1 minute read


EDGE proudly hosted the Government’s announcement of a new Growth Deal for the Mid-South West Region. Our new factory was the perfect backdrop as the Mid South West Economic Engine laid out plans to supercharge the local economy which promises to transform the region.


Developed as a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council, the strategy is centred on boosting productivity. In attendance were Northern Ireland’s First and Deputy First Minister as well as the Minister for the economy and representatives from the various councils involved.

Regional Economic Strategy

The strategy, developed following extensive research and analysis of the region’s economy and informed by engagement with the major employers throughout the region, identifies challenges and opportunities and sets out four pillars to guide investment and grow the collective economy.

The pillars are: future proofing the skills base, enabling infrastructure, boosting innovation and digital capacity and building a high performing tourism economy. By focusing on these pillars, the overriding goals of increasing productivity, driving business growth in the region, fully realising sectoral strengths and opportunities, creating more and better-paid jobs and ensuring the ongoing internationalisation of MSW can be achieved.

The strategy had been due to launch in spring 2020 but was postponed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Its overriding aims are more relevant than ever as the region recovers and rebuilds.

We were delighted to present cheques to the Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke, Southern Area Hospice and the Niamh Louise Foundation at the end of 2020. Macmillan in Northern Ireland were also worthy beneficiaries.

EDGE staff also took part in Christmas Jumper Day in December helping raise nearly £700 for our chosen charity – Cash for Kids NI

EDGE’s own Managing Director Darragh Cullen had been involved in the Business Reference Group which contributed to the development of the Regional Economic Strategy.

He explained…“by addressing our challenges and putting in place the structures and interventions which will enable businesses to do what we do best, the strategy will allow us and other businesses in this region to excel.”

Find out more

– https://www.midsouthwestregion.org/


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