3 minute read


Are We Alone? Next Question...


By November, there will be approximately 8 billion people on planet Earth. That’s 8 billion fellow human beings! A rhetorical question like this invariably gets asked in the media, a headline, a photo cutline, etc., whenever the UFO/UAP topic pops up. But it strikes me as a patently absurd question to ask.

Are the same bungling and brilliant, awful and awesome creatures “out there” in the great beyond? Or does the question ask if The Grays, The Zeta Reticulins, the large praying mantis-like creatures and the Reptilians and the tall, blonde, Norse-like figures that populate countless tales in UFO lore are somehow sharing the cosmos with us? I don’t know.

What I do know is that Dr. Richard Haines of NASA-Ames documented more than 3,000 pilot sightings of objects under intelligent control – years ago! That Sgt. Major Robert Dean read an alleged classified government document called "The Assessment" during the ‘60s that discussed threats posed by alien activity on Earth, and concluded that no such threats existed, even though the report also said there were many species of “ET” visiting Earth. The document, however, has never been found or made public.

I also know that in 1997, a 40-plus page document was posted on the Rand Corporation's website called “UFOs: What To Do?” written by George Kocher in November of 1968,

Are we alone? It depends.


Humanity is at a choice point of intense possibilities and opportunities, a transition that creates conditions for new perspectives and capacities to emerge."

– Michele Rae, Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming pg. 21.

We are not alone rings true for every human being. We are hardwired to belong. Every one of us experiences connection, however it varies depending on our perspective, capacity, and worldview. At first, we can feel like we are separate from everything else. This is the hardest part! We often have a sense of scarcity, judgment, fear, reactivity, and blame. We are working on healing our holes and finding connections with people we trust and circumstances that support inner calm and growth.

As we mature and know ourselves as a whole, our perception of intuition, synchronicity, paradox, discernment, miracles, and creativity is enhanced. We feel more interconnected and open, curious, tolerant, and compassionate. We access higher levels of consciousness. We connect to inner wisdom, guides, angels, elementals, and galactic beings. Our but never peer-reviewed. Looking at historical sightings as far back as the 1500s to the modern era, including “the large number” of UFOs around atomic and military installations such as White Sands, New Mexico, and the the Hanford Site, the plutonium production plant in Washington State., the report contains some telling information about how such sightings should be handled, and later speculates about the possible numbers of intergalactic civilizations that may be far advanced beyond our own.

Given that Earth science and technical development are roughly only 500 years old... ”among the populated planets those younger than the sun would be peopled by beings very much behind us technologically, while those on older planets would be extraordinarily advanced (remember our progress of 500 years and note that some planets could be as much as a few billion years older) we are left with the possibility of 100,000,000 planets in the galaxy having life forms very much advanced from us.” That report is 55 years old now.

Maybe as Congress continues down its alleged path of disclosure as it has this summer with public hearings, we’ll get the definitive answer to that silly “alone” question.

In the meantime, we have each other. For better or worse. a ways of knowing reach beyond time and space, are nonlocal. We are not alone in multiple dimensions.

Continuing to expand our worldview, we realize we are All That Is, and never alone. Our attention is in the present moment. There is a deep knowing of and trust in what is. We live in the world like a dancer responding to music that calls us to move. All our unique qualities, preferences, and lineage continue to exist in and as us, while our primary identity rests in I AM. Unity consciousness prevails.

During this time of transformation, we are called, individually and collectively, to know every aspect of our multidimensional self. In community with each other, all our connections support us as we usher in this new era together. a

Michele Rae is a Transformational Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Teacher, founder of The Center Within, and author of “Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming.” She offers coaching and classes to individuals and groups integrating higher frequencies as we evolve into a new era. Learn to accelerate and amplify your natural process of awakening, align your mind-body-spirit, and become your most empowered authentic self at centerwithin.com

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