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BOC-Dist. 12 explains privilege of Customs bonded warehouses

Customs explains the procedures and rules for customs bonded warehouses with Profood, a food manufacturer which plans to put up a warehouse that may avail of the Customs privilege provided by law for bonded warehouses.

Officers of the Collection District XII discussed the requirements need- ed to set up their facility. They were also informed of the measures they need to implement and of the regular audits they need to comply with if their planned warehouse is finally registered.


Companies that register their facility as a customs bonded warehouse may import goods without paying duties and taxes provided that, after processing raw materials into products, the items are eventually exported out of the country and that the company complies with customs regulations.

This encourages businesses to do the processing, manufacturing, and assembly of their products in the country as they do not have to pay duties and taxes on the import of their raw materials or parts, while at the same time opening job opportunities for Filipinos and contributing to the overall economic growth.

“We acknowledge our stakeholders’ role to the nation’s revenue production, which enables the government to carry out

The Vice President was guest of honor at the Floral Artists of Davao Association, Inc exhibit dubbed as “Gamhanang Buwak: Flower Power” which features Davao artists who have flowers as subjects of their art pieces.

Duterte, in her message, said the event “underlines the commitment of the Floral Artists of Davao to promote the contributions of Dabawenya artists to contemporary Philippine art and culture.”

“Gamhanang Buwak, which means a powerful flower, demonstrates that Mindanawon women artistry has come of age, bearing prominence and great influence,” she said.

The Vice President, who hails from Davao, said the “floral artists have made our homeland proud with the unique mastery of their artistic disciplines,” and depict the strength of women as counterparts in building communities.

“This exhibit reflects women artists’ courage, ingenuity, and vision to serve as inspiration and initiators of socio-cultural changeparticularly relevant as we advocate unity, reconciliation, and love of country as tools for community building and rebuilding,” she said.

The Vice President also thanked women floral artists for making their talents as platform to express their perspectives and visions.

“Thank you for using your creative work to elevate the feminine voice boldly breaking the status quo and paving a more vibrant, intricate, and interwoven society,” she said.

“Your courage serves as an inspiration for us to continue looking for unorthodox ways of understanding contemporary issues. It is the same courage that allows us to engage more women as voices and leaders of social transformation,” she added.

The Vice President also called on women to support President Ferdinand R. Marcos’ 8-point socio-economic agenda to advance sustainable and holistic development for the country and the Filipinos.

“As women, we can work together to transcend differences, and provide great inspiration to others to be more involved in building a society that is inclusive, supportive, and constantly yearning for a more humane expression,” she said.

“Let this occasion strengthen our solidarity as women who empower fellow women, and as artists who use art to enlighten, women’s inherent capacities for nation-building, especially in our environmental protection and conservation efforts and in eliminating violence against women and girls,” she added.

The exhibit is at the Estancia Mall, and will run until the end of March.

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