2 minute read
Time to take a few moments out for some light and interesting reading – a wellearned break from numbers and statistics!
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Delivering dancing lemurs
A critically endangered primate, nicknamed ‘the dancing lemur’ because of the way it moves, has been bred for the first time in Europe, BBC News has reported. The creature is a type of lemur called a ‘Coquerel’s sifaka’ and Chester Zoo has declared the birth of the baby as a ‘landmark moment for the species’.
A representative said the “precious youngster” arrived to parents Beatrice and Elliot 18 months after they were relocated from the US. Curator of mammals Mark Brayshaw said both mother and baby were “doing great”. The species is only found in the wild in the treetops of northwest Madagascar and has suffered an 80% decline in the last 30 years.
For chemical-free oven cleaning preheat your oven to 200c, fill an ovensafe bowl with water, place inside with the door closed and leave for 45 minutes. Allow your oven to cool and wipe away the loosened dirt with a clean cloth. Shelves can be cleaned by dissolving 250g of soda crystals in hot water, soaking the shelves and scrubbing them with a kitchen foil ball.

Pub quiz
1. On average, how far away is the moon from the earth in miles?
2. What was the most popular girl’s name in the UK in 2021?
3. What’s longer, a nautical mile or a mile?
4. Saying the name of which dried fruit used to be used to encourage people to smile for a photo in the 1800s, before the word ‘cheese’ became popular?

5. Which country in the world is believed to have the most miles of motorway?
(it’s 1.15 miles) 4. Prunes 5. China
Answers: 1. 384,400 km 2. Olivia 3. Nautical mile
You probably know that snails are pretty slow creatures, but did you know that they also take the longest naps? One nap can last up to three years!

Reaching new heights for charity

As reported by BBC News, a six-year-old boy is climbing the height of Mount Everest to raise money to help children at a local hospice “have holidays”. Oscar Burrow said he wanted to take on the challenge as “it’s the hardest mountain in the world”.

The Lancaster boy had originally decided he wanted to climb the real Mount Everest but his dad Matt helped him come up with a more realistic plan. He is now midway through his quest to climb the equivalent height in the UK. “Oscar has always been active. He plays rugby, swims, rides bikehe has this crazy endurance and never-ending energy,” his dad said.
“He had been learning about Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to conquer Mount Everest, in school and decided that he wanted to be the youngest to ever conquer it. I explained to him why this might be a little bit tricky - but I didn’t want to dash his dreams, so we came up with a plan to climb the highest mountains in Great Britain.”
Well, knock me down with a feather!
The buyer of an original Mr Blobby costume - who was set to pay £62,000 for the item - has reportedly backed out of the sale according to Sky News. An eBay auction for the piece of TV memorabilia, which is more than 25 years old, attracted huge interest and the costume sold for £62,101, but it has now emerged the buyer pulled out of the sale within an hour of placing the large bid. The anonymous seller told the BBC “I thought it would get to a level of £100 perhaps - so I was shocked that it reached the level it did.” The seller has decided to keep hold of the Mr Blobby costume for now.