BA019 Charters of the Anglo-Saxons

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The Anglo-Saxon Charters

A Black Arrow resource Anglo-Saxon Charters

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1 rod/perch 1 furlong 1 mile 1 league 1 acre 1 bovate 1 virgate 1 yoke 1 hide 1 carucate 1 sulung

= 5.5 yards = 40 perches = 8 furlongs = 12 furlongs = 40 * 4 perches = 15 acres = 30 acres = 60 acres = 120 acres = 120 acres = 240 acres

Aratrum is the Latin word for plough Subregulus means subking Mancosus (sometimes spelt Mancus or similar) was a term used in early medieval Europe to denote either a gold coin, a weight of gold of 4.25g or a unit of account of thirty silver pence.

The sulung was both a unit of assessment and a peasant landholding unit, found only in Kent. Like the corresponding units in other counties, the sulung was derived from the vocabulary of ploughing, sulh being the Old English word for a plough. The sulung appears normally to have been twice the area of the customary hide or carucate, approximately 240 acres. These, of course, were fiscal acres which could bear a variable relationship to the customary acres on the ground. Since customary acres were normally composed of scattered furlong strips whose size varied according to the nature of the soils and the shape of the fields, sulungs could vary in size from area to area, or even within the same manor. Despite variations in size, however, individual sulungs could, like other peasant holdings, remain fixed in size over generations, even centuries, their integrity maintained by the power of the lord or the customs of the manor. They provided the stable base for both the manorial and the assessment systems.

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Kings of Kent A.D. 604 (28 April). Æthelberht, king, to St Andrew and his church at Rochester; grant of land at Rochester. A.D. 605 (Canterbury). Æthelberht, king of Kent, to St Peter; grant of land to the east of Canterbury for the foundation of a minster. A.D. 605 (Canterbury). Æthelberht, king of the English, to St Augustine for the minster of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of land to the east of Canterbury. A.D. 605 (9 Jan.). Æthelberht, king of the English, to the church of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of land at Sturry alias Chislet, Kent. A.D. 604 x 616. Æthelberht, king, to Mellitus, bishop, and St Paul’s minster; grant of land at Tillingham, Essex. A.D. 616. See CCC 1 (S 1609). Eadbald, king of Kent, to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Adisham, Kent. A.D. 618. Eadbald, king, to the minster of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of 30 sulungs (aratra) at Northbourne, Kent. A.D. 675 (1 April). Hlothhere, king of Kent, to St Peter’s Minster (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) in Stodmarsh, Kent. A.D. 679 (Reculver, May). Hlothhere, king of Kent, to Abbot Beorhtwald and his minster; grant of land at Westanae on the Isle of Thanet, and in Sturry, Kent. A.D. 686 (June). Eadric, king of Kent, to St Peter’s Minster (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) near Stodmarsh, Kent. A.D. 689 (Canterbury, 1 March). Swæfheard (Suabhardus), king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess (of Minster-in-Thanet); grant of 44 hides (manentes) in Sudaneie in Thanet, and 12 hides in Sturry, Kent; with confirmation by Æthelred, king of Mercia, A.D. 691 (Marefield and Stapleford, Leics., 8 January). A.D. 690. Swæfheard (Suabertus), king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess (of Minster-in-Thanet); grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) in Sturry and 3 at Bodsham, Kent. A.D. 689 (July). Oswine, king of Kent, to St Peter’s Minster (St Augustine’s, Canterbury) and Abbot Hadrian; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) of iron-bearing land, formerly belonging to the royal vill at Lyminge, Kent. A.D. 690 (27 January). Oswine, king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess (of Minster-in-Thanet); grant of 10 hides (manentes) in Sturry, Kent. A.D. 690. Oswine, king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess (of Minster-in-Thanet); grant of 18 hides (manentes) in the Isle of Thanet, Kent. A.D. 694 (17 July). Wihtred, king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Humantun in Thanet, Kent. A.D. 696 or 711 (March). Wihtred, king of Kent, and his wife Æthelburh to St Peter’s Minster (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Littlebourne, Kent. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 696 (Berkamystede, Feb.). Wihtred, king of Kent, to Mildrith, abbess; grant of privileges for Minster-in-Thanet. A.D. 697 (April). Wihtred, king of Kent, to Abbess Æbba; grant of 40 hides (manentes) at Hæg. A.D. 697 or 712 (July). Wihtred, king of Kent, to St Mary’s Church, Lyminge; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Pleghelmestun, Kent. A.D. 699 (Cilling, 8 April). Wihtred, king of Kent, to the churches and monasteries of Kent; confirmation of privileges. A.D. 700 or 715. Wihtred, king of Kent, to St Mary’s Church, Lyminge; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Pleghelmestun and pasture in Romney Marsh. A.D. 699 x 716 (Bapchild, Kent). Wihtred, king of Kent, to the churches and monasteries of Kent; grant of privileges and immunity to the churches and monasteries of Kent, with specific prohibition of lay domination over St Peter’s at Upmynster, Reculver, Minster-in-Thanet, Dover, Folkestone, Lyminge, Minster-in-Sheppey and Hoo. Confirmation, dated A.D. 716, at a synod at Cloveshoh. A.D. 724. Æthelberht, son of King Wihtred, to Abbess Mildrith and Minster-in-Thanet; grant of 1 sulung by the river Limen. A.D. 732 (Canterbury, 20 Feb.). Æthelberht II, king of Kent, to Dunn, priest and abbot, and the church of St Mary (Lyminge); grant of land by the river Limen and at Sandtun (Sampton, lost, in West Hythe), Kent. A.D. 741 (Lyminge). Æthelberht II, king of Kent, to the church of St Mary, Lyminge; grant of fishing rights in the river Limen, land around the oratorium of St Martin (? at New Romney), and pasture at Biscopes wic (The Wicks, Broomhill, Kent). A.D. 762. Æthelberht II, king of Kent, to the minster of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s) Canterbury; exchange whereby the minster cedes the half-use of a mill to the royal vill at Wye, Kent, in return for pasture rights in the Weald for its tenant at Chart, Kent. A.D. 727 (14 October). Eadberht I, king of Kent, to Abbess Mildrith (of Minster-in-Thanet) and her familia; grant of a half-sulung (aratrum) of land bi Northanwde. A.D. 738 (Canterbury, April). (a) Eadberht I, king of Kent, to Ealdwulf, bishop, and the see of St Andrew; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Stoke in Hoo, Kent. (b) Bishop Ealdwulf presents the charter to King Æthelberht II and Archbishop Nothhelm for confirmation. A.D. 762 or 763 (Canterbury, 25 July). Eadberht II, king of Kent, to St Peter’s Minster (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant of 6 sulungs (aratra) at Mongeham, Kent, with rights in woodland at Singledge, Kent. A.D. 763 or 764. Eadberht II, king of Kent, to Sigeburga, abbess, and her familia at St Peter’s Minster, Thanet; remission of toll due on two ships at Fordwich, and on a third at Fordwich and Sarre, Kent. A.D. 762 for c. 748 x 760. Eardwulf, king of Kent, to the church of St Andrew, Rochester; grant of pasture rights at Holanspic, at Petteridge in Brenchley, and at Lindridge, Kent.

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A.D. 748 x 762. Eardwulf, king of Kent, to Heaberht, abbot, and his familia in the minster at Reculver; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Perhamstede in Higham Upshire, Kent. A.D. 762. Sigered, king of Kent, to Eardwulf, bishop, to augment his monastery; grant of 1.5 iugera in the northern part of the city of Rochester. A.D. 761 x 764 (probably 762 x 764). Sigered, king of half Kent, to Eardwulf, bishop of Rochester; grant of 20 sulungs (aratra) at Islingham, Kent, and swine-pastures in the western Weald, with confirmation by King Eanmund. A.D. 765. Egbert, king of Kent, to Eardwulf, bishop; grant of land at Rochester, confirmed by Heahberht, king of Kent, and (A.D. 765 x 772, Medeshamstede) by Offa, king of Mercia. A.D. 778 (Canterbury). Egbert, king of Kent, to Deora, bishop of Rochester; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Bromhey in Frindsbury, Kent, and a marsh called Scaga. A.D. 779 (Rochester). Egbert, king of Kent, to Deora, bishop of Rochester; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Bromhey in Frindsbury, Kent, and a marsh on the Iaenlade (? Yantlet Creek). A.D. 765 x 785. Egbert, king of Kent, to Deora, bishop of Rochester, and the church of St Andrew; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Halling, Kent, with appurtenant swine-pastures at Bixle, Speldhurst, Mæreden, Rusthall and Teppanhyse, Kent. A.D. 784. Ealhmund, king of Kent, to Wihtred, abbot, and his familia at Reculver; grant of 12 sulungs (aratra) at Sheldwich, Kent. A.D. 805. Cuthred, king of Kent, to Aldberht, his minister, and Selethryth, abbess; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Ruckinge, Kent. A.D. 805 (26 July, Acleah). Cuthred, king of Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Hrithra leah, part of an estate of 15 hides (manentes) at Buckholt in Petham, Kent, in return for 30 mancuses. A.D. 805 x 807. Cuthred, king of Kent, to Æthelnoth, praefectus; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Eythorne, Kent, in return for 3000 pence.

Kings of the South Saxons A.D. 714 (? for 717 or 724). Nunna, king of Sussex, to Beadufrith and the brethren of Selsey; grant of 4 hides (manentes) at Herotunun, 3 (cassati) at Tættæshamstede and 3 at Sidlesham, Sussex. A.D. 775 for c. 705 x c. 717. Nunna, king of Sussex, to Eadberht, bishop; grant of 20 hides (tributarii) at Hugabeorgum and Dene (probably East and West Dean near Chichester). (a) A.D. c. 705 x (? 716 x ?). Nunna, king of Sussex, to Berhfrith, famulus Dei; grant of four hides (tributarii) at Peppering by the river Arun (Tarente), Sussex. (b) Eolla, having acquired the land from Berhfrith, sells it to Wulfhere. (c) A.D. c. 733 x (747 x ? 765). Beoba grants the land to Beorra and Ecca.

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(d) Probably A.D. 770 x 772. Osmund, king (of Sussex), buys the land from Erra, comes, and grants it to Tidburh, famula Dei. A.D. 692. Nothhelm (Nunna), king of Sussex, to Nothgyth, his sister; grant, in order to found a minster, of 33 hides (cassati) at Lidsey, Aldingbourne, Lenstedegate (? Westergate in Aldington) and (North) Mundham, Sussex. A.D. 733 x (747 x c. 765). Æthelberht, king of Sussex, to Diosza; grant, for the construction of a minster, of 18 hides (tributarii) at Wittering, Sussex, with a note of the transfer of the lad by Diosza to his sister and confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. Æthelberht, king of Sussex, to Wilfrid, bishop; grant of a half-hide (tributarius) at Chichester, Sussex. A.D. 762 probably for 765. Osmund (king), to Walhhere, his comes; grant, for the construction of a minster, of 12 hides (tributarii) at Ferring, Sussex. A.D. 770. Osmund, king, to Wærbald, comes, and his wife Tidburh, for St Peter’s Church (Henfield); grant of 15 hides (manentes) at Henfield, Sussex, with later confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. A.D. 765. Ealdwulf, king, to Hunlaf, his comes: grant, in order to found a minster, of 16 hides (casata) at Stanmer, Lindfield and Burleigh, Sussex, with confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. Rulers of the Hwicce A.D. 676 (= 675, 6 Nov.). Osric, king, to Bertana, abbess; grant of 100 hides (manentes) at Bath, Somerset, for the foundation of a nunnery. A.D. 680. Oshere, king, to Frithuwald, monk of Bishop Winfrid (? for Wilfrid); grant of 30 hides (manentes) at Ripple, Worcs. (A.D. 693.) Oshere, king of the Hwicce, to Cuthswith, abbess; grant of 15 hides (tributarii) at Penintanham (probably Inkberrow, Worcs.) and Dyllawidu (?), for the foundation of a minster. A.D. 706. Æthelweard, subregulus, with the consent of Cenred, king of Mercia, to Ecgwine, bishop, for St Mary’s Church, Cronuchomme (Evesham); grant of 12 hides (cassati) at Ombersley, Worcs., with later confirmations by Ceolred, Æthelbald and Offa, kings of Mercia. A.D. 757. Eanberht, Uhtred and Ealdred, under-kings of the Hwicce, to Milred, bishop, and St Peter’s, Worcester; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Tredington, Warwicks. (formerly Worcs.), previously held by Tyrdda, comes. A.D. 759 (February). Eanberht, Uhtred and Ealdred, brothers and under-kings of the Hwicce, with the permission of Offa, king of Mercia, to Headda, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Andoversford, Gloucs. A.D. 756 for 777 x 779. Uhtred, ruler of the Hwicce, with the permission of Offa, king of Mercia, to Ceolmund, minister; grant of 8 hides (mansiones) at Kemerton, Worcs. A.D. 767. Uhtred, regulus of the Hwicce, with the permission of Offa, king of Mercia, to Æthelmund, his faithful minister, son of Ingeld, dux and præfectus; grant of 5 hides (tributarii) at Aston in Stoke Prior, Worcs.

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A.D. 770. Uhtred, regulus of the Hwicce, with the permission of Offa, king of Mercia, to Æthelmund, his faithful minister; grant, for three lives, of 5 hides (tributarii) at (Aston in Stoke Prior, Worcs.), with reversion to the church of Worcester. A.D. 770. Uhtred, regulus of the Hwicce, with the permision of Offa, king of Mercia, to St Mary’s Minster, Worcester; grant of 10 hides (tributarii) at Stoke Prior, Worcs. A.D. 764 x 774. Uhtred, subregulus of the Hwicce, with the permission of Offa, king of Mercia, to St Mary’s Church, Worcester; grant of 2 hides (mansiones) at Shipston-on-Stour, Warwicks. A.D. 777 x 780. Ealdred, subregulus of the Hwicce, with the permission of Bishop Tilhere, to Æthelburh, his kinswoman; lease, for life, of the minster at Fladbury, Worcs., with reversion to the bishopric of Worcester. A.D. 757 x 774. Ealdred, with the consent of Uhtred, his brother, and of Offa, king of Mercia, to Beornheard, comes; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Huntena tun.

Kings of the East Saxons A.D. 699 x 709. Offa, king of Mercia (? recte of Essex), also termed subregulus, to the church of Worcester; grant of 33 hides (cassati) at Shottery, 3 at Nuthurst, Warwicks.; and 3 at Hellerelege (lost, in Kings Norton), Worcs. A.D. 704 x 709. See LStP 3 (S 1784). Offa, king of Essex, to Waldhere, bishop of London; grant of land at Hæmele (cf. Hemel Hempstead, Herts.). A.D. 704 (13 June). Swæfred, king of Essex, and Pæogthath, comes, with the consent of Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Waldhere, bishop; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Twickenham, Middx, with confirmation by Cenred and Ceolred, kings of Mercia. Ceolred’s confirmation took place at Arcencale. A.D. c. 693 x 709. Swæfred. king (of Essex), to Fymme; grant of 30 hides (manentes) in Nazeingbury, Essex. A.D. c. 693 x 706. Swæfred, king of Essex, to Fymme; grant of 10 hides (manentes) æt Tunende obre. A.D. c. 705 x 709. See LstP 5 (S 1787). Swæfred, king of Essex, to Ingwald, bishop of London; grant of 70 hides at Dengie, Essex.

Kings of the Northumbrians A.D. 685. Ecgfrith, king of Northumbria, to Cuthbert; grant of land at Crayke, Yorks. N.R., and at Lugubalia (Carlisle).

Early Rulers of the Mercians A.D. 624 (? for 674). Wulfhere, king of Mercia, to Beorhtferth, his kinsman; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Dillington, Hunts., in return for 30 mancuses of gold.

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A.D. 664. Wulfhere, king of Mercia, to St Peter’s Minster, Medeshamstede; confirmation and grant of land at Peterborough (Medeshamstede), Thorpe Hall, Dogsthorpe, Eastfield near Peterborough, Newark, Garton End, Eye, Werrington, Gunthorpe, Peakirk, Glinton, Deeping Gate, Peakirk Marsh, Eye Marsh, the hermitage of Singleshole, Castor, Ailsworth, Sutton near Peterborough, Upton near Ailsworth, Milton Park, Barnack, Southorpe, Walcot Hall in Southorpe, Pilsgate, Ufford, Bainton, Ashton in Bainton, Torpel (lost) in Ufford, Thornhaugh, Sibberton Lodge in Thornhaugh, Wansford, Wittering, Wothrope, Burghley near Stamford, Maxey, Lolham Hall in Maxey, Nunton in Maxey, Helpston, Northborough, Etton, Woodcroft Castle in Etton, Paston, Walton, Marholm, Warmington, Oundle, Ashton Wold, Churchfield, Stoke, Benefield, Glapthorn, Cotterstock, Stanwick, Irthlingborough Kettering, Cottingham, East Carleton, Pytchley, Northampton, Northantss.; Olney, Bucks.; Hoo and Avery Farm, Kent; Howden, Yorks. ER; Breedon on the Hill, Leics.; Hrepingas (? Repton, Derbys.); Cedenac; Swineshead, Lincs.; Heanbirig; Lodeshale; Shifnal, Salop.; Costesford (? Salop.), Stretteforde (? Stretford, Salop.), Wecelleburne, Lusgerde (Lizard Hill, Salop.); Ethelhuniglonde (? in Kent); Barchanig (Bardney, Lincs.); Langeledenham; Washingborough, Lincs.; Binnington, Yorks. E.R.; Conisbrough, Yorks. W.R.; Barnwell, Northants.; Great Easton, Bringhurst, Prestgrave, Leics.; Drayton, Northants.; Glaston, Rutland; Langton, Leics.; Tinwell, Ingthorpe, Rutland; Collingham, Notts.; Fiskerton, Reepham, Scotter, Scotterthorpe, Scotton, Northorpe, Yawthorpe, Riseholme, Messingham, Manton, Cleatham, Hibaldstowe, Ravensthorpe, Holme in Bottesford, Risby near Market Rasen, Walcot in Alkborough, Alkborough, Normanby, Althorpe, Lincs.; Muskham, Notts.; Thurlby, Osgodby in Lavington, Walcot near Folkingham, Breidesthorpe (? Bowthorpe), Lincs.; Ryhall, Belmesthorpe, Rutland; Manthorpe, Carlton Scroop, Quadring in Holland, Lincs.; Fletton, Orton and Alwalton, Hunts. A.D. 666 x 675. Wulfhere, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Chertsey; confirmation of grants of land by Frithuwold, subregulus, and Eorcenwold. A.D. 671 for ? 679 (Chelsea). Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Osric and Oswald, his noble ministri; grant of 300 hides (tributarii) at Gloucester, Gloucs., to Osric, and 300 hides (cassati) at Pershore, Worcs., to Oswald; Osric’s part being used by him for the foundation of a minster at Gloucester. A.D. 680 for 681. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Aldhelm, abbot; grant of 15 hides (cassati) near Tetbury, Gloucs. (The rubric in MSS 1 and 2 refers to Cherletune juxta Tetteburi.) A.D. 680. Æthelred, king, to St Peter’s Minster, Medeshamstede; grant, appended to a bull of Pope Agatho, of land at Breedon on the Hill, Leics.; Hrepingas (? Repton, Derbys.); Cedenac; Swineshead, Lincs.; Heanbyrig; Lodeshale; Shifnal, Salop.; Costesford; Stretford (? Stretford, Salop.); Wattlesborough and Lizard, Salop.; Æthelhuniglond (? in Kent); and Bardney, Lincs. A.D. 681. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Aldhelm, abbot, and his successors; grant of 30 hides (cassati) west of the highway (Long Newnton, Wilts., cf S 1038) and 15 near Tetbury, Gloucs. A.D. 682. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Gloucester; grant of privileges. A.D. 692. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Oslaf, his former minister and now a servant of God at Worcester; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Wychbold, Worcs. A.D. 697 x 699. Æthelred, king, to Oftfor, bishop; grant of 44 hides (cassati) at Fladbury, Worcs., so that monastic life may be re-established there.

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A.D. 691 x 699. Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Oftfor, bishop, and St Peter’s Church, Worcester; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Henbury and Aust, Gloucs. A.D. 693 x 704. See LStP 1 (S 1783). Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Waldhere, bishop of London; grant of 10 hides at Ealing, Middx. A.D. 708. Cenred, king of Mercia, to Ecgwine, bishop of the Hwicce, for his church at Cronuchomme (Evesham); grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Abbots Morton, Worcs. A.D. 709. Cenred, king of Mercia, to Ecgwine, bishop; grant, for life, of 12 agri at Oldberrow, Warwicks., with reversion to St Mary’s Minster at Evesham. Prefixed by a statement that Berhtwulf, king (of Mercia), gave the land to Evesham (A.D. 840 x 852). A.D. 709. Cenred, king of Mercia, and Offa, ruler of the East Angles, to the monastery at Evesham; confirmation of 67 hides (mansae) at Evesham, Lenchwick, Norton, Offenham, Littleton, Aldington, Badsey, Bretforton, Church Honeybourne, Willersey, Wickhamford, Bengeworth, Hampton, and at Abbots Morton, all in Worcs. except Willersey, Gloucs. A.D. 710. Ceolred to the church of St Mary, Evesham; grant of 35 hides (cassati) at Ragley, Arrow, Exhall, Wiveleshale, Atherstone, Dorsington, Broom in Bidford, Milcote, Temple Grafton, Binton, Bidford and Hillborough in Temple Grafton, all in Warwicks.

Rulers of the Mercians: King Æthelbald A.D. 716. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, founds a monastery at Crowland, Lincs. A.D. 716. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to the church of St Mary, Evesham; grant of 25 hides (mansae) at Acton Beauchamp, Herefords.; Bransford, Hampton Lovett near Droitwich, Upton Warren, Witton in Droitwich, Sheriffs Lench, Worcs.; at Weston-on-Avon, Warwicks.; and at Hidcote and Larkstoke in Admington, Gloucs. A.D. 718 (? for 727). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Bægia, servant of God; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Daylesford, Gloucs., for the founding of a minster. A.D. 718 (? for 727). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Buca, his comes; grant of 3 hides (manentes) at Acton Beauchamp, Herefords., to be a perpetual dwelling for the servants of God. A.D. 716/17 for ? c. 733 (29 October). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Mildrith, abbess, and her familia in Minster-in-Thanet; remission of the toll due on one ship at London. A.D. 737 for ? 716/17 (29 October). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Mildrith, abbess, and her church; remission of the toll due on one ship. A.D. 733 (1 or 24 September). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Ealdwulf, bishop, and the church of St Andrew (Rochester); remission of the toll due on one ship at London; with confirmation (A.D. 844 x 851, Werburgewic) by Berhtwulf, king of Mercia. A.D. 736. Æthelbald, king of the Mercians and of the South Angli, to Cyneberht, comes; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Ismere by the river Stour and land at Brochyl in Morfe forest, Worcs., for the construction of a minster. A.D. 742 (Clofeshos). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to the Kentish churches; confirmation of privileges. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 748 (London, May). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Eadburga, abbess, and her familia in the minsters of St Mary and SS Peter and Paul, Thanet; remission of half the toll due on a ship (? at London). A.D. 749 (Gumley, Leics.). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, in favour of the minsters and churches (of Mercia); grant of privileges. A.D. 757. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Eanberht, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassati) near the wood called Toccan sceaga (Tockenham, Wilts.) and the tumulus called Reada beorg. A.D. 726 x 737. Æthelbald, king, to St Mary’s Minster, Abingdon; confirmation of lands and grant of 27 hides (cassati) at Watchfield and 10 by Ginge Brook, Berks., with further confirmation by Æthelheard, king (of Wessex). A.D. 716 x 737. Æthelbald, king of Mercia and of the South Angles, to Æthelric, comes; grant of 20 hides (cassati) in regione ... Stoppingas at Wootton, Warwicks. A.D. 723 x 737 (24 November). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Cyneburg; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Bradley near Inkberrow, Worcs. A.D. 757. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Eanberht, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassati) near the wood called Toccan sceaga (Tockenham, Wilts.) and the tumulus called Reada beorg. A.D. 716 x 717. Æthelbald, king, to the church of St Mary, Evesham; grant of part of a mansio in Droitwich, Worcs. A.D 743 x 745. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Milred, bishop, and St Peter’s Minster, Worcester; remission of the toll due on two ships at London. A.D. 743 for 737 x 740 (Bearuwe). Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Osred, his faithful minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Aston Blank and Notgrove, Gloucs., with note that the land was later granted to St Mary’s, Worcester. A.D. 716 x 757. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Wihtred, his comes, and to Ansith, Wihtred’s wife; grant of 7 hides (manentes) in the regio called Geddinges (cf. Yeading), Middx. A.D. 727 x 736. Æthelbald, king of the South Angles, to Wilfrid, bishop (of Worcester); grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Batsford, Gloucs. A.D. 716 x 717. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to the church of Worcester; grant of land south of the river Salwarp, Worcs., at Lootwic and Coolbeorg, for the construction of salt works, in exchange for salt works north of the same river. A.D. 716 x 745. Æthelbald, king of the South Angles, to the church of St Peter, Worcester; grant of 3 hides (cassati) of woodland at Woodchester, Gloucs. A.D. 716 x 745. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Ingwald, bishop of London; grant of toll from one ship. A.D. 716 x 745. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Ingwald, bishop of London; grant of the toll on one ship.


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Rulers of the Mercians: King Offa (S 104-47) A.D. 759 for 777 x c. 781. Offa, king of the English, to the church of St Peter, Worcester; grant of 40 hides (cassati) at Readanoran (Pyrton, Oxon.). A.D. 764 (Canterbury). Offa, king of Mercia, to Eardwulf, bishop of Rochester; grant of 20 sulungs (aratra) at Islingham, Kent. A.D. 764 for 767. Offa, king of Mercia, to Stithberht, abbot; grant of 30 hides (manentes) between Harrow and the Lidding (Wealdstone Brook) and east of the Lidding, Middx., in exchange for 30 hides at Wicham in Ciltinne. A.D. 765 (2 Feb.). Offa, king of Mercia, to Milred, bishop of the Hwicce; grant of 10 hides (manentia) at Pyrton, Oxon. A.D. 772 (15 August). Offa, king of the English, to Oswald, bishop; grant, for the foundation of a minster, of 8 hides (cassati) at Bexhill, Sussex, with reversion to the bishopric of Selsey. A.D. 772 ? for 775 or 777 (Gumley, Leics.). Offa, king of the English, to Ridda, minister; lease, for the lives of himself, his wife, Bucga, and their daughter, Heaburg, of 8 hides (manentes) at Evenlode, Gloucs., with reversion to the minster at Bredon, Worcs. A.D. 774. Offa, king of the English, to Jænberht, archbishop; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Higham Upshire, Kent. A.D. 774. Offa, king of the English, to Jænberht, archbishop; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Lydd, Kent. A.D. 777. Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Mary, Evesham, and the monks there; grant of land at Daylesford, Evenlode, Gloucs., and at Chastleton, Cornwell, Salford, Dornford in Wootton and Shipton on Cherwell, Oxon. A.D. 778. Offa, king of Mercia, to his subregulus, Ealdred, dux of the Hwicce; grant of 4 hides (mansiones) at Sedgeberrow, Worcs., with grant by Ealdred to the church of St Mary’s, Worcester. A.D. 779 (Hartleford, Gloucs.; Gumley, Leics.). Offa, king of Mercia, to Duddonus (Dudda), minister; grant of 4 hides (cassatae) near Salmonsbury in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs. A.D. 779. Offa, king of Mercia, to St Mary’s, Evesham; grant of 4 hides (manentes) at Donnington, Gloucs. A.D. 780 (Brentford, Middx, 22 Sept.). Offa, king of Mercia, to St Peter’s Minster, Bredon; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Teddington, 10 hides (cassati) at Little Washbourne, 10 hides (mansiones) at Cutsdean, all in Gloucs., and 10 hides (manentes) at Bredons Norton, Worcs. A.D. 780. Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Bredon, for the use of the bishop of Worcester; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Wærsetfelda (cf. Wast Hills in Alvechurch), 5 hides (cassati) at Cofton Hackett and 5 hides (mansae) at Rednal in Kings Norton, Worcs. A.D. 780 (Brentford, Middx, 22 Sept.). Offa, king of Mercia, to the bishopric of Worcester; grant of 7 hides (manentes) at Cropthorne, 1 at Netherton, 2 at Elmley Castle, 1 at Kersoe in Elmley Castle, 14 at Charlton, 15 at Hampton and 10 at Bengeworth, Worcs.

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A.D. 781. Offa, king of Mercia, to Ealdred (Aeldred), his minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Harmondsworth, Middx, in return for 100 mancuses of gold in a bracelet. A.D. 781 = 780 (Tamworth, Staffs., 26 Dec.). Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Worcester; grant of privileges for 12 hides (manentes) at Hampton Lucy, Warwicks., and 5 at Fæhha leage, leased by Bishop Heathored and the community of Worcester to Eanburh, abbess, Offa’s kinswoman, for life. A.D. 781 = 780 (Tamworth, Staffs., 26 Dec.). Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Mary, Worcester; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Icomb, Gloucs., in exchange for land at Sapey, Worcs. A.D. 784. Offa. king of Mercia, to Esme (Esne), comes and præfectus; grant, to him and his male heirs, of 3 hides (tributarii) at Evenlode, with reversion to the church at Evesham. A.D. 785 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Ealdbeorht, minister, and Selethryth, his sister; grant of 14 sulungs (aratra) at Ickham and Palmstead, Kent, with woodland in the Weald and other appurtenances. A.D. 785. Offa, king of Mercia, to St Peter’s, Westminster; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Aldenham, Herts., in return for 100 mancuses of gold in a bracelet. A.D. 786 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Ealdbeorht, minister, and his sister, Selethryth, abbess; grant of 15 sulungs (aratra) at Ickham, Palmstead and Ruckinge, Kent, with swine-pastures, woodland and other appurtenances, including an urban tenement (vicus) at Curringtun in Canterbury. A.D. 786 or 589 for ? 779 or 789 x 790. Offa, king of Mercia, to the monks of St Mary’s church, Worcester; grant of one hide (mansa) at Broadwas, Worcs. A.D. 787 (Acleah). Offa, king of Mercia, to Ceolnoth, abbot, and his familia in the church of St Peter (Chertsey); confirmation of privileges. A.D. 788 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Osberht, his minister, and Osberht’s wife; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Duningcland in the Eastry district, Kent. A.D. 788. Offa, king of Mercia, to St Andrew’s church, and the bishopric of Rochester; grant of 6 sulungs (aratra) at Trottiscliffe, Kent, with swine-pastures in the Weald. A.D. 789. Offa, king of Mercia, to Wærmund, bishop, and the church at Rochester; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Bromhey in Frindsbury, Kent. A.D. 789 (Chelsea, Middx). Offa, king of Mercia, to Wærmund, bishop; grant of land at Rochester. A.D. 790 for 795 (London). Offa, king of the English, to Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury; grant of 60 hides (tributaria) at Hayes and Yeading and 30 at Twickenham, Middx. A.D. 790 (Tamworth, Staffs., 12 April). Offa, king of Mercia, to the abbey of Saint-Denis; grant of privileges for land at London, and confirmation of land at Rotherfield, Hastings and Pevensey, Sussex. A.D. 792 (Clofesho). Offa, king of Mercia, to the churches of Kent; confirmation and grant of privileges. A.D. 793. Offa, king of Mercia, to Crowland Abbey; grant of privileges.


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A.D. 793. Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Alban; grant of privileges and of 34 hides (mansiones) at Cassio, Herts., 6 at Heanhamstede (cf. Hamstead’s House, St Stephens, Herts.) and 10 at Stanmore, Middx. A.D. 793. Offa, king of Mercia, to St Albans Abbey; grant of privileges and of 34 hides at Cassio, Herts.; 12 at Winslow, Bucks.; 10 at Fenntune with the wood called Horowudu (Horwood, Bucks.), 5 at Ligtune (? Luton, Beds.), 3 at Scylfdune, 10 at Stanmore, Middx, and 6 at Heanhamstede (cf. Hamstead’s House, St Stephens, Herts.). A.D. 794 (Clofeshoas). Record of the restoration by Offa, king, to Heathored, bishop of Worcester, of 5 hides (manentes) at Aust (Cliff), Gloucs., seized by Bynna, the king’s comes, the bishop having brought forward a charter of King Æthelbald to prove the bishopric’s title. A.D. 795 for 792 (Æt Beranforda [? Barford, Warwicks.], 4 May). Offa, king of Mercia, to St Albans church; grant of 30 hides (manentes), consisting of 12 at Winslow, Bucks.; 3 at Scelfdune sive Baldiningcotum; 10 at Scuccan hlaw vel Fenntun (cf. Warren Farm in Horwood, Bucks.) with the wood called Horowudu (Horwood, Bucks.); and 5 at Lygetune (? Luton, Beds., or Leyton, Essex). A.D. 793 x 796 (Clobeshoas). King Offa to Æthelmund, his minister; grant of 55 hides (cassati) at Westbury-on-Trym, Gloucs. A.D. 765 x 792. Offa, king of Mercia, to Æthelnoth, abbot of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s, Canterbury); grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Beauxfield, Kent, with grazing rights in the wood called Singledge. A.D. 777 x 779. Offa, king of Mercia, with Ealdred, subregulus of the Hwicce, to the minster and church of St Michael at Bishops Cleeve, Gloucs.; grant of 15 hides (mansiones) at Timbingctun, under Wendlesclif and north of Tyrl brook. A.D. 757 x 774. Offa, king of Mercia to Milred, bishop; grant of land at Wick Episcopi, Worcs. A.D. 761 x 764. Offa, king of Mercia, to Sigeburga, abbess; confirmation of the exemption from ship-toll which King Æthelbald granted to Abbess Mildred (S 87). A.D. 757 x 796 (Freoricburna, Surrey). Offa, king of Mercia, to the church at Woking, Surrey; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Woking. A.D. 777. Offa, king of the English, to St Mary’s minster, Worcester; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Doughton in Tetbury, Gloucs., and 5 at Eisey in Latton, Wilts. A.D. 793 x 796. King Offa to (the church at) Worcester; grant of reversion of 60 hides (manentes) at Westbury-on-Trym and 10 (or 20) at Henbury, Gloucs., after the death of himself and his son Ecgfrith. A.D. 777 x 779. Offa, king of Mercia, with Ealdred, subregulus of the Hwicce, to St Mary’s Minster, Worcester; grant of 10 hides (mansiones) at Yate, Gloucs.

Rulers of the Mercians: King Ecgfrith A.D. 796 (Bath, Somerset). Ecgfrith, king of Mercia, to Æthelmund, his princeps; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Huntena tun. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 796 Ecgfrith, king of Mercia, to Cuthbert, abbot, and the brethren of Malmesbury Abbey; restitution of 35 hides (manentes) at Purton, Wilts., previously seized by King Offa, in return for 2000 silver solidi. A.D. 796 (Chelsea, Middx). Ecgfrith, king of Mercia, to St Albans Abbey; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Turville, Bucks. A.D. 796 (Chelsea, Middx). Ecgfrith, king of Mercia, to Willegoda, abbot, and St Albans Abbey; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Pinnelesfeld (Pinesfield Farm in Rickmansworth, Herts.).

Rulers of the Mercians: King Coenwulf A.D. 797 (Glastonbury). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Cynehelm and his successors; confirmation of the freedom of Glastonbury Abbey, previously granted by King Ecgfrith. A.D. 798. (a) Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Oswulf, his dux and minister; grant of land at Hremping wiic, also known as Hafingseota, south of the river Limen, Kent, in exchange for land at Bobingseata. (b) Oswulf grants the land to Lyminge minster. A.D. 799 (? for 802) (Coleshill, Warwicks.). King Coenwulf to Balthun, abbot; grant of 30 hides (manentes) belonging to Kempsey minster, Worcs., in exchange for 12 hides at Harvington, Worcs. A.D. 799 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Christ Church, Canterbury; restoration of 30 sulungs (aratra) at Charing, 10 at Seleberhtes cert or Bryning lond (Chart) and 4 at Humbinglond in Barham, Kent, previously seized and redistributed by King Offa. A.D. 799 (17 July). King Coenwulf and his wife Cynegyth to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Giddinge and Wootton, Kent. A.D. 801. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to Swithhun, minister; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Bromhey in Frindsbury, Kent, one sulung at Æthilwlfing lond, a fishery on the Thames called Fiscnæs, and swine-pastures in Cæstersæta walda, with confirmation by Cuthred (2nd day of Easter, Canterbury) and note of bequest of the land by Swithhun to St Andrew’s, Rochester. A.D. 801 (Chelsea, Middx). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Bishop Wehthun and the church at Selsey; confirmation of 25 (hides) at Denton, Sussex. A.D. 804. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to [Eanberht], their kinsman; grant of 20 sulungs (aratra) at West Lenham, Kent, with thirteen swine-pastures in the Weald. A.D. 804. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to Selethryth, abbess, and her familia at Lyminge; grant of land in Canterbury to serve as a refuge. A.D. 805 (Acleah). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of Kent, to Wulfhard, priest; grant of 2 hides (manentes), equivalent to one sulung, at Swarling, Kent, and one ‘yokelet’ (an geocled) at Ecgheanng lond. A.D. 806. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Crowland Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of grant of alms in Bucknall, Hallington, Langtoft, Baston and Rippingale, Lincs.


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A.D. 808 (Tamworth, Staffs., Easter Day, 16 April). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Eadwulf, minister; grant of 1.5 sulungs (aratra) at Cooling, Kent. A.D. 809 (Croydon, Staffs.). Coenwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 7 sulungs (aratra) at Barham, Kent, in return for 30 pounds. Confirmed at Canterbury in A.D. 810. A.D. 811. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Beornmod, bishop; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) to the south of Rochester (at Borstal), Kent, with appurtenant swine-pastures in the Weald. A.D. 811. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Rethun, abbot of Abingdon; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Longworth, Berks, and 18 hides at Aclea, Northtuna and Punningstoce, with the restitution of 15 hides at Sunningwell, 10 hides at Eaton, 10 hides at Sandforda (probably Dry Sandford), 30 hides at Denchworth and Goosey, land at Culham, 10 hides at Ginge and 10 at Leckhampstead (all Berks, except Culham, Oxon.), in return for 120 pounds and 100 hides (mansiones). A.D. 811 (9 November). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, founds Winchcombe Abbey. A.D. 811 (London, 1 August). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Appincg lond in Rainham, 2 sulungs at Suithhunincg lond at Graveney near Faversham, and 2.5 hagae in Canterbury, all in Kent, in return for 126 mancuses. A.D. 812. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Graveney and a ‘yokelet’ (ioclet) at Caseborne (lost) in Cheriton, Kent, in exchange for 1 sulung (equivalent to 2 manentes) at Swarling, Kent, and a ‘yokelet’ at Ecgheang lond. A.D. 812 (London, 31 October). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 20 iugera at Ibentea in the Faversham district and a further 2 in the same area. A.D. 814 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his familia at Worcester; grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Sture, in exchange for 12 hides at Guiting, Gloucs. A.D. 814 = 813 (Tamworth, Staffs., 26 December). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his familia at Worcester; remission of renders due from Worcester and its dependent minsters, in exchange for the minster at Twyning, Gloucs., assessed at 3 hides (manentes), and 10 hides west of the Severn. A.D. 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Swithnoth, his comes; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) near Chart Sutton, Kent, with swine-pastures. A.D. 814 = 813 (26 December). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to the church of Worcester; grant of 1 hide (cassata) at Dunhampstead in Himbleton, Worcs. A.D. 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Bexley, Kent, with swine-pastures. A.D. 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 30 iugera at Bingley’s Island, Canterbury. A.D. 814 (Bearwe, 25 November). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of one sulung (aratrum) at Cynincges cua lond, Kent (? Kingsland (lost) in Faversham hundred), in return for 7 pounds of gold and silver.

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A.D. 815 (Wychbold, Worcs., 19 March). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 1 hide (manens) at Seleberhting lond in the district of Faversham, Kent, in return for a ring of 23 mancuses. A.D. 816. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his clergy at Worcester; grant of privileges for land at Hallow, Spetchley, Himbleton, Ravenshill in Tibberton, Worcs.; Lapworth, Warwicks.; and at Oddingley and Chaddesley Corbett, Worcs. A.D. 816. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his clergy at Worcester; grant of privileges for land at Whittington, Spetchley and Tolladine in North Claines, for 30 hides (manentes) at Weogorena-leage (Hallow), and for 25 hides at Chaddesley Corbett, Worcs., in return for 14 hides at Sture. A.D. 817. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his cathedral clergy at Worcester; grant of privileges for land at Salwarpe, Hampton Lovett, Beolne (Bell Hall in Belbroughton), Broughton and Fairfield in Belbroughton, Worcs. A.D. 817. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and the church of Worcester; grant of 3 hides (mansiones) at Sluhforda on the west bank of the Stour, Worcs. A.D. 821. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Abingdon Abbey; grant of privileges for land at Culham, Oxon.; Kennington, Hinksey, Cumnor, EarmundelĂŚh (cf. Bessels Leigh), Eaton, Sunningwell, Dry Sandford, Wootton, Ginge, Denchworth, Charney (Bassett), Goosey, Fernham, Watchfield, Shrivenham, Bourton, Leckhampstead, Boxford, Welford and Wickham in Welford, Berks., with woodland at Speen, Poughley (in Chaddleworth), TrindlĂŚh (lost), and Easton (in Welford), Berks. A.D. 821. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Culham, Oxon., with pasture at Otney (near Sutton Courtenay), Berks. A.D. 798 x 821, probably 814. Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Deneberht, bishop, and his familia at Worcester; grant of the reversion of 30 hides (tributarii) at Fladbury, Worcs., after his own death.

Rulers of the Mercians: Ceolwulf and Wiglaf A.D. 822 (Bydictun, 17 September). Ceolwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Mylentun, near Kemsing, Kent, in return for a gold ring worth 75 mancuses. A.D. 823 (Werburgingwic, 26 May). Ceolwulf, king of Mercia and Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of land in Canterbury, in return for a gold and silver vessel of 5.5 pounds. A.D. 831 (Wychbold, Worcs.). Wiglaf, king of Mercia, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Botwell in Hayes, Middx. A.D. 833. Wiglaf, king of Mercia, to Siward, abbot of Crowland, and the abbey of Crowland; confirmation and grant of privileges and of land at Bucknall, Hallington, Gernthorp, Langtoft, Deeping, Baston, Rippingale, Lincs.; Sutton, Stapleton, Leics., Badby, Northants.; Holbeach, Whaplode, Spalding, Drayton, Lincs.; Glapthorn, Peakirk, Northants.; Laythorpe, Kirkby, Lincs.; Standon, Herts.; and at Addington, Northants.


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A.D. 836 (Croft, Leics.). Wiglaf, king of Mercia, to the minster at Hanbury, Worcs.; grant of privileges in return for the surrender to the king of 20 hides at Iddeshale (? Idsall, Salop.), land at HĂŚccaham (? Hanbury, Worcs.), 10 hides at Felda by Weoduman (? in Beanhall in Feckenham, Worcs.), and in return for the grant of 10 hides at Crowle, Worcs., to Mucel (ealdorman), son of Esne, and a gift of 600 shillings in gold to Ealdorman Sigered.

Rulers of the Mercians: King Berhtwulf A.D. 840 for c. 844 x 852. Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to the church of St Mary, Evesham; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Quinton, Warwicks.; 2 at Pebworth, Worcs.; and 5 at Mappleborough in Studley, Warwicks. A.D. 840 (Tamworth, Staffs., Easter; Wellesbourne, Warwicks.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, bishop of Worcester; restitution of land at Stoulton, Worcs.; Little Washbourne, Gloucs.; Kemerton, Worcs.; Tateringctun (? Taddington, Gloucs.); and at Codeswelle in Cutsdean, Gloucs., in return for gifts of treasure and horses to the king and queen. A.D. 841 = 840 (Tamworth, Staffs., 25 Dec.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Eanmund, abbot of Bredon (? Breedon-on-the-Hill, Leics., or Bredon, Worcs.), and his community: grant of privileges, in return for 120 mancuses of pure gold and liturgical obligations. A.D. 841 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, bishop; grant of privileges for 6 hides (cassati) at Daylesford, Gloucs., in return for 3 pounds of silver. A.D. 841 = 840 (Tamworth, Staffs., 25 Dec.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, bishop, for the monks of St Mary’s, Worcester; grant of one hide (mansa) at Mitton in Bredon, Worcs. A.D. 841 = 840 (Cropthorne, Worcs., with confirmation at Tamworth, Staffs., 25 Dec.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, bishop; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Wychwood, Oxon., in return for 31 mancuses. A.D. 844 for 848 (Repton, Derbys.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Abbot Eanmund and his familia in the minster at Breedon-on-the-Hill, Leics.; grant of privileges, in return for a gift of 180 mancuses in gold and 15 hides (manentes) at Stanlege (? Stanley, Derbys.) and at Bellanford (? Belford, Northants.) to the king and also the donation of a precious vessel to Humberht, princeps. A.D. 845 = 844 (Tamworth, Staffs., Christmas). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, abbot, and his familia in Worcester; grant of exemption for the minster of Ufera Stretford (Stratford upon Avon, Warwicks.), assessed at 20 hides (manentes), in return for 10 pounds of silver. A.D. 849 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Egbert, his minister; lease, for 5 lives, of 5 hides at Cofton Hackett, Worcs., granted to the king in S 1272. A.D. 851. Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Siward, abbot of Crowland and the abbey; confirmation of marshes at Crowland, Spalding and elsewhere, and of land at Langtoft, Deeping, Thetford, Baston, Rippingale, Whaplode, Holbeach, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Sutterton, Algarkirk, Drayton, Lincs.; Glapthorn, Peakirk, Northants.; Kirkby, Lincs.; Standon, Herts.; Addington, Northants.; Bucknall, Hallington, and at Germuthorp, Lincs.

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A.D. 851. Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to St Mary’s church, Worcester; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Grimley, Worcs. A.D. 852 for 842 (Escantun). Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Ælfheah, princeps; grant of 12 hides (cassati) at Calmesden (or by the River Churn and at Calmesden), Gloucs. A.D. 840 x 852. Berhtwulf, king of the Mercians, to St Mary’s, Evesham; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Willersey, Gloucs. A.D. 844 x 845. Berhtwulf, king (of Mercia), to Forthred, his thegn; grant of 9 hides at Wotton Underwood, Bucks., in return for 30 mancuses and 900 shillings. A.D. 840 x 848. Berhtwulf, king of Mercia, to Heahberht, bishop, and his familia at Worcester; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Crowle, Worcs. Rulers of the Mercians: King Burgred (S 206-14) A.D. 855 (Oswaldesdun). Burgred, king of Mercia, to Alhhun, bishop, and his familia at Worcester; grant of privileges for 10 hides (manentes) at Ablington by the River Coln, Gloucs.; for 8 hides (cassati) at Poulton, Wilts.; for 6 hides (cassati) at Barnsley, Gloucs.; for 5 hides (manentes) at Eisey, Wilts.; and for 3 hides (manentes) at Bentley, Worcs.; in return for two bradiolae weighing 45 (or 48) mancuses. A.D. 855 (Tamworth, Staffs.). Burgred, king of Mercia, to Alhhun (or Alhwine), bishop of Worcester; grant of privileges for the minster at Blockley, Gloucs., in return for 300 silver shillings. A.D. 857 (Tamworth, Staffs., Easter). Burgred, king of Mercia, to Alhhun, bishop (of Worcester); grant of land at Ceolmundingchaga in London. A.D. 862 (Wellesbourne, Warwicks.). Burgred, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Gloucester; confirmation of privileges. A.D. 864 (Bath, Somerset, 25 July). Burgred, king of Mercia, and Æthelswith, his queen, to Alhhun, bishop; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at (Water) Eaton, Oxon., in return for precious objects worth 400 shillings and 100 sicli, with provision for an annual render of 30 shillings to be paid to the church at Eynsham, Oxon. A.D. 866. Burgred, king of Mercia, to Worcester monastery; grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Seckley in Upper Arley, also called Wolverley, Worcs. A.D. 866. Burgred, king of Mercia, to Wulferd; grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Seckley in Upper Arley, belonging to Wolverley, Worcs., in return for 5 hides on a single-lifetime lease, 400 silver sicli and various other items. A.D. 868. Burgred, king of Mercia, to Crowland Abbey; confirmation of privileges and land etc. at Crowland, Spalding, Pinchbeck, Whaplode, Sutterton, Algarkirk, Drayton, Deeping, Langtoft, Baston, Thetford, Rippingale, Lincs.; Sutton, Leics.; Badby, Northants.; Bucknall, Hallington, Lincs.; Gerunthrop ; Glapthorn, Peakirk, Northants.; Laythorpe, Kirkby, Lincs.; Addington, Northants.; Standon, Herts.; Thurning, Northants. (formerly Hunts.). A.D. 869. Burgred, king of Mercia, and Æthelswith, queen, to Wulflaf; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Upthrop, in return for 50 mancuses of gold. The estate is to descend in the male line.


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Rulers of the Mercians: King Ceolwulf II (S 215-16) A.D. 875. Ceolwulf (II), king of Mercia, to Wærferth, bishop of Worcester; grant to the diocese of exemption from the burden of feeding the king’s horses and their servants, in return for liturgical services. The bishop grants to the king a four-life lease of 6 hides (manentes) at Daylesford, Gloucs., with reversion to Worcester, in return for 60 mancuses of gold. A.D. 875. Ceolwulf (II), king of Mercia, to St Mary’s minster, Worcester; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Overbury, Worcs., with villulae at Conderton and Pendock, Worcs.

Rulers of the Mercians: Æthelred and Æthelflæd (S 217-25) A.D. 880 for 887. Æthelred, dux et patricius of Mercia, to the bishopric of Worcester; grant of 6 hides (mansiones) at Brightwell Baldwin and 8 at Watlington, Oxon., to pertain to the church at Readanoran (i.e. Pyrton, Oxon), and a list of six serfs formerly belonging to the royal vill at Bensington, Oxon. A.D. 883. (a) Æthelred, ealdorman of Mercia, with the consent of King Alfred and the whole Mercian witan, to Berkeley Abbey; grant of privileges in exchange for 12 hides at Stoke Bishop, Gloucs., and 30 gold mancuses. (b) Æthelred, ealdorman, to Cynulf, son of Ceoluht; lease, for three lives, of the land at Stoke Bishop, with reversion to the bishopric of Worcester. A.D. 884 (Hrisbyri, ? Princes Risborough, Bucks.). Æthelred, lord of the Mercians, to Æthelwulf; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Himbleton, Worcs., with appurtenant salt-workings etc. A.D. 888 (Droitwich, Worcs.). Æthelred, procurator of Mercia, to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 15 hides (manentes) at Walden, Herts. A.D. 901 (Shrewsbury). Æthelred and Æthelflæd, rulers of Mercia, to the community of the church of Much Wenlock; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Stanton Long and 3 hides (manentes) at Caughley in Barrow, Salop., in exchange for 3 hides (manentes) at Easthope and 5 at Patton, Salop. They also grant a gold chalice weighing 30 mancuses in honour of Abbess Mildburg. A.D. 883 x 911. Æthelred, dux Merciorum, to Cuthulf, minister; renewal of the grant by King Burgred of 10 hides (manentes) at Marlcliff in Cleeve Prior, Worcs., the ancient landbook having been carried off by ‘pagans’ (Vikings); with a note that the beneficiary later granted the land to the church of Worcester. A.D. 884 x 901. Æthelred, ealdorman, and Æthelflæd, to the church of St Peter, Worcester; grant of rights at Worcester. Archive: Worcester A.D. 800 for ? 914. Æthelflæd, lady of the Mercians, to Ealhhelm; grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Stantun (? Stanton by Newhall, Derbys.), in return for 60 swine and 300 solidi. A.D. 878 for 915 (Weardburg, 16 Sept.). Æthelflæd, ruler of the Mercians, to Eadric, minister; grant of permission to acquire 10 hides (manentes) at Farnborough (Warwicks. or Berks.), bought from Wulflaf. The orginal landbook, granted by King Offa to Bynna, Wulflaf’s greatgreat-grandfather (abavus), had been destroyed in a fire.

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Rulers of the Mercians: Edward Edward, king of Mercia, to the church of St Mary, Cronuchamme (Evesham); grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Lench, Worcs. Kings of the West Saxons: The seventh century (S 227-37) A.D. 670. Cenwalh, king of Wessex, to Beorhtwald, abbot; grant of 1 hide (cassatus) and two small islands, with a fishery, at Meare, Somerset. A.D. 671. Cenwalh, king, to the see of Sherborne; grant of exemption from secular dues. Cenwalh, king of Wessex, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester (Old Minster); grant of 100 hides (mansae) at Downton, Wilts. A.D. 680 (? for 685). Cædwalla, king, to Wilfrid, bishop; grant of 70 hides (tributarii) at Pagham, Shripney, Charlton, Bognor, Bersted, North Bersted, Crimsham, North and South Mundham (and, in the shortened version, Slindon), all in Sussex, and to the community at St Andrew’s church situated on the east of the harbour called Uedringmutha (Pagham Harbour), grant of 10 hides (tributarii) at Tangmere, Sussex. A.D. 682 ? for 688 (Aug.). Cædwalla, king, to the church (of Malmesbury); grant of 132 hides (cassati) on either side of the wood named Kemele (? Kemble, Gloucs.). A.D. 673 for ? 683 (3 Aug.). Cædwalla, king, to Wilfrid, bishop, in order to found a monastery at Selsey; grant of 55 hides (tributarii) at Selsey, Medmerry, Wittering, Itchenor, Birdham, Egesawde, Bessenheie, Brinfast and Sidlesham, with 6 hides (cassati) at Aldingbourne and Lidsey, 6 at Geinstidegate (? Westergate), 8 at (North) Mundham, 8 at [Amberley and] Houghton and 4 at Coldwaltham, all in Sussex. A.D. 687 and 691 (Medeshamstede, i.e. Peterborough, Northants.). (a) Cædwalla, king of the (West) Saxons, to Ecgbald, abbot, and his familia; grant of 40 hides (manentes) at Hoo (ad Hebureahg insulam), Kent. (b) Swæfheard, king of Kent, to Ecgbald, abbot; grant of adjoining 20 hides at Hoo and woodland at Fercanhamstede. (c). Confirmation by Æthelred, king of Mercia. A.D. 688 (19 Aug.). Cædwalla, king, to Aldhelm, abbot; grant of 140 hides (manentes) on both sides of the wood called Kemele (Kemble, Gloucs.), 30 on the east side of the wood of Braydon, Wilts., and 5 at the confluence of the rivers Avon and Wylye. A.D. 688 (Besingahearh). Cædwalla, king of the (West) Saxons, to Cedde, Cisi and Criswa (? Crispa); grant, for the foundation of a minster, of 60 hides (cassati) at Farnham, Surrey, including 10 at Binton and 2 at Churt, Surrey, and land at Cusanweoh. A.D. 681. Baldred, king, to Hæmgils, abbot, and the church of Our Lady and St Patrick, Glastonbury; grant of 12 (or 6) hides (manentes) at Pennard, Somerset. A.D. 682. Centwine, king of the (West) Saxons, to Hæmgils, abbot of Glastonbury; grant of 23 hides (mansiones) near Quantock Wood and 3 hides (cassati) at Crycbeorh (probably Creechbarrow Hill, near Taunton), Somerset.


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Kings of the West Saxons: From Ine to Beorhtric A.D. 663 for ? 693 (20 July). Ine, king of the (West) Saxons, to HÌmgils, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Brent, Somerset. A.D. 687 (5 July). Ine, King of Wessex, to Hean, abbot; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Bradfield, 15 at Bestlesforda (near Basildon), 25 at Streatley and 80 at Æaromundeslee, all in Berks. A.D. 693 = ? 692 (30 Dec.). Ine, king of the Saxons, to Froda, abbot; grant of 40 hides (cassati) by the river Isle, and a wood called Stretmerch, Somerset. A.D. 699. Ine, king of the (West) Saxons, to Hean, abbot; restoration of land at Abingdon, Berks., for the construction of a minster, with an account of the early history of Abingdon Abbey, including mention of grants of land by the river Thames, at Bestlesford (near Basildon) and at Bradfield, Berks. A.D. 701. Ine, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; restitution of 40 hides (mansae) at Alresford, Hants., previously granted by King Cenwalh. A.D. 701. Ine, king of the (West) Saxons, to Aldhelm, abbot, for the monastery of Malmesbury; grant of 45 hides (cassati), consisting of 5 hides at Garsdon, 20 and 10 hides by Corsaburn (Gauze Brook, cf. Corston) and 10 hides at Rodbourne in Malmesbury, all in Wilts. A.D. 702. Ine, king of the Saxons, to Beganus (? Beaga); grant of one hide (mansa) Athom (possibly Ham, near Muchelney, Somerset) and a fishery on the river Parret. A.D. 704 (Everley, Wilts., 26 May). Ine, king, to the churches and monasteries (of Wessex); grant of exemption from secular burdens. A.D. 704 (Glastonbury). Ine, king, to the church of SS Mary and Patrick, Glastonbury; grant of freedom from secular burdens. A.D. 705 or 706 (June). Ine, king of the Saxons, to Beorhtwald, abbot of Glastonbury; grant of 20 hides (cassati) on the river Sheppey (formerly Doulting), Somerset. A.D. 705 or 706 (June). Ine, king (of Wessex), to Beorhtwald, abbot; grant of 20 hides (casati) by the river Tone, 20 hides (manentes) by the river Sheppey (formerly Doulting) and 20 hides west of Corscombe (? North Wootton), all in Somerset. A.D. 725. Ine, king of Wessex, to Froda, abbot, and the community at Muchelney; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Ilminster, Somerset. A.D. 725. Ine, king (of Wessex), to the church at Glastonbury; grant of 10 hides at Brent, 10 at Sowy (cf. Middlezoy, Westonzoyland), 20 at Pilton, 20 at Doulting and 1 at Bleadney, Somerset, and confirmation of land at Meare, Beckery, Godney, Marchey, Andersey (Nyland), Lantocai (? Leigh in Street), Pennard and Pouelt (cf. Polden Hills), Somerset, with general grant of privileges and reference to dependent churches at Sowy, Middlezoy, Brent, Moorlinch, Shapwick, Street, Butleigh and Pilton. A.D. 725. Ine, king of Wessex, to the familia at Glastonbury; grant of 12 hides (manentes) at Sowy (cf. Othery, Middlezoy and Westonzoyland), Somerset.

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A.D. 688 x 690. Ine, king of Wessex, to Hean, patricius, and to Ceolswith; grant of 45 hides (cassati) at Bradfield, Bestlesford (near Basildon) and Streatley, all in Berks., for the construction of a monastery. A.D. 729 (Pencrik). Æthelheard, king of Wessex, and Queen Frithugyth to Coengisl, abbot, and the familia in Glastonbury minster; grant of 60 hides (manentes) at Pouholt (cf. Polden Hills, Somerset). A.D. 737. Æthelheard, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Withiel Florey, Somerset, and 3 at Cearn (probably Charmouth, Dorset), in augmentation of Queen Frithugyth’s gift of land at Taunton. A.D. 739 (10 April). Æthelheard, king, to Forthhere, bishop; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Crediton, Devon. A.D. 745 (Malmesbury). Cuthred, king of the Gewisse, to Aldhelm, abbot, and Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 10 hides (mansiones) at Wootton Bassett, Wilts. A.D. 745 (Glastonbury, ? 30 April). Cuthred, king of Wessex, to Glastonbury Abbey; confirmation of grants made by previous kings to Glastonbury. A.D. 749. Cuthred, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 10 hides (familiae) at Clere (Highclere, Hants.). A.D. 749. Cuthred, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 7 hides (familiae), consisting of 5 hides (mansae) at Thruhham (now Park Farm, Beaulieu), 1 at Eppelhyrste (lost, near Brockenhurst) and 1 at Hwitanleage (Whitley, near Brockenhurst), Hants. A.D. 758. Cynewulf, king, to Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 30 hides (manentes) at Moredon and Rodbourne, Wilts. A.D. 762 (Pentric, ? Pentridge, Dorset). Cynewulf, king, to Eadwald, abbot, and Muchelney Abbey; grant of 8 hides (cassati) between the rivers Earn (now the Fivehead) and Isle, probably at Isle Abbotts, Somerset. A.D. 766 for ? 774. Cynewulf, king of Wessex, to St Andrew’s minster, Wells; grant of 2 (or 11) hides (manentes) on the river Wellow, Somerset. A.D. 774. Cynewulf, king, to the church of Sherborne; grant of one hide (mansio) at Lyme, Dorset, to be used for saltmaking. A.D. 778. Cynewulf, king of the Saxons, to Bica, comes and minister; grant of 13 hides (manentes) at Little Bedwyn, Wilts. A.D. 808 for 757 x 758. Cynewulf, king of the Saxons, to the brethren of St Peter’s Minster, Bath; grant of 5 hides (mansiones) at North Stoke, Somerset. A.D. ‘761’ altered to ‘781’. Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Deora, bishop of Rochester; grant of land at Rochester. A.D. 794 (Wyndingesley). Beorhtric, king of Wessex, to Wigferth, præfectus; grant of 10 hides (cassati) on the river Parret, Somerset.


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A.D. 801. Beorhtric, king, to Lulla, his princeps; grant of 10 hides (mansiones) at Crux Easton, Hants. A.D. 786 x 794. Beorhtric, king, to Hemele, his princeps; grant of 36 hides (cassati) by the Hissaburna (the Bourne Rivulet), Hants., in exchange for 34 hides by the river Meon, grantd to Hemele by King Cynewulf.

Kings of the West Saxons: King Ecgberht A.D. 773 for 833. Egbert, king of Kent, to Dunn, abbot, and the church of St Mary’s (Lyminge); grant of 150 iugera at Sandtun (Sampton, lost, in West Hythe, Kent). A.D. 801. Edbirtus (? Egbert), king of Wessex, to Eadgils, his minister; grant of 20 hides (mansiones) at Butleigh, Somerset. A.D. 823. Egbert, king of England, to St Andrew’s church, Rochester; grant of privileges. A.D. 825 (Criodantreow, 19 Aug.; Southampton, 26 Dec.). Egbert, king, to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 15 hides (manentes) at Alton Priors, Wilts., formerly held by Burgheard, præfectus. A.D. 825 (Creodantreow, 19 Aug.; Southampton, 26 Dec.). Egbert, king, to the minster of SS Peter and Paul (Winchester); grant of 5 hides (cassati) at (Martyr) Worthy, Hants. A.D. 826. Egbert, king, to the bishopric of Winchester; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Calbourne, Isle of Wight. A.D. 826 (Southampton). Egbert, king of Wessex, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 55 hides (mansae) at Downton and 45 at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 826 (Southampton). Egbert, king, to the minster of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Droxford, Hants. A.D. 833 (Dorchester, Dorset, 26 Dec.). Egbert, king of Wessex, to Beornwyn, Ælfflæd and Walenburch, sisters; confirmation of 10 hides (manentes) at Woolland, Dorset, the old charters having been lost, and of the new division between the sisters following Beornwyn’s inheritance of land at Dartington, Devon. A.D. 835 (Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxon.). Egbert, king of Wessex, to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 50 hides (manentes) at Marcham, Berks. A.D. 836. Egbert, king of the West Saxons, to Ciaba, a clericus living in St Peter’s minster (St Augustine’s), Canterbury; grant, for life, of one sulung (aratrum) on Scirdun, formerly belonging to the royal vill at Canterbury, in return for 100 mancuses, with reversion to St Augustine’s. A.D. 838 (Fræricburna, [Surrey]). Egbert, king, to Beornmod, bishop; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Snodland and Holborough, Kent, with pastures and a viculus in the eastern part of Rochester. A.D. 838 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey). Egbert, king of Wessex, to the see of Winchester; grant of 40 hides (cassati) at Shalfleet, Isle of Wight, conditional upon the loyalty of Bishop Ealdhun and his successors to Æthelwulf; with later confirmation (A.D. 839, Vetustissimus = æt Astran) by a Southumbrian synod.

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A.D. 845 for 830. Egbert, king of Wessex and Kent, to Ætheric, minister; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Warehorne and Flotham (lost), Kent, in return for 50 mancuses. A.D. 924 for ? 824 (Acleah). Egbert, king of Wessex, to Wulfheard, præfectus; grant of 22 hides (manentes) on the river Meon, Hants. [A.D. 824 x 833]. Egbert, king, to the church of Winchester; restitution of 40 hides (mansae) at Alresford, Hants. Kings of the West Saxons: King Æthelwulf (S 285-325) A.D. 827. Æthelwulf, king, to Chertsey Abbey; confirmation of land and privileges. A.D. 838 (Canterbury, 19 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Kent, to Ceolnoth, archbishop; grant of one hide (mansio) at Eastre(a)stadelham. A.D. 838 for ?839 (Faversham, Kent, 9 March). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and of Kent, to Wernoth, abbot, and the familia of St Augustine’s; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Lenham, Kent. (1) A.D. 839 (Wye, Kent). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Ithda or Dudda; grant of land at Canterbury. (2) Confirmation by Alfred, king of Wessex and note of purchase by Lulla from Æthelwald (A.D. 871 x 888). (3) Later note of purchase by Archbishop Dunstan and grant to St Martin’s, Canterbury (A.D. 959 x 988). A.D. 840 (Southampton). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Duda, his minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Asshedoune (cf. Ashdown Park in Ashbury, Berks.). A.D. 841. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Beornmod, bishop of Rochester; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Holborough, Kent. A.D. 841 [for 840] (Æscantun, 26 December). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Eadberht, deacon; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Halstock, Devon, with a later confirmation at a meeting at Edington, Wilts. (c. A.D. 852 x 855 [? Easter 854]). A.D. 842. Æthelwulf, king of the South Peoples, to Ceolmund, his præfectus; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) and a viculus near Rochester. A.D. 842 (Andredesdune). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Eanwulf, his princeps; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Ditcheat and 5 at Lottisham, Somerset. A.D. 843 (Mereworth, Kent, 28 May). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Æthelmod, his minister; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at (Little) Chart, Kent, with woodland and swine pastures. A.D. 844 (Winchester, 5 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church at Sherborne; grant of privileges (‘First Decimation’). A.D. 814 or 855 for 844 (Winchester, 5 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of lands and privileges (‘First Decimation’). A.D. 844 (Winchester, 5 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; grant of privileges, with particular mention of lands belonging to the church of Malmesbury at Ellendune (Wroughton), Wilts. (30 hides); Elmhamstede (15 hides); and at Wootton (10 hides), Charlton near Malmesbury (20 hides), Minety (5 hides), and Rodbourne, Wilts. (10 hides). (‘First Decimation’.)


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A.D. 844. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church at Sherborne; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Osanstoc. A.D. 845 (Wye, Kent, 16 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Badanoth, his apparitor; grant of land near Canterbury, in return for 15 mancuses of gold. A.D. 845 (Wye, Kent, 16 Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Wynhere, abbot of St Augustine’s; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Lillicesora (? Lynsore, near Bossingham, Kent), in return for 70 mancuses. A.D. 847 [= 846] (Dorchester, Dorset, 26 Dec.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to himself; grant of 20 hides (cassati) om Homme (at South Hams, Devon). A.D. 850. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, and Athelstan, king of Kent, to Ealhhere, princeps; grant of land near Rochester, with a church dedicated to St Mary. A.D. 850 (Wilton, Wilts.). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Ealhhere, his princeps; grant of 40 hides (cassati) at Lenham, Kent, with rights in Blean wood. A.D. 850. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church of St Peter, Malmesbury; grant of 10 hides (mansiones) at Dauntsey, Wilts. A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of land and privileges (‘Second Decimation’). A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of lands and privileges with a list of the Glastonbury estates affected, namely 5 hides at Buckland Newton, Dorset; 6 at Pennard, Somerset; 1 at Cetenes felda; 6 at Cerawycombe (? Crowcombe, Somerset); 10 hides at Sowy (cf. Middlezoy, Westonzoyland), 3 at Puriton, 1.5 at Montacute (Lodegaresbergh), Somerset; 1.5 at Culmstock, 0.5 at Monk Okehampton and 0.5 at Braunton, Devon (‘Second Decimation’). A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of privileges, with specific grant to Hunsige, minister, for 3 hides (cassati) at Martyr Worthy, Hants. (‘Second Decimation’). A.D. 854 (Wilton, 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of land and privileges, with list of lands assigned to Malmesbury Abbey, namely at 35 hides at Purton, 15 at Lacock, 5 at Sutton Benger, 5 at Corston, 10 at Crudwell, Wilts.; 10 at Kemble, Gloucs.; and 1.5 at Dauntsey, Wilts. (‘Second Decimation’). A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to St Peter and the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 5 hides (mansiones) at Tockenham, Wilts. A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of land and privileges with specific grant to Swithhun, bishop, for the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester, of 30 hides (cassati) at Brightwell, Berks. (‘Second Decimation’). A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the Church; general grant of land and privileges with specific grant to Wiferth, minister, of 1 hide (cassatum) at Hardenhuish, Wilts. (‘Second Decimation’).

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A.D. 854 (Wilton, 22 April). Æthelwulf, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; restitution of 3 hides (mansae) at Headbourne Worthy, Hants., originally granted by King Cenwalh. A.D. 854 (Wilton, 2Wilts., 2 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Ruishton, and 8 at Stoke St Mary in (æt) Orchard Portman, Somerset, to augment the estate at Taunton given by Queen Frithugyth. A.D. 854 (Wilton, Wilts., 22 April). Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 133 hides (manentes) at Taunton and 10 at Brown, Somerset. A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Wanborough (i.e Little Hinton), Wilts. A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to St Peter and the Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 20 hides at Wanborough, Wilts. A.D. 855. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Dunn, his minister; grant of a messuage (haga) in the south of the city of Rochester. A.D. 855 for ? 853. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Ealdhere, his minister; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Ulaham, Kent. A.D. 856. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Ealdred, his minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Æscesbyrig (i.e. Woolstone), Berks. A.D. 857 (London, Nov.). Æthelwulf, king of the English, to the Abbey of Saint-Denis (Paris); confirmation of lands at Rotherfield, Hastings, Pevensey, Sussex; and at Lundenuuic (London). A.D. ‘874’ ? for 844. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex and Kent, to Eadred; grant of land at Horton, near Canterbury, Kent. A.D. 880 ? for 855. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, Kent, and of all the southern people of the English, to Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Minety, Wilts. A.D. 880. Æthelwulf, king of the Saxons, to the church of St Andrew (Rochester) and bishop Swithulf; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Cuxton, with meadow at Chatham, Kent. A.D. 833 x 839, perhaps 833 x 836. Æthelwulf, king of Kent, to (Christ Church, Canterbury); confirmation of lands at Langham, Blakeburneham, Plegwingham, Ofneham; pasture in Hliossole and Ægelbertinherst; common in woods in Estcogheringdenne and Hyringdenne; land at Canterbury with meadows at Shettinge and Thanington, Kent. A.D. 850. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Wernoth, abbot of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s, Canterbury); grant of 40 hides (cassati) at Lenham, Kent. A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king, to (Winchester Cathedral); confirmation of the beneficial hidation of Chilcomb, Hants.

Kings of the West Saxons: Æthelbald, Æthelberht, and Æthelred I A.D. 860. Æthelbald, king of Wessex, to Osmund, his minister; grant of 14 hides (cassati) at Teffont, Wilts.


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A.D. ? 860 (altered to 790). Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Wærmund, bishop; grant of land at Rochester with a marsh, in return for 15 pounds and 30 mancuses. A.D. 858. Æthelberht, king, to Wulflaf, his minister; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Wassingwell in exchange for 5 sulungs at Mersham, Kent, with conversion of the latter into folkland. A.D. 860 (Somerton, Somerset). Æthelberht, king of Wessex, to Osmund, his minister; grant of 3 sulungs (cassati) at Dinton, Wilts. A.D. 861 (Fregetburna (? = Freoricburna), Surrey). Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Diernoth, abbot, and his familia; grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at Martin, Kent. A.D. 862 (Willherestrio). Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Dryhtwald, minister; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Bromley, Kent. A.D. 863 (Birenefeld). (1) Æthelberht, king of Wessex and Kent, to Æthelred, minister; grant of 9 sulungs (aratra) at Mersham, Kent, in return for 400 mancuses of gold. (2) Eadwald to St Augustine’s, Canterbury; grant of land at Willesborough, Kent. A.D. 864 (Dorchester, Dorset, 26 Dec.). Æthelberht, king of Wessex, to the church of Sherborne; grant of privileges, with note that Æthelberht placed the charter on the high altar at Sherborne (A.D. 865, Good Friday). A.D. 859 ? for 869 or 870 (Woodyates, Dorset). Æthelred, king of the Saxons, to Ælfstan, princeps; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Cheselbourne, Dorset. A.D. 862 (Micheldever, Hants.). Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Æthelwulf, princeps; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at (Little) Wittenham, Berks. A.D. 863 (Dorchester, Dorset). Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Wulfhere, princeps; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Buttermere, Wilts., and at Æscmere. A.D. 867. Edgar (? for Æthelred), king, to St Paul’s Monastery; grant of 15 hides (mansiones) at Navestock, Essex. A.D. 867 (Canterbury). Æthelred, king of Wessex and Kent, to Wighelm, presbyter; grant of a seat in the church of St Martin, with land appurtenant. A.D. 948 for 868 (Sutton Courtenay, Berks.). Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Cuthred, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Balking, Berks. A.D. 868. Æthelred, king of Wessex and Kent, to Cuthwulf, bishop of Rochester; grant of land near Rochester. A.D. 868 (Dorchester, Dorset). Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Hunsige, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Martyr Worthy, Hants. A.D. 869. Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Wulfhere, his princeps; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Winterbourne (Monkton), Wilts. A.D. 869 or 870 (Woodyates, Dorset). Æthelred, king of Wessex, to Ælfstan, ealdorman; grant of 5 hides at Cheselbourne, Dorset. English with bounds.

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Kings of the West Saxons: King Alfred the Great A.D. ‘835’ for 871 x 899. King Alfred to St Peter’s church, Athelney, Somerset; grant of land at Reodbeorh, with adjacent fishery at Reodwer. A.D. 852 for ? 878. Alfred, king of Wessex, to Athelney Abbey; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Long Sutton, Somerset. A.D. ‘872’. Alfred, king of the English, to Athelney Abbey; grant of privileges in Stathmoor, Saltmoor, Haymoor and Currymoor, with other moors in North Curry, with grant to Abbot John of privileges and revenues in East Lyng, Somerset. A.D. 873. Alfred, king, and Æthelred, archbishop, to Liaba, son of Birgwine; grant of land at Ileden, Kent, in return for 25 mancuses of gold. A.D. 882 (Epsom, Surrey). Alfred, king of the Saxons, to Athelstan, his minister; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Cyricestun (? Somerset), in return for 30 mancuses and 2 hides at Stoce (? Stoke St Mary, Somerset). A.D. 889. Alfred, king of the English and the Saxons, and Æthelred, subregulus et patricius Merciorum, to Wærferth, bishop of Worcester; grant of land æt Hwætmundes stane in London, with commercial privileges. A.D. 891 (2 Aug.). Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, to Berhtwulf, his faithful comes; grant of 12 hides (manentes) at Plush in Buckland Newton, Dorset, and 2 (? for 5) at Raddington, Somerset, in exchange for land at Sutton Poyntz, Dorset. A.D. 892. Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, to Æthelhelm, comes; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at North Newnton, Wilts. A.D. 895. Alfred, king of the Saxons, to Burhric, bishop of Rochester; grant of land at Freckenham, Suffolk, and at Isleham, Cambs. A.D. 898 (Woolmer, Hants.). Alfred, king of the Saxons, to Sighelm, dux; grant of 1 hide (manens) at Farleigh, Kent, with appurtenant meadow. A.D. 898 or 899. See CCC16 (S 1628). Alfred, king, and others to Plegmund, archbishop of Canterbury, and to Christ Church (Canterbury), and to Wærferth, bishop, and the church of Worcester; grant of 2 iugera at Ætheredes hyd (Queenhithe) on the Thames, one to each. A.D. 939. Alfred, king of the English, to Heahferth, minister; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at Worthy, Hants. A.D. 979 probably for 878 (19 Oct.). Alfred, king, to Denewulf, bishop; grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Ruishton, Somerset. A.D. 871 x 899. Alfred, king of the English, to Chertsey Abbey; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Thorpe, with Getinges (cf. Eaton Farm, Chobham), Hunewaldesham (cf. Hundulsham, lost, in Weybridge) and Woodham, Surrey. A.D. 878 x 899. Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, to Denewulf, bishop of Winchester, and the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; regrant of the reversion of 50 hides (manentes) at Chisledon, Wilts., and 60 at Hurstbourne Priors, Hants., in exchange for 100 hides at Cholsey, Hagbourne and Bæstlæsford (Basildon), Berks.


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A.D. 892 x 899. Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, to Deormod; grant of 5 hides (mansi) at Appleford, Berks., in exchange for land at Harandun (Horn Down near East Hendred, Berks.) and 50 mancuses of gold. A.D. 871 x 899 (Malmesbury). Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, with the consent of the familia of the church of Malmesbury, to Dudig, his minister; lease, for four lives, of 4 hides (cassati) at Chelworth, near Crudwell, Wilts., with reversion to the church of Malmesbury. Alfred, king, to the church of Shaftesbury; grant of privileges and of land at Donhead (St Andrew and St Mary), Wilts.; Compton Abbas, Sixpenny Handley, Gussage (St Andrew), Tarrant Hinton, Iwerne Minster and Fontmell Magna, Dorset.

The tenth century: King Edward the Elder A.D. 900 (Winchester). King Edward to the familia of Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 50 hides (manentes) at Hurstbourne Priors, Hants., bequeathed by Alfred and previously acquired by King Egbert from Abingdon Abbey in exchange for 50 hides at Marcham, Berks. A.D. 900 (Winchester). King Edward to the familia of Winchester Cathedral; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Stoke by Hurstbourne, Hants., in exchange for land at Chisledon, and Sparcells in Lydiard Millicent, Wilts. A.D. 900 (Southampton). King Edward to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 100 hides (cassati) at Micheldever, Hants. A.D. 900 ? for 904. King Edward confirms the sale by Hungyth to Wigferth of 5 hides (manentes) at Water Eaton, Oxon., the earlier landbook having been lost. A.D. 901. King Edward to Æthelwulf; grant of 10 hides (cassati) by the river Wylye (i.e. at Stockton, Wilts.), forfeited by Wulfhere and his wife for treason; with a note, in English, of the agreement of Æthelwulf and Deormod, granting this land to Deorswith. A.D. 901. King Edward to the familia of the church of Malmesbury; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Hankerton, Wilts., in exchange for 10 hides at Farmborough, Somerset. A.D. 901 (Axminster, Devon). King Edward to Wihtbrord, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Fovant, Wilts. A.D. 901. King Edward (to New Minster, Winchester); grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Abbotts Ann, Hants. A.D. 901 (Southampton). King Edward (to New Minster, Winchester); grant of 50 hides (manentes) at Chisledon, Wilts. A.D. 903. King Edward, with Æthelred and Æthelflæd of Mercia, at the request of Æthelfrith, dux, renews the charter of a grant by Athulf to Æthelgyth, his daughter, of 30 hides (cassati) at Monks Risborough, Bucks. A.D. 903. King Edward, with Æthelred and Æthelflæd of Mercia, at the request of Æthelfrith, dux, renews the charter of a grant by Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Beornnoth, comes, of 10 hides (cassati) at Islington, Middx.

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A.D. 903 (Milton, ? Kent or ? Dorset). King Edward to Ordlaf, princeps; renewal of a charter of Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, granting 20 hides (cassati) at Stanton St Bernard, Wilts., to Cenwold, minister. A.D. 903 (Southampton). King Edward to Tata, his fasallus; renewal of a charter of King Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, covering 3 hides (manentes) at Hardwell in Compton Beauchamp, Berks., the earlier landbook having been damaged by immersion. A.D. 903 (Southampton). King Edward founds New Minster, Winchester, and grants 100 hides (cassati) at Micheldever, 9 at Stratton, 3.5 at Burcot, 8.5 at Popham, 10 at Woodmancott, 10 at Candover, 10 at Cranbourne, 4 at Drayton in Barton Stacey, 3 at Swarraton, 6 at Northington, 3 at Norton near Selborne, 1.5 at Slackstead and Tachbury in Copythorne, and 15 at Abbotts Ann, Hants; 50 at Collingbourne, 40 at Chisledon, Wilts.; and land at Durley, Hants. A.D. 904 for 903. King Edward, with Æthelred and Æthelflæd, renews a landbook destroyed by fire for Æthelfrith, dux; confirmation of 20 hides (cassati) at Wrington, Somerset. A.D. 904 (Bickleigh, Devon). King Edward to Denewulf, bishop of Winchester, and his familia; grant of 38 hides (manentes) at Bishops Waltham, Hants., in exchange for 40 hides (cassati) at Portchester, Hants. A.D. 904 (Bickleigh, Devon). King Edward to Denewulf, bishop, and his familia at Winchester; grant of privileges for the monastery at Taunton, Somerset, in exchange for 10 hides (manentes) at Crowcombe, 20 at Compton, 20 at Banwell, Somerset; and 20 at Stoce by Shalbourne, Wilts. A.D. 904 (Bickleigh, Devon). King Edward to St Peter’s Minster, Winchester; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Micheldever, Hants. A.D. 909. King Edward to Frithestan, bishop of Winchester; confirmation of title to 40 hides (mansiones) at Alresford, Hants. A.D. 909. King Edward to Frithestan, bishop of Winchester; confirmation of the beneficial hidation of Chilcomb, Hants., in return for the bishop’s confirmation to the king of leases for 100 hides at Downton, Wilts., and 70 hides at Beddington, Surrey; with a note that Nursling and Chilbolton, Hants., shall be reckoned as part of Chilcomb. A.D. 909. King Edward to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 20 hides (mansae) at Overton, with woodland at Tadley, 15 hides at North Waltham and 5 at Bradley, Hants. A.D. 909. King Edward to the familia of St Peter’s, Winchester; confirmation of 50 hides (manentes) at Whitchurch, Hants., previously granted by Hemele, comes. And a note, in English, that Ashmanworth is to belong to the familia after King Edward’s death. A.D. 921 (Wilton, Wilts., 11 Jan.). King Edward to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Collingbourne Kingston, Wilts. A.D. 899 x 909. King Edward to Asser, bishop of Sherborne, and his familia; grant of 6 hides (manentes) at Wellington, 5 at West Buckland and 12 at Bishops Lydeard, Somerset, in exchange for the minster at Plympton, Devon. King Edward to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 20 hides (manentes) at Crawley and 8 at Hunston, Hants., with appurtenant land at Ticcenesfelda wicum (in Ampfield, Hants.).


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King Edward to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 60 hides (manentes) at Farnham, Surrey, and 10 at Bentley, Hants. King Edward to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 10 hides (manentes) at Highclere, Hants. King Edward to the familia of Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 50 hides (manentes) at Hurstbourne (Priors) and 10 at Stoke, Hants. c. A.D. 909. King Edward and the community at Winchester to Bishop Denewulf; lease, for three lives, of 20 hides at Tichborne, Hants., with an annual food-render and reversion to the church of Winchester.

The tenth century: King Æthelstan A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the minster of SS Mary and Peter, Exeter; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Culmstock, Devon. A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the minster of SS Mary and Peter, Exeter; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Monkton (lost) in Wyke in Shobrooke and Thorverton, Devon. A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to St Petroc’s minster; grant of 1 hide (cassatus) at Newton St Petroc, Devon. A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the minster of St Mary, Exeter; grant of 6 perticae at Stoke Canon, Devon. A.D. 670 for 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the monastery of SS Mary and Peter, Exeter; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Stoke (Stoke Canon, Devon). A.D. 843 for 934 (Dorchester, Dorset, 2nd day of Easter). King Athelstan to Milton Abbey; grant of 26 hides at Milborne (St Andrew), 5 at Woolland, 3 at the mouth of the river Frome, i.e. at Ye (St Helen’s, now Green Island), and at Ower, 3 at Clyffe in Tincleton, 3.5 at Lyscombe, 1 at Burleston, 1 at Little Puddle, 5 at Cattistock, 6 at Compton Abbas, 2 at Whitcombe, 5 at Osmington, 6 at Holworth, all in Dorset; and a weir at Twynham (Christchurch), Hants.; river rights at Weymouth, Dorset; and 30 hides at Sydling, 2 at Chalmington and 6 at Hillfield, Dorset; and 10 at Ercecombe (Yarcombe) or Stokelonde (Stockland), Devon. A.D. 850 for 939 or 940. King Athelstan to Byrhtelm, miles; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Eatun. A.D. 905 for 931 x 934. King Athelstan to the see of Winchester; confirmation of 100 hides (mansae) at Downton, Wilts. A.D. 925 (4 Sept.). King Athelstan to St Augustine; restoration of 14 sulungs (aratra) at Werburginland in Thanet, Kent. A.D. 925. King Athelstan to Eadric, minister; grant of 7 hides (manentes) at Hwituntune (? Whittington, near Chesterfield, Derbys.), the earlier landbook being unavailable. A.D. 926. King Athelstan to Ealdred, minister; confirmation of 5 hides (manentes) at Chalgrave and Tebworth, Beds., formerly purchased from the Danes for 10 pounds of gold and silver.

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A.D. 926. King Athelstan to Uhtred; confirmation of 60 hides (manentes) at Hope and Ashford, Derbys., formerly purchased from the Danes for 20 pounds of gold and silver. A.D. 927. King Athelstan to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Folkestone, Kent, the site of a former minster. A.D. 928 (Exeter, Easter Day, 16 April). King Athelstan to Ælfflæd; grant of 20 hides (mansiones) at Winterburna. A.D. 928 (Exeter, Easter Day, 16 April). King Athelstan to Byrhtferth, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansiones) at Odstock, Wilts. A.D. 929. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Worcester; grant of land at Aust, Gloucs., for a fishery. A.D. 929. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Worcester; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Water Eaton, Oxon. A.D. 930 (3 April, Lyminster, Sussex). King Athelstan to Beornheah, bishop (of Selsey); grant of 4 hides (cassatae) at Medmerry, with woodland at Earnley and meadow outside Chichester, Sussex. A.D. 930. King Athelstan to Cynath, abbot; grant of 10 hides (mansiunculae) at Dumbleton, Gloucs., with 2 hides at Aston Somerville, Worcs., and woodland at Fleferth (? Kington, near Flyford Flavell,Worcs.). And a note recording King Edgar’s confirmation of the land to Osulf, bishop of Ramsbury (A.D. 959 x 970). A.D. 930 (Chippenham, Wilts., 29 April). King Athelstan to Eadulf, bishop and the familia at Crediton; grant of 3 hides (cassatae) at Sandford near Crediton, Devon. A.D. 930. King Athelstan to Worcester minster; grant of land at Clifton-upon-Teme, Worcs. A.D. 930 for 934 (Nottingham, 7 June). King Athelstan to the church of St Peter, York: grant of land at Amounderness, Lancs. A.D. 931. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Sandford, Oxon. A.D. 931. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 12 hides (cassati) at Shellingford, Berks. A.D. 931. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Swinford, Berks. A.D. 935 x 938 (? 937). King Athelstan to Ælfheah, minister; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Farnborough, Berks. A.D. 931 (Colchester, Essex, 23 March). King Athelstan to Ælfric, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) æt Clere (Ecchinswell, Hants.). A.D. 931 (Worthy, Hants., 20 June). King Athelstan to Ælfric, minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Watchfield, Berks. A.D. 931. King Athelstan to the familia of St Peter’s, Bath; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Priston, Somerset, and 5 at Cold Ashton, Gloucs., forfeited by Alfred for conspiracy.


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A.D. 931. King Athelstan to the familia and church of Malmesbury; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Norton, Wilts.; 5 at Sumerford (? Little Somerford, Wilts.); and 5 at Ewen, Gloucs., forfeited by Alfred for conspiracy. A.D. 931 (Lifton, Devon, 12 November). King Athelstan to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 9 hides (cassatae) at Ham, Wilts. A.D. 931. See Ab 3 (S 1604). King Athelstan to Wulfnoth, minister; grant of 6 hides (cassati) at Bultheswrthe (? Beds.). A.D. 932 (Milton, ? Kent, 30 August). King Athelstan to Æthelgeard (or Æthelweard), minister; grant of 12 hides (cassatae) at (West) Meon, Hants. A.D. 932 (Amesbury, Wilts., 24 December). King Athelstan to Alfred, minster; grant of 12 hides (cassatae) at North Stoneham, Hants. A.D. 932 (Exeter, 9 November). King Athelstan to Beorhtsige, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Bowers Gifford, Essex. A.D. 932 (Amesbury, Wilts., 24 December). King Athelstan to Shaftesbury Abbey; grant of 11.5 hides (cassatae) at Fontmell, Dorset. A.D. 933 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, 16 December). King Athelstan to the familia of Chertsey Minster; confirmation of land at Chertsey, Thorpe, Egham, Chobham, Frimley, Weybridge, Woodham in Chertsey, Whone Waldesham (i.e. Hundulsham, lost, in Weybridge), Getinges (cf. Eaton Farm, Chobham), Molesey, Petersham, Tooting, Streatham, Mitcham, Sutton, Thunderfield, Carshalton (Euualtone), Beddington, Waddington, Coulsdon, Chipstead, Merstham, Chaldon, Banstead with Suthmeresfelda (Canon’s Farm, Banstead), Cheam, Cuddington, Ewell, Epsom, Tadworth, Bookham, Effingham, East Clandon, Cobham, Pointers in Cobham, Albury, West Clandon, Byfleet, Dritham, Bisley, all in Surrey; and White Waltham, Berks. A.D. 933. King Athelstan to the bishopric of Crediton; grant of privileges, in return for 60 pounds of silver. A.D. 933 (Chippenham, Wilts., 26 Jan.). King Athelstan to the familia of Sherborne Minster; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Bradford Abbas, Dorset. A.D. 933 (Chippenham, Wilts., 26 Jan.). King Athelstan to the church of Sherborne; grant of 5 or 8 hides (familiae) at Stalbridge Weston, Dorset. A.D. 933. King Athelstan to St Mary’s Minster, Wilton; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at North Newnton and 5 hides (cassati) at Oare in Wilcot, in Savernake Forest, Wilts. A.D. 934 (Winchester, 28 May). King Athelstan to Ælfwald, minister; grant of 12 hides (cassatae) at Derantune. (probably Durrington, Sussex) A.D. 934 (Buckingham, 13 Sept.). King Athelstan to Æthelhelm, his faithful minister; grant of 15 hides (cassatae) at Kingtone (? Kington St Michael, Wilts.). A.D. 934 (Frome, Somerset, 16 Dec.). King Athelstan to the familia of Holy Trinity, Winchester; grant of 30 hides (cassatae) at Enford, Wilts.; 10 (mansae) at Chilbolton and 10 (cassati) at Ashmanworth, Hants.

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A.D. 930 for 934 (London, 7 June). King Athelstan to St Mary’s, Worcester; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Werstfelda, 5 (cassati) at Cofton Hackett, 5 at Rednal in Kings Norton, 2 at Wast Hills and Hopwood in Alvechurch, all in Worcs.; and 3 at Wihtlafesfeld. A.D. 935. King Athelstan to the nuns of Shaftesbury; grant of 12 hides (manentes) at Tarrant Hinton, Dorset. A.D. 935. King Athelstan to Wihtgar, minister; lease, for four lives, of 7 hides (mansae) at Havant, Hants. A.D. 935 (Cirencester). See LSP 9 (S 1792). Part of dating clause and witness-list from a charter of King Athelstan. A.D. 936. King Athelstan to Æthelhelm, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Marksbury, Somerset. A.D. 937. King Athelstan to the church at Athelney; grant of 1 hide (mansio) at (East) Lyng, Somerset. A.D. 670 (? for 937) or 937. King Athelstan to the minster of St Peter (MS 1; St Mary in MSS 2 and 3), Exeter; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Topsham, Devon. A.D. 937 (Dorchester, Dorset, 21 Dec.). King Athelstan to the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 60 hides (cassati) at Bremhill, Wilts. A.D. 937 (Dorchester, Dorset, 21 Dec.). King Athelstan to the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Wootton, Wilts. A.D. 937 (Dorchester, Dorset, 21 Dec.). King Athelstan to the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Wootton, 60 at Bremhill, 5 at Sumerford (? Little Somerford), and 5 at Norton, Wilts.; and 5 at Ewen, Gloucs. A.D. 937. King Athelstan to Sigulf; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Water Newton, Hunts. A.D. 937. King Athelstan to the church of St Mary, Wilton; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Burcombe, Wilts. A.D. 937. King Athelstan to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; confirmation of the beneficial hidation of Chilcomb, Hants. A.D. 935 x 938 (? 937). See S 411. King Athelstan to Ælfheah, minister; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Farnborough, Berks. A.D. 938. King Athelstan to Ælfheah, minister; grant of 16 hides (mansae) at Pitminster, Somerset, in return for 200 staterae of gold and silver. A.D. 938. King Athelstan to Æthelred, minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Rimpton, Somerset. A.D. 938. King Athelstan to Athelstan, comes; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Uplyme, Devon. A.D. 938. King Athelstan to Frithestan, bishop of Winchester; confirmation of privileges and of a grant to Taunton of 4 hides (mansae) at Withiel Florey, Somerset, and 3 at Cearn (? Charmouth, Dorset).


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A.D. 938. King Athelstan to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 25 hides (mansae) at Tichborne and 5 at Beauworth, Hants., to remain forever under episcopal control. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Ælfric or Alfred, bishop; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at West Orchard, Dorset, with regrant by Alfred to Beorhtwyn, daughter of Wulfhelm. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Eadburh, his sister; grant of 17 hides (mansae) at Droxford, Hants. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Eadwulf, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) at Meopham, Kent. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Eadwulfu, a nun; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Brightwalton, Berks. A.D. 939. King Athelstan to Wulfswith, ancilla Dei; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at East Overton, Wilts. A.D. 943 for 924 x 939 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, 6 Oct.). King Athelstan to the church of St Buryan; grant of 1 hide (mansa) in seven places (at Pendrea, Bosanketh, Botilwoelon, Treikyn, Bosliven and Treverven, Cornwall, with land at Burnewhall). A.D. 925 (for 927 x 939). King Athelstan to St John’s, Beverley; grant of privileges. A.D. 924 x 939. King Athelstan to St Paul’s minster; confirmation of privileges. A.D. 924 x 939. King Athelstan to St Paul’s minster, London; confirmation of privileges, and 10 hides (mansae) at Sandon with Rothe (Roe Green in Sandon), 8 at Ardeley with Luffenhall, Herts.; 10 at Belchamp St Pauls with Wickham St Pauls, 8 at Heybridge, 12 at Runwell, 30 in the Sokens, Essex; 10 at West Drayton, Middx; 8 at Barnes, Surrey; 10 at Neasden with Willesden, Middx. A.D. 924 x 939. King Athelstan to the burgesses of Malmesbury; grant of privileges and 5 hides near Norton, Wilts. A.D. 934 x 939. King Athelstan to Muchelney Abbey and the brethren there; grant of land at Curry Rivel, 5 hides (mansae) at Stowey in Fivehead, Somerset, and 1 hide held by a layman, Muda. The grant is entered in a gospel-book. A.D. 927 x 939. Writ of King Athelstan for church and chapter of Ripon. A.D. 924 x 939 (probably 934 x 935). King Athelstan to Wulfsige, minister; grant of 20 hides (cassatae) at Chilmark, Wilts.

The tenth century: King Edmund A.D. 940. King Edmund to Adulf (Eadwulf); grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Liddington, Wilts. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Ælfhild, his kinswoman; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Culham, Oxon. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Ælfsige, minister; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Waltham, Berks. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Elswithe, his kinsman and faithful minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Batcombe, Somerset.

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A.D. 940. King Edmund to Æthelgeard, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) at Exton, Hants., with note, in English, of grant by King Eadred to Æthelgeard, thegn, of a mill and messuage (haga) at Winchester. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Æthelswith, a nun; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Oswaldingtune (near Ashford, Kent). A.D. 940. King Edmund to Æthelthryth, a nun; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Poolhampton in Overton, Hants. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Dunstan, his faithful abbot; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Christian Malford, Wilts. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Eadric, minister; lease, for four lives, of 4 hides (mansae) at Wottonunder-Edge, Gloucs. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Garulf, minister; grant of 9 hides (mansae) at Swallowcliffe, Wilts. A.D. 940. King Edmund to Ordwold, minister; renewal of lost landbook for 10 hides (mansae) at Wylye, Wilts., held by Ordwold’s father, Ordlaf. And a note of appurtenances, including a messuage (haga) in Wilton. A.D. 940. King Edmund to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Pewsey, Wilts. A.D. 940 (? for 943). King Edmund to Wulfric, minister; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Garford, Berks. A.D. 940 (Colchester, Essex). King Edmund to Wulfric, his minister; grant of 25 hides (manentes) at Grittleton, Wilts. A.D. 940 (Chippenham, Wilts.). King Edmund to Wulfric; grant of 30 hides (mansiunculae) at Langley, Wilts. A,D. 941. King Edmund to Ælfflæd, a religious woman; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Buckland (Newton) and Plush, Dorset. A.D. 941. King Edmund to Ælfheah, minister; grant of 16 hides (mansae) at Pitminster, Somerset. A.D. 941. King Edmund to Æthelnoth, minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Corston, Somerset. A.D. 941. King Edmund, with Eadred his brother and Eadwig his son, to Christ Church, Canterbury; restoration of land at Twickenham, Middx; Preston near Faversham, Wingham, Swarling, Bossington, Graveney and Ulcombe, Kent; with reference to grant by King Athelstan to Christ Church, Canterbury, of land at Tarring, Sussex. A.D. 941. King Edmund to Eadric, his vassallus; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Beechingstoke, Wilts. A.D. 942 (Winchcombe, Gloucs.). King Edmund to Wulfsige the Black; grant of 40 hides at Alrewas, Bromley (cf. Kings and Abbots Bromley), Barton, Tatenhill, Branston, Stretton, Rolleston, Clifton and Haunton, Staffs.


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A.D. 942. King Edmund to Athelstan, comes; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Ærmundeslea and a vill at Appleton, Berks. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Athelstan, his faithful comes; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Mells, Somerset. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Sæthryth, a nun; grant of 11 hides (mansae) at Winkfield [and at Swinley], Berks. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Theodred, bishop of London; grant of land at Southery, Norfolk. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Wulfsige the Black; grant of land at Walton-on-Trent, Coton in the Elms, Cauldwell, Drakelow, Derbys.; Newbold in Barton-under-Needwood, Staffs.; and Linton, Derbys. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Wulfsige the Black; grant of 40 hides at Alrewas, Bromley (cf. Kings and Abbots Bromley), Barton, Tatenhill, Branston, Stretton, Rolleston, Clifton and Haunton, Staffs. A.D. 942. King Edmund to Wulfsige the Black; grant of land at Croxall, Catton, Walton-onTrent, Drakelow, Stapenhill, Derys.; and at Sulueston’ (? Silverstone, Northants.). A.D. 942. King Edmund to Wynflæd, a nun; restoration and confirmation of 7 hides (mansae) at Cheselbourne, Dorset, and grant of a further 8 hides there; with note, in English, of grant to Wynflæd of land in Winterbourne Tomson, Dorset. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Ælfsige, minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Moredon in Rodbourne Cheney, Wilts. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Ælfswith, a religious woman; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Burghclere, Hants. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Æthelgeard, minister; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Tisted, Hants., and note, in English, of grant by King Eadred to Æthelgeard of a messuage (haga) in Winchester. A.D. 943. King Edmund to his mother [Eadgifu]; grant of 10 sulungs at North Mynstre, Thanet, Kent. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Eadric, comes; grant of 11 hides (mansae) at Mapperton in Almer, Dorset. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Eadric, minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Leckhampstead, and a mill on the river Lambourn, Berks. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at South Newton, Wilts., with meadow at Weolces clife, and 3 hides at Frustfield (lost), Wilts. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ælfgyth, a nun; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Rollington (lost) in Bulbridge, near Wilton, Wilts. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ælfheah, minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Lyford, Berks. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ælfric, bishop (of Ramsbury); grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Badby, Dodford and Everdon, Northants. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 944 (? for 942). King Edmund to Ælfric, bishop (of Ramsbury); grant of 100 hides (mansae) at Blewbury, Berks. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ælfstan, minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) or sulungs at Ealdingtune (? Monkton) in Thanet, Kent. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Athelstan, his faithful comes; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Brampford Speke, Devon, in return for 80 mancuses of gold. A.D. 944. King Edmund to the church of St Mary, Glastonbury, and to Abbot Dunstan; grant and confirmation of privileges. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Ordulf, his minister; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at Brimpton, Berks., in return for 90 mancuses of purest gold. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Sigeric, his minister; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Sibertswold, Kent. A.D. 944. King Edmund to Wulfgar, minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Hinton St Mary, Dorset. A.D. 944 King Edmund to Wulfric, minister: grant of 20 hides at Æscesbyrig (i.e. Woolstone, Berks.). A.D. 944. King Edmund to Wulfric, minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Nettleton, Wilts. A.D. 945 (30 March). King Edmund to Æthelnoth, his presbyter: grant of a monastic dwelling (mansio) at Basing and 2 hides (cassati) at Lickpit, with appurtenant woodland at Oakridge and further appurtenances at Binfields, and at Middesellum (all Hants., except perhaps Middesellum), in return for 50 solidi of gold. A.D. 945. King Edmund to Alfred, bishop (of Selsey); grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Bracklesham and 2 at Thorney (cf. Thorney Farm in East Wittering) or Earnley, Sussex. A.D. 945. King Edmund to the monastery at Baederices wirde; grant of privileges in adjacent land. A.D. 946. King Edmund to Æthelhere, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Weston near Bath, Somerset, on condition that he and his heirs remain faithful to Edmund until the king’s death and thereafter transfer their loyalty to a designated friend (amicus) of the king. A.D. 946. King Edmund to Æthelnoth, his minister; grant or lease of 5 hides (mansae) at North Wootton, Somerset, burdened with annual renders to St Mary’s, Glastonbury. A.D. 946. King Edmund to Ordhelm and Ælfwold, his men; grant of a ‘yokelet’ (an iuclæte) and 10 segetes at Gamelanwyrthe, Kent. A.D. 960 ? for 941. (Cheddar, Somerset, 24 July) King Edmund to Æthelgeard, minister; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Tisted, Hants. A.D. 943. King Edmund to Ælfstan, minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae), equated with 6 sulungs, at Miclan grafe in Thanet, Kent. A.D. 944 x 946. King Edmund to Æthelflæd, his queen; grant, for life, of 100 hides at Damerham and Martin, Hants., and Pentridge, Dorset; with reversion to St Mary’s, Glastonbury.


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A.D. 942 x 946. King Edmund to Burhric, bishop (of Rochester); grant of 3 sulungs (aratra) at West Malling, Kent. (A.D. 946.) Kings Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig to Christ Church (Canterbury); restoration of land at Twickenham, Middlesex; Preston, Ealdingtun (? Monkton in Thanet), Swarling, Wingham, Kent; Graveney, Bossington, Ulcombe and Tarring, Sussex.

The tenth century: King Eadred A.D. 903 for 946 x 951. King Eadred to Wulfsige, bishop (of Sherborne); grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Thornford, Dorset, with reversion to the refectory of the cathedral community. A.D. 945. King Eadred to Æthelgeard, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Brightwell, 15 at Sotwell, 5 at Mackney, and land at Wallingford, Berks. A.D. 946. King Eadred to Æthelgifu, a religious woman; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Tolleshunt, Essex. A.D. 946. King Eadred to Eawyn, a religious woman; grant of 19 hides (mansae) at Hockley, Essex. A.D. 946. King Eadred to Heresige, his man; grant of 1.5 hides (mansae) at Swalecliffe, Kent, with grant of the same by Heresige to the church of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine’s, Canterbury). A.D. 946. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Didlington, Dorset. A.D. 946. (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey) King Eadred to Wulfric; grant of 7 hides (manentes) at Warkton, Northants. A.D. 947. King Eadred to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; restoration of 130 hides at Taunton, Somerset. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Ælfsige, his faithful man; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Ælfstan, his faithful minister; grant of 17 hides (mansae) at Wigborough, Essex. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Æthelgeard, his faithful minister and miles; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Brightwell, Berks. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Eadric, his faithful comes; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Ashdown Park in Ashbury, Berks. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Eadric, his faithful comes; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Washington, Sussex. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Eadwulf, priest; grant, for, life of 10 hides (mansae) at Leckford, Hants., with reversion of 5 hides to Nunnaminster in Winchester and 5 hides to the church where he is buried.

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A.D. 947. King Eadred to Edmund, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Hankham, Sussex. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Oswig, minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Merstham, Surrey. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Wulfric, miles; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Denchworth, Berks. A.D. 947. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Idmiston, Wilts. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfheah, his minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Knoyle, Wilts. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfric, his faithful minister; grant of 11 hides (mansae) at Alverstoke, Hants. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfsige, his most faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Ailsworth, Northants. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfthryth, a religious woman; grant of 8 hides (mansae) in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Ælfwyn, a religious woman; grant of 6 hides (mansae), equated with 6 sulungs, at Wickhambreux, Kent, in return for 2 pounds of purest gold. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Æthelgeard, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Mackney and 5 at Sotwell, Berks. A.D. 948 (Godeshylle, ? Gadshill, Kent). King Eadred to Canterbury Cathedral; grant of 30 hides (mansi) at Twickenham, Middx. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Crowland Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land etc. at Crowland, Spalding, Pinchbeck, Whaplode, Algarkirk, Dowdike, Drayton, Bucknall, Hallington, Gerimthorp, Langtoft, Deeping, Baston, Thetford, Rippingale, Laithorpe, Kirkby, Lincs.; Wellingborough, Addington, Elmington, Glapthorn, Worthorpe, Peakirk and Badby, Northants.; Morborne, Hunts.; Thurning, Northants. (formerly Hunts.); Beeby, Sutton, Stapleton, Leics.; Cottenham, Oakington and Dry Drayton, Cambs.; and at Standon, Herts. A.D. 948 (for 868) King Æthelred to Cuthred, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Balking, Berks. A.D. 948. King Eadred to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; confirmation of 55 hides (mansae) at Downton and 45 at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 948. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Idmiston, Wilts. A.D. 948 (? for 947). King Eadred to Wulfric, his minister and miles; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Stanmore in Beedon, Berks. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Ælfsige, gold- and silver-smith, his man; grant of 1 hide (mansa) on the Isle of Wight and 1 at Winterburnan in the land of the Gewisse (? Wilts.). A.D. 949. King Eadred to Æthelmær, praeses; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Chetwode and Hillesden, Bucks.


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A.D. 949. King Eadred to Athelstan, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansi) at Eatun, in return for 60 mancuses of gold. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Canterbury Cathedral; grant of Reculver minster and its lands, estimated at 26 hides (cassati). A.D. 948. King Eadred to Frithuric, his minister; grant of four hides (mansae) at Ofærtune A.D. 949. King Eadred to Uhtred, dux and miles; grant of land at Bakewell, Derbys. A.D. 949 (Somerton, Somerset, Easter). King Eadred to Ulfketel, miles; grant of 4 hides (cassata) in Suthtone (? Sutton Maddock, Salop.), with licence to buy a fifth. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Wulfric, miles; grant of 12 hides (cassati) at Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs., with bounds of 20 hides at Bourton, 7 hides at Maugersbury and 7 hides at Daylesford, Gloucs. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister and miles; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Merton, Surrey. A.D. 949. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful man; grant of 18 hides (mansae) at Welford, Berks., in exchange for land at Pendavey in Egloshayle, Cornwall. A.D. 950 (Abingdon, Berks.). King Eadred to the monastic community at Barking; grant of 4 hides (manentes) at Lippanwelle (? in Barnstaple hundred) and 4 at Ciricdune (? at Chingford, Essex). A.D. 950. King Eadred to Glastonbury Abbey; confirmation of the grant by King Edmund of 15 hides (cassati) at Pucklechurch, Gloucs. A.D. 951. King Eadred to Ælfheah, his faithful minister; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Northtune. A.D. 951. King Eadred to Ælfhere, his kinsman; grant of 20 hides (mansiunculae) at Buckland (Denham), Somerset. A.D. 951. King Eadred to Ælfsige, miles; grant of 5 hides at Haddon, Hunts. A.D. 951. King Eadred to Wulfhelm, miles; grant of land at Marchington, Staffs. A.D. 951. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister; grant of 25 hides (mansae) at Chieveley, Berks. A.D. 952 (for 953 x 955). King Eadred to Ælfwine, vassalus; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Barkham, Berks. A.D. 953. King Eadric to Ælfric, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Curridge, Berks. A.D. 953. King Eadred to Ælfsige, minister, and his wife Eadgifu; grant of 33 hides (cassati) at Æscesburh (Uffington, Berks.). A.D. 953. King Eadred to Eadgifu, famula Dei and his mother; grant of 30 hides (mansiones) at Felpham, Sussex. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfgyth, a nun at Wilton; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at (East) Pennard, Somerset, in return for 120 gold solidi.

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A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfheah, his kinsman and minister; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Compton Beauchamp, Berks. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfsige, bishop of Winchester; grant, for four lives, of 10 hides (mansiunculae) at Highclere, Hants., with reversion to St Peter’s (Old Minster), Winchester. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfsige Hunlafing, thegn; grant of 5 hides at Alwalton, Hunts. English with bounds. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Æthelwold, abbot; grant of Abingdon, with 10 hides at Ginge, 10 at Goosey, 30 at Longworth and 30 at Cumnor, Berks. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Dunstan, abbot; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Badbury, Wilts., in return for 150 gold solidi. A.D. 955. King Eadred to Uhtred Cild, pedissequus; grant of land at Chesterfield, Derbys. A.D. 956 for ? 953 x 955. King Eadred to Brihtric, minister; grant of 5 hides (caracti) at Henstridge, Somerset. A.D. 956. King Eadred to Brihtric, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Rimpton, Somerset. A.D. 956 for 954 x 955. King Eadred to Ely Abbey; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Stapleford, Cambs., to be in the charge of Wulfstan, the king’s sequipedus; with an additional grant of 3 hides at Bardfield in Stapleford and a mill and pasture at Derneforde (Dernford Farm, Cambs.). A.D. 956. King Eadred to Wihtsige, minister; grant of 16 hides (mansae) at Corfe and Blashenwell, Dorset. A.D. 957. King Eadred to Wulfhelm, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Little Aston and Great Barr, Staffs. A.D. 958. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister: grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Æscesbyrig (i.e. Woolstone, Berks.). A.D. 958. Eadred, king of Mercia, to Wulfric, his devoted minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Austrey, Warwicks. A.D. 958. King Eadred to Wulfric, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Boxford, Berks. A.D. 946 x 951 (? 949). King Eadred to Ælfgar, his faithful miles and minister; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Weonfelda (probably Wokefield, Berks.). A.D. 951 x 955 (or 957 x 959). King Eadred (? for Eadwig or Edgar) to Burhelm, his minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Old Swinford, Worcs. A.D. 946 x 955. King Eadred to Wulfheah, his man; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Little Langford, Wilts.

The tenth century: King Eadwig A.D. 955 for 956. King Eadwig to Brihtric, his minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Hendred, Berks.


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A.D. 955. King Eadwig to the nuns of Wilton; grant of 100 hides (mansiunculae) at Chalke, Wilts. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to St Mary’s Abbey, Abingdon; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Ginge, Berks. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to St Mary’s Abbey, Abingdon; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Tadmarton, Oxon. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Ælfheah, his kinsman and faithful minister; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Ellendune (Wroughton), Wilts. A.D. 956 for 959. King Eadwig to Ælfheah, his kinsman and minister; grant of 4 hides (mansi) on the river Nadder, Wilts. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Ælfhere, his comes: grant of 20 hides (mansi) at Cuddesdon, Oxon. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Ælfhere, his comes; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Wormleighton, Warwicks. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Ælfric, his fidelis; grant of 40 hides (mansae) at Alresford, Hants. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Ælfric, his minister; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Bayworth, Berks. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Ælfsige, his fidelis; grant of 25 hides (mansae) at Benham, Berks. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Ælfsige, his minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Kettering, Northants. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Ælfswith, the faithful woman; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Corston, Somerset. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Ælfwine, his familiar; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Milton, Berks. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Ælfwine, his faithful minister and miles; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Yaxley and 5 at Farcet, Hunts. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Ælfwold, his faithful minister; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Withiel Florey, Somerset. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Ælfric, his adoptivus parens; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Hanney, Berks. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelgeard, his princeps; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Chidden in Hambledon, Hants. A.D. 956 (? ii). King Eadwig to Æthelgeard, his karus; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Niwantune. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelhild, the noble lady; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Droxford, Hants. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelhild, the noble lady; grant of 15.5 hides (mansae) at Ipplepen, Dainton and Abbotskerswell, Devon, and also 1 hide (hiwisc) at Bittleford in Widdecombe and 1 at Bromleage (? Brimley in Bovey Tracy), Devon.

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A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Æthelnoth, minister; grant of land at Darlaston, near Stone, Staffs. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelnoth, his faithful minister; grant of 13 hides (mansae) at Fyfield, Berks. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelsige, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at East Stoke on Hayling Island, Hants. A.D. 955 or 956. King Eadwig to Æthelwold, abbot, and his abbey at Abingdon; grant of 20 hides (mansiunculae) at Abingdon. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Æthelwold, his faithful minister; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Bleadon, Somerset. A.D. 956 (ii; 13 Feb.). King Eadwig to Æthelwold, abbot, and his monks; grant of a wood at Hawkridge, Berks., for the building of a church at Abingdon. A.D. 906 for 956 (i). King Eadwig to Æthelwold, his fidelis; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Wudetune. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Alfred, his optimas; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Didlington in Chalbury and 1 at Uddens in Holt, Dorset. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to St Peter’s Abbey, Bath, and to Wulfgar, abbot; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Tidenham, Gloucs., of which 3 are to belong to the abbot. A.D. 956 (iv; Cheddar, Somerset, 29 Nov.). King Eadwig to Beorhtnoth, his faithful princeps; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Tadmarton, Oxon. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Beornric, his faithful minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at (Little) Langford, Wilts. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Beornric, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Poolhampton, Hants. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Brihthelm, his faithful presbyter; grant of land at Kennington, Berks. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Brihthelm, his kinsman, bishop-elect; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at (Church) Stowe, Northants. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Brihthelm, bishop, and the brethren of Chichester; grant of 60 hides (mansae). A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Brihtnoth, his minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Tadmarton, Oxon. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Brihtric, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Tadmarton, Oxon. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Eadric, his faithful minister; grant of 50 hides (mansae) at Meon, Hants. A.D. 956 (iv). King Eadwig to Eadric, his man; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Padworth, Berks.


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A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Eadric, his carus; grant of 16 hides (cassati) at Pyrford, Surrey. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Eadric, his minister; grant of 22 hides (mansae) at Welford, Berks. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Eadwig, his faithful minister; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at Braunston, Northants. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Edmund, his optimas; grant of 10 (altered to 16) hides (cassati) at Annington, Sussex. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Elswius, abbot of Glastonbury; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Nettleton, Wilts. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to St Mary’s, Glastonbury; confirmation of a vineyard with 2 hides (mansiunculae) at Panborough, Somerset. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Hehelm, his fidelis; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Bathampton, Somerset, with a note that Hehelm promised the land to Bath Abbey after his death. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Mæglsothen, his man; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Mortune (? Morton, Derbys.). A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 100 hides (mansae) at Brokenborough, Wilts. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to the minster at Shaftesbury; grant of 80 (or 90) hides (mansae), with the bounds of land at Donhead (St Andrew and ? St Mary) and Easton Bassett, Wilts.; and at Compton Abbas, Sixpenny Handley and Iwerne Minster, Dorset. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Wigstan (Wistan), his fidelis; grant of 4 hides (mansae) on the river Nadder (at Burcombe, Wilts.). A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Wihtsige, his minister; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Corfe and Blashenwell, Dorset. A.D. 956 (Cirencester, Gloucs.). King Eadwig to Worcester minster, at the instance of Brihtnoth; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Phepson in Himbleton, Worcs., with salt-furnaces. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Wulfric, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) in the common land at Charlton, Berks. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Wulfric, one of his proceres; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Wulfric, his princeps; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Millbrook, with a haga in Southampton, Hants. A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Wulfric, the huntsman; grant of 1.5 hides at Zeals and Donhead, Wilts. A.D. 956 (iii). King Eadwig to Wynsige, his faithful minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Moredon in Rodbourne Cheney, Wilts. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Ælfheah, his very faithful dux; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Buckland, Berks.

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A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Ælfric, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Æthelgeard, his faithful minister; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Sotwell, Berks. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Æthelred, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Upton (Lovell), Wilts. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to St Peter’s Abbey, Bath; grant, at the request of his sacerdos Wulfgar, of 10 hides (mansae) at Bathford, Somerset. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Huna; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Lym. A.D. 957. (a) King Eadwig to Lyfing, his faithful minister; grant of 9 hides (mansae) at Loceresleage (for Lotheresleage, lost, in Hendon) and at Tunworth (lost, in Kingsbury), Middx. (b) The bounds of Battersea, Surrey. A.D. 957 (Edington, Wilts., 9 May). King Eadwig to Oda, archbishop; grant of 40 hides at Ely, Cambs. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Oswulf, bishop; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Stanton St Bernard, Wilts. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at South Heighton, Sussex. A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Wulfstan, his faithful minister; grant of 9 hides (mansae) at Conington, Hunts. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Ædwold (Eadwold), his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Drayton, Berks. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Cenric, his faithful propincernarius; grant of 2 hides (cassaturae) at Cern (? Pusey, Berks.). A.D. 958 (for 959). King Eadwig to Ceolweard, minister; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Hamp, near Bridgewater, Somerset. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Eadheah, his faithful man; grant of 2.5 hides (mansae) and 25 segetes at Ayshford in Burlescombe and Boehill in Sampford Peverell, Devon. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Eadric, his faithful minister; grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Longworth, Berks. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Wulfgar Leofa, his karus: grant of land at Shaftesbury, Dorset. A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Wulfgar, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Thornton in Marnhull and Iwerne Courtney, Dorset, to be attached to the beneficiary’s estate at Hinton St Mary (cf. S 502). A.D. 958. King Eadwig to Wulfric, his most faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Denchworth, Berks. A.D. 959 (17 May). King Eadwig to Abingdon Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of lands.


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A.D. 958 for 959. King Eadwig to Oscytel, bishop; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Southwell, with dependencies at Normanton, Upton, Fiskerton, Farnsfield, Kirklington, Morton, Gibsmere, Bleasby, Goverton, Halloughton and Halam, Notts. A.D. 959. King Eadwig to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Bighton, Hants., with lease, for life, by the Minster to Ælfric, the king’s minister, in return for 60 mancuses of gold. A.D. 961 for 956 (iv). King Eadwig to the church of St Peter, Bath; restitution of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Weston, near Bath, Somerset. A.D. 955 x 959. King Eadwig to Ælfswith, matrona; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Kemsing, Kent. A.D. 955 x 959. King Eadwig to Æthelgeard, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Bathingbourne in Godshill, Isle of Wight. (A.D. 956 [ii].) King Eadwig to Æthelwold, abbot, and the monks at Abingdon; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Hinksey, Seacourt and Wytham, Berks. A.D. 955 x 959. King Eadwig to the church of St Peter, Bath; restoration of 5 hides (mansae) at Olveston, and 5 at Cold Ashton, Gloucs., granted to the minster by King Athelstan (cf. S 414). A.D. 955 x 959. King Eadwig to Eadric, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Leckhampstead, and a mill on the river Lambourn, Berks. (A.D. 956 [i].) King Eadwig to Wiferth, his faithful vassallus; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Knoyle, Wilts.

The tenth century: King Edgar A.D. 867. See S 337. Edgar (? for Æthelred), king, to St Paul’s minster; grant of land at Navestock, Essex. A.D. 958 (Penkridge, Staffs.). Edgar, king of Mercia, to the familia of St Werburgh, Chester; grant of 17 hides (manentes) at Hosely, Flint; Cheavely, Huntington, Upton, Aston (? Aston Sutton) and Barrow (? Great Barrow), Cheshire. A.D. 922 for ? 972. King Edgar to Eadric, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Winterburnan (Winterbourne Bassett, Wilts.), of which 5 hides lie in the common land. A.D. 951 for ? 961. King Edgar to Æthelnoth, his faithful man; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Clyst wicon (? Clyst St Mary, Devon). A.D. 951 for ? 959 (Glastonbury). King Edgar to the church of St Peter, Westminster; restoration of 5 hides (mansiunculae) on the north side of the river Thames between the Tyburn and the Fleet, Middx, in return for 120 solidi of gold in an armlet. A.D. 955 for ? 973. King Edgar to St Andrew, Rochester, and Ælfstan, bishop of Rochester; grant of 10 hides (mansae) or sulungs at Bromley, Kent. A.D. 956. King Edgar to Ælfstan, miles; grant of [7 hides at] Harwell, Berks. A.D. 958 for 959. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; confirmation of privileges and restoration of 10 hides (mansae) at Ginge, 15 at Goosey, 30 at Longworth and 5 at Bessels Leigh, Berks. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 958. King Edgar to Ælfheah, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Orton (Waterville), Hunts. A.D. 958. Edgar, king of Mercia, to Æthelric, his minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Wootton, Oxon. A.D. 958. Edgar, king of Mercia, to Athelstan, his comes; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Ham, Essex. A.D. 958. Edgar, king of Mercia, to Eadwald, his minister; grant of 3 hides (mansiunculae) at Coundon, Warwicks. A.D. 958. Edgar, king of Mercia, to Ealhstan, his faithful minister; grant of 6 hides (manentes) at Staunton on Arrow, Herefords., and a messuage (haga) in Hereford, in return for 40 mancuses of gold. A.D. 958. Edgar, king of Mercia, to Eanulf, his minister; grant of 14 hides (mansiunculae) at Ducklington, Oxon., with the old church at Astlea and appurtenant land. A.D. 958. King Edgar to Oscytel, bishop; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Sutton, Notts. A.D. 959. King Edgar to Ælfwine, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Highclere, Hants. A.D. 959. King Edgar to Quen, his faithful matrona; grant of land at Howden and Old Drax, Yorks., with dependencies at Howden, Knedlington, Barnhill (Hall, west of Howden), Caville (in Eastrington), Thorpe Lidget, Hive, Eastrington, Belby (in Howden) and Kilpin, all Yorks. A.D. 960. King Edgar to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Drayton, Berks. A.D. 960. King Edgar to his kinsman Brithhelm, bishop; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Bishopstoke, Hants, for his lifetime, with reversion to Old Minster, Winchester. A.D. 960. King Edgar to Eanulf, his faithful minister; grant of 9 hides (cassati) at Tywarnhayle in Perranzabuloe and St Agnes, and 2 (mansae) at Bosowsa in Ladock, Cornwall. A.D. 960. King Edgar to Oswulf, bishop; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Stanton St Bernard, Wilts. A.D. 960. King Edgar to the Abbey of Saint-Denis, Paris; restoration of property at Rotherfield, Hastings and Pevensey, Sussex. A.D. 960. King Edgar to Wulfric, minister: restitution of forfeited lands at Æscesburuh (Woolstone), Denchworth, Garford, Chieveley, Stanmore in Beedon, Chaddleworth, Boxford, Benham, Berks.; Worting, Tichborne, Hants.; Stedham, Tillington, Patching, Poynings and Newtimber, Sussex. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Burbage, Wilts. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 50 hides (cassati) at Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hants., and 13 predia in Winchester, with the bounds of Crux Easton, Hants. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 22 hides (cassati) at Ringwood, Hants.


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A.D. 961. King Edgar to Ælfric, his faithful minister; grant of 9 hides (mansae) in the common land at Ardington, Berks. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Æthelwold, his faithful minister; grant of one hide (cassa for cassatus) at Evesty (lost) on the river Camelar (Cam Brook), Somerset. A.D. 961. 1. King Edgar to Æthelwulf, his faithful minister; grant, for three lives, of 10 hides (mansae) at Kilmeston, woodland at Milbarrow Down, near Bishops Waltham, Hants., an a messuage (haga) at Winchester, with an annual rent and eventual reversion to St Peter’s (Old Minster, Winchester). 2. Brihthelm, bishop, and the community of Old Minster, Winchester, to Æthelwulf; lease, for three lives, of land at Kilmeston, Hants. A.D. 961. King Edgar to the church of St Peter, Bath; restoration of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at South Stoke, Somerset. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Brihthelm, bishop; grant of 7.5 hides at Easton near Winchester, Hants. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Byrnsige, minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Cenwulf, his faithful man; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Withiel Florey, Somerset. A.D. 961. King Edgar to Eadric, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Hamstede. A.D. 961. King Edgar to the Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Avington, Hants. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 3 hides (cassati) in the common land at Hendred, Berks. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of a vineyard at Watchet, Somerset, and miscellaneous rights including royal dues at Southampton, at Hwitan Clife, and at Portmanna hythe. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Ælfheah, his kinsman; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Sunbury, Middx. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Æthelflæd, matrona; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Chelsworth, Suffolk. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Æthel...e, his minister; grant of 3 perticae at Sorley in Churchstow, Devon. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Eadwine, his faithful minister; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Moredon in Rodbourne Cheney, Wilts. A.D. 962. King Edgar to Titstan, his faithful cubicularius; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Afene (Avon Farm in Stratford-sub-Castle, Wilts.). A.D. 962. King Edgar to Wulfmær, his faithful minster; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Hilmarton and Littlecott, Wilts. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 4 hides (cassati) at Easthall (cf. East Hale Bottom, near Eastbourne), Sussex. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ælfric, his faithful minister; grant of 1 hide (mansa), less a half pertica, at Manworthy in Milverton, Somerset. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ælfsige, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at East Orchard, Dorset. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ælfsige, his faithful decurio; grant of 2.5 hides at Stanton Prior, Somerset. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Æsclac; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorks., with dependencies at Hibaldes tofte, (Monk) Fryston, Hillam, Lumby, (South) Milford, Steeton, Micklefield, Lotherton, Church Fenton, and Cawood, all in Yorks. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Æthelferth; grant of 5 hides (mansi) at Ballidon, Derbys. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Æthelsige, his camerarius; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at ‘Sparsholt’ (i.e. Fawler), one hide at Balking and a mill at Hirdegrafe (probably in Steventon), Berks. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Æthelwold, bishop; grant of 24 hides (cassati) at Washington, Sussex. A.D. 963. King Edgar to himself; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Patney, Wilts. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Gunner, his faithful dux; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Newbald, Yorks. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Ingeram, his faithful minister; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Vange, Essex. A.D. 963. King Edgar to the church of St Andrew, Meon; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Ambersham, Sussex. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wynstan, his faithful camerarius; grant of 3 hides (cassati) in the common land at Afene (? Avon Farm in Stratford-sub-Castle, Wilts.). A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wulfgeat, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Duddestone (? Duddeston near Birmingham, Warwicks.) and 3 at Ernlege (? Upper Arley, Worcs.). A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wulfhelm, his minister; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Otheri (apparently Ottery St Mary, Devon). A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wulfnoth, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Hocan edisce. A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wulfric, his minister; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Plesc (? Plaish in Cardington) and at Church Aston, Salop. A.D. 964. King Edgar to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Hendred, Berks. A.D. 964. King Edgar to Ælfthryth, his queen; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Aston Upthorpe, Berks. A.D. 964. King Edgar to Beorhtnoth, his comes; grant of 2 hides (mansiunculae) at Cookley in Wolverley, Worcs. A.D. 964. King Edgar to himself; grant of land at Steeple Ashton, Wilts. A.D. 964. King Edgar to St Peter’s, Ghent; grant of land in Lewisham, Greenwich, Woolwich, Mottingham and Coombe, Kent. A.D. 964. King Edgar to Muchelney Abbey; confirmation of liberties, including the right of the community to elect its own abbot after the death of Bishop Ælfwold (of Sherborne).


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A.D. 964. King Edgar to Sigestan, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) in the common land at Teffont, Wilts. A.D. 964 = 963 (Gloucester, 28 December). King Edgar to St Mary’s Abbey, Worcester; grant of privileges for land at Cropthorne, Overbury, Pendock, Worcs.; Teddington, Gloucs.; Mitton in Bredon, Sedgeberrow, Worcs.; Northwick in Blockley, Evenlode, Daylesford, Dorn in Batsford, Icomb, Gloucs.; Shipston-on-Stour, Blackwell in Tredington, Warwicks.; Grimley, Little Witley, Knightwick, Hallow, Harvington, Bredon, Worcs.; Blockley, Gloucs.; Tredington, Warwicks; together with the creation of the triple Hundred of Oswaldslow. A.D. 965. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Beedon, Berks. A.D. 965. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Denchworth, Berks. A.D. 965. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 50 hides (cassati) at Marcham, Berks. A.D. 965. King Edgar to Æscwig, abbot of St Peter’s, Bath; grant of 7.5 hides (mansiunculae) at Stanton Prior, Somerset. A.D. 965. King Edgar to Wulfheard, his faithful man; grant of 3 virgae at Cheselbourne, Dorset. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ælfgifu, his kinswoman; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Linslade, Bucks. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ælfgifu, his kinswoman; grant of 10 hides (cassatae) at Newnham Murren, Oxon. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ælfhelm, his minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Parwich, Derbys. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ælfwold, bishop; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Isle Abbotts, Somerset. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Crowland Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of land etc. at Crowland, Spalding, Pinchbeck, Whaplode, Algarkirk, Dowdike, Drayton, Burtoft, Sutterton, Bucknall, Hallington, Gerimthorp, Langtoft, Baston, Deeping, Thetford, Rippingale, Laithorp, Kirkby, Lincs.; Wellingborough, Addington, Elmington, Glapthorn, Worthorpe, Peakirk and Badby, Northants.; Morborne and Thurning, Hunts.; Beeby, Sutton, Stapleton, Leics.; Cottenham, Oakington and Dry Drayton, Cambs.; and at Standon, Herts. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ethelred (Ælfthryth) his wife; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Buckland (Newton), Dorset. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of 2 hides (mansiunculae) at (Podimore) Milton, Somerset. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Shaftesbury Abbey; confirmation of 10 hides (cassati) at Uppidelen (Piddletrenthide, Dorset), originally granted by the king’s grandmother, Wynflæd. A.D. 966. King Edgar to New Minster, Winchester; refoundation and grant of privileges. A.D. 966. King Edgar to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 5 hides at Donnington, 28 at Southease, 10 at Telscombe, Sussex, and 2 at Winterburna (Addeston in Maddington, Wilts.). A.D. 967. King Edgar to Ælfheah, his faithful comes, and Ælfswith, Ælfheah’s, wife; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Merton and Dulwich, Surrey. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Ælfsige, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Eastune.

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A.D. 967 for 972. King Edgar to Æthelwold, bishop, for the church of Breedon-on-theHill, Leics.; grant of 13 hides (cassati) at Breedon, Wilson, Ætheres dune (? Atterton) and Diseworth, Leics. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Beorhtnoth, his comes: grant of land at Bragenfelda (? Cold Brayfield, Bucks., or Brafield-on-the-Green, Northants.). A.D. 967. King Edgar to Brihtnoth, his faithful minister; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Suthtune (Ullington in Pebworth, Gloucs.), and at Bickmarsh, Worcs., with regrant of the land by Brithnoth to St Mary’s, Worcester, on his son’s admission to the minster. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Chertsey Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land, consisting of 5 hides (mansae) at Chertsey and 10 hides (cassati) at Thorpe, 20 at Egham with Englefield, 5 at Chobham with Busseleghe, Frensham and Frimley, 10 (mansiones) at Petersham, 30 at Sutton with swine-pastures at Thunderfield Castle, 20 at Cheam with swine-pastures in the Weald [and the charter which Edgar had bought from Eadwine for 50 mancuses], 10 at Waddington, 20 at Coulsdon, 20 at Merstham, 10 at Chipstead with Chaldon, 10 at Banstead with Suthemeresfelda (cf. Canon’s Farm in Banstead), 20 at Epsom, 12 at Bookham, 10 at (East) Clandon, 20 at Cobham with Pointers (in Cobham), 5 at Byfleet with Weybridge, all in Surrey; 10 at (White) Waltham, Berks.; and 20 at Molesey, Surrey [which King Eadwig unjustly gave to Old Minster, Winchester, and which were retrieved by Edgar and Bishop Æthelwold]. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Dunstan, archbishop; grant of 1.5 hides at Cealuadune (Chaldon, Surrey). Half the land had been forfeited by Eadwold for theft. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Wynflæd, the noble matrona; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at (East and West) Meon, and Farnfield in Privett, Hants. A.D. 967. King Edgar to Wulfnoth Rumuncant, his faithful vassalus; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Lesneage and Pennare in St Keverne, Cornwall. A.D. 958 or 968. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 72 hides (cassati) at Bedwyn, Wilts. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Cumnor, Berks. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Fyfield, Berks. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 10 or 20 hides (cassati) at Hanney, Berks. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Oare, Berks. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Ælfwine, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Boxford, Berks. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Brihtgifu, his faithful lady; grant of 3 iugera at Ealderescumbe. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Eadwine, his faithful minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Moredon in Rodbourne Cheney, Wilts. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Sturminster Newton, Dorset. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Romsey Abbey; grant of land at Edington, Wilts.


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A.D. 968. King Edgar to Wilton Abbey; confirmation of land given to the church by Wulfthryth, consisting of 10 hides at South Newton, 10 at Sherrington, 20 at (? Kingston) Deverill, 3 at Baverstock and 3 at Frustfield (lost), Wilts.; and 10 at Watchingwell in Calbourne, Isle of Wight. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Wilton Abbey; grant of 2 hides (cassati) near Wilton, Wilts., formerly owned by Regenweard, mercator. A.D. 968. King Edgar to Wulfric, bishop (? of Hereford); grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Stantun (? Stanton by Newhall, Derbys.). A.D. 968. King Edgar to Wulfstan, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Whistley, Berks. S 770 A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfheah Gerent, his man, and Ælfheah’s wife, Morwrei; grant of 2 hides (mansae) and one pertica at Lamorran and Trenowth in Probus, Cornwall. Including bounds of 1 yardlard at Tregellas, Cornwall. A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfhelm, his faithful minister; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Witney, Oxon., with appurtenant meadow. A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfwold, his faithful minister; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at Apsley Guise, Beds. A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfwold, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Kineton, Warwicks. A.D. 969 (15 May). King Edgar to St Peter’s, Thorney (i.e. Westminster Abbey); confirmation, reciting a bull of Pope John, of liberties and of land at Ham (in East Ham), Wennington, Essex; Morden, Surrey; Fanton (Hall) in North Benfleet, Essex; Aldenham, Herts.; Bleccenham and Lothereslege (both lost, in Hendon), Middx; Holwell, Datchworth and Watton-at-Stone, Herts.; Chollington in Eastbourne, Sussex; Staines, with Teddington, Halliford, Feltham and Ashford, Middx. A.D. 970. King Edgar to Ælfswith, widow and nun; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Idmiston, Wilts. A.D. 970 (Woolmer, Hants., Easter). King Edgar to Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester; grant of the minster of Ely and of land at Melbourn and Armingford, Cambs., in exchange for land at Harting, Sussex. A.D. 970. King Edgar to the church of St Peter, Bath; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Clifton, near Bath, in exchange for 100 mancuses of gold and 10 hides (mansae) at Cumtun (Chilcompton or Compton Dando, Somerset). The land is to be for the use of the monks, just as Abbot Æscwig obtained it. A.D. 970. King Edgar to Brihtheah, his faithful deacon; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Kingston Bagpuize, Berks. A.D. 970 (Woolmer, Hants.). King Edgar to Ely Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land at Melbourn and Armingford, Cambs., and at Northwold, Norfolk, in exchange for 60 hides (cassati) at Harting, Sussex. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 970. King Edgar to Ely Abbey; grant of 10 hides (cassati) in the common land at Linden End in Aldreth, Cambs. A.D. 970. King Edgar to Ely Abbey; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Stoke near Ipswich, Suffolk. A.D. 971. King Edgar to Æthelwold, bishop; grant of land at Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs., for Peterborough Abbey, in return for 40 pounds of silver and a golden cross. A.D. 971. King Edgar to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of privileges. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Ælfflæd; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Kennett (i.e. Overton), Wilts. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Bath Abbey; grant of 10 hides (mansiunculae) at Corston, Somerset. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Pershore Abbey; grant of privileges and restoration of land at Pershore, and of 10 hides (mansi) at Bricklehampton, 10 at Comberton, 5 at Pensham in Pershore St Andrew, 16 at Eckington, 10 at Birlingham, 10 at Defford, 10 at Strensham, 10 at Besford, land at Cromban (? Croombe Perry in Pirton), 10 hides at Severn Stoke, 10 hides at Pirton, 4 at Wadborough in Pershore Holy Cross, 3 at Chevington ibid., 3 at Broughton ibid., 10 at Peopleton, 10 at Snodsbury, 7 at Naunton Beauchamp, 4 at Abberton, 5 at Wihtlafestune (? North Piddle), 5 at Flyford, 5 at Grafton Flyford, 5 at Dormston, 5 at Martin Hussingtree, 3 at Broughton Hackett, 2 at Libbery in Grafton Flyford, 30 at Longdon, 7 at Powick, 3 at Beornothesleahe (Leigh), all in Worcs.; 3 at Acton Beauchamp, Herefords.; 40 at South Stoke (i.e. Hawkesbury), Hillesley, Tresham, Kilcott, Oldbury on the Hill, Didmarton, Badminton and Hawkesbury Upton, 10 at Dyrham, 5 at Longney, 6 at Lydney, 6 at Wyegate, all in Gloucs.; 5 at Beoley, 5 at Yardley, Worcs.; 10 at Sture (Alderminster, Warwicks.); 20 at Broadway, Worcs.; 5 at Coltune; 10 at Childs Wickham, Gloucs.; sites for vats at Middlewich and Netherwich in Droitwich, furnaces at Witton in Droitwich and 1.5 hides at Horton in Hampton Lovett, Worcs., and 3 iugera with meadow at Worcester. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Peterborough Abbey, with later confirmations, grant of privileges for the abbey and its land at Dogsthorpe, Eye, Paston and Oundle, Northants.; and confirmation of land at Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs.; Warmington, Ashton, Kettering, Castor, Ailsworth, Walton, Werrington, Eye, and Thorp, Northants.; a mint at Stamford, Lincs.; and half of Whittlesey Mere. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Worcester Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of land at Worcester, vats at Middlewich and Netherwich in Droitwich, furnaces at Witton in Droitwich, and land at Nortun (for Hortun) and at Westwood near Droitwich, all in Worcs. A.D. 972. King Edgar to Wynstan, his cubicularius; grant of 4 hides (cassati) at Afene (? Little Durnford, cf. Avon Farm in Stratford-sub-Castle, Wilts.). A.D. 973. King Edgar to Ælfric, his minister; grant of 7 hides (mansiunculae) at Harwell, Berks. A.D. 973. King Edgar to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of 7 hides (mansiunculae) at High Ham, Somerset, in exchange for land at Braunton, Devon. A.D. 973. King Edgar to Thorney Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of land at Whittlesey, Cambs.; Water Newton, Woodston, Yaxley and Farcet, Hunts.; Barrow-uponHumber, Lincs.; Teafolscet; and 2 hides (mansae) at Huntingdon. MS 3 adds Wittering, Oxney, Thorpe and Titchmarsh, Northants; Gedney, Lutton, Angarhala (lost) and Tydd, Lincs.; and Broughton, Hunts.


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A.D. 973. King Edgar to Wulfmær, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Burgh’ (? Berrow, Somerset). A.D. 974. King Edgar to Ælfhelm, his minister; grant of 2.5 hides (mansae) at (West) Wratting, Cambs. A.D. 974. King Edgar to Ælfhelm, his minister; grant of 9 hides (mansiunculae) at Brickendon, Herts., comprising 6 at Ælesforda and 3 at Elrices rig. A.D. 974. King Edgar to Ælfhere, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Nymed (Woolfin in Down St Mary, Devon). A.D. 974. King Edgar to Ælfric, abbot of Malmesbury; restoration of 10 hides (manentes) at Eastcourt in Crudwell, Wilts. The land had been forfeited by Ætheloth. A.D. 974. King Edgar to Ælfric, abbot of Malmesbury; restoration of land at Nene which had been forfeited by Æthelnoth. A.D. 974 (28 Dec.). King Edgar to Ramsey Abbey; confirmation and grant of privileges and of land at Ramsey, Upwood with Raveley, Hemingford, Sawtry, Stukeley, Brington and Old Weston, Hunts.; Hilgay and Walsoken, Norfolk; fish from Wells, Norfolk; land at Brancaster, Norfolk; at Warboys, Wistow with Raveley and Bury, and at Slepam (St Ives), Hunts.; at Chatteris and Elsworth, Cambs.; at Whiston and Isham, Northants.; at Houghton, Wyton, Ripton, Ellington, Bythorn, Hunts.; at Graveley, Cambs.; and at Dillington, Great Staughton and Yelling, Hunts. A.D. 974 (Bath, Pentecost). King Edgar to Wulfthryth, abbess, and Wilton Abbey; confirmation of privileges and land including land at Chalke, Wilts. A.D. 975. King Edgar to Ælfweard, his minister (bishop in rubric); grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Fyfield, Hants. A.D. 975 (? for 974). King Edgar to Æthelwold, bishop; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Madeley, Staffs. A.D. 975 (Glastonbury). King Edgar to Ealhhelm, his minister, at the request of the monk Ælfwine, the king’s kinsman; grant of 3 hides (mansiunculae) at Aston in Wellington, Salop. A.D. 975. King Edgar to Osward, his propinquus; grant of 4 hides (mansiunculae) at South Stoke, Sussex. The old landbook had been lost in a fire. A.D. 975. King Edgar to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of land at Bleadon, Somerset. A.D. 978 for c. 972. King Edgar to Mangoda, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Hampstead, Middx. A.D. 978 for ? 968 (Cheddar, Easter). King Edgar to Winchester Cathedral; renewal of the liberty of Taunton, Somerset, as granted by King Edward in exchange for land at 10 hides at Crowcombe, 20 at Compton and 20 at Banwell, Somerset, and 20 at Stoce near Shalbourne, Wilts., the land at Compton and Banwell having been given later to the community at Cheddar in exchange for land at Carhampton, Somerset. In return for the confirmation Bishop Æthelwold gave to King Edgar 200 mancuses of gold and a gold cup weighing 5 pounds and to Queen Ælfthryth 50 mancuses.

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A.D. 984 for 963 x 970. King Edgar to Old Minster, New Minster and Nunnaminster, Winchester; grant of land in Winchester. A.D. 963 x 971. King Edgar to the church of Canterbury; grant of Sandwich, Kent. A.D. 961 x 971 (? 963). King Edgar to St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Plumstead, Kent. A.D. 961 x 963. King Edgar to the minster [of Plympton, Devon]; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Lanow in St Kew, Cornwall, with reversion to the minster of SS Dawe and Kew. A.D. 959 x 963. King Edgar to Eadgifu, his grandmother; renewal of a charter concerning 65 hides (mansae) at Meon, Hants., the old landbook having disappeared while in Edgar’s custody. A.D. 967 x 975. King Edgar to Romsey Abbey; confirmation of privileges, including free election of a new abbess. A.D. 970 x 975. King Edgar to St Mary’s, Sherborne; grant of 5 hides at Oborne, Dorset. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; restoration of 40 hides (cassati) at Alresford, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 70 hides (mansae) at Beddington, Surrey, with woodland at Cysledun (? Chessington), Tandridge and Lace (in Horley), Surrey. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 38 hides (cassati) at Bishops Waltham, Hants., acquired in exchange for land at Portchester. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to Old Minster, Winchester; renewal of the privileges of Chilcomb, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the bishopric of Winchester; confirmation of land at Chilcomb, Hants., and restoration of land at Downton, Wilts.; Taunton, Somerset; Alresford, Clere, Tichborne, Worthy, Hants.; Fonthill, Wilts.; Bishopstoke, Hants.; and at Fermesham (probably Farnham, Surrey). A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; restoration of 10 hides (mansae) at Clearan, Hants., previously granted by King Æthelwulf as part of his ‘decimation’ A.D. 973 x 974. King Edgar to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 45 hides (cassati) at Crondall, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; restoration of 100 hides (mansae) at Downton, Wilts., and 30 hides at Etdrethecumbe, Isle of Wight, and renewal of the liberty of Chilcomb, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to Winchester Cathedral; confirmation of 30 hides (mansae) at Fareham, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; restoration of 60 hides (mansae) at Farnham, Surrey, and 10 hides (cassati) at Bentley, near Alton, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Overton with woodland at Tadley, 15 hides at (North) Waltham and 5 at Bradley, all in Hants.


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A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the bishopric of Winchester; confirmation of 100 hides (mansae) at Taunton, Somerset, with 3 appurtenant hides at Cearn (? Charmouth, Dorset) and 2 at Washford, Somerset, originally acquired from King Edward in exchange for 30 hides at Banwell, Somerset, 20 at Stoce by Shalbourne, Wilts., and 10 at Crowcombe, Somerset. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; confirmation of 60 hides (cassati) at Tichborne, Beauworth and Ovington, Hants. A.D. 963 x 975. King Edgar to the church of Winchester; confirmation of 64 hides (mansae) at Twyford, Crawley, Owslebury, Hensting in Colden Common, Hants.; Hortun; Bishopstoke, Otterbourne, Chilland in Martyr Worthy, Easton and Hunton, Hants. The tenth century: King Edward the Martyr (S 828-32) A.D. 956 for 975 x 978. King Edward to Ælfstan, bishop; grant of 13 hides (mansae) at Kingston Bagpuize, Berks. A.D. 965 for 975 x 978. King Edward to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Kingston Bagpuize, Berks. A.D. 976 (Pydelan, ? Puddletown, Dorset). King Edward to Ælfsige; grant of 1 pertica at Hypeles eald land (Treable in Cheriton Bishop), Devon. A.D. 977. King Edward to Ælfric, his minister; grant of 10 (mansae) at Wylye, Wilts. A.D. 977. King Edward to Æthelweard, comes; grant of land at Traboe, Trevallack and Grugwith, all in St Keverne, and at Trethewey in St Martin-in-Meneage, Cornwall.

Late tenth and eleventh centuries: King Æthelred the Unready A.D. 894 for ? 994. King Æthelred to Athelney Abbey; grant of tithes from the royal estate at Somerton, Somerset, said on the authority of Archbishop Dunstan to have been previously instituted by King Alfred. A.D. 962. King Æthelred (? for Edgar) to Leofric, minister; grant of woodland (? at Claydons in Alveston, Warwicks.). A.D. 979. King Æthelred to Ælfhere, comes; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Olney, Bucks. A.D. 979. King Æthelred to Æthelwold, bishop, and the church of SS Peter and Paul (Old Minster), Winchester; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Long Sutton, to be attached to the church’s estate at Crondall, Hants. The land, previously subject to Crondall, had been bequeathed to King Edgar by Æthelbriht, oeconomus. The original landbook was lost. A.D. 980. King Æthelred to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 1.5 hides (mansae) at Calshot, Hants., for a fishery, in return for a gold bracelet. A.D. 980. King Æthelred to the monks of Old Minster, Winchester; grant of the reversion of 7 hides (cassati) at Havant, Hants., which had been granted by King Athelstan to Wihtgar, his thegn, for four lives (cf. S 430). A.D. 981. King Æthelred to St Mary’s Abbey, Tavistock, Devon; grant of privileges, including free election of a new abbot. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 982. King Æthelred to Ælfgar, his minister; grant of 5 hides (cassati) in the common land at Charlton near Wantage, Berks. A.D. 982. King Æthelred to Leofric; grant of 3 hides (mansae) and 30 iugera at Longstock, Hants. A.D. 982. King Æthelred to Abbot Æthelweard and Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Rodbourne, Wilts. A.D. 982. King Æthelred to New Minster, Winchester; confirmation of 13 hides (mansae), comprising 7 hides (manentia) on the Isle of Wight at Heantune, Bathingbourne, Meolocdune and Stathe, together with 5 hides (cassata) at Fratton on Portsea Island, 1 at Segenworth in Titchfield and a meadow by the river Meon, Hants. The lands had been forfeited by Lufa, sold for 100 mancuses by King Æthelred to Ealdorman Æthelmær, and bequeathed by Æthelmær to New Minster (cf. S 1498). A.D. 983. King Æthelred to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Arncott, Oxon. A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Ælfnoth, his minister; grant of 2.5 hides (mansae) at Westwuda (? Westwood, Wilts.), previously held by Sealemudda (cf. rubric). A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Æthelgar, bishop (of Selsey); grant of a meadow (Hyde Moors) in the northern part of Winchester, Hants. A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Æthelmær, dux; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Clyffe Pypard, Wilts. A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Æthelmær, his minister; grant of 9 hides (cassati) at Thames Ditton, Surrey. A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Æthelwine, his minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Clyffe Pypard, Wilts. A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Æthelwold, bishop; grant of a fishery at Ginanhecce on the river Darent, Kent. A.D. 984. King Æthelred to Shaftesbury Abbey; confirmation of 20 hides (mansae) at Tisbury, Wilts., and woodland at Sfgcnyllebar (? Sedgehill bær). A.D. 983. King Æthelred to Wulfgar, his man; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Drayton and 1.5 at Sutton, Berks. A.D. 984. King Æthelred to Ælfheah, his minister; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Osanlea. A.D. 984. King Æthelred to Ælfwine, his scriptor; grant of 6 hides (cassati) in the common land, comprising 3 at Brighthampton, 2 at Aston Bampton, and 1 at Lew, Oxon. A.D. 984. King Æthelred to the church of Bath; grant of 3.5 hides (mansae) at Radstock, Somerset. A.D. 984. King Æthelred to Brihtric, his minister; grant of 8 hides (mansae) on the river Kennet (at Leverton near Hungerford, Berks.), previously held by Ætheric, rusticus. A.D. 985. King Æthelred to Æthelric, his minister; grant of 17 hides (cassati) at Harwell, Berks.


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A.D. 985. King Æthelred to Alfred, his amicus; grant of 11 hides (mansae) at Michelmersh, Hants. A.D. 985. King Æthelred to Leofwine, his minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Wootton, Berks. A.D. 985. King Æthelred to Wulfric, his sacerdos: grant of 1 hide (mansa), half at Borstealle (? Dorstealle) and half at Haestan dic and Cnollam. A.D. 985. King Æthelred to Wulfrun; grant of 10 hides (cassati), comprising 9 at Wolverhampton and 1 (manens) at Trescott, Staffs. A.D. 986. King Æthelred to Ælfgar, his minister; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. A.D. 986. King Æthelred to Wenoth, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Littleton on Severn, Gloucs. A.D. 987. King Æthelred to Æthelsige, his minister; grant of 12 hides (mansae) at Æsce. A.D. 987. King Æthelred to Æthelsige, his minister; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Bromley, Kent. A.D. 987. King Æthelred to Æthelwold; grant of 10 hides (manentia) at Manningford Abbots, Wilts. A.D. 987. King Æthelred to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of 40 hides (mansae) at Kyngtune (cf. Kington St Michael and Kington Langley), Wilts., formerly purchased from King Edgar by Ælfswith, wife of Ælfheah, dux, for 40 mancuses of gold. A.D. 987, King Æthelred to Leofwine, his venator; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Westwood, Wilts., and 3 perticae in the common land at Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset. A.D. 988. King Æthelred to Ælfgar, his minister, or, according to the rubric, bishop; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Wylye, Wilts., previously held by Æthelwold and his brother, Ælfhelm. A.D. 988 (16 April). King Æthelred to Æthelgar, bishop (of Selsey); grant of 7 hides (manentia) at South Heighton, Sussex, granted to Æthelgar by Ælfric, comes, in exchange for land at Lamburna. A.D. 988. King Æthelred to Æthelnoth, his faithful minister; grant of a messuage (curtis) in Wilton, Wilts., associated with St Benedict’s church. A.D. 988. King Æthelred to Æthelsige, bishop (of Sherborne), and Æthelmær, the king’s miles; grant of a messuage (curtis) in Winchester, Hants., formerly belonging to Edgeard. A.D. 988. King Æthelred to Leofstan, his minister; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Colworth in Oving, Sussex, and a messuage (haga) in Chichester. A.D. 988 (23 March) King Æthelred to Northman, his minister; grant of 5 hides (manentes) at Hampton, near Evesham, Worcs. A.D. 990. King Æthelred to Æthelweard, his minister; grant of 15 hides (tributaria) at Wootton St Lawrence, Hants., with nine messuages (hagan) in Winchester, a meadow at Basingstoke and a mill at Hines clifæ. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 990. King Æthelred to Sigered, his minister; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Sibertswold, Kent. A.D. 993 (Winchester, Hants., Pentecost, i.e. 4 June; Gillingham, Dorset, 17 July). King Æthelred to Abingdon Abbey; confirmation of privileges, including the right of free election of a new abbot. A.D. 996. King Æthelred to Ælfthryth, his mother; grant of 3.5 (sulunga) at Brabourne, 3.5 at Evegate, 2 at Burhwarefelda, 3 at Nackington, 3 at Chalk and 1 at Wirigenn (? Perry), Kent, forfeited by Wulfbald for many crimes. Ælfthryth gives in exchange land at Cholsey, Berks. A.D. 996. King Æthelred to Wulfric, his minister; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Abbots Bromley, Staffs. A.D. 996. King Æthelred to Wulfric, his minister: grant of land at Pillaton, near Penkridge, Staffs. A.D. 994. King Æthelred to Ealdred, bishop of Cornwall; grant of privileges. A.D. 994. King Æthelred to St Mary’s Church, Wilton; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Fovant, Wilts. A.D. 995 for 994. King Æthelred to Æscwig, bishop (of Dorchester); confirmation of 30 hides (mansiunculae) at Monks Risborough, Bucks. The land had been sold to Æscwig by Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury, for 90 pounds of silver and 200 mancuses of gold, in order to raise money to pay off the Danes threatening Canterbury. A.D. 995. King Æthelred to Æthelwig, his miles; grant of 5 hides (mansi) at Ardley, Oxon., forfeited by three brothers. A.D. 995. King Æthelred to Muchelney Abbey; confirmation of estates, with particular reference to land at Ilminster, which had been leased out by the abbey and then lost, and land at Camel, Somerset, partly purchased by Abbot Leofric with Æthelred’s alms and partly donated by Ealdorman Æthelmær. A.D. 995. King Æthelred to the bishopric of Rochester; restoration of 6 hides or sulungs (mansae or sulunga) at Wouldham and 1 hide (mansa) at Littlebrook, Kent, with swine-pastures in the Weald. A.D. 995. King Æthelred to Wulfric (Spot), his minister; grant of 2.5 hides (mansae) in the common land at Dumbleton, Gloucs., forfeited by Æthelsige for theft, granted by the king to Hawase, his man, and now exchanged by Hawase for other land belonging to Wulfric. A.D. 996. King Æthelred to Eadric, Eadwig and Ealdred, brothers; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Bynsingtun land (? Benson, Oxon.). A.D. 996. King Æthelred to St Albans Abbey; grant of 8 hides (mansae) in St Albans, comprising 4 at Burston in St Stephens and 4 at Wincelfelda (lost, also in St Stephens), and also 9 haga in the town, and 8 iugera at Westwick in St Michaels, Herts. A.D. 996. King Æthelred to Old Minster Winchester; restoration of a messuage (haga) in Winchester with a fishery at Bræge (Brentford, Middx.). Ælfswith, matrona, had promised the Winchester haga to Old Minster after her death, but the bequest had been blocked. A.D. 997 (25 July). King Æthelred to Ælfwold, bishop; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Sandford, Devon.


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A.D. 997 (Calne, Wilts., and Wantage, Berks.). King Æthelred to Old Minster, Winchester; restoration of 100 hides (mansae), comprising 55 at Downton and 45 at Ebbesborne, Wilts. The land had been granted by King Cenwalh (cf. S 229), confirmed (?) by King Cynewulf, restored by King Egbert (cf. S 275) and again by King Eadred (cf. S 540) and King Edgar (cf. S 819, 821). A.D. 998. King Æthelred to Leofwine, dux: grant of 7.5 hides (tributarii), comprising 3 hides (mansae) at Southam and 4.5 hides (manentes) at Ladbroke and Radbourne, Warwicks. The land had been forfeited by Wistan for murder. A.D. 998 (Easter). King Æthelred to St Andrew’s church, Rochester; restitution of 6 sulungs at Bromley, Kent, with swine-pastures in the Weald. A.D. 998. King Æthelred to Westminster Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of (a) 5 hides (mansae) at Westminster [formerly purchased by Dunstan from Edgar for 70 mancuses of gold]; (b) 3 at Logereslea (for Lothereslege, lost in Hendon), Middx. [formerly held by Brihtmær, purchased by Dunstan for £30 from King Edward and given to Winchester]; (c) 5 at Hampstead, Mddx [granted to Westminster by King Æthelred]; (d) 20 [at Hendon, Middx.] [of which 10 were purchased by Dunstan from Bishop Æthelwold and 10 from Wulfnoth, miles, for 80 pounds of silver]; (e) 3 at Codanhlaw [purchased by Dunstan from Eadnoth, minister, for 12 pounds]; (f) 8 at Hanwell, Middx. [acquired from Ælfwine for 30 pounds to enable him to go on pilgrimage, the arrangement to be reversed if he returned and repaid the money, the land meanwhile to be held by Dunstan for his lifetime, with reversion to Westminster]; (g) 10 at Sunbury [purchased by Dunstan from Ælfheah, dux, for 200 gold solidi, the reversion being given to Westminster after the life of a widow, Æthelflæd; (h) land at Shepperton, Mddx. [to revert to Westminster after the death of Æthelflæd]; (i) 5 hides at Brickendon, Herts. [bequeathed to Westminster by Ælfhelm Polga]; (j) 3 hides (cassati) at Sullington, Sussex [given by Ælfwine, the king’s præfectus in Kent, for the soul of his wife]; (k) land at Paddington, Middx. [to revert to Westminster after the death of Wulfric]; (l) land at Cowley Peachey, Middx. [to revert after the death of Ælfric into the control of Bishop Wulfsige (of Sherborne)]. A.D. 998. King Æthelred to Wulfsige, bishop, and Sherborne Abbey; permission to convert the community to the Benedictine Rule, and confirmation of land at Stockland in Sherborne, Dorset; 9 hides (cassati) at Holcombe Rogus, Devon; 15 at Halstock, 7 at Thornford, 10 at Bradford Abbas, 5 at Oborne, 8 at Stalbridge Weston, 20 in Stalbridge, all in Dorset; 10 at Wulfheardigstoke; 8 at (Nether and Over) Compton, Dorset; 2 in Osanstoke; and 1 hide (mansa) at Lyme, Dorset. A.D. 999. King Æthelred to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of 15 hides (cassati) at South Cerney, Gloucs. A.D. 1000. King Æthelred to Abingdon Abbey and Abbot Wulfgar; grant of 5 hides (mansorum culturae), comprising 3 at Drayton and 2 at Sutton Courtenay, Berks, formerly belonging to Wulfgar, the king’s pincerna.. A.D. 1001. King Æthelred to Clofi; grant of 25 hides (mansi) at Long Itchington and Arley, Warwicks. A.D. 1001. King Æthelred to Shaftesbury Abbey; grant of the cenobium of Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts., with land at Bradford.

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A.D. 1002. (a) King Æthelred to Ælfhelm, his faithful minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Codicote, Herts., in return for 152 mancuses of gold. (b) Ælfhelm grants the land to St Albans. A.D. 1002. King Æthelred to Ælfric, archbishop; grant of 24 hides (mansae) at Dumbleton, Gloucs., including land comprising 17 hides to the west of the river Isbourne (i.e. at Dumbleton), 2 hides in the common land at Aston Somerville, Gloucs., and 5 hides of woodland at Fleferth (? Kington near Flyford Flavell, Worcs.), in return for 50 talents. The land had been forfeited by a woman for adultery. A.D. 1002. King Æthelred to Godwine, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Little Haseley, Oxon., in return for 30 mancuses of gold. A.D. 1002. King Æthelred to Westminster Abbey; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Berewican, near Tyburn, Middx, in return for 100 mancuses of gold. A.D. 1002. King Æthelred to Abbess Heanflæd and Wherwell Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of 70 hides (mansae) in the vicinity of the abbey, and grant of 60 hides (cassati) at Æthelingadene (East and West Dean, Sussex), previously belonging to Queen Ælfthryth. With note, dated 1008, confirming 29 messuages in Winchester to the abbey and granting 10 hides (mansae) at Bullington, Hants. A.D. ‘1003’ for 1002 (Canterbury, 11 July). King Æthelred to Æthelred, his faithful man; lease, for the lives of himself and his wife, of land in Canterbury and of 6 agri outside the city, in return for 7 pounds, with reversion to Christ Church, Canterbury. A.D. 1004. King Æthelred to Burton Abbey; confirmation of privileges and lands granted by Wulfric as in his will (S 1536). The estates in question are Dumbleton, Gloucs.; in south Lancs.; in Wirral; at Rolleston, Harlaston, Staffs.; Beorelfestune (? Barlaston, Staffs. or Barlestone, Leics.); Marchington, Staffs.; Conisborough, Yorks. W.R.; Alvaston, Derbys.; Northtune (? Norton juxta Twycross, Leics.); Elford, Oakley, Tamworth, Balterley, Staffs.; Walesho (? Wales, WRY); Thorpe Savin, WRY; Whitwell, Clowne, Barlborough, Duckmanton, Mosborough, Eckington, Beighton, Derbys.; Doncaster, WRY; Morlingtune; Austrey, Warwicks.; Palterton, Derbys.; Wibtoft, Warwicks.; Twongan (? Tonge, Leics., or Tong, Salop); Burton upon Trent, Stretton, Bromley, Pillaton, Gailey, Whiston, Staffs.; Laganford (? Longford, Salop); Stirchley, Staffs.; Niwantun æt thære wic (probably Newton by Middlewich, Cheshire); Wædedun, Niwantun (? Newton Solney, Derbys.); Winshill, Staffs.; Suttun; Ticknall, Derbys.; Shenton, Wigston Parva, Lecis.; Halen (? Hawne in Halesowen, Worcs.); Hremesleage (? Romsley, Salop); Shiplea, Salop; Suthtune (? Sutton Maddock, Salop); Actune (? Acton Trussel in Baswich, Staffs.); Darlaston, Rudyard, Cotwalton, Church Leigh, Staffs.; Okeover, Ilam, Cauldon, Derbys.; Castern, Staffs.; Suthtune (? Sutton on the Hill, Derbys.); Morley, Breadsall, Morton, Pilsley, Ogston, North Wingfield, Snodeswic, Derbys.; Tathwell, Lincs.; Appleby Magna, Leics.; Weston in Arden, Burton Hastings, Warwicks.; Sharnford, Leics.; Harbury, Warwicks.; Aldsworth, Arlington, Gloucs.; Eccleshale (? Eccleshall, Staffs.); Waddune; Sheen, Staffs.; Langandune (? Longdon, Staffs.); Bupton, Stretton, Derbys. A.D. 1004. King Æthelred to Ely Abbey; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Littlebury, Essex. A.D. 1004 x 1014. King Æthelred confirms the grant by Æthelflæd to St Paul’s, of 2 hides (mansae) at Laver, Essex, and 4 at Cockhampstead, Herts. (cf. S 1495)


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A.D. 1004 (Headington, Oxon., 7 Dec.). King Æthelred to St Frideswide’s Abbey, Oxford; confirmation of 10 hides at Upper Winchendon, Bucks., and 3 at Whitehill in Tackley, 3 at Cowley, 3 at Cutslow, and land at Headington, all Oxon. A.D. 1005. King Æthelred to Eadsige, his minister (gerefa in rubric); grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Seaton, Devon, in return for 100 mancuses of gold. A.D. 1005. King Æthelred to Eynsham Abbey; confirmation of the foundation by Æthelmær, the endowment including (a) 30 hides (mansiunculae) at Eynsham [acquired from his father Æthelweard in exchange for 3 hides at Upottery, Devon; 10 at Little Compton, Warwicks.; 10 at Lawling in Latchingdon, Essex; and 13 at Scildforda]; (b) 5 hides at Shipton-on-Cherwell and the vill at Shifford, Oxon [granted by King Edgar to Brihtnoth, dux, and bequeathed by Leofwine to Æthelmær]; (c) Mickleton, Gloucs. [granted by charter by King Edgar to Brihtnoth, and bequeathed by Brihtnoth to Æthelmær]; (d) 5 hides at Burton [given to Æthelmær by Æthelweard]; (e) 1.5 hides at Marlcliff in Bidford-on-Avon and 2 at Bentley in Holt, Worcs. [among lands forfeited by Leoftæt, for which Æthelmær gave 30 pounds to King Edgar]; (f) 10 hides at Yarnton, Oxon. [acquired from Godwine, in exchange for 5 hides at Studley, Warwicks. or Oxon., and 10 at Chesterton, Warwicks. or Oxon.]; (g) 20 hides at Esher, Surrey [granted by Brihthelm, bishop, to Æthelweard, and bequeathed by Æthelweard to his son, Æthelmær]; (h) land at Thames Ditton, Surrey (cf. S 847); and (i) Rameslege (lost, corresponds with Brede, Sussex) [bequeathed to Eynsham by Wulfin (Wulfwyn), Æthelmær’s kinswoman]. A.D. 1005. King Æthelred to St Albans Abbey; grant of 1 hide (cassata) at Flamstead and 5 at St Albans, Herts., with renewal of extensive liberties granted by King Offa. Abbot Leofric had given 200 pounds of gold and silver to the king to pay off the Danes, receiving in exchange these 6 hides and 55 hides at Eadulfinctun; but now he has returned Eadulfinctun. A.D. 1005. King Æthelred to the bishopric of St Davids (Deowiesstow); grant of land at Over in Almondsbury, Gloucs. (with reversion to the church of Worcester after 3 lives, MS 1 only). A.D. 1006 for 1002. King Æthelred to Christ Church, Canterbury; refoundation of the monastic community and confirmation of land at Eastry, Ickham, Bossington, Adisham, Appledore, Swarling, Preston, Graveney, Westwell, Chart and Farleigh, Kent; at Patching, Sussex; at Meopham and Cooling in West Kent; at Walworth, Surrey; at Risborough, Bucks.; at Lawling in Latchingdon, Essex; at Hadleigh and Monks Eleigh, Suffolk; and in Thanet. A.D. 1007 (Beorchore). King Æthelred to Ælfgar, his prepositus; grant of 8 hides (mansi) at Waltham St Lawrence, Berks., in return for 300 mancuses of gold and silver. A.D. 1007. King Æthelred to St Albans Abbey; grant of land at Norton, 1 hide (mansa) at Rodanhangra and land at Oxhey, Herts., originally granted to the abbey by King Offa but subsequently lost, and later forfeited to King Æthelred by Leofsige, dux, and purchased for St Albans by Archbishop Ælfric and Abbot Leofric A.D. 1007. King Æthelred to an unnamed minister; grant of land at an unspecified place. A.D. 1008. King Æthelred to St Mary’s, Abingdon; restitution of 20 hides (mansi) at Moredon in Rodbourne Cheney, Wilts., and grant of a prediolum at Cricklade, Wilts.

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A.D. 1008. King Æthelred to Ely Abbey; grant of 19 hides (cassati), comprising 2 hides (mansae) at Hadstock and 10 at Stretley Green in Littlebury, Essex; and 7 at Linton, Cambs., in return for 9 pounds of pure gold. A.D. 1008. King Æthelred to Wulfgeat, abbot, and Burton Abbey; grant of 2.5 hides (cassati) at Rolleston, Staffs., in exchange for the vills of Aldsworth and Arlington, Gloucs. A.D. 1009. King Æthelred to Athelney Abbey; grant of 3 perticae at Hamp, near Bridgewater, Somerset. A.D. 1009. King Æthelred to Morcar, his minister; grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Weston upon Trent, 1 at Marley, 1 at Smalley and Kidsley, 1 at Crich, and 1 at Ingleby, Derbys. A.D. 1011. King Æthelred to Elemod, his minister; grant of 2 hides (cassatae) at Hallam, Derbys., in return for 21 pounds of gold. A.D. 1011. King Æthelred to Morcar, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Ufre (? Mickleover, Derbys.). A.D. 1012. King Æthelred to Ælfgifu, his wife; grant of a predium in Winchester, with a church dedicated to St Peter, built by Æthelwine, præfectus. A.D. 1012. King Æthelred to Godwine, bishop of Rochester; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Fen Stanton and Hilton, Hunts., previously fofeited by Æthelflæd for helping her exiles brother, Ealdorman Leofsige A.D. 1012 or 1013 (June or July). King Æthelred to Leofric, his faithful minister; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Whitchurch, Oxon., forfeited by a different Leofric A.D. 1012. King Æthelred to Morcar, his minister; grant of 2 hides (mansae) at Ecgintune (probably Eckington, Derbys.). A.D. 1012. King Æthelred to Theodulf, his man; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Burtune (? Burton Hastings, Warwicks.). A.D. 1012. King Æthelred to Wulfgeat, abbot; grant of 1.5 hides (manses) at Wetmoor, Staffs., in return for 70 pounds of gold and silver. A.D. 1013. King Æthelred to Northman, miles; grant of 3.5 hides (cassati) at Twywell, Northants. A.D. 1013 (18 April). King Æthelred to Sigered; grant of 20 hides (mansae) at Hatfield, Essex. A.D. 1013 (20 April). King Æthelred to Sigered, his minister; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at (East or West) Horndon, Essex. A.D. 1014. King Æthelred to Leofwine, dux; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Mathon, Herefords. A.D. 1014. King Æthelred to Sherborne Abbey; grant of 13 or 16 hides (mansiunculae) at Corscombe, Dorset. The estate had belonged to Sherborne in Edgar’s reign, been leased out for two lives and then sold to Ealdorman Eadric, and later bought back by Wulfgar, famulus of Sherborne. A.D. 1015. King Æthelred to Brihtwold, bishop; grant of 5 hides (mansiunculae) at Chilton, Berks., forfeited by Wulfgeat, minister.


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A.D. 1016. King Æthelred to Evesham Abbey; restitution of 1 hide (mansa) at Maugersbury, Gloucs., seized by Wulfric Ripa. A.D. 1028. King Æthelred to Godwine, his miles; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Lytlacotan. A.D. 990 x 1006, perhaps 999. King Æthelred to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of land at Farnborough and Wormleighton, Warwicks., and South Cerney, Gloucs. [seized by Ælfric, dux, from a widow, Eadflæd, forfeited by him and restored to Eadflæd, and bequeathed by Eadflæd to King Æthelred]; and at Pyrian (? Wood- or Waterperry, Oxon.) [given to King Æthelred by Æthelweard, son of Ceolflæd], in compensation for the loss of land at Hurstbourne, Hants., and at Bedwyn and Burbage, Wilts. [granted to Abingdon by King Edgar and confiscated by King Edward the Martyr]. King Æthelred to Atsere, his faithful minister; grant of land at Wyke Regis, Dorset. A.D. 995 x 999 (Cookham). King Æthelred confirms the will of Æthelric (i.e. S 1501), including the bequest of land at Bocking, Essex, to Christ Church, Canterbury. A.D. 1006 x 1011. King Æthered to St Peter’s Abbey, Chertsey; grant of privileges at a wharf near Fischuthe in London bequeathed to Chertsey Abbey by Wulfstan, the king’s priest. King Æthelred to St Paul’s; confirmation of lands. A.D. 990. King Æthelred to the church of St Peter and All Saints, South Stoneham, Hants.; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Hinton Ampner, Hants. A.D. 1006 x 1011. King Æthelred to Toti, a Dane; grant of 1 hide (mansus) at Beckley and 5 at Horton, Oxon., in return for a pound of silver. A.D. 990. King Æthelred to ?; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at Weston in South Stoneham, Hants. A.D. 978 x 1016. Writ of King Æthelred declaring that his priests in St Paul’s minster are to have their sake and soke within borough and without, and as good laws as ever they had in the days of any king or bishop. A.D. 984 x 1001. Writ of King Æthelred declaring that the land at Chilcomb, Hants., is now to be assessed for the discharge of all the obligations upon it at 1 hide, as had been established by his ancestors. The eleventh century: King Edmund Ironside (S 947-8) A.D. 1016. King Edmund Ætheling to ‘New Minster’ (? at Peakirk); grant of 1.5 hides (mansae) at Peakirk and 3 perticae at Walton near Peterborough, Northants., previously belonging to Siuerthus (Sigeferth). A.D. 1015 x 1016. Edmund Ætheling to Thorney Abbey; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Lakenheath, Suffolk.

The eleventh century: Kings Cnut, Harold Harefoot, and Harthacnut A.D. 1017 x 1032. King Cnut to Fécamp Abbey; grant of land at Rammesleah with its port, Sussex.

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A.D. 1018. King Cnut, at the request of Queen Ælfgifu (Emma) to Archbishop Ælfstan; grant of a copse called Hæselersc (Lower Hazelhurst) in Ticehurst, Sussex. A.D. 1018. King Cnut to Burhwold, bishop; confirmation of a grant made by King Edmund (Ironside) of 4 hides (cassatae) at Landrake and at Tinnell in Landulph, Cornwall, in exchange for land at Throwleigh, Devon. The land at Landrake to revert on the bishop’s death to St German’s. A.D. 1018. King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; confirmation of privileges. A.D. 1018. King Cnut to St German’s minster, Cornwall; grant of privileges. A.D. 1019. King Cnut to Æthelwold, abbot, and the brethren of St Mary’s, Exeter; confirmation of privileges. The community’s earlier landbooks had been burnt when the minster was destroyed by the Danes. A.D. 1019. King Cnut to Agemund (Agmundr), his minister; grant of 16 hides (cassati) at Cheselbourne, Dorset. A.D. 1019 (first week of Easter). King Cnut to New Minster, Winchester; restoration of 5 hides (cassati) at Drayton, Hants. The estate had been granted to a young man of Winchester who had wrongly informed Cnut that it was royal property. A.D. 1020. King Cnut and Ælfgifu (Emma), his wife, to Evesham Abbey; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Badby and Newnham, Northants. A.D. 1022 (St Æthelthryth’s Day = 23 June). King Cnut to Abbot Leofric and Ely Abbey; grant of land at Wood Ditton, Cambs., in exchange for land at Cheveley, Cambs. A.D. 1023. King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of the port of Sandwich. A.D. 1023. King Cnut to Leofwine Bondansunu, minister; confirmation of 7 hides (cassati) at Hannington, Hants., obtained from King Æthelred in return for a weight of gold equivalent to one pound of silver. A.D. 1024. King Cnut to Orc, his minister; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Portesham (alias Portisham), Dorset. A.D. 1026. King Cnut to Lyfing, bishop (of Crediton); grant of 5 hides (cassatae) at Abbots Worthy, Hants. A.D. 1031. King Cnut to Æthelric, minister; grant of a half hide (mansa) at Meavy, Devon. A.D. 1032. King Cnut to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 2 hides (manentes) at Lyford, Berks., and of St Martin’s monasteriolum with adjacent prediolum in Oxford. A.D. 1032. King Cnut to Crowland Abbey; confirmation of privileges and lands, including Crowland itself and the marshes of Alderlound and Goggislound. A.D. 1032 (Glastonbury). King Cnut to the church of St Mary, Glastonbury; grant and confirmation of privileges. A.D. 1033. King Cnut to Siward, abbot, and the brethren of Abingdon Abbey; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Myton, Warwicks.


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A.D. 1033. King Cnut to Ælfric, archbishop of York; grant of 43 hides (cassati) at Patrington, Yorks. A.D. 1033. King Cnut to Bovi, his faithful minister; grant of 7 hides (mansae) at Horton, Dorset. A.D. 1033. King Cnut to Godwine, dux; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Poolhampton in Overton, Hants. A.D. 1031. King Cnut to Hunuwine, minister; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Stoke Canon, Devon. A.D. 1033. King Cnut to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 3 hides (mansae) at Bishops Hull, Somerset. A.D. 1034. King Cnut to St Mary’s, Abingdon; grant of 3 hides (manentes) at Myton, Warwicks. A.D. 1035. King Cnut to Bishop Eadsige; grant of a half sulung (aratrum) at Berwick in Lympne, Kent. A.D. 1035. King Cnut to Sherborne Abbey; grant of 16 hides (mansae) at Corscombe, Dorset. A.D. 1035. King Cnut to Old Minster, Winchester; renewal of privileges. A.D. 1021 x 1023. King Cnut to Æfic, monk; grant of 5 hides (cassaturae) at Newnham, Northants. A.D. 1016 x 1035. King Cnut to Ælfwine, bishop of London; confirmation of the lands of St Paul’s. A.D. c. 1023 x 1032. King Cnut to Æthelwine, abbot, and the brethren of Athelney; grant of 2 hides (mansae) less 1 pertica at Seavington, Somerset. A.D. 1021 x 1023. King Cnut to Bury St Edmunds Abbey; grant of privileges and of renders of fish from Welle (Upwell and Outwell, Norfolk) and of eels from Lakenheath, Suffolk. (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, Pentecost). King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; reversionary grant of land at Folkestone, Kent, after the death of Eadsige, the king’s priest. A.D. 1028 x 1035. King Cnut to Fécamp Abbey and Abbot John; grant of land at Brede and Rammesleah, with its port, and ‘two parts’ of the tolls at Winchelsea, Sussex, with confirmation (A.D. 1040 x 1042) by King Harthacnut. A.D. 1016 x 1035. King Cnut to Godwine; grant of 5 hides (mansae) at Lytlacotan. A.D. 1020 x 1022. King Cnut to the Abbey of St Benet of Holme; grant of Horning with Ludham and Neatishead, Norfolk. A.D. 1017 x 1020. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has confirmed, at the request of Archbishop Lyfing, the liberties of Christ Church. A.D. 1020. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Æthelnoth judicial and financial rights over his own men, and over Christ Church, and over as many thegns as the king has granted him to have.

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A.D. 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that Archbishop Æthelnoth is to continue to discharge the obligations on the lands belonging to the archbishopric at the same rate as he has done hitherto, both before and after the appointment of Æthelric as reeve. A.D. 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Æthelnoth all the landed property that Ælfmær had. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has granted to the brethren of St Augustine’s judicial and financial rights over their own men, and over all the alodiaries whom he has given to them. A.D. 1027 x 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he has given to St Augustine the body of St Mildred with all her land and with all the ‘customs’ belonging to her church. A.D. 1017 x 1030. Writ of King Cnut declaring that he grants to Brihtwine 5 hides at Bengeworth, Worcs., for life, with reversion to Evesham Abbey. A.D. 1033 x 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that his priests in St Paul’s minster shall be entitled to judicial and financial rights as fully and completely in all things as ever they had them in any king’s day.

The eleventh century: Harthacnut 993-997 A.D. 1042 (Sutton Courtenay, Berks.). King Harthacnut to Abingdon Abbey; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Farnborough, Berks. A.D. 1042. King Harthacnut to Ælfwine, bishop of Winchester; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Seolescumb (probably Coomb in East Meon, Hants.). A.D. 1038 x 1039. King Harthacnut to St Edmunds Abbey; grant of privileges. A.D. 1040 x 1042. Writ of King Harthacnut declaring that Abbot Athelstan of Ramsey is to have his mansus in Thetford, Norfolk, as fully and freely as he had it in the days of King Cnut. A.D. 1040 x 1042. Writ of King Harthacnut and his mother Queen Ælfgifu declaring that they have given to the church of Ramsey land at Hemingford Grey, Hunts.

The eleventh century: King Edward the Confessor A.D. 1006 for 1016. Edward, son of King Æthelred, to St Peter’s Abbey, Ghent; undertaking to restore land at Lewisham, Greenwich and Woolwich, Kent. A.D. 1042. King Edward to Ordgar, his faithful minister; grant of a half hide (mansa) at Littleham, Devon. A.D. 1043. King Edward to Ælfstan, his minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Sevington in Leigh Delamere, Wilts.


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A.D. 1043. King Edward to Coventry Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land, as granted by Leofric, dux, at Southam, Grandborough, Bishops Itchington, Honington, Kings Newnham, Ufton, Chadshunt, Priors Hardwick, Chesterton, Wasperton, Snohham, Birdingbury, Marston in Wolston, Long Marston, Ryton, Walsgrave on Sowe, Warwicks.; Salwarpe, Worcs.; Easton, Ches.; Kilsby and Winwick, Northants.; Burbage, Barwell, Scraptoft and Packington, Leics. [incorporating a privilege of Pope Alexander] A.D. 1044. King Edward to Ælfwine, bishop (of Winchester); grant of 30 hides (mansae) at Witney, Oxon. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Abbot Richard and St Peter’s, Ghent; confirmation and grant of privileges and of land at Lewisham, Greenwich, Woolwich, Mottingham, Coombe, Kent; with Æschore (possibly Ashour, Kent), Æffehaga; Wiggenden, Sharrington and Sandhurst, Kent; also part of the land in London called Wermanecher. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Leofric, his chaplain; grant of 7 hides (mansi) at Dawlish, Devon. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Orc, his faithful minister; grant of 5 perticae at Abbots Wootton in Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Ordgar, his faithful minister; grant of 1 pertica beneath Elddin (at Illand in Northill, Cornwall). A.D. 1044. King Edward to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 15 hides (mansae) at Pitminster, Somerset. A.D. 1045. King Edward to Ælfwine, bishop of Winchester; grant of 8 hides (mansae) at Hinton Ampner, Hants. A.D. 1045. King Edward to Ælfwine, bishop of Winchester; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Millbrook, Hants. A.D. 1045. King Edward to Godwine, dux; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Millbrook, Hants. A.D. 1045. King Edward to Thorth, his minister; grant of 2.5 hides (mansae) at Ditchampton, Wilts. A.D. 1045 (London, 1 Aug.). King Edward to Westminster Abbey, Second Charter; confirmation of privileges. A.D. 1045. King Edward to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at South Stoneham, Hants. A.D. 1046. King Edward to Ælfwine, bishop of Winchester; grant of 6 hides (mansae) at Hoddington, Hants. A.D. 1046. King Edward to Athelstan, his faithful minister; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Ayston, Rutland. A.D. 1046. King Edward to the community of St Ouen, Rouen; grant of land at Mersea, Essex. A.D. 1046. King Edward to Old Minster, Winchester; grant of land at Bransbury, Hants., and at Forde and Hertone saci. A.D. 1048. King Edward to Tofig, his comes; grant of 2 hides (territoria) at Berghe. Anglo-Saxon Charters

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A.D. 1049 (Winchester). King Edward to Ælfwine, his militaris; grant of 1 ploughland (carruga) at Hambledon, Hants. A.D. 1049. King Edward to Eadulf, his faithful minister; grant of 1.5 perticae at Tregony and at Trerice in St Dennis, Cornwall. A.D. 1050. King Edward to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 8 hides (mansae) on the river Kennet (at Leverton in Hungerford, Berks.), previously held by Eadric, rusticus. A.D. 1050. King Edward joins the two dioceses of Devon and Cornwall and transfers the seat of the united bishopric to Exeter. A.D. 1050. King Edward to Godwine, dux; grant of 4 hides (mansae) in the common land at Sandford-on-Thames, Oxon. A.D. 1052. King Edward to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Chilton, Berks. A.D. 1053. King Edward to Lutrise (? Lutsige), his faithful minister; grant of a half hide (mansa) at Bashley, Hants. A.D. 1054. King Edward to the church of St Mary, Abingdon; grant of 4 hides (mansae) in the common land at Sandford-on-Thames, Oxon. A.D. 1055. King Edward to St Mary’s, Evesham; grant of 3 hides (cassati) at Upper Swell, Gloucs., in return for the abbot’s gift of 6 marks of gold. The land had been forfeited by Erusius (? Earnsige), son of Oce. A.D. 1059. King Edward to Ealdred, bishop; grant of land at Traboe, Trevallack and Grugwith, all in St Keverne, and at Trewethey in St Martin-in-Meneage, Cornwall. A.D. 1059. King Edward to St Denis; grant of land at Taynton, Oxon. A.D. 1060. King Edward to Peterborough Abbey; confirmation of land at Fiskerton, Lincs., bequeathed to the abbey by Leofgifu, a woman of London, but claimed by Queen Edith. A.D. 1062 (30 Nov.). King Edward to Ramsey Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land (a) at Upwood with Raveley, Hemingford (Grey), Hunts.; Walsoken, Norfolk; Sawtrey, Hunts.; Hilgay, Wells, Brancaster, Norfolk; Ripton, Stukeley, Hunts.; Kingston (Wistow) with Raveley and Bury, Warboys, Slepe (St Ives), Hunts.; Chatteris, Elsworth, Cambs.; Houghton, Witton, Ellington, Bythorn, Brington, Hunts.; Whiston, Isham, Northants.; Weston, Hunts.; Graveley, Cambs.; Dillington, Hunts.; Great Staughton, Norfolk; Yelling, Hunts.; (b) and at Elton, Hunts.; Barnwell, Hemington, Northants.; East Elsworth, Girton, Cambs.; Therfield, Herts.; Shillington, Beds.; Westmill, Herts.; Offerton or Orfyridtune (lost) in Holland; Broughton, Hunts.; Bottisham, Cambs. [given by Æthelric, bishop of Dorchester]; (c) at Over, Barton, Knapwell, Cambs. [given by Eadnoth, bishop of Dorchester]; (d) at Oakley (? in St Ives, Hunts.) [given by Eadnoth, son of Godric]; (e) at Cranfield, Kempston, Clapham, Beds. [given by Æthelwine Swearte]; (f) at Wispington, Lincs.; Lawshall, Suffolk; Martin, Lincs.; Wathinworth [given by Leofsige, deacon]; (g) at Marham on the Hill, Lincs. [given by Leofsige’s nepos]; (h) at Burwell, Cambs. [given by Ælfsige of Lampathe]; (i) at Quarrington, Lincs. [given by Iohol of Lincoln]; (j)and at Ringstead, Wimbotsham and Downham Market, Norfolk [given by King Harthacnut].


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A.D. 1060. King Edward to Westminster Abbey; grant of 10 hides (mansae) in the common land at Wheathampstead, Herts. A.D. 1061. King Edward to Horton Abbey; grant of privileges. A.D. 1061. King Edward to St Mary’s, Rouen; grant of Ottery St Mary, Devon. A.D. 1061. King Edward to Wulfwold, abbot; grant of land at Ashwick, Somerset. A.D. 1062. King Edward to Chertsey Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land, consisting of 5 hides (mansae) at Chertsey, 10 at Thorpe, 10 at Egham, 10 at Chobham, 10 at Petersham, 7 at Tooting with Streatham, 7 at Mitcham and Sutton, 20 at Banstead with Suthmeresfelda (i.e. Canon’s Farm in Banstead), 20 at Waddington with Coulsdon and Chaldon, 20 at Mertsham, 5 at Chipstead, 20 at Epsom, 6 at Cuddington, 5 at Tadworth, 20 at Bookham with Effingham, Dritham and Piccingawrthe, 20 at Cobham, 5 at Esher, 5 at Apps Court, 10 at East Clandon, 2 at West Clandon [bought by Abbot Wulfwold from Harold, comes, for 2 marks of gold in the presence of King Edward], 4 at Albury, 6 at Henley Park, Surrey; 10 at White Waltham, Berks.; 8 at Byfleet with Weybridge, Surrey; 2 at Laleham [bought by Abbot Wulfwold from King Edward for 15 marks of silver] and 1 at Ashford, Middx. A.D. 1062. King Edward to Waltham Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of land at Waltham, Northland in Waltham, Paslow in High Ongar, South Weald, Upminster, Walhfare (? Walter Hall) in Boreham, Debden and Alderton in Loughton, Woodford, Essex; Lambeth, Surrey; Nazeing, Essex; Brickendon, Herts.; Millow, Arlesey, Beds.; Wormley, Herts.; Netteswell, Essex; Hitchin, Herts.; Luckington (or Loughton), Essex; and White Waltham, Berks. A.D. 1063. King Edward to St Olave (Exeter); grant of land at Kenbury, Devon, and at Lan.... A.D. 1065 (Winchester, 31, Dec.). King Edward to Archbishop Ealdred; grant of the see of Worcester. A.D. 1065. King Edward to Malmesbury Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of land, consisting of (a) 30 hides at Long Newnton [granted by King Æthelred], (b) 30 at Kemble of which 4 were at Chelworth in Crudwell, and 35 at Purton [granted by King Cædwalla to Abbot Aldhelm], (c) 40 at Crudwell, including Eastcourt, Hankerton and Murcott, 20 at Charlton near Malmesbury, and 10 at Dauntsey [granted by King Æthelwulf], (d) 10 at Wootton Bassett, 38 at Bremhill, including Euridge in Colerne, Spirthill in Bremhill, Chedecotun, Foxham and Avon in Bremhill, 5 at Norton, Wilts.; 5 at Somerford (? Somerford Keynes), Gloucs. [all granted by King Athelstan]; (e) 50 at Brokenborough [granted by King Eadwig], (f) 50 (?) at Grittenham, 10 at Sutton Benger, 10 at Rodbourne, 10 at Corston, 3 at Cusfalde (Cole Park), 2 at Bremilham, (g) 5 at Brinkworth [granted by Leofsige, uir nobilis], (h) and 11 at Highway in Hilmartin [granted by King Æthelred], all in Wilts.; (i) and 5 at Littleton on Severn, Gloucs. [granted by Wernoth, with the consent of King Æthelred]. A.D. 1065 (28 Dec.). King Edward to Westminster Abbey, the Telligraphus of Edward; confirmation and grant of privileges and of lands at Westminster, Berwyka in Tottenhale (Tottenham Court), Knightsbridge, Paddington, Hampstead, Hendon with Bleccenham (lost, in Hendon), Kingsbury, Middx.; Tytebirste; Greneuorthe (? for Greenford, Middx.); Hanwell, Middx.; Mapulderforde (? for Maplestead, Essex); Aldenham, Herts.; Dachewelle (? for Datchworth, Herts.); Watton-at-Stone, Holwell, Herts.; Sunbury, Shepperton, Littleton, Hanworth, Middx.); Sippenham; Eastburneham (? Eastbourne, Sussex), with Rotherwica; Anglo-Saxon Charters

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Morden, Surrey; Ewell, Kent; Parham, Chollington in Eastbourne, West Chiltington, Sussex; Ham, Essex; Sunnitune; Fanton in North Benfleet, Bowers Gifford, Essex; Lenlevedune (? Kelvedon in Kelvedon Hatch, Essex); Deene, Sudborough, Northants.; Perton, Staffs.; Denham, Bucks.; Moulsham, Kelvedon, Rayne, Latchingdon, Wanstead, Leyton, Paglesham, Essex; Lessness, Kent; Claygate, Surrey; Ayot St Lawrence, Wormley, Herts.; Amersham, Weedon, Bucks.; Islip, Launton, Oxon.; Staines, Middx.; Windsor, Berks.; Wheathampstead, Herts.; Stevenage, Herts.; Rutland; and Deerhurst, Gloucs. A.D. 1065. King Edward to Westminster Abbey; confirmation and grant of privileges and confirmation of land, consisting of (a) 17.5 hides (mansae) at Westminster, 20 at Hendon, 5 at Hampstead, 12 at Greenford, 8 at Hanwell, 5 at Shepperton, 7 at Sunbury, 2 at Cowley, Middx.; 5 at Brickendon, 10 at Aldenham, 5 at Datchworth and Watton-at-Stone, 6 at Holwell, Herts.; 5 at Kelvedon (?), 4 at Fanton in North Benfleet, Essex; 10 at Morden, Surrey; 2 at Ewell, Kent; 7 at Parham, 4 at Chillington in Eastbourne, 4 at West Chiltington, Sussex; 6 at Ham, 4 at Wennington, Essex; (b) Moulsham [granted by Leofcild], Kelvedon Hatch (?) [granted by Æthelric], Maplestead [granted by Wulfwine], Kelvedon, Rayne and Latchingdon [granted by Guthmund], Wanstead [granted by Ælfric], Paglesham [granted by Ingulph], Leyton [granted by Atsere Swearte], Essex; Claygate, Surrey [granted by Tostig]; Lessness, Kent [granted by Atsere]; Ickworth, Suffolk [granted by Brihtsige]; Denham [granted by Wulfstan], 1 hide at Amersham and 1 at Weedon, Bucks. [granted by Siward, monachus]; (c) and grant of land at Staines, Middx.; Windsor, Berks.; Wheathampstead, Stevenage, Ashwell, Herts.; Deene, Sudborough, Northants.; Islip, Launton, Oxon.; Perton, Staffs.; Rutland [after the death of Queen Edith]; Pershore, Worcs.; and Deerhurst, Gloucs. A.D. 1065 (Westminster, 28 Dec.). King Edward to Westminster Abbey, Third Charter; grant and confirmation of privileges. A.D. 1065 (Windsor, Berks., 20 or 24 May). King Edward to the bishopric of Wells; general confirmation of lands, comprising (a) 50 hides at Wells (formerly Tidingtun), with appurtenances at Polsham, Wookey, Henton, Yarley, Bleadney, Easton, Westbury, Wookey Hole, Ebbor, Burcott, (Upper and Lower) Milton, Pen Hill, East and West Horrington, Whitchurch, Dinder, Dulcote, Wellesley, Worminster, Chilcote, Binegar, Wanstrow, Litton; (b) 50 hides at Chew, with appurtenances at Littleton, Hæsele (Hazel Farm near Upper Littleton in Dundry), Dundry, (Bishops) Sutton, Sutton (Wick), Sutton (Court); (c) 20 hides at Evercreech, with Prestleigh, Chesterblade and (Stony) Stratton; (d) 38 hides at Kingsbury, with appurtenances at Lambrook, Readewelle, æt tham Beorge, Littleney (lost) in Huish, Huish Episcopi, Combe St Nicholas, Pibsbury, Chard, and other frusa Cerdren (? South Chard), Crimchard, Langham in Chard, Winsham, Congresbury and Banwell; (e) 15 hides at Wellington, with appurtenances at (West) Buckland, Ham, Huntanapoth, Harpford, Pinksmoor in Wellington Without and Chelston; (f) 15 hides at Wiveliscombe, with appurtenances at Nunnington, Upcott, Whitefield, Withycombe, Oakhampton, Langley, Ford, Pitsford, Fitzhead, the other Fifhyda, Dean, Slæp and Hwrentimor; (g) 15 hides at (Bishops) Lydeard, with appurtenances at (East) Combe, Padnoller (in Charlynch), Wuduland, Ash (Priors), Bagborough, Anacota and Hylle (? Lydeard Hill); (h) 4 hides at Wedmore, with appurtenances at Tarnock in Biddisham, Heawycan and Mark; all in Somerset. The diploma was written by Giso, bishop of Wells. A.D. 1066 (Westminster, 28 Dec.). King Edward to Westminster Abbey, First Charter; confirmation of privileges and of lands, comprising (a) 17.5 hides at Westminster, 20 at Hendon, 5 at Hampstead, 12 hides and 1 uirga at Greenford, 8 hides at Hanwell, 8 at Shepperton, 7 at


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Sunbury, Middx.; 10 at Aldenham, 4 hides and 1 uirga at Datchworth, 4.5 hides at Watton(at-Stone), 6.5 at Holwell, Herts.; 2 at Ham, 4 at Wennington, 5 at Kelvedon (?), 4 at Fanton in North Benfleet, Essex; 10 at Morden, Surrey; 2 at Ewell, Kent; 7 at Parham, 3 at Chollington in Eastbourne, 4 at (West) Chiltington, Sussex; (b) Moulsham [granted by Leofcild], Kelvedon Hatch (?) [granted by Æthelric], Maplestead [granted by Wulfwine], Kelvedon, Rayne and Latchingdon [granted by Guthmund), Wanstead [granted by Ælfric], Leyton [granted by Ætsere Swearte], Paglesham [granted by Ingulf], Essex; Lessness, Kent [granted by Ætsere]; Claygate, Surrey [granted by Tostig]; Ayot St Lawrence, Herts. [granted by Ælfwine]; Denham [granted by Wulfstan], a half hide at Amersham and 1 hide at Weedon, Bucks. [granted by Siward]; 2.5 hides at Wormley, Herts. [granted by Leofsige of London]; and (c) grant of land at Launton, Islip, Oxon.; Staines, Middx; Windsor, Berks.; Wheathampstead, Herts.; Stevenage, Ashwell, Herts.; Deene, Sudborough, Northants.; Perton, Staffs.; Rutland [after the death of Queen Edith]; Pershore, Worcs.; and Deerhurst, Gloucs. A.D. 1042 x 1044. King Edward to Æthelred, optimas; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at West Cliffe, Kent. A.D. 1042 x 1065. King Edward to St Edmunds Abbey; confirmation and grant of privileges. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to St Edmunds; confirmation of privileges and grant of land at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and eight and a half hundreds at Thingoe, Suffolk. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of land at Chartham, Kent, and Walworth, Surrey, and confirmation of land at Sandwich, Eastry, Folkestone, Thanet, Adisham, Ickham, Chartham, Godmersham, Westwell, East Chart, the other Chart, Berwick, Brook, Warehorne, Appledore, Mersham, Orpington, Preston, Meopham, Cooling, Farningham, Hythe, Hollingbourne, Farleigh, Peckham, all in Kent; at Patching and Wootton in Sussex; at Walworth, Merstham, Cheam, and Horsley in Surrey; at Southchurch, Laver, Milton (Hall) in Prittlewell, Lawling in Latchingdon, Bocking, St Osyth and Stisted in Essex; at Hadleigh and Monks Eleigh, Suffolk; at Monks Risborough in Bucks.; and at Newington and Britwell Prior, Oxon. A.D. 1042 x 1046. King Edward to St Augustine’s Abbey; confirmation of lands and grant of St Mildrith’s lands on Thanet. A.D. 1045 x 1050. King Edward to Crowland Abbey; confirmation of lands and privileges. A.D. 1042 x 1050. King Edward to Archbishop Eadsige; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Littlebourne, Kent. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to Ely Abbey; grant of land at Lakenheath and confirmation of privileges and of land at Ely, Swaffham Prior, Horningsea, Wood Ditton, Hauxton, Newton, Stapleford, Great Shelford, Triplow, Melbourn, Armingford, Little Gransden, Stetchworth, Balsham, Fulbourn, Teversham, Westley Waterless, Trumpington, West Wratting, Snailwell, Fen Ditton, Hardwick, Milton, Impington, Cottenham, and Willingham, Cambs.; at Hartest, Glemsford, Hitcham, Rattlesden, Drinkstone, Nedging, Barking, Barham, Wetheringsett, Livermere, Occold, Wicklow, Sudbourne, Melton, Kingston, Hoo, Stoke (near Ipswich), Debenham, Brightwell, Woodbridge and Brandon, Suffolk; at Feltwell, Bridgeham, Methwold, Croxton, Weeting, Mundford, Bergh Apton, Westfield, Fincham, Northwold, Walpole, Marham, Dereham, Thorpe and Pulham, Norfolk; at Hadstock, Littlebury, Stretley (Green) in Littlebury, the two Rodings, Rettendon, Amberden (Hall) in Debden, Broxted, Easter, Fambridge and Anglo-Saxon Charters

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Terling, Essex; at Hadham, Hatfield and Kelshall, Herts.; at Spaldwick, Somersham, Colne and Bluntisham, Hunts. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to Evesham Abbey; confirmation of privileges and of 5 hides at Hampton, Worcs., granted by Leofric, comes. A.D. 1042 x 1046. King Edward to Evesham Abbey; confirmation of the grant by Leofric, dux, of land at Hampton, Worcs. A.D. 1042 x 1047. King Edward declares that the land at Steyning, Somerset, is to pass to Fécamp Abbey after the death of Bishop Ælfwine. A.D. 1044 x 1047. King Edward to the church of St Benedict (of Holme); confirmation of land at Horning, Neatishead, Hoveton, Belaugh, South Walsham, Worstead, Honing, Thurgarton, Thwaite, Calthorpe, Tottington, Erpingham, Antingham, North Walsham, Swanton Abbot, Scotton, Lamas, Easton, Hautbois, Ludham, Beeston St Lawrence, Stalham, Waxham, Winterton, Somerton, Thurn, Ashby, Rollesby, Caister-by-Yarmouth, Reedham, Norton Subcourse, Woodbastwick, Ranworth, Shotesham, Grenvills in Stoke Holy Cross, Tibenham, Norfolk. A.D. 1042 x 1066. King Edward to St Paul’s Minster, London; confirmation of privileges and of 8 hides (mansae) at Barling and 5 at Chingford, Essex. A.D. 1044 x 1059. King Edward declares that Abbot Mannig and the monk Æthelwig have bought land at Evenlode, Gloucs., from Eammer. A.D. 1044 x 1051. King Edward to Osferth; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Lench, Worcs. With note, of a lease, for three lives, by Bishop Lyfing to Osferth. A.D. 1061 x 1066. King Edward to Peterborough Abbey; confirmation of an agreement concerning land at Scotton, Scotter and Manton, Lincs., acquired by the monk Brand and leased by him to his brother Askytel, with reversion after his death to Peterborough Abbey (when an estate at Northorpe, Lincs., is to be substituted for Manton). A.D. 1055 x 1060. King Edward to Peterborough Abbey; confirmation of land at Walcot on Trent, near Alkborough, Lincs., given to the abbey by Asytel, the king’s optimas. A.D. 1027 x 1035. King Edward to St Michael’s Abbey (Mont Saint-Michel); grant of land at St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall; and at Vennesire (? Winnianton Hundred, Cornwall) and the harbour called Ruminella (? Old Romney, Kent). A.D. 1042 x 1065. King Edward confirms a grant by Ælfgifu Emma, his mother, to Old Minster, Winchester, of land at Wargrave, Berks. A.D. 1053 x 1058. Writ of King Edward declaring that his housecarl Urk is to have his shore over against his land and everything driven to his shore. A.D. 1058 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that Tole, Urk’s widow, has his full permission to bequeath her lands and possessions to St Peter’s, Abbotsbury. A.D. 1052 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Abbot Ordric for St Mary’s minster at Abingdon judicial and financial rights over his own land.


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A.D. 1053 x 1055 or 1058 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that Abbot Ordric and all the community of Abingdon minster are to possess the hundred of Hormer, Berks., in perpetuity. A.D. 1060 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that Archbishop Ealdred has his permission to draw up a privilegium for all the lands pertaining to St John’s minster at Beverley; and that the minster and its property shall be as free as any other minster, etc. A.D. 1042 x 1043. Writ of King Edward declaring that Abbot Ufi is to be entitled to the monastery at Bury St Edmunds and to everything pertaining thereto, and that the monastery is to retain unaltered the freedom granted to it by Cnut and Harthacnut. A.D. 1043 x 1044. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and the sokes of the eight and a half Thingoe hundreds are to belong to St Edmunds as fully and completely as his mother (Queen Ælfgifu) possessed them. Writ of King Edward declaring that the sokes of the eight and half Thingoe hundreds are to belong to St Edmunds. A.D. 1044 x 1065 (? 1044). Writ of King Edward declaring that Abbot Leofstan and the brethren in Bury St Edmunds are to have sake and soke over all their own men both within borough and without. A.D. 1044 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that Abbot Leofstan and the brethren are to have sake and soke over the lands bequeathed to them as fully and completely as this right was enjoyed by the previous owner. A.D. 1044 x 1047. Writ of King Edward declaring that all things lawfully pertaining to the property of St Edmund are to be the uncontested possession of that house. A.D. 1044 x 1047. Writ of King Edward announcing that he has granted the land at Pakenham, Suffolk, to St Edmund as fully and completely as Osgot had it. A.D. 1051. Writ of King Edward declaring that St Edmunds inland is to be exempt from payment of heregeld and from every other render. A.D. 1051 x 1052. Writ of King Edward declaring that his mother (Queen Ælfgifu) is to have the estate at Kirby Cane, Norfolk, as fully and completely as ever her retainer Leofstan had it. A.D. 1052. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monastery of St Edmunds is to possess Kirby Cane, Norfolk, with all the rights of the former owners. The land is illegally occupied by Semer. A.D. 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monastery at Bury St Edmunds is to possess the sokes of the eight and a half hundreds which he has given to that house, as fully and completely as ever his mother (Queen Ælfgifu) had them, and he himself possessed them. A.D. 1051 x 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that the soke previously granted by him to St Edmunds is now to belong to that house as fully and completely as he himself possessed it. A.D. 1051 x 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Coney Weston, Suffolk, is to belong to St Edmunds monastery with everything which is known to pertain lawfully to that house.

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A.D. 1051 x 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that Ælfric Modercope has his full permission to commend himself to the abbots of Bury and of Ely. A.D. 1051 x 1052 or 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward testifying to Ælfric Modercope’s grant of Loddon, Norfolk, after his death to the monastery at Bury St Edmunds. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward announcing the appointment of Baldwin as abbot of Bury. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward confirming to the monastery at Bury St Edmunds the sokes of the eight and a half hundreds (after the appointment of Baldwin as abbot of Bury). A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Abbot Baldwin a moneyer within Bury St Edmunds. A.D. 1042 x 1044 or 1048 x 1050. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Eadsige and the monks of Christ Church all the lands they had in the time of the king’s father and of all his predecessors. A.D. 1042 x 1044 or 1048 x 1050. Writ of King Edward forbidding hunting in the woods or lands of Archbishop Eadsige except by the archbishop’s command or licence. A.D. 1052 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Stigand and the community at Christ Church judicial and financial rights over their own men and over as many thegns as he has granted them to have. A.D. 1052 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Stigand and the community at Christ Church all the lands that they had in the time of his predecessors and in his own time. A.D. 1053 x 1061. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Mersham, Kent, is to belong to Christ Church with sake and soke, as fully and completely as Sigweard and his wife granted it to that house. A.D. 1042 x 1050. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to the brethren of St Augustine’s (Canterbury) judicial and financial rights over their own men, and over as many thegns as he has granted them to have. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Fordwich, Kent, previously granted by him to St Augustine’s, is now to belong to the monastery with all the rights with which he has granted it to that house. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Chertsey Abbey, Chertsey, Egham, Thorpe and Chobham, Surrey, with judicial and financial rights. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Chertsey Abbey, Chertsey, Egham, Thorpe and Chobham, with the hundred of Godley, Surrey, with judicial and financial rights. A.D. 1058 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Chertsey Abbey and to Abbot Wulfwold the hundred of Godley, Surrey, and that the abbot is to have judicial and financial rights over all his men and over his lands.


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A.D. 1058 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Wulfwold, abbot of Chertsey, sake and soke over his lands in London and over his own men. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that Regenbald his priest is to have judicial and financial rights over his land and over his men, as fully and completely as any of his predecessors in the days of King Cnut. Writ of King Edward declaring that he confirms the gifts made by Earl Leofric and Godgifu (Godiva) to Abbot Leofwine and the brethren at Coventry minster. A.D. 1043 x 1053. Writ of King Edward declaring that Abbot Leofwine of Coventry is to have judicial and financial rights over the land and over his men, as fully and completely as Earl Leofric had. A.D. 1045 x 1066, possibly 1055 x 1066. Writs of King Edward announcing that he has appointed Wulfric to the office of abbot of Ely with full privileges. A.D. 1057 x 1060. Writ of King Edward declaring that the priests of St Æthelberht’s, Hereford, are to have their sake and soke over all their men and all their lands as fully and completely as ever they had it. A.D. 1061 x 1066, probably 1061. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Bishop Walter the bishopric of Hereford. 1042 x 1044. Writ of King Edward declaring that his men in the gild of English cnihtas are to have their sake and soke within borough and without over their land and over their men, and as good laws as they had in the days of King Edgar and of the king’s father and of Cnut. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that his priests in St Pauls’s minster shall be entitled to sake and soke within borough and without, and to as good laws as they ever had in the time of any king or any bishop; and they shall not receive into their community any more priests than their estates can bear and they themselves desire. A.D. 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to the monastery of Saint-Denis beyond the sea land at Taynton, Oxon., and the bishop (of Dorchester) is to draw up a charter (boc) concerning it with his full permission. A.D. 1043 x 1049. Writ of King Edward declaring that St Benedict of Ramsey is to have the land at Hemingford, Hunts,, with everything pertaining thereto as fully and completely as King Harthacnut and Queen Ælfgifu Emma granted it to that church. A.D. 1050 x 1052. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Ramsey Abbey the land at Broughton, Hunts., which he himself possessed, with sake and soke. A.D. 1053 x 1057. Writ of King Edward declaring that the soke within Bichamdic (cf. Beechamwell, Norfolk) is to belong to Ramsey Abbey as fully and completely as it was first given to that church. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Ramsey Abbey judicial and financial rights and shipwreck and what is cast up by the sea at Brancaster and Ringstead, the soke within Bichamdic (cf. S 1108), the market at Downham, Norfolk, and judicial and financial rights in every shire in which St Benedict of Ramsey has land.

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Writ of King Edward declaring that he has confirmed the exchange of land at Luton, Northants., for land at Marholm, Northants., and the agreement made between Ælfwine, abbot of Ramsey, and Leofric, abbot of Peterborough; and has also confirmed the boundaries along King Cnut’s Delph, Northants., as Ælfwine, abbot of Ramsey, proved his claim to them against Siward, abbot of Thorney. A.D. 1060 x 1061 (? 1061). Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to his priest Giso the bishopric at Wells and everything pertaining thereto, with sake and with soke, as fully and completely as ever it was held by Bishop Duduc or any bishop before him. A.D. 1061 x 1065 (? 1061). Writ of King Edward declaring that Bishop Giso is to have the bishopric of Wells and everything lawfully belonging thereto as fully and completely as any of his predecessors. A.D. 1061 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that Bishop Giso is to discharge the obligations on his land at Chew, Somerset, now at the same rate as his predecessor had done. Writ of King Edward declaring that Bishop Giso is to discharge the obligations on his land now at the same rate as his predecessor had done. A.D. 1061 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Bishop Giso for the maintenance of his canons at St Andrew’s, Wells, land at Wedmore, Somerset, and the bishop is to draw up a privilegium concerning this. A.D. 1061 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that Alfred has sold to Bishop Giso his land at Litton, Somerset. A.D. 1042 x 1044. Writ of King Edward declaring that the burh at Wennington, Essex, with the 4 hides belonging to it and the church and land æt thære lea, is to belong to Westminster Abbey as fully and completely as ever Ætsere Swearte and his wife Ælfgyth owned them and gave them to the abbey with his consent. Writ of King Edward declaring that the land at Kelvedon Hatch, Essex, is to belong to Westminster Abbey as fully and as completely as ever Æthelric the chamberlain and his wife Gode owned it and bequeathed it to the abbey with his consent, A.D. 1042 x 1044. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster are to have the land and wharf which Ulf the portreeve and his wife Cynegyth gave to Westminster Abbey, as fully and completely as ever the donors possessed it. Writ of King Edward declaring that the estate of Lessness, Kent, which Ætsere owned and bequeathed to Westminster Abbey for the monks’ food is now to belong to the abbey. A.D. 1044 x 1051. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster Abbey are to have the land at Chalkhill, Middx., given by Thurstan, his housecarl. A.D. 1045 x 1049. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey the land at Aldenham, Herts., as fully and completely as Earl Sihtric held it of the monastery and committed it to Abbot Ælfric and the community, and as Abbot Ordbriht held it for the monastery in the days of King Offa and King Cenwulf, and as King Edgar in his charter confirmed it to the abbey.


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A.D. 1049. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey the estates of Datchworth and Watton-at-Stone, Herts., as fully and completely as Ælfwynn the nun held them of the monastery and committed them to Abbot Edwin and the monks, and as King Edgar granted them to the monastery, and as they were adjudged in (the assembly of) the nine shires at Wendlebury (? Wandlebury, Cambs.). A.D. 1047 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that he intends to have legal possession of the land at Ickworth, Suffolk (which he possesses for Westminster Abbey), and that it is to be transferred to him as soon as the present writ is read. A.D. 1049 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Abbot Edwin judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as he himself possessed them. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to St Peter of Westminster on all his land judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as ever he himself possessed them A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to St Peter of Westminster judicial and financial rights as fully and as completely as he himself possessed them. A.D. 1052 x 1053. Writ of King Edward declaring that the estate at Moulsham, Essex, which Leofcild owned and bequeathed to Westminster Abbey, is now to belong to the abbey just as he granted it. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster are to have the estate of Eversley, Hants. Four free sokemen who hold the estate are henceforth to be subject to Westminster Abbey. A.D. 1051 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey the land at Shepperton, Middx, as fully and completely as St Dunstan bought it and granted it by charter to the abbey (cf. S 1293). A.D. 1049 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Teinfrith, his ‘churchwright’, the land at Shepperton, Middx, with judicial and financial rights and exemptions. A.D. 1051 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that with his full permission Ailric has granted the land at Greenford, Middx, to Westminster Abbey in accordance with the agreement that the brethren and he have made. A.D. 1051 x 1066, perhaps 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that with his full permission Ailric has granted land at Greenford, Middx, to Westminster Abbey in accordance with the agreement that the brethren and he have made; and he grants them judicial and financial rights. A.D. 1053 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that Leofsi Duddessunu has given land at Wormley, Herts., to Westminster Abbey with his permission. A.D. 1053 x 1066, probably 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster are to have the estate at Ayot (St Lawrence), Herts., given by Ælfwine Gottone and his wife.

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A.D. 1057 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster Abbey are to have the land at Tooting, Surrey, given by Swegen his kinsman. A.D. 1058 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the piece of land at Claygate, Surrey, given by Earl Tostig and his wife Leofrun, the king’s foster-mother, is to belong to Westminster Abbey. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given Rutland to Westminster Abbey and Queen Edith is to have it for her lifetime. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given land at Launton, Oxon., to Westminster Abbey. A.D. 1062 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Westminster Abbey the land at Perton, Staffs., as fully and completely as he himslef held it. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey, Windsor, Berks., and Staines, Middx. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster Abbey are to have the estate of Staines, Middx, with the land in London called StÌningahaga and the soke of 35 hides, with berewicks. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Westminster Abbey, Pershore, Worcs., and Deerhurst, Gloucs. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey, Pershore, Worcs., and Deerhurst, Gloucs., and commands that all the thegns of the lands be henceforth subject to the abbot and monks. A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Westminster Abbey, Pershore, Worcs., and Deerhurst, Gloucs., and invokes a blessing on every man who shall be loyal to the holy monastery. A.D. 1062 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that the monks of Westminster Abbey are to have the estates of Pershore, Worcs., and Deerhurst, Gloucs., with all the land and berewicks which he has granted to the abbey. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey, Islip and land at Marston, Oxon. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has given to Westminster Abbey the estate at Islip where he was born and a half hide at Marston, Oxon. He directs his kinsman Wigod of Wallingford to transfer the land to the abbey on his behalf. A.D. 1051 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring to the authorities of London that he has granted to St Peter of Westminster full freedom upon all the lands belonging to the abbey with judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as he himself possessed them. A.D. 1065 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to St Peter of Westminster at the dedication of the church full freedom upon all the lands belonging to the abbey with judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as he himself possessed them.


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A.D. 1042 x 1047. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Bishop Ælfwine the bishopric of Winchester as fully and completely as ever King Cnut granted it to him, that is, with judicial and financial rights. A.D. 1042 x 1047. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Bishop Ælfwine the bishopric of Winchester as fully and completely as ever King Cnut granted it to him, and grants to Old Minster and to the bishop judicial and financial rights. A.D. 1052 x 1053. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has confirmed his mother’s bequest to the monks of Old Minster of a messuage (haga) called Ælfrices Godebegeaton in Winchester, which she held by the gift of King Æthelred (cf. S 925), and of 10 hides on Hayling Island, Hants. A.D. 1053 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has bequeathed Portland, Dorset, and everything belonging thereto to the Old Minster at Winchester. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted privileges to his priests at Wolverhampton. A.D. 1062. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to the monk Wulfstan the bishopric of Worcester. Probably A.D. 1062. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to the monk Ælfstan judicial and financial rights over his land and over his men. Probably A.D. 1062. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Bishop Wulfstan for St Mary’s minster the third part of the seamtoll and of the ceaptoll as fully and as completely as he has (? had) the other thing. A.D. 1060 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that he had granted to Archbishop Ealdred judicial and financial rights over his lands and all his men. A.D. 1060 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to Archbishop Ealdred judicial and financial rights over his men within the king’s own soke as fully and as completely as the archbishop has them in his own lands. A.D. 1060 x 1066. Writ of King Edward announcing that he has granted to Ealdred, the ‘deacon’ of Archbishop Ealdred, the minster at Axminster, Devon, as a pious benefaction for St Peter’s minster at York. A.D. 1060 x 1061. Writ of King Edward declaring that he has granted to his clerks at Bromfield, Salop., judicial and financial rights over their lands.

The eleventh century: King Harold A.D. 1066. Writ of King Harold declaring that Bishop Giso is to have judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as ever he did in King Edward’s time.

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