult Education, Hungary) and at the ITEC Training Centre (VET training, Greece), involving about 80 students and 7 teachers/tutors. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews will help developers and pedagogical partners to identify areas of improvement, and to enhance the plug-in: the first release for free download for Moodle users is expected for the end of October 2013. FINAL CONFERENCE The I-TUTOR consortium, in cooperation with SIREM – Società Italiana di Ricerca sull’Educazione Mediale invites you to the I-TUTOR workshop at 13 November 2013 – University of Bari, Italy, in the frame of the SIREM conference ( The call for papers aims at collecting experiences, cases, visions, approaches on artificial intelligence use in learning environments, having the following topics: 

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Profiling and clustering in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

AIED and social technologies

AIED between formal and informal learning

AIED and self-regulated learning

Deadlines: Abstract Submission Deadline: 19 Oct 2013 Final Paper Submission Deadline: 13 Nov 2013


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Am-Learning I-CriTEch How to Build an Interactive Critical Technology in Higher Education Website: Runtime: 06.2009 – 06.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Italian Ministry for Education and Research – FIRB Programme Partners: University of Roma TRE (coordinator), IT; University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT; University of Roma La Sapienza, IT. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Antonella Poce ( The project represents a line of research of a FIRB national project (Basic Research Funding Scheme) funded by the Italian Ministry for Education and Research. It involves three universities: Roma TRE – Department of Education (coordinator), La Sapienza, Department of Medical Sciences, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Education. The specific project results to be presented at the workshop are related to the experimental activities, carried out with the aim of enhancing higher education students’ critical thinking skills, starting online cooperative writing assignments. “Critical thinking skills and the reading of the classics”, that’s the title of the initiative, allowed to devise an assessment model to be used on texts, produced individually as well as cooperatively, to identify higher education students’ critical thinking skills. Main target groups of the project: Higher education students Significant public results: Taking into consideration the differences between the groups involved, data collected show a significant increase of values (in the full length contribution details and graphics will be available) in each category foreseen by the model used to assess critical thinking skills. Not-with-standing the fact that such results represent just indications about the direction to take in the study of such a complex ability as critical thinking, they encourage further deepening of the subject and the group of research is, in fact, going to repeat the above testing work, in the academic year 2013/2014, with new groups of students coming from different areas (medical sciences, engineering and education). It is important also to note that this model wants to make a critical use of technology and, employing consolidated teaching and learning structures, put democratically at disposal of everyone cultural insights, which are essential to educate “a free citizen in a free republic”.

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Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN Microblogging Platform for Formal and Informal Learning Website: Runtime: March 2008 – today Supported / co-funded by: Timsoft Ltd Romania Partners: N/A Project representative to be contacted for further info: Carmen Holotescu, is an educational multimedia mobile microblogging platform that offers features such as: 

Private and public groups (with functionalities of Social Learning Management Systems);

Multimedia objects embedding (mini-lectures as images, audio and (live) video clips, presentations, files, livestreaming);

Openness to Open Educational Resources;

Learning Design objects sharing;



Quizzes and polls;

Feeds monitoring;

Support for students’ assessment;

Specific mobile learning characteristics.

Launched in 2008 by Timsoft, Romania, counting now more than 120,000 users and having interfaces in Romanian, English and German, the platform has been used for many formal and informal courses, and workshops in schools, universities and companies, but also for European events, conferences and projects.

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Main target groups of the project: Students, pupils, teachers, trainers, educational actors. Significant public results: 

Cirip featured Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009 (position 67) –;

Excellence prize at CNIV 2009, Iasi, Romania, for the article “ Building Learning Communities on Microblogging Platforms”;

Cirip was Finalist at Seedcamp Zagreb, January 2010;

Cirip was nominated by UNESCO Romania for “UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education”, April, 2012;

Cirip research team was nominated for the “Innovative Education Award”, WCES 2013, Rome, 5-8 February;

the technological and pedagogical innovation in integrating microblogging, social media in general, and OER in the teaching and learning process are described in the highly cited papers written by Carmen Holotescu (University of Politehnica of Timisoara/Timsoft Romania) and Gabriela Grosseck (West University Timisoara, Romania) –


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EDUWORKS Crossing Borders in the Comprehensive Investigation of Labour Market Matching Processes: An EU-wide, Trans-disciplinary, Multilevel and Science-practicebridging Training Website: N/A Runtime: 10.2013 – 09.2017 Supported / co-funded by: EU-Funded FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network Partners: Full partners: University of Amsterdam, NL; Central European University, HU; Corvinno Technology Transfer Center, HU; University of Salamanca, ES; University of Siegen, DE; Trinity College of Dublin, IE; Associated partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUT), EL; Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), SI; Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB), HU; ECORYS, NL; Ericsson, IE; European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), UK; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND), IE; GITP, NL; Labour Asociados, ES; Netpositive, HU; Randstad Holding, NL; University of Alicante (UAL), ES; Wageindicator, NL. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Dr. Gábor Kismihók ( The objective of EDUWORKS is to train talented early-stage researchers in the socioeconomic and psychological dynamics of the labour supply and demand matching processes at aggregated and disaggregated levels. EDUWORKS brings together researchers from several academic disciplines, namely: Labour Economics, Sociology of Occupations, HRM, Lifelong Learning, and Knowledge Management. EDUWORKS will focus on matching processes at three levels and on one overarching topic: 

Individual level fit between job demands - persons’ abilities;

Meso-level employers’ demands for occupational skills versus occupational dynamics;

European and national level labour supply and demand matches and mismatches;

Knowledge Management for supply and demand matches.

Main target groups of the project: Academia, Industry, Policy Significant public results: N/A Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN



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LeHo Learning at Home and in the Hospital Website: – soon at Runtime: 01.2014 – 12.2016 Supported / co-funded by: LLP – KEY3 Networks / 543184-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA3-KA3NW Partners: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Applicant), IT; Università degli Studi di Perugia, IT; Bednet, BE; Staatliche Schule fur Kranke Muenchen, DE; MMB, DE, European Distance and E-learning Network, EDEN, UK; Funditec, ES; Children’s Hospital School of Leicester, UK; Children’s Cancer Hospital, EG. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Matteo Uggeri ( The issue of providing education to children and youngsters with medical or psychological needs which preclude them from accessing mainstream education it's a world-wide problem and every country has its own solution for it. We think that an international confrontation on this subject may be very useful, as in some countries – probably – there are online/digital solutions that may help the schools and the family to guarantee the right to education also to those children who suffer from serious diseases that force them to stay in the hospital or at home for long time. Main target groups of the project: teachers active in home and hospital education. Significant public results: N/A

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MedAssess Adaptive Medical Profession Assessor Website: Runtime: 10.2012 – 9.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme/European Commission Partners: BetaKlinik GmbH, DE; Corvinno Technology Transfer Center Nonprofit Public Ltd., HU; Universität Siegen, DE; Universiteit van Amsterdam, NL. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Ildikó Szabó (, Gábor Kismihók ( Due to the aging society and the related neurological illnesses like stroke or dementia there is a higher demand of nurses and care givers throughout Europe than in the past. At the same time the skills and abilities (e.g. in the neuroscience) required from the nurses are increasing as well. Med-Assess meets this demand by providing a solution where nurses may assess their knowledge and skills to get an insight in which areas they might need refreshment or further training. Additionally Med-Assess will support superiors in a hospital or other medical institution in recruitment tests for new employees, in the measuring of knowledge, abilities and competencies of current employees as well as providing learning content or material for VET on the job. The previous developed solution of OntoHR will be transferred from the IT domain to the health domain as well as from the Netherlands and Hungary to Germany, while still staying a multilingual solution. Main target groups of the project: N/A Significant public results: N/A

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OntoHR Ontology Based Competency Matching between the Vocational Education and the Workplace Website: Runtime: 11.2009 – 10.2011 Supported / co-funded by: 504151 – LLP –1 – 2009-1-HU-LEONARDO-LMP, Lifelong Learning Programme/European Commission Partners: Corvinno Technology Transfer Center Nonprofit Public Ltd., HU; Dida Network Srl, IT; Qompas BV, NL; Universiteit van Amsterdam, NL. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Ildikó Szabó (, Gábor Kismihók ( OntoHR is a personnel selection and training platform that takes an individualized approach to the assessment and development of job knowledge. On the basis of cutting edge semantic technology, OntoHR provides detailed personalized assessment and training of essential technical competencies and related job knowledge elements that are required for a certain position. Main target groups of the project: N/A Significant public results: 




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careNET Building ICT Competencies in the Long-term Care Sector to Enhance Quality of Life for Older People and Those at Risk of Exclusion Website: Runtime: January 2012 – March 2014 Supported / co-funded by: LLP – Transversal Information-communication-technologies (Key activity 3) Partners: Institut FEPEM pour l’Emploi Familial, FR; King’s College London, UK; Instituto per La Ricerca Sociale, IT; University Piraeus Research Center, EL; European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), UK; Burgos Health Research Foundation, ES; University College Lillebælt, DK; Telecentre – Europe, BE. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Barbara Lázár ( The careNET project is aimed at developing a critical set of ICT competences in two identified ‘at risk’ target groups: care-workers in home care and older persons. The project works in a synergistic way to tackle identified problems in the under-professionalised home care sector while at the same time promoting social inclusion and enhancing the quality of life of older people. What resonates amongst both groups is their exposure to the risk of social exclusion as they are both often at the margins of society and likely to be the victim of digital and social divides. ICTs and associated competences have been shown to be a critical component in mitigating these risks of exclusion and helping to support an increased quality of life. The acquisition of digital skills is essential for these actors in the family employment sector where we find over half of all private individual employers aged 60 years old and over, and low-skilled women representing the majority of household employees. In response to these pressing needs the project has identified key behaviours that require digital competences in order to define common ICT competences needed by the two target groups. The methodology has been led to a map of domains of competence. Based on the competence framework, learning paths and resources were designed and learning materials developed based on cooperative learning between care workers and care recipients to promote improved quality of care and quality of life through the acquisition of care related digital competences. In addition, to answer specific needs, learning modules for Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


individual learning, addressing competences for employability and self-development (for care workers) and competences for active ageing (older people) have also been created. The developed services and products will be piloted this autumn by involving at least 150 care workers and their clients throughout Europe. Furthermore learning centres will be established and an online social network will support collaborative thinking of carers. Finally two seminars and an international conference will be organised to validate the results and to plan further developments. In this way the project contributes to: the identified needs for professionalization of care workers; increased access to learning opportunities; personal development of care workers; overcoming the isolation of both care workers and older people by promoting social enterprise, active citizenship and active ageing. Main target groups of the project: Primary target groups are institutions and individuals who are directly involved in elderly care. Secondary target groups are research groups involved in social care and policy-makers in care systems from local to European level. Significant public results: (Spanish) and (French)


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POERUP Policies for OER Uptake Website: Runtime: 11. 2011 – 04. 2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme – Key Activity 3 – ICT; Multilateral projects Partners: University of Leicester, (Co-ordinator), UK; Sero Consulting, (Project manager), UK; European Distance and E-learning Network – EDEN, UK; Open Universiteit Nederland, NL; SCIENTER, IT; Université de Lorraine, FR; Athabasca University, CA. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Paul Bacsich ( By carrying out research to understand how governments can stimulate the uptake of OER by policy means (and not just funding), POERUP aims to contribute to the implementation of LLL. Simultaneously POERUP aims to foster the potential of new media for enhancing innovation by researching policies designed to foster a “lifelong learner” mindset in learners: leading to curiosity, creativity and a willingness to “consume” OER. To do so the project team will investigate the “end-user – producer communities” behind OER initiatives and what (or who) it is that actually provides the energy that make OER work or not. Main target groups of the project: 

HE Institutions and schools

National governments, Ministries

IAC members

Networks interested in OER

Networks targeting policy makers and researchers (such as EADTU, EUN and EUA)

Networks targeting students (ESU, etc.)

Broader university, school and educational world inside and outside Europe

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Significant public project results: 


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NordicOER NordicOER – Creating a Network for Sharing Open Educational Resources in the Nordic Countries Website: Runtime: 09.2013 – 09.2015 Supported / co-funded by: Nordplus Horizontal Partners: Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, NO; University of Jyväskylä, FI; University of Lund, SE;, NO; International Council for Open and Distance Education, NO; Basidia, DK; NDLA, NO; Simprentis, FO. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Tore Hoel ( NordicOER is an awareness raising and network building project harnessing the great innovative potential of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in education and lifelong learning in the Nordic countries. This project will build on the strong Nordic tradition of knowledge exchange and cooperation within the education sector in our countries. The aim is untap the potentials of open content and open educational processes to unleash creativity and innovation needed to build 21st century skills. This 2 year project builds on the Nordic OER Alliance network ( and will deliver networking and knowledge exchange opportunities for schools, universities and lifelong learning institutions and other stakeholders; analysis of the state of art in OER and OEP; reports on barriers and opportunities using OER; guidelines and recommendations showcasing best practice within schools, higher education, and lifelong learning in the Nordic countries. Themes: Other: Higher education and life-long learning Main target groups of the project: Schools, Universities, Life-long learning organisations, local governments, national agencies and ministries. Significant public results: Networking website; reports on barriers and opportunities of OER; national events targeting schools, universities or lifelong learning; and policy recommendations.

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ODS Open Discovery Space: A Socially Powered and Multilingual Open Learning Infrastructure to Boost the Adoption of eLearning Resources Website: Runtime: 04.2012 – 03.2015 Supported / co-funded by: CIP-ICT PSP-2011-5; Theme 2: Digital Content, Objective 2.4: eLearning Partners: Coordinator: Intrasoft International SA, Luxembourg, see more at: Project representative to be contacted for further info: Nikolas Athanasiadis ( Open Discovery Space aims to serve as an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and repurposing of the already rich existing educational content base. First of all, it will demonstrate ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources. It will promote community building between numerous schools of Europe and empower them to use, share and exploit unique resources from a wealth of educational repositories, within meaningful educational activities. In addition, it will demonstrate the potential of eLearning resources to meet the educational needs of these communities, supported by European Web portal: a community-oriented social platform where teachers, pupils and parents will be able to discover, acquire, discuss and adapt eLearning resources on their topics of interest. Finally, it will assess the impact and document the whole process into a roadmap that will include guidelines for the design and implementation of effective resource-based educational activities that could act as a reference to be adopted by stakeholders in school education. Upon the completion of this project, Open Discovery Space will have contributed to the modernisation of school education, supported stakeholders in acquiring digital competences, stimulated demand for innovative eLearning resources and engaged teachers and pupils in the development of innovative educational practices. Crucially, this project will strengthen European integration by increasing cooperation across state borders, bringing together different cultures and supporting multi-lingual practices. Main target groups of the project: i) Primary and Secondary education content providers; ii) Primary and Secondary teachers; iii) Educational policy makers; iv) Parents.

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Significant public results: 

ODS Facebook page:

ODS video playlist:

All public events are available on the website at

iPad or PC – Comparing Tablets and PCs for Science Teaching Purposes (

Open School Learning – a vision to improve European schools towards 2030 – using the results of the Open Discovery Space project (

Broadening Teacher Experience Through International Research and Training Opportunities (

Further public reports and documents at

ODS repositories:


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Open Education Europa Website: Runtime: Launched 25.09.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Contract under tender with the EC DG EAC Partners: N/A Project representative to be contacted for further info: Laia Canals ( The European Commission launched Open Education Europa in September 2013 as part of the Opening Up Education initiative to provide a single gateway to European OER. This portal is grounded on the basis of the portal, active since 2002 to support the transformation of education through technology. Today, with close to 38,000 registered users and an average of 55,000 monthly visits, it has become the meeting point for exploring change and innovation in education. The main goal of the Open Education Europa portal is to offer access to all existing European Open Educational Resources in different languages in order to be able to present them to learners, teachers and researchers. Open Education Europa aims to be the access point to online resources for education innovation in Europe. It is a source of news, opportunities, and in-depth research in the open education sector. For example, the new portal features a MOOC aggregator, where users can browse and search a comprehensive list of available European MOOCs. Furthermore, it is a community of practitioners, experts, learners, and anyone who has an interest in open education in Europe. With more than 38,000 members, it is a fertile ground for interactions and connections between learners and experts. Open Education Europa will have an entirely new structure designed to make it easier for you to find and access resources and to connect with your peers. Plus, the new interface is better structured and easy to use. 

The Find section’s powerful new search function makes it easier for you to find specific content on Open Courses, MOOCs, OER and European institutions.

The Share section introduces new tools for you to interact with your peers, such as online thematic groups.

The In-Depth section allows you to conduct dynamic and cutting-edge research through access to top academic papers and educational materials from institutions across Europe.

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The MOOC scorecard is a valuable research tool comparing data on MOOCs across Europe. Your input will help us to grow and update the scorecard.

Main target groups of the project: N/A Significant public results: N/A


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SMART Skill MAtching for Regional developmenT Website: Runtime: 10/2012 – 09/2014 Supported / co-funded by: Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme 201-1-ES1LEO05-49395 Partners: Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Sevilla, ES; Corvinno Technology Transfer Center, HU; INCOMA, International Consulting and Mobility Agency S.L., ES; Inercia Digital S.L, ES; Educommunity, IT; Fachhochschule JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, AT; Fundación Universidad Sociedad de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ES; RSM Tenon, UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Ildikó Szabó (, Miklós Gábor ( The need of dynamically matching educational system offer and job market demand represents a relevant challenge to promote and sustain an inclusive and competitive society in Europe. SMART (Skill MAtching for Regional developmenT) gives a response to this need by defining and implementing an innovative learning system that will match labour market needs with the training offer. This system will be based in a competences approach identifying Knowledge and skills required and adapting the learning outcomes in the educational regional system. The project focuses on education and job balance in Andalusia region featured by high rates of unemployment and over-qualification. SMART will be coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville. Indeed, the local partnership is also made up of several education and training stakeholders that will guarantee the relevance and impact of the project outcomes. Other specific objectives are: 

to improve collaboration between VET, institutional and business sectors;

to design and validate an ontology-based adaptive tool that mapped companies’ and education competences;

to identify and anticipate new emerging jobs and market needs.

The project will transfer, adapt and enrich results of the partners’ previous EU projects in order to define common operative frames and anticipate the market needs: MISLEM proved efficient methodologies and procedures to match skills and competences developed by educational and VET institutions and labour market requirements. STUDIO developed an ontology-driven approach and tools that map and anticipate needs of companies and educational competences. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


Meeting the project goals is assured by the proposed work plan and consortium composition, which guarantees a dialectic process among different institutional, business and educational actors at regional level, and to successfully exchange and transfer experiences at EU level. The partners from Italy and the United Kingdom were selected to play a relevant role in the research phase and development of the new tool. Yet, they will contribute to extent the impact of the project by transferring the model in their national contexts as both have a relevant expertise in co-operation between labour market and educational institutions. The main outcomes from the project will be a further cooperation among stakeholders; definition of common models, procedures and tools for the competences’ matching process; an ICT tool to design and validate companies’ and education competences. SMART will impact in Andalusia by contributing to improve the job balance problem, thanks to an improved model to identify competences and labour offer and demand matching. The pilot testing will be focused on tourism industry, one of the most relevant in our region. However, the final outcome will be adaptable to every economic field. Main target groups of the project: N/A Significant public results: N/A


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PEEP Policy for Educator Evidence in Portfolios Website: Runtime: 05.2012 – 04.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme, KA1-ECET Partners: The College of Teachers at the Institute of Education, (Coordinator), London, UK; The University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, PL; The Intercultural Cooperation Foundation, Sophia, BG; TEETCH for Corporate Education, London, UK and New York, US; Latvia Culture College, Riga, LV; Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens, EL; The General Teaching Council for Wales, Cardiff, South Wales, UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Katerina Riviou ( The PEEP Project is an ongoing programme which aims to provide a policy on how electronic portfolios can best be used by European educators for recording their professional development. In the modern world demands on educators are shifting. In order to compete with the best in the world Europe's educators need to take part in life-long learning, constantly improving their knowledge and skills. Policies are needed to guide educators through these new and varied demands. The PEEP Project will create one such policy. A policy outlining a common EU e-portfolio system for educators will describe the most effective way for anyone teaching to use an e-portfolio as evidence of their lifelong learning whether this through formal academic qualifications, informally through self-reflection and non-formal digitised evidence or practice they have developed in the class room. Intertwined with this life-long learning is the concept of continuous professional development or CPD. Through this synthesis, the PEEP project will create a policy that can guide educators and developers in future to make the best decision about the integration of technology, life-long learning and CPD. Main target groups of the project: Educators, Teacher trainers, assessors Significant public results: PEEP eportfolio tool:,

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MOOGE Massive Online Open Game-based Education Website: N/A Runtime: estimated 07.2014 – 06.2017 Supported / co-funded by: estimated HORIZON 2020 or Leonardo da Vinci Partners: estimated University of Petrosani, RO; EDEN, UK; IT Consulting & Management, DE; open to further partnerships Project representative to be contacted for further info: Andreea Cristina Ionica (; Monica Leba ( The idea of our project regards the use of creativity and gamification in an alternative nonformal teaching and learning environment. Although our approach focuses on the use of gamification in training students of any field of study, we must not forget the other two close approaches to this idea, namely Simulations and Serious Games. The demarcation between gamification, serious games and simulations is important in order to define the state of the art. Our project will integrate the main elements of gamification, but complement it with some elements of simulations and serious games. The teaching-learning environment consists of two components, that are a visual development environment for the teachers to build up their courses in the non-formal structure based on creativity and gamification elements and a learning platform where the students can access the courses they signed in for and the challenges they qualified for based on their evolution and points gathered and also can interact with other students and teachers. Another type of users that can get access to the visual development environment are representatives of companies that can propose and design some challenges by which they can gather innovative solutions for their problems and even recruit personnel. How the platform will work for the students? First the student can define an avatar and gets a status according to the points gathered by passing through the courses he/she signed in for. After the student reach an intermediate status he/she can participate in challenges proposed by teachers and get extra points, badges and helpful tools according to the found solution. Passing the intermediate level, the student can participate in challenges proposed by companies and solve real-world problems. The solutions to these problems lead to points, a position in the leader-board and possibility to be recruited by the company.

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How the platform will work for the teachers? The teachers have a visual development platform that offers toolboxes in order to achieve an attractive, useful and non-formal form of their courses. Also, they have access to different online tools for sound, image and video processing together with helpful tutorials. How the platform will work for the companies? The representatives of the companies have access to some of the visual development platform tools that can be used to design the challenge proposal. Which are the benefits for the actors involved? For the students the platform offers an attractive non-formal environment to learn new, interesting and useful stuff and interact with other students. Also, by solving the challenges proposed by the teachers and by companies they can participate in research activities and even be recruited by the companies. For the teachers the platform offers a visual environment and useful tools to design attractive courses. Also, they have a means to propose challenges in order to find innovative solutions to different research problems. For the companies the platform offers an environment to get interesting solution for their problems and to recruit personnel. Main target groups of the project: students, teachers, companies Significant public results: game based education platform, tools to design attractive courses, workshops, conferences, user guide, tutorials.


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HoTEL Holistic approach to Technology Enhanced Learning Website: Runtime: 10.2012 – 09.2014 Supported / co-funded by: 7th Framework Programme, Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Partners: MENON Network EEIG, BE; Brunel University, UK; EFQUEL – European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning, BE; ELIG – European Learning Industry Group, AT; ATOS Spain SA, ES; UNIR – Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, ES. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Ms Stefania Aceto ( The assumption based on which the project was conceived is that the innovation cycle (i.e. idea  prototype  test  innovation  market) in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is so long that it seldom leads to exploitable innovations and often traps potentially disruptive innovations into the chronological limits of EU-funded projects in the field. HOTEL tries to address this challenge by designing and testing an innovation support model (specific for TEL) in three labs – the HOTEL Learning Exploratoria – that have been officially launched in September 2013. The Learning Exploratorium Labs will act in the field of adult learning covering respectively: the higher education setting, the corporate setting, the informal learning setting within professional networks. An Open Call for Innovators was launched in June 2013 to gather applications from TEL innovators to become members of the Labs and have their innovations discussed and/or tested within the Labs. The innovations selected will have to deal with TEL in one of the settings covered by the Labs. Possibly, they should cover technologies relevant to the emerging technology landscape in the field of TEL and to key learning theories influencing innovation in TEL as identified by HOTEL. Themes: Other: Supporting innovation in the field of ICT for (adult) learning (incorporating partly all other conference themes) Main target groups of the project: i) Decision makers (both at policy and at organisation level) in the targeted education and training fields; ii) Researchers in the field of TEL (with specific attention to FP7 TEL funded projects); iii) TEL practitioners (teachers and trainers, also through teacher trainers entities); iv) TEL industry

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Significant public results: Report on the ‘Emerging Technology Landscape’, Report on Key Learning Theories relevant to innovation in TEL; Open Call for TEL Innovators; Exploratorium Labs on i) Higher Education; ii) Informal learning in professional networks; iii) Learning at work; Validated and tested Innovation Support Model for TEL (all available on the website of the project at


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MATEL Mapping and Analysing Prospective Technologies for Learning Website: Runtime: 12.2011 – 03.2013 Supported / co-funded by: European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Partners: MENON Network EEIG, Belgium Project representative to be contacted for further info: Stefania Aceto ( The Europe 2020 strategy acknowledges that a fundamental transformation of education and training is needed to address the new skills and competences that will be required if Europe is to remain competitive, overcome the current economic crisis and grasp new opportunities. Innovating in education and training is a key priority in several flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, in particular the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Youth on the Move, the Digital Agenda, and the Innovation Union Agenda. Accordingly, one of the five targets for measuring the success of the Europe 2020 strategy is the modernization of European Education and Training systems with the goals of reducing early school leaving and increasing tertiary education attainment. Policy makers and educational stakeholders recognise the contribution of ICT to achieving these targets, and more broadly, the role of ICT as a key enabler of innovation and creativity in Education and Training (E&T) and for learning in general. It is however also highlighted that the full potential of ICT is not being realised in formal education settings. The MATEL study brings evidence to the debate about the technologies that are expected to play a decisive role in shaping future learning strategies in the short to medium term (5-10 years from now) in three main learning domains: formal education and training; work-place and workrelated learning; re-skilling and up-skilling strategies in a lifelong-learning continuum.

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The identified set of technology clusters and key technologies influencing innovation across the three learning domains and sub-sectors are: 

Tools for productivity and creativity: Apps for Creativity and Productivity; Media Creation and Editing Software; Office Suite Software; Programming Software.

Networked collaboration: Audio-Video-Web Teleconferencing; Social Networking; Social Software; Social Media; Blogs and Micro-Blogging; Online Collaboration Platform and Tools; Web 2.0; Wikis; Web 3.0; Semantic Web.

Content: Video/DVD; Digital radio; TV/Digital TV; Podcasts; Repositories; Open Educational Resources (OER); Content Management Systems (CMS); eBooks; Apps for Content Creation; Management and Sharing; eContent.

Games: Games; Serious Games.

Tools for visualisation and simulation: Visualisations; Augmented Reality; Virtual Reality; Simulations; Robotics.

Learner management services: Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics; eAssessment; ePortfolio.

Learning environments: Personalisation Technologies; Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Learning Management Systems (LMS); Personal Learning Environments (PLE); Artificial intelligence (AI).

Devices, interfaces and connectivity: Cloud Computing; Mobile Devices (tablets, smartphones, mobile phones); Desktop Computers; Laptops; Enabling Infrastructure (Internet, broadband, Wi-Fi); Natural Interfaces (e.g., gestures).

The final report of the MATEL study also presents three roadmaps, one per learning domain, suggesting the long-term goals and specific objectives for educational change, leading to the immediate strategies and actions to be undertaken by policy- and decision-makers. Main target groups of the project: i) Policy Makers; ii) Decision makers in Education & Training and Lifelong Learning; iii) Educational stakeholders in general; iv) Research communities. Significant public results: Final Report: “Mapping and Analysing Prospective Technologies for Learning. Results from a consultation with European stakeholders and roadmaps for policy action.”.


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Digiskills Network for the Enhancement of Digital Competence Skills Website: Runtime: 01.12.2012 – 30.11.2015 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus; Multilateral projects Partners: Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA), EL; Maria Curie Sklodowska University – University Centre for Distance Learning (MCSU), PL; Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI); EL; European Federation for quality in e-learning (EFQUEL), BE; European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), UK; Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK), AT; Fondation (, CH; Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (CECE), ES; University of Split, Faculty of Science (USP), HR. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Eva Suba, Communication Officer ( The Digiskills project supports teachers of all levels of education to combine ICT skills with pedagogy, to use ICT skills in the curriculum, and in the institutional organisation. The overall objective of the project is not only to improve classroom/university teaching practice, but also to raise awareness of the educational community on the need for innovative teaching and learning practices and learning to learn skills. The core work of the network lies within the connection of best practices from various European countries on school/university education and training. The first step for the network is to make efforts as an accelerator of sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already rich existing e-learning resources. Community building among numerous educational institutions in Europe supports the exchange of information in this phase. The members of the network empower each other to use, share and exploit unique resources from a wealth of educational repositories, within meaningful educational activities. The community’s work a peer-review supports the aim to meet the educational and quality needs of these communities, supported by Digiskills Inventory a social platform where teachers, students, parents and other community members will be able to discover, acquire, discuss and adapt e-learning resources on their topics of interest. The Digiskills Best Practice Guidelines will support future activities of teachers for the design and implementation of effective resourcebased educational activities.

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Main target groups of the project: teachers, trainers, organisations uniting teachers/trainers; institutional decision-makers in education from local to European level; organisations specialised on initial and continuing vocational training and education; and specialised research groups involved in learning research; secondary target groups are students, pupils, parents and policy makers in education. Significant public results: Repository of Good Practices; Gateway to online learning environments; Repository of learning resources; Gateway to social online communities; Public events


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eLene2learn Exploring and Promoting the Contribution of ICT and Digital Media to the Development of Learning to Learn Competences in Lifelong Learning Transitions Website: Runtime: 12.2011 – 11.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme, Key Activity 3 – ICT Network Partners: METID – Politecnico di Milano, IT; Université de Lorraine, FR; European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), UK; ZMML, Universität Bremen, DE; Ellinogermaniki Agogi, EL; Open University of Catalonia (UOC), ES; University of Helsinki, FI; Maria Curie Sklodowska University – University Centre for Distance Learning, PL; University of Dundee, UK Project representative to be contacted for further info: Gérard Casanova ( or national coordinators ( The eLene2learn project proposes a multi-stakeholder network, exploring and promoting the contribution of ICT and digital media in supporting the development of learning to learn competencies in lifelong learning transitions. eLene2learn involves schools, higher education institutions and other networks in the identification of current practice, in pilot implementation of a variety of approaches and in drawing out the lessons learnt. Towards the end of the second year of its lifetime the project has strong quantitative (e.g. nearly 100 participants at their international events or the 146 members of the eLene2learn Facebook group) and qualitative (positive user feedback and appreciative testimonials) evidences to prove its excellence. The frequent and versatile project activities (national focus group meetings, online thematic webinars, international conference presentations and workshop, online social networking and collaboration) engage old and new representatives of the project’s target audiences, who can discuss and exchange strategies and practices in smoothening pupils’, students’ and adults’ move from secondary school to university, their entering into employment, moving back into training / education or to re-skill and upgrade competencies. Main target groups of the project: i) Primary, Secondary and Higher education content providers; ii) Primary, Secondary and Higher education teachers and tutors; iii) Primary, Secondary and Higher education pupils and students; iv) Adult learners; v) Companies.

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Significant public results: 

eLene2learn Facebook group:

eLene2learn YouTube channel:

October 2014: eLene2learn final conference in Barcelona, Spain (full event calendar:

‘How to’ guide – collection of national practices, tools and methodologies in the application of ICT to develop learning to learn competencies:

Recording of the 1st eLene2learn webinar (June 2012):

Recording of the 2nd eLene2learn webinar (October 2012) on social networks:

Recording of the 3rd eLene2learn webinar (June 2013) on digital media, serious games and virtual worlds:

Recording of the 4th eLene2learn webinar (September 2013) on blogs and ePortfolios:

eLene2learn newsletters:


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Hands-On ICT Hands-On ICT: Learn, Practice, Teach Creativity and ICT Website: Runtime: 01.2013 – 04.2015 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme, KA3 Multilateral projects Partners: Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, (Coordinator), ES; Εllinogermaniki Agogi, GR; Open University of the Netherlands, NL; Euro-Mediterranean University, SI; MirandaNet Ltd., UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Katerina Riviou ( The Hands-On ICT (HANDSON) project aims at facilitating the integration of ICT tools in teaching and learning by developing a learning-by-doing environment to be explored by themselves or with the guidance of a mentor. The environment offers teachers a set of learning activities complemented with 1) the competences it addresses, 2) the lesson plan, 3) the open source ICT tool, 4) the open content, 5) a sandbox for the tool. In addition, teachers find a ready-to-use online space to bring students over to carry out the activities with the appropriate ICT. In sum, HANDSON is a holistic environment that provides teachers everything they need to learn in relation to the choice making and use of the most suitable ICT tools for a given pedagogical activity while also providing the cloud arena for putting into practice these activities with students. The initial activities will be based on creativity techniques. By addressing transversal competences in today’s knowledge society we reach out to teachers across a wide variety of sectors and subject contents. The HANDSON environment allows for the practice required to really learn a creativity method. Main target groups of the project: The HANDSON environment main targets are SE and VET teachers and HE faculty members. Teacher trainers are also main users of the project outputs. Significant public results:,

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TRANSIt TRANSversal Key Competences for Lifelong Learning: TraIning Teachers in Competence Based Education Website: Runtime: 11.2012 – 10.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme, COMENIUS Multilateral projects Partners: Ellinogermaniki Agogi, EL; NHL University of Applied Sciences, NL; Universal Learning Systems, IE; University of Barcelona, ES; Association de Préfiguration de l’Internet of Subjects, FR; Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, AT; Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus”, EL. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Katerina Riviou ( The project aims to have a positive impact on the development of students’ key competencies through building teachers capacity on competence oriented education. To achieve this, a pilot teachers training methodology will be developed on the didactics and e-assessment of key transversal competences, which could be adopted by interested stakeholders promoting educational change. The methods of the project are founded on a holistic view of students learning, personal and social development, going beyond subject boundaries and finding application in a wide spectrum of curriculum subjects. The TRANSIt approach aims to contribute to the development of creativity, adaptation to the rapidly changing circumstances, intercultural and multilingual competences, social development, “learning to learn” competences and an improved perception of one’s own capacity to solve problems. TRANSIt aims to improve: a) teachers’ awareness of key competences and b) teachers’ professional skills regarding the didactics and e-assessment of the key competences with the use of ePortfolios, supporting them to bring European and national policies into practice. Through a series of demonstrations of best practices the TRANSIt will try to raise the participating teachers’ awareness on how they can take benefit from developing their own competences and organising/assessing learning resources in e-portfolios, as well as how to exchange resources and competence driven strategies with other teachers around Europe. Main target groups of the project: Teachers (in-service, pre-service), Teacher trainers, School leaders, Curriculum developers, Educational Policy Makers, ICT support/technical staff Significant public results: The first TRANSIt Summer School ( has been completed. In the context of the summer school, the community “Training teachers in competence based education” has been created and is available here (http://ods-portalSynergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN

67 The description of the activities/workshops that took place, as well as the presentations/content delivered during the Summer School are available here ( Participants worked individually and/or in small teams and designed and uploaded competencebased cross-curricular scenarios that apply to Social Sciences, Arts & a combination of other subject fields such as Mathematics & ICT. They are available here ( Please feel free to join the community and send us your feedback! Project brochures: (EN, EL, FR, ES, CAT, NL, DE)


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C@STELLI BYOD Website: Runtime: 09.2013 – 06.2014 Supported / co-funded by: N/A Partners: N/A Project representative to be contacted for further info: Virginia Alberti ( It is a math experiment done in some classes of IIS Castelli high school in Brescia, Italy. It aims to facilitate the learning with the accesses to the net and some applications of student’s personal devices such as smartphones, tablet, phablet and notebook. They have the chance of connect to a specific online learning environment through wifi, to share their individual work, and to collaborate in the creation of knowledge. It is interesting to see the procedures of controlling the results using devices rather than papers as well as the comparison among the student’s products and the visualization through the apps that also increase critical thinking. Main target groups of the project: some classes of the three last years of high school Significant public results:,,

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Literary salon “Five o’clock” Website: Runtime: 09.2013 – 10.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Intel® Education Galaxy Partners: N/A Project representative to be contacted for further info: Danuta Starikova (, Nadezhda Pronina ( A person is a social being, who may survive as a species only as part of a group. Language helps to record useful matrix solutions of certain vital problems. Knowledge of foreign languages gives a sense of freedom and opportunity of self-expression and self-realization as it broads the boundaries of personal experience. In this case we mean not only learning the spoken language, but also work with texts. For pedagogical school of 21st century the most important question is “How to increase student’s interest to written texts?”. The attitude to the text and reader has changed nowadays. Just like in a non-conventional physics, the observer is part of the system. Thus, the reader (observer) is always part of the story; he acts as a partner or creator of meanings. In-depth reading of a text is only possible after getting to know the culture of the country of the spoken language. Such types of work are impossible without motivation of study and learn things. This is the integration between classical way of studying the text and modern computer technologies that allows solving this problem. Furthermore, it’s also a trend. Any project implementation is hard to imagine without computers. There are more and more integrated cultural and art projects nowadays. For example, “Shim Chung” Korean troupe “Universal”. Staging involves not only the scenery and dance, but also sound effects and computer visualization. Korean fairy tale is presented by means of modern ballet. Language is means of communication. Linguists worldwide have 2 opinions about the language of a thought. There are those supporting an idea that people always think on their mother tongue and translate afterwards their thoughts to another language. And there are those claiming that a thought is international and has no specific language and we find necessary cliché in the language we need at the given minute. In both cases, whether you support one group or the other, it is necessary to have enough language means to express your thoughts. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


That’s why in our course we suggest tasks that don’t require much effort from the teacher. But since the main goal of our course is to increase students’ motivation to learn cultural aspect, it contains tasks that require from the teacher high proficiency level of general outlook as well as modern computer technologies. One goes tightly together with the other. We hope that our course will be interesting for a wide range of teachers, involved in written text studies. To access the course, please click “Зайти гостем” (log in as a guest is allowed). Main target groups of the project: We invite creative English teachers who want to learn how to implement ICT in the learning process. Please, register at the site: Requirements for participants: 

Mastering level ICT – basic

MS Office

Significant public results: case studies


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VISIR Vision, Scenarios, Insights and Recommendations on how ICT may Help Making Lifelong Learning a Reality for All Website: Runtime: 11.2011 – 10.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Key Action 3: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Partners: MENON Network EEIG, BE; European Association for Adult Learning (EADL), NL; European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), UK; European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), BE; European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), AT; European Interest Group on Creativity and Innovation (EICI), DE; European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (EFQUEL), BE; SCIENTER, IT; K.U. Leuven, BE. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Fabio Nascimbeni ( The rationale of VISIR is that use of ICT for learning in Europe is gaining ground, and that in order to uncap its potential as a driver of change for our economies and societies, we need to move from fragmentation and piloting to effective systematic adoption. To address this need, seven European networks and two research centres have joined forces and are working to address three major gaps: the ‘understanding gap’, the ‘networking gap’, and the ‘mainstreaming gap’ of ICT for learning in Europe. VISIR has the following objectives, corresponding to specific activities: 

to provide a long-term vision on the contribution of ICT for transforming education and training systems in line with the needs of the future European knowledge society, and to structure it along possible scenarios for change;

to guarantee stakeholders’ involvement and engagement in the development and validation of such a vision through four cross-sectoral stakeholders consultations among ICT-forlearning experts, practitioners and decision makers from the public and private sector;

to facilitate the emergence of grassroots ICT-for learning innovation by identifying at least 100 successful micro-innovation practices (short cases studies identified, described and available for social tagging) and to catalogue them according to transversal issues;

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to facilitate exchange of ideas and emergence of insights around these practices through the organisation of six transnational seminars focusing on specific dimensions of innovation (such as assessment, quality, students involvement, economics of education) of ICT-forlearning;

to mainstream innovation by promoting these ‘practices that work’ both towards E&T policy makers and towards a number of ICT-for-learning communities, through web dissemination among the participating network (with an estimated direct ‘one-step’ reach of 1600 institutions and 24,000 professionals and practitioners) and two mainstreaming international events;

to provide recommendations and guidelines for policy and practice on how to contribute to closing the understanding, networking and mainstreaming gaps that hinder the meaningful exploitation of ICT in European Lifelong Learning.

In its first two years of work, VISIR has produced and validated a long-term vision on the contribution of ICT for transforming education and training systems towards 2020, though the analysis of existing ‘domains of change’, it run two stakeholders consultations; it prepared, set up and launched a system for collection and display of grassroots ICT-for-learning innovation (with more than 120 successful micro-innovation practices identified and the 23 best practices selected); it organised three transnational exchange seminars (on the issue of e-assessment, learning and the future workplace and learning innovation for regional development) and it planned the next three seminars of this kind. Finally, VISIR organised the 1st Mainstreaming Seminar in March 2013, in collaboration with other projects working in the field of ICT for learning, in the Committee of the Regions in Brussels, reaching more than 150 participants and engaging a different range of stakeholders, from policy makers to researchers to grassroots innovators. Main target groups of the project: i) learning practitioners in Europe (within and outside the participating networks); ii) Learning E&T policy makers in Europe; iii) European networks in the field of education, Lifelong Learning, innovation and ICT-for-learning Significant public results: Collection of and Analysis of Micro Innovation Cases on ICT for Learning; Stakeholder Consultations; Vision Reports (all available on the website of the project at


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Ed2.0Work European Network for the Integration of Web2.0 in Education and Work Website: Runtime: 01.2012 – 12.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Key Action 3: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Partners: University of the West of Scotland, UK; Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, AT; Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen, BE; European Business & Innovation Centre Network, BE; Menon Network EEIG, BE; Estonian Information Technology Foundation, EE; Poznan University of Economics, PL; School Inspectorate of Prahova County, RO; Fundació Universitat-Empresa de les Illes Balears (FUEIB), ES; University of Barcelona, ES; Uludag University, TR; Kindersite, UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Thomas Connolly ( Ed2.0Work has two missions: i) to create a network that spans education and the world of work and is designed to improve the use of Web2.0 tools in both fields alongside with ii) to create a set of tools for the empirical evaluation of Web2.0 tools. The project will create a network between stakeholders in the education and work sectors that will examine how both should be using Web2.0 in the education and work environments. Educators and employers can get involved in this project from the earliest stages. Ed2.0Work will also build a sustainable network that will: 

Build an empirical template to assess the effectiveness of Web2.0 tools;

Analyse the needs of stakeholders in education and work of how Web2.0 tools can be utilised;

Examine existing uses of Web2.0 tools in education and work;

Establish a repository of research, best practice guides and case studies.

Mixed working groups of educators and employers will study how the new possibilities can be used within differing sectors. 3 network conferences will be held during the project. An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre, based on the Web2.0 European Resource Centre founded in 2009. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


Main target groups of the project: i) educational authorities; ii) teacher training associations; iii) universities; iv) vocational training centres; v) employers; vi) Chambers of Commerce; vii) employer and employee associations; viii) companies. Significant public results: i) systematic review of research that has been produced on the use of Web2.0 tools for education and business; ii) network with over 700 members composed by three different Special Interest Groups (Web2.0 and Internet resources; Learning and training pedagogies; Curriculum including criteria for excellence and quality); iii) teachers and teacher trainers trained using the training material developed; large-scale piloting with 750 students and teachers; conferences and online webinars with at least 400 attendees (all available on the website of the project at


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G8WAY Web 2.0 Enhanced Gateway to Educational Transition Website:, Runtime: 11.2009 – 10.2011 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Key Action 3: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Partners: German Youth Institute (GYI), DE; praxis und wissenschaft (p&w), DE; Pontydysgu, UK; CITY Conversity, SE; Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), PT; MENON Network EEIG, BE; Associazione Culturale Il filo d’Arianna, IT; Institute of Educational Sciences (ISE), RO. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Randolph Preisinger-Kleine (, Tabea Schlimbach ( and Thomas Fischer ( A major characteristic of European societies is the rapidly growing differentiation of educational, vocational and occupational opportunities, pathways and biographies. This increase in complexity requires great effort from learners in initiative taking, creativity, problem solving, risk assessment and decision taking. The overall objective of G8WAY (Web 2.0 Enhanced Gateway To Educational Transition) was to support young learners in coping with the increased complexity of transition processes, through the development of core skills and competencies needed to successfully manage educational transitions. Moreover a basic assumption of the project is that newly emerging Web 2.0 technologies form an essential cornerstone to unlocking and making visible the creativity and innovation potential of learners undertaking educational transitions. Educational transitions are key biographical passages that have significant impact on future life paths. Thus, for instance the transition to employment is one of the crucial developmental tasks in young peoples’ lives. A significant number of young people, especially those suffering from structural or personal disadvantages, have great difficulty coping with the increased requirements of today’s labour markets. In the past decade there has been a considerable effort in European countries to develop support structures for young people entering employment. However, less emphasis has been placed on developing individual learning experiences and creativity skills, and there has been only limited attention paid to the new opportunities utilising the Internet.

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The G8WAY project, with partners in seven European countries, aims to develop a learnercentred and connective approach in the use of Web 2.0 for successful educational transitions for young people. The main product will be Web 2.0 powered learning environments made available through a platform that combines different methods and tools, allowing users to follow their preferred learning approaches. Web 2.0 refers to a new understanding of the Internet as a means of decentral and selforganized processes of content production, editing and delivery. The term Web 2.0 basically refers to interactive applications or services, including ‘mashups’, which allow connecting different technologies through the use of standardized programming interfaces. Web 2.0 covers a wide range of basic technologies, such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, social bookmarks, social news and media sharing which allow the decentralised generation of content and its circulation amongst communities of users. The concept of Web 2.0 is not necessarily linked with the process of learning. Web 2.0 in the most general sense could be conceived of as an organizational principle of knowledge production, circulation and consumption making use of ‘shared’ technology. However the overall objective of the G8WAY project is to elaborate a pedagogy driven Web 2.0 environment for a variety of learning (2.0) activities taking place during educational transitions. The issue of pedagogy is seen as particularly important. Rather than taking technology as a starting point, the G8WAY project starts from the pedagogical challenges of this challenging period in life. The project partners have been examining the learning that takes place in transitions, its pedagogical characteristics and its framing conditions and contexts. The project has undertaken a series of case studies (i.e. 20 on transitions from school to work and 25 on transitions from university to work), to look at real life experiences in today’s transitions, the challenges for young people undergoing transitions and young peoples’ needs for support. This work has led to the elaboration of a pedagogy framework, which enables us to describe and reflect learning scenario elements and Web 2.0 components in the light of pedagogy theory and empirical transition patterns. From the case studies of all partner’s countries, the partners have developed so-called Personas, fictional archetypes illustrating typical transition strategies of young people. This work in turn is leading to the development of Web 2.0 enhanced learning environments and tools reflecting the needs and requirements of the learning scenarios, which will be piloted with user groups. Main target groups of the project: i) Primary and secondary school students; ii) Primary and secondary school educators; iii) Students-at-risk and Early School Leavers (ESL); iv) Other educational stakeholders; v) Learning communities and social networks; vi) Intergenerational practitioners and networks; vii) Policy makers; vii) Research community


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Significant public results: Key Issues Report ‘Transitions in Focus’; Pedagogy Framework; Handbook to the G8WAY Portal and National Platforms; Report on Personas and Transition Scenarios; Web 2.0 Enhanced Personal Learning Environments; Policy Paper & Recommendations; Final Project Reports (all available on the websites of the project at and

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CLASHE Continuous Learning Anywhere within a Collaborative, Knowledge Sharing and Enjoyable Context Website: Runtime: 12.2012 – 11.2014 Supported / co-funded by: European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme Partners: EXUS S.A. (Coordinator), EL; DOUKAS SCHOOL S.A., EL; INFOMAN AG, DE; University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), CH; Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Toledo, ES. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Hara Stefanou ( The European funded research project CLASHE – Continuous Learning Anywhere within a Collaborative, Knowledge Sharing and Enjoyable Context – is inspired by the new horizons and capabilities provided by the current changes in learning technology, advent on mobile and portable devices and their effect on how people prefer to learn. CLASHE targets the development of innovative approaches for learning based on state of the art technologies and the modern portable devices as well incorporating trends of learning theory as that of informal learning and gamification all with the final objective of increasing user engagement. The project will utilize the latest technological trends such as WEB 2.0 technologies, media driven attractive rich material, mobile and portable devices, gamification, bridging formal and informal learning in order to realize a highly interactive, collaborative learning platform able to provide educational content and serious games on demand and in an ad-hoc as well as time and location independent way. CLASHE Goals 

Incorporate gamification into the learning process

Adjust learning to the daily activities of users

Access the material anytime, anywhere

Exploit the portability of modern devices to allow the learning beyond the classroom

Enforce collaboration between users and establish a team-working culture

CLASHE Users 

Professional learners

School and University students

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Expected Impact The CLASHE project aims to increase the learning effectiveness and efficiency for potential users (learners as well as educators). By using the platform and the educational tools developed users will have a positive educational experience, through serious games, collaboration and learning by doing instead of the traditional way. Thus, the next generation of ICT tools that CLASHE provides will engage and attract the learner by stimulating the personal experience and participation, bringing a futuristic approach beyond the traditional learning procedure of the classroom. CLASHE will transform learning from an isolated event to a continuous collaborative process. For this purpose two companies and three educational organizations are working closely together to provide a next generation learning environment incorporating the most recent trends in technology and learning theory and evaluating them within real learning environments. The application will be delivered at the school, university and enterprises to be evaluated by the users which will provide feedback for the improvement of the system’s efficiency and effectiveness. Finally, exploitation and dissemination activities will be carried out in order to achieve successful market launch. Main target groups of the project: School and academic students and professional learners mainly knowledge workers Significant public results: Three educational games will be available on SharePoint LMS: 

A game for junior high school students which will help them elaborating on maths, geography, English language learning.

A game for first year university students which will assist them on maths.

A game for professional learners which will help them learning more on business plans.

These games are expected to be ready on July 2014.


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Big Foot Big Foot – Crossing Generations, Crossing Mountains Website: Runtime: 01.2011 – 06.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Grundtvig Partners: Comune di Gubbio, IT; Gouré, IT; MENON Network EEIG, BE; Association Europeenne des Elus de Montagne (AEM), FR; Centre For Development of North-West Bulgaria (CDNWB), BG; Trikala Development Agency KENAKAP, EL; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Vienna, AT; National Research Council (CNR) – Institute of International Legal Studies (ISGI), IT. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Thomas Fischer ( and Barbara Di Pietro Gouré ( Big Foot – Crossing Generations. Crossing Mountains is an adventurous joint path of the elderly and younger generations, towards the joy of learning, teaching and experiencing together. Elderly citizens living in remote mountain areas are a vulnerable group that faces social and economic marginalisation. Young people from these areas are migrating to urban centres for increased job opportunities. The combination of these two factors creates segmentations among the young and elders, fractures connections between the generations, prevents the exchange of learning opportunities across age groups and generations, and impacts the level of the elders’ participation in the economic and social-cultural development of the communities. In the light of an increasingly ageing population these developments have also had a substantial impact on Lifelong Learning (LLL), which is highlighted in the Big Foot project, where the older generation was regarded as an asset and resource base for local learning and development. The Big Foot project demonstrated that a successful ageing society is one that prospers by acknowledging and valuing the skills and talents of all generations and fosters the solidarity among them by establishing the ‘Intergenerational Community Service Learning’ approach (ICSL), which helps i) to maintain physically and mentally active lives of older people, ii) to make them feel that they are actually useful to society and not a burden; iii) to encourage them to contribute to community development, while improving at the same time the wellbeing of younger generations. The ICSL approach used in the project, also served as a tool to foster community integration and social dialogue, enabling and valorising the skills and knowledge of the older generation, combining traditional knowledge with modern communication tools and expertise in order to enable innovative, creative and productive joint solutions for local sustainable development. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


The project involved through the Intergenerational Community Service Learning the following main participants – targets. The engaged targeted- participants, outlined below, shared visions aimed at supporting economic and social development: 

Local families: through the local community consultation process;

Elderly citizens: mediators of the local knowledge, acting as heritage “trainers”;

Younger citizens/ tourists: as heritage “travellers”;

Community in general and other relevant stakeholders: as heritage beneficiaries.

Big Foot was tested in three mountains areas in Europe: Gubbio in Italy, Berkovitsa in Bulgaria, Trikala in Greece. It represented the aim to uncover the potentials of existing knowledge, and inspire greater footprints-impressions by the elders and the younger generations on the lives of each other, as well as the livelihoods of their communities in Europe. It also aimed to uncover the potentials for Intergenerational Learning to serve as a tool for sustainable development in other regions and countries, and particularly its ‘Social pillar’- by raising awareness on the elderly people contribution to the society, and promoting the social cohesion and the inclusion of vulnerable groups and bridging the gaps among the generations, as well as ‘environmental’ – by including sustainable use of local natural resources as one of the central issues for the project activities, and ‘economic’ – by targeting both directly and indirectly options for employment and economic development. The project goals and success have been achieved through the eight partners specific competences (Educational/Training Field, Development of Mountains Areas, Sustainable Development Research) and through the exploitation of their complementary competences and cultural diversity (belonging to six different countries in Europe). Main target groups of the project: i) Local families; ii) Elderly citizens; iii) Younger citizens; iv) Community in general and other relevant stakeholders Significant public results: Participatory Mapping Guidelines, Intergenerational Approach Handbook, Intergenerational Experiments on the Ground incl. Summary Evaluation Report; Transferability Tool Kit; Guides of Intangible Heritage; Final Project Reports (all available on the website of the project at


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EMPORT Website: Runtime: 01.11.2012 – 31.10.2014 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme Key Activity 2 – Languages; Multilateral projects Partners: Galician Regional Government – Ministry of Education, ES; AtinServices, ES; European Distance and E-learning Network, UK; University Degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, IT; Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Technologias, PT; Magensius, Empresa Promotora de Servicos de Ensino, S.A, PT; European and International Federation of Natural Stone Industries, DE; Universidade de Brasilia, BR. Project representative to be contacted for further info: ( The EMPORT project aims to enhance the employability of European citizens and competitiveness of companies by means of acquisition of language and cultural competences in Portuguese, with particular attention to the Brazilian variant. The project completed a research on Portuguese speaking countries, regarding to available ICT based courses and materials and the situation and needs of the target group; focusing mainly on business related staff, higher VET organizations’ students and university students. Based on the research results, a language course is being produced that is extensively building on ICT based tools: using of animations, pictures, sound files, etc. Main target groups of the project: Companies’ staff, adult learners interested in learning Portuguese for better performing their work; University and VET students, mainly those following courses in business related professional areas, or in those where Portugal, Brazil or other Portuguese speaking countries are relevant, such as stone, textile, shoes, etc.; Universities, VET organizations and other education and training organizations; Adult learning organizations giving courses for Portuguese;

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Significant public results: 

Research on the available multimedia courses and other language opportunities for Portuguese languages, highlighting those resources for Brazilian Portuguese.

Research about the needs regarding language and cultural competence of staff from companies dealing with Brazil or other Portuguese speaking countries.

Development of a website about the Portuguese language and the culture of Portuguese speaking countries.

A multimedia and interactive Portuguese language course, which will use both, Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil.


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MINGLE Migrant Language and Social Integration Website: Runtime: 11.2012 – 10.2014 Supported / co-funded by: European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme Partners: EXUS S.A., (Coordinator), EL; KMOP, EL; University of Peloponnese, EL; Anziani e non solo soc. Coop., IT; Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, CY. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Hara Stefanou ( Immigration is a key support to labour force growth and a common practice among EU countries, especially in lower skilled occupations. Countries such as Italy, Greece and Cyprus have been fuelled by migrants arriving from the Balkans during the past 15 years. Despite the large number of migrants within the EU, severe barriers are identified to their progress and social integration in the receiving labour markets, mainly concerning their poor language skills, the non-recognition of qualifications and experience and the bureaucracy and formal procedures necessary to set-up a new life, acquire formal documents, etc. Strengthening literacy and essential skills in one area of the migrants’ life is expected to have an effect in all areas, as workplaces and communities are interconnected. Improving awareness and participation through the provision of useful guidance and information will facilitate immigrant integration in the receiving countries. To this end, specific measures need to be taken and practices be applied in the migrant-receiving countries, which will facilitate the integration of migrants by teaching them the basics to communicate in the hosting country’s language, and providing them with useful guidance and information for setting-up a new life. MINGLE aims to address exactly those issues, of poor language skills and difficulty in social integration, by developing the tools and educational content, and by setting up the locations where migrants will be able to acquire language skills and access the necessary information about the receiving country’s legislation, operating norms and institutional structures, at their own time. Language and civic integration is necessary, in order to avoid marginalisation and social segregation. This will be achieved by developing a web-based, easy-to-use Distance Learning Application and the respective educational content for teaching the language of the receiving country to the migrants. Through the DLA migrants will also socialise and communicate with each other, forming a learning group comprised of people from the same country. A Survival Guide in the migrants’ native language for starting a new life at the hosting country will also be available.

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Access to the application will be provided free of charge by organisations acting as migrant “welcomers”, which will set-up information and language learning centres, i.e. small labs with the necessary equipment. The target groups are migrants from Romania and Bulgaria willing to move to Italy, Greece and Cyprus, respectively. Learning the language of the host country will help the target groups secure a relevant job and very importantly facilitate their integration into the new country of residence and workplace. Within the project 30 migrant workers in each hosting country will be involved, leading to a total of 90 users. Users may be people who have just arrived or are already living in the hosting countries, looking for work in tourism or healthcare. These groups will use and evaluate the pilot system for a period of at least 4 months, providing feedback on the efficacy and effectiveness of the overall educational system, content and application. MINGLE Goals 

Enhance migrants’ quality of life

Facilitate their integration to local society

Assist migrants become active members of the receiving society

Improve their access to vocationally oriented language training courses and other guidance and counselling material

Support migrants to their work environment especially in tourism and healthcare

Expected Impact The expansion of the European Union ensures that migration will continue to be an important factor in our future. Migrant social integration and language barriers are consequently major issues, common in all EU countries. MINGLE’s main output is the Distance Learning Application (DLA), including the language courses and the migrants’ Survival Guide. The DLA, being web-based, can be reached over the Internet from any location, at any given time. However, as migrants don’t own or have access to a PC or the Internet, learning centres will be setup by the NGOs, in which they will be able to access the application and other useful tools and equipment (e.g. printers) free of charge, at their own convenience, at their own free time. Last but not least, the possibility to interact and communicate with other learners through the formulation of learning groups will provide an additional incentive for migrants to participate in those activities. Learning enhanced with social interaction is expected to facilitate the overall learning process. Main target groups of the project: Migrants from Romania and Bulgaria in the hosting countries of Italy, Greece and Cyprus respectively looking for work in tourism and home care sectors.


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Significant public results: Within the MINGLE project, ten courses in Italian and ten courses in Greek will be created. Five of those regard tourism sector and the other five regard home care. The courses will be available April 2014. 

10/6/2013: EXUS participated Athens EACEA ‘Meeting of Greek centralised projects: Leonardo Da Vinci, Grundtvig, Adult Learning Agenda’ which took place in the Athens University History Museum, Athens, Greece. The MINGLE project was presented during the EACEA meeting, informative material was disseminated and networking with similar projects took place.

21/9/2013: ANS and KMOP presented MINGLE project within a conference for the SET CARE program ( which took place in the University of Athens, Greece.

23/4/2013: MOP through the transnational meeting for the project Re-PoD (, which was held in Bulgaria, had the opportunity to inform Bulgarian individuals (relatives of people with Down Syndrome) about MINGLE project in an event that was held by the Bulgarian partners.

D2.1: Report on User Requirements and SOTA ( and_SOTA_v.1.0.pdf)

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Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement Synergies in Action! The Experience Workshop Math-art Movement in The Experience-Centered Education of Mathematics through Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities Website:, Runtime: 09.2008 – Supported / co-funded by: Independent Partners: A GLOCAL and open network of mathematicians, artists, educators, students and their parents. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Kristóf Fenyvesi ( The Experience Workshop International Math-Art Movement was established in Hungary in 2008. Almost two hundred scholars, artists, engineers, architects, teachers, craftsmen and toymakers that participate in this movement, developed various forms of interactive and play-oriented combinations of mathematics and arts. By researching the connections between scientific and artistic education, the Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement’s members are contributing to the dissemination of new, experience-centered educational approaches to mathematics and the arts. We organize math-art festivals, art and science workshops, interactive math-art exhibitions, and conferences and contribute to the development of new school curricula. Nearly 20,000 students and several thousand teachers and parents have attended the events organized by the movement since its inception. We have a traveling exhibition with almost 100 math-art works and related educational games from all over the world. The movement’s publications are becoming popular among a growing circle of experts within the Hungarian and the international art and science education community. Main target groups of the project: N/A

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Significant public results: The Experience Workshop participated in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue in 2008, the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009. From 2010 we are regularly participating in the activities of the world largest mathematics and art community, the Bridges Organization ( – and taking part in the work of the International Symmetry Association ( – The Experience Workshop frequently participating in international research collaborations, e.g. CrossBorderScience Project (2011-2012,; Visuality & Mathematics Tempus Project in collaboration with 8 European universities and research institutions (2012-,, Geomatech Project by the Budapest Business School (2013-). The Experience Workshop's official partner is the Zometool Inc., USA ( and the JOVO Inc., Denmark ( The Experience Workshop project is supported and studied by internationally renowned mathematicians, art theorists and educators. Our recent Books: 

Our Ars GEometrica Gallery of Art, Science & Education in Eger:


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University Virtual Chair University Virtual Chair: Meeting Students’ and Professors’ Needs Website: Runtime: 09.2010 – present Supported / co-funded by: Moscow State University MESI/ MESI ICTs in Education Department and Research Center for Open and Distance Education Partners: Prof. G. Richards, Canada. IBS Group Company, Russia Project representative to be contacted for further info: Maria Pannatier ( Training professionals in modern world is now facing many difficulties due to technical, financial and moreover pedagogical challenges. This is connected with high speed of out-of-dating learning and scientific resources and shifting paradigm to learner’s centred and transformative pedagogies. The short presentation will introduce resources and processes of MESI University Virtual Chair for ICTs in Education specifying content development and quality assessment, student and teacher training and support, technologies used, and teaching, learning, academic mobility and vendor’s interaction samples. Themes: Other: University E-learning, distance learning. Main target groups of the project: university students and professors Significant public results: The project presents the pool of profile distance learning courses for MD educational program “Master of Distance Education” which is designed in LMS MOODLE and provides tools, resources and collaboration environment for students, professors, DL experts and eLearning vendor representatives. ICTs in Education virtual chair supports students in their individual paced learning, helps to combine studies and work, and stimulates professional growth by learning by doing. The professors have an opportunity to structure and deliver their courses at a distance and use all the potential of ICTs to satisfy their professional needs and to enrich their courses.

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Sportello online Website:,,,, Runtime: 09.2010 – 09.2013 Supported / co-funded by: N/A Partners: N/A Project representative to be contacted for further info: Virginia Alberti ( An experiment started a few years ago at the ITIS B. Castelli high school in Brescia in some junior and senior year classes to support the learning and the didactics of math. This experimentation started thanks to an experience at the Politecnico of Milan with a project called Mathonline in a learning environment of a specific online learning that has been replaced recently with Wiki (PBworks) for every class integrated with web conference instruments (Wiziq), collaboration and tutoring tool in real time such as Scribblar, instant messaging tools and Voip such as Messenger and Skype. The students, during extra school hours or by appointment (requested with a specific format) individually or by group attend online lessons with the teacher that supports them during homework, or exercises to prepare test and exams. In the experimentation, the topic of each help hour is decided by the student as well as the duration that depends on the needs of the student. Sometimes, some tools were used to share files such as Social network (chat FB and Google hangout) but it was significant the variety of the instruments exploited linked to the choice of tools that was believed to be friendly and suitable to support the experience of learning. Besides the synchronized interaction (text, vocal or video), sometimes recorded, it has been experimented the production of content (graphical, exercise resolved with a software such as Derive, Geogebra, Wolfram, TNpireCAS, and Desmos attached to the learning space on the net (wiki class) and these productions are the object of discussion and reflection of the different activities. Main target groups of the project: some classes of the three last years of high school Significant public results: N/A

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eLene2Learn – Web4maths Website: Runtime: 03.2013 – 06.2013 Supported / co-funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme / KA3 Partners: METID – Politecnico di Milano (Beneficiary), IT; Université de Lorraine (Coordinator), FR; European Distance and E-Learning Network, UK; ZMML, Universität Bremen, DE; Ellinogermaniki Agogi, EL; Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES; University of Helsinki, FI; Maria Curie Sklodowska University – University Centre for Distance Learning, PL, University of Dundee, UK. Project representative to be contacted for further info: Alessandra Tomasini ( The eLene2learn consortium forms a multi-stakeholder network comprised of Higher Education and Secondary Education representatives, including a wide reaching European network (EDEN) of 200 institutional members. This core partnership is reinforced by an extended network of 30 Associate Partners including secondary schools, regional/national Ministry of Education departments and other government bodies. Expertise: Project management: Vidéoscop-Université de Lorraine has several years’ experience in coordinating EU projects, under the previous Socrates Minerva & Lingua II, Leonardo da Vinci and eLearning programmes, including the two highly successful projects eLene-TT (2005-2006) and eLene-TLC (2007-2008). Proactive management techniques combined with rigorous reporting mechanisms and strong relationships with the partners and external evaluator responsible for quality assurance mean that objectives are met on time and within budget, while maintaining a high level of partner implication and motivation throughout. Dissemination: EDEN, based on its former experience and extensive professional network, has great potential to plan and execute the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project both via the use of electronic information channels (web sites, electronic newsletters and online communities) and via face to face events. All partners have experience of national and international dissemination, running workshops, making presentations, writing academic papers, using web 2.0 dissemination solutions (Twitter, social networks) and mobilising their national networks and contacts for a multiplier effect. Implementation: all the partners involved in implementation have solid experience both of working together and within their local, regional and national communities. This is vital for the success of the implementation activities, the cornerstone of which implies close collaboration with the Associate Partners they each bring to the network. Synergy Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices and Ideas © 2013 EDEN


Quality Assurance: Univ. Dundee, the partner in charge of this WP has specific expertise and experience in this area, and has worked closely with the external evaluator in drawing up the evaluation plan for this proposal. With her wide experience of EU projects both as participant and evaluator, Véronique Maes is perfectly placed to support the project in the role of external evaluator, working alongside the Scientific Committee which brings in representatives from outside the partnership to ensure objectivity. Exploitation: the three partners involved in drawing up the exploitation strategy for the sustainability of the network after the project lifetime have been chosen for their expertise in the specific areas of this strategy – UN2 as coordinator will ensure overall coherence and is in charge of this area in other LLP projects such as MEDEA2020. As one of the pillars of the exploitation strategy involves a business model for a bi-annual event, EDEN’s experience is perfectly appropriate. METID will cover the exploitation of the Web 2.0 environment and Community of Practice It is an experimentation, which took place in Italian high schools, with the objective of supporting students in passing Mathematic barrier to access scientific universities thanks to the integration of open content video in traditional didactic. The experimentation starts from direct involvement of some teachers and university teachers that are going to look for on line resources on Mathematics. They are going to enrich them with their own personal evaluation very focused on students point of view: what they really need? Which kind of information they should have in order to select the more useful content? All these resources will be integrated in Politecnico di Milano platform in order to be available and usable also by university students. HE teachers will integrate them in face-to-face didactics, experimenting 2 ways of integration: 

using videos for presenting new contents to students

asking students to prepare a short lesson for the whole class using evaluated videos

Main target groups of the project: N/A Significant public results: Materials available on the platform, video interviews to people direct involved in the experimentation, training events with teachers.


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