Wildlife corridors “Tigers can travel tr over 100km to establish their own territories, so these connecting habitats are critical for wild tiger population recovery, and to help achieve the global goal to double the number of wild tigers by 2022, from as few as 3,200 in 2010. However, they are under pressure from habitat loss and poaching. It’s crucial that we do all we can to maintain and connect their habitats, and protect tigers from being hunted. We are seeing tiger populations recover in gre areas where this is happening, which gives us great hope of protecting these incredible creatures for the future.” Rebecca May, tiger conservation manager at WWF
Freshwater habitats “River dolphin populations popul in Asia are plummeting due to human activities such as dam building, fishing, boat traffic and pollution. We cannot allow that to happen to one of the Amazon’s most charismatic mammals. We need charism to act fast to save this species and avoid the fate of the baiji, the first river dolphin species driven to extinction by by humans. Our freshwater habitats – including lakes, rivers and wetlands – are the most threatened of all our global habitats. We know that populations of freshwater species have suffered huge declines since 1970 - falling an average of 83%. That’s a staggering and depressing figure. Our rivers and streams are the blue arteries of our world. Without thriving freshwater habitats, our planet will not survive.” Damian Fleming, director of conservation at WWF